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tueluhed mn tup. loviuasa. urmmirr, are north Mississippi oonperbnoma. lOrmB^T “«'**• *•*"* 

courses since they nerve to start e not. 

lintleHH hearers into Interest, while gamble to, 

mv apt allusions to the original, sug- not jim'ify '!•• 

gestlng new renderings of obscure future** t» *p»v ; '• 
passages in tlie Greek New Testa- 
meut, seldom fail to attract the of gambling jo i*. 
scholarly. Hence 1 once greatly as- not be sam ltlb U 
tonlshed a college professor by using h— sinful Me., 
the word “blank-’ as a verb &ile nelnK and hide its d. ..r, 

■ • tEjrro i* nut rufy ism 

(rtAlieA earned TIT. "Of star -from tW 

' ToiVJyV ' On "another (sjcasioti 1 Speculation in fu 
secured the wrapt attention | of a most danger.. 
number of classical scholars in my ceptlve form- of c 
audience by auguing at considerable our country f la; 
length, from the original, that .the delusion i- in.-r.-a-. 
whole force of Acts vlii, 38, Is liist >y ! Intluentiat men »> 
the common reading, "both IMiiltp } ehureh.are • i.gsg. . 
Your and the eunuch,” and insisting that, 
by every principle of the Greek Ian-. 

ft should he rendered, • both 
the eunuch and Philip," etc. 

f could easily writ.; more anent 
myself and my manner of, preaching, 
but presume that the foregoing will 
lie surtlcient for iliy, I need 


ori.bansab^ 1 


[ A s. B . G ALLO w AY, D. D., Edltor ’ 

rn class 

have made up my mind to iranster, 
ami through you,*if agreeable; to 

obtain in the Conference a 

pastorate suited to my standing and 

ability. Under these circumstances - ... 

iris ' only pfoper that 1 should- give. bUcrltjeiMnsby slnjwi.lig 
yoit a more particular account of my- a favorite usage of the 
self than you may have b^en able to Mi ley 
get iii y.Hir recent trip to North Caro- 
lina. To proceed systematically I 
will arrange iuy statements as 
inflows':, . 

1. Lookin'/ around. I ol.serve tl.e 
paucity of great uameS iu the min- 
utes of the Conference, istii 

condition in this respect has ray 
heartfelt sympatl.y : it has moved | guage 
me like a Macedonian cry. I have 
thought, of your prominent stations 
until iii v heart ached. Indeed; ilotli- 


.112 CAMP BT. 

opposition they 

$2 ’’Bf annum. 

iKMMd PB* am '“df 
K. oharch.ipvth, ar* antitor 


uiuun «nrt wlTMOf Si 

.'rttCsrr pf the M. F 
,M AB.nW to whom 

god and his straw hut to the 
tlarnes. In carrying tliis god along 
tlie streets they would pass, many 
drains and sewers tilled with thg 
filth of ages, and not one in all the 
thousands who p ssed attributed tlie 
great calamity to tlie tilth col- 
lected and kept in ttieir ptery midst.' 
Even intelligent Chinese can not lie 
convinced that eholera is caused from 
tlie impure - pir generated in such 
tiltliv accumulations of Bges. Tliey 
say:” It can not lie these cess pools 
and drains tilled with tilth, for they 
•are there every hour atid every day. 

Report of CenterArj C 
-.11:11:, ipp C«’ 


ooimM* 0 *’ 


rkv vfux a. Him., 

on AS w CRTS 

BuptRim, ottrf 

:BV. JAMBS A. « 
ntv. W.ile 0. Hf, f 

ItKV C. B. OAJ.*, 

i - - 0 . H 


. • t; 

tn'.V. W. , .. 

.' lV 'v y , C . ( ‘ V '*>->N. 

tsKY. J. 1 v f. 

om Gilderoy 

There"is among some of our |, pic 

a great rage-mr speculation in future* 
iii cotton, corn, meat . and wlo-at 
Now and then some man make- a 

*lbe wild »k)' 
'frosty light : 
* the Dl|h( : 
lft him di* 

happy hit and . rakes in a pitA. »"d 
straightway tlie news of liis g***"* lu. k 
spreads far and wide, and » 
host of men rise up and cal! him 

"happiness to this family,” were torn 
away and new ones put in their 
places, old and young dressed them- 
selves in their best clothing, feas ted 
ami kept holiday. They" reasoned 
thus : As the-plague was. declared to 
lie this year, by their declaring the 
old year out and the new one iu they 
would he Iii a fair way of getting the 
best of the plague god by gelling 
ahead of him, and'thus cheating h iu. 
And so we find them always trying 
to cheat their gods. They never offer 
them any pure silver or gold: t is all 
tin foil and glitters like gold and 
I sliver ‘If they offer their gods food 
or fruit it is only left before them a 
few minutes, and then it is removed. 
They tlie worshipers, feast upon it 
amfhftve a gay 'time, hut tWjnJhis 
presence. They take tlie offerings in- 
to another room or 'behind a door 
, where tlie god pan not sop them. 

In Japan whim the worshiper goes 
i before l lip god to worship lie pulls a 
i rope or cord whUh is near tlie body, 
i and immediately claps his hands as 
loudlv as he can to wake him tip if 
lie is'usleep. and then lie falls on Ins 
knees before him and mutters some 
words.of prayer. A her -lli i- 
into a box near by a few'r 
use of tlie priest., ill < 'h 
never spelt the clapping • 
wake up tin* idol; inft I ha 
1 priest heating his woods 
tlie same purpose, while 
were prostrating thetu-e 
I lie great, aiigr'y-lbbking g 
the Unity of every god >•■< 
little offerings of’Wpes, o: 
or bauds of silk, or some 

offering m 
children. 1 
I red, 1 

• he « 

till man: 

ml the ilowly 

RtonloUit nabler st life, 

l ll l,,.«l,r mum. *, porer !»».. 

; 1 , rl , 1 |k,n,l.l»»;> ,ll '“ 

Ring out, riflg out rsevralvl rhyme, 
,t rink Hi.' fuller it® 11 ” 1 ,n ' 

. ... r.u— nrltl.ln piece end blood, 

hear. Unwilling to accuse Illy tiretli- | 
TPir.and tiudiug no cause of i.h-. uriiy | 
in* myHA'lf, I am tbf v°n* 1 

eluslo’n that .tile* trmiblv lies ill the A 
climate of our relate, and that 'tin- 
latitude of your leading < it i»— ami 

tile longitude, too, oR. relief tloli , faf f 

nothing should he omitted in a matltjr 
of health' 1 is that best suited to my 1 
present eonditjpn. 

% Z. Loukiny [trick. 1 will hhv that l > 
studied , theology- in \ andi rlijlt, 
where my eritieisms iu. class upon , 
Watsou’a Institutes exti;rte I even 
from l>r. Smumers fjgipkiUt exclama- 
tions of distress. Mv sermon 
thefaeulty— in wlilVh 1 cotitroverteil 
I larwih’s developuieiit theory anil 
prove, I, in spite dt tlie di'satislaeiion 
of iiiy audience, that Adam and ,1 vs 
were is juilhailX and that the Gar, b n 
,,f P leu was situated in tt»c near 
j ■ ■ -horlirioil of tlie North I’ d" ' 
,:,1 u.Vo. diseus-ioii than any 
sermon ever preached there by. 
under 'graduate. Indeed, it Has 
Ailtlv owing to tile tiiiaeeountal 1" m- 
terfereiiiu. of tin- dean tiiitt the whole 
discourse wa- not. printed l»y I e.-t lie-’.. 

in tins Daily American. So -irong 
was the imprea»ion made that short v 
afterward tlie faculty unaiiini».Ost> 
agreed Uiiat there was notbiiig m. re 
for me Ifi learn llierp. and 1 ret u rued 
to my native Stale to enter tlie Min- 

erani ranks. , 

/...I, /.■in.,/ out I ftniencour 

aged in hii|>e ilial I shail llnd in ymir. 
Stall* an audience worthy of tlie great 
thought- that have been struggling 
so long for utterance, and which have 

1 believe, lor lack lit 

hina and Her People. 

RKV. I. W. 1.AM0C 1 I' 

,lrtT.»l»tli belli r.), 

Yuhuii ■ Fri' "<k 


_ culiftr 

owing uotniug of tin' 
l of his kind, loving 
are lllled with D'rror 

nuts falls. Upoiptheni 

tlu*v crawly ni ,‘1°* 

ami |»A|H*r iM.Ntnvin. • i* 
i?* !t lejrilitiifttt* Lruiirb « 
ofiluin ' JAn fib.»w m** 
ifiillioti** »’f 1 ‘b * 
1m* t .Miirhj % 

really ‘niily -r* - 1 • * ’ * * 1 
niailr. If tbi- *M 
way ' 

woulft b« ’. •» r • IfH u 
LtiNii llit* . >' <1 

in* t-l -M»n« !«••***, ' 

i | ; 4 * 1 wveh»l w'JtVtlkf*" 

hen tiny r-lnu^e puenmivim 

,111 tlu 51 heavens. l'ast 
months ban lieeil full of dreau- 
oingn'ps, ' many signs in the 
i us and'run.ors of.^ars, and all 
has caused tlie Chinese lo fear 
dreadful e»iUmityr-is going to 
Ltlre ifttrHS' feiOntry. 
ring Hie months of July and 
i-t, atui a. put of September, it 
eight some thirty thousand peo- 

U , ol I fieri' I i tile oiler- 
,1 y of all idol, it has 
been a thank offering 
from sickness. .1 have 
plaeed about tlie 
ini to represent little 
s proierl ion. in 
i Usiiw idols with 
oil, having been 
I'cWi'orsliipcrs. 1 
•eu tliis in Cliihjt ; but I 
have seen wouiem go tip. to tlie idol 
and with hands reverently placed on 
the linage, bury their heads m their 
lilinTbwaLYiileiii Iv seeking the blessing, 
of the idoh-ri* Not only dy ilie women 
thus in great fear and reverence ap- 
proach their in, ages: -of wood and 
stone, loll they bring their children 
will, them, carry them in t’yor arms 
i. ..r...... i eriiii images alii nini.t 


ings on- tile la 
almost always 
for recovery 
seen small images | 
Imily oT tlie, hi. 1 
eliildrcli seeking hi- 
sonic parts in J.apafi 
.arts 'of Die hand go 

feiupT t'> 
whole liotn 
m.cb mid a. 
flltv W ake up 

,|c Hied or eholera in tlie city ol 
"eking alone.. There '.must have 
tt'eii at least leu thousand deaths |U 
-imiighai uikiop ; the natives within j 
luce months l,.,.,! lliat iuul other 
li-Himes' \Ye, '"'in foreign eotin- 
irjrs. do not v Her at tin- .people 
dying so rapidly from This disease 
wlien we go into the city and. are 
lieiudy Choked Willi tin’ intense ynl 
nine. of. poisonous gas which is con- 
-tiuiflv escaping from these' drains , 
:m,U sewers liver whieti you must 
walk the length and lireadtli ot the 
city. It is very strange the < Trinese | 
do. not and will not see and acknoivl- | 
edge' Unit these' dreadful' smells of 
poisonous gas is I lie true cause of 
holers ami fever from which tliey 
die every’ year iby tin bid I housa u H s. 
Tliey all rilmte everything of this 

• In ml til flic direct ngene.Y'nf The gods. 

U . a wij,.hstaii*ling all tlie ipateriitlism 
ef Confucianism, they ai ; ' c;:.,‘eedi ug - 
1 VnlpOrstitious. T-tie yirolera in. 
’’eliipg was aUrikuti'd to a tod, anil 
’lie pimple did' cvciytliing tti then 
po.we r to appeilso tli" wratli ol tins 
rn, 1 ,*od who seemed, os they 

tiling »*tw.,*« i' 

,tf tu/«ril , 

M< i arc apt I* 
is •i|,',T-"ftli. pa 
lliattet- 1 - «><•' 
is li.akinc 
lrar-1 Mr lilnv «<• 
|,.,t-.tlie Tigl.’ t 

failed solely 
uppieei alive J r, a/efs 
1 1 1 y plan o(\operati,.n 
a da] it* -I to 1 1 rod u . ■,* a 
should begin lliv pa- 
sermon on til,* "t-oeia 
t lie A Hlcdoh. . I;, II x ' 
Would hejyii c, 'coiled p* 
course- oil 1 til,' 


o)i pr-*y« r on 
I hIiouM inc i -* 

c®r uiori* i »’ ‘I'oijy 
\ mhi. *ii«- hi 
M ii-aIii«h u ill* »“*‘:‘ ' :it 
Ol (*our»«* Ol V lit.: 
yriallv «*« • P • • • | > 11 ' 

nf ‘■•‘I luiut- - ,. i» M - 
t toil i/v*iif»ul«l l. 

olmii'K*' , ’ | V 
It howl n£ ; 
(•.tiirroh n.' 
tliiH UH i -5' 


§}« #tU**s 

glrtfHxn Stlwratr. 

PlVAT. .JAM iltl S. IM4. 

rtiK wxa vrn * 

Tm'f l’HP#n. 

rnr'r -:t 

llr> »»»■ of \ 

: r>'in llr> war* of thu \ryir-i\r? wfn». t 
< »n Ih# Mb*r «»df of til* «o« 

tWTf Ihel-r bw.d« iho twttorn h»n^ 

Uipj Murty It wiih ri»ro, 

Anti, M *<• »i*1 fr« lb* phtHti* loop* . k \ 
liflr oyOo oro fUMneri thorp'. — * 

Xh*y loll ihlt ror!o«* tiling bofMo^ 
jOf lb* pilltM, pl*i4;n| wooTor . 
iff* work* «n tho wroof aide ftormon*. 

I ut work# for U.o right *ldo o»oj 

It if only whon »ho #*hylrjf.«topo. 

Mul .t bo wol- la looped ond turnoil, 
rhnt ho too* Ma root haodlwork. 

That hla.morVo'.ona oklll iim 1p*» ; **d 

AW iho a||fht nf It* dfllcflia l^iaulr , 
l! paya Him for a. 1 hit eoai . 
v. rar*r, daliitlor work ttan hi* 

Wa« avor iloao by 'the fVoa! . 

( I'hfB the rnaatar br nyath bln gnldan liiro 
.And glroth him pralao aa.woll; 

Ai l how happy tho Uoor.t oKtbe weavf'r to. 
Vr toague^but^hje own can tall. 

Th«' y««r« of man aro .ha honra of ®o<l 
1 A't down from the plaao of tha auu, \ 
W'l.oraltiWa are ••▼« r weaving. 

Till tha aayitic web la «lono- 

^♦Wenvhig aad binding, bnt wear Inf surely.’. • 
* s P.a.'h f>r bimaoif*hl» fate 

W* nt*y a«>t hoe-liow tha rlghtaldalp.rtki. ^ 
'** We ua only woavo ami wait. ! ' * * 

)lnl, looking^ibovo for tbo paU**ra 
No weaver hath nvttl to fear. t 

(•uly’let hlui took c'ear lrvta heaven. 

, Th< par fact patu rn ia thero. 

'If ha kaapa the face af the Havtour- 
i orover and alwata in eight. 

Hie toll shall be Matter than honey . 

And Lie woavhvifW aure to l*v right. 

And whan hie taa,k la oinlod, 

And’ t k** web jilurnpH and shown, 

\ He shall hear the volo of the MmIm . 

It shall fay to him 1 Well done ! ' 

And the w Alta- winged angels of hoar an. 

1 .• bear hfch thanca shall couia dowu, , 
And Om w ' U giv«* ill m gold f< r hit Hire 
>■ t i .lit;. !bi a crown. 

aculoi.'l Cure. 

antf he had despaired of obtaining re; lUtlS to offer, but bui- 1, Ilmvo I frcd- 
llof from tlils Bouiro, ' * ly give, 'and extend » cord »1 wrtoome 

Sut’h wore nil tho miracles of the trt.onr pastor to ‘'abide with us, the 
Bible. ' M ones’ roil, tiirnfhg to a sor-. •doors of our homo nml hesrtfffbeing 
pent: WAS of n Similar Character; that ever' operi to receive ‘'Hod's, messerr-- 
la, not In Ao'ebrd with, the- lavra of na- gora In peace," null M such vfo bid 
L turo. ' Tho passage across the Hod Sen. them " Hoil-speed” when parting, as 
1 WBH nf .Ilko-rharActei 1 , Hero waa a now, and a relun.tant as well aa a re- 
| pursuing nr my in tho rear, lnsur- grotfiil* 1 farewell. 

| mountable inountalna on elthor sldo * m r " 

nnd the son In front. Nothltl|i bhf Mercy. 

Plvlne power could relieve them. Ths 

many osse* in. tho Old Testament aro Mercy Is a disposition on tho part ol 

J . » •* _ , > _L Air a# l.t. 1 n <■• Ivni. 

oontrlbutibna. Wo receive the e,nvel- 

IU1 ; . * "i:,: 0P®« *n the \m*kM with the ordinary 

ly K Ivo » GX t. 0 nci a oonllnl welooin i c-oUoctioH. Whilo thlBlntorrereABomiy- 

lo onr nnstnr tfl ,r »ltlllo with UN.” tllO ... V. . I ...till, l1,n enllnnlloh (l hrlrnru tlin 


what with the collection, if. brings tho 
system to the notice of ovory attendant 
at tho ohuroh sorvtce, anu those who 
can give only smell sums aro tho more 
ready to take tho envolopiis. as it re- 

I I*— - A \. .... ..Mb. ....nnaallis of /I fnnni n iy 

% COPBLAN!>*-rKIi'l’S<lHlZ.— Moar Morion. Ml«^., 
Doipmhrr 0, 1M*, by Rev. C. McDonald^Mr. I. 
Copolnml and Miss !,nurn Dbllarha*. Va ^ 
1 ’ITI f.IiIPH— CHAIO.— Al K. 

pd Sen them 11 Odd- speed** when parting, aa ifeY«i them of Iho P’eceBsltJr of dropping ’ Ellin, Onk nuiga, Ln.. , o«iobar,ifi, ini, hy Kw. J.* v. 
was a now, and a reluctant aa well aa a re- anything into the basket at the time wytm, Mr. Charlss'M au.l- »L« Satlls Oral*. . 
I,...,, i/rntful “ farewell ” they deposit the en velope. The chuvo^ coubtmiy ksok. ai a, r«ld»tici! uf.Mr. 

Mercy Is a disposition on the part of 

galnH In .haring a fixed weekly coritrl- Jolm o»ilrn, rmi 
btitlon, of which nn account can he ,.saa. f.y itev. j. 1 
kept, and arreara collected, Instead of mimMiuii’ Knux 
i the uricertam giving, which la always cabtrk -- vise 
magnlfierl In the mind of the donor. ,, r ; 

John otilrn, Trslrir M«r Kong,, No*«mbcr III. 
Ill'll, lly Her. J. I'. Wjrin, Mr. J. S. Oourlney mi'l 

of the earns character. And in the New <Jod to treat ah Offender of Ills law bet- | n the church. During tho week before 

Teatamont wo hare Mary Magdaleno, ter than ho de«orrea-an Inclination to 
out of wliorn Jesus oast seven devils, forego justice and to remit penalty out 
ThW paralytic, the leprous, the' wither- of mere compasalen for the offender. 
e.1 hand, f the blind, the lame and even Merc+ia a part of, or, ln.othor words,’ 

Yory little of our financiering la dono 
In the church. Dlirlngthe week before 
the first Sabbath. In tho tlnanolal year 

CABTBH -IIWUN'.-At Hit rttldnni't uf thu 
. 'ITrltle'a ththcr. t'ralrl* Il»r Bout*, I.a.. Bfctinhtr II. 
1IH3, hy IleV. Ji-FrWjsa; MK‘*lt»ii Carter and 
Mlai l!ttt Ip Bllt'ih. /• 

the dead all were beyond human reach 
to hoal orolOanao... 

2. It boars the mark , of a genuine 
miracle in that the youi/g man turned 
his heart to the only aource from which 
all trim inlracloe Iiave over arisen ; that 
la, to the trno bod. Neo Millard as ho 

• ‘"rf' _ . . _c . . . 

sometlmoa cbnfoundod with 

vre send hy nihil or othorwlse a pack- 
age of envelopes with a blank pledge 
to each one whoso record Bhows that if 
will be usod ; nnd it only rotnnins thon 
an attribute of God. It 1 b nearly, If not to pass through the congregation for 
altogether, synonymous witli graco. new subacrlbers. 

_ 6 i , n _ ,i inn*, We publish at tho close of the year a 

Grace Is undeserved favor, as distln- very statement of our receipts and 

guished from sovereignty. Mercy is expenditures^ giving an aljilmbotiCal 

list of our contributors and their roal- 

Kiw years ovor this section or the com, 
iry like .an evil spirit, seised » i 
Vreuobed her from the association i 
loving loved onea and friends. 

• Mattlejolnod the Methodist Kpls, 'Ol, si 

t'hnroh, South, when nnlto younis ami 

having profoaaod faith lit the aavlnj 
P,wer of tho holy Ueiloemor, lived i '' 
Pire and blnmeleas Christian until 
-callod to answer the spMTnona of the 
r. Mist, High. Oh! how tenderly do Wo 
i. dvr, It in memojy, Upon the beautiful 
lifothat has so recently boen "changod " 
and wore there no hone of an otoniijb 
B reuMouv-bnw very sail would be tlio 
, roal /.»tlon that wo had bidden luir an 
rt ' otorval faroWell.!., Mattie’s life was n 
brigit oxftmplo of. ovory womnnlv I 
vlrtit>— alwayH gentle, tender nnd kind 

IR ever * .. .-,. 1 , ....... A , ' I 

liPNTBR-msnov. ' At IS" ml.irnm "f ilm over ready to 'plonao and make hannv 
rids, In bflhl.i.s., Ptcsintisr 10. ikis t,j n»v. B. s. those with whom she was daily ass,?.' 

|i ( |il«. in Delhi . I.s.. DManibsr IS, lssj t,j liev. It. s. 
I shell . Mr. M. H. Hunter, or Morchuuss 
Mr#, r. Cordelia Dbbop, of U,1IU, La. 

KAflTLANI)— WOMMAClii.—At the Wsinmsrk 
IIouh. Porreet, M Im , IlKembir 11, 1KU, by Ituv. K. 
M. WilllAuiB, Mr. L. BAitlaud, of Morldlnu, Ml,.#., fo 
MIm Nanuio M. W«mniuek, o( Forrsst, Miss. 

ItOllHItTSON— BISON.- At the rnldance of Mr. 
A. J. Harden, In .lalTerem lounly, Mla*.. Bo< i-'inliei 

donee, and, while they are iH t lBf«W y denoss, anil a Ilka list of members and j, y h. v . j. r. i.rsko, tir.'.w,4ie.ry Bobert 

•* nrriiintmn uru tvh nil nn 1IISI I tn .ninth ... • . e. • . .. .<■ . > t.» • _ 

. | , - probationers, which We mail to baoh 

le, to tho trno God. Neo Millard as ho connected, are not one and the aame. f nun jjy t no t treating ton haphazard 
lies helpleee on his back with tho fiible Mercy la iforboaraneo and long suffer- dlstrlDution iii the church. Our aim Is 
propped before him, with ho physical . i«* toward an offender, an^J Evidence 

power but a clear eyia, a ’true heart and Is a manifestation of tlio care and supof- j ow]n( . w jj] ,ii 0W - 
a devout aplrit, as he reads line' after intendance which God exercises over .NubHcribara- 
1 1 no, ami pours out b la heart Ip God-4n hie oreSturee. inissM* in lsas as. 

prayer for help and coihfort. The question now is, havo wo enjoy- rnaoua. auimuui. 1 3 c r — . i . Amount, 

.ft. It bears the mark of a true. miracle ed tho mercy and providential care of. waak and utider. 1 ' ? n> . h.n |M1 

Mlaa I) Dixon, all of JolTarKin cimnly. 



The question now is, havo wo enjoy- 

in that whon ho called upoii God for 
11 IHp ho did facelve It. Hear him as ho 
ropests tho words of Jesus, stretch 
*forth thy hand, and In the same mo- 
ment, raised it for tho first tlmo In two 
years. Hoar him again as he says, 
“Arise nrtd.-4valk|” and in the Biune 

“Arise arid Avalk,” and in the Blune passini over-many a muu-, ouiy to .o»*e 
moment gets up anil walks for the liirst the inhabitant*, women and children, 
time in over two years. These facta are homolees and without bread. Kpidem- 

God during the past yeetrT Calamitous Clar is cant# mid 
events, during tho yoar past, havo been „,nttr,ui,iioii 
of frequent occurrence. They havo 'i"'i'’ r 
been alarming and aftllotive. Numer- A ^ nTjj iiiri-J r ‘ 
oue and destructive tornadoes and #um# 

furious and deeolatlng storms have -Totals 

passed over-many a land', only to leave a j, OTI 

the' inhabitant*, women and children, vrliilo ju '1N7 

in i«;ki in lfHi-ss. 
PeraoiiBa Auniani. Peraonp, Amount. 
Of 1# cwits a 

w«ek and utider. < ^ 15 ffM 

V VM AG MR— It becomes our miAirrifill' 
task to pay a last tribute of roapoct do 
the memory’ of one who a Short while 
since stopped from tho threshold of 
early manhood, inti, the realms of tho 
groat boyonil, leaving n precious troas- 
ur„e fo his hdroaved family anil friends 
in his final triumph ovor doath and tho 
tomb through unwavering trust in tho 
blood of a crucified Saviour. 

ItHN-JAMiN Nash Ykauacu, «"•» v, 

Ueybnd question. 

ics, heart-rending, have"ficourged many 
cltlos aniTnations of the earth, sweep- 

I. It hears the mark of a true miracle cltlos ang nations or me earm, sweep- jy ()U f roII1 nlass of givers, f which 

that the young man affirms that he > D K «way many of our fellow-beings., will be appreciated by any persons 

J n • r < a _ j A la., i! I /iliurirMl -ma it >1 Ihn nr Hi A 1 1 nulu'GH < i f 

■ ’ . John, 15. and Hramboy Yeager, 

The above statement shows that, w(vs J 0| .„ jn Caldwell pariah, Ln., Au- 
While in T NT AT G wo received from W ugt f. 31 | S -, S and died at the homo of 
persons giving r.O'cents a week and-un- g is (parents, in the same parish, and 
dor $iiSfi, . in 1SS2-8S “0 had lf,7 such after a prolongoil and pfecilliar- 

oontrlbutora, giving tfl.12.SG, a gain of , u’.i,,;,,! iUuoss, on September 25, 

9700 from this class of givers, f which 1 «-~ 

i In that tho young man affirms that ho 
Is healed by Divine power!. No one can 
i'(uiviufio him to tho contrary. See the 
blind JlMffr whom Jesus reatoretl to 
; sight wl£m skoptlca said he hath a 
! devil. I* says he must be a good man 
and “ whereas i was bliiid now I see.” 
"i, Itboars the mark pf.aJruo miracle 
‘ Iii‘ that the young uian is lioard t,a 
I praise God and. give him the glory.. 

gust til, lN,ts, anu uieu at. me iiume » b of lh - 0 ,., rill . 
his (parents, in the same parish, and kil , (l aiBl „ r an |V 
State, after a prolonged and poculmr- a , fit! til fu 1 and t 
ly, painful" illuosa, on September, HU( r er ol-, she idog' 
18S.'i,' and was, tberotoro, twenty-five , i0(J . |, , UlHt tt , 
▼ears and twenty- livo„days old at the I . .. rotMr , 

niusi wim wnom sne was daily asso- 
i lateit-and a llfoao replete with beauti- 
ful oLaraoterlstios will novor cease to 
make bolter those who havo survived 
her. . , s~ 

While wh cau uot but deeply lnburn 
the sat, sail death of ono aoiovoil, vet 
aro wo comforted with the hope— yea, 
wo knoy that beyond llfo’a vale of woe,, 
“and fsf ’beyond this land of patting 
and w Piping,” we shall aeo Mattie 
standiDgat tho beautiful gato, waiting 
and watdiing fur dear ones yet to crosiy 
the jrirei. Indeed, God knows best! 
It is not given lis to know why lie (tails 
home tho.o wlio have just reached 
maturity— whoso lives givo promise of 
groat usofu uosu and hitpplneaa ; but, In 
numblo mugniiion of Divine w.isdom, 
wo .meekly 1 snv to his will, alWays 
remoinberiiii' that a sparrow is'iiiit 
Hull’orod to fal without liis knowledge. 


1 ’ K K 15 1 . H i — M u s. Kati I-: 
Viinm.Bs, wife of Kov. I. L. Peebles, ot 
the Misslsaipli i 'ajifprenoe, was horn 
i>^.«_. '(5-1 ; joined tho Mclh- 
odlst Kpiscopal Church, South., Is72, 
and dieil Novonyjer lSat. 

Sister I’oehlob is. a consistent tmun- 

nmvnr Vo ono can Nweetatid endearing ties have been cut charged with the care of the finances of j j lrn0 „f i,i s ( j 0 ath. 

contrary See the asunder, husband and wife, parent and “ «t tt in„,ni,t- oiviiw ihn-namoa ! l hu oarlv mRnh " oti “ f lllf ' 

comrary. nee me . , ,,. ,• Our firat ntiitonioiit KO.iUrf uio nnmoa tiiiu nhit.mvrv tt mi churactori/t 

child, and weoplng and wailiuR and 
woo have been 'hoard ‘in rtiany. homes. 
Th© loss of life has beon_.great in tho 
earth imconawiuenco of the great earth- 
quakes', which have thrcWti wide the 
surface of the earth, wherein hundreds 
and' thousands of people have ’ boon 

nn: • \>r. ml Mil 
Ml- M I H.'l< I I. 

T in m.\ * w 

( I L«»rs HKiVivRKY BY 
NUICISU » >i- 1’ A IT H 
AND MIA Y Bit. . 

"Mora tlilnii** i*r« wrought ly pri.yor tlia.ii thin 
.Drill iiri-mii. of Y.nn;. wn iii tlmt ” it-.was not d‘Pn« in ‘a corner.” 

About three .'years ago .Mr,.. Ml Hard Gortainly tlinra n a vUsr could b^W*r 
il. Kennedy, an Intelligent and indue- B niorn opporkim moment In the his-' 

rious young man— then residing on . ,,.^1 T . 

,1s father s firm, a few miles north of «-ory of MUfard H. Keiifledy’s life or 
ixford— wassuh.ieetod to s very sovero that oMob town of I liford for God tp 
itrain while moving a piano. Ills 1m- displav his power and publish to tho 
nemo Will-power taxed his muscular , T n^ d tins* grand truth . than on Satur- 
in d nervous onergle© boyond their on- , ° • , • ^ . 

lurnncn. whloh re«lilt«i In tho prostra- jmy morning, December 1, 1883, at nine 
i'Mi of tu©ir normal functions. HhoMlvx A. W» % ,.TtiRt »ia the North Mississippi 
ifter his strain or hart he wm cbnfln^u Conferdnce had convened, about <Mie 

-* m 

Lroate<i accordingly. Ho contlnuo<l to same street, and wlillo so* in any pray- 
B^row worse, however, until he became ors were offered up by so many of 
a snppoped eontirmod paralytic, having (j 0( p H servants,. Millard joined In in 

lost the use of all his limbs to such an . . .1 ... • . v' ■ „ 

c jciontae badoatliute of all physioal behalf of his own hapless conditio , 
strength entirely! KoVould abaolfitely ^dd , as he stated to me, when he he- 
llo nothing hy his own volition, \ not lleved that God would help* him. 
even so much ss to move a finger or j u t| wonderful fact resolve* 
turn his boad upon fits pillow, flora- 1 ,, , , 

mainad In this !\elpie«« ixindltion for itself Into a matter of faith. Some will 
ubout two years, tho obiect of tho oon- bellevo it. and rejoice; others will dls- 
stant caro hid solloiturfe of a devoted boliovo it and ’scoff. Hut “ let not your 
mother and affectionate slstor. ]5ut 111 . . v„ hellnve In God' 

the moanllmo, being, without hope of noarts bo troubled. 7 o believe in uou, 

physioal restoration, *ho turned his believe also illume.” HftyHJOSu.B: And 

mind entirely to spiritual contmuplh- wliatsoovoryViuik in my naiiie nothing 
tion. The Bible, at his request, was daunting yo sh»ll receive." 
pkao<Ml bofore him, and tlie loaves ^ 

lurnn.l ue liow .cl.l w/M./lf. nnh nnrllnna M. W. MILLED. 

oh! it would do vou' good to just liaton ..^wallowed up. Destruction has been 
to him talk about Jesus und his power swift and boyond human help. “ Suro- 
and goodnsaa, and- tel} how much he ^ il >» of th e L 0" d ’» mercies that we 
loved God for it. . are not consumed.” We aro bore 

.1, It boars tho’ mark- of a true miracle bought to consider our favored conili- 

Our flr»t statement tlio namoa 
and of cofitribulors was for the year efidhig 
lies. April 1, IS7'J. Our list of names has 
tho been increased since, in part' he— miso 
some peraons givo in one account for 
‘ ru " two dr moro members of the fatriy v, arql 
the tho abovegives oply the mV "inti We 
reds therefore give a statoinont uf the ntirn- 
Imnn her of contributors for successive years, 
; namely, 1H7.V711, ;‘i7 ; Ib77--7 S , IK); I87S-7P, 
“ een 151 ; 1879-80, 202 ; ' I sSO-8 1 ,_2f.8 , lHSl-Kj; 
lire- 207 ; l-S82'-8:t, 227. 

t' we The publication of such an annual' 
I ... statement has other advantages; be- 
•Idos stimulating tho giving. As#>very 

swift and boyond human help. “Sure- a67 ; 1882-83, 227; 

ly it Is of the Loril’s mercies that' we The publication of such an annual’ 
„ , .in iv. 1 ,... statement has other advantagos; be- 

aio not consumed. 7\ e are bore ,) doi s -arnulatlng tho giving. As-pvery 

brought to consider our favored condi- expenditure Is detailed, it is. a public 
tion as contrasted with tlie above. ' The auditing of the treasurers' account, and 

11. Kennedy, an Intelligent and indue- H morn op 
trioua young man— thon residing on , Jr, 

ilia father * farm, a fnw mile* north of t<,r y or 
(ixford— waa subjected to a very sovero that 0 M 0 
strain while moving a piano. His 1m- display hi 
indliso will-power taxed Ills muscular v? d ,v- 
nud nervous onergles beyond their en- ..J/ 1 , 
durance, whloh resulted In tho proatra- j )® Y morn 
tii'ii of their normal fiinctions. Nhortlv.-qA. M« „J.v 
after Ills strain or hurt he waa conlliHSil OonferSlH 
to Ids bed tiv , what was diagnosed) by , , , 

the pliTslclana as rheumatism, and was uuuurou 
troatou accordingly, Mo continued to saino stre 
grow worse, liowovor, until he bocamo or* were 

a supposed confirmed paralytic, having (j od ’ H 80 | 
lost the tiso of all Ills llpibs to such an x 

t x tout ao u» be destitute of all physioal beuail or 

bove, from a human standpoint, seems 1 ensures care and fulolity on his part 

Alwt oHlHvoiQcml tnemberH, A 

shall thou rofcur* 

Tho early manhood of the siilyect of ; , lH , itl JmlIS , si 
this obituary was characturi/.ed by ftn(i uttle boy 
energy and a laudable ambition to. „ ronl 1 io«d of the ( 
siiccoo.1, in the ointeat on life is great “ b(J ,” )aa 1(Ml . sa „ 
arena. It. soon bocamo uiauifest that . , tlin ,,,! hb 

his fondest -aspiratlous wiiuld bo real- I and ,-Mso up 
.zed potto worldly success; but, alas , ,1 • raise the lit 

for human- Hopes and human, sspira- I Inot | lor i OSH i 
Hons! lie was arrested on the very o n November ‘2: 
thrcsliold of h, s carcer by the rudihw, : f , v0 " ()|lil) r fri end, 

nnd unsparing hand or disease, which . . , . > b >J,_ jn y,! 
bliglito-i all his earthly hopes and fond- 1 | y,,, r0Ml , lectio, 

ly cherished expectations. About tho | . , 
age of twenty years be first discovered 

that dread harbinger of Bure dootruction ) lti UK HTT- Diei 
to life— tliAt awful, portent of coming p erry county, ills 
doom which has sent a thrill of terror I |“,| 1Hum -A, inf 
to so many .ol life's fairest and hrightewt 1 , ia ,, n ' ri8l ittirkettf (d 

Til' UK HTT— Diet 
Kerry county, Mis 


•opposed to mercy. It is true these 
things are mysterious to Us— why one 
liatlbn and people are visitod. with such 
destruction and others are not. 

a dutiful child, a 
'.mate mot her nml 
wlfo. A grant 
kistablb drcrwi ' 
d unto dust 
'calmly., fell 
a himhanil 
. May , the 
,, , (fori him 
, ,ed to bth- 
tako care 
mt is Icli 

irgo clrblc - .' 
ativph.” we 
. fit subject *, 



near Hattiesburg, 

., Gctober 11, I s - , • 
nt dauglilci- 'ol 

ycbosed) and Hettle 
W»B _moaths.-. a mb. . 

Tho tloetlt'-trf llklo GabSHiffTa lias 
.bropglit Horrow tebqaffy loving liewrls 
and cast a dsrk kfisdow acioss the 

. . glance not only what is being done, but 

Have we not been tho very happy how> ftnU who dld it ... I)0t on i y 

a supposed confirmed paralytic, having 
lost the use of all Ills llpibs to sucli an 
1 x tent as to be dostltcte of all physical 
strength entirely! Rio could absolutely 
do nothing by his own volition, | not 
even so much ss to move a fingor or 
turn his boad upon bis pillow. Mo re- 
mained In tills helpless condition for 
about two 1 years, the obiect of the oon- 
atant caro ksd solloituae of 11 tlevotod 
mother and affectionate alstor. ]iut in 
tlio meantime, being, without hope Of 
physioal restoration, ho turned hlB 
. mind entirely to spiritual contempla- 
tion. The I5iblo, at his request, waa 
phucOtl bofore him, and the leaves 
turned as lie would road such portlona 
of tl’.r Scriptures tut he desired, con- 
sisting principally of such passugee aa 
gave-assurance of the power anu effi- 
cacy nf prayer.- His faith strengthened 
as lie read.’ Ho felt, he say*, the lntlu- 
\ on-' of the Holy Npirlt abed abroad in 
his heart, ami that Jostle was just 11 s 

recipients of the uiercy of (Jod ? While 
tho. earth has ppeuedi'hor mouth and 
eVosod it upon thousands of her Inhab- 
itants, wo have not so mush as felt the 
slightest quiver of -the- earth. No 
storm, in wild and maddened fury, has 
thrown our quiet homes in splinters to 
the groundf or sent our frlgblyMHid 
spirits into the preeenoe of God. Epl- 
demios have; not been felt or even fear- 
ed hy us to any great extent'. Notwith- 

ehsures care and fideli ty on ms part .p ulm on B ry • hemorrlfrgo. iTegtient i iurkett . H(£g fi effi months ami 

■ and o n . I)w t-ef tlHvgjQ.'ml mom bore, A re J. llrroll ,, ( « 6r Uihse hemorrlragw, tu- ( ;i„hV„ el ,lavH.' X " 

member ot the Mtff..Jeraey ■(. onferonce 6tber with their attendant train of ; -Tpi d0Ht |V.-„Mn,, 0 ' Oaborictra lias 
writes 111 regard to it, “ Every h ing ” hy8icl ii evils, soon prostrated him tf i lt sormw.-to-^y loving hemm 

seems vary transpareut, so that all the ( ‘ i8( f piu , of r ,is imtlugglng energy,' an, I g onl , t . a , inrk sH«,fow et .. The 

members and contributors can see At a . Br( , lol , K ) 1B was' consigned to the sad 1 i, 0 (i.sohoia that iiarf i )eell I118d , i. r i K ht 

glance not only. J hat Is be i rig done., but of „ i lopo low invalTd. I lis spirit of ; "”,L jp v bv her pT,Se Howiov- 

h0 T’,r a ,r. h0 , dld '■ Il ° t ? n .l, adventure, ’and ambition to succeed in in , i u , 8 rts clung to th t , Bt’tle darling’ 

I* 0 of life ’ ha4ded-|.im .0 | ^nlv km! wat?l, 

rd.X:r b e^rmh«MfThe < VnarttWljJl utter 1 'Z M.^truggle wiu, <Vth 1 llfv had no 

Conference Commlttpes. ft carries ' , , , auv „{? rm and -heart- earnest l'°' v01 ? ,1 h iitliutes haml t-i iho 

win, ikiik. i, 1 d. nf nfflitinn#. nn t Hu n.M .inane Iual h> warm aim . neiri tiarm st, drhatlful monster. lio little innocent 

with ltcthe idea pf.eincioncy on tue uart Meeds who tenderly cared lor I 11111 u, ld ,.l v, J it f nr fiis own 

of the ohurch yo Jtibt offo of the-o dor fho, ,gh a stranger, and helplessly and q' l o h ,f, iH pi . k ;i| ‘ .m 1 ‘Vie w i ld 

members of the Now 7 ork East Coif- hnnolnaslv ill Being advised of his ill- 1,10 otm is piut Koti uui boriio awa; to 

Terence ecknnvr loilt/All ’lie recoint of “ 0 P 0108al J U / , ■ ‘ the garden (I liotl tt lilOotll ill glttrV. 

reronce acxnowietigeti .lie receipt o neS8 a yoiingoi brothor went, to him qq,;, wl n , , . 'n 1{ , v 

“ a model annual report of a ■ raodol i-Wv ’ HI ; r j nir .. nd e,,«n v lironcht him ” l -° “■ he done. 1 nej 

„i,„,„i,ji * i,, 1 “I’GU.U, inl * nuaiiy^urougiu 111111 Im „irii, hut i.ot as 1 meo who lmvei.o 

a visiting list for a new p/oMor, but } 
can aee who are his oflL'in’. ;noiiYb©r 

Gonferonce Commit tpe?». 

felt tn© w ith itPthe ideaof ©tHoloncy on tlio o»rt I f r iencla wlio t< 
h. No of the church, bo otfo of the*oldor Thouub u alrnn 
try, has Members of the New "York East Corf- hopo i ( ts«lv ill. 
ference acknowledged the receipt ot 1 „ .. 2 n nm 

ference acknowledged ’.lie receipt of 
"a model annual report of a iiiodol 

* . ■ , . . 1 mm b B 11 illn, *»»»** •* iiaii j o,if.tit. **•»** 

A ineiabor of n . chutch in.- homo oarly in August, lb8.‘t.* Ilero he 

..If IT • lal li-xa. 1111 flo roil fw/wsis ■ . ■ 1 

New.York city that ha* suffered from 
financial iiiismautmeraont saya’tli'at ho 
has urged the authorities to publish a 
statement of their money affairs ro- 

standiiig ^.the few calamitous event* ganlloss ofSfJtom it may .hurt ; that he 
whloh have befallen us, the uierclos of rogards our statement as tlip most pre- 

V sl.mi, nanns its I a. nnaanauion 

Z “ With the eonsoipusness and self- 

re« ' y to heal diaoiuie now, end make> condemnation that ive bare failed to do 
th'’ halt, the lame and the blind whole, our duty. How Had it Ih at b6it, oven 
aa he was wheu on pactC ; that though on r ngtiHciiinofl can not n nhrftids 

we know Hist, after all, we have 
faith, anu that it was nowhere taken boon “ unprofttahlo aervanta, . ;8iich 

oliovo it dnd scoff. But “ let not your have been great, abnndant and 

carts he troubled. Yo believe in God; tender. They have been new every 
elievealao in me." Buys Jesus: “And morning, and will continue forevsr. . 
'hatsoever ye ask in my naiiie nothing momtas ». inis. . hiblif. 

uuntlyg yo ahull receive.” , , r - 

S. W. MILLBll. v 

, „ , The Envelope System a Great Succeis 

_ .... ‘in ffnevChurch- 

From Invalid. ' 3 _ 1 — . 

•A brother, oxousing himsklf for 
Alas! how liittor is regret when it -negleot of eome Churoh meeting said, 

Uv halt, the lame anil tho blind whole, 
as he was when on oarth ; that such . 
healing w*. expressly promised in the 
Scrl ptureitn. answer to tho prayer of 
faith, aim that it was nowhere taken 
back.* Fully convinced of tills last 
Saturday morning, he began to pray 
earnestly foi strength. All at tinco ho 
fell a quickening iniluonco, like au 
electrical current, passing through bis 
— whole being, lit, asked God, as no re- 
lates the,. ir -uiustani'os himself, to give 
— him strength to raise 11 hook. He 
stretched forth Ilia arm and did raise It. 
Hellion asked. for strength to got up 

“ You attend to the spiritualities and I members, r 

will attend to temporalltiea.” It would Much atatqments have a historical 
seem that while the Advocate is attend- value. The mvtter in them could only 
ing so well to the spiritualities and b(f gleaned with (lilllculty, after tlio 

eloiis piece of paper in his possession, 
and that he wishaa Some one would 
rise up in . conference arid move to 
make it obligatory upon all the 
churches to make aucif a publication. 

The printing of the names of mem- mauifsat to all around him that the end J!) 
liera the taking of an account of was UO a r ,r hope dill not deann lrtui. 
stock by the merchant. It show* what UnlU aftHr hla return' home It was not ,1, 
tho momberthip of the chnreh ih, and : i 4lloW n thfct he felt any conoorn about 
if any puitorTb (Jisposed to carry a lot iiis cbndliUn ih a.fiitiiro state of beinpf. 

(Pf '^oead-wood in order to lMko a With -their tonder and aasiduouH nar^- i r 
uood report • at conference, ©neh a ^pub- jqo, dovoutlv plans lather and 

Jiention will i*l\ook that diBpoijt.ion, and mother failed' not on all occasionn to n 
eall for a. (Tireful serutiny of his list of point thsir porishin^ child to .lesuH, 
members. . r . . . and. to hold him up datf and" niKht a( 

Hueh atatqmentB have a historical in th< , : , nus . of / A fthful praypr l.efore in 
value. I ha mvtter in them could only the 'men \y-sioat' of the' jrreat Father. 
btf k leaned with fiilliculty, after the j tl thwo kind ^IUcoh t)iei*-\vere^ ably 
laptso of .yearn, from the records and ac- aM(i 0 nioihntly aided by liov. T. I». fj 
coght nooKB.. ' ‘S. : , ' Harper, paator in .charge. of* Cbluhibla 

A »er lea of them^would bo of great circuit, who often* vlHited, prayed with i ( 
use and very Hiiggestivo to a speaker a „u | ie ld long cnnl'orencee. with the. , 
on an anniverwarv occaiion, and , K uhbror. Tho piouH father .often -ex- ' 
valu'6 to the local historian. pressed the belief that Xtvfti would* not _ 

A prominent olhcml m r of tho ( p e lin td he was converted. Nor was 
Sumrnerlield church writes : “I al- j, () (ioomod to diHappoiutment. Not i 

ways read and stuuy your reports with j 0 ng after 'his return •lfGiiie it became ; 
groat aatuifa<Uion, as being the most manifest that h<vw oh deeply concerned 
complete that come under my ini.po6- for th© salvation of hiMj»<ml. Ho often 
«??• ’ .... . . , had torrible.fipellHof dlHici.dt l>roathingf 

Ho we think wo are doing ^bmethjng | Swallowing and speech been the more! 
in hirst Pine© ..vhiirch towani giving HI1(1 more. difTlcnlt. but a few days i 
theproblem of Methodism in the cities, before li is doath ho oxpresHOtl perfect ! 
in that we are seek ing the poor rather peace and resignation .to The will of’i 
thae-tbe rich — knowing Unit if we can (j 0 il, anti guvo nucli brhrht anil cheerful j 
make the church strong 111 niiuibors ( ,| a cDun'mi tif i„ mr i that 

lingerod with his loving and prayerful 
paronlM and family aruid alternations 
of -hope ami tlosp;»ir until, du spite of *11 
tlio kindly mlulRtratlons that affection 
could miggost, roleaeoti by death. For 
months previous to his decease a 

1 KOrofiiloiis ulcer had ‘formed in the SiindayrSCbooloat’Minivilla, Ala : 

1 larynx, reducing hla voice to a mere il’/ierens, Tho Into James Maloplo, of 
r> whlaper atld leaking- it next to Itu-- Moliilo, was the foiiiidor of the M.oth 
H possible to swallow anjffhirfg but the (>< i) a i Sunday-school, at Mauvliia, Ala. 
blandest lluhls. Still, though it was j n which-’ for liianj- years he hdioie. 

ill list < go. God claios it for his own. 
The bud is pluckod aid boriio away to’ 
tlio gartiVtn of Got! t, bloom In glory. 
Thy will, i) Lord, ho done! They 
mourn, '-but i.m_iu lioee who lmvqi.o 
hope. They loyk b. jpnd tho 1 omuls 
of time- to 11 liftboy Vieiiting with' tilt' 
little darling, now a hr-glit angel. 

• A I'ltlKNK. 

M'Al.ONE -The follow'ng resolu- 
tions wore adopted by tlcu .Methodist- 

poor stewards, aye, such “a feeble knowledge of all. 
folk," that wo could not, though we - The renting of pi 
would, hare done more for those liav- *■ unsc.rlptnral. 
ing the oversight of ueas a Hock. gogll# a „| t | 

.Mss! that a people should, of necoH- clothing, and the 
sity or otlierwiae, fall to render tom- ftian in vile cloth 
poral reward to -those ministering to 1 ? i ‘“ ‘ hat . 

conneotlonal intoroeto of Methodism, 
It may well give somo space to tho dis- 
cussion Of methods of Cnuroh financo, 
no that tha beat may tie brought to tho 

The renting of pews is to be deprecated 
a* unsorlptnral. In James il, It says, 
“ For if there oorae unto your ayna- 
gogue a man with a gold ring, in fine 
clothing, and thore come in also a poor 
ftian lu vile clothing ; and yo ihavo ro- 

He thon asked for strength to got up them ' n spiritual tilings. It is au avrful 
from hi* bed and walk. He got up and thought that n minister of the gospol 
walked half acroga tho room and re- Bhoull , , )0 ( . on8tra | ne d to shake , the 

dust from his foet against a placo and 

gaTd to him that wofiroth tho fine cloth- tion.” 

ing; and say, Nit thou here in a good Ho we think wo are doing something 
place; and ye say to the poor man, in First Plnce.’cliurch toward 8'rtl v I ng 

turned without feeling tho least Bnoulu 1,0 

fatigued. T!k, news of Ills wonder- dust from his foet against a placo and 
ful realoration itnmediatelv Hproad people. This is tho actual fact when 
throughout i!n- town, and there was ,i in nmacher savH-ho will not lie re- 

Ntand thon there, or sit under my»foot- 
stool pare ye not dividod in your own 
mind, and become Judaea with evil 
iveuishonored the 

lapse of yearH. frotii tho recorda aritlac- 
ukmill books., 's. • 

A sories of theirtv would -}>6 of. great 
use and very suggestive to a speaker 
on an anniversary occasion, aiid ,.ef 
valnt to the local historian. 

A prominent' official member of tho 
Nuuirtierlield church wrltos : “I al- 
ways read and study your reports with 
groat Satisfaction, as being tho most 
complete that come under my inspee- 

111 winch lor many years no labored 
most efficiently during tho sun gyier ' 
months which ho gonbrally spent Jlcnq 
therefore, bo It 

"Jltsolreil, That in bis wo, its a 
school, have iiiUBtaine l a loss that is, 
irreparable;" , 

Itesnlvrdt Tfiat *-j contemplate lit* 
life ami character witli the profotiudosj 
respect and groat profit, because ho so, 
adorned the doctrines of our holy relig- 
ion as lo-mako it appear both consistent 
and attractive. 

lt enolv ed. That to lito horcAvcd lam- 
ily wo tender. Christian sytil|)Htby 
through the publication of these reso- 
lutions in the’'Alab*ina audNuwnn- 
i.kams Advocated. 

w. b. ii kown. lor Cbu»iuittoc v 


theproblem of Methodism in thS cities, 
in that we are seeking tho poor rather 

, , ... tho preacher says ho will not he re- 

HOOI1 a gathering of tho neighbors to- *, , , , . 

. w tinea » the r,.aliiatlon of r wlmt tho turnod-not wllliugly, at any rate, 
young man iiriuly believes an Ktisw’or Nhail it b® moro tolerable for Npuohi 3 
to his faith anti.kirayai's. anti Gomorrah in the judgment than 

,. T „ h . a „» r "' '■ l,6, ? g ' in '«’<• Hi*' poirplo of this ehargo? Wlidt 

larK« nurrvhfr uf preachers tihUou Mrs. * * T r • 

tUoughtn? Ilut ye havediBhonoreil the make the (*>Hirch >atrong in nutiibora afsauVancea ot a ch»rfi)J»' of heart that 

S oor man.’’ It mav be sahl that- in and spiritual jiower wo will be moro n0 no who saw him .linfftted its reality., 
lost pewed churchos there aro, free likely to draw the rich ; in that wo aro .soon after lie was converted lie ex-! 
seats, and that tho prlco® of thereulod making tho churdh Ununclally strong, pressed adeeire tom. itifwith tlioriiurcln 
pews areso .gradnatod that the very not hy large. oontrlUuiiqus tij- the few, Accordingly the geful .-inti Joying! 
poor may rent seats ; nevertheless, as b/it by 1 raining T ftlF 'opr members to proaolior Itev J D ' Harper who had I 
cheap and dear are not Intermingled, or give something; ami in that we are- fikboroil anil prayort with faith-. 
necessity the gradation Is such, that to j showing churches that tnay be atrug- f u lly promptly repaired to his dying 


Konnedy’i i wu.JencoJand became liv- kau heen done to render it bo diHftf^eo- 
ing wiineiBWi rrf the fict, ami hundrefla able, and hucIi an unde«irftbl© ivd>k, 
of God*f©ArJnR and God-hellevinj? pen- that oar proachor shc/uld *ay that ch® 
pie aro now proclairnlnff to tho world I , , . . . . , 

the power of ac aliidlcg ami tnlati ,; K ; not .wish to come any more? Is 

faith in Christ and him crucified. 7Vo! UI -” ,,! my Navlour, can It hji that I 
merely give the earns a* thoy aro. The havo seemed to refuse to honor and re- 
vou'ig man hstl 1 -n prostrated a help- ! ,. 8 tvo “ the man of God,” thy “choaeu 
less invalid for ox -<->«ra, and he K ,,, . , , , , 

.is now ai-le to w.ft, 8 the room, j V8 *»"V sotit.Ui hear thy name before 

ami ha* fre* and porfoe* use' of ’iBI''hU ! this people'.’ Not consciously, thou 

tkke alow-priced pew is to confers pov- 
erty, and the practical result dTreiiting 

limbs, although naturally yet weak' 
from thsir long dlaasol Tlie fact la be- 
fore un, an l can not he denied. 7Vo 
leave it for other* m oxplain the plie- 
nornenon. — • »»fr)rd 1 'bIood. 

The shove is ft true statement, which 
was related to many brethren who 
were present si Conference when tho 
meet wonderful occurrence took placo 
of the reoOvery of Mr. Millard H. Ken- ; 
nedy. I am creditably informed that j 
Dr. lasts, of 'ixford. Mi**., sayi that 
the disease hat evidently given way. 
It was wonderful to watch the crowdB 
who Uocked to' a so the young man, 
ministers and others.. Buff just as It 
was in the time nf Chflet, there were 

knowoat, for 1 would rondtir unto there 
“honor to whom honor is due,” anti 
would not “ forget to entertain stran- 
gers," lost 1 reject one sent in thy 
name. " 1 ) ! God, pload my cause," and 
“lot none nf those things come upon 
I mo." • . 1 . 

" religious tram pa.” 

Hilhip,ofthe weallhychurchoB of other 
denominations, recognizing this <\l,(IT -. 
culty, establish ami support Mission 
ffiiurchee for the poor. This is not ac- 
cording to genluB of Methodism, which 
plants churches among the-poor; not 
mission ohurchos managed from with- 
out, hut churches officer*,! ami sup- 
ported by the congregations worship- 
ing within them. It Is natnral that 
suoh societies should bo moro vigorous 
than those supported and carrledon by 
others, for we value those things that 
cost us something. 

Another method is from time to time 

glirtg fnr cxistence how to. work. 

For over ten veurs wo have not mado 

Is to keep tho poor from the .house of public announcement of the’ aihounts 
Oo(l, or to drive them iuto the army of given for either church or conference 

'collections,- and,. -except Die treasurer, 
no 'one knows the individual contrl- 
. billions ; yet in proportlonTn Usability, 
.our .church is not behind any of the 
Iiiooklyn churches In its benevolent 
collections,- .avid we hope, by intro- 
ducing more systematic giving to those 
cdlleotlons, to Increase tliViii. 

Ninoo our 'Church was hnllt the ter- 
ritorv below it has been largely occu- 
pied Tiyn tenement house population, 
and there has been a great increaeo of 
Kroteatanl churches of othor denomi- 
nations, Tho considerations caused a 
former pastor to oxpress himself to n 
few brethren as doubtful of the futUro 

/, , ‘ to take up public subscription* ensuing of the chnrch ; ho thought wo would be 

I tlo not so much aa lift up my eyeu, the givers by com petition, after the crowdod oiit l,y a Boman Cnthollc pop- 

1 1 1 ” ..T *i.a „...,it An rent. , . . . _ . , . , . . , 1 r 

boasting of having given "tithes" of method of the auction "room. Thta 
all I possess, for It Is but an Invalid’s seems far removed from. the injunction 
., , of the Saviour, “ Let not thy left band 

mltp that I can give, as poor and unim- k now what thy right hand doeth. It 

..n.l.n. In n., In..., Inn r.9 , 1 .« .rn.l.l . .. I J _l _ 

portantin the estimation of the world 
to-day as the offering which the wldpw 
cast Into the treaagry, while, observers 
stood near to criticise, perhapB to ridi- 

.11 la not “over agaliiat the nothing very 

would placo even tho poor widow, who work for 

S ave more than thoy all, oven all her ment houi 
vlng, at a disadvantage In the oyes of paelorate. 
tho congregation’. It Is a plan w.oll ppor he fo 
oalculated to make those -who can give ready wc 

lake those -Yv ho can give 
unc-omfortnble. JLt has 

ulatlon. lint we have achieved auocees, 
and it Is duo to our former and preaent 
paator, Dr. W. W. Bowdislff tossy that 
it 1 b largely owing to his missionary 
work for throe yeafs among his tene- 
ment house population during a former 
paelorate. In Ills .labor* among the 
ppor he found. little 'competition and a" 
ready welcome, and he has demon- 
strated that “ the way- to roach the 

fully, promptly repaired, to Ids dying 
hodsiihi, gladly and joyfully reccl v- -,1 3 
him iiitu the church, and lulmipistemd 
to him the uaorod uiuhUmis of (!h rial's 
body and lilnpd. . » 

Thus pViacofully. anil happily, in the 
evening of 1 i fo, has passed away this 
young titan, siving ovory atisuHihOe of 
a blissful iiiimortallty’ and a homo 
wligite alcUncss, suffering, death or sin 
can not Como. 

Soon after his death tho funeral 
sermon, ns a tribute to his memory, 
mil preached ton very largo and appre- 
ciative congregation by Rev. J. 1). 
Hurpor, w.ho took for iho basis of Ills 
glowingly • eloquent and deeply im- 
prosslvti sermon, Job xlv, Hi; "But 
man lilotti land wasteth away ; you, 
man glvolh up the ghost, and where Is 
he?" I 11 a varied and long'uxporioncn 
it baa never t, een the privilege of tho 
Wtitor to listen to a moro impressive 
dlHooufao, and ono more rloh In points 
of deep am} thrilling interost. 

j. u. w. 

Nashville and Texas Christian Ad- 
vocates please copy. 


"dauglitei- of Dr. Joseph 15. and Mnrthu 
Catching, waa horn March 10, 1803, at 
.Georgetown, Miss., and died at tho real- 
dence of her fatbor, near l,tookport, 

, . . I I I .1 „ . , • ,1 1 . .. , "J WWW Viwi^uiftjnii, UUU UIOU IU till} imi- 

bouib who wore too hkoptical to ©Yen j^p trOAatiry ” that I sit, nor haviDK charge I toe rurtner UUadvaatajQ that It causea mnaae© Ih to go to them. Daring hi* denco of hor father, near Llookport 

and as* him. But what lf men Jodis- of the Master'if- “ good* " as a stew- I ?J? C “ tt d *f*f' 0n . n6 t0 ‘ rich niau"\ that throe years' pastorale he never cmsiMl MIbh,, .September 1-1, 1881!. 

believe the f,etr* Doee their want' of ar<W Ala* ! I have lain at “the gate I ^ ing th^ciSeV'hoUuh^t^^^^ ’ l " “ ^us flo- 

rnm^ ; IVORY '• is H Dum«lry S^uv'vlth 
1 ftll-tlm lino quulltiwi of a /•hoico l"ild 
. j^uip/iUDl is op I t-IOO |M»r punt. 

UhiHoh' wifi II in l this Soup ini»cdnlly 
iwfftpUsl for.tfiuhin’-f fnfiHUsVhDiiintfir 

filk Ihn*', (’hninlus i;l(»vi‘S, uft'l all urt Jcl«*« 
«n'a tcxtura uu 1 .1 ■•li.*ntu c.lnr, and f«>r u l° 

. vurle«I ii*vi ai’t» it tho l»gam» that daily arisi , 

fc 4 uirliuf*tjia u^tvof >ap iiiht la. ,alK)Vo t n> 
o nil nary in 'Utility. “* , 

. I r 4*r tha ltath.Thtr.i t ^ Nurkory. it 'D‘PI^- 

fcrr«*d t«» in* Hit *»f tha Kuh|»h ©old i" r ,l1 ' ' 1 
rii»o . lifting piiair and inpMi inori* plt'iirsaiu 
liitil .•ir.-'.itiv.*, und puahaMaslnjaU Ui ,, jl'‘‘'i ru 1 
;propartiuu of'tha tlniiut uiiudidt»»rf»h‘d 'V 1 ^ 

aim soi mm. uut n unt li UIDll U*l Ull- UI IUU .ilMlBrH- UIJDIII I* BltlW - , *a .1 * , ^ , / ,, ,7 ” ,1 7 Htniunui Ft, 400.), ■ 

believe the fact T” Doee thsir war.f of ardow Alai 1 I have l*ih at “ tlie sate rule over us. the eouuuunlon service without Invlt- The destroying angel, who thus so- ; propertius of Uiu llmi .1 i.. 

.... , . v-.. , h l . ' iii i ™*'hod, the envelope P'*°, ing tboe^ to rise who Wished the prayers untimely fobbed a happy family of one i imtlk, Soap. Ih., lvnry soup will ” "' ,l * • 

faith destroy thejruth? Not in Lbe beautiful, whon, I fain would haye s free from these obj^ttons, and as it of the Congregation. Ho IWr os I re- of its chensliod and foved member*. The ,‘uk.-. an- V. al» M H«l that .they miff - 
least. Therefore w,< -will endeavor to atoppod down Into deep waters, where «»« been thoroughly tried for a number, mombetf, he never failed of meoilng a ctioae a. swift .add wasting disease-? u#wl eiiiin, fur uem'hil purpmavi. nr illvtili" 1 

view this ,-ase from a Scrl Mural aland- i the angol of release comes to trouble It r «*P°“ b ' -v-tv,'v*- ’ , ./ , hemorrhagic malarial ' fever— with «-ttl, a stiiut thfeml- (asrSiutHtrah-l Jni" *»’° 

i, a»is 5ss^J&p«sa:. sr.swK'waarats r*?5 w 

1. It hdai. the mark, of* a g©DuiL© amictPd. y No, 1 can Lot come with the b©n#lt of other pkurcbea. The few if o have- left are at th© a®r ric© hor away from the /|ow of family Sul „ ,'Ji ih» -auaUtT anil', 

rnira do lu tiiat that hit raae was bo- tltho© bl* full ^oldon Blloavoe, for, like . ^2 eavalopo© to oaoh oon- of thOBO who mav doilre them, who friends she waa bright and cheerful,’ Hie prifo, oociparod « m 

had given him up as a hopeless caae, ao, out of my meager gltamngs, I have with the jmvabir and expert weekly Ichrlatlam Ad vqcato. . w^Jh^iw'sMmed to hover fo^Uie iM»t ’■ eoK*» utfmiTWirBRB. 


cur treasurer woiild he glad te have 
coploa ol the report of other ohurehea. 
The few we have left are at the service 
of those who may doelre them, who 

which to end tho web of Mattie’s young 
Uf<£ ohlyufow days before wo laid 
her away from the view of family ami 
friends she was bright and ohoorful,' 



3#cw ®tlran# Christian 

®HristU« a^wafJrte. 

lion*, It In nn honorable, useful, and 
spmBtlmes a relfilitieratlye, career.. 


« volume mitttlnd, “I* ijogma a Ne- 
cessity?" In this volurtie lie touolios 
on Methodism at two points. lie does 

ii.j.i.. 4.. non ) . v «rav nf 

TurMD AT .lAWtTARY ». 1M4. 

r — ♦ 

jV A'ir YiAR'H i Minus; 


voca.Ii MUSI.. not disdain to nisko uso, by way of 

Concerning vocal music, It may bo quotation and reference, of a Wes- 
.{.i * lut 1 ’nM-ffmiiiniH'fl 1 levttn inhdRtor r tornW LocturfJ on.Lu6 

Receiving the Gospel In China. 

I1Y- M.R.S. H. K. 0. NSVICS. 

©i« %o\m people. 

ho might,' srp to' ftf-lfcon for prrrUik ,h**f'L 
monoy, i f found ,<mt, ; Wo Rfild, ‘Lot. | 
,ino ror t.tio txiniwufW^fltinHo' ’ It wan tho \* 
moil fit ! / 

: •».' I nii*«orry io-fifiy that my V’ncloTb 

' kkVfyui^t hN.’/unl I k*tp- lt>4n- tho kilo 
iiiobf-’lTofi^^w^rtil^tfiko. A rnfi/i with a 
\ hi# Vmnn f '•Mjyi nih>n& • nri'l frljfhtonoil 

f| mn," am / " 

THE A7 I» V year: 

UODV'ttrilliJK v viwn Iimniy, it turvy wo i HUOWUUii mum l , ,\ _ 

uni li that thb r ’old-fRHtrtoftofl 1 Htnp;inp- I \*y*u wlntRtor.s tornly Lootn rd on the 
sohool appears to have passed away, subject of "Dpgrtlk.” And bo takwi 
That cave -a ■ singer Of ordinarily ookaaion. to reforlto Mr. Wesley s 
ability the onportunit? kif .making' a j theology;' at •f<tft.pcftnt,_l«t i the way^-of 

ability the opportunity Of making a tliooiogy, at orapnra, m mo way, ... 
Mvlnchv teaching a large nnmher st n grossly and, Indeed. ludicrous y er- 
. t’ . ... Ul n »nea III vonrioiia ■tAtomont,. \ 1 1 0 RRTR that John 

Wimi shall l with tb»: 

'JrMtfiieit of earllt r 

Songs In (»’ sprlnftlme, 
riMimn or mlrtlit 
piawera 01 U»y pathway 
uklei. rT.r claar T— 
\VoiiM UIS stuur* 
A llapp," Now Yaar T 

living IIV n , , , 

modornlo price.. Wingers In church 
choirs con rarely malto a maintenance 

r,|)0irw wui 

solely ' iy pupils ' Hrayivtmymoiis wlth\an- excitement of 

vooaf music who take 1 % feeltngj"' and that those who, by this 

, .must be M.oflfioa fo the large oiiiso^ann exoltomonl of fooVin g, ,.re born again 
bo aide to oommand l»rg p , Rre " at once planed in a Stale of per- 
ordor to auooeod. Only mu« ua gifts, f#oU •„ We not w »„ t „ words |„ 
therefore, justify devotion lo this | r e3t posing tho absurdity of this stupid 

roneous statement. I Ho snys that John 
Wesley taught- ss \a dogma” .'that 
“the new birth \resuH* Mini, or 

I have often boon nskod, " Which r«- .<• 

oelvo tho gospel most readily— the men i » m ”tli» llttfc n'i-w v««r, tis. I." ' 

or tho women of Chinn?" • • Hen. l' ttiihitini IJ «v*r tts- snsw 

I will reply to that question hero very whnktng niv MKwIth I. nicrri. illn 
brielly. 1 suppose t.bst 1 ant oorrect In nn ..p»n .l.mrs ..s.l let mo In. 
sii vine that wowirn, tho world over, are, . , .. 

In a sense, hioro Miffimi* -than -ijien. t|«s4|«*h I h.ios f..r rrid, sn.l sl.l 

. , i„ 11(0 mik „n* ' MUlP'fslk, slnirl II". 

Ill n nillinn, anw,.« ■ • ■■ 

Look at tho oburobeH iniul cmthoilraia in 
Romish countries. Kneeling beforo the 
Mciilnt.uro.l vlrirlns and painted taints 

“the nsw birth results Mint, or iiomwiimuiar™. .i.r... n« 
1» kynnnvmous wlth\an- excitement of aoulpturod virgins fMntait 
feolme;’’ and that those who, by this aro tboro not ten women to one msri . 
exoltomont of fooling, , aro born again ( >r, nearer b<nno, go t<> our own ovenlng 
ii.i „i. i .. ki.t,. r,f unrvImiN in oil r OlllirCaCH. l'n WO not 

I 1 1 sirw* l 1 1 pt . ... 

lug folk im4 ltltlf!'f*lk, "hurt hmU toll 
Kuril "or fr"in imp R tTTiisnmjnuy \aIm, 
H'» oi»n)i y«ur ilnori n*<1 Irt tn" In. 


What ill all I wish thee r 
What can ho fomnl 
ltrlnslnK thee eunihlne 
All the year round- 
Where lithe treasure, 
basting «ud dear, 

That ihatlensurs thee 
A Happl New Tear . 

I^allh tlmtlnrreaialh. 
*'\Valkln|ln light. 

Hope thatahoundelh, 
llappy aid bright-; - 
Tsive t hat l» perfect , 
CaatHig cut — 
.Xl'helic-llisl entire the.- ' 
J\A Happy N.-w Yfttt . \ 

Peace In the Ha.lpur. 

llaei »t bis feet ; 

Smile .If lilt counleSmnce 

Hadtanl and sweet ; 

Joy iu.h la y reience, 
Christ e^sr hear— 
These wtltrniure the. 

-• A UnppjrNi-.v Year. 

fesaion. I 

DlFFICRliNCK nKTWlSBN oudinAhy a Ml | 
ltXTUAOl’.DlNA. 11 '’- 

To any who'hevo entered upon it, 
however, 1 may say that the dlllelcnoo. 
between the ordinary-student of vocal 

ltGURR. ..w .....o... - ... 

exposing tho nbaimlity of r,J\i* Rttipia 
slAnd,ftr„«if.-Wo«ley-s thjtalogy. Mr. 
Lswry did that work admlrAltld In , one. 
of the lotidfh we published last week. 
What we havo lo notice here la Cmioii 

To any who-linvo entered uppnltj Mo v n c k.'s oonduct after Mr. l.awry 
however, I-may say that the dllfeionoo. ha( / c i 1 ,j| # , 1K0 d tbs sUatemsnt w'hlch wo 
between the ordinary student of vocal H o refers Mr. l.awry to 

lUUklo and one who gives himself hea^t * >t J onder f,i| repertory of second nr 

aud hou 1 to it is 

ailU BOWl l U It in V-” J Pi*'- — 

Itoovort, tho most popular t-onor Kini;or 
that; 4ter aroko in ICn«Uud— who liao 

Hl»l 1 . 

dindnintd to visit tills rmyitry boi auae 
he has been able to counnund every 
night that ho could sing for forty, years 
most enormous sums in K.ngl/md, mid- 
is now, at sixty-one years of age, mail ■ 
lug farewell tfaurs through tho towus of 
tiroal llritaiu 1 . listened to by hundreds 
nml thousands who heaYd him when 

IIHAI-L UIVO iiuurovi. r 

sTr.fu that wonderful repertory of second or 
iruror third hand error, at least m regard, to 
o li ae Vfealoy add -Wesleyan, Methodism, 
cause Canon Curtels' Hampton Hecduroa. for 
i.verv hi* authority as to the statement In 
years queftlon,- making up aa lie * n rt 

f m d now mixture of arrors aa lo the Wes- 
mak- ley an theology both of regeneration 
’ and of ChrlslVail perfection. And ho 

. a. l„aa^.. w.lllt l« amiUlK’n. 

clotett httt ietU^r I I bow hUwiVtorn by owning: hit uttor 

‘^Ilow me t<i reftUeAt y , , j-^oronns, fa It strange' that this world 

whole of Mr. < oriole I«c uro ot^ . W os 1 igno heaven very 

uro more uov wj" 'viuunn tv who 
( ) f, noaror homo, go to o\ir own eyonlnfe 
HerviooH in our ohiircbcR. }>o wo not 
find almoHt invariably moro ^-otwan 
U)f\u mon? Woll, tiio'vory lamn want* 
nml lonftiirtfH' nml Horrow* whloli iti- 
cliiio woinon in rbri«tlan landn U» ro 
fdr oomfort and roat to Him who aald, 
“(’onio unto mo all yo. woary add 
hoav.y laden, and 1 will Kivo yoti rout,” 
Imdino o)ir poor,' hoatbon alathra to tfo 
Tn their l^noraneo to theif Idol pjoda.- 
Matiy of them aro very rollpdou* in. 
their poor darkened way v They are 
natal-ally intelligent, and npam’ofbheni 
are thoughtful, (’an you not^ iniaptne 
how friuhtoned and perplexed and 
nnxiou* they tieeome, when alone nui* 
unaided, they vainly try to aolvo the 
myatory of their boinu? Since no .me, 
by “Hoarchlnp baa over fofmd tied; 
it hr.e roirfueina inmaotf _ coulilu only 

Rp»e shutrtwifp Mlvpr iinrt Hiimv Mia II lm?p v -ld 
Roiiip Khali haTr .nrw clnttii*K, litul 'hail )\i%^ 

"Id i ‘ ' " ' 

R*imk shull liti ▼<* bnp«. mid «"U)«ahi|11 hnf« tin. 

R* "pan yo^r donrt aiid Ipt nt« ih.>‘ ' , , 

Bom f ahull hiivi* wa)rr. and «*»n»» ph.MI ha?»* inllk 
Soma aimll Imtu aatln. and KmU 'ball bnva «SIk . 
Mot mu'li one fmni th# a Mp«tnf may w| i 
* So opKn yuor door- 11 nil IK nn* In. n 

' Touth'K Oampauion ' 

"Yes, I ilf|L That iiR-sri.- lionh-nbli!'' 

Woo lookoe ii[», and there above his 
i haul wai tbA'imuiisieij.iiime. 
i k ! I am afraid tl will drop oiilite !” 
j The f)f)ople all Ino^Jjgd 
| r Tli« toy n i errhant^wh leered to-tbe 
I nolioiM'nan, “I (rueaw. It's a+rrlKbl. To,' 
| htH unole, ia n-rnan of’ money, and lie 
I mltht make you loio your [dare., . 

I. 1 1 umpl), .iiun.ip.l.i '• ‘said tho polU*o- 
! man. lt J R all r.igiitp folk**. I'lear out 
I of herd. -Wh'iUare you ill ^ore Tm- ’ 

fhi'l'wltli you.’ 

f 1 ' ‘‘‘IiOt-’a make a procMRsfon." "•dinuled 
Rome one, "and t;n homo with llorient. 

K1 rat wont the pi>llcoinnn v j)i HnUtjirv 

n 'I' linn tl... ...Ml, TT .14. 1I..1 

Woo's New Year's Day in Tokio. nomn. Then vamn.jlm man with the 

- ” blf^, npod Mid little nose, followed hv 

, , won, lor what’ they winVlb b.-mcr, ^^"Vh^'^mm'^rinH^: 

r0 cThat" "anil hern ’ nc)o' To made s tralnor. .the magic, an the I, Me ••kite 
, ' ^ I,,. n-L, I.nlllrie merchant., am! Mien Ins grnnii v. l-.asl, 

funnj faoe, rslsli g J I , p„ r aoii lie, I one .blossom, if mot two. 

down hlwmouth— that is telllnr. i„i„iv„„r„i:..„.,i i ...i, 

anu iuuuwuuo ttiji, 

thev were children —has given an nc- 
(Hiuul oil tho prodigious pains his lather 
coin palled him to take in the practice 

' . .iiulU.ilou t/s 1 1 i til till) 

“ That” and hero l ncle* To made a unilM ’!'' " .T' T - , 

, V„„ ".1.1, 4 |,|. n-L.nd nnlllnr merchant, am! I lien bis granny, i nch 

funny face, rasing, Ills ojw.ndpnning nn , ml , on „ blossom, If.,,.. I two. 

mystery or tueir uouiK ; nine,, no one, ' ’v'ou nu'st knbw that To wasSvoo’s, l .Ittlo V\ o.) followed, carrying-, l",'Sch- 
bv searching has i evor . found tip.I ; to whose house In Tol^io Woo ^ , ' 

since Confucius hiniaolf could only bad come to soOnd tha Jupatjegq New | > »*' 1 nd “■ ,, r , u „, , 

show his 'wisdom by owning Ills utter v 01 . ^ a .... ' 

ignorance, f. It strange' that this world j orn niH out ami see the street A New j '>>"*<« l JSr Kl 

seems a dreary place, and hsavep very , Vwkr . h sab) Woo’s cousin. , S tlnT ' 

far away and . unreal, • and that thnae , ■ n h w brilliant they were I .. imsV irllmU 1 n,,V b,i t,.' 

poor orphans in (iod’a univorRo turn. The people had IcldRed up tlie old yonr ; 1, « nr K t 11 

thole only hope, to the So-callod ; ^ "ILC IheJ houses' from top to > ^ ^ow i l ’ W i w " 

gods in .^.^^iZ^rn’-TnanV 1 * 1 , ,^ ir " l,mw l-He wsi canM^s sbonf .ilh lkisa mnh,^. 

8 ci. r e m 't ht’^ wo^hipds'lmt the longR," j cleaning : >*t recUlmd I, : and m reward his ho,)- 

cry of a hungr y soul for tho llvlngtiod ! -their to, isonyhnt cleaning their WBoonnl j M ,'^ n ' n t bi.’reli' I u 

Ail I dear friends, those ,, nor, .heathen books and paying their debts, that they ; ft {L’Yov and ,me f.Vr h" grunnv. ars God's children too. Up might begin tho Now A oar eright. i YVoo kindly gave' 'mm l,N iW l.l.issnm 

made then,, he loves them; lot us A „ t f 10 nvoning the -great city was . . ‘ . > .?*' wil , 

lot Vo them "in his hands,. .But. does ha lirl(thl with lanterns. M.Zms 

save thlem ? Will hb give t Irani sternal Idtt lo Woo felt that hecbuld f 11 * U ,!T' , 1i ,, ll „.,i 

rtfoV-1 boar you ask. Wa cannot wMt untl , mdrntnr'wWe,. the other - l ™- 6 ' d “ \ ' 1 “vZr'« ,Inv- ii,nt 

leyanlam, the tone’ of which you will 

Ondsan\dii>Ii*g but offanatvs." •" 

ItnroVident, thst this- sentence ,s 

lXIHHUIl'^l .V nwaw.^w . 

Roernt adroary piano, aud hoavop very | 
far away and. unroal,* and that thoae , 

corn palled him to take in tho practice | Dl rr^;‘i d " n V‘VhAtThi*‘ sentsmN, ,1. poor orphans-ln God's universe turn 
of scales, mid attributes to. him the It „ f " u ,„. lv advice to a„ In- as W? their only hope, to the so-osllwl 

enisling strength and comprehaimibil- " t f n ^ “ ^preeumed to l.e'of.neoea- gods In pibir heathen tomploa, or Hn the 
! itv of his voioe. A claaaic instance Is larior who is pre«, - . djn ot ,m| dn shrine by thi. roadside. In many a 
of U great toaisher who had a great ally lnnoaont of a V K -,. , case, this worahlpds hut the longing 

! KchoIaJ. ST-Xlnr grew impmient. of. the •»'">«.* c" of a hungry soul for thp livlngGod ! 

booause the toucher kept Ji l nr 'continual- nmuaing to n ot undertake the .Ah! dear friends, those moor, , heathen 

IvZrsctlcIng scabs,. At last he asked ZuVinc him sisters ars God’s clllblren too. lip 


Letters to Young Men. 

i-MI MAN AHoi,T TO KSTfck A 

Vni: "yopsii man aiu 
v ho ness 

Iho t>iK bond and |,lttU* th)h« »ii*ppod 
forward. 1!« took olf ln*< hi:: bbitd, 

iv iira^juciuK ^ 

him t/i $v(*. lii m aotuolb-itig oluo to tin& 
but he rrsieived the answer, ‘‘.King the 
scales sod who,, finally he wont 

l'KUrW'^ruii. . MCJIHH- , " • 

* f I frort him he said, “Gb. uiy son ; you 

Some have u much higher opinion or i 0iuB mytblng." 

o-.waioiml tlum ol business life. I 

•I'Ucv seem to thir.k Uiat a minister, ! „ A ,* si no Hits who Tin h» Mb" 

slRw vor, or h pbyaiciaii must eYiipjoy.i tunok. ^ 

illilWent faculties, or employ the same , .p|j ero j, one pcvu-lisniy »>t niqaumr 
flicitltios in ft diflernit way. This is an . u i,V g ., rK *»B<ath,e.v ar/i-Jm' orally adapted 
‘‘ or The rcftsot, the imagination, t(i tlicy rtre; prone to *ing 

•L,l ,i,o memory nn.-emplqyed lh bnsl- I „„d many good tenors have beeo 

• ll ‘ ‘ . ' r.- f>l<» UQ Hill . . .. _ t Vll, CM'l (I 

Aim \ i * - r 

ft litifpilar unrouttoioiiR revolaviou or 
^fbat tho canon kubw mijfht not un- 

i and— thoro wai 1 'ndo /Po ! ; 

. I “ Dear frlemie, I piiVnu pit** Ui*nd to' 
, i diH^ulRO luyeolf, nfid «oe how ^MV n oi<iu> 
, my nepbow would Y.o wiih hln iloworM. 

|-Ho wae rarol»v**i eiiout* thl* fnl.Rn rnonhy, 
r j'bitt rootiilod It : atid i<> rewnrd hie bon * 

n i no «*a. ' .“i ’"v % 

,uU and professional ilfeln the same 
w*\— b.v analysis, by oAmparison. b;. 
tracing' efl'oeta from thoir cans,* ami 

^ . -i CI^mI.. n a1/«i at Itllf 

from their cllocte, calculating i 
nruhahiliiios, 'guarding ugalnsl perils, 
k ee ell,, ' d Increasing advantages. 

Iu former dmea ibsrc were bnt three . 
professions known ->» tho learned 

professions— law, medicine and di- 

vjnjtv. The teacher was looked noon 
With ’contempt', and iii« life naa looked 
US that of ft hireling. Hut now 
tho rj. are at bast sii wsll-deflnod and 
'acknowledged prpfewions, and several 
• other lines of actlfltv. Which Aspire to 
llic dignity of prO'losqiouH. * , 

• l : AlPn\^j* A N I > >< TLl’T T HK. 

1 would ad v iso ni> young man to 
onter'TTpon- the study of [laintiug or 
m ml T it t l TO wllhoin, n ingsk-dncideil.Aitii-;. 
evident gift and lovejorlt. • AJj^pUr..; 
iif l«sir pictures or of Jrcturos that will 
lint sell, lo not only a foor painter, but 

spooi-man ; seusitiye.broken-sjiirlU.d 
hair derangcsl with trouble, feeling 
rhsl lie is not appreciated; and when 
lie lias no other source of support ,1s- 
nendant upon tire charily of his friends 
to take his pictures, which. they do not 
want, to save hjui from the hiunibstion 
of asking or Accepting alms. 

Siinilnr remark* may be made on 

ICTIO. , Him s , . , , 

up, ,p ( ,, | by A conceit llval.jhcy could 
sing bass. 

lists to s-occrss in tii mm: I’lpii i;s- 
S I ON s. } 

wear run i-mu.mi 

reasonably be antinipatesl .from some 
Anglican write, -Syt-bat be should think 
U at all ' necsssftfy to give Mr. l.awry 
a, ,nh an assurance. It would hardly 
one,,,- to any Wosloyan miniate, ■ In 
tone QTti> ending a standard Wesleyan 
work on llieologv or ecclosiastinal prm- 
ciplea to a junior clergyman to aasuro 
|,jm that he might do so without fear 

«r. Jiftwrv x, ... 

rid .hardly | preach the Gospel to oT(jry creature 
nlnlater in said our Lord. Without doubt, the 
Wesleyan 1 condemnation of him -who has hoard 
fttiruil prin- 1 th'f’f ffoapol, •u'fi rejwt©(i it, Ih inlinltoly 
n to assure groster than that of any one to whom 
ilhoul f.uir the “good news '' haa never come, 
is theology 1 have aomelfmes thought thatbo one 

Tc these genera! remark* 
w.l! add U few- ai'gciiic rules (lei ived 

\ w 11 add Vi TOW •p^mio l ilies mu I>ru. 
Iron, ooiivoiwntioii with tho nicRt «rai- 
lioir KrtiRUi to whom I have liRd lh^ 
fortune, to be-introdocsl. 

Pirst It )■ a RRiipiiR, thoupli « *011 1 - 
moii error to aeloct. ,ui Inferior teacher 
I,, ivo instruction in the elemenu. 
lnfr-ior teachera often require leas 
(viinpoiiRRtioii Ihun IhoRO of a higher 
order., and It is thought by home por- 
Min, dial a taoeber a little (n, advance 
,,f the sobolar will suffice, for elc- 
m elite, "V inatruetlon. Hot the elements 
of an art Are omnipresent. They recur 
p,, . r T O r . y -»ooo*«dlng sWl'.a I hay .ex' 
bill'- vfiemaelves In the completed 
worl. and where performance, as ill 
1 thu s»ae ol Instrumental music, is 
visible »s w,, 'l lui su.di.blo, any luok 
of aocuraoy will diminish the etlect. 

ZZ' n.rtZ Hauq.ton iJlnr" i P^late^the u"’ 

vrmderffil estimate which . hurchmer, ; stead of doubt it is rest- t Is joy. It is 

: nit book, or the H agree on the bone of Immortality ! Did ra- re- 

SffirrtlK H. moat -jmtr’nat- allxa t\,i. in an v. adequate degree, 
wort n authority Canon Meyrtck surely we would not fall short so 

that if Mr I.nwrv woefully In our labors and our prayers, 

ba l m y n aiu' s U cso ui-VorZ he link tmw let nm tell. you of one of 

would Have ^ rtfned some really true tboae yraiti „g, longing souls, to whom 
«, d truatwortHV knowledge about the it was Tit V privilege, jrwr. and T*rs 
ibeolocv of liis iikii church. Uefproba- ago, to tell tue story of a Haviour S lot e. 
b v°beUov'« that its it had boon-read to There are manynlucli women In ( hlna. 
Inv con a kle rati Ui o xthti t bv Methodists J 1 believe their aio hundreds and thou • 
■ R would liave shaken our Counsut-lonal , sands who aro_ only .waHln^ to jVe 

III I K 1 1 b * rs 

All the nvoning the -great city was 
bright with lanterns. 

-Little Won, felt that be t 'lim'd not, 
wait until mnrning“W*Weo the other 
slghte, but Hko. Other mortal*, be was 
'obliged to wait'. I le was awake, though, 
by sunrise, am! found himself in s 
BabeL.of New Yeur's greeting*, while 
proaanta from one to the other in llio 
family circle were going almut nAtlltelc 
as swallows In spring-time. 

“ This is for you. Woo.’’ 

“<>li-h ! I’ncle To, how good i you 

Are!'' ' — i 

It was a cnijnlmr little ]i,»,'lj-trPO 

] Woo kindly gave iHiL bis last Mossoni; 

J so here Is a new tree, all coveted, with 
| blossoms.'' 

' “ Tlu'e.n cheers f I liev all slionted. 
W’lmt a 'nice New Year's day that 
was! I 'hurehmali. 

Batter thin 

IIIIO IS i tuu Uinoi »•> . 

acre going about od Illicit There was one. a fs>ort,isn. a. .men-, 
i uprine-timP. waftvor, who RRt «vory *1 av, from iVnrlii*H'| 

. von Wo,,/- ■ ilnwn, in tlin vvnrk«)iop nnnl Rt Yfnrljt;;' 

loln-To, Dow mmili YOU nxu\ w ho wrr ono who put. lii-* irunt i«i 

I | fiod, to pwfR RtrKy tho timri Dr won HI 

'iintiimr little ti^'li-lroo ' Ring •trm-nyT'liymn or.innorwni RonKa'-^ 

. ; a i )i n fnlf inr»HriA.t Anri hn hurt Rio cloa r 

Wfintfn to K1VB 1 L HI v«»w. .irnux ' ‘ , ' , • , Li .1 

though, and don't mix it will, your.-' vexittilm, a sing song of his neighbor ti e 
monoy, sod' carelessly pass, it.' ’ ; weaver. 114 ratloc oil how he col Id 

“Of course not,'' said Woo; “thM.- put so -aud to this annoyance. II lu 
... „,i 1 l,n dlshoneel '■ ■* '-■could' not forbid It; for -inging, like, 

" ..-j know you fool so, -tint you arc not..' IiW'ing and working, Is the right ol 

: i 1 aslant nvnrv mmi iii Mr own noilRP. wltli 

o^n/aftAreomnipr^cm. l Sious U- i gs tlmrod. into the fold of the Good 

8 ^fo k ■So.mTldl^ ! Sf Add' i; ^^Zt7tw'.ntv 7^' ago. mvAru’s. 

•■'I know you fool so, but you are noi.. luw'.'.'m 
used -to our wavs, end too might every man; M . his own bouse, with 
( tiaert • . • -r. •••• ' ‘wblcli no one can interfere, lls must. 

thoughtlessly pasiyn. .. i u...«n, far the 

" Of coTiran l 

of accuracy >■■■, r, — „ 

If mu design, then. In make tho put-- Meantimo 

of gsking . 

• Mill I Laal IOU4«< 

sculpture, though in tu.s country so 
few devote themselves t, it that it Is 
probable that not, a single reader m 
tills paper is isinte.tnplatlu.g U- ‘ the 
iciilptor, how-over,'' ua has. been 
facet iousl v, if not cyniittUy, said by 
;l oritic - , “'lias this advantage, il lie fails 
as n sculptor ho may^nak i a living as 
.it sibnp iHilior.” v 

ir tilU UMiiKH, tiiui*, 11 

mil of any one of those sru, aapeciaUi* 
mini.', vocal or iuatruuieuul, a lfc-. 
W o, s ui whatever cost ars- ure tjie best 
teacher from the lieginulug. 

Kccond. It is- of grave Importance Vo 
review tho primary basons frequently- 
Th* automatic element onVO« Iplo all 
nrt work. What is done at first pain - 
full-- and laboriously con aa at lust to 
lie done without eveil consclouanoaa, 
that in k oertaln hours the leas wo 
• hiiik of what wo are doing the naaror 
: perfection will bo the execution. ltjle 

fruit of some spproximatftRi, some I 
“ reuto ration of relations," toMso his hs 
own phrase. botweeiyWesleyan M.uho- in 
Jiaru aud. the Church o! l-.ngland. tb 
Meantime it is evident that CanobG til 
Movrlck hah never been at tho pains to XT 
read aitv WAleyan books of authority lb 
cither as to the thisilogy of 'our church ! m 
(ir tlio question of John Wesley’s re- ! ol 
lotions and those of Methodism, earlier e. 
and later, with the Church of Kngtaiul. ii 
Would it not bo a real charity if Mr. , m 
Wool oicf were t<> make a selection ol d 
Wosloyati, "book's for iho epliglitenmont w 
! of this chaplain or the lllshop- (if . ldn- v 

oolti and .ond them to him at Ids -Nor- q 
folk Ractorv? .. ff 

Hut, alas! for ( anon Mcyrick, arid a 

l ap honln — - 1- — -r — - - ksa o. — \ jx rl ypt . difi i l liL-Uia — I - t , l.fc 'i 1 ill 4 1 Ad ifikrinTnyn n? ' 7 " T) ) Ti "Wv irk . - 

Mors tlisn twenty years ago, myihus- tellyon how it was. ... 1 ,1 „ . i;,„'Zi-it-was cer- " 

a„d anti 1 w«ro trying U> eatabl/sh a W ! 0«>'(Wt into Aix* street t« Tihd ., »» r; hpi .d I List's wail?i M R insdV 

Udidl u.a day's work itself, aiay m. him. 

hand and 1 were Irving to eatabljfah s Woo tvqijt into Up 1 ' at 
mission in Hang-Cbow, 'tho-eapltAl of-^sySSltJJff,' where ho. cm 
the Cho K tang provlnoe. .Idst thorj. th'ing for a little boy at 
the war between tho Kn’gllsh and not seem to be a street, t.. . . , 

-Drench ami thp Chinese broke out, siPl hing play-ground, fille.1 with children | 
tlm native authorities, thfiugfi tliey had skipping, .lancing, playing, shouting ; . 
no' ili-wlll towards ua-- personally, for is not New "i ear s. the children s 
obliged ua to return to Ningpo, at they dav in Japan ? , ' 

coubi not be responsible for, our safely “ Hark.’, what Is that,? aflkislyWoo. -j- 

in time of war. With groat rcluntanc.c' Traveling along, his (1 

snd many regrets, wo took a sorrowful arms, ho heard a strat 
departure, feellngjliat our work there The sound Hosted down 
was a failure, and wondering what good kites In the form of wot 
would over com" of it. A few ac- or birds, or dragons, 
oiiaint'anccs and tinlid inquirers came ! bamboo Is Htr.etdhed a 

‘ . . .1 ...a.) aiminir «'*■ .>•>.) tliilt j w tllU IliAIK)' 

hn a Rtriet 1 thmiKh only n |‘Tho rfiorohant inqnircil how innrli tlint 

;oZpav-grnum“ — ■ »•*« '' 

, Ji" : 7,. ,,1« vimr shouting; was not a large «m named. 

for Ts mil New Y.!ar''s tlio children's ! Then the niafcl.apt said • lie would pay 
I.nao " I him a innnUrjs wages m advance, not 

“Hark! what Is tlirtt,?" for sl'ugiugr iudoe.1, but that -he slmiild 
Traveling along, his'nowek-pdfVhin henceflirtb^ing im more, but keep u 
arms, ho hoard a strange humming ! j strict silence. And lie laid down the 
The Round lloatoil down from n host of monoy hoforo Inin. 
kitZin 'the f.irin of women, or soldiers, The weavsY i nougiu m IdmaelMt 
K m r! . m- dfairo is \ thin strip of c could not possibly be-easisr ; so he took 
bamboo’ Is strStcfhnd across tho iiW tbo mousy and promised that hsjvoiild 

perfection will l.o the exec non u s . ' ftKPSlloI1 , Mr . Lawrv .has 

by reviewing and prayl mb iW .1° uiatjm read the lectures 

automatic .machinery "f «' - r W'igo loon after they were pitb- 

’ lioriKus sTSte'm la cimatsl u> .» lisbed ''and refers him also to on sr- 

propbr grooves an. (•lianm)V ^ t | S Z i'„ the London quarterly Review 

son well reviewed >*,*• , 1 *., i b.i neriod. ill which the errors Ami 

' liSlllia." - r, - 

to' say good bye. sn.l among those, was 
a woman named Mrs. So. she was the 

or inrun, ,• 4 , V -. ,, 

lnunboo Ir Htr.6Wlio«l aoroew tlio kiu\ 
mid that is tlio pinno-rhord thnt^Mio 

RWOmmi Iimmuu dim. *■»**. 

wife Tif rC tailor, *n<1 wm Im.fiMy rjr- 
I .foil drfiwn u> li^r from 

i’ll uini.n 1 1» J , ’ 

,the tir*t ; »ho wbr so pontlo and >»n>K'- 

Miihi-, as n profoRslur. , Ir f^RRyod hv H on well u * ri °Y \wt^l mid loft to of that podod, in which tho errore And 
iirtnat multitude of »K)th soxor.i It loesons preph^ed, j €H ito*I nml miBCon.ooptionH of C|io«o hvturoK lire 

.. t fivt Honuuvv mlsnnder-l tiinir fate. htriotlydenU with. Mr. La wry bJro 

.mourn; sm. 

Collate and 1 soon found that alm-was 
entirely dissatisfied with tljelr native 
religions, and was longing, for some- 
mint- bsitor. It wa« delightful to teach 

:i greai muiviiunn m .h.... -■ - - 

lo be regrclte<1 tl,at so msiiy inisunder- 
■ stand the roquirtttiienla of ibis vocn- 
;.ioti. Music is a solution of the most 

1.1011. diunic if' •* ns »w.. - ■■ ' * * * . 

liitric.ui. clmracu-r. 1: is donbtful if : („ - in n ic uvuri ; di , sverv 

matbcmaljos itself tax* the human ■ every instlv 

'''Third.” The critical- spirit must be 
developed, lu painting every color. 
■ *■- snuiiii, In sculpture 

i renpioiiM, Him v.; - > j 

! tisi.ip. hatter It wa« delightful tb tonoh 

Sr?cUrru n wiVh. l '‘Mr. ‘i!»wrF4- : Com^a! for her)m,ulr- '. “ 

besido me, when she said,- " 1 would , u 1 .can sell abmo CTalt buy a toy - hi(i h ^ d .. wwt w.auy with lying swak- 

wind thrums trpnn. - , ' | 

"What a lot of kites!" said Moo. | 
“ Rut who Is this ? What are i/ou ] 

doing?" ■ -,, ' 

• > i-nui trviug to sel'l these kites. 

It was a flttlc fellow With iCpinched ; 
-face, who had tliiiee kittw, in tho form 
of lithes’, that ho wanted to. sell. , 

»• NTrihndy '^V fintB to Vill VV ’-Irt) Hfti/1, 

INHJIU lll»l |niooi Ul j ■em» i , • ■■■ 

the money and promisiMi 1 1 j • t he would 
1* m itll J fifl u dnoiiMO i n l)i« workaliop. 
\Vhen he ict»t |io;ne with liie money ho 
(vmnKvl It out fill) of'joy; nnd they 
\vero mil Rood now /* line more monoy 
that) he lied evor pfmiaoosi* I Rt on^e In 
IiJh life iiefore. In -tlm evening hefor*» 
)j'^ VrenLjo HU*ep, lie yD/e»l at hie -treni- . 
lm'i^iwYomrly nn hour, and At nfpht ho 

U , 11 Ml I P ni , jr .... i...... , "Tl- - - 

1 pu-r it under Iris .pil’oA-, lest a tluei 
n- vrfhouhl steal any .J P'. At tnidnigbl he' 

iimlliomaiipH itself taxes me unman > every eiovn... w o, "7," r jC 

intellect more than fhe H»il»nce ol uneauient, most 

im.s e, if it be carriel to Its highest M unsparingly, /m 1 

pcrlection. To be a perform!* upon- (, upi l ninre sever . lf d qi”* S » or 1 LiOJal in nut.iio — unlesR upon tlmt of hiw .-ompotttiYr^. 1 uia uriuo* 

periiM'uun. iv* * 

an v instrument- id putlio— uniesH upon 
oho «»f tho HulKirdimUo VnatnunentR in 
an .oryhostru—nml to Ruccoe^ thoroim 
denmndw inftny voars llm niost ripd 
pnvti'M* -v»iiirH in wlii.dt tho portornvor 

will h« Hubioctotl to rmnorsoloes critl- 

• iRin.hv thoee wl.ojirO in'n po«ition t*» 
Tendo^ iiuthoriUtivoly t without , tho 
UnowrlpilKO or tH«to t«» <lo it- instlv. A 
' linisic, toiiohor who oxjwta to make a 
living, or anything moro thiiti a living, 
hy uuirhinp; pupilw, fhpuld H,n°' v that 
"it iH the most ImraHsin^ Drain, nerve 
and iiGurt- frying work which any one 
evOr underibok - to »lo. To ^o front 
house, to house To Urn*'!! ehildreirwho 

that of his .-ouipotUors. l.hi« untie* i 
spirit uuist be uppliwl to. thy work of 
the master or infitrm'lor. Mime emi- 
nent teachers are to be regretted as the 
Pharisees, ■ wU-os'e doctrines -were Due, 
but Wiinse pro^tco w-.s lib in barmonx 

^tefcSsSg^^hnuld be 

.avoided,^ blit' evevx "S'llorl ■MuiitldJ.e 
made to *ee and hear the ls-i. 

Fifth. Knlbusiaam should In .uni 
tivated by reading Ihf llvwi H1 ’J 1 
methods of those In ancient aud mod- 
orn times most ouiiueut in th6 ehosmi 

|,r Ste all high- arts make s.m.-i.l 

wlmnloWnw* at oiioc. l.-AJioiv Meyrick I quito ;; imppRBiblo for mo .to mnawer. 
uml iho Hampton Lecturer under | One day I wag til, and she was sitting 
whose authorin' lie would liav.Ptaken 1 besido me, when she said,- 1 would 
refuce in adds some just to like to ask you t wo queations. When I 
fbb raVAi“:>« .between' tlio VVosleyan 1 get lb .heaven, w! 1 meet my anceeu.r.s 
J?i ldi rrli anii tho (iiruroh of ICn|»l*riv1, tiiofo, Rnd ntv little children wlto dleji 
whb'li it would tie woll for Canon Mev- years, ago ? bhe presently added 
riZ awav in Ids spcludffd Norfolk •• You know, my ancestor, never heard 
.amldt where lt'is evident ho lives. In '! of.feaua, but; will he not save .them 
iirnorance of the Christian world at ! notwithstanding? I need not repeat 
to lav to heart. Mr. l.jfW.ry nleb ! ali i said. You wil undeaaUud how 
,.r«r« t,i send the esn.m Wesley's | glnrl 1 waste bo able, lo tell her with 
ZZns and Noti on the N ew Teela- fonlblonc that 1 did not douirt she 

noruiuiin mu I . • 11. 3. .4.. .laKi‘ i'l)l ilrAtl 

ir r.wi seT 1 Some, 1. (Van buy It W»r Tnr 

When I : niv granny nveTdhoro ' _ 

nceetor.s “ Poor fellow !" 'esid \V oo, pityinglj , 
“ Pll'htry of you. Mid don't you want 
some Uo'wors’ ? . Here km two for you, 
and. tveo for your granny; Now for Uis 
kitOH. llow much'.’" lihsAkod. 

| VMM icvi*«»*v • X" 1 J ‘ 

I'll bnv of you. A-'tpl don’t you want 

" "• 

bin lifted wan woary with lyini? awaUu 
Ro\rixiouwly^lii¥»h*m«iH wore* h«*aw and 
Jury, and rjnfuRAd tli»‘ir uhiial *«*rvl'T4 
Ah, iuj,d ho linr^i n<*\ wing ! 'T'im* 
|>*a*o<l rtfvav nlnwly mid UMJiou*!}'. 
thttl In' W>ul<l Hcar^yly ondnro tlio diiv. 

^'The kUe ffi^rchant iiau!ed^kjk '’pricer Mesiiwlffi {' • I m ttva'iiM 

A 7r n T^ i 

While 1 simi ; fur Hie man who sU«,d at eight 

J 0 , - u Soraud'NotZuhHm'Ne; ^-^Ziuouc” VhaV“r;iid notMo^t she j w^-ori ' “ sl^th'^^G 

p rior i « r 1T , A ,,f • dir«ctiifc his atUAiition oRpooUdlv | would moot her doiir little- ■ children, i of little clnl ; , .,,i,iHh« nontvwari 'Hiiitikm,” Jio Raid,. “horn you U*vo your 

eveB i-lb-m *b.i«l.l J.e ho might bo 1 n ,„j ,-ejnioe with them in the presence .but an itnmei «? «»«V “^XSSr’oSS pnioy b.qk again ; it is ».1>11 -piril. 

,d bear the lx- . something of Wesley's „f our Lord. Nhurily afu.r. we l.ft hl ? gnr than th. head . It mmi. '■ / d „^ , Hll al)owL m ,,\o sleep 

usiasm sbou'hl ho cul-u- "bio I K | ' 1 Isng-Cliovt, tlio long-haired rebels tlnnk of s pumpkin stink out. ■ uietN," And before tbe,,n.ercbani 

•adlng the lives and Uj L‘Z K abb^aod^ ^conclusive leMcr arid A raptured the city.- Mrs. 'Hu aud her nut. , T . 1.1 would cmihi & v*..r .1 iu repUft t^ 

lose ill ancient aud moil- //'"*. |, no ks Canon Mcyrick, i fsmllv .wcapod ; but for several years the children,- which, •'*' '• w , , w '„h ali-Ha^W"R* i '- , o tiled, \p/ am! - 
mt oiiiinent in th6 ehoseil ^ , i;lioUu,g 11^! ‘ we entlrely™6*t sight of them. At P r :?^ZZ,Z B , VZ', l .laime.l Woo, aud ; Lg with a riW. foil i --ic. . , 

„ arts mako'si'eoisl ! ZK.^'.n a ear, and discredits- ! ' ZXSh’i.Slr!Z"king , " A f,.,V ’ . 

IJUimtJV.' ; AIIW, ..TJIT/.V- . 

« ‘on hi' HiiWa wnrd uj roph 
war alroatiy^niuido tin* d 
iiiK with »t ''rhin', full \ « > i « • 
" a fr*>li mill iWi y 1"'“ 1 - 
I tJix.i;i‘trn wvi j_H n-; 


TrllJcum, T -itHr 

nVftd.o to praoticOTn tT/1* aliwice *>f the , he»Uh. L^t, * r u " h follow 

teacher sufflciently u> make iuiy„ ml-- n | r life, »i« > ,' 4 ’ H ' 

viuiceigont, ami then to ho-iiocussfl by | the piy.fwrtlou of ,ui» ; , or 

the parents of iiicompetency becuusp I 1 am not » * , ■ honor of 

the unwilling pupils do mil. ninkfi a mnslelan. but 1 . '* ‘ r0 . )reMuUl - 

progross, is hard to endure. Hut there i being acqnalnte. . ,, r ofo«aious, 
is something hariler..tlian that. It m , Uf« > nen “ nl Zv»tion «m) by 

the impact upon the drum of the oai, I and from lw , lieod Uio hiiiU 

and unon all tho sensit ive 'organs, j f : inquiry. -1 J 1 ®‘V, .SSim to «uch 

oxeriH « ,.r, .... •• t,*,,. . t ha common i«in.™n ■>»•• mois, »..•* , 

.sire should be taken ol he pb van si e btf»rwa r dheas. demanded at-lns trine a. that be was teaching sn.l who 

health. Rest, sleep, regularity . OT^u r * * „ ut if he thought In this isay taught her children U) kneel down, and 
air life, are noc.<v--ary to such ils foil rule oil end eftect a mean retreat. -lie pray to an utisesn Gad. dt proved b> 

the probation of oio.sic, . ! ‘ 4 mlatako in His expectation, homy dear old Hang-t how friend, - 

1 am not a psintor. a sculptor, ' . unlike tb* canon and chap- Mrs. Su, 

--. i-i.... I,,., l havo the honor of Mr. i,awr>,_ . .. i... Through all tht|eO weary years .of 

sorrow and much tronble. during 

“Won’t you have a flower ?" sal.) 
'Woo to tlio'masquera.lor. 

The mail, In Ills jirofound gratituuu, 
bowed so low that Woo. Uiought lie 
would hit the ground -ith his nose, 
end Woo gave a delighlod scream. 

“ Now I must maUo all tbe |ieoplo 

.... , w. 

is so lll.ll ill It g iimuci ..iiiBii - - - t 

the impact upon tho drum of th" oar, 
and upon all tho sensiti ve organ s, of _ 
the sounds of all the old jilanos minor 
the ovorlaHllng iteration of scales, 
which in itHolf has been enough to 
drive hoveral music tencberS into 
lunacy, -"tie 'distinguished teacher 
hover- u 11 o\vh his to bo opened 
sin his lioiiue, .and spends nearly two 
months every’ year in the depth* ol the 
primeval forest, that his nervouasysteui 

biiir mivsr 'for gets that he is a gentle- Through .11 th«!U weary years of and Woo gave . .oe “^1? ^Pl« 

onnon's post card oommuniaftiOu he iiJplaVers, she bad kept the "''d' “ o 'Tn vavo a UowerTo s msn exliibl- 

tiVe men lu Umeo throe prof®**)ou*, * ^ H11( i ritBcourtemia •vwiion. whioli time aho hnd never aeon b 

and from them, by observation and j H.TsxpreasoH his aHtopIshment at Tiny Christian, and was surrouuded by 
■(iiqulrv, 1 have deducsl tho hiuU t ,.* rd oo,miiuni«fti<Yn, he i^pls^rs, she had kept the .faith, and 

whloh this letter suggests ^ Ui such ^ j 'from him an acknowledge- was still “. dinging to Jobuh . I be- 
veling persons as propose to devote Hrror ju having “ unwil- Rove klis been ever since a faithftil, 

tliomselvee to these professions. N liuglv damaged tho theological r()pitta- earneet Christian. - 

York Christian Advocate. J- > rellgiovi* aomniunity,’’ and hn i could tell you of many other . sees, 

expresses lilssanse of the diacourtwy somewhat almilsr, but will only say In 

A PaniMi’-ln the stocks of his " can reply.” To this letter the conolv*lm> tliat 1 tUlixlt, as a rule, the 

A Canon in .thfi btochS, . . of his by , k ,, 0 st oard; woqleu of China aro more a.x-osalhloTd 

. . , , •• l refer von for tiib further disc.uaaioh tbo Roapel .tliap the men ; hut that the 

... 1/ xiu«r ck U a bmiefVnoii , i r«ier > i.„.i i-'n.,,.,,, 1 irrixat rh Ik L^murnl v 

idpUtorR* Rim h»d kept tho ,fRith fc nud 
was atlll ".dinging to Jobuh!" I be- 
lieve klis been ever since a faithful, 
ottriiowt ChriRtltu. ' 

H uiumuui . . .. , 

So h(*K avo llowerTo r man oxJiim- 
tiug half a dozen .'little mice. Ho then 

Tlio < j went Ion Ih « * I ■ •s|>< v l how 

nliall ^i«t tho nifiRsosvt .» nrKnnl p 1 1 1.» 1 n *. 
wpr*hi[>s Tlio'unRv.- v nmy Im'^ppHo ) 
hv iv n in<*idoni“oi’ niv i^*ylioo<l. <v>n tin* 
niuntol-Rholf of in v ofoiidfnoUior'R'l^t 
t>*rlor, uoaonp; otiiM - imirvolR, whh ihi 
R ppljO.'in u hotU“. It <j'uiUJ filled up tlnrs^ 
TRTdy ol tho botilw, i*ii 1 my wondcrlmr 
inipilry wiui r “H^w i’ c<ml«l huvo boon 
Koi Into ito jihw’O?’’ Hy Htoalth 1 
rllnibod u ohkir to r«‘H if the lioptout 
woiild iiUHcrow, or if thorp lnul tkM*n n 

won t to 1 1 1 e t o v ill.' r C 1 1 n „ t ' s store, made j j^Vnt In ^gi2a th.ouglffiUt lb., IWigOI 
l f cm, Id m i vouof many oilier cases, a purchase, and started for home. Meet- 6f tbn-plusl. 1 was satislle.1 by obscr- 
! could tell yo oi rn y i I11Blt i e i Bn ho.gavoliliu a posy vwtion .Xiiat neUber "i tlicac tlioorms 

A Canon 'in .the Stocks, ltav. !>'• Mcyrick la a Uoiietlned 

H DUrUIllMHU, w.. .... 

lug a magician, ho .gavodiim a posy 
alsb. , 

11c now had one blosaoni left on hi* 
dwarf peach. As ho wils going to his 

. . ‘ I lull HI 1 - 

‘Hitriipo II It) W VUHUO Wlb.' 

know enough to liogiii-U) tone!), untl as 
they aro able to delight thoir .ttdmir.iUB 
IrlomlH tho teiudior often . UimIh thOHO 
whom he knows to bo.lnoompotont to 

i . .. mltll I 111 

a* until J1U luiunn *** 1-; Y * 

loH(»h winpoUng with him 

Ht rodiioeu rntes for Hioho wlio would 

thlmri* uro but uml h J^ly mid of good 
re pori. Tie reputes himself also to 

belong to lb 3 •* apostolic Ruccossloii. 
Of all men we could not but okpact 
. that such a 

mr. I.»wr)' TTIUUT - I’ , ■ | l 

once in one final lottor, keeping Ills 
dignity m)d t^mp'or to the 1 *kI. “ Rev. 

and Dear Htr : 1 beg to say, 111 reply to 
vour lost, that ut present I have noth- 
ing t<> .lo with CauQtr- Curtels. llis 

l.ife.—Oospel In All Lands. 

SrligiottS JjtttfUiflenff. 

tlint. such a dignitary . InUcbucoptions were dealt with many 

at reduced rates for those who woum church, iu by 1 'Z .Vf ,v i't, r inuii. voars ago. You have pul, llcly made a 

lmturallv without Hitcli noinpi titlon be BU “ 1, .^ n 1,10 l!lj ? wotild never fail bv wtaUiinout (mnoerning A euleymi teaoh- 

iiiiiong Mr irntronn. H i» wild that tho genUemwjlg .un * ^ ^ ing which i have Hhofn t° bo eon-' 

Ron of n wealtliv mm without miy it in eo \ i fttiiyr hiR (n » . . ,« { . trary to fae.t, mid which I therefore <mi 

luiiHical civpacity went o\*or t* Lurope, dor, to-Hbow , llt i oumn () f not allow to p*rr without correction, 

nml hu3Ki Rooming a very cole- equal of . ll, ^KmKSt And. after u few more wordy of retnou- 
hriuod. teiudier who cini not know hiH the world. ^ 0 'l ir A lu ,ii(Jn elerkruien Rtrunce, v lie wariiw hla oorroypondoiit 

pupil understood a single word «. w'K 

German. Tlio boy, linvowr, un.lmj a m na\ , r() „ei-miH breeding silence, 

Stood . u little of it, and wrot • borne «,) * 1 K n " -JSw d<»crtbod. We have lo V>ubl 
lii* lather that bo had found an excelr as w ) luirrojyjiess, , { - Kn . n 
; Hint teacher, but he wbr a very strange often fr HiiupUcltv and iguo- way, ai 
man, and must havo somotl lug heavy often *“K® clergymen, hut when been a 

upon bis , conscience, lor wliile he was ranee, Ii ■ |() fK06 W|tb them V<> * d “’ 

practicing Ills toacher did imthing but . wu 'el.loui round thein’othor than )l»ucli 
walk up and down! sail wring Ids' vffiv -^«mitle«ien. A cie<Tit < 

.hands and say, “W iu have 1 ,dWte. 51. n , M , rr espondenee between t |l “ u f 

to duservo tills pu aismnont? My P |n, 'y the Rev. \V. C. himsel 

advice, therefore, to i li Hioho who are Can On Mny > „ubllshed hist week', respon 
.thinking about stml „,g music, with " 1 ‘’ 1 ZZ>» os to'tl.e ' ^ 

roioromiQ- to u profchsionul cJiroer, /^ 0 a, u ior tho gentleman 11- — Ih 

whether as performer; upon musical lairn ' Mevrick, to say notldng are agi 
instruments or os tekdioiH, Is, IihIchh nonai of t.rtii j-q ir istian virtues and Methoi 

you are convinced tjuv ypu possess about such hlgl ... . , p , H chaplain and<- leyans 
both the aptitude and the a P |.flcat <m « r f 0 e 0 B c ft-SS? Mth® «!«"• , 

npceHsary, do not atteupl it. Hut If th f,°”Z 1 \Vnvrlck bus lately published nation 
you do P^ess the net^ary quallilca- 1 Canon Mcy rick na» » 

our iixperionoo of Anglican olergywten 

‘fsru «rswa xASt s&sbs x-x s’-ii»»'«=pB 

ttle of It! and wrote home U signs of R«ntU‘. 11 " ™ « to publish the wlmle correspondence., 

that ho lu.a leiiit.l an oxetdi us we have new •* “"f.liU a rrownwH Gsnrm Mevrick, formerly, by tho 

er but he wiu. ;i vary strange often found WKiles a _ . Ijiho- w : ny, Un ■ inspector of huIkkiIm, lias not 

must havo sonietl ing heavy often Ingenious ll ut when been able to humble himself so far as 

conscience, lor wli ibt he was ranee, in eountn i lergV . b' 1 ^ U|ui)i m-'admlt a domimstrated error, llow 

? and 'down, «*!. 'wriff bt vE have sffiJloS. ffiun,Ltb.uZtbor than gU “ '‘o^umlRaUm. 

, v'™ 1 | ll .v l li A honest and kindly «««' *'«■ hail tho burning '.TtScreilit, done t„ 

VK -12k pu||istunent?'' My e.ndy 

—I’lymouth Church, Minnoapolis, 
contributed in one year to benevolent 

COIliriuiiws* j jllH.inu,. - . 

objoota fdl,', r ,7. A few yours agp It was i,i M arum.- First be mnpt nml tbo little 
11 mission church. Homo mission kju , m „rclinnt. Aloe! he was gone, 
work pays. Had Woo .•heated the toy merchant, 

The Sunday-school uripy of the though? Ilo muHt,go to his sto».- I 

. . a i •? a, in nun uoli.,1. ■ imol hiihhllli tlioro. -,A llllK) 

I will carry you." - 

Woo hr roamed and ran home. Hut 
w’hon ho got.thoro he missed tho bright 
lutklftl ! 

’ “ t), .)esr me! 1 have cheated souie; I shall get him into trouble ! 

Woo was very honest. Hack ho ran, 
his dwarf tree, without a -blossom, In 
his arum.- First he in opt tind tho little 
kite merchant. Alas! he was gone. 
1 1 - .., i \v,„> cheated the toy merchant. 

J*MIIk III L. 1 X. .. 

6f tho-phinl. 1 wuh HHtiHliml by oDRor- 
vRtiou ( J.hrtl noitlnn: of thowo tlionriert 
oouhl bo wupporttul; itiid th« upplo r«- 
mftlniwi to%inian.oiiiKn»n nml u uiyHi^ry, 
Hilt ns ii wuH null ol ' I ml other wonder, 
tho H'Hijvo of the N 

" MHui'tnKf.r. " my-), ry rKninin* ’ 

ho wae it ^ iilhnig in the gariion 

1 r* w H pill-. on a tree banring. 

witiTliflt h tiny H'ppIo,.wirkTi,w»i« grow- 
ing within tin* rryRtivl ; now I 
nil; tlio apple w:im put into tho.holtlo 
while it wiuh 1 Ittlo, and it grow thtirc. 
j ti h L ho muni wo raf-'li tho 1 ittlo nion 
aiui wiihkiu who hwarin* our Htx*H*v> 
i wo call thorn hoyo Hiid glrl^-^-aiwJ’intto- 
<1 uro thorn within tho nilluenoo of tho 
I rfiuruh, for alan! it is lund indeed t > 

1 roach ihofn w l id u tlp'.v havo riponod 
i intocaroh'R^noRH and h i ri. — Spurgeoy. 

world ouiliraoen about n,4U0,(HH) yoliol- 
urw, and *1,000,000 oflloorH and twai-hora, 
or iVgrami total of iibout 1.1,000,000. 
—The Bishop!’ of Pnrip intendH tp 

i ii i ii.. ..i !n» n.iOiiulpul lit Iii* nrn. 

thQUgh v no nuiHi.Ko mu s.w 

lound s groat liubbpb there. - A little 
follow was crying, ail old woman was 
Hobbing, tlie toy ujprcliant was rod in 

l’ericles was dii.-.o abused « 1 d . • - • 

\ vidiile disctiargli/g his duties as one ,;i 
the judges of At'h'miH. llis enemy 
i .. a .... . >i.i r.illownd 

biiTlil a lloatlPK 

polled by steam, and to be used Slor. Furdp Z 

itomisl. services on the Kiv.r A,„,W.- ftlt .luty csp of the New- York police. 

* - - « « -••.you rascal!” ho Haiti to tho little 

Robbing, the vov n.U'rcnani wa« •** urn 11 ^ ■ ■ 

the faae with anger, and thoro wan -tha Hpared no term ot a * ise, uml 
.lfe.;W.oll<! ; The latUn- wore a lAm . up ffil.Uy walk K 

ilnMinfurfioliceinan! l.Jie mvwr wiu nun oj» * 

froRk-cnat, -pants trlnlmed^wUlr yellow , ) i,. m ie with him, Mill r 1 

a round F'l.ropoau ca,T7 Wo the him. 1‘erieU n.iYor repUpd- A< lasL oi "i" " . w (’ himself nml ins enuren. m >unoo-. u - 

Zr^w^cbwep'uidlsi;' reapondence ^thla.-The Watchman. 

Is likely uc.raiBC J|ueCmna ,m/o/m _ Thfl Me thodists of New /ealand 
fairness, the oandor, tin g .. r „ ..mooing for a fusion of the various 

— l)r. lisrpor, the famous misslouarv, 
says the population of China Ih actually 
decreasing, owing to the opium curse, 
lie estimates the populatlpn hJ, .'100,- 

—The Now Testament has boon 
translated. into Clienyenya by the.mis- 

ss it was ilar k wlnur tbtiy'flflff^bO'i the 
home ol'tlie old ' judge lie wnlerod a 

••You rascal!” he said to i no lime home oi me otu .i.uo 

l.ov “vou tried to pass a bad piece of servant td lake a im.-li and l«« 
1 -’• - I,, ...II, Him'll Would not 

unniey on tho toy merchant!" 

“l>, sir, I came from the country. < 
did not know what you used here." , 
“ And il is all so,” said the old lady. ] 
ll ne is in v grandson, and I know." 

• •Tut, tut! you miiHt go to prison, 
said the policeman. . 

“Booh-ooh!'' sobbed tl\o boy. Booh- 

runs uni i” 

man bom". SaTiial Hpiril would not 
JiuYtour ClipiRtiau charautorn. 

—There is many it thing which tlic 
world calls disappointment; but there 
in no Hindi thing ii* the diclibiittry of** 
faith. What to others are disappoint- 
ments ure to believers intimations of 

habitants of British Uulnoa. 

/ , ,'ij ,i,o Am , v meats arc to believers tail 

^^^gpiedto think I the will of Uo.L— NTwton. 




’ J 

* ' 5 

Orleans f taMan jUreate. 

limiting j, tSS 4 . 

(fkristi.TB '#dvoratf. 

A Hotel or a Church-Which? Address of the Publishing Committee. 

Ttut 11 he that loveth not IiIh that they will extend tb the people Wefe ordered' of the Lord, as every 
brother whom he hath Been, how the opportunity to gather every In- gocjd mhn’s eteps are ordered of the 
can he love Gorf, whom he hath not formation on a i ^l^t Lord," etc. Then same the appoint. 

oool , on Vnt ♦hat we nr© to approve tr©rti fell dons importance as the one . , 

nr^on n i ve at whaUfl wrong, even i n now before the htfuse. Will the mente, many of which gave supreme 
a hrother Do as Cbrlnt did. He American representatives here, air, satisfaction to the happy appbintpcs, 

“ UKIII1C1. „ , - of «a,ml« liin vintit # 1 . I • « l'x ,, 

OitAAjr m tub Lon»u>r*,Ni!»!Mim Awn 
Iten lfcMTMtrri Oonnfcr.wc** or 
•nm Mrwonunr RMhoopai. 
CWl-BCH, »OrTH. 

OHAJJ B 0 ALLOW AY, D. D., Editor. 

CorrMHillBC Editor* * . v 

Ear. T. A 8. Aoi.vtu. R‘«v» J - T. Sawyer. 

r*t. W. L. O. HumticrTT. 


At the recent annual meeting of The pu 
Plymouth Cliijrfeh Henry , Ward the patrol 
Beecher delivered ail address, whicli the office 
has awakenedihuch comment. Our Chkihtia 
wide-awake Brother nf the, North- street, Dec 
Western Christian TWVocate makes the condit 
it the text of a capital and timely paper, ami 
leader. We quote Mr. Beecher’s necessary 
words: ^nce was 

The publishing Committee from 
the patronising Conferences met at 
the office «j)f the Nuw Om.KANS 
ChkihtianJAhvocAtk, 11- Camp, 
street, December 2 ii;ifiM„to look Into 
the condition and prospects of the 
paper, and to transact any business 
necessary to Its success. The attend- 
ance was full, aud all were much 

did not approve the fiery zeal of deny to millions of people the right some of which were received' in the 
John, nor the unbelief of Thomas, to be heard on this Imphrtinj. ones- 8 p| r | t 0 f c L>eerful obedience, and n 

£f’ « ?°' :X ' """ few of wert received l|. m.i.h 

cowardice of all'hls disciples, when 
they •* forsook him and lied.” He 

I hope we will not be denied the 
simple right of havlug a ccmmlttbe 
on the subject. It does not neces- 

few of which received lp much 

The effective, force-of the Itinerant 
ranks was strengthened by the ad- 

First Sabbath in January. 

words : ance was full, aud all were mucn ‘tttVT “ 

gratified to find Everything so well them notwithstanding lif 

I must confess that Plymouth managed by the capable, enterprising we no t have a hurt feejing without a 
Church has become rather a spiritual flnd 8U0ce kaful publishers. The office hateful feeling? 

hotel than a church. People come . everything' in its place, To keep good our capital we must 

hprfl t,n hfi filled, anti mo away again well K p » y. • hnoromi fnrhpnr Til fl'prpn nf views 

sarlly follow we are to have a pro- J 

Jjlbltory law because of the raising oT mission nto the Conference of seven 

uch a committee. Not at all, sir. ' memberf ou trial, two by readmis- 

We want Information. Wewant to B i on a gy one by transfer. 

hotel than a church. People come 

know what It costs this government 
because of thlB evil of Intemperance. 

We had the pliasure of visits to 

here to be filled, and go away again is well kept, y * bear and forbear. Difference of views We state that It costs more than the our Besston by Bros. J. . C l, of 

resolu- without any thoughts of housekeep- the books aud accounts so w po wg m ust expect. All are not cast In taxes which would be required to the Louisville Conference, C. I).- 

Ing. I, recognize with sympathy the ed t ba t no delay was necessary' In the game mould ; we do not all look educate every man, woman and Oliver, G. R. Lynch, Amos Whlte- 

We quote below the sepmd 

■ ■ ■ n • ra ( *■ ■ . .1 ^ •> buo oniuo luuuiit | ” " - 

tion adopted bv the. Committee op allusion that lias been made to tne an y information needed 'by at things from the same standpoint. 

' • • ^ reirffivsiorord-mcmberar My • audl- «« |n jl tee . 3 J YetKearts may agree vVhsre TbeadB 

the Centenary of American Method- e U ce has come to be a strange one. the conimltt . , ... differ. Paul’s exhortation. .has its 

There Is little church feeling in the / The paper is neatly printed on J- 

\ T , , . ■ . „„ ml &„ed There Is little church feeling in me , The paper is neati „ . 

\ ism. Let the dhtejie rememtiwea, conRrf , KB iUon, though there is plenty paper and promptly Issued 

Nfcnd the day appropriately observed, “^.^‘ymoreks^e is going by generally reaching its readers in ad 
i. .. . .-I u i — ........ ,u..* t .....u nnwsr In tlie vance of any of our < 

lanff I 
us-to- stl 

vliite and black, in this broad 
I belieVe itwlll -he better for 

May a PentecoBtftl blessing rest upon that I was losiifg nly power in the 
- .Church, and tbit my usefulness was 

the first Sabbath of centenary year, gpeedily giving out. You see I could 

not help thinking of what was to be- 
am! be repeated every day during C0Tn( . n f j)]y mouth Church if I should 

, • . r j 1 I It. . I.n nnnlrnn A t Cl Cl 

fully persuaded 4n bis own mind. n liquor traffic which is carried on at wi* >»<"»# 

power and glory : * ' 

‘‘^(■so’vrd, Tliat tlie first Sabbath, 
in January, 18M, beobserved through- 
out the church' as a day of devout 
prayer for the Divine blessing to rest 
upon the Centenary services of the 
year; and for h general revival of re- 

feeling. 1 have e „ enera |jy reac |]|ng Its readers in ad- joy your opinion, but don’t be “ out” as 
-easnTtie is going y . f our church papers, with your neighbor because he can’t It 1 b better for us to do so than to 

..rfiTTily power In the vance or any ot pur ' enure ip Bee as you do “Let every one be stand up here in the interest of the 

h$t my usefulness was During the year the old Curry en- full voided -in his own mind.” liq 

Ig out. ’i ou see I coulci glne haB been supplanted by a new There * muBt be a readiness to forgive, thi 

k should and more convenient gas engine. “ To err is human.” If you are in (A 

Uhhn be snoken of as The paperis out of debt, credit first- the right you can afford .to be mag- th: 

at 'was *. 6 I often ^ rate.^d is self-sustaining. ToSCa lef 

,e it more cohesive be- The paper^vas projected more than rea( n^ es J to.aBk forgiveness. Frauk- 
,e ' thirty years ago by wise and good ly to acknowledge a mistake is slm- 

andertone of sadness in men of three States, Louisiana Mis- ijywing 

that muBt have been Bisslppi and Arkansas, Who, study- wronge(i another, ^nd to ask forgive- . 

admiring friends. But iug the interests of Methodism in nesB, carries with it the obligation to T y 

. . . I 11 ] 1 Jl.. n.nmlnn noli AIT r 1 .. .. A lltil/. nnnnhntilnri on KaFVi * 4 

In the interest of peace and of right, 
as well as in the interest of mercy. 

it things from the same standpoint. chiH^hUe and black, in ttais nroau hurst' ^f t be North Alabama Confer- 
Yet hearts may agree where heads .Janff. I belieVe it w.Ul -be b«tter-for — -m -«t- -Rivn ftiig -nethe St Louts 
differ. Paul’s exhortatlou. Jhas its us-to- stand up in the interest of ence, I,. M. BouflJB/rn . ula 

place. “Hast thou, faith? Have it humarrttji, in the interest of echools, Conference, D. 0. Kelley, L. I), 
to thyself before God .' 1 Guletly en- In the Interest of peace and of right, ralmer.of theTei nesseeCOhference, 
joy your opinion, but don’t be “out ’ 1 as well as in the interest of mercy, q q g m i tb j e. Evans, Bharp, 
with your neighbor because he can’t It is better for us to do so than to . „ Putter of the North 

see as you doT “ Let every one be stand up here In the Interest of the Bo »« W. H. I otter, of tne north 
fully persuaded -in his own mind.” liquor traffic which is carried on at and South Georgia Conferences, and 
There must be a readiness to forgive, the price of the blood of our people. Bishop 11. K. Hargrove, pf all the 
“To err Is human.” If you are In (Applause.) I hope we shall have conferences. All these were dear to 

the right you can afford to be mag- this committee, and I do so with ail „„„ pTnreuBiun 

nanimous. “ It is the glory of a man doe deference to my friend on my us especially our tender, expressive 

'to God to nikke-it more cohesive be- 
fore lie calls me. 

There is an undertone of sadness in 
'those wordB that muBt have been 
painful to his admiring friends. But 

the right you can afford to be mag- this committee, 
nanimous. “ It is the glory of a man doe deference t 
to pass by a transgression.” And a left from .Texas 

readiness to ask forgiveness. Frank- ' 

ly to acknowledge a mistake is slm- 

ply Baying -you are wiser thah-iyou Alabam 

were? and frankly to confess having. 

Alabama' Conference. 

This ■ Conference convened in 
ufailla, Ala., December 12, Bishop 

us, especially our tender, expressive 
and loving Bro. Cottrell, a former 
presiding elder. 

The statistical reports show In 
creasein every department, with two 
exceptions. Additions of white .mei» 
bers on profession, 3,376 ; increase. 

Mr. Beecher sees and dreads .a fact the rich and rapidly growing valley, forgive. A little concession oh both ; . ’ i(J ’ in u ]i. Crawford, over last year, 1,355; net Increase, 

szsrz At*. w •«“ “caA-j j; 

life is permanent in proportion to its was and must ever be the great com- „ Are vou not goine t o ask my par- perc »(nt. of the clerical members and crease, 5(H; imams oapuzeu, .i,»o 
, and its cohesiveness mercial cewter ( , where travel and don? „ "No, sir.” "Then I will ' mal j P er cent of tlie lay members increase, 2 S; Sunday-school scholars, 
nt in the organization trade converged^' and whence the in- nameB . lu a few lM«>i increase,^; Conference col 

llgion, and that on that, day our cohesive power, a 
. . , . must be inherent 

L preachers explain the nature and ob- . , au Jn , 

crease, 50-1 ; infants baptized, 1,255 

jects of tlie Centenary Celebration, 
and especially urge adherence, to 
those doctrines and usages of early 
Methodism that have contributed 
’ under God to her spiritual (tower.” 

. , j:. r. uundbix, 

Cii'in. Ce.ii.rHl Cenieimry Comnfilteo. 

musi oe iiiuerem. iu tue uigauitov*"" n = ' , - 

and not in an individual. However fluence of the press should go to. en- tpm^ 'n the 

phenomenal the girts ana magnetic ngmeu auu uu. ^ ni08t favorable/ light. Your friend 

the presence of a man, if he is the of the valley. More than thirty p Ur9UeB a mistaken policy ; so you 
bond of brotherhood, when he dies, years’ experience affirm their wis- think, not he. Are you sure yours is 

the church passes away. No wonder dom. * , «rt 

“there is little church feeling in the , The intellectual anlh-spiritual Bt- Perhaps he has paid dearly 

auaiKereU-ta-therr names, lu .a few 
days the attendance was quite full. 

lectiou, $5,245 ; increase/ 

. . , , x ..a ljove 8 eve jookh ul iiiiukm >u tuc uuyu me nucuuouov tt»o ^uuv . . 

phenomenal the gifts and magnetic lighten and quicken out Methodism nio8t favo ? a bl e / light. Your friend The usual coiumitteea were appoint- °1«' fuiKi, -$l :2fia + -4ncrease. 

« '* a i • ii- .. f At... •* .. 1 1 u«v AT Am x no n I n IT. XT •/. «. v. Ill* # • 1 .1 ..i 

$293; iii 

rease, $1 

ed and Conference work performed. 
Everything moved right ahead un- 

total for foreign and domestic mis 
sions, $10,760'; increase, $1,380 

der the steady and Btrong hand of church extension, $1,600, 

congregation.” By formal abt. they mosjihere of New Orleans Beem ,to | or n in the sorrow'Mt has cost him. 

The Louisiana Conference 

severed alt connection with ’ any 
church organization and united 
themselves tb Mr. Beecher. And he 
Ib quite right in saying that When he 

have been important factors in the His heart bled more than -yours 

united | 8 ucce 8 B of the. paper. Three of h’er 
And he editors have attained to episcopal 

^y^pathy^ is ^ti/e U \wln ^sister' of terest or the centennial enterprise of sionary Society paid $1,800 ; Increase 
charity. Nothing so wins and winds Methodism. The address was replete $392; grand total increase in the 

I 11 . _ 1 _A 4 1 ,..* fulU... fnnl » ' .V X I » A A fl-ft AO- 

episcopal direction. . . • , 

Thursday night Dr. 1); C. Kelley 
addressed'the Conference iii tlie in- 

preachers. in charge, $02,350; in 
crease, $2,145; presiding elders, $11 
03i ; increase, $214; Woman’s Ml 

honors.' The facilities for ^publishing -j-arouud the heart as that fellow-feel- 

meet in annual session on Wednes- dies it will "be spokenjjof as the 
day next, the ninth insaut, in Caron- church, that was.” An individual 

deletBtreetChurch, thiscity. Bishop- -druTClr is like a family burying- 
Kavanaugh wilKpreside; asBistedj We grouritl. It soon passes into- other 
suppose, from time, to tim.e, by bands and falls into decay. The new 
Bishop Parker, who is at home off purchasers care nothing for the sleep- 

duty for awhile. Bishop Keener 
will be abseut, presiding xiver yhe 

Florida Conference, which meets the votlon. So of these great spiritual 
same. day. Aftei ciother year of hotels, called churches, manned and 

varied toil aud experience the breth - 1 a dministered by some rare pulpit 

dies it will "be spokenvof as the and distributing that marked New ing which rejoices in our joy and 
church, that was.” An Individual Orleans as the point for the paper 

ehuTClr is like a family burying- thirty years ago are greatly mu t - j eft n be tlit> Btrlcikeii deer forsaken by 
grouihl. It soon passes intt) other -plied by improYfimeuta iaJhe_naYL- the herd. Friendly eyes are-upnn uh, 
bands and falls into decay. The new gation of the Mississippi and its friendly arms around us, and the 
purchasers care nothing for the sleep- tributaries' and the multiplication 

ing dust that was so long guarded, and extension of railroads. sweetest music. Sympathy is Christ- 

and'tended with filial pride and de- . The paper is in good hands; the ]| be . jj e we pj. w ith tile weeping, 
votion So of these great spiritual publishers are alive to the good work His sympathy wtts not mere tentl- 
hotels.' called churches, manned and in which they are engaged They “^fj^dr^every dee,r°H^ 
administered bv some rare pulpit are not mercenary . trying to mint mirnnlpu nf mprpv hrmiffht: lov to thf 

all feeling of isolation. ^9 aye not he ma’de on presiding elders and 
leftliketheBtricken deer forsaWen by preachers lu charge ought to be re- 

t he herd v Friendly eyes-are-upmv uk, 
friendly arms around us, and the 
fast-falling words which come well- 

witli instruction, illustrated by stir- financial department, $6,08i. 
ring and thrilling facts. . the points Eufaula entertained the Confer 
he ma’de on presiding elders' and ence and visitors with princely hos- 
preachers lu charge ought to be re- pitality. The writer had a delightful 
ihembereit fitni observed: ^I^HClrnlBss- knd-eDjtfyable home with a former 

has -a special work to do, so as to 

ing dust that was so long guarded, 
and tended with filial pride and de- 

ing up from theloythg heart are like maintain aud carry forward church 
sweetest music. Sympathy is Christ- BUCC es 8 and harmony. 

He wept with the weeping. 

His sympathy wtts not mere tentl- 
ment which wastes itself in words; 
it showed itself in every deed. .His 

Friday morning lyas .(missionary 
day, and the doctor delivered an- 
other speech, full 10 overflowing. 

parishioner, G. W. Thompson. 

Only one objection was heard to 
tbe session of the Conference, and 
that was Bishop Pierce did irot-giVe 
sufficient time to consider matters of 
grave interest. Brethren are getting 

« — , . r , • 1 - ■ . miracles of mercy brought joy to the Friday night was ilevoted to the in- tired of these high pressure Confer 

ren will come up to confer together genius It dies with him. What I muscle and brain, but ure in sym- BOrrow i n(t . He "went about doing , , Q f church extension. Ad- ence schedules. The law. of the 

art*? ivxnbo rpnrirf. pnnpprninor the Btate V\na Unnixof the wealthV and cul- pathy with the onward movement of good.” If the atmosphere in Christ x 1 „ 1 t\- aKhkaU qIIaxdq • ft f^mrfprpnpp 11 

and make report concern iug the state ^as become of the wealthy and cul 

of the church. No truer, braver band tur.ed congreg atlon bung upon 

eftn be found than the preachers who the .ministry Of the celebrated Dr. the church. 

lead the hosts of the Lord in Lbulsi- Jiftih Cumming, in London? Even 
ana. From information received and i n b j B - old age, when his faculties 
published in the Ahvocatk at differ- f a iied him, the crowds dispersed, and 

Jdhn Cumming, in London? Even The presentwriter hasbeenlonger asbretbren .. The icebergs of selfish- d the B , 8 , )0 r0Be to the te i leBt 
in his" old age, when his faculties associated with the publication of ness would melt away n the gulf ‘ M , , h 

omi the naner than anv one now on it. stream of an ever-Howing_, warm- height of Bro. Mangum In the 

pathy with the onward movement of good.” If the atmosphere in Christ’s ^ • , * 

the church ■ they work to build up household were fragrant with this -dresses were made by Dr. Mangum 
ineenuren, mey w>r. , which makes others’ wants and Bishop Hargrove. Bro. Mangum 

i... and woes our own, all would ‘Move r0B e to the full height of a Bishop, 

ent times, we judge the past to have b i B famous church has been almost 
beeu a successful year. Weexpect a forgotten. Independency 1 b ephem- 

-the paper than any one now on it, 
and is happy to say he has never be- 
I fore seen the publication in such 

■ rCport ( of large ingatherings aiid a 
good net increase of members. In 
1 proportion Jo numerical strength the 

hearted charity. The church would 
put on 'her “ beautiful garments,” 
and shine forth in her primitive 

dresses were made by Dr. Mangum church allows' a Conference 
and Bishop Hargrove. Bro. Mangum week ” for ite session. Why not give 
rose to the full height of a Bishop, it when the Conference almost begs 
and the Bishop rose to the tallest for time? 
height of Bro. Mangum in the Arriving in the city of Montgom 
speech, and went ov*r _ lilm in the ery on our way from Conference we 

forgotteh. Independency 1 b ephem- fore seen the publication in suen and sb ,n e forth in her primitive 
eral ' It is the enemy of perma- competent bands, nor the prospects splendor. In the thousand mipiBtra- 
* of the paper better. tions born, of brotherly love Chrls- 

- ncRa oHifnri nl atiilitv 1 h widclv and ‘ tiaus would reap a harvest -of joy, to 

We conclude, therefore, that other The editorial y yd Bnnmt tnomthiivln hnmis 

money. The collectiqn amounted to 
$225, the Bishop giving $20 of that. 

tJ V 

were pained in heart to flnd our dear 
brother, B. F. Blow, had been 

Saturday morning Dr. J. E. Evans stricken of paralysis on Monday be 

tians would reap a harvest -of joy, to 
themselves. Bound together in bonds 

I'* ''I'"* ! o YT C uUUUIUUv, IUC1CIUI V, iUHV VVUVI • A ... . .« WICUIOCI V cn. J.IVIUUU laigvvuvi tu 

Louisiana stauds in the front rank of *hineB being equal, church-life is I wel1 known > anfl gratifying to tbe BO fter than silk,. yet stronger than 

.. . • . .11 1 ill 1 ** ° O 1 4 fn /inmmUtno nrll A ci rn nrlufl t ft llllftW ufnnl ilinir X1T Alllfl ulnrr with ft IlAW 

Conferences in connectional liberal- m0B f permanent, and results more 11 committee, wno are giau io auow 
ity aud loyalty. We bid the brethren 8Ure , coUBerve d aud guarded, when the P a Pe r W ^ ow fuPP ort lta 
a hearty welcome, and wish’.for them the conne ctional bond is strongest and expects a full measure of his 
a pleasant Conference^sesslon. and closest.’ With ail of its errors talents. The correspond ng editors, 

- , — and corruptions, the ltomish Church members of the patronizing Confer- 

The subject of MethodisU'nion is would have gone to pieces centuries enc e s . greatly enhance 
now engaging the atteution of the ago but for its connectional tie. -It au va ue o epape . 
various branches oi Methodists ,in has been strong enough to endure ents from all parts oEour widenpread 
England. It is thought that the dis- the strain of revolutions and opposi- circulation gi ve freshness a a t 

committee, who are glad to know 
the paper c a 9 pow support its editor, 
and expects a full measure of his 
talents. The corresponding editors, 
members of the patronizing Confer- 
ences, greatly enhance the interest 

steel, they would sing with a new 
experience :V . ^ 

*' Ble«t be the tie that blriils 
Our h^artB in ChVistlan love; 

4 The fellowship of kindred minds 
Is like to that above.” 

The whole Christian church needs 

appeared before the Conference, in 
behalf of Paine Institute, .and re- 
ceived in cash $334, Bishop Hargrove 
giving $}00 of that. Bishop Har- 
grove is an Alabamian liy birth. 

fore, at three P. M., December 1 
The whole right side, from head to 
foot, was deadened in the stroke. He 
had partially recovered when yester 
day, December 10, he had another 

Saturday night was set apart for the stroke, but not so heavy as at first. 

and value of the paper. Correspond- to learn the lesson of love as she has 
ents from all Darts oEour widespread n . ot yet learned it to r|se to the high 

missionary anniversary. Dr. Potter, 
editor of the .Wesleyan Christian 
Advocate, delivered a powerful aud 

He says he Is ready.for death if it rer 
suits in that. May. the goodness' df 
God attend him and family. Thus 

England. It is thought that tlie dis- .up m,umu - — it . , a,. r,n , „ . - 

ouasion will' lead to a more-active ti(Tns.^ Its stran^ cohesive power of ubiquity to the paper. r 

-vmnathv between and confederation has preserve , 1 ita existence. Now. if mittee heartily recommend the paper A Congr eS s:onal .Committee on Alcoholic 

sympathy between and confederation 
of the several sections, though hot to 
a corporate oneness. A symposium 
on Methodist JJnion in England, 
conducted by Revs. William Cooke, 
D. D. (New Connexion,) John Bond 
(Wesleyan,) Riohard Chew (United 
Methodist Free Church,) and John 
Atkinson c Primitive,) will soon ap- 
pear in the Primitive Methodist Re- 
view, It may he that the union of 
Canada Methodisin'' will have the 

circulation give freshness and a sort 

plane of a solemn duty as never be- 
fore. * 

telling speech, reaching his summit another itinerant preacher is dis 
in the emphatic declaration that lie aided. Oue by. one we fall. But we 

has preserved ita, existence. Now, if 
we have a true theology, a spiritual 
ministry and membership, with a 
connectional' polity, we have the 
guarantee of permanency. Hjerein is 
the secret of Methodism’s marvelous 
yet conservative growth. And when 
we weaken or slacken the connec- 
tional bond, we shall be shorn of our 
powej and glory. * 

Ami what |s true of a great organi- 
zation may also be said of a local 

to our people. 

What we want is an increased cir- 
culation— five thousand new subsorib- 
ers. Will not our friends get them 

Liquor ‘Traffic, 

The discussion in the lower house 
ot Congress, on the twentieth ultimo, 

this Centennial year? this year of as to the advisability of appointing a 

was ready- to vote with both hands 
for the union of the men and women 
of’ the church in missionary enter- 
prise. The collection was not equal 
to the speech. The cash amounted 
to $75. During Conference the sev- 
eral collections amounted to $710. 

all shall arise at once in the final 

Ramkic, Ala., Dtr. si, 1BS3. , 1 

J In. a letter to the Baptist Courier, 
,S Baptist mifiiBter writes pleasautly 
of the Soutli Carolina Conference 

the irreat Fxnosition in New Or- select committee on the alcoholic Sunday was the grand day . of the ge 8 a i on . The following short ex 

me great Oipuwuuu 111. TH «lw..xVini>n<ni* -nr A . .... , •. 

leans? Will not the preachers atir . _li‘iuor traffic, was ratlid- significant, 
up the people this year, when they The proposition was stoiitly opposed, 

r X'l 1 a ii it.. .1 1 ... „ ~ F 1:40 

want so much information on Cen- Anally passed by a vote of 142 

Conference. Iii the ihorning Dr. ,A. 
H. Mitchell conducted”the'lovi:-fea 8 t. 
It was truly a feast of love,-. At 

tract is recommended to righteous 

As for me, I have entirely surreu- 

tennial and Exposition questions? 
We urge the circulation of our paper 

veas to 83 navs. We are pleased to eleven A. M. Bishop Pierce preached dered for the present, and quietly 

J ■ ‘ [ a ", . V.„ a ll,. M.II.A.IRf it, t. 

see that of the Mississippi members to a vajxt audience, with apparent 

--- /.aiiuii may mou ux. pum »» i »* ivvui . . , 

effect of bringing all other bodies congregation. Its common bond of f 8 a ,neans 0 f i u c ening every n 

. - — tpruut nf nnr nlmroli BH an inxl IHneilH. 

Messrs. Barksdule, JeffordB, Klitgle- e a « e t0 himself, for fifty-nine min-. 

terest of our church, as an indispens- ton and Van Eaton voted- yea; the T utes. The sermon was about the ^est 

hang around the Methodist camp, 
picking up the cftimhs which fall 
from their (able. The Impression 
made upon me only confirms the 

. . — v , ” terest oi our cuu rcii,' as Hu iiiuiHueus- ^ ^ j iu« .w tj 

nearer together. Methodists have sympathy must be something more _ u ,_ a nlP « nH other two members did not vote, the writer ever heard the Bishop convictions of other years, that these 

[inlv [li viilail 0X1 [locations of nblltV a pd else than a man. There must be ‘‘o’ . ‘ „ . , , , ■ , , I , . a ..north LX P 1 1 UO rS him o.ut l*, nannlc am a tiarH-nmrtliXKT aelf-naon- 

only divided on questions of polity 
and administrationv Her doctrinal 
integrity lias been preserved without 
modification or emendation. 

HUU else iLiau a iiiau. a ucic iuus, uc . , , .i,,i 

a system of principles that unite and - ^counteract ng and supplanting the 
cement them in a single .purpose, victous literature of t he age 

The vigoioua speech of Mr. Mills, pf preach. He lieard him first, in 

.. — i i ( 1. mxin - l .. i i 

~ Under the head of “Uncalled for 
Complaiuta” the Western Christiain 
Advocate makes response to the 

The pastor simply represents and 
advocates these, and is a leader of the 
ilock.. ..fto-when he dies, another 1 b 
palled to his place, to preach the 
same truths and carry forward the 

\V. r. BARTON, 

For Committee. 

Texas, agaiusf the measure was in 
the line of all the old threadbare ut- 

Auburn, Ala., 'iii 1802, and several 

people are a hard-working, self-sacri •• 
tiring aud godly set. of, jnen. 1 Ipve 

times since. 

4 juju-, aim ocvriai . , w - . , , , , 

4 i * r» ir di i to move about among them anil holu 
tlirfe 1. M. Bishop |e]lowship with them, and L,am 

DBCEaMUIU 24, 1883, 


terances in. opposition to sumptuary Hargrove preached a sermon of coming to believe that a Melh<a)ist 

" Love as Brethren." 

criticisms of the Southern Methodist same character of work. Hotels Iobc 

press ,on the speeches of certain 
“ Bishops u ud other clergy ” dellver- 

their reputation with the death of a 
proprietor. And so these spiritual 

ed before tlie Missionary 'Committee, boarding houses either change char- 

in New York. The remarks of Bish- 
ops Foster, Simpson apd Wiley and 
Dr. Buckley were’ very severe upon 

acter with a change, of proprietors or 
else pass away into nonentity. 

The following, from the Christian 
at Worl^, is so opportune and bo well 
expresseiTthat we.gladly give it edi- 
torial space : 

Tlrechurch is a family — the house- 

legislation. Mr. Randall, the distin- 
guished member from Pennsylvania, 
spoke a few manly words for the 
amendment, which we heartily com- 
mend. ' But the more extended re- 
marks of Mr. VancC, of North Caro- 
lina, were worthy of his good Meth? 

alarming and thrilling, force upon Conference in the next best thing to 
the power of covetousness. At' night a baptist Con vention.^ 
the writer attended the Baptist "* “ 

Church, and heard Bro. E. W. Holo- I>r. Mark Trafton, 
mop. He gave uW a short, practical diet Episcopal Churcl 

• Dr. Mark Trafton, of the Metllo-’ 
dial Episcopal Church, lias little ap- 

discourne. Good and powerful ser- pjeciation-of tlie modern choir, as 

. ■ 1 A 4l. n f/.ll/.n.lHM fwntti r /l(Hl’u 

were reported 

hold of God. "Unfeigned love of words to endorse them,: 

odist record. We give place to his churches during the day. 

the brethren " U a mark of member- The gentleman from Texas talks 

Monday was crowded full of busi- 
iess. Reports of committees and 

our people, aud should have-been re r be emphasized. .As pastors we should 
seated. Tlie Western has a good- strive to join members into Christ's 

Another thought suggested might ship. “ We know that we haye pass- about legislating in favor of sump- short talks and speeches followed in 

ed from death unto life, because we tuar 

love the brethren.” Love gives lus- 

tompened editorial on the subject, Church rather than to 
the substaiiee of which is the Many persons join tbe- 
speeches were not correctly reported, not the church?* As c< 
Of course, If that be true, they should servants of the church 

tuary laws and saying what a man 
Bhall eat and drink. In my jpdg- 

, and is the crowning of ment, sir, the object Ih to get lu- 

rapid succession. The Committee on 
Memoirs read carefully prepared 

Church rather than to ourselves. Christian character, thp. afterglow formation on a subject that reaches tributes to the worth and memory of 

Many persons join the- pastor aud after the sun is set. When the heart and touches every human being on pur beloved deatL^Cl 
not the church?* As conscientious Jf saturated with love it shoots this continent. It affects every m»u, Edward Wadsworth, 
nf .ha nhnrah wa ahnot.i through the eyes and sets the woman and child and every interest .U..’ 

have the benefit of such defense, but discourage such a sentiment and in- 
the Western ought tb remember that doctrinate the applicant into the true 

. , , through the eyes and sets the Whole 

we should f a eeaglow. It throws its radiance all 

lu this great country. ( Applause on 

luinau being on pur beloved dgai^’harles Btrlder, body can understi 
EJ ward Wadsworth, E. P. Birch ‘praise of God.”’ 
y. (Applause on ttu .d Robert P. Baker, and; after two ♦ ~ 

witness the following from ‘Scion’s 
Herald : V .^^7 

Give me a bass drum or a Chinese 
gong, rather than our quartette of 
two youngsters with their bail parted 
exactly In tlie middle, and La ptdr 
of young girls with their wool 
gathered over their eyed | ,he a 
merino sheep or a Scotch poodle, 
who troll out something whioh no- 
body can understand, and call it the 

arouud. The flowers before tlie win- the Republican Bide.) I think that or three short talks, tlie Report was 

the report was made in its own col- 
umns. -Singularly enough, none of 
the reported remarks on the Southern 
white work were published in the 
New York Advocate. Our Pittsburg 
confrere thinks their private .talk 
should not have been made public. 
First of ail, there should be correct- 
ness as to the facts aud theu careful- 
ness as to j udgments and conclusions 

doctrinate the applicant into the true dow are more fresh aud fragrant thesentiment of the temperance peo- 

uronnds and ohllcations of the new wheivlove waters and watches over pie of the United States of America 
grounds and obligations or tne new tbej] ^ There friction in the ought to be respected In this house, 

relation. If thra was more carefully machinery of home-life when love which creates committees on almost 

thesentiment of the temperance peo- adopted, and on wb moved. Late in 
pie of the United States of America t be afternoon the end of the session 

done our members would be less a 
prey to ecclesiastics! marauders., 
With our frequent pastoral changes, 
unless the attachment Is to^ the 
church and not an Individual; we 

"upov IW 4 uui/vvtvu 1 11 WHO UUUDD. A 11 1 

machinery of home-life when love which creates committees on almost Wttfi reached. All was more or less 
oils the wheels. Domestic jars are every other subject. We have com- of hurry to get tbe appointments and 
the centrifugal force that would drive mittees on legislation in regard to get away. The Bishop’s talk was 
apart the members of the household; the yellow fever aud we have qom- short but Doiuted In the emiraa of 
love, with its centripetal power, mittees in regard to the Cotton worm. ™ ““ l P olute d- In the course of 

wdl suffer loss. When the favorite ,ng off to o^her 'iTomre. They fin'd 
preacher is gone they become first all they wantjo make home happy 

apart the members of the household; the yellow fever and we have com- 
love, with its centripetal power, mittees in regard to the Cotton worm, 
holds each in bis orbit. It is the (Laughter.) We have committees on 
loadstone whlelrdraws ail to a com- Heuding expeditious to tlie North 
mon center ; keeps them from stray- Pole in search of vessels that hkve 

I ii tr nfl' 1 nllmr hnnibu T l> on flnd Lnan L.i.t ■> n.l 4 1..... 1. ..i .1. - i i 

;ei in© appointments and over $l()(w )0 more un 
The Bishop’s talk was of tk « SouthVnaid di 
luted. In the course of ending May. . 

We ollp tlie - following, from jthe 
Texas Baptist Herald : 

'SmK’thern Methodists in 1882 paid 
$188,272 to foreign ml«d°us. Tills s 
over $l(l(5?BOO more than the Baptists 
of the 8 »utlm>ald during the year 
ending May. 1883. The fact is not 

short but pointed In the course of J',ety mui “tlfir 

this talk he said : P.very man’s case loveof thegospel. Here is something 

therefrom. From a 

in the South, aud a somewhat ex-. 
- t en d e d acqu alBtgtxee-’yitll Tts 'jkost- 
bellum history, we must say bur 
brethren have done us gross injus- 
tice. . . A. 

Ti 7 indifferent aud then disgruntled, where they are. 

lifelong residence ■ , , ,, . ... . . And when h 

Tliose are loyal tiiiougii all admiuis- 
tratlOfili'w'hV)' h ave' ielfl’eil Coll vlHlo h s' 
and Uxed^ principles, and they arc 
tUC true representatives and conserv- 
ators of a healthy church life. 

has been patiently uud carefully and 

_ . ... -. . ™. „ , , , , tenderly considered aud the appoint- 

g off/ to other bombs. They find been lost, and then why, sir, should meuts nraverfullv made Afiar « 

I they waut to make home happy not the representatives of the Amur- , P “yerfufty made. After such # 

here they are. ic(in people inquire in reference [to a P ^ )0 * ntnQe “ t8 made he fplt The Unllarlan Church at Clinton, 

And when is that home of our that vessel of intemperance which little concern aa to how they mkht Maes., hat voted unanimously 

Byi&S hfrH W |«na e of 0 «S^ ,y criticised; While sut^^terfqr 

i " oil " ir.u P hrttRrui, 9 " ii „i. ti... _ he claimed no infallibility in making munion seivifee. What arrant fauaTF 

It would be well for them to thluk 

appointments hud been made he fplt The Unitarian Church at Clinton, 
little concern as to how they might Mass., hut voted unajilmoiiBly j-to 
beconsidered and criticised wtdie r»r wine in the oom- 

all “ Vve asbrG lire ii ? ”1 1 puts hope, Blr rep^esenVa^oftht ‘‘ edaluled 1 U0 >” ak '^ n, union seivlfee. What arrant 

our piety above suspicion. “ By this American people will allow the these appointments, yet the more he cIbw ! But what significance lias 

shall all meu know ye ate my dispi- frlendaof humanity, the friends of considered the subject. thb more he the Lord’s Supper Ito a UnlUrlau 

pies, if y« have love one toward an- huth, Justice and mercy to be heard ; was satisfied these appointments anyhow? 





.T; „ 

prntwp $, UtS4* 

Mam Ctetian ^toatte. 

. i 


—Btehop, Keener preached at A1 
gigrs on Sunday morning. 

— The llhrary o'f the lute Dr. Wil- 
liam A. Smith has been given to 
Cp.ptral Colleges Mo. 

—Bishop Merrill, of the Methodist 
Episcopal Church, has returned in 
good health from his offlolal ttelt to 
the missions In China and Japan. 

—The Rev. Dr. W. A. Finley has 
resigned the presidency of the 
Pacific Methodist College in Cali- 
fornia. Dr. T. H. B. Anderson will 
be the nominal president until next 

—Rev. Thomas IS. Gilbert, of the 
South Caftfhua Conference* located 
at its recent session, is expecting to 
join tlm Connecticut Conference, of 
the Methodlit 'Epfscdpal ^Ch u rch , 

—The. Rev. Dr. R. H. Rivers Is to 
write the biography of Bishop Paine, 

He has been selected by the family 
for this work, and will doubtless pro- 
duce a volume worthy pf the distin- 
guished subject." 

— Sodthern Methodism has more 
than doubled ItsMf In Texas witjiiu 
the past thirteen years. The mem- 
bership has increased from four hun- 
dred thousand to nipe hundred thou- 
sand since 1870. • ... 

— Re.v. Dr. John Hall’s article on 
“Ministerial Support ” has beep 
widely published and cordially en- 
dorsed. It is in the right direction, 
and we hope others will followjn 
.Die same line until a revolution ts- 1 

x r Tim Youth’s Companion offers, 
three thousand dollars in prizes for 
the best short stories either for hoys 
or girls. The tetms and conditions 
will be sent on application. Our 
young friends maj£ now sharpen 
their pencils and venture to achieve 
a fortune iti literature: 

—Mrs. Juliana Hays, president of 
the Woman’s Board of Missions, at- 
tended the recent session of the 
White River Conference, and after- 
~ r ~wardB visited' 1 "CltlTe' Rock/ 'TtST 
labors There are spoken of in terms 
ofjiigh praise by a correspondent of 
the.Arkausas Methodist. 

— \Ve acknowledge the pleasure of 
calls at our oillce on Monday of Rev. 
J..O: Keener, presiding elder of the 
Mobile district, Alabama Conference, 
Rev. 8. Halsey Werleiu, transferred 
from the Texas to the LrtHisiana 
Conference, and Rev. J. M. l’ugh, of 
the-Mississippi Conference, en route 
tohfsappoint.mentat Amite City, La. 

—The Jackson (Tenn.,) High 
School, under the auspices of the 
Colored Methodist Episcopal Chuteh 
in America, an appeal in behalf of 
which we recently published, written 
by Bishop Lape, . is prospering. 
Sixty pupils have been enrolled, 
with the prospect "of increase -.after 
the holidays. 

1 — "We attended a delightful watch- 

night service .at •Carondelet,, and 

braliug the decennial anniversary of 
the- woman’s crusade in Ohio. 
Among other interesting articles it 
contains an autograph letter from 
John G. Whittier, approving and 
commending the Woman’s Christian 
Temperance Union. There • Is no 
doubt bnt that the organization has 
greatly advanced the temperance 
sentiment of the country- We wish 
any movement or organization suc- 
cess that will aid in the overthrow 
of intemperance and the liquor 

—The Bishop of Liverpool is one. 
of the most evangelical and catholic- 
spirited of Anglican divines. He 
preached some time ago in a Presby- 
terian Church ‘and raised, a buzz 
around his .ecolesiastloal ears. He 
now cOmes out in an address and 
says unless Bishops are treated, witjh 
' more fairness and consideration, soon 
no right-minded and high-souled 
man, who loves direct spiritual work 
and, hates wasting precious time in 
strife, will consent to be a Blsbop at 
all. As the author of a popular 
series of religious tracts Bishop Ryle 
is best known. Such an evangelical 
Christian must be annoyed by the 
Romanising party of his church. 

It will be remembered that he wrote 
President Charles Garrett, of the 
Wesleyan Conference, a very fra- 
ternal letter more than a year ago on 
the "occasion of his election. We 
•honor him for his ty^JdlXcatholipity 
and Christian courage. A few more 
such might lc.av'en the whple lump, 
of Anglican. High Churchiam, 

— The particulars of the double 
tradegy in „ Yazoo City, Miss., are 
enougli tamake every citizen shud- 
der with shathe and sorrow. On the 
night (if December 24 three white 
men were killed and two others 
wounded in an encounter with a 
squad of negroes. The diffl'-ulty was 
not the result of race or political 
prejudice, but, from what we can 
gather, was the bloody work of mean 
whisky.-;. The first’-: trouble occurred 
.In.a salami- between one QLU’.e. white 
men and a negro. He went oil*, sum- 
moned other friends, and returned 
only to meet his death. The negroes 
were promptly urrested and lodged 
In jail. Two public .Tuectings'of tic 
citizens were held when it was deter- 
mined .that the prisoners should have 
a fair trial in the courts. But on 
Saturday night, the twenty-ninth 
ultimq, aufarmed body of men over- 
powered the jailor and lynched four 
negroes. Buch violence is a stigma 
upon any community and demands 
condemnation-. There is no apology- 
for this second • outrage however 
dreadful the llrst. Every law-abiding 
citizen is vitallly concerned to know 
who were the . lynchers. Nothing is 
so shocking to our civilization as. the 
tyranny of lynch law. 

bring unfeigned sorrow to every 
Mississippi Methodist, is the burn* 
ing of the entire manuscript records 
of the Mississippi Conference from 
the first Informal session In 1813 to 
the one just closed, inclusive. As 
secretary I have bpi-ii preserving 
them \wAh fond ckfe for eighteen 
years, but, alas! the ruthless flames 
had no regard for the precious relics 
of other years. -• 

It is a great comfort in our calam- 
ity to find such universal sympathy 
expressed for us by tire kind, noble 
people of this city. Numerous doors 
are thrown open to give us shelter 
and a home, and our special friends 
and relatives, Dr. James M. Hunt 
and wife, insist that it is their right 

andhave generously taken. UH .aJ 

the hearty hospitality of their ele- 
gant home. Articles of wearing ap- 
parel and money have been freely 
supplied, The kind ladies are busy 
plying their machines to supply 
their needy sisters with something 
to wear, and one .thoughtful ’and 
liberal gentleman, friend, the only 
one", by the way, in tile city who 
rises high enough to do such a tiling, 
has fitted me to'an entire suit of his 
owh clotlies. 

Not" only members of -our .own 
church have been prompt and liberal 
in supplying our wants, but even 
those who before were comparative 
.strangers to us have warmed our 
hearts by their sympathetic and 
valued attention. We feel profound- 
ly grateful to eaclt and al 1/ ■>[, our 
benefactors, and do earnesUy invoke 
God’s choicest blessings to rest upon 

It is with a crippled and half-dazed 
kind of feeling that we look out upon 
the -future. Oh!- -if God will only 
verify his promise that these light 
afflictions, whicii are but for a mo- 
ment, will work out for us a far more 
exceeding and eternal weight of 
glory, we will strive, from the depths 
of our tSonseiousness, to say : “Thy 
will be done.” 

Reduced Rates to Conference, 

Breathers and delegates popilng by 
tlie Texas and Pacific railway will 
pay five cents per mile and return 

Those coming by Morgan’s Lou- 
isiana and Texris will pay full fiye 
comtng ithil return for one cent per 
m Re upon certificate of secretary of 
the Conference. Thosejravellng’.on 
commutation ticketd’will be allowed 
no reduction. _ 

The Illinois Central charges full 
fare coming and returns delegates at 
one^hlrd fare upon certificate of 
secretary of the Conference. 

omtiH-rrAN keenkii. 

BAid 1 to .Jittle brother Upward, 
” There! your tots an* out of yur stockings ngnlti ; 
rtfiprtifi to tor they we nr mil in it hurry." Giving a 
comical leer, lii'sald; "J)n yhn know wh,v st-ncklng* 
wear out first at the toe*!" “No.” "ftsemw torn 
uTj/ff/f, and herls dnn'I." 

p V — • , 

If you Kkvo cliRftnpel illt'uifc'R, take 
HAi.n'a Hnxrv or Houmouijn Aim Tab. 

I’ikr's T» mith ache DiiurH cure In one inlnnip. 

A few years sthi'C, Ht the celebratinn 
of an anniversary, 11 poor peddler who was present, 
Wing mill'd upon for ft I* xjfTrffrt tlio following: 
"Her* In health to poverty- It Mick* ta a tilnfV when 
all his frli ndfiiforKuki' lilin." 

Notuck to thio P kkachkhs of 
the Louisiana Conkekenuk. — 
Those preaeliers in the bounds of 
whose works liye claimants upon the 
Conference fund will please report to 
the Finance Committee in writing 
the number and circumstances of 
such.claimants. ' 

- c. w. cAKTEii, Cbairrpan. 

The Southern Cultivator Free. 

V ' . t 

All old subscribers by paying up 
in full to date, and two yearsj sub- 
scription in advance,’ will receive 
the Cultivator free for one year, post- 
age prepaid. We will also send the j 
Cultivator free for one year to all new 
subscribers paying tkm years’ sub- 
scription Votdvanue. TtTis offer-Js 
good oh! v fiv UeeeinlA-r 1. No reduc- 
tion. allowed for postoffice orders or 
registered letters,' This is a tine op- 
portunity to secure the only first- 
class agricultural paper published in 
the South free for one year. 


c. n anUrkws. 
x IjgCEMBEK 27. 18S3. ^ , 

We - sympathize with ' our dear 
friends in their great calamity, but 
thank God no lives * were lost. 
They were indeed “plucked from 
the burning.” I 

Death ’8f Mrs. T. B.. Holloman. 

Bfixn’ $l' Bills —We .wish 
pa’trong-to bear n mirfd hat n pay- 
ineut for Huhacriptions we do not 
desire postage stamps, and that they 
should lie sent only or fractional 
parts of a dollar. A dollar bill is. 
much (pore convenient- and safe to 
remit than same amount in one, 

-t w o- -or. -three.- cents stamps The 

actual prsk of remitting money is 
slight; if properly directed’ notone 
miscarriage will occur in one thou- 
sand. Inclose tlie hills, and, where 
letters containing money are sealed 
iii presence of the postmaster,., we 
will assume all the risk. A-* 

Hurnino or 

From Vicksburg, Miss. 

Du, AKRjytws* Hi 


joined witli tlie large congregation 
in bidding adieu to the old and liuil- 
-iug with joy the new year. After 
the stroke of twelve all saug the old 
covenant hymn, “Our journey pur- 
sue,” uqd heartily grasped each oth- 
ers hands, wishing “ a -Happy New 
Year.” It was an en-joyable and in- 
spiring occasion. 

— Tlie new chaplain of The I uited 
Btates Beuate, Rev. Dr. Huntty, 
pastor of, the Metropolitan Methodist 
ICplscopal Church, Washington, lias* 
gotten his name ill the papers on 
account of sensational praying. He 
has a special and dill’erent ease to 
present each morning. His prayer- 
. eulogy on Phil Bheridau was es- 
pecially the subject of varied com- 
ment andcrlticism. 1 

—The |ixcss dispatches announce 
tlie marriage of Bishop Hi \W. AN ar- 
ren, of the Methodist Episcopal 
Cliuroh, and Mrs*. Elizabeth 8,. Ilifi, 
in Denver. Col. The ceremony .was 

performed ^y Bis imp Bihipsoii. it 

must have been' unite a Brand all’air. 
The lady is well knoWn for her 
, princely fortune and large benefac- 
" tions. NVe arb glad tliat tlie brilliuut 
Bishop is likely to be In comfortable 
cireumstancesj—but a more modest 
afTair, with the ceremony performed 
by the local pastor, would have been 
more becoming. 

—For participating in the Balva- 
tlon Army meetings, the Rev. Dr. 
Wilson, of 8t. George’s Cathedrul, 
Kingston, -Ontario, has been dis- 
missed front Ris ouracy.. In a milder 
form the saute sort of ecclesiastical 
tyranny is practiced in .the Bouth- 
west. We have known church uteii 
and church women to be sharply 
censured for venturing to attend 
Methodist. preaching. They are ex- 
horted not to encourage heresy by 
ever being preusentat a public s.erv- 
j lee. If they have no rector their 
• place bn the Babbath is at home, -opt 
in anybody’s “meeting house.” 
What a travesty of common sense to 
say nothing of Christian charity and 
spiritual discernment! 

— 1 The Union Signal, tlie organ of 
‘the Woman’s Christian Teiuperanoe 
Union, issued a special crusa»|e Me- 
morial Number December 1!0, cele- 

Mit F.ihtor : The house we re- 
sided in was burned this morning 
about three o'clock. We barely 
esoaped with our lives with only the 
Clothes in which we were sleeping. 
How the fire originated we do not 
know, only that it was>'eomiiiuui- 
cated to our house from .the tenement 
adjoining. But for the providential 
awakening pf.Mrs. Kearney, my 
wife’s mother, we would doubtless 
all have been burned to death. Bhe 
herself came very near perishing; 
one 'moment more and sufioeation 
would have been complete, l'or a 
time we feared that she had Inhaled 
the flames, but now find tliat she lias 
escaped with-one hand and h§f face 
burned not very severely. None of 
the rest of us, wife, live chtldreu and 
self, were hurt, Devout thanks be 
unto our God foreyer aud forever. 

It is hard to realize that our, earths 

Iy store lias been swept away in one 

hour, and' tliat we have absolutely 
nothing of personal property save 
the following articles, which were 
rescued, viz ; one piano, two center- 
tables, one writing-desk, the dishes 
and plates which remained oft the 

table from the evening meal, and a 
portion of tlie silver 'spoons and 
forks, Fortunately I ipyself had not 
much money, .as I generally find an 
urgent demaifd for it as soon as it 
comes. In hand ; , but my wife had 
been saving up little' sums- for a 
special purpose until it aggregated 
quite a little amount, but this; to- 
gether with jewelry and trinkets of 
her girlhood, as also three gold 
watphes, one of them an heirloom, 
was consumed. 

1 Not a book, not a manuscript, not 
eveu ii memorafidHm or a note— a 
singular predicament for a preacher 
be placed in". Ah! sir, you can 
not imagine, muy you never realize, 
tlie utter destitution of the feeling. 
It seems sorrowful indeed- fdr yvife 
and children- two grown daughters 
-to be entirely tylthout wearing ap- 
parel, but, tjiank God, we 1 
sorrow only over clothes, 
tii,ie aiid T’fovutemT m*y 

Mu. Editok : It is my painful 
duty «to inform the brethren and 
friends of the Mississippi Conference 
of the sad bereavement of Qur 
brother, the Rev. T. B. Holloman,- 
of this plaep. His wife died to-day, 
thirty-six hours after giving birth to 
twins. This bereavement leaves Bro. 
Holloman with seven small children. 
Bister Mollotupri was oue of the most 
amiabte Christian women I ever 
knew. A more extended notice nmy. 
I‘ presume, be looked for. after a 

ic. A OBEY, 

Y iI.r'ClTY. MlS«.,.Eer. !T. 1843. — 

Tire above, from Bro. . Abbey, 

' makes u!t sad beyond measure. NVe 
| have knowii Sister Holloman .from 
I childhood, , boardgd - one year at 
] Sharon in thsgl^me house with Her j 
” performed tlie *?eremouy at her 
happy marriage, and can bear grate- 
ful testimony to her beautiful, lovs 
able, noble Christian charaet&s^ No 
purerspirit have.weever known. Rn 
the. freshness aud hope of a charming 
young womanhood she lias fallen 
aslepp, leaving a home, oh ! so" deso- 
late. NVe earnestly pray for pur be- 
reaved brother ami the little ones, 
her pride and care." 

g wMisWsi grparlmcnt. 

iV r o ^fnaul/ulcnt advcrtixcmcntx will 
knowingly be allowed in the Advocate. 
If one ever appears it will be by acci- 
dent. . ' 4 1 ■ 

In ordering from thoAc adver- 
tisements appear iti oui^ columns please 
state that you have seen the same in the 


» ' Publishers. 

All sorts of things nml weather 
Muft l»e tiikeir th together 
To mak^ up n year. * i "V 

.Popular articles on medicine* and 
physiology have been written, for the Youth's Com - 
jufi\ion by-D*. William A. Ilainmoml, Dr. Austin 
Flint, Jr., Prof. .Ogden Do re ui us amt Dr. J. C. 

Your Lightning Liniment canle to 

hand All O K and Is moving <jn a* usual. Mr. Fer- 
gerson’swiO rur^d of !*ieartiatlsm when she had 
been sufTerlng for i !0 years and had tried evpry 
available remedy. He purchased a twcntv-flve 
cent bottle* of nilllngtcm’s Lightning Idnimeht and 
she received linmeiliate relief. I had his testlihoHlal 
-but ’tls hiispliu'tfd. I have gold, aa yon are awim*, 
m*Ar 40o bottles, And eveflr one with. the umleiHtaiii'l- 
lTflfjrntrir tt ilbl^<>4-t^bered*M»eTehirHedi I- have- 
ha«l but one complaint, and then the bottle whs ihM 
returned. Tlie in jin had Rheumatism— one' weifc 
after he got your T.lghtniug Llnlinentbe had I hrfWU 
his s*lck away, yet lie claimed no relief. 1 am try- 
ing a case of White Swelling. The party tell«;n«; he 
has’ had Tonights rest, the ilrst in seventicn years. 
Toothache, Neuralgia. Pains In the breast, back and 
shoulders are known no n\or« ! 1 herewIthwOiiH Pos^- 
bflice money-order for |18.00. Yours, , 

W-, l\ 11 ALL 

CoBSICANA, Tkx., Dec. 4. 18^2. 

Thpv dobato strangG’quPStionH do.\vit 
Fast. The Isst was,* What is the jlUTcrence faitween 
the bridge of Sighs and the Ri7.»uof a bridge ?” The 
next is tfi lie “ The illlVereuce between a fac simile 
and a sick family.” 

* — . ... «- 

| W.TC. Slip pn id- sells diniior, ion nmf 
! break fast nMs.1; 4.(0 -idohs lose iea-ae.tiuU- ^i »»" »» 
rose chamber sets, ft.. '»0. j- 

_■ . - . — • •- — - _ .* 

AScotcli witness some what giipn to 

prevarication was severely handlod by a cross'cx* 
Nam'uing counsel. ‘ How far is it TiotwiOlulbe two 
farina T ll s'ftlil the cr>uiisel'r>-: l ‘ Ily d* 0 fund it’s twa 
mile.” •• Yes. b ut’ou y. n’u r oath, howl fur is it ns the 
crow. tl lea V" ‘*1 dlnnil ken; I never vvosacr</v* ' 

For -a II, points in 'I’exup and PHlifornia 

take the dtnifhhrn Paclflc and Star and Crescent via 

Hnustojl. > . I.*** 

rX I tninistbr in one 61* bis parochial 

J isitauiet a cow-boy , ’and asked hlui what "’thick fi 
was. * About twelve^ sir,"- W uh the reply. “ Well;’, 

J remarked the minister, ” I thought, it w-as more.’ 
.‘‘It's never any more here," said 'tlie bpy ; "it .lust- 
Itoglns at one again. . • a ' * j 

If you need anything 'in' '-the music | 

line apply at the mammoth music house ,'n p 
Werleiu, 1M Canal and 18 Bmirlmn streets. New Or-* 
'leans, where satisfaction Is guaranteed. Mr. Wer- 
leiu will ship you a hiano. or organ at what 
place* you name, hn— thirty days trial, to oe 
returned at that tlm«*. freight bo'th ways at bis ex- 
■TiPllPB TnilPRA yr^rfipprore oMris srlecHoni -I'rlcewN 
Pianos, from f : (»h to *»ioo\ organs. 2ti* o 150. 

- ; — • 

A litt'o (Drl visiting n noiglibor will}, 
•’her mother was gu/.ing cnriouHly at, her hostess n 
new bonne*, when the owner tpffrled, " Do you like 
it. Laura v" The lifiio’cent reidi.ed : " Why', ‘mo'lher 
said It Whs a perfect fright ; but it doesn’t scare me." 
Laura's mother didn’t stay long after that. 

M. J^R.— They all say so that have 

tried them : " f^iumplpn Monitor" cooking stoves — 
Most Even Hauers.. 

A cool young gnnt. all of the modern 
days, entered a melingcrle wlili a cigar It! his mouth, 
when the proprietor politely requested the visitor 
not to teach the oiher monkeys bnrl habits. The 
young mail proved himself equal to the occasion by 
producing Ws cigar-case and saj iirg. " Try • p 

,To thono of our suhncriliers, not 0 Qn- 
vent<»nt to a money order ofllce. we would say. 
Please intoym-us by postal oard'.wb* ihtA* to coiitliitie 
the AdV^catk or no.- ^ J 

“SpeaKing .of iiathing,” said Mrs. 

Partington, from behiml tie «^tenin that arose from 
her tea as a veil {(flier blushes when, touching upon 
so d cllcnte a subject', Vqume fan bailm with 1 -eVfject 
impuiity In water as cold ^Oree’iilapd’s icy 'moun- 
tains and ludhi’t* coral -t rand—: but, for my pari. 1 
prefer to have the water alible torpid." 

We would agitin call tho HtteiuiDn of 
■uliscribers apd agents that, In making remittances! 
to make them payubk to jhe Nkw Orleans C’liRia- 
tian A DV be atp. pl^aSP keP|» tills In remt*iabranc«v 

. M/\vi:u,.\ x/;ors. 



Blind and 


FACT O R Y. . j 

299, 501 , :i0‘.t, 5(t5, 507 Gravler. Street, 



^ksh, blinds, Don he, Mouldings, Flooiing and 
CelNng, Newels, balustors’'elc., always Mi hand, or 
made to oriler. * 

Orders prompt Iv attended, to. 

Plantation Cabins a Specialty. 

: . - * 


no. tin 4’Aiioaror.iiKT stiif.ft, 


/*<•»/'.> i, I’ttl pits. -Chairs, Seiners, 
Ittljliii!/,' ete. 


Semi tor lilustrated Circular and Esiinrates. 

School Desks and Supplies 


Send for circular Agency for the large«t Factoiv 
In tlie country. Hambies c-an he seen at 

ll? 4'oii|inon Ntreel. Nen Urlentu. 

* O. T. I'.ATiump. 


Oik* IhoU'u.Ubi Mpras uypnh-s 
. timlu*r Inniis. Sitimltui in 
tnwPhi'Hfrt |o hil 4- ll f somh 

iHbgt* lb Ufis . souih- wehiprn 
Itlrnl LiKtrirFot LoulHlami^ 
For it) I vi i iiiution, 
r\ ppl v ,to 

X.O. (/Iiristu u Advocate, 

’ 1 1” ('amp* Hitpni, * 

vNhw OtluatiH, 


Ht llOOI.S! T K K'HKHN! 



Central Fdimatlnnsl Hurean h ciims'I KACJI- 

i.itchai i vk. Permanent poNmoNS: 

furnishes, schools und families iijstrurtcrs FREE, 
OF 'CHARGE. Schoyl -property at ! apparatus 
.laSugiit’ami sal I. 

’• Address II. MAYERS Fee.. 

Jackson, Miss. 

Seventy-live teachera wanted at one**. 



Is a BelecOiouie-erhoo! for young ladies and little 
girls. Alf hrsnehes of a collegiate education taught 
by acconipllslied teac hers'. Dljllnmus awariiedtboee 
who comfiiele ihe pieecrihed ctuira* of Mudjr. l^a 
next Henqlon tineiis Qctobe'r 5, IHS^ For Informatieu 
apply to- MKH^MAItY W. REED. 

. • Principal. 

LittlG ^ggie’s lister had invited her 
best yt)uhg“lh'fli) to tea. There was a lull in the con- 
versation, which was brokeu by the Inquisitive 
Aggie. "Papa, Is dose fedders ober Mr. Wobbinsnn> 
mouth. P 

C6i.oiti.Ess A"Nn CoLn .— ^^ouiib (jirl 
deeply regrette'' that she was so colorless autl cold. 
Her face was too white, and her'hands and feet felt 
!^us though the bloqd didi not circulate. After, oue 
. irtutje of Hop Hitt^rB liau been taken she was the 

Centenary Committee, North Mississippi 

rosiest ibid healthiest girl in thetbwn, with a vivAc- 
Ity and' cheerflilness of mind gratifying t" her 

“Whht* do yoiL propoHO i« take for 

your coldv" s^id a"whee/ing gentbman 
* (Ui, I’ll, sell It vfrry -fyieap ;’I woiPt-^’lggle about 
the price at all." •' ' v 

A» - fnRti "t*oitvts^dtome 
right saw u bayonet In tli 
p’edirted. a war 

This is to remind you tliat, i>y tlie 
action of the committee at our la«t. 
Conference, it is made tlie duty of the 

District Committees to make.arrangC- 

menta for carryiug out tlie plan pro- 
posed by the Central Committee in 
their respective districts. / 

1. They are to determine when and 
where mass meetings shall be held, 
and make all necessary arrangements 
for complete success. 

2. It is made their duty to deter- 
mine in what month collectlons.slittll 
bff taken up in every congregation in 
the district. 

3. They are to determine what day 
shall be devoted to tlie children, and 
make all necessary arrangements for 
the success of that part of the work. 

4. They are to ^e tliat special cen- 

tennial services are held on the fourth" 
Sunday iu May throughout the dis- 
trict. - \ 

I would puggest that thtse commit- 
tees meet at an early day and begin 
the work as soop as practicable. The 
presiding- elders will sdnd names to 
Dr. Harrison, secretary of Central 
Committee, to fill vacancies that may 
have been caused b^ythe change of 
preaulieW at our late Conference. 

Chair. Centeimyy Committee 

, DkOtMUkU 2U, 1881 

Coldkn’s Liquid Bk*ef Tonig ' im- 
parts strength to body and mind, 'lake no c/A<r. Of 

It h*8 liGon said that ladien ha5 e 
generally a Rr^at f**.*r of .lightning.* kbis has- 
been superficially ascribed to their nuturalHuiidity; 
but the truth Is that It arises fr<»m their conscious-' 

ness of heiug attractive. 

- — — 

Consumption Cuhei;.— A n old phv- 

siclan, retired from practice, having hatujplaced in 
his haiuls by an East India missionary life formula 
of a simple vegetable remedy Tor thejsmdy aud 
permauent cure for Consumption} Rrtfnclmijj^Ca- 
turrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung- Afl'ectlolrsi> 
ulso-a positive and radical cure' for Nervjius Debility 
aud all Nervoifa.Couiplftiuta, after having leapt! its 
wonderful curat I vb powers in thousands of cases, has 
fellit his duty to Uiake it known to -his suffering 
fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to re- 
lieve human suffering, 1 will spud free of charge, to 
all who desire It, this recipe, In German, French, or 
English, with full directions for preparing and 
using. Rent by mail by addressing with -stamp, 
naming tills papcrdlV. A. tyuy'KS, 149 J'owy/'s Mock. 
Rochester, N, T. 

“Do 1 believe in second love? 
Humph ! If a man buys a pound of sugar, isn’t, it 
sweet? aud when lt'$ gone doii't he want another 
pound, and isn’t that sweet, too? Troth, Murphy, I 
believe in secoud love." ' f* 

late the other 
i mid immediately 
His prediction was sjiddmly veri- 
tled, for as soon as lie readied Inline his w ife ,ie- 
murked :** thunk- ii min. eh?" and th’eu 
commenced. It iviii -bori, sliarp and deelM\i\. 

8p?td* k twenty- live cents in Htiun^s lor 
one copy of Kendall’s Treatise on the llors>e. v 

Awk* your nejijrhhorH to sqiwcrihuVlnr 

the Advocate. 

Not; ;*cvtn HubHCfiheiH who or, ij r M ,H \ r 

address changed. Pleuse give- full ail(,lrekH of lw»^ 
Poatoiflce, otherwise change cannot be made. 

The Great Jackson Houtk. : -Ib the 

favorite to all summer resorts. Ithas been rebuilt 
with steel rails ; has adopted the standard gunge 
with 'a well ballasted track, and Increased speed. 
They ofTer thirtod vantage* pf fast time, through cars, 
surp connections, and accommodating officers. 


'g'nsmrss fptitjff. 

I'- ... • . 


Approved l»y, the Academy of Medlcliie of New 
York for coughs, colds, bronchia,! and tiibercular 
consumption scorfula and general debility. The 
most mild, bland and nutritious frtrm. in.^ilch Cod 
Liver Git can be used. And. with more bench I secured 
to the patient by a single teaspoon ful of tills ' Jel I ly 
than by double the quanlity of the liquid oil, and 
4he most delUAte stomaYh •' mvv ^ 
af|e4*4cail druggists. aiid\jj’ H 5 Hi 1* X • \ork. 


135 Canal St. 

( "om jn-ti'f ion iiejivd ! 

fnic'lCKUIN"' W.KIIKH, M A'I'IU,- 
SlIFK. HA HUMAN. ^ti»ntntPti|l to ro- 
>HiMt iirttii|»tit s.B hjkI i" •H'-t for In j^rent 
l u i III V) P r of a*o * t h, .\<> sfirk.ifl/Iyy leffS, 

pn breaking of- .strings, tat simeaking. 
noises MriMiiu aiul ll.ttnjiii, aiHi other 
orKHtiH of r otoH mi h. w r\ low in 
pricft. M r h .ui ■ i-N i.iiu i tn.tjrc'liandiae 
'of all kimlH. .^hiiu i'of .onr uHt-Klo^uos 
and | ricHB, Mini voti will <1 «a I wiill UH, 
frfbJiiiK i' Vour iiiicrcsb ho. to on. 

. - \\ WKRLKIN. 

lOstahliHltoU over 30 yoarn. 



•is em r.xrs. 

A Home Production 

never he restored 

An lrrepaj-abje 01le h |at w *** 


und not over prticlouH life, that coiiW-l__rj,| )e con Hcjptls ness of duty" per- 

noxious dlheaHes of the sk’lh. * k 

■ - 444 . - — - — *— ■ 

“It whs h fine'show,” said the navvy, 
as he N^alked sohetly home from thesclrcus; "and 
that li<Hi iatner Is a matt after my own heart. ITeH. 
Just banged that old UonesB about for ufl tlie world 
as If shV’d been his own wife.'.’ 

All nervous and blood diseases are 

'Invariably cured by the use of Samaritan Heroine , 

“ Samaritan Herein* would be-clnap ut flOO.00 a 
bottle It cures fUa.” J. Htorling. Charleston, 8. 0. 
Only per b*»tUe, Druggist*. ^ . 

formed *1 veirUB music at ipldnight.— , 
George Herbert. . ^ u ■ 

a gathering of the ueighbors who come in tQ help 
you pull up the weeds. A garden party Is composed 
principally of gush, taffy and aeptluieut, aud the 
host ftiruUh«*4h*nub. 



It I,. »» II »!«»». hM U»n. I. 1’“!? 
article. -Entirely .free from Alum. Has beu 

„,mi. : , r <i i-y • “V. 1 . 1 . ‘..Vi’;!. HT/r’ 

Js^LJ ii • 




I' t’V’.M Ill- I,.,!- 

every ineiy tier -f » deliles •*’••'. *“*» *He|i«Te. 

* 1 n« e upon the.formrtlny ^ * • p • •••Hut. , or J 

••Tile Iiiii-t iuit»...riin* . * i-amder of Am-ruan 





a teacher und composer • *f v 


other novelU'f#, .ciintainlng 1 


The M*:p 1 :' - 

grodunl til*' ."V ' ••* I ' ) 1' 

A teacher, I 1 *.- ' IU' 1 • • ' t u \ 



MR..J ’ 
It \Y. 1 

f eU* < . 1 

. Ml* It; 

,oW li-Ud 


great vn 
shilling t 

.S“dH B fc7« , Ki"iir.r 2Kr*. r'£?*ar«fM; 

leading family *g r ocers. Order* from the cnuntiv. 

Is del j'- 1 .'’; i'l'JjI.VHM'i .**t ' ' n.- w [ * I ' 




■ , For Illustrated L’lreuiur SStb year, „ 

l{ R |li' 1 «t:V'ONI> TO Min 

Bpirlmen I'.H-* l , U l ll. l 'in ’ ’ 

- u.tlml 

by ivia.'.. 

v i4yfi ' ii n 1 1 V i 1 * 


ew_ Yj>»?K_oFFice j ^ Cinciiuiali, 0 . 

nlon Squaru. 

f rir fetam* fteMus 





H(i\V TO COOK AN Ol.p IlBN.-l "7' . 
however, mention an i*W r L m * 1 ’ ’* 

1 liBVO ttlltrto Intel v I killed n HU|ic r- 

nnmi»»e.M.en--ni..reO.«.i»U/e»rj. o . . 

hut Otherwise in very good honrtlMon. 
Cooked in the onlinnr? w*y ene 'vou.< 
linve tesMi urimutbly lough. IftRlwjd 
<if being Ilfim cook or), she wns (rently 
utewod klmut four hours. 1 enn-not- 
mittmiuen to the maintenance of 11)0 
theoretical temperature. having enent- 
,,l • vu simmering. After Uinr 






Illinois Central Railroad 

farmhouse rook i ni? | 

is to stew them simply : the rule in the 
mid huds bfing one hour In the pot tpr ; 
everv year of age. The feinture of tjie 
.above experiment was tlie supplemen- 
tary rot> slum. As the lavinK keanon is 
now emitiig to an eml, phi lien* will 
soon he a drily in thewarkot.-ami thost , 
among liiv readers wlii.t have not .» brn - 
roost ofdhe*T--<>w.p will ohhve lhe r h. 
poulterers I v ordering >t hen that -is 
warrant’ll -to bo lour >♦* « r w olq or up- 
ward. -If ho duals fairly ’> will supply I 
trspeelmen upon which tliey.niay re- | 
peat mv experiment, yerV cheaply. 11 
btl'ers the double hoottomy of utili7.tmf 
a nearly waste product and ohtainit/u 
chhkfen-hrOth and roast l.iwl slinulta- 
liefiuslv.— T'rom "The i'heiplstrjt of. 
Cookery,” In Popular Science Monthly. , ^ 

, • a w • “ 

• ’Why Kvk Dips'T Nuf.u \ film..— A 
Indy writer in one of our exchanges 
furnishes some of the, reasons why Kve 
did- not keep a- hired girl. sl, e says : 

( There has been a crest- deal said phont 

the faults of women pud why llipy-neeo * 
so much wailitife on. Sonia ono ta man 
bfoonrsei has the presumption to a.u, 
“Why, w)ien Kve was manufactured 
tout (C it spare rih, a servant was not. 
made at the same time l<> wait on lieri i 
Site didnT nbed any., A bright .writer 
has said: Adam never rime whining 
i to Kve with a ragged slocking to lie . 
i darned, buttons to he s -wed on, gloves 
| to he mended right away— quick, j 
now.’’ lie never read the. newspapers , 
until the sun went down behind the 
palm trees, and then stretching himsell 
yawned ant, ‘‘Is Btipnor ready vet, mv 
dear?" Not he. Tie tnado the lire, 
ami hung the kettle' oVeP it himself, 
wo’ll venture, "itnd pulled ihe radishes, 
peeled'tho potatpea, and did everyt hing ! 
else he ought ip do. lie milked the . 
~ edWB.Timt rail IhH efiiekens, amUooUcd j 
after ihe pigs. limeelfc and never 
brought— home lialf a dozen friends to 
dinner— wlien Kve hadn’t any fresh 
pomegranates. Ha never slaved out 
iiil eleven o’clock al nighi anil then 
. acoMed lieoause Eve was silting up and 
crying inside the gates. He npvor loal- 
ed around corner groceries while Kve 
was rocking littlh Cain's cradle at 
home. He never called Kve up from 
the cellar to put away his slippers. 
Not lie. When he took them- olf he put 
them under the tig iron liesido.liis Sun- 
day bpot*. In short, ho did not .think 
she was especially' created for the pur- 
pose of waiting upon him, and ho 
wasn’t undor tlie impression that it 
disgraced a man to lighten n wife s 
cares a little. Tliat’a the reason Kve 
did not need a hired girl, and with it 
is the reason many of her descendants 

■ - The Great T»ram;1i T,|n» far 

I'aaarnsf ra anil krvlKtl * 
to All Fnlota 




Many mllea shorter and many honra quicker than 
any other line. 

_ and QUICK TIME. 




On and after Banday, May 27, 1883— 

DOUBLE DAILY TRAINS leant and arrive att)a»- 

Hope Street »epet as 'follows : 


Ex«. No. 2, 0:15 A. M. Kxp. *No. 1, 7 W A. M. 

| Exp. No. 4, §:»• P. M. | Kxp. No. 3,-10:46 A. M. 
N*s. 1, 2.8 aid 4 ruM daily. . „ 

Ticket office, R Camp «treH corier (Vin mon. 

A. D. BHELWON, Ticket Agent. 

A. H. H ANION. Oen. Pawngcr Act., Chicago.' 

J. W. GOLEM AN, AM. Gen, Pass. AgU.New Orleoua. 
0. M. IMEAPE, Superintendent. 



i Cottpn Factor 

If «i iti «■ Ileum. .. 

. . — ,MI >lelr uivn fnilll 
Kvcm remain tick when you ran 
■ net hop tnuera that nerpr—rh)/. 

The weakest woman, smallest child, 
and sickest invalid can use hop hitters 
with safotv’and great gcoil. . 

—Old men i ii'buug around trom 
Rheumatism kidney trouble or any 
weakness will lie aJinoht new by using 
imp I'hters. s* - 

—My wife and danghier were -made 
healthy Viy the use of Imp inttors and I 
irquminimd them to my people.- Meth- 
odlst Cle’rpy'man. 

Ask aiiv-cnoil rtor.tor ifhop * 
l-.iti** r* art* iwt tlie t»* t livnfl.v me<lJclnc 1 
Oil par, lh. 

—Malarial (ever, Ague and Bilious- 
ness, will leave every neighborhood as 
•soon as imp hitlers arrive. 

—“My mother drove tbo’ paralysis 
find neuralgia all out of her system 
with hop hlttera."— Ed. Onwegu Sun. ' 

I •• — Koep the kidneys healthy withJ)op 
bitters and von neisl not. fe«r aiokness. 
I _|r H Wiie’r 1 ,’mhlmviTliki'miaaa nun mnreifm'aie 
Inc unit revivtrr— »IOi Imp hlttera la each draught. 

I —The virorlof yn'itli for the iigc-1 unit inllriu In 
| hop bitlera. A 


k riijcnn a Trn 




44 Perdido Street, 

fS^ - EnUo Bine! . f 

ItrMrli l.oadera l 

$I6 up- 

Fnrrkini dir W»d«w.l 

'■'"t 1 

|V(T IMlT.r^MK’NT> i * 

B jMAaue_n iim) OuaninJievs - m tout sue.,, 


A TIm Great I ITIjT 


hlaiite rtiaLe-hwre 

\ 3 $srJftsx 

fall nrtirl«M nxi ui rW by 
U&s soMSf/srPfldis/Aa 

fit UJuaeihiroat. 

Through Bleejtjng Oftrs from 

Mew Grlraae to Frn«rl»w». 

VIA . 

klorgaii’a Loulalann and Texas Railroad, . 
Galveatou.HomBtin and Ban AnjkmlQ Railway Systena 
and Beaihero Pacific Railroad. 



having spring or runalng water *can 
have the water conveywl to their 

W emlses by ualng a Hydraulic ltaui. 

ore than 8no dlffarent etylea aud 
Biros. Iain aai r*ri a Puai|», 
n.vdraalle Eauis. Ilf. 
i fiend for circular and lurloen. 

Couaectlenn made at Houalon with 


Seneca KallaTN. Y., V. b. A 

la the d tract Vine ffom K’KW^ORLKANHm. 
TRAL TEXAS, aud all points in Arizona, Old and 
New Mexico aud California. - 

Through Express laarei New'Orleaap from afipoV 
f.knt af Tcraalohnra airaet, at pi:15 uoon. rms train 

(ur Cuurcaoi. 

Par lath. Bask 

lot, Theatre*, 

Lfem dcMgn*. 

Mrcular aa4 m 
la churcke* aj 

MUaa.l flwr Cailcr- 
mtm.utc. MawaaA eJr- 
VmA mac mi mm. Get 
saae. A Uboral dlvoount 

OC.-'ss^N^rt St-. N. Y. 

Trains atari ’from head of Klyalan F-icida atreot 
aa follows : ' * - ^ 

Alexandria, 7:15 A. M. Hoaaton, 12:15 T.Mj 
,= Arrives from . 

Alexandria, 4.45 ll M. Houston, 8:3# A. M. 

,F«r further Information apply to 


Tickel Agent. s* , 1 raffle Manager., . 

Office corner Magaxlne and Natch ^^^J^ LEAN * a . 

W. G. WHEELER, .; 

’. . • V 

Clothing and FurniNhing 


“ 1 '” rc ™ y 

A A and lieaiity 

ty'Ctfk l0 v,e 


(^y- " TeattmanWl^f a Boo* 

D ISFIGURING Humors, Jlumlllatlm Erup- 
tion*. Itching Tortures. Bcrofula, Halt RheuM, 
mid Infantile Humoh cured by the 00T10VBA 

^CrTmoaa Rw»*i.vknT, the new blood purifier, 
clefibaM the blood and peraplratloa of I do punnet 
ami polMnous elemfiiljijinfi Hiua 

foot of Terpalohora airtet, al 1-2 15 uoon. Tfils train 
Hiopa only alfit. Charles. Vat herle; Donaldsonvlile 
aud Plaque BUM, beiwtea New OrleaaB and Baton 
Rouge fuadtioa. 

Baton IUugo Accommodation leaves New Orleans 
at 0:1# A. M.. fool of Terpsichore etteet. Bwps at ull 

Oallforala Expren* arrives at New Orleaas, depot, 
foot of Ttrpalcborc atrtet, ut 7»S0 a in. 

Pullman Palace sleeping this , train from 
New Orleans w fian Frauclsco. 

BaUn Rouge Accommodutlyn arrlvce ai New 
•rleans al 7 p. m. r r 

Ftr tickets or information apply at 47 St. Charles, 
corner Gravier street, or depot, foot or T’erpeichore 
- street... - 

A Return to an wttJ» TIM 

III. A yea’ll get byrnell 


Successor in Wholesale to 


i ,i.ui HKiroiuun 



SWde L Monr#o 6te.,ChioM«^As^ 

Will KaJrr'Mldte •">■ . J 

lef iMtrtiuk^il*. ^<*1^ r *P^, J 

‘r~’— ‘aim ^ 

Drum htafta. m4 

I Ufa. S>m4r? lui OKttto, ¥*** K 
lUiinVJa. *U*ln«*We.« lwe*il« »^li- 

Cordage, Paper, Demijohns, 










80 ALES, 

rctfaii fer AmU nr U»tt(W, mJ » 
if CheiM lull Umir. 

Tiii: Cocoa nut as Food.— T ho Fiji 
Times, -+fi a recent Article, calls atten- 
tion to the immense utility eft* the cocoa- 
nut’ as foo<l ration «, nnd the valuable 
qualitiPH which it has for HUBtaioini? 
nutrition. M'tio following instance is 


The Nkertest and talfkesi iMle tm all 
Eastern Cltlea. 

PemsttOiU, Savmnih, Montgomery, Hnih- 
villo, LouUyIIIo, Lynohbnrg, Cinoin- 
n»ti, St. Lonii. Atlanta and, > 

: WukingUn, D. C., 



given in the case of a vessel that qmte 
left San Francisco with 400 passengers 
for Sydney, and which, In consequence 
of rnntftng short of stores, had to put 
in atSamsa, whore a largo quantity of 
cocoanuts were obtained. thol 
remainder of the pasHage very heavy 
weather whs encountered, in which 
thfe vessel became water-loggod, . and 
pnly reached Sydney after a. perilous 
journey of 80 days, during .which time 
all the provisions ran short, and men, 
women, and. children were fed only r 
upon fcoooanuts,' being- at last reduoed’ i 
,to 6ne per* diein for each adult. Not- 
withstanding the diet, not a life -was 
^OSt, and not a single case of sickness 
occurred, all the passengers landing in 
a healthy and well nourished condition. 
In another instance, two men drifted in 
a whale boat on to Qualrs Island, where 
they remained fo.r seven years before 
they were taken oif. They had no food 

TOYS, Ac. 

Store Furni»Uinjf Goodw 

Lfa and Lnv?rn/<y 

nfaciura !»••• It* prated Uhtwesaiia | 
tic. Price- lint anfi Circulars sent-’ 

( fr il'r.lfi*Y MrfiHAia A 
I talMnare, Mfi. 

44 Tohoupitomlas Street. 

Arrive. ) 
0:50 P. Mi 

9:«b A. M. 
10:10 A. M. 


Drawing-Room Cars attached U Coapt Trains. 
Fare, *&c. each way. 

Ticket offioe corner fit. Char lee and Common sta., 
where Bleeping Oar aooemiuodaUons can be secured, 
C. P. ATMORE: •ensral Pass. Ageu t. 

JOHN KILKENY, Aeat. Gen. Pass. A*ent. 

- J. H. fiMITH. Ticket Agent. 'j* , 

J. T. HARAJLAN, Buperiutendent. 


SjHuims, CobtuI- 


Oetwn Aocommodation. 

49 Oamp Street, New Orleans, 


Crocked/, China and Qians i Ware 

General Furnishers for ' 


For Country Dealers - " 

Parkagfi Nicely Aaaorled, 





• Sole Agents for % . 

Coal Oil Rteres aid Gard«n Pomps, 

WAnlad lu nvary Town in thisinte. 
Refrigerators, Ice Boit*. W T ater Ceolers, Ice Cream' 

Choicest Foods’ in th© World, for 
Old and Young. — 

Srh.-'il gi^iiin, :vll Irulls, 
rocklc.srinm itnjnifitics.-j-c- 
move i I., SttEAM 
C.MIKKn Demvi atkd. 
/h Unltii. Prepared, aa wan- 
l, d, for tlie • table-, jn ten 
minutes. Saving money. Sav 
ingj'nel. Saving time. Say- 
ing \Va-vte. Spying lrgalth. 
Ivasv 1‘> diganty^e/ve' cl <• 
rtntljr t/u'rouf;hfy^.'okfJ, 

F*lHng | 
st. vitos 1 

w V'W” AhtM ' 
Vm; aac|7t^l*"’ 1 ' 9pU* m ® a * i ' 
1TK OKA I JUh)s,/'iipM!n«, 

y ^ T * ScrofnlA, Kings 

M CIWC JWI, UglyK.^ 
f » *■ I yiBi'Mes , Drvcp- 

k W ! U l1 , B^ff*ryWhnnmAt.l»». 

.Yarrawa Brnlf Worn-, TU* *t fo rm, 

Bilinumesai ('•siiomtm, NeiTrouBrr«bx*lo», 
Kidney TronUss and Jrrsgviarltm. tl.6*- 




JANUARY 11 Ml 12 , 1884 . 


\ Cnnler. RufllVr, TuoT- ^ I ■] 
lt, Kivu lInmmcni.Blml |f| I n J 
er| Thread Cu«*r, Vtm . IW ■ ^ 
lea, OH and full outfit wlUi cach.- 

UnarMtMlUbeperfMt. W ai 

maM fi yaaw, IJon'tpay doubl 
for nsaAfiAiaea no better, whenyo 
con try these before youjiay n «wl 
|1B iwti lnapraTMneata. Itunn Ugli 
with little neieu. Maedyonu* an 
ilnruWo. Oi— lew with bn 
Arm4« * 0eaM»a«Ula frtM 

, 47 Third Avo. , CUioago.lll. 

Freer.ers, Clieeae Rafes, Fly Fans, 

Fly Traps, Bird Cages. 

-Parrot and Squirrel Cagee 


49” Bend for Catalogue.. r®* 

Throttfh Trunk Line 


Tesuits among the class tbit 1 b most, 
■exposed to suoh privation.” While 
many might not agree that it- is the 
“primary” cause, yet there is no doubt 
that food at once ljealthful and inviting, 
sufficiently nourishing for the needs of 
those who partake of it, is a preventive 
remedy for the desire for strong drink. 
HouseKeepers should remember this 
both as an incitement and encoprage- | 

Cleaning Gloves. ^ —D issolve a tea- i 
Bpoofiful creani of tartar in half a cup 
of water and saturate thb feoiled parts. | 
ltub gently until dry. 

• ri* «* > - ■ 

If the brass top of a kerosene lanip 
, has come -o If it may . he repaired with 
plaster ot Paris wet with a little water 
and will be as strong as ever. ~ . 

— * — — — • . <•> 

To keen ice from windows take a 
sponge or^qrdinary jialnt brush, rub 
^ver the glass once or twice with a little 
cold alcohol. . 

<;•••! Piar r#r AgrnU. 0100 to JlteO pvr 
I mo., made aalllag onr fine Books aad 
Lltlklea. Write to J. C. McCurdy A Bt. 

1 Louts, Missouri. . J 

na carap stroot, 

If UW •■LEAN!. I.A. 

{ContimuA from latt week*) 

How Watch Cases are Made. 

prepaid. 8 books aad 

• that will bring you In 
r, without capital, than 
aw. Honest fai t. * »nly 
. i yr.. >» . BOO return 
,„U. Uoukk ami Photos. 
|. Clark, Wlscoy, Minn. 


The Northwestern Methodist. 

Atthe e esslocs' of the Colombia Conference, 
Method Is Episcopal Church, Bouih, lt was unaul- 
uepsly resolved and favored by Bishop Hargrove, 
to ubllsh religious pajier. 4t will be&tD as a 
monthly a 75 cents per annum. All who desire to 
aid n good cause aud know what the church ls> 
doing n Oregon, Washington and Idaho for the 
Redeemer’s kingdonj, will send their names aa sub* 
ja: fibers - and the money when the paper is received. 

F. W. D. Mays, Pomeroy, Garfield county, W ash- 
ingten Territory. 

WMmI Okitft ill with Speed Uirhilei 

- VISITING/ cards, 


Blanks for Clerks of Court, blanjcs for Matonlo 
Lodges, blanks for Grangen, dec., blauka fer Co- 
Operative Btoree, * 


Fraui New Orleaue, Mobile and Moutgoinory; to 

M iow lllu«trate>1 Plural 

lux neaoiipliou 
if tho Irnat v»rletle« m 

h tl.rAr. mill 


, . rJl N»NZ A NEtJNEH, Louisville, Ky. 

SUt I HAM PI DC Wltliont chnng« to 

reLLiMB lidno Nunhvllln, 

(lakrdMatf, Oblcago, with but one cltun^o to all 


Executed in the heft style and prices us low a« any 
city in thfi North or W’eaL 
Bend your order to 


^ , / _ .112 Camp Btreet. 


FOB— . h ■ 

Sunday - School Supplies : 

Consisting In part ef 
GOSPEL IIYMNB, Single and Combined,. 
With afcd without Music. 

Bibles aad Testament^, (cheap edition) TeaclierM 
Bibles, Oxford Pocket Bibles, (with claQpa) Bible 
Dlctloaariea, etc. 

' Union Prlmeyi, First and Second Reading Books ; 
Union Spelling Books; Union question Books; 
Catechisms ;• Rewaid Cards ; Scripture Text Cards ; 
Tickets, etc. Also a large assortment of Books suita- 
ble for Sunday-School LlbrAried, of presents to 
/children. Pulpit and Family Bibles, from |2 60 to 
f 15. Liberal discount to ministers, churches and 
Bunday-sohools. Catalogues sent ou application. 


Business IM^nager, >t 

i 04}Camp street, New Orleans. 

Tough u)eai may b<j made aa tender 
m any by the addition of a little } 
Vinegar to the .water wlfen it is put i 
on to boil. V S V ' ornuuiuuts may lie lutui'lni 
Witb shellac. Kmokiun the joint reud- 

ers it black, .\ 


To make Kreuu blinds that are faded' 
lopk like new, Vfu&li ibeiu over Willi 
linseed oil. ■ . 

Kponnlnp tbe head irequentl.v with 
sage tea w ill prevent the hair falling 

Moths can he kept out of garments 
; by wrapping them in solid colored cal- 

irrom Ok»tt*noog! ,‘nil Na.iiville to fit-Lonti, 
oomNoSDf Alroct for Cltie. In tti, Nortliwoot. 


Hnl ludtiucllou . audJluiul-L 

miPDHUTC Seeking bomee on tbe 
LmlunMll I u line of thla road wi)l 
receive npecHil low rates. 

See Agents of this Company for rates, routes 
*c., or write C, P. ATMORE, G. P. L T, A. 

, (?) Louisville, Ky* 

A 12 horse power Atlas Port- 
able Engine on wheels, has been 
but little used, and Is in thorough 
order. , . 

Will he sold on time to ajsQPd 

Apply to 


44 Perdido St., New Orleans. 


Horse Powers. 

rjKve*- i , amv' ,,, ’ t 

M.insUt lil. obu». 



tail. nU'uro Co|>|ii;r TI" tom«|KV 

lohooU.KltB AI«™»A*rBw..l«. ■J' 1 ■ 
yARIlANTEH. C«ulo|i"U Jlillt FroP. 

VANDUZEN 1 TIFT, ClnolrUlH. 0. 

&yedo"t. lli»Tr>( A. liowni. 

Of iimard of Dtredmrt N.J, U. /». & Tram. Co. 

Bead I erst »U*p UltjiUii* WsUli tsar IsctortM, I'klls* 
dalpkls, I' a., far kaadeem* IlUstrated I*a»apklet ahowlng how 
b J mm Jlo**’ sad MjiUaa Ifakl taaaa art made. 

(To bt Continued.) • 

gjbrw $tbMU ffcrirtum ^iviutc. 

Minckt i.A.vrors. 

mescmiJjA njcqvs. 

tftridtiai SM»eGrtt 

ClrRHuTBMPniUNOK Lawn.'— RiiotU 
Iiah lately made Iho follhwlnn nnrlous 
effort trt reglilato the llfpior ti afflc: 
"There Is to be only one llrpior-shoj) 
in a vllleRO, and where two or throe 
vlllagea aro alinoat pqnlluii'tii*, the one 
altop moat atiflb'h for their onmhlned 
inhHhltante. The phhllean inual be a 
nati ve of tlio v\llaRe, mnnl lie appointed 
and paiil by the nominon council, and 
in oat noli food an well hh liquor. If he 
allows any porson to get drunk, ho la 
liable not only to iHamlsRHl; but to Hue 
and Imprisonment. Jf any Russian 
village Is reported to tho authorities to 
be nddloted to drunkonnoss, the, aale of 
liquor may bo interdicted for as long a 
period as may seem necoesary. 

The Queen of Madagascar has orderod 
the framing of a prohibitory law in hor 

A. Brousseau’s Son 

Aftfer Business. 


|1 WMd 1 7*^'’yiir«i. 


7# Oeat* a Yard up to ft Oft 

Wntoivi, Axr* Verdure, Velvets, MoquetLr», flruesel* 
lugnrttiH, Three Ply*. Window Bhade*. 

1 /Ht 1 *' Ctmalnn, Oe*o a, lS*pler and 
C>lna Matting, Turkish 
Ruga, Or»n»h Uleth*, 

Butt* and Mata 

la Great Variety, all Late* Btylee and Noveltle* 
Oall a * 4 !mm>. Telephone in an*. 


Steel llni , lrFon( , (‘.\Vin‘ and AjmuilturM 

A OKfoTN Viiut- tf.\C Jl Mrotikf'' A nrimr lirnmi nS*T» hu« 1 Sp|k**»« W M, Mfilftllu.i :artrldg* do. 

WhiKliMul line Co., YMtrMi'Uti t "iin.. II. ik Hyp'* ryUkj-*p"l FUph. rinlNuibluhlo, Fox's 
IJiVfoli* l/mdlliu Shot Uunn, Ohio V/nH» y .so i l uni Jreti WuTk*. ('IwVunafl Midvale !l»**l WerM, I’hll* 
adcl pi! In, M**ikh-'H Chilled r |mwh,.1 , h 1 k , Hrett erf'e’* Hlurl .md linli'Cepp'tr, PlUidjiirK, Pn. 

Ifhn. Johrt I. Martin, office opnoelfo Four Court*. 
HI. Louie. Mo., write* : I.einon itUxlr ha* no eou* 1 
for the disea*#* for which it le leoouimended. My- 
self and PamUy hare umiI It for two yeare and reo- to our friend*. 

O. F. Richmond, Druggist. Neosho Rapid*, Kama** 
write* • Lemon Mlxlr 1* the only medicine 1 ever 
Bold or u*ed that doee more good and cure* more die- 
eaaee than la claimed for It. 

dominions “forbidding the manufacture 
or importation Into hor territories of 
alcoholic Honors. A bro»ch of this 
ordinance will entail iho forfeiture of 
ten oxen and ton dollars ffrtfc. If the 
penalty can not be paid. by any offender, 
it must ho worked ont at the rate Of 
njnepenco por day.” * “« 



JNO. I. ADAMS & C0?, 

Wholesale Grocers 

Christ Is the Lamb of 'God tlist 
taketh away the sin of the world ; he 
would fix our eyes oil hlmsslf In nls 
sufferings, that when we see him on 
the cross, wo may loarn to bo of the 
same spirit. But the Lamb that was 
•lain ha» boeomo tho Good Shephard; 
foOdlrig his sheep, and. leading them to 
living fountains of waters. Wo are 
ills and hla only ; nothing can be to us 
aa be Is ; ho lays special strosa on thlp, 
that we aro his awh in a way that wo 
cannot belong to any ono elao, or any- 
thing to as. If we have, forgotten this, 
ho has not; ho is still Hoeklug ns, be- 
cause w.o aro his own. everything 
elaa will forgot us, but lie will not. No 
ono elao can care fo^^is as lie does.— 
Isaac Williams. "V 

Commlauloil MerolmutH 
XopTST® asdscreisri qtrstt, 

(F.naevlr Nsw Laver, ) 


r trim/, llair mid J loss Mattresses Made jto Order, 

Factori’ aid Traders 


4k oaROVDILJIT btbbki, 

iiintcv Oi\l<‘r* mom i>tl> altwad««i te 


Smd description of your Invention. L. IHJVGIIaM, 
Patent Lawyer and Solicitor, Wathinglen, D. C. 

£*»ftd VJp Capital #1 

RD. A. PALF11T, Prenidaat, 
JO¥N (JHAFF1, VI 0* Presides 
'T-c'*'** F ‘UAI.nKB.'fteoretArj 


ll 5 Duitphinc Strati 


WAgoa Rapoailbry, 70,7l 1 74Sl.t'ljUrl*bBi. b'fti'iorj a 


ln * W 

— itti i TllflBjj Va - 

mi it - 

" ** " " c fcLlur 

IK toSmb «ii f'f 


,**• Peiltle* Uverlag Fire, Blw 
Aid Marla* BUbi at Ik* Lowfii 
r*rlF Mata*. 

' l^tVkTKB : 

Job* I. Neale, John <A*fk\ 

Rlekkrd MljiUai Hs^a’l Friadlaodwr 

R. M. WRia*l»w K. H. Mat. 

T. Lytv L**a Beyd. 

Wa. J. t*ka*. 11 , O. Mkl«u> 

erk.-u. A’kaFe,^ . ... / L. U.'J*rey, 

Wa. Martwell. . / 0 . J. L** 4 e. 

A. T. Ja*l», A. M. Bcuam. 

it^ury Akr*tk.»a ' L*ni* »u*h. 

A. Britt! a, 0 . W. fil**tell, 

Wa. C'u**laK**a. Jo.k* I. Adai**, 
nt. T. labka*r, Wa. A. Gwyn. 4 

' <:k am t et 


[IfY, F.bltbllshed ii IHAj 
• tiL!* iisevriaiftl •' 


•C ifrivul:.. I’lirchasors will i.i; 

,11 and .fexsnninc tho Goods. 

It#.- f eeRlt.t,au¥,V\ k<Hr> I'reaplly F.a rr*t*»<l. 

>'<-h-atKi>V fjci .•cf.Ufi^r .irfr plTi^sul ?c most 
SKI* n’L M - ilii-. \ 

{gy Carts. 

Oaii^WiIJ^iiiH^lmall Oart*. Tyjg YrkkakA, ell witk 

Black Locust Iluba, Bodlty • !'*ol Bkela Wagoay 
the beet akeln wagon *eia. Whe#Lb*rr#WB, Axle 
Or case, flyok**; Fell***, Uotiva Ileal Dlatribuien 
Btubble Bnarer*. 

Ca* d«liY*r goed* along the rlyer. filr*ct froa fao- 
tory, and in car load* *u rail; ofcda. 

.\"».va-.t«qppiis to 

Inee*Hrkt*4 m n Mutnal Ooapany In l.Ht^-Re-d* 

gnnined a* n Hteek Ceayany In lbt»o. 


Ha* nnli neatly NINB MILLIitNH tea,** 

HI nee 1MJ. 

AmnnjJ a *4 Tera Felicia Iaut-o on , r • 

Fire BniLnee*. 

f?. K. LtMAW. Pruidrm 

CWA|i. H. MMMBPf V!*e Pree ’•••' V 

COXA!. »• RIM* Hecreu’r 



S 50 CCE 6 B 0 R TO 

*n.Z& -Hi Eft SON 

7 R ADtx 


— oooDjrou- — - 

All Acko* dc Pains, 
2 JIV. HK9T 

i i.ft fJAHT BTItliCT, Ifsw Orlestuu. 

•<10. BuGl^o^Suite, $1 

Oollura, $1.60 por Dozon. 

:f‘WT\Vridii -dMi .nU. 1 * ISvai. 

.il^tlom, Mi 1«S wat 0. 0. P 

t»o,1t-MAO*'i!Wg, u.: •— - - 
77, slid 7, COMMUS STBIBTS. 

■ MW aBUtU. 

rhildreii rllnib m>> blur. Lot them- 
Tetoli him down on his nil-fours; lot 
them straddle him, lot them chase him 
round tlih chairs. Let them bo gladder 
to have thair fnthor come home than to 
lisvc any angel out of heaven drop 
down in their midst. , It will not only 
bo, better for the children and tho, wife 
ami the lirbolo domestic circle, but in 
ait .apodal manner it will be bettor for 
the business man biuiH«)f, lie will go 
back to ids work ft. slier, stronger, and 
likoagiant. . 

Hut If the business man be so unfor- 
timalo as to have no homo circle, let 
him ho careful In regard to one thing, 
namoly.tbat ho abstain from all studies' 

connected with his business. If he be 

engaged during the day. in linance, don't 
let him road the newspapers in those 
portions where they givo ail account of 
slocks. • Let him frequent na business, 
club ;‘lmt if ho must go to a olub, let it 
bo one of artists, or of man engaged in 
any other buelnesa but hla own. fsit 
him set himself systematically to give 
a cortajn numtier of hours bofore sleep 
to the study of some subject as remote 
ns possible from that which , engagee 
his attention. In business hours. 

Some time ago wo woro' at a lmok 
auction, where an acquaintance of ours, 
who had been a professor' of Greek, 

Jer.h nowllof, SWI H.Uiufo, 

SImob ll.rn.krlr. Ylct.r M./rr, 

..Nin'ir.laui! Alfred M,u11.ij, 

r»ut a. , w. b. c«M* r . . 

Bdward IfaJl.,*. •. Bulb . 

w. a. Liu,. f. »vimi, 

CkarlM B.MlMi, J.k.lMdw, 

A. H. Bliwtr. 8. 0. 

Hsrry I.. riMk. Va A. Bk,lp«. 

J. J, hrl«, . , 1^*1* frUo. 

Lnclm D.l.ry, - Okulx W.wmsn 

». D. W^tac Hlamaadlaw. 

U Sill!*. B. F. W Backiasu. 

0. K. ».v1d. W«. a.rig. b 

A. Kenfivld. Job. D. fcllk.r, 

N. nr 4 >,u thrsMknl L*.U 1 b«. 

Tnu. akiDitiiM «•«* Ark*»» 



I'rirjMcton, • 

- . TKXAS. 








Wholesale Dealers in 

Tebaeee, Cigars, HaaT, K < c - 


New Orleans. 

1». A 21 Mogaziee an4 M Gobimob Blreela, 


JOS. Jl. WOLFE & CO., 

Cotton Fm-toris, 

5 <) Careaiclet, Street, ?(ew Orleau, 

And Geueral Ag***f« for 


Revolving Head Cotton Gin 

J, m mm m «r • S 1 a*V * 


THFA'h.Ll IN Til It i llOGKfis Q'e MAN U FAL'J^uHK. AN l 

,i. n, guv.1 . biMiaisb, n » I •“ bi.l JXI* » r^LjEm. 

4 . wu rrtii uiiJ Xuxcj t i.u et'UMai*. *1'U t lititn that tile MKDI 

, M “ V. uMMlMl.r. .1 W -Ala k I“J* »• ««• 
RJ.V. II Wlb.l -.'.Akll.! out I 

Yi/.y V vimi'i' [’.'.‘‘" volUb. Il'uu.'** >'.*1 win liwsv.wc ihrougb 
: H ll.t ffiLU'U.l bat tL * eptu - u'«" *Uways cjal. doI»g away 
wiwbi.lWliklitliaViLH uo vC-rt >n the t-jp. with na 

the m*>( lurepufkl Kpmedy ever dis- 
covered an It le certain In lt« efTecia anl 4 *e* net 
klister. lit ad Procf Below, 

I aim 1 mail Hf mj j f* — . . , 

mv>sr. wm r.tlrvlr w.fl of lk#.UB*»M> csu»U 
by *!»•! iubyI* of over out year’* *umdlng a*u In 
thr3* weeks time the *welli*f was all gene a»d the 

m»rkl**pw **lirely well bb 4 can IroA ;u glib a* 
eyerl I ceuelder vhe belli® ef Kendall s Mpaviu Cure 
worth to me $if4.!u. as the aalaiai wa* wertliluM, iw 
»U* wMon three Lg* aad ceuld * 0 *Ycely get areuud 
on theuKaad new she is the rtneet Innj animal , In 
these earth, and with the tea meal of the ketlleafUir 
Turrfi* ttS* a are 1 hare nearly curedaverr *«vere 
•ern ,o* the kali of my klg Uo that ha* glvon ae 
great •*!■ for two er three years. I have oaty ap- 
plied Kendall's Spavin Cure feur tlaee a*d the corn 
now Is nearly out by the roet* and w 1 tbeuta»y pain. 
In Bhert I think It Is the he*t llalaeat that •• }u JiM. 
I have Kendall’* .Treetlee on the Beree a* 4 his Dla- 
ea*iie and j would not tuk* any aency for It IT 1 
could not g*l auother. Hoping yeu great suoeee* I 
remain Yotw* respectfo lrt\ 




e Hulling Cotton Ql*, 

vorfrctlo. *f ft gi. f«r gluulDg rowbljr 

tliB bulls fross lbs Hat W.for. It 
sud Is Invftlua.lo t. pls.tvr. 1. 


1 * the very 
gathered cotton. 

It Bi-parpteR 
reaches the saw". 


rflEIK BKV 0 LV 1 HQ HEAD OIN by lwlllia 
T fhr Its. pMl 1 *. BMMous, suit s.ver .1 lsoprerj- 

menu h*Ve been added. It ohvlatee all frlclie n at 
tiiM .aj, of ih, L'otteu box, prevents the rell fro* 
uil.fiV. .id irt vli “ artes uf ltui fro th. 
iil. iuunm. ot liw rotwu mail' a.T .Uu Ola la 
u „ R.’volflng llt*.d UghUna lb. draft aa 4 

cause, tb. Ola 1 " 0 |» {■*»>«' v* 1 .*. 

tkn* doing a grottnkvil raor* dOra wiLUla Ik* ***** 
time while t‘Conomlxlng*t#<ua or animal power, than 
*nf Gther Gl*. The need heiag flanod very ©law, 
tk* length ef the «Uol« l* lBC , r 5 ^' 1 ThU 

a VllT aJd«t loIncraaH- a-ou.,.< 
wer* none. m«»ro than cover* the coat pf 1 * 

every >>ale'e ginned. Teatimonlais sent by ***11 

.a_BipUcation. c.n nHNalilu with laMt 


nutchln*on’s Uauch, 12 mile* aorih of Denver. Col. 

March Itb.'imw. ' 

Db. B. J. Kvsdai.l A Co., Geht*:— Far the past 
three year* I have used Keaeall'* Bpavla Cure. . in 
itic* ax&ti of spavin, at which l have treated fivi*,**it 
ha* killed then all. and entirely removed three. In 
case *f splint I fled It ho* n# equal, oa* case I had 
wa* of three ye»*a stnadlug ami toe flavin ’ ure re- 
moved It entirely. I had a caw get spavined and it 
entirely cured tier, one year at* * two hundred 
pound aleck of Ice fell ent ef * wbbwb slrlklBR jny 
foot au lnitep smdTtoes, It 'would ni-imptwaitile irr 
mrish a foot woreo witkeul hreaklag aay ho*(M. I 
wa* taked heme and carried lute the bouse. I do 
not think amputntleo ef the ler weald cause ituv 
more pain. I went for Kendal 1 'tspavla Cure, It wa* 
Ml 1 u*ed amt in nIx day* 1 canid walk around. 
AbBUt three week* *r> »y raa away and threw 
in* ent of the wagon, th# kind wheel struck nry kece. 
After applying several highly iecommeBde«l lini- 
ment* without oktalnlng any relief. I weal for K*ti- 
dail's Spavin Cure. My leg wa* drawn up und mr 
knee *wollou badly. In three dav* I wa* able to 
walk to tho barn. I could ge Into details aaoi e fully, 
and make this n vary loag letter hot will uot wwary 
you. I-ain very reBpeclfklly youra, 


I*, q. U>ck Box, 2342 , Denver t*lty, Col. - 

An uuuvaIIv luuvy Mt*v.,. Huh ev- 
v . cBv . u"i*-i.( » , lutludi_»K 

' The ilrst celuuan of flgwroe give the price of the 
fobllcallea per year, the eecead the pile# of the 
twe.tdclndlngonr adymatb. 

N^w Orleans Tlnee-Deneerat ft# *1 7 b 

NeW Orleans Pleayun* * ‘ a •• 

Sentkarn Ov lMvnter I W 3 ** 

Cekntry Gentle**** 2 •* •• 

A**ertean Agrlcalveurlst 1 W. k "4 

Caati ta acodnspaay nil erders. No redaction 
allowed *a ikdee rates for remitundee. Will rocolvu 
■ukoeriptlen* for all tfcd Uadlag new*i»aper* in the 
Watted ktatee. 

dAJITMK A JAMUfidON. FubUshar*. 

New Wfkiaas WkststUu A^v^W. 


[« over 

K«epi*4' . 

R oad and other 
S (Ucka in the evea fran. 
ua:. and M*o preveati* 
Vii*- box fiuLB buraisK 
' 'tbr.ufb. 

j fA.variia.n. nrxnto iukisu, 

be two'lltj-nlnlb AalMlul SmsIou will b.«ln «» *h. 


UsnsS.lil Is stumlscl on tin* Tms »n* i 
tiiUroa*!, Ibri, mll«i.uUi ofahreveporl In . bus- 
Ifni and b«»llhy counliT, l” «m>IJ 
roin utmost orrr^iiorllon o( 'l>i»s ' k * a ‘ 

'li.CotlrKsls lh« iffumiy- uf D 10 M n' hw J l 

i.l Church, Boulb, ^iol Is uuuislird bj 1 U» l«ul»l^ 4 » 
tonfurtnoe. Th. building, and ground, nr. ***•&- 
|„ .nd nil tl*« fbctmi™ for Inttnicllon »r. pro- 
,|d«l. Tbs CotlHo IwH >*'» r haJ nr ‘ rlJ ' * LunOrsd .nd .lily pupils In, UilrtJ In Arl 
tnd on. hundrod .nd Iwnuty In sit. J 

Hoard .nil tuition, par Wnu ; SHO O*- 

Music and um of ln.trom.uU«o »®- ’ 

Usual sliargo. I|ii Arl Dspartmonl suit Mod*™ 

immhs K. M. OICACK, Pr«td.uL 


Hanta Rosa, Cat., Ksb.*glb, lltc) 
n. J 7 Knauiii. A Co. OsnHsimsa:-! frsl u a 
duly lo olbsrs sutTorinf wills lbs pttss sad falling of 
lbs rscluui to wrtls Is ysu 1 ha, s had U. piles and 
urolausus of lbs rsemm for fl». y.arl. *ur Ibd paal 
Ihrs. raars t bars snSSrsd lbs raosl agwalzlug palu. 
Triad svsryiblag wllasul rails/, but aflsr ten day. 
UM of Ksudall's Bsavta Curs t bay. aol siv.ii or 
beard of lb. pIlMstaca. Una wbs bar not sulKarad 
aa 1 bar. can But esniprahaad tbs grsal Joy tlial l 
foal al balsa cured sf a dtaaasa altnssl woesa than 
dsatb. 1 bad a'raluabts young bsrM Ibal bad a 
tarns buneb gatbor on bis biopsl bone. I irted all 
binds of lluluiauls aad bad 11 cul o|»u wllbsul any 
bsusdt. Sow y.ur advorltsasscnl and bought a bol- 
ItsofKoudalrsSpartuCuroaud ordsred my imuu- 
Slerto uss as dlreotad. In Isas lha* oas wwlffibo 
lump li.'l rl'vappMrsd. Tbluklag that a ttutiucal 
that wsulu do wbal EsudaU'p tpurln Ouro baa dun. 
f.r uiy aij.uv might bsaadt esurs t triad It siatasl 
rM .rc ' ' W'lb gralltuds sud t>ssl wlsbss f»r your 
succsaa. i.«l»,.u.d i)|iiN 




Oflioe, Corner W|i»lilngton und Cfuwfurd Htn 

Vicks n vita, miss. 


J. H..CAMP3LAF, 99 ■&, 101 Camp Street, New Orlews 

indiauapoua. ind*. u. a. a. 

b MaussaannaaiM o* ^ 

Judge Hliarall wilt glse'bU pu sonal iqtculloir to 
,lm portunt baste eiw. 

dupremu Court oaU Kedoral OoiIiT'Ptfctli* n *pc- 

clulty . • , 


^ - i.nrm aTF ft C I IUB* 

The E. A. Seminary 



This gchool, for boys and girls. Is localsd at 
Aitadla, Uleayllls 1‘arlali, La . a town oa lbs rail- 
road that Jolas Mani oc and Bbroyeport. 

Tbs osirM of study Is Uiorougb and practical. 

Tbs dlMlpllPS la rigid, with iftlldasds. 

^.Uo^ sddr^^ HMi . rn ntt ., ■ 

Baud address fbr Illostratsd ClrePlar, which wo 
tblak glrss posit) vs prsof sf Its rtrluss. No rsssedv 
baa sear Mel with suck uugualillad auccoas to our 
knewledn*. for heeet u* well m ninn. 

Prle* |f per bollle or elx keHlee for M. All Diuf- 
gl*#* have it or eau get it for yeu ( er 11 will he eenit 

eoL* by all. dhujccists 

■Wssurs aelllbg tits watckM sf Us Aiasrlcan Watch 

(Ntspaay, Waltbaa, Idua, a* law^as tksy aro sold 

Eoy-wlndlag dllrar Walokaa al AIL 
Qtasa-wladlug Bllyyr Watobaa at »U to »s*. 
iltaaa-wladlag Osla Wattbss al ltd aad up war da.. 
All ft|jly gaai iss ssd BasU Mr a oalalsgaa 


Steel Alloy Church anA Soho tl Boll 

Add nm C, *. BELL « CO.. HILLSBORO, 

UP Canal •trsal. Nsw Orlsaus. 

. ^u.Lsuutw 



Greenville...:, ; tjjg' 

WnyuMtxiro (Tueidnyj;.... • , '* n v 

tone : The Oltf "Packet am\ Clipper Ser- 
vice,; The Birth of a Nation and .J udith 
Shakespeare, are other Illustrated arti- 
nlea in this . number. Ne v. A ork . 
Harper * Bratherr. ^ 

" —The Popular Science Monthly, for 
•ianuarv, la an unusually Interesting 
number. The article of spocla) attrac- 
tion is bv Herbert Spencer on Reli- 
gious Hetrospect and Prospect. ^ Some 
other papers are as follows : The Clss 
sical (Juestion in Germany ; T he Mo- 
rality of Happiness ; Female education 
Irom a Medlcal'Potbt o^ View ; Iler 5,'j 1 ' 
ive Kye sight and Idiosyncrasy^ The 
editor discusses the study of the classics 
elaborately and adversely. New a o.rk. 
1). Appleton it 06. Single number, oil 

—We have before us two other little 
volumes of religious poems from tht 
same firm, (Anson D. F. Uatidolph d 
Co.. nm» Broadway,. New York.) Peso 
anil Heat. They are selections from tin 
'best writers, are nicely bound and ari 
very suitable for holiday gifts. 36 cts 

hi £ WS OF, TH E WEEK 


Bclzoua, st Ualmua 

Koncluako and Durant.. 

[)for Creek. 

20. 27 

10 FrtaiVFoInt npdXiiitlri. 

10, 17 Faixonla..;. ......... 

23,24 Bolivar „... 

Morion .. '• 


Neeboba i-A**-** 

Enterprise :....... v 

Clark mV 


Vnsnburg and HleaiPbU'R. 
HiMinfleravllle (WedUbeda] 


'Meridian circuit: r.*4~... 

Merldtnn ; 


Mlnter City 

g reenwood.., ..... 

lack Hawk............. 

f lnona and Valden, 


Inona circuit.. 


Indian Village 
Jonea’ Bayou 

laow ordinary 
Good ordinary.. 
Low middling.. 


Hood middling. 
Middling fair. 






Newport 8, c 

The district stewards Will meet at Durant, Thurs- 
day, January a. 

Corinth station. 
Iuka station..... 

IlOIl ” 

ron 12. 12 . Baonvlllo »n.l Rlenxl , at Bounv ll« 

-i: • KKSS®:::":: : 

Frankllnlon M, IT Kowuth, at Kniumth 

I’xterholcZ 22. 2’ Jonesboro, at Joneelioro., 

i Ocelli Springs Mar. 1, 2 New Albany, at Liwu«t Grove............. 

i , 8, 9 Ripley and Blue Mountain, at Ripley. 

• 18,19 Bnblwyn, at Baldwvn i -a...... 

iVhUUnRtoH 21, 29 Blackland, at Carolina 

'carllngton 29 nistrlct steward!,’ meeting will b, In 

vlnRt<> " V""V ;v , Friday, January 4, at two o'clock P. 1 

district itewarde’ meeting at Mom _ - alios *i 

My address Is Durant, Miss. 

Mobile mill tiling 

St. Jjxuis middling 

1UHUIIO.I oy n- ,, 

Posev went oil' and got somo mf his 
friends, and returned with them to llie 
corner of Main ami Jefferson streets 
whero James had last boen seen, and 
without warning the party was ,11 red 
upon, snd John Posey, Carnot Posev, 
and Jasper N'icholls were r tldletl with 
buckshot snd Instantly killed. H. b. 
Filet was dangerously wounded, and 
Frit/. Hander slightly wounded. The 
negroes hail organized, and undercover 
of the intense darkness of the night 
shot down these gentlemen. John 
James, one of the leading negroes in 
thnnUliictrlty, was killed this morning 
wkileGTs arrest was being attempted. . 

Denver, .Colorado, Dec. 2(1.— A spe- 
cial froth Telluride, of the 24th says: 
Atnooh to-day a snow-slide came down 
Marshall Basin, carrying oft the shaft 
house of the Memiota mine, containing 
fourteen meh, eight of whom were kill- 
ed outright, two were wounded, and 
four' dug themselves out. ’A large 
hbdv'of men leave for the Beene of. the 


Inferior. • 


Good common 


'Good lair 
:Fully fair 


Strictly Prime 

Seconds ■ u 

a. a. raynkb, r. a. 


McCfimhi at Maknolla ......."..................Jan. 8, 

Adam* and Rogue Uhlttb, Bogue Lhittn ..... 1-, 

gnyll kftBlttt 

Summit; at Summit. 

Yellow clarilletl 


[ari lied 

Choice whites 

Granulated' ■ '• 


Syrup .. - — . 

Fair ■' 

Prime ■' 

choice.. , 

'Fancy — 


Choice ' — 

Prime V 


Fair- v. '• 5 .: 


■■ No. 2 


Minnesota bakers Ij ,00| 
Minnesota patents../... •; ' 

Extra fancy U J ' 1 

t 'Winter wheat patents. , 

■ Choice % 99 ■ 

■ Fancy ......... 5,1 


3 SO 

January 14, at eleven o’clock. A. M, 
ance retjueBted. 

Wkak'Lunos and sensitive 
Throats are severely tried by the sod- 
den changes of temperature usual in 
our climate, aniHn consequence Artn- 
matie AO'cciinnx, Inflammation of the 
IjUntjHy Pleurisy, Bronchitis, ami simi- 
lar complaints, are sure t° be more or 
less prevalent. CoughB and Colds, tue 
forerunners of these, often fntal com; 
plaints, should be pthdently taken In 
hand on the ttrHt symptoms, by resort- 
ing at once to Dr. Jayne’s hxpeetorrait, 
an old and well tried remedy, certilp 
to remove your Cold, and to exert a 
healing and strengthening effect om the 
I Puimouary and Bfonchial organs. 

V1CKSBURO DI 8 T.^-^l'n 8 , T ROUND, 

-ksbiir* *?- 3 ? 

T. C. WIEB, P. K. | 

~~ ' L 


Dec. irr, ifi 

• : ' .29,30 

bril Jan. 6,. 6 

12, 13 


•' 20. 27 

Feb. 2. 3 , 

10, 17 


New 8alem circuit, at Oak Grove... 

Holly HprlUR* A" 

Holly SprluRa circuit, at Watffnbi 

Cornersville, at .Betblehpm 

Hickory Flat, at'B»«sneeer. 

Hhelby Creek, at Shefby Creek 

Ashland, at A«hland 

Snow Creek, at Piepfth . .. 

Hue Mountain, at Pine Mountain. 

1 Byhrflla and Vlctbrl*; at Byliatla.I 

! Emory, at Fountainhead 

i Marshall, at Bethany 

Early Grove, at Hudsouvllle 

The district etewarde will meet at nolly flprlnRs 
on December 29, 11 o'clock A. MT' A full atlendance 
| is dealred. 

U CJUGIk. J ..u — . * , - 

Rev Dr. C. G. Andrews, presiding 
older of the Methodist Episcopal Church 
in this district, snd his family. Dr. 
Andrews scarcely had time to arouse 
his family and escape with them Irom 
the house before the building was a 
mass of llariteH. Mrs. Mary L. Kearney, 
mother of Mrs, Andrews, was found by 
Dr. Andrews in a room up stairs, and 
was only rescued by him after she had' 
been liaijly Buffocated with smoke. The 
family lose all their effects, including a 
valuable librarv. that can not be re- 
placed. Loss, 61,000 ; no insurance. 
The building was insured for $3, MX). . 

New, York, Dec. 27.-Gen. Grant, 
leaving home -to-day, slipped upon the 
ice and fell, receiving a severe shock 
and seriously injuring his thigh. No 
bones were brokon. and the supposition 
is the Bciatic nerve has been strained. 
The general, Immediately after the acci- 
dent, was assisted to bed; where he Iibs 
remained ever since, lying in one poBi- 
Tho surgeons axiUcl- 

Absolutely Pure, 


Woodvlllentatlon .....a..... 

East Feliciana circuit, at Mnnassea......... 

North Wit klnson -circuit, at Friendship. 
Jackson stktlon.....: 

Address all mafl matter to New On- 
leans Christian advocate, Nq» 
Orleans. - - 

w. p. bastos, r. *. 

Cream meal 
Corn meal. 



Wilkinson c(rcultjat Bethel.... 

Bayou Rara circuit, at Bayou Bara. 

,Amlte circuit, at Liberty .... 

Rt. Helena circuit, at Center.. .......i 

Clinton station... 


er Valley, Wood^Street.^?... Dec. 

ard station... T. 

Annual Conferences 

Grenada station.... 

Eureka circuit 

Panola circuit' 

Charleston circuit. 

Corn J 


White mixed 


Yellow mixed 

Oats : 


Texas rust-proot 

Bran : 

f' C W}..; 






Wilson — 







Denver.. Pueblo. ... ........ 

Montana ........ Willow Creek.. 

Columbia. Iiuleiwodeiice.. 

MiBoourl. CliillicOthc 

Kentucky. Cy*thl»u» 

Weetern Falrvlew ......... 

IiidlanMImloii Wcblx-r Falls. 

8. W. Missouri. Boonville. 

Illinois Salem ....... 

Louisville. Hopkinsville.. 

Pnclflc Colusn 

W. Virginia..... Atabdngdpn .. 

UolBton ChaiUuooga.. 

WestTvxas Ha. Marcus.... 

Tenneuee HllelUyvIlle... 

Los Angeles Isis Angeles.. 

St. Louis Poplar Bluff.. 

N. W^Teias. .. Georgetown.. 

Wesley Chapel ,.I eb. .. J 

Tavlot circuit , 

Oxford circuit *.!' ■ • 

Tocopola circuit **• 

Sarepta circuit.*.... -JJ 

Banner circuit Mar. 1, - 

Plttsboro circuit...... ■ 

Old Town circuit •• *■ 

Benela circuit >. :«•: ,5 ' lf 

The district stewards will meet In Grenada^Jan- 
uary 6, 1884. v 

50 . B. M. THAMES, T. E. 


[oiis.TtMHorliimslHiiaiiil DraMt) 


tion on Ills back. The surgeons antici- 
pate nothing soriouB, but, at the saute 
time, predict -it wtll be several weeks 
before lie hvill be able to leave his 
hohso. . 


Brandon station. 

Shiloh, at Salem. 7.7....... 

Marvin circuit, at Wesleyana 

WestVlllfr'. at Westvllle... 

Fannin circuit, at Hollvbush 

Forest and Morton, at Morton— 
Newton • «d rout t, vat. Newton, j...... 

Strong lttver, at, Mutual I'nloo. 
Lake circuit, at High Hill.... .... 

Hllleboro circuit , at Macedonia. 
Decatur mission, at M-. Hebron 

Nos. 904 and 206 West Baltimore Street 
Baltimore. Nd. n a Fifth Avetiue , N . Y 

Granbery Oct. 10 

McTyelrc Oct. 10 

Parker... Oct. 17 

ril'ice Octi 17 

Hargrove..... Oct. 24 

Granbery Oct. 24 

Parker Oct. 81. 

Parker Nov. 14 

Granbery*... Nov. 14 

Kavanaugh.. Nov. 14 

Birmingham... i McTyelre Nov. 14 

Tyler Tarker ’Nov. M 

Malvern Granbery.... Nov. 28 

Dalton Pierce Nov. 28 

Stnteeville Kniier ...t... Nov. 28 

Oxford McTyelre Nov. 28 

Grassy vllle...... Parker..- Dec. 6 

ButnterU n.... Wilson Pec. 6 

Flntonln..* Paikcr >>«■ 

Newport... O, 'ery Dec. II 


•Paul Birt publishes 


Strictly prime 

Paris, Dec. 2(1. 

a letter argiiing'tbat the fear of an out- 
break of disease from the use of Amer- 
ican pork 1 b in no way chimerical. He 
(litotes the statements of Delmeres, -in- 
spector at Chicago, who certified that 
diseased and dying hogs have passed 
his house daily, and that they are sold 
cheap and shipped to Bourdeaux and 

Marseilles, Deo. 28.— The dispatch- 
ing of reinforcements to Tonquin will 
be hastened. The government has' ask- 
ed the French steamship companies for 
transports to send 2,000 troops immedi- 
ately. *' . 

’ Paris, Dec. 20.— It is reported the 
French Iohb In killed and wounded, at 
the capture of Sontay, was thirty-six 
officers and nearly 1,000 men. The loss 
of the Black Flags in the same battle- 
was 0,000. The bulk of the Black Flag 
army, after the defeat at Sontay, re- 
treated to Hong Hoa and.Namdinh. 
The French, found *2,000,000 in Sontay. 


Pork: • 


Prime me»H 


Bacon i 

Choice breakfast. 


' Sides, clear- 

Silles, clear rib.... 


Dry Salt Meat: 


Sides, clear 

, Sides, clear rib.. .' 


or! New I'lrli.rlul Ill.lory .if thv Life and 


and Heroine* o' Asacrlem b» l " 

:r iiioirrrw U) tlio AHetjiieHUf* ' 

ttl tin i’-uitic Slojic. N«*w. 100 |" i ’"i 
(orrM. plains, mountains 

>. ii. mown 



Benatobla ntatlon...r........ ,....Dec. 15. 10 

Hernando and Cold M ater * 

Seuatobla circuit t* 

Como and Fre<lnula J • *- 

Horn Lake and Lovetown..... \ 

Harmony circuit * 1 *"• J* .* 

Cockrum circuit .!!• l7 

Mount Vernon circuit '!{• “ 

Lewlnburg circuit ■«»-., v 

Cbulahoma circuit..... 1 * mar. 


0’«r Special “FARM and CARDEN” 
■ n Cllor .Am unsiiunll'ii to »r cur • 

J Li t .\9 Eiinn Harden" /<» one yemr# . Aba®- 

H lutely FREE, atii 4. o/ 4 -holvTMt 

T .iiiitmeN sKEOM af .i t>v<in<; cost, u* 
EBB s”L'l tlev'* ' farm .uni 1 1 n«* mon* -i . i 

F*rtmr« p»|wr) one Tear FKKV. »i«k 
(1 R TR I II Trial l*aeku«e “JT ** ‘ f Dorr ■ lo wu Hceje- 
Ull * IIINLm ,, tin- tilKr to linttice 4 'i»u to trj our >ced'. 

i-'kaoD. We wunt every Farmer *«*.! t»rdener W *l*e 
..■C»et each. C uban 4|ueen^l.«t« r melon, New 
rot, ll««ton Market 4'eler?. C.rren Jrlnired 
Itadle ii. Ronton Murkel .C uouinber, , 1 urplo topi ur- 
• lauaiprlcfof tbew^edH Ufl.HOi |=f| r 

mn l see nil At we gt'.e for ONL\ 

>wn Vrotn our Seed*, t .ouipetitiuii open 
r>« trial pack Me*,, and pu others, roll 
ad v aft ago of the preatert offer ever made. 
•a«U or ■tarnpa, autt recelie the Seed a 
ViU eut. r \t.ur. name do compete ^r the 

iji mm deapjt 


fitsliop McTyelre baa charge of the miaalonsln 

Bishop Keener haa charge of the miylona In 
Mexico.. - 

Bishop Granbery haa charge of the .mlsalona in 
Brazil. . , 

*«r home i thl* »’ 

• I’pniaiits one. p 

Orunue Carrot, 
liOhu aearlet 

r iwhlch alone ■ell* for &Oe.) I 

Ml*., making 92.30, •' 

liaifk for the e^elano 

II mO t» nil purehuaerw 

Order ul »o... take _ 
onlrr. S"nJ '"ur a44tt«. »U8 9«<;. b 
all rally i, repaid, *<i4 wr 

Quarterly Conferences. 



- ore: 

Greensliorfi "station. 

New.lierne circuit, at Mt. Hermon 

Greene circuit, at Clintonj...... 

Havana circuit, at Havana 

Cuba circuit, at 

Belmont circuit . at Wesley Chapel 

Livingston and Kutaw, Ht Livingston. 
Gainesville circuit, at Guineavllle — 

fOhoct** circuit, at Luak.....^. 

Butler and Mt. Sterling, at Butler....... 

Gaston circuit, at (Joke Cliapel 

Demopolla and Jefferson, at Detnopoll 

Forkland circuit, at ForklamL ...... 

Greensboro circuit ,jit Mt. Pleasant.... 

The di.trlct steward, are re(|uesl 
Eutaw, at -the Metbodlrtt L’hurcb, Me 
14, 1984, at eleven o’clock A. M. A ! 

earnestly deal red by 

Coffee: - 

Rio, choice .... • 

COrdova, choice.,. 

Java, choice 


Western dairy. 
New York daii*y 

Country .- 







Coal, cases.. 

Coal, bbls 

Cotton seed 


I had severe atAftcJjH of gravel, ‘and 
kidney trouble; was unable to get a 
medicine or doctor to cure me until I 
used Hop Ritters, and tbey cured mo 
in -a short time.— A 'Distinguished 
Law y eh of "CVa y n e Co., N. i . 


2dSfi itm» rt.'lH’ i i.i -M i- II 1 .1 •• K* 

%1-SK- Kiitrnni!ii r 1 i ( ' > " '• • 

jtli bi-t — Sv tnitbi'iiit 1 '» '• 'I.P* \ 1 • - . 

Will >«'t— Po" ••I'ful M. 1 ■•1>A SS 1 1 ■ 

Otli Svt—'Swcct VulX « l.Li h: . . . • 1 *. t 


1- l l.timiM I. t *1 id 1 I* lb. - • - 

‘attly lniitiit'H tin* imirifMi in^t imjhci:* <i.i i 
I’Uiir It - iiiuih‘. •: i • t if oi t > 1 ’ ; 

limit nets of mils used in *’ Bla. i . * 

ft-VOIX CKIJ'RTK.- Tl",‘ ' • t*;: 

|ni'il i xaltid tuiD i* |m '" lUdCdn • • ‘a»-” ” • . 
mo Ix'youtl dcacriptiou. 

« 4T.l.l.«.-ArlcU and nit! »i t p 
li ; iii’uuuccd. 

4 Fl:rxril llORV. -GtU u .u!t 
OKCilLaTlLVi.j.d lilLtaa L.t.-i . 

r» I’ICCtH.O -V.irU'ty cf .iMrlc* v liloli 
ilrUps tht* J •»*•*•« »!• • J 1 •’ **" ' 

mid cxihmihIvc B typ <<; •> *>. _ i i "t.u >i. ...i 

I'lUi'i, . iiniliir tn h &a!LI A Ai« k lt-Vail. 

h— SAX APIION F.r-Tlio b-nnl Hr) -c 
nr.tiil* ston i» "Bi-iiliy l uy.’i it.'. :... t 

ul renin is so plciiking ih " • *',a' » i • 

ten to rno.iMiying; •'ll ulyu.'. W' Uoit.i u.. 

| m’icu ul the OiyoiL 

t DIAPASON.— Draw* u lu" : Vt' 
Guide- n 'lunjjuu Uotrib. 

CO/AEKOSTATWJ F-N P* T ’• uni of pressmt) 1I1H.II the in- mum hi 
jiiipi'ovi ineur to tin; Gi van. Hid • • m m nt 
til II with Iil.ovo twelve | P'l.brlnpli'.f i >f H'.. 

mobile disY. — FIRST ROUND. 


Books and Periodicals, 

St, Francis... 

Grand Bay, Mins., at Ht. Llmo-... v 



■ Cltronelle. at Cltronelle ••••••*•■ 

Bladon and H.t. Htejdiena, at New Hope 

Isney circuit, at I 

Toulmanville, at Allens Chanel.... 


The Boys of Thirty-Five. By Kd*- 
ward Henry Klwell^Bostou ; Lee and Shepard, 
Hold by W. Harry Seymour, No. it Ca'roudelet 

Street, New Orleans. Price *1.25. , g ’ 

This is a "story of a sea-port town., 
The scene is laid in Landsport, which 
is readily recognized as Portland— the 
Portland of other years. It is indeed a 
charming book, full of incidents and 
I revolutions .characteristic of the time 
and place. What a grand time the boys 
did have! While reading it, w.e almost 
wish our lot had fallen among the 
scenes ami sports of those days. One 
reviewer ol the volume lias well said, 
“While seeking to entertain, Mr. FI well 
haa'performed a service which makes 
every reader of to-day his d ebtor -” 


W estern 



Ne^' York... 


Seed, New York 
■ Seed, Western 
K rout : 

V bbl 


^4 bbl 




Knon and Enon. ........... 

Clayton anil LoulsvIllF, at Clayton 

Rental! circuit, at Frovldencc. 

Gnlii'Ubla circuit, at Suiitbvllle 

Henry circuit, at Laa rencevllle.,... 

Ferute circuit, at Aberfoll 

Oxailt circuit, at Havr Ridge.........;, 

■ Echo circuit, lit Echo (Thursday). . 
Bkllipervillc circuit, at l’ost Oak .. 
Euraula circuit, at Rocky Mount ... 
Villula circuit, at Jerulgan •.. 



liuwic.witli bcitutiful orcht'Hlnil • 
IU Ml » 4MM4U>T4I\ !>. «!•»' I- 

To whlcli lH iulUtfUliD la IG 11.1 w 

tlVoVicr.uj .liar Id tlyoW on’ 

A It o a Thlnl lvm »- m- « ! l i 
any olhiT muk«. *1 Junp 
(> { ii'tuvo KDybonvil..iB. ' ' 1 ' 
lwr CatalegUD l'i l'***. " Hbor.t 
TlilAOiirnn iHwmth.J*' **:» v •' 
' if \uu cxci JniLi •’* t i'>iy 
Wliy l’ llcpumi' mi-* ;r-.f riinn 
t but Is Hold uUcliiil li.l S 
inilUlllOJI- «*l HDVDI'I n.WH I 

IJliST.”. N"W for IV » 

lint onii’r tlm iK'i't I D .'"h i'll 

inwm y. vTtji Ini* "• i »i »< |kj 
. mt up*, iiny wax t 1/ >• > ' 1 
k WIJ.I O.MK. 1'IU.M ' > i' ll 

l v far flic Liti'ihL (IriraH 
<1 ii IukUu i iiM Uiroo n “nllj 
I • \ -I. l,Cn0. T * > * Ala, *1 

l u ui >{' til U'lin lliilfeH 
tfiai 4Ur wtfWowro mi: 11 ■' 


Poultry: ' 

C U i eke n«, r W esio r u 


Cbickens, tfuutb’n 
Young. -e. 

*i Turkeys, JiwuUftfr'ii 


... W estern ... y. 

Southern . ...» 
‘Wool: ., 


LouiBiHiia ... 

^ Hurry.. 

II l !> J > : 

Greet, ailed 

•Dry naaou 

Stavi> : . i. 


Pensacola Htatlou 

Milton Blatlon 

cBrewton, hL i’cmmcola Junctum 

Warrington and Millvlew, at Warrington. 

Powrltuu. at 1‘oweltpn., 

Ktocldop, at- Stockton 

Bay NHucttP, ut B.iy Mlm tip ......... 

(iiiivilia. at ‘Flat Buck 

Evergreen, at Uivstl el terry 

Georgiana, at Goorglana 

Itepton, at Repton 

Sepulgu.H' GuiiCOld •••• 

l)ougla«Ville, «f Mitv CreeV; ....... 

i.|i i.roeville s l at. M on villi* 

yltiiilpre.v, ift Monu iey ; 

|* The .il lift rli 1 n|pw: v>iU in • ut jin' 1 

Wcdneadny, Jii’ni-iVy |h. I -yl . 

, b id . I r hthc b.v L) 1 1. II. 1JU » ’..iii.l m . .1 *, A. 

t'.rcidmhi.f t'uinp Sl.,ui. l It. A.,l:riu,d:ii. f... 

, M.igaxtuc HI. Price 0fl4«r4*.eiit-. 

II lirpef's New Moiilhit; MiijjtfA.iR*’. 
or January, i* oil our t tble. 'I hit 
jiieoiiiv 111 tg;i/Joh ih'.s long lu l l . 111 . 

i,, I ,(>J i.-p in Aim rii;.in periodi' .i 

iji..i in iirt 1 . J n vat iely,' et ‘-.ii’. v. ’resh 
I.v, , mill vliji.r, iL v. I'uin; ■••ilk. nnex 
i<l.tlo<i." Wourt'glatl t“ wi ( inn it Imrl 
t 1 1 . ir exi-habge list. The l u: flrtiit ui” 
akkilyli u! the [miiker'i-.u , Join i "I 
WbilVini will iiileiest nil lm " rs ol tli 
ex j,;- vM-mthiy Ifavn given world 
reii iw’.i in iji-" name H“d pru. At Mc:i 

■I ' 

y^Tj. 30.— NO. 2. 


WHOLE NO. 1432 . 


, 1 . 



" 8E00NU 0LAM “ Arn:l1 ' 

, 1 HAS. B, GALLOWAY. D. D., Editor. 
qSg? 1! Ifg T A lfTESOWT Pumhli e i s . 

31TFICE-— 118 CAJIP ST*, 

3 ab 8 oripti.on, . • ■ $2 per annum. 

win. of PT-Mchon Kail win. 

... of the'*. E. Chard., South, «.'»othot 

1 i’,rf AnooU U> whoa I'.ym.nli m»r b« m^, 



a grain junk up.the-Grand (’anal dib- 

covered one day something moving., — , - - , . 

in the water, and on puttiW .out ilia*! of. tlmiM ra a r ou nd - iiur oiUea^zanl(l 



i i« iii 


old . 

n uif 
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tlO' w 
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terious suicides which till tiie records 
of the morgues, or haunt the depths 






.mV, w. l. o. nyNNiccm.. 

r£V. cr B. GALLOWAY, D. D. . 


• REV. W. T..J, sum, IVAN, I) D. 


boat-hook HTfUrething crawled upon 
it, and 'was tlius brought on' to' the 
iioat and recognized as the ‘'golden 
dragon," or " dragon king." R was 
brought cn -to Tientsin, and soon 
T?teat afflTftffcrtefrrtimors were circu- 
lated ‘about. It was nothing 'hut n 
little water snake that had taken 
refuge bn the. boat, and, as Chinese 
generally nre ufraid ‘to kill snakes, 
ihisone was carefully protected and 
pronounced to be the “dragon king." 
Homo said it had characters # on its 
head, and others' said it had the eyes 
and horns of a dragon — and not only 
that, but a mustache! His tail was 
that of a fish, and his color was that 
of gold, and changed at, pleasure. 'It 
was represented to lie so small that it 
could be put into u tea cup, and yet 
the people believed 'it could extend 
itself at least two-thirds of a mile in 
length ! I t was .said to appear and 



" C'.nn.t" >'« H>.al iiilior. 

Coin, to inivallyi- licit inoiiru. 

8 „ a k, the , <m.|.a-«ioimo- . 

(„ lllf hearts lUl are l.l*«dliiK ami torn. 

,, '. o nil who arc »ln-.lck an* warv. 
l'o all wtio an* UurtllMieil wtth ran- - 
To Hi. m come, Uif voice nftb.' Sarl-’iir 
ami your sorrows I'll bear’' 

if w. will il.e In tliat rcRlgo. ' 

Xo 111* rbek Unit Is blllli.r than »>••. 
Sws.r|if*ac. untn us nhall he Klveil, 

' All'll a refuRO forever will he. 

Come. l"' me. all y<* that laltoy. . 

Come to me, all ye that mourn, 
lovingly whiaperi Ihe Satlonr 
lo those whose reproach he has home. 

China and Her People. 


• (Tliirty-8‘’VojiU» Letter.) 

My Dear Young Friends: 1 am 
going to toll you something more of 
this peculiar people. Home twelve 
Years ago- the lloods in the north of 
China were said to in 1 so severe as to 
cover more than twenty thousand 
square miles, it is said this year to 
he much worse. Ruined villages and 
croiw-.are to be seen .on every hand,, 
amitlie people in maiiy places are in 
a ntarvlng con<iit.iou.‘ (Jreat crowns 
of homeless and-foodless refugees arc 
seen wandering about in every direc- 
tion. During the last twenty years 
many calamities have fallen upon the 
city of Tientsin rat'd the surrounding 
country. Twice or three times dur- 
ing ilia- 

city lias been burned. In lst>2 HQt 
less than. twenty thousand of-the in- 
hahitants wefe carried, oil' by cholera. 
In 1863 tiie insurgents came down 
upon them and did a good deal ol. 
damage- all though ■ the country, 
though .they did not take the city. 
Iu 1X61 the English and French occu- 
pied the city and took possession. of! 
the city. of Peking, ami in ls.71 they 
luid tlieir detune of water upon them, 
mid now, 1883, tiie lloods seem about 
to be more severe than ever before. 

* Many Chinese are asking, W hat does 
ad this mean? Tltere are liuntlreds 
aud tliousands perishing from hunger, 
mnhforced to eat tile leaves and. bark 

* of trees 

disappear i(t leisure, add had other 
dragons tQ. r pqeompany it. This was 
made kno&n to tiie Chinese authori- 
ties at Tientsin, and they began to] 
inapit preparations to receive .the ■ 
"dragon king." it was taken to a 
temple where incense was oll'ered to 
it, and the officials nil prostrated 
themselves before It. This small rep- 
tile, scarcely six inches long, was 
placetl upon a Chinese, plate cover&d 
witli yellow paper upon which to lie,- 
antl a small piece of tiie same to cover 
it with. And then tiie mandarins 
again prostrated themselves before it, 
and then the people wore allowed to 
come land worship it. Theatricals 
were given yi honor of it. its appro- 
bation was shown by letting the head 
full, and its 'disapprobation ny throty- 
, ing its head-backward. .-O ne . of . l hs 

highest- officers in the empire, Lec- 
Hung-Chang, wbnt and paid it 
divine honors hy prostrating himself 
three times before it and knocking 
■his head nine times bn the ground. 
It is lo be lioped*that Lee, t li if* great 
man. lias learned a little corrrtuon 
j sense by this time — 1SS3 : but I nave 
! my doubts. • * ' * 

Two missionaries visited tins tem- 
ple and were admitted without any 
difficulty. Tiie temple was crowded 
almost day and night', and theatricals 
were being acted. These two men 
went uji a (light of steps an dint o tiie 
room where the:, shake, was kept. 
The robin was ytjry dark, hut they 
could see images at tiie other eud. 
Tiler, n werfc two tables. On the 11 rat 
was incense urns, candlesticks, etc., 
and soni’e forty or fifty dishes of fruit 
aud meats. On tile second wjts u 
tablet witli' an inscription on white 
paper— "Tiie Divine .Throne of tiie 
Golden Dragon King.." Jn front of 
tills lay tliedisli with.the littlS aiRtke. 
A large man .dressed Jfflf !l>bft 
stood near. As the two missionaries 
went up the steps, Home one from the 
crowd called out, “ Don t let Die 
Iragon filing’ see llid foreign devil 

tell tiie same story., Gambling is 
prevalent ttr a degree which gtihe r, 
quiet' people never dream of. it is 
practiced- ofteii, imieetl, in a. small 
way and for moderate stakes— by 
thousands ot -young* men in all ow?- 
cities ; practiced in tiie privacy of 
tticir rooms at their lodging-houses,- 
as well as in houses Tor "professional 
play. Employers little suspecL- 
ulas! fathers and mothers little sus- 
pect -wliut devilish mischief-is going 
on under tlie-cover of secrecy. -Many 
of the'larcenies committed ill stores, 
coiinling-roohis anti banks (some of 
which are “hushed up-" in order to 
save reputations) are committed in, 
order to cover lip the losses at the 
card-table. On tiie other hand, the 
illegitimate winnings at the same 
tables will account for tiie tine equi- 
page or showy turn-outs of certain 
last men whose legitimate income is 
too slender to maintain sucli extrava- 
ganci.' Gambling is a moral pest- 
ilence tliat “_walketh, in tiarlfiicss, 
and, therefore j its terrible prevalence 
eseapes.’publiti- blvioryatlon. II is uot 
decreasing. ■' 

Tliis perilous practice, winch so 
.often -becomes fatal-to character and 
to' the soul begins, just as drunk- 
•Vnesss ^Begins, witli playing witli 
fire. At the bottom of tile first glass 
of wine which the tippler tampered 
with lay an adder. 'Underneath the 
first dime that is ever thrown down 
in n game of ehauee is concealed a 
serpent. When a yoiiug man makes 
ills first bet, or puts up his first wager 
on a -match, or a race; or when he 
risks liiH first penny at a card-table, 
he puts a co'al of tiro into his bosom 
which is not easily 'extinguished lit. 
ma</ kimll"' into 5T eoUflftglWmiT , 
which, iu the tremendous language 
of Bcripturo, “will '.burn unto \\n* 
lowest hell.” The step tliat costs is 
tiie first step. .'Gambling fom penny 

try; tlio imufense sudden gains or 
losses by •.‘corners,” "pools,” etc., 
.are_cviiil cnees of tliis. . o id-fmhkunid- 
slow and sure methods of husluess 
are- sn itled at,^and he Is aceonnteti 
die smartest m an Wlio,'b^. a. ff Irarp 
" operation," wins in a month what 
splid, sensible men used to earn in a 
IMiilmc 3. Tiie -rapid increase of 
self-indulgent and luxurious living 
■ breeds and Intlames tlijs gambling 
spirit. Tliat word /ucA: is a dangerous 
word. Bondi trust it. A life ortjei-etl 
according to God's laws is notagame 
of chalice. Every dollar got by any 
other method than inheritance or 
honest industry makes you poorer. 
Let it alone; or it may eat into your 
soul like fire. The awful tragedy 
described at the opening of tills arti- 
cle began with the first dime laid 
down 'in a game of hazard.— New 
York Independent, 

preach, and, lo!. I am with you. 
May the Church and ministry realize 
the fn l lllhnent nf tliis ; irom ise dining 

our centennial 

year as never before 

W. I;. C. H,* 

Gqod Words. 

Whal 1 h nil I'lniiibouHiioHW Ihut inpii iIi vIhV* 

Vessels to Honor, 
ybulhftil lusts,” says 


Our Fields of Labor— New -and Old. 

Conference is past, and our preach- 
ers have gone forth to the charges 
assigned them. Home have been n - 
turn.ed to places where they have 
labored for tiie last' one or two or, 
possibly, three years. 'Others have 
been sent to serve those to whom 
they are. strangers. Hut .all _go td 
carry tiie everlasting gospel to dying 
men. What a gall there is 'upon us 
to “gird up the loins. of imr. mind, 
and to renew our purposes and ener- 
gies to quit ourselves -like .-men and 
make full proof of our ministry ! If 
we have:, been in the Hame lieMs in- 
fore', we Have a good opportunity to 
avoid tiie errors of tiie past; Where 
we have erred before let us err no 
more. Thank God all motion is not 
in straight lines, hut that the revo- 
lutions of the heavenly bodies make 
each ilay find year, not'only phys'jcal- 
ly, But in its moral relations, in a 
large degree, a repetition of its prede- 
cessors so tliat, us we go over and 

"Fife , 

uposflC. Not, I suppose, tliat youth 
fill lusts are more injurious than the 
set-fasts of old ludjitiics, hut .because 
they are frequently In tiie way of 
men being chosen unto honor. The 
vessels of wood anti stone are. regard- 
ed as vessels to dishonor. Refuse 
goes into them. Dirty ami common 
articles are kept in them until they 
become unfit for higher service. 
They.nbsorb taste, odor and impuri- 
ties from! what they, eon tain. A 
mackerel tub never loses irs mackerel 
taste. An earthen jug containing 
turpentine will hardly ever he tit for 
anything elec. Henceforth they are 
" vessels to dishonor ” to hold slops 
and other refuse. 

The youthful mind is apt lo retain 
the llavor of its youthful associations. 
Whatever -lie tiie oharaettf of 
thoughts most-. cherished we may 
hope in vain tliat after years, may 
utterly obliterate tfiein. Their Odor 
of sanctity or foulness will abide and 
affect all tliat shall lie taken in the 
mind iii after life. It may not be a 
vast amount. One drop of turpentine 
will give its taste to a ban'll of water; 
so tiie llavor of a single act or habit, 
not outbroken itself, may, tjilnt the 
whole- moral nature. It is, therefore, 
very unfortunate tliat a young man 
should find himself atlecte.l By some 
Vice or sin to siWli an extent Hint 
whatever good lie may afterward do 
it is embittered' witirthe_yiru>rtff tlio 
youthful Hill. V . ' ' 

The world is in search of the de- 
positaries of its good things wrought 
out or discovered. ‘(The tltiiigs 

is as essentially a sin as gambling tor j over u | mos r tiie saifie rounds of duty, 

. i v .. i -i m t .« i : ... ..ikI 


ever erk 

Unit period u great part of the; A BuihihiHt pries 

i i _ 1 T.. IL'fi.l i».wl (ItOlll 

f standing near 
recognized them, and the .cover of 
yellow paper was removed for a 
moment, aud tliere they saw a small 
watbr snake some live inches long, a 
lUtle larger than a ooniuiou lead 

a thousand pounds. No sin is a irille. 
M.V young -friend, the moment tliat 
your eoiiBcienee excuses the slightest 
departure from absolute right as a 
"mere trifie," that moment von have 
let tlio enemy slip in ids little finger. 

It will not be long before you are in 
ids grasp. When you lay dowii.your 
first stake, even if it - .only "in 
fun," you are actually gambling. 
Remember that there 7js always a 
first Inch fat tiie top of every preci- 
pice. . . , . 

1 am. not addfessing. these . pjitm 
talks ” to young men us an extremist 
or a fanatic. Wliat I said about the 
prevalent- i m pur dyed tiie theater lias 
called forth- many confessions from 
the public press (even from- apologists j 
for the stage! t But my charges were 
mTito too true. 1 do not affirm that 
everyone who ever playsa garne-ot 
cards is a gambler any more than 
every one who drinks a glass of wine 
is a tipphr. Rut it is equally true 
tliat tie who n$Cer touches an intoxi- 
cant can never become udruukard. 
ami he win. never plays a game of 
hazard can never become e. gambler. 
My own personal “practice at school, 
college, etc., wasouu.Of entire 
front cards as well as 

from i 

In ls71 an officer was sent to see 
tin- coudltiou of the river bank and 
liring back an answer. He found a 
small hole in one of the dykes, and 
in this small' hole lie found a fish. 
This-was declared at once to he a god, 
atni it was decided useless to under- 
take to heal the breach thus ‘opened, 
as' it. was tlio will of heaven. The 
story, of the AhIi grew, aud it was 
soon declared there were two fishes 
that one had gone up the riven while 
the other remained at the. breach, 
ami tliat it wqulil he useless to do 
anything until tiie other .returned. 

A few- ilayH after tliis one of the 
officers of tiie city went in great 
pomp to make sacrifice .to a fabulous 
tortoise supposed to have grept power 
over the floods. The officer told of 
tiie great sutlerlngs of the people, and 
of the inatiy fruitless attempts to 
stop tiie breach, and then impored 
tiie god to allow them pow to. suc- 
ceed before any damage was done. 
They then set to work to repair tlio 
danm'ge; but soon all was swept 
away by tlio flood of waters. Tiie 
officer grew angry anil went again 1 to 
the god ; but on tliis occasion lie did 
not go to worship. Ho began to 
abuse the god ami placed cannon in 
front of tiie images of -Wood, anil-said: 
“Bid I not tell you we wanted you to 
do so fcnd ho, and you paid no at- 
tention? You di) not care for the 
troublo caused to ho inuny tliousands 
of niy people.” Rung! bang! bang! 
went the guns at tiie god, and after 
this Hje offlcerl feeling satisfied, re- 
turned to his home feeling he had 
doiie his duty. By this aetiou of his 
lie lias* convinced the deluded people 
that he Is not responsible for tiie 
ood. 'Tills action did, stop tiie 
flood of waters from coming down. 
A few days after this It was reported 
adragon hail been brought Into the 
- cityrnnd tliat this was tlieoauMe of 
the flood. 

It is said some boatman coming op 

been for fhonths, at w|iieh times. tiie 
people flee to tlieir idols. lijeir 
hearts an- full of superstition, and 
tiiev prefer to believe a lie rather 
than the tTiitli. Tliis is as much the 
ease with -the- highest class as with 
tiie lowest and most ignorant. Noth- 
ing hut tiie gospel of i.ur blessed Lord 
can -ever give them tliat true light 
and peace which all the heathen need 
ui> much — nothing but that can give 

so much— nothing 
them salvation. from sin 

HlUftffoAl,rHlKA. NOV 

and eternal 

. i:t,lS65. 

How Gambling Begins. 

A IMjAIN TAIJv with 

young mi:n. 


is ill ub* 
of a 

How gambling often r "’/' 
trated by tiie recent sulfide 
young man of high social standing 
who wits well known in tiui -'-sport- 
ing ” liircles of New York. a, \M' er - 
ing with cards and tint ^oulette-talile 
bad aroused in him the same insane 
furor which tampering with the 
bottle arouses ill tiie victims of strong 
drink. Wo are told that tins wretch- 
ed young man married; hut j; 

marriage did not' cure him of wliatf 
had become a positive disease. Little 
gambling .parties in Ids rooms at the 
lintel and reckless,, plunging at tlio 
public tallies soon ran aWftjRwith all 
liis winnings anil witli the !g renter 
part of ills fortune besides. At, las , 

.. .i iw> fmiiul himself 

a few. mefnths ago, lie found 
ruined. His former friends fought 
sliv of' liftiiV and in a |>ltlably ^ de- 

Dressed frame of mind, lie said : IU 

L * (l pBiladcipliia. and '.either make 

SfcKW-*! S’iKIfJ;' 


imm oflhe gamltig-table. Blit. the,lr element is 
number is legZ. Vany of theniys- and &oF6 tl 

soul appetites. With the 'excitement 
of, a game of liaiard comes the strong 
temptation to risk a stake on tlio 
game: As soon as tiie first stake is 
daid down/ conscience goes with it, 
and literally tiie devil lias a hand 
williyyou in (lie game. Ho strong is 
tlieffascinatlou of tliis spell of sorcery 
thatVI liave seen— in the public “C’on- 
versazipu-lialle." of Baden Baden— 
well-dressed ladies-watcii tiie roulette- 
table until they became so bewitched 
with the play that they would furtive- 
ly toss a gold Nupoleon over on tile 
table from behind tiie crowd; the 
-" gambling element” in them had 
taken fire. Now just here lies the 
peril with you, my young friend; 
tlio -excitement of games of hazard 
sets you in a flame ; then comes a 
small stake; then a larger. If you 
win, you play to wiu more; if you 
lose, you play on to make up your 
-losses, Before you know it, you are 
a gambler. Tiie only Hate aud sure 
way is to stop before you begin. 

lint it is not only from curd-tables 
and faro-banks tliat mischief is -to be 
apprehended. .Jfliuiy young men are 
tempted- to “take a small .risk ” in 
mining stocks or other vulatile stocks 
tliat were playing up aud down in 
tiie market. I liave known a Half 
dozen mere lads to "pool” tlieir 
earnings or tlieir pocket money-in a 
venture. on a share or two of stock. 
This rage for dabbling in stpeks 
turns hundreds of young men into 
actual gamblers, although they would 
he shocked if tiie ugly name was 

J plied to them. , They are ' not 
jcked at the thing itself. Instead 
feeling tliat only tliQ money lion- 
ly earned is honestly, got, they are 
seduced into hazardous ventures, 
which, ill God’s sight, are aH genuine 
gambling as any tliat is perpetrated 
behind the locked doors of one of 
those " hells " that defy the laws. 

The dangers to young men are in- 
creasing from three causes. 1 , Tliere 
is a growing passion to get rich sud- 
denly and easily. 2. The gambling 
„ „ insinuating itself more 
of 6 tuRrtheTrade-of the eouu- 

we may eonsttmtly improve and 
learn to do well, that which we did 
ill or nor lit all tlie'ycar- before. But 
"wlio can understand his errors 
that lie may correct them ?. None, 
perhaps, b. or of himself. l" e 
word ami Spirit of Ood, aided hy 
judicious . friends,, alone, can point 
tliemout. Let unread tlre’Hvord of ( (oil 

and pray more. Let each, .choose a 
confidential 'Tricitd, know" in tins 
capacity only to himself, who shall 
kiudly'teHj4m of every fault seen- 
or heard of iii his character or con- 
duet. Let, us determine to improve. 

A faithful wife is a helpful critic; 
tint, as a part ue r, sh e is- natura lly 
partial, so that her offices lh till’s 
.respect nniXt- lie-supplemented By oue 
' who Van kiiW and judge as she oatB! 
not if wu would peac h the highest 
results of fraternal correction. For 
lack of this in a fly. have dwindled 
.who should have been -growing, and 
zealous ministers have failed .ot an 
easy-possible measure of usefulness. 

If our field is a new one, it is not 
Wholly new. Human nature is mqclt 
(lie same in i-y<-i y. time apd place, 
and otir blunders in another cliarge 
heed not iie'VepeiVteil liete.. We can 
do uetter. YVIjo oyer was satisfied 
with ids past achievements'? Rut 
perchance one says, "T dread tliat 
circuit to which I hove-heeit sent. 
Perhaps the peqple of that' circuit 
dread -ytm tis inTteh as you do tlieni. 
Thinkof Joirah and go. Think-, too, 
of how great a trust, lias been .com- 
mitted to you, even tliat of carrying 
the 'word iif salvation to m'eji who 

are perisliilig for lack of it. Think 
of wliat an infallible remedy you 
have for all tiie woes of man. 'But 
do you fear lest you may. not he able- 
to prove the Bible to .be true? That 
is not required of any. Infidelity 
rests upon negation/ naked and self- 
destructive, negation, unsupported hy 
any evidence. ' Let ua preach the 
Bible, and God will prove it true. 
•No iufldel can kufiw' anything about 
God except wliat the Bibmells him. 
The Bible furnishes no alignments to 
overthrow itself. We kffow the ex- 
cellence of its doctrines by experience, 

and challenge- the world to teat tlieir 
Truth by trial'. When setting out in 
life I studied medicine,' but did not 
enter upon tiie practice because I 
feared tliat, after learning all I could 
about the .science, tiie medicines I 
should prescribe might do tiie patiqnta 
w ho took them more harm than good. 
But I can procluim tiie gospel witli 
absolute certainty of its beuefloial 
results to. all wlio receive it. It is 
God’s riimedy for all human alule- 
tious, and it never fails. Yet'l may 
fail. Therein the danger lies. Wliat 
vast. and fearful responsibility rests 
upon a minister of Hie gospel. 

" ’Tis not ft CttUSt* of HDiftll import 
Tim paator'H cure dcmamln ; 

' But wliftt might fill au angel'n heart, 

Arid rilled ft Saviour's hands.” 

What solemnly binding w,prds 
were those \yc heard, when we were 
set apaft as deacons or. elders : "Take 
thou authority to read thoAHOty 
Scriptures in the church of God, and 
to preaoli tiie same ;” aud "Be thou 
a faithful dispenser of the word of 
God aiid of his holy sacraments. 
O, that we could read! (). that, we 
could preach ! Whole sufficient for 
these things? Only those whom 
God endows with powiir from on 
high. God has greatly honored us 
“putting us in trust with the gospel." 
Tills world confers no title so honor- 
able as that of V. D. M., when it is 
worjthily worn. Let ministers mag- 
nify thelc office, «od saysjo, Go 

which thou liast lieuril o^ine 
to faithful men." If none ev 
tered life without a mission, uoilij 
ever left Without leaving a enmmii- 
sion to some one else. \ oung mep 
are Houglit for hy.,.the old for 
jnirpose. "O Timothy, keep 
wliieii is committed uiito thee, 
tlio earnest iujuuotidh of every father 
to hie Soil in the gospel. Rut Uie,re 
are many tilings which we wish to 
eonfidi^' merely ' fof safe keeping till 
w e conte again to eliiinj our own. 
When -111111 time entiles we wupt it 
sweet and pure. Hhw pleasant it is 
to find one suidi in life! Rut how 

disheartening. IpL. discover tliat our 
trusts have been iiHmilaeed, ami upon 
return ing we find att'ouj' treasure 
spoiled ’A ” !~T 7 ,,. 

.Haiti 'a prominent worhllin'g. n a 
Lprdminent preaclier, a short time 
since* " You preiteliera can n iurr^ 
lictteYtlmn any i)la“si/ men .1 know . 
Wliy so? talydfk-R'Ior granted. , 
cause of Idt# fit sire to find a pure 
heart and/inind to treasure up the 
gains .which have come either by 
toil or chance, and it is suppo.sed tliat 
every preaclier not. a vile hypocrite 
lias such mind aud heart. 

•Vessels of honor are for otlidr -uses, 
For example, we* drink, Jt'oiii the 
vessels of silver and gold 
would keep turpentine o,r 
in a silver pitcher? 'Or who won!, 
love to drink out of one unsecured 
after being so used? Springs might 
fumiisli Hweet water, but we wan tea 
Hwcet cup to drink from. Who would 
enjoy the feast divine if forced to eat 
it from plates tliat dogs had licked . 
And who kuows when he is to serve 
the heavenly bread to othern W n<> 
expects in. after years to give some 
disciple a cup- of cold water out of a 
cup ho rusty and foul that lie hardly 
knows wliat it is made of? Let the 
food he on clean plates and tiie drink 
from clean cups’ then a finer pro- 
vision the wiiy-wmaFpHgrim could 
neither ask nor imagine. 


\Mnvl -bill it R(»ril|il liurVftln for the ivki'" 

But Uhrlnt ftfi' Sonii VftjUltl uiiUicatf. bin owe, 
AHRt*onpfr(>m Immivijii to rIvo Uiq pro ml fk trirorii. 

I am tired of hearing 'people -say 
Unit they prefer to worstilp God in 
the fields, in (lie summer, or by dip 
sid,e of some baubling broqk. Wliat 
if they do? We are not permitted to 
live for our own pleasure, bid for. the. 
glory, of God anti tiie good of the ,. 
world. United worship in tiie sanc- 
tuary makes tiie world better. There- 
fore we liave i l’o choice in I lie matter. 

It is our duty to attend ' tlojio.itse of 
God regularly 1 Rev. E. K, liule. 

—Tills (lay utid tjenefaTlhn is given 
to running after odd tilings and 
curiosities and eccentricities in relig- 
ion, as well as in other matters. 
Hence we have.," reformed ’’ drunk- 
ards and "gamblers anil prize fighters , 
so much put forward to lead "our 
meetings to the exclusion of men 
wlio have led p-irqler lives. They 
are run after By tiie cm iosity-seekers.' 
-Dr. .1. Hall. \ 

■ 7 --A candle does not belong to the- 
candlestick, thui holds it, hut toevery 
one in the room where il sliines; 
and tiie knowledge of God, tiie pre- 
eiousn'ess i/f the Divine revelation, 
does no! lieloug . to tiie nation in 
Which it is first and most clearly dis- 
close. They hold it as a torch but 
it js that all may liave the benefit of 
i.ts Bliining. ■ 

1 1 iitiihleness ii^gKiuliitr lo (,'liris- 
tiitiiity.. Goodness is admired and 
tuughl'in all religions. "But lo lie 
good and feel tliat your good'is noth- 
ing; to advance and become more 
conscious of pollution ; to ripen in all . 
excellence and, like corn, to bend tiie 
betid when full of ripe and hunting 
grain liiat Ih' C h rcdlaiiiTy Rolierl- 
hou. ’ 

— Tiie turning pointjn every man’s 
religious experience is not when lie 
says, " I believe ;” but when tie says, 

" l will.” A mull is not a Christian 
in proportion to tiie amount of trutli 
lie ptits iif Ids FreeiL, but in jiropor- 
tion to tiie aiiiouiit of trutli lie puts 
into liis life. -Dr. .1. Walker. 

Wlirii God bail a great work for 
any one to do In' the world, lie usual- 
' -gives him a particular training for 
il ; ’and that training i* j"«t wllut * 1( ’ 
i irtlily fi icitfl would ctioOse for him;' 
a\ut sometimes it is so long continued 
that there Seems to lie But little time 


it to work. . - . * 

-Good works do not make a 
jristiun ; but one must be a Chris- 
n to (lo good "works. I lie tree 
ingel I? forth the fruit, not tin- fruit . 
Hie tree. — None is mlifirra’Christian 
! by w-orks, bill by Christ ; mid, being 
in Christ, lie brings forth fruit for 
hi m ., ■ , . — — -r*rt — 

For The. best results tliere needs 
he the longest waiting. The trut- 
liarvest is the ldiigesBjJ.i being 
reached. The failures come first, 
the successes last. The unsatisfactory 
is generally soonest sect,. Henry 

_1 do not find Unit to giv" up 
anxiety and to trust in < iod is'dillii' 
now, though it used to lie. 

A.-S. A. 

From Trenton, La 

Bast Thursday night tiie ltev. Dr. 
C K. Marshall lectured iu Trenton, 
and, as is always ids way, delighted 
and instructed liis lieareVs. Can not 
we expect tiie tl md soon to come 
when in Louisiana, iis elsewhore 
tliere shall be given every, year m all 
our towna and cities a course of 
spring or fall lectures? Those of us 
wlio believe in Die' lecture system as 
productive of great k 00( * should seek 
to develop among our people a taste 
for tills mode of. public instruction. 
Bishop H. H. Kavanaugti dedicated 
the Colony Church yesterday morn- 
ing. Notwithstanding tiie forbidding 
weatiier u number of people assem- 
bled in the new building and listened 
witli wrapt attention to tlio Bishop - 
masterly defense, of tiie oliuroh 
Christ. There is no debt on 
church, lin'd tiie gonil people of. the 
Colony have, a very neat and com- 
fortable house of worship. It was 
built by our Bro. Voss, of Raton 
Rouge, who is also building the 
court-house in Monroe. Col. John 
, Hkarborougli, an Lptacopal 
brotiier, gave the land upon which 

the church, stands, anil Mrsi June 

liowman, a 'Methodist slater, added 
six acres, and thus the trustees hold 
ten acres of valuable land afo.und the 
building. It would be a wonder if so 
much land had not sugges ted a par- 
Bonage ; apd, sure enough, the people 
W V*.Y will puBUp aJlrst-claHS 

reacher’s home during 1884, <■ 

{hlnk that they will Go It 
UKCBMUllI Si, 18811' 

. Blessed 

tWh Urine I tic my Lord, 1 can not help believing 
him, fur lie I .-ii'ls me down with 
evidences ot oil tgiltli and .fidelity. 

G. li;. Spurgeon. 

— When iieijjamin - Parsons was • 

VI v iii tr a friend uh level him, " How are 
you To-day?’” He luiswerfd. " My 
head is resting .very sweetly on ,lin ■ 
pillows — Iniinite Lower, Innuiu; 
Loveand Infinite Wisdom. 

— Wliile prayer slumli tli still, the 
trade of godliness standeth still. lu« 
greater tiie business, tiie ntore need ■ ' 
tliere is of prayer to speed it ; to he as 
oil to the wheel, as wings to tiie bird. 
—Trapp. . 

—Tliere are times wlieii.u'il think 
!• alike, because' all arp iinlilFerent. • 
When men begin to think they begin 
! to difler until tjiey come to amity in 
f.the knowledge of tiie trutli. 

Tiie law of the harvest iH to reap 
more than you. sow. How au act, 
and you reap a habit; sow a htjbit, 
and you reap a character; sow u 

eliaracter, an'd you reap a destiny. 

— The ininister is tfi be a live man, 
a real mail, a true man, a simple man, 
great in liis, love, great in his hie, 
great. in ids work, great in his sim- 
plicity, great In his gentleness. —Dr. 
John Hull. ._ 

—Tliere is a joy in fc 00 ’* fortune. 
There Ih a far Higher iu the mind « 
gains of knowledge or trutli. But 
there is no joy like the joy of resolved 
virtue.— Orville Dewey. 

1 every <>”e Hweeu ll\t* <lrifi , 

from his own door, and not busy 
himself about the frost on ins neigh- 
bor's tiles.' ’ 

— Do tlio duties of every day iad"- 
fully and well, then calmly trust the 
issue witli tiie Lord. -Evangelical 

—The more we do, tiie more w« 
can do; the more busy we are, the ^ 
more leisure we have. - ll^zlitl. 

• It is not enough to avoid what 
tlio Divine law -condemns-.; w 
practice wllqtit commands, 

_To hear I patiently aud answer 
precisely are the great perfections of 

conversation,— Roelietoucauld. 

—You are better employed in dry- 
iiig.the tears of others thun in slied- 
'diug your own. < 

\ heart unspotted is not easily 

daunted. -*-8hakespeare. 










Censorious Controversy. 

Mr. Editor: Thoro are many qurw.- 
tlonn pertaining to church, eduoatlftnal 
r«ri*»«» » ,M4 - and ol |, pr Bnbjocts' needful t> be dls- 

, cussed Hint nil may lio properly o'n- 

TBK Ax'ftiHjrr ryfk ArncAirrsp lightened, .Km’ lot It "lie done with 

' " * — , charity,” that It may minister gr»oe 

«» iw. t. ». Tirra»4H«r<M unto tbe hearers, and prevent 11 schism 

— *7 in the “body.” We believe Hint the 

job.. n* br(...r.v ii «•< rf *tn Southern people are hotter qualified to 

Z on, ere for nnd underetand the character 

or ihoplnnu. tmUife.noun t«. their noil 

Tbrnn.rf.tion t.Mf—r'rorr.oM, l bail." the people at a dm- 

Th* ***!• «f m<\r : the crowning M? °f K°l^« tlftCO. Ho that HU It* IllRy. OUT tlUlO 18 

Th* eliv's idiiiifs ; th* ewfsl great Wail* throne ; don abort and procloua to dawdlo over 

The B M«. of pf »rl ; th* rn r* fnumlgttun •tunc ; tl)8 pnrplftxlllg “ probloUl- ’ of Ilflgttr.H j 

7b« wmhmmwi alary, tint ‘■ future destiny. "Our Brother in j 

Tbr anrrHlrln* ibfoiiith me mifl'it or bMrrn, Black" lias not only boon a proirflo 

Tb« »wuw wfg«i nf.oii the might? tovi themo of bitter contention for years, 

Boanng the fonpr i, tor noti.'tir gitt-ii. byl has cniisod lnllllona of noble lives 

¥• pt and h*ar ibf anfoi'i rujhiiiR wine., be Haeri flood on the Held of battle, 

w« unt tk* W«Kin»» that »bf r»r»l art"* ; h avn left blighted, desolate, hearts and 

, W* brar Ibowbolog 

{ ' hooi&H all over the bind. >V uy not let 

• ! aigi.iraosri im..rii optf 1 v«»r • tbo ril (Frond -qulotly dle.ont that lias 

■ Ik* linWiiMi *; ft inrirrY^nt that! 1 tho ratio In. a 

pii). #tlcant<£toistiaB ^ 

nnder the blighting blMt^pf . critUtom. 1 ^llshafl; .by yielding to the mil 
The hard words uttered, heedlessly spirit of the gospel, where It says that 
lno “ -■ - 1 therefore, that men pray 

care for and understand the character cennure <l. Sri take heed how you uso 
of llin plains indigenous to tlielr soil TO ‘„ r Gotl-given talcnte, for every one 
I hail, “the thoughtful people" at a dis- -* hR j, lmv e to render an account. Thero- 
txtice. Bo that as It may, our time Is forn let a ll „ho profess to ho followers 
, too short and proclous to dawdlo over Qf l|)e in * eek and 'lowly Jesua think 
the perplexing “ problem-" of Hagarls j lorlouB]y on the effects of theso things, 
future destiny. “Our Brother 1,1 j 8 nd earnoatly and -prayerfully ask tbe 
Black" lias not only boon a proirflo Holy Spirit’s help and guidance in 

liBvebeen like “oruel thorns," labor- I will 
ating the heart 6f God’s , creatures, evorvwb 
wounding .many “even unto - doath,” without 
and havo left a lingering poison ns all plena 
more fatal aa the “ fruits of tho deadly.. Hnvlour. 
upastreo.” And " for this ,vory cause 
many aro weak and sickly among 
.you,” and many, who .ought to work 
only "sleep” through fear of being Not ni 

111 IjKY- 

4 ai liir.KY was born 

gamww 18,1884. 

efllcionlly for eight years or morn— 0 
tnnn wo iovod and 'highly esteemoil a« 
an Intelligent Christian gentleman 
neighbor and cllixon ; Uierriloio, be it, ' 
ItesotMCd, That, while wo submit to 

everywhere, lifting up holy handa | nn ,| n nnarv'in, 1818, and died Docomber lbe ‘ 'will of an nil-wise, merc^ll Grid 
without wrath and doubting.” This la ut, 1883, having nearly completed his whom wo bo) | OTO all thinirn for 

all pleaalng*ln the sight of God, our sixty-sixth year. Me was » n" 1 *!® the best, ypt wo will ondoaror l.y/the 
Hav lou r. s. o. w. stovam.. ^!!! ; ^ 

ureeno ™um,y, v“-, ■ v . > grsco or uou to emulate ills virtue 

Mississippi, and fleUled in Alta cherish Ilia memory ih our hsnrts. 
county, on -December -1, ISo-. in is<4 /icgolvttt. That wit will wear a 1 
ho built a roeldence in Kosciusko, mourning lor a given time in I 

Not nisny years ago (If 1 mistake not 
It was the fourth Sunday In April, 1870, 
and tbe Saturday nlglit previous) our 
little country chap’el add Its coiigrega- 

Whero ho remained until'lSTU. when lie | 
returned to his former roeiileoce and 
there. contirilfBd till .tmlled from earth. 

In his death wo all lose. Tho church, 
loses a member who for fifty yours had 
honored God 'both with his substance 
and devotion. ' As a steward and class 
leader be was 'always faithful. lie 
worked, paid aii(l pr'ayod as ho went, 
ltollglon was a reality to- him. When 
he wont from homo-bo waa surifto nnd 

theme of bitter .contention for years, 
bijl lias paused mllllona of noble lives 
to be sacrificed on tlie field of battle, 
havo left blighted, desolate hearts and 

•Vt It, isreyfrtbnt that, tho race Is. a flxturo ^igg'-yg “ WO u|id- 
among us. then why noL as Christiana, ! h i opk or nn 


FIRST l’ll'KK. 

Ut KniToit: As some of my o.srly 
friends slid sciiuatntaiicea are'sllll liv- 
ing in Nl issisai ppi and I.ouisiaua 1 
have thought that references' to the 
past might not jirove w;holly devoid, ol 
Interest, si inv lime of life 1 it iriay be 
well to view life's labors in' retrospect. 

I was admitted into the Mississippi 
•Conference on Iris’ in Hscetuber, ltd.',, 
at an Aunusl Conference held in New 
Orleans. Bishop Soule' presiding. My 

aiming us, mol* »iij bling block or nil occasion to ran m 

accept the situation in € more, quiet,' y , 5ur brother'a way,” for “thero Is not 
hopeful spirit, trusting that, through [n 0very man tho 8alu0 knowledge," 
(foil'.a providence, all tilings -may t «^ oh may .. be houist ill his, con- 

oventually “.work togotber for good” y^Hone ns those who oppose. So "let 
to all. Let. us. continue, ‘as. in Die past, ove nlRn bB ful!y p er8 uaded in Ins 
to do what ■ we can toward educating. ni \nd.” In tbe Lord’s vineyard 

inastreo.” And “ for this -, very cause . , * , „ , . county, on -uecei.nner • j/fgolved. That we wiU wear a twiige 

... ...i -js -si , •‘r’rJfr’*?' ■ • S'arnw'af^.aja 

S ZZ N'J 77 > 7 " ■««, ™ «•**$•*» 5 SSS.&SS -«??&.• - 

-ensured. Su take heed how you uso It Was llie fourth Hunday in April, 1 , , In hla death we all losm I he chufiih. , mtby an ,i Sincor'o condolence to ' the 

• I- „!,•«„ tnients for every ono and the Saturday night preVious) our loses a member who for fifty yoara Ini 1 „ )r( . rtV ed widow and stricken children 

yoiir God-gLen talents, for every one hfl(1 llB ebugregs- honored < 0.1 both w tli hi* HUhstt^ „f„„r worthy brother, and ever rmnem. 

'ball have to render an account, hero delighted b . hav- Bn<1 ,lovollon - “ »te w > lr . 1 B,1 J 1 bor tliom in our dovotions and prayers 

fore let all who profess to bo followers tion were very much delighted t y i leader bo was always faithful. Ho to Almighty God. 

of Urn meek and 'lowly Jeaua think ing KeV. W. W. Hopper to. preach for wcrUo d, paid m.O prayed 'aa lie wont. That' a copy of .this pro- 

I 1 Iho ofTncts of these tilings \1». Our pastor In charge, Rev. M. B. Religion was a reality to lilm. ' bon , ullb io and these resolutions liosem lo. 

.oriously on the effects of these things, i. 1 California, told us bo. went from bonvs-bo was surdAo hml U)(t wl( , 0W) aud ft lso to tho AdVocati 

and sarneatly and -prayerfully ask the Sharbrongti, . . ’ the way to church on Sunday or prnyoi fol , .ulGloatlon. 

Holv Spirit’s help and guidance in a month boforo tho time that Rro. Hop- meeting evenings. \ et Ins piot.v was • T . M ooBBj.for Conflnlttee. 

* j . «. ,i «nri nnr would bo with lilm tho next tini0 novor obtrusivo. IIo- i\ovor sought to Jt 

writing, that ydu may glorify God and P anxiously waiting, be conspicuous, lie was remarkably FKNN-.IPJDOK.Orkrn KFN<),Hon nl 

givoto tho world full proof of yoitr dis- ho came, we were y K ’ ( , u iot aud free from fuss. IIo always Wlllahv aud'Kllaaboth l em, was horn 

clnleship by having “tbe same care with eager expectations, lor too lime bat j H good word for the poorest sermon, in .taCkspn county, .GS., October Mi, 

another” nnd natlently “bear appointed, and 1 am happy to Bay we 1Ie Bstened so attentively that begot lsbl, amf moved with his parent s i„ 

one for another ana panen 7 were ,mt disappointed in tho man or, in the grain of wheat, if It was tho only Marion county,. Miss., in 1H .17 , 'The 

the infirmities of tho weak. .Usenet w wo(1 ono in a iqml of straw. Ah a-masort ho «cxt year hw parfliito mov«lU V L..w. 

your “ wisdom ” for an occasion to the his sermons. Jto , j OI1 „ B t 0 oJ in tlixi foremost rank, llo rtuoo county, jfr. -Ihi'i lie joined tlu t 

flesh lost being "TUrsU wltlrsli knowl- f ill e d I" tb e- te at . .w«»--frnm,_Aats..x v.l), -fa vt s ptho-wuei e nl -mrder-aeil- UOuo.ted-Us.1 Moidjodiat piuicchi. ttk^YiiauAif — Camp- 
aHMafi'ea •• wnnnit” nr “ nnl a stum- 30-31 ! “And tho timea of tills ignorance noblcef 'max inJs. There, as.-.-l:i Ahti, .Ground, Aint.e .coiinly. IIo mw!*i...l 
I y , r ,, : _ God winked at ; but now comtnandeth church, lie was coi\spicuous for Ids Llizaboth tarter, Beptdmbor l'.i, lsdl, 

bling block or all occasion to fall in Lcul winse , „ _. . .quiet fidelity to duty. „ His Brethren in and two weeks after professed rellalon 

and esrnently and -prayerfully 'ask tbe Sharorongn, now t h e way to church on Sunday or prayer 

Holv 'Spirit’s help and guidance in a month boforo the time that Rro. Hop- meo ti n(s evenings. Yet his piety was 
V( L lna v glorifv God nnd per would bo with him tlie .next time nev er obtrusive, lie never sought o 

7“ m *. « “St? ssir.wav.i.vr to® 

clnlesliip by having "tbo same care with eBger expectations, for tho Mm had a good word for the poorest sermon, 
ono for another," and patiently “bear appointed, and 1 am happy to say we h 0 listened So nttenti velS 1 het be got 

•wisdom” for an occasion to the his sermons. 

was woll ono in a load of straw. h-iiiimni i, 

your - w inuuui - — - . - long stooill in -thw foremost rau-k. H 

flesh "lost being "TUiSa WltlrsR knowl- tHied-i - Rie -text waa . frnm,_ActH xvl), -i nTP d-thowncrent order and honored -i 
nvlce" vn “wound" or “ put a stum- 30-31 ! “And tho timea of this ignorance „„bk«t' •fnaxinils. There, ns.vdn 

m uiiir «oui»hy,' xyiioo., 

,sofi ho Aioxt year his parents 
k. He reuoo county. J fr -IRti-l 
jiudJlti.] MuUunlut I luir.di.-ttL... 

bling block or all occasion to fall in v»ou w , , - ,,, . quiet fldeltty to duty. . His brethren in | ami two weeks affer profeesod religion 

your brother's way,” for "thero is not all men everywhere to rspont. tins ^ j( , bond8 rH j M , 8 „ d implicit conli- qt lloguo Uhiuo ('amp Ground, in Bike 

in every man tbo same knowledge,” was a soul- Barring sertaoti,. and It iswo' deuco . j n . b | nli an il attested their al- ornniy. . .He moved to Weetvillo, 

VictToiis as those who oppose. So " let think it 090 ovej 

and Christlaniitltig the raco, that, they | 
may ho enabled to support ■and serve | 
their generations 111 tlie future. \Ve [ 
tljinit that every /one ought to adhere’ 
to their own Apinion, lest they be ; 

every man be fully persuaded in biH 
own mind.”' In the Lord’s vineyard' 
'•thoro are diversities of gifts,” also 
.“differences of administration,” and 
"tlie bead can not say to tho feet, I 
have no’ need of you,” for "God set the 
members, ovory one of them, in the 

- dsoply impressed lu nay mind I do not feetion in the number who surrounded sifiipsnn- county, in Mocem.her, 1 ■ ;l, 

.1 i„i,' 1. ho oblltarated I was -hht KtttvV riea'pile the cold day. | near ' which place, in the homo ol his. , 

,t think it can ovej be obliterated. I was “^J^ciUlWIlJaerve.l both privately Hon-lr.-laW, >),. Lockhart, ho dhsl iff | 

“ earned about with every wind 'of ! h IlH , ’ halh phased him,” and often 
doctrine,’ but -let it lie maintained I „ ttlose -u^j lb ers; which seem to bo 

present with my two older sisters. One 
of them lias passed into tho world tio- 
yond', anil wo Who Huger bphhid are 
miles apart. . 

■Lost Kabbath^r attended cborcb in 
onoof ourcountry towns, arid on enter- 
ing the door 1 saw standing in the pul- 
pit ibis came Rro. Hopper, slightly 
changed in. personal appearance, but 

and' inti. 

and as a county or best 'officer wiili ! jmhep; November b",*, „W&S. 
remarkable. reeiitudo c.'f hotli piirpcwo b x 'know Judge I'eiln long and’ Inti- 
and deed. Me was not an office Seeker, match’. - Me was a deVouf .Chrietiani a 
Me preferred retlroiiiont to any resort ! man cif faith and prayer,' a warm frie’nd,. 
to uielbods of currying popular irwloyer ol the church and nfthn Lord’s 

ve'tlie country, ami not himself, 

I’reucUora found shelter and 

.Conference on Iris' in December, 1M.’., | doctrine, but/ let it .lie mainiainou . „ Ul0 , e . luenlbe r B , which seem to bo changed in. personal appearance, mu 
at an Annual Conference held in New ’ with more love and courtesy. , fe#b|i> ar0 necessary.” Now, his poWer of expounding the ’blessed 

Orleans. Bishop Soule’ presiding. My ! In ndyocatiilg a cause we loso more gf • • vou ,| nC orely. desire the co.h- trutbs.not the least bit changed.. In bis 

first appoint Iiient was junior preacher ’ tlianjwo galu by censorious donate, and . ( -, on * of uelgbt.or, and have Jtermou, Which was from St. John 

•n the Madison circuit, with James give- foason. for. ’our Intended. g6od 10 ( bo( ,„ lending him vour psper contain- vi, 37, .he used. some of tbe same illus- 
McLicinoui in charge, 'and A. T. M. j “ be evil spoken of.” IM-Jioe ofeontro- I, lhosi , wr athful artbdes, ..orhaps tratfions, one especially, which spoke to 
Flv our presiding elder. At tlWit time J vor»ie« are sometimes hastily served d one wrttton by yonr 0 wn hand, will bo my heart as if it were tbe voipe of my 
there were eighteen appointments on j up and too profusely seasoned with..) hot ' rf)ttard lt inoonslstent with your deed Mater. He described a man away 

the Madison ciri’uii, eiiihracbig Catiion, liepbs ol “malicious, envy, i pjjrlstlwu character? and will it not in the mountains in great distress and 

Sharon, Madlsofrvlllo, LivingBtoii, Yer- | ".projn 'lino, “vain glory, .inner ! bav(J a bail l n iluence,.aiid destroy all alone, and some kind friend wei.t to 

non and Csaiden". . llesnii s these thero.,' ^ ami “evil speaking. ' V\ ottld .they not j jj 0 ^j d impressions -he mfiy have pre- his atsiatance with a lantern, and 

was his iuaiu object. Aa. a neighbor borne under bis roof for more 1 half’s 
and friend lie waa kind and generous ! imlf-eatitiiry. ID' was eloctpdTo old 0 
In an eminent degree.' Though mild : a nnmbsr of times in his omuitytV I ■ . 1 c 
oven to geilllehoss in Ids maimers, he ihe war. lliough not with tho midorily 
whh rouiiirtt-sblv firm both in his dc- ; bl poluics, he was a . . pah t- and b.oM-st 

his poWer of expounding tho "blessed portmbut and his goverutaeol. Mis judge and o(|icer, ■ boiiorid nnd lovid 

truths not the least idt changed. Inbis autbofl^. In the family was Ml. and.'iU all. and. against whom I never h-apl 
iruins.uoi ic ■ ■ yet Ft \yaa «o Uuid th^t- U Veh . >vch1i^! a hi ealli ot suspicion. I n his family, ho 

sermon, which was from ht. .Jonn • Kail four soiis.-atid four : f!M;:,h»«‘rs wai. n mo.lel husbmnd and father ; u t. 

the Mt'lifton circun, embrncinj? (’anion, . hep 
Sharon, Madlsofrvlllo, Livingston, Yer- . ”.pr 
non and Camden”, . Beach 1 those there.,' and 
were twelve appointments in the conn- { he 
trv, somoof which bad a Isrcer mem- j moi 
bership than those in; the towns., swe 
Among. tlie injaitq'roiiibiei.Cwis Pearl , auc 
River Asiademy, near which lived the glv 
father of our missionary to Chins, ltev. ' aud 
J. W., who at that time was lay' 
a pupil at the academy, iihifel 1 -Prof, j tro 1 
Dai. a as principal. Tiieiather Of young . its 1 
Lambuth was a pleasant,' pious, iiibjl- j tlsi 
litent Chri stian ■ geiitlemah, as well as | lug 
an able minister of tho gospel. It was, 1 liel 
My good fortune Li receive counsel. And ! roo 
encoiirAgsineut while enjoying the hav 
kospiu dies of his house. I lisvo resd win 
• with much interesr’the lelters.from. his qui 

and “evil speaking.” Would iheyuot | 
ho inoro/jialatabio to all were they; 
inure ploatifuUy fiavqrod With the 
sweet extracts of “lovo,” “forbeAr- 
auce,” ‘‘humbleness of mind,” “for- 
glvanosH,” “peaco”'.and “ goorl-wlll,” 
aud over all these cover thickly with a \ 
layer of “charity? ’ Censorious con- I 
troversy can lie compared to a tpnic to I 
Its effectsl If administered in a Chris- I 
tlsn tone it proves bqnelic'lal in correot- 
lng false errors, unknown faults, and 
helps to Jei'olhp (’haraclor*; Mil lT~irUI 
roots wliioh enter.lntq Us composition 
savors too miioh of worirhwood, and not 

Viously recelverl from other good 
pieces therein? Will it not also heLp 
to woaken the faith of tlioats who are 
yet but •■ babes ill Christ?” My broth- 
ers, reflect on theee.’tbings for a mo- 
ment, arid lot not the work of your 
hands' bo tbo downfall of these who 
Christ has' died to save. If you ougage 
In angry controversies bow dci you ex- 

my heart as if it were the voice of my Hr 

(lead Slater. He described a man away anlple nol ob j v wo 
in tho mountaiiiM in groat distrfss and t;ul ono aingulsrli; (*! 
alone, aud Homo kind friend vretit to who feel that hf^ave 
hie assistance with a lantern, and 

pointed out to him a meandering path, qul(>k . h in phCslipo 
which would guide him safely out of ail'd ulit capal le of 
all ilangsr, and wtini wobld jintl should . r “ 0 ® lRl ciliurtllimli 
become of him were he to retuse to-be and iwr v help, 

led and dash tlie lantern dowii' at his nn ,j quiet industry 
feet, .lust so, he said, v*e refuse to .be In all Lho relations o 
led, and, us it were, dash the word «>n Tfl 
(tod down at our feet. 1 his word, j Bupfervenod, but it, 
meandering, was tbo iqaiu comun-tlon i seiousnoea of sleep, 

who bea> testimony not only wirp their 
lips, but their iVvos, that Ms pxnmplo 
ami teaehi^ifJC were utter t’ho heavenly 
com m and in oiu. Hw haa left us ^n ex- 
ample not o1)Jy worthy <'f itnitftUou, 
tint one Hiugul&rly enoourrmin/ to-thoso 
who feel that heaven has pla MLj .Upon 
them no special mark of distinction. 
Llis mind waa not brillj’ani. ‘not oven 
(julck ; his phvslqu*' was rhtrie- 
nn*d nht eap»i 1ft of j^roat ofTo.rV ; hi*< 

orderly. lirm, a If tion. Me. llin wife, 
who preeednl him 10 plorv nearly ten 
v^irs, and ebHdren and'«t»ndi !:•!- 
Itron hv>noro<l and reVoreucod,' lovtyi 
fenr.i idoli'/ml him. 

' ll‘n« miiid waa etrong and unlmpai-riyl 
to within p. few day a of. bin (b*m!i. • !1 • 
thoughts worn . about tho i.!on<l- 
which he had loved »nd nerved - i 

lor . I’-oro* fh'an fifty yoa.'. . 'To las 
daughter' w bo sal." ed biin alxlutihis »•< n* 

nH'Dlal c.ilmre limitou, nnd bo waa not dition bo i-nii 1 : “ Yuoi onihlren m 

pset to spread tbe gospel and win souls hetwson the two sermon*. I do not 
for Christ? “Mv 'brethren, theae know tha t I ever .iito rff uny other 
things ought not so to. We” “w ith y ou, i p re nch ci’ .U Bb the wtir J, lEinigh' it Im not 

“which aro made after, similitude of 
God.” Our Knvfourhath “not appoint- 

• ,, , , . , - • ... • I Vj?OU. our oaviuiii Iian< uus v 

wise y Idem led with those of milder j tQ wrath 'o bul - has given th. 

qualities, and given n too largo a dose vo ’., bfi , D „„„ lo 

ils.imiAry son as they wquhl rokch us j results In prostrating 

frotu Id. far-off mission, observing strongtueniut 
Ills studious Imbit.i and his roulteiiTiB 'nately they lu 
demesnor while a j’outh a r « school we sensitiveness 
•onld form no o.tlisr conclusion than clans always 
that hi. after life and maturod intellect of the inslfidj 
would baa beuediotton to the ohurcli, proper reined 

-Comforter to “ profit” you, help y<ni lo 
avoid all evil, “ho At poace among 

Strengthening the patients if uufortu- • , tm; „ a ' nd lhat might com- 

nate y they labor under ho ^ disease of I - feebler mi B ded, support the 

sensitiveness. Wise, skillful physi- 
cians always coolly ran’ke a diagnosis 
of the inslfidy in order to prescribe tho 
proper remedies in jiroportlfinpte quan- 

prea(‘hei’7uee the’ wiird, though it Is iol 
uncommon,' yet It brought to my mind 
many scenes of the past, ami awakened 
memories which had long/yoon silent., 
Bro. Hopper seems to liavfi ids . work 
crowned with Hiiccteb on every hand. 
When he woe leaving tis we all crowd- 
ed arouud, each one. wishing to bid 

rich: yet uien’went lo him for advice , 
and pecuniary help. Mis cotiittidl “Anse 
and quiet industry made him a power 
In all the rolathjne of life. . . 

Mis last Miomen'-i wereas c&lra jis.a 
'summer suneet. irnconadlnuamw**' liad 
Huperveaed, hut It r seemcd t ti *.* ' uncoil- 
eciousneve of sleep.’ ills diseAss bad 
not creol'ed ap'prehMisloli in ebber bim- 
eelf or olliers enlll iinconhcbiusi o»s dc- | 
barred ab li qniVina ’di rect Is ’'r elating to 
bi»»*pi- rltii «l~ r o en<litl(vii. - Y(- 1 who, can; 
lioiibl? A oofticlous ’comnintih’ii with ; 
Grid for fifty v.eara should he eujlloiient 
guaranty, lie leaves a wile and eovei. 
children lo mourn diin loss. Me "hs 
laid to' rsK’ in Ids private burying- I 
ground by lies, N-C . Waasori and tlie 
masons, jie rostd from lnbor. 

T. A. s. A. 

I a iincasv aboiu me. - I shall get well 
this lime ; but, if -I do nol, it is ali-rit lit 
wiili me; not L< troubled ’about 
roe.”. . . 

llis mortal remains were juil aty.iv b 
rnst.’ioi.OeYl.v and lovii.gij.oiieint’unl iv 
of the foil rlh (|ijWrtci!y ineetim.',- after- 
aprropritrie aei'icos by.Jiro. - Rayiuir, 
the presiding elder. 

- 'll. JOHNSON. 

fort thifc, feoble-mindod, support the «id arouuu, eaon one. wi.uiug to, um 
weak, (Sul “ lie patient toward all j ldtn good-by. I think he la much lie- 
men.’ 1 St. Paul “ to the weak, liecauie-l loved-.and Chat lio has ^tlio prayers and 

and the world, aud ‘so they have, lie: tltjt that -they may beUefity .but not 
left fond parents, who were"iii good weak eg” tho phySlcST and niontal ail- 
el rcumstailcea financially, and tho merits of their patients. WHat would 
home of his voulli to spenii a lifetime' oventually hiirm one in taking too big 

as weak,” thet lie might “save eqine.” 
Will you not In tbe future try, .with 
the Lord's help, to follow his example? 
“In moeknois instructing those tnkt 
opposo,” and “follow after the things 
which make for poaco, and things 

in a lie. then land ; the result Is known, a dose might nerve another to higher wberowith op6 od | fy anothe^’’ 

end forma sn interesting chapter In our and greater ertorta in the battle of life, ^ may o' a dorn’ the doctrine of 
■ . ** . HAunit.o llin Bo/iithlnir rliHoultt and onno-- . ~ ... . . ... ... 

Apportionment! for Missions for 1884, 

MifcHlBSlVri COH.FEKENQk. . 

Cblua irtission. despite tbe scathing ridicule and oppo-- 

I ^nuld liko to glvo more /fGTkh- a aifion they have met with, and at laat, 
notice of my ^olloague on my through their own exorfcionsj, climb to 
*ra7>ircuit, Rov. James McLenn’tJsL the top ol* the pinnacle of fame. Hi»- 
‘We were together; frequentl y during tory haa g iven many example^. There-; 
.Ihe year, at 'quarterly „and pyotrjkcted R rc some naturoa that criticism o^n not 
meeting*# <w well a* at iny own ro«i-. injute when they continually look 
fence. My opportunity- for knowing “ unto tho IiIHh- from whence oometli 
him In pirivato life aa woll as in hla their help,” but all can ltot rooaiye 
publlo mliliiitrations was by no’moana alike. It iaib be deplored that ao many 
limited, lle cama to this country a I gifted min d.s seemingly* take up their 
well-bred Scotchman, of line buaino^)i | pen* only to antagonize some point of 
qualHicatlons. was ompl »yed as a clerk I ditTerenco and .lu the most unchristian 
in tlie Union Bank, at Jackson, style censoriously ventilate each other 

at a salary of ^l v 500 per* annum. He !* through a public nowapsper. Why Is 
•ould have ret&iifed his^poaitiou and ;. this so? la it generous or noble, or Is 
salarv; but preferred to obey a call j it tbe only ehaunel to ventj.heir spleen 
from the Ma ter, ninUake his -position | and cause outsider* to exc-lai in derislvd- 
atziong itinerant' preachers, with a pros- J ly’after reading : “ VV hy, if those who 
peotof only a bare support. He studied j write thus cal] themselves Christiana 
to “show himself approved,” waa a , thoy are no better than we are. ’ O! 
Bound theologian, a fair preacher and a j would that the time, money and noble 

your God In all things,” thereby be in- j 
■trumeutal in bringing many “unto, 
the knowledge of the truth.” O 1 U J be- 

thetop ot - the pinnacle or ^me. fit.- j ■ '^ethreu, “ let brotherly 

tory has givun msiiy examples. ^er« ,, 10vo _ ctml>lin o BO lhat ; lh6 fair, un- 
arc somo naturoa tlij*t critloism o)in uot I ’ • • v 

good writer. !lo had sorB trials, hut taloiltf 
bore (i p under them with Christian for- bile h f 
tituds until called to hlH reward. blrlfo’ 

Within the bounds of Madison rlr- more I 
suit there were many fdous, liberal- aerviri 
h»*\rled Mstliodists, Ii’iring this year j nioro 
a nea’. eliuroh was built at Vernon, ! Christ 
nicely eoalsd. w itli a jmlpit rif tlie moat j ment, 

wclle thus calj theuiselves Christians 
ihqy are no bettor than we are.”- O! 
would that the time, money and noble 
talents .wasted In “ contentions” aud 
idle speculations, which only “ gender 
elrlfo” and “-evil suruiiahiga,'* were 

writteu pageeof the Coming Now Y’ear, 
1884, may not .be marred hy bitter con- 
troversies, butletsthe recording angel 
wrlto thereon "peace,” "love” end 
“ good-will” To all. ’ KTTA. 

Dice, d k it 1». 1S5J. ' 

Our Enemiss. 

Mr. Editor: Thero never has been 
a time when the Church Of God and Its 
votaries could properly ho. said to be 
without enemies. And ahould the 
ohurph'cease to ponr out her prayers 
for them she ceases {p walk In the steps 
of our Emanuel. Fol- ill Luke ixlli,3-l, 

„ m *uu, . m;UK8VM»(i.’ Mart Ei.i/.aiirtim 

film good-by. I think he la much be- ni;llKB , daughter of Fielding ; 
loved. and that lio has the prayers and |,,| a Love, was born in ’I'.lladi'ga 
best wihbos of many friends, rujseif In county, Ala : October 25, 1H33: cm- 

„„ it i ,.,.y a i* M 

friendship. A. c. H. , n arrle<l- C. St. Burks, her now ^rief- 

Buouehavss, * lis>.. D m. », im. strlckSn husband, July 111 1853 and ill 

; ».— ' * ■ 7T--, December, 1858. moved to Bossier jiar- 

Apportionmenti for M issions for 1884. mb, Ls., where she lived untp. her 

■ death, which ^occurred at her .home, 

MiSs'issivi’i roNFEKEN'CB. . October - 10. 1SS.\ ... 

i — • Sieter Burks djod, bh slid hud lived, 

rurti}n.;C<mr»Hc. In tbo oXercise.of a’ living, saving latth; 

jickunn Bl.irlct. |i Mr I"* proved -her faith by her works. Her 

vic-i.t.ijr. ins love anti zeal fut her church and tlie 

WncJG 1 tn/"7..... , .'.' '.'.iir l.ow JS cause of her Master v. toe ever ox pjcseeii 

m.i 1.11.....::::™:;::::." ‘t» V.s«i and mauifoated-ny her dally walk- and 

iirai.'tou ((oiivorBatinn: She never ceased to pay 

**‘ ar ‘ "rat-X’Ow sfio made long years eg., b. 

attend upon tbe ordinancea o( tho 

■• . church and <«> support Ua iuetiluiimm. 

\l The church and the community In 

, 4 0 • . ® wjiicli she lived have sustained n great 

'’■~rr.r.- : " " “ loss, and none; except her bereaved 

Jtlkw-IUU.ARAN.— On Jumiarr V, leM, by family, will feel' tlm loss any more 
lit.hop i.iuu* l’.-ior, Fro.f. Hamutl j. of tlie senslhlv than ttic itinerant preacher, 

B9utliwMi.n1 r.Uy .,1 rx’ii, to* tlln Ch’srloUs who novor failed, to find a hearty wel- 
Hsllarsu. (Isiliiiltr'or tbe late ESw. tliiltarau, of come and c. hoiue ivt her house. 

Y,d ■vlmria'n ’ -R.VMr-l.Y- l’owvito. K-r-B*b, -lb feel 

mini ion with ; “ f ««’•• I ; - **’ bl "', m'o 

1,1. HiifilciXoit Ramsey, was »><U’i. lebmary _■•. J’' - 
if, ' ' am) di-’d <• t-hof M I-: :, mftkfng a 

H„ st’iv of only novel: months and _ltfiee.11 

ste" bury ing- I da> h Jo gladden Uib’ht'arts ali(l brlgliton 
ti,,, lh« home of Ilia parents. 

. Littje Eddie never know vrliat henltli 

” • . I wan, having heCm a gi etl sufferer from. 

1. a. b. . . j | f . 4 blrtb lo , b u .death ; lmt ho was so 

Ebi/.AitKTit ; i, right and obsirving lhat be won all 
Ing, and Fyn-.l henrls. Mo find bqen so isu.stantly, ds.V, 
in Talladega and night, tbo earn uf- Ills affts’lloliate,' 
5, 1833: "in- I anil self-sacrificing’ Inolhor tfial il 

oil the Metli- j almost like I drying a part of herself l" 
outh, in IS.iO; lay her little treoeqrn in tlie grave. Ni 
u- now grief- wonder she wrlt.w: “ 1 long to go to 
1 1853. a nd In ineet h’lm in that bright world above.’-’ « 

Bossier par But God always orders for the lieet. 
oti unit)., her , ,r. . l>, .PAjkHRiiN. 

JcCck.ftnn DUtrtct.. 





llraniloii .. 


- • 1 kot 

• 1,010 i’i> 


m „ 

w L. O. HL’WNICUTT, Treufuror 


'WHITE— Rom -October, Is, 188”, and 
died, in Baton. Rouge, I,*., OaibKcr (I. 
1883,. little M .« omit, infant daughter ol 
Rev. M- G. White and ldii/.a "llo billet bfi 
All alloiiUoii. and [, ravers failed Id, 
prevent the demise of Lids procioes 
baho who waa not taken from our 
midst without war uliig, for-lier boallh 
’.vas very imperfi-ei aLer: severe illm 
•last July, which slie emlurdii 'wllh . 
wonderful fortitude till ,t_he angels bore 
her sweet spirit to its eternal homo. 

’•I.V'l'V mixer. 

A I) VKK TrtjlCUKNTti. 

111 r Emanuel. For in Luke xxlli, 3-1, j ^ * v 

find that he certainly interceded for ” u'mi«,Vi 

ills when ho said ; Father, foigivo 
tliem, for they know not what they 
do.” Besides this wA are to love them 

more fully employoti_ln active, earnest : and pray for them, l’aul says in tbe 
service for the Master, yvhioh would be , second obapler of T Timothy “ I #x- 
nidro proiltablo and acceplalrle to -hort, tliereforo, tiiat, first of all, suppli- 
Christ. The pen is but. a small instru- j cstions, prayers, intercessions, and 

glviu^ of ti)&nUs ba for 

thlstMly.' No i-unlo... 1 

N im)i v 111 e.i'Rj*Rr« pleaie copy.. / 

| DRADLKY B0UNI)S. T At the TenMenc* of the 
brlil* > f*ili«* r , I’ M. IlouDiJe. E*q. in Rn lih county, 
MIm., December^y, l&ft*. by Rev. J. II.. Evan*, Mr. 
W. w. pradley to Mim Al. U. R<mnt!>; all Wiulth 

VA1 KTI'K-RESHER.— At the rfcelijeiire of the 
hrlfle’e fathej-. ln Cnvlngtou. I.a , Den inUr IH. 18 8S 
•by H*v. Ci«*f>rf* T. Vlcktra, Mr. Joljn 0. Vtt'Utt*. <>f 
New Orlvatia, and MU» FMinUNV. ketlur, of Corlng- 

M F. R 1 W ICT I \ Ktt - TH 0 M I’KON .-I n^hr Method lit 
Church I lalieJnHDd*. pecemher a.V.IINI, by J. | 
M. NVvnit. Mif. W. U. Merlwejifer to Mias' EUs"' 
f Thompson, b»ih of IJ *r r sndo/IH Bplo couiiiy, M.fii 

Slater l lurks sufrored yroHtlv for feov- 
eral weeks ImfoVe sln» «iit» l. hut w.iviuuit 
n ivjurmiir <5Sho wns perfpc'tly rasiKn<«i, 
snd expros*oi fi willinmiftHs iq depart if 
It wfus Ckifi s vyill. Fivo children havo 
preoedoti her to tlio spirit world ; 
nil ^litMi Jn-<diiW!hond; Hi x child rcit- | 
tlir.fie bova niitl threo Rirls— Rro still i 
living-nil memhoi's uf r h* churob **x- , 
copt two ] ilfiu body’s. The&'o nhi'hiron l 
sro following 'rtidLher bs’h 1U> followed 
Christ. Ilustmnd hnd ohildrsn nil ex- > 
pact to iuest triowp t lint havo pon« 
heforo— tt v/holo family In honven. <Jod 
grant that it may t*o »o ! > 

* j. it. cassitt.- ■ 
IIR Y A NT -Smut F. J Rrya nt, j 

Tl > WN S K N^-M'A X tf F LI,/— Al th*. f#il<lHjCt n} daughtOf Clf N»hI Rltd.Mtfry M« a lilt'll ' 

if conaftiTAtoti, whgt 

sppruve.l modern sty ft.-. I well.Vemem- j mighty factor it is in the ssivatiou of for kings, and for all that are in author- 
her the first lime 1 entered this new | souls, atb? what an untold influonoe it lty, that we may lead, a quiet and peaco- 
au l elegant, Young preacher as 1 has wieldod for good or evil in all ages ful life in a.ll godliness and ftnneaty." 
I was, 1 felt much embarrassment in | eternity will alone reveal. Motes held j This, then, undoubtedly Implies a duty 

1 wm, I fait, .inuoli 0tr»barrakWuieut in 
addressing tb* f . wealthy nnd intelligent 
an'iiedce. Wbiio lipon jfiiy knees, im- 
ploring Divine ni 1, Sinter Kernoy, a 
BWdftt**pirito«l ih at ran, Knd a marEning 
•lnger a* wdll,' broke tho ailonooVby 
singing the hymn comibenc-i rtg : I 
*' Aw»y ni? jinbjdieviiitf (far b 

( jail in ■>« uo more hare place. |* 

Trie aoiitliljirit wit Tnapirlffg, her 
Voice truly , mylodious, which greatly 

In his hand nothing .but a simple rod rof the highest Importance aihobg all 

cut from some near buish, yet when 
God's mighty power was joii>ed to it 

true Chriatlsna. Oiherwjae It would 
have never beeii commanded of God, 

J l - 

wiiat wonders it wrought In hThalf of our Saviour, nor enjoined by his or- 

tlie children of Israel. And wheu uom- 
mand.od to “smite the rook” living, 

dallied apoatlea, wlio spoko from a 
genuine and expansive philanthropy. 

wholesome water gushed forth ta re- , Tho malignity of an apostate, howsyer, I 
freeh the weary, thirsty, waiting mul- may lie ao excessive it whuld hardly Vie' 

titudo. Thus, with, tho Lord's help, let 
us uye our pens, that our words may 

proper to make intercessory supplica- 
tion for such, and this Idea seams to bs 

the lirls.'i rather, H. J. vriiaell, Feq , I, ec, inter 13. lvrt a noro to 
I Uhl,.br Uev. II A. flteh Mr. It. 11. Jna i.aes, of July S, 1833, 
lalru:<il rr. amt Mile Soj.lila Mar veil, si Ij.wr.Lre ' September Ji' 
couLty, Mire. - . Tbo subject’ of this sketch was -rirar* I 

- I’Kl N it - JOHNSON.- A: Pleasant ( Metli- .-ried, ill ' 18.rl, lo (Apt. . J. Bryant, I 
nilisi C’.urcir. oe.-eiuber le iwt, b. Ha*. II. A. Bos- who preceded her in er tho ciriily wtelere 
son Mr. Jainae Prineuof baw.yence.ooiiniy.auil Mlee ref deatl: abou ien y ears ago. Sire wish , 
Mn ill. J' of Lincoln L-nanly, Mlee. ttir) mother Of eight J:hilh rtn li.yo h’.l.a 

, , , ... , ,, an'd Ihrriii (lsughlers -nllmf whom wur- 

I.KIb — IIEK'jUNi - At tl.r rfnUleuce of the tilde , . “ , .. ■ ■ . tt<llA i 

fatlisr, lie* . B. A. bet ember, l«. 1IM, by J ', v0 ll> U V 1 ' 

Wi Maxwell, men', l.ein.r m. B„au. ' uhSu,,Srv..ort . «i«»thpr J t-bt-lhey do not ’«'k L 
! ‘air. J J !,(.«. (d l.awrante c u u.;v,and M’l!. Rl»a- ‘>"1 '“’PL for Mr«. left them I U’.huppy 
* * ■ wisurMii’o .that their Iomh whitJuit 

e r*"" n . Sister liryanfc ji»lno<l the MetlrrMt^*t 

JOIthAN — DAVIS.^ At the iefiidcucc cf the hrlde'i Ghlireil, South, Iliofe 

fuber, Q.jbA *•<] , Jlovouibtr 1, inis, by |,v*enCv-. ii VO years at<()‘ wstH from 

Urv. ”NT .M. (Jsrk, Mr. Robert L. Jordsu to MIm iltjr |-**t ^OlVn^'llOII* with' '-tbe church of 
D«llu Usvii. her choice n true and 'faithful myinher. 

1 CV' an* j)KAU. - At tbe ,r**iidfuc* r»f tb« t.rbU'i She was h woman with more than 
fniiirr. c’stpt. j«»iiu Dear, lu ciiuiitr, mim. ordinary luiiul «ml of superior force in 

N'ovfiubtu- •:«, IMS, bj idv. n. M. tiisik, Rev! | her cun victioit of r ight. lier (’hrlstiaii 
Robert Evaii*. of tbe CumittrUnd l‘r«tl-jierluu alnminnt via.'-) hit’ll ; hence tihe WftH a 

was nor n in Wiik(uHot) county* Minh., 
July S, 18JJ. ami fell nsltyep in J«*ub, 

relieved my embarraiumsut. Among belike balm wafted on the breeze of augmented lu I John v : “If any mail 
the devout worshipers at Vernon was love to Boothe .aud lo heal. How we j see hi. hrother ain a .In wjilch le not 
Sister Andrews, the mother of our cherish with, the liveliest gratitude tha ■ unto death, he shall ask, arid ho shall 
muob-htlovod <j. n. Andrews D. 1). precious, comforting words' that have , give him life foi them Uial ain not unto , 

li is- vc. y annoy- 
in'; w lit : n in 1 1 o' 
.l.uiiii lu t-irup Oh; 
soap anti ii.a vv lo 
let I loi' it. th'-; 
.Ivory S'MP ■//'■ !l ‘ s - 

an'.l'id'wi'.lvont f\- 
'(•• jititin tlvo mosi 
J-tixtiriotfib S( v ap i' : ’ r . 

I i;iAjiinp;,, il- laliu'i.s. 

Irt’t’ly, and ih <.’«si'- 
ly rin- ”tl oil, -It'aY' 
in-r :i sun si: »>' 
Lj^jVa n 1 i ri'eft S anti- 
— l»y no' (|thr?7??8oa_ns- 

the devout woralVi pars at Vernon was 
Sister Andrews, the mother of our 
muoh-hslovod U. G. Andrq,w», D. D. 
He wav then hut a youth, nutkdream- 
iDg, perhaps, of tl,e bright future which 
•waitsu hitHij During this year tvs had 
gulls an extensive revival at Kharon, 
at that time the home and headquarters 
of several itinerant preachers, nearly 
•11 of vvh'om have been called to their { 

dropped from the pens of noble, holy 

There is a sin unto death ;. I do 

men and women to bless, epoourago, ! not say that he shall pray for It.” But 
strengthen, cheer and refine. Oh! such exceedingly rare exceptions 
they have been like “ presious otut- j should never Interfere with our con- 
men* " poured down tho cenlorlea to [ fortuity to a general rule. For tibia haa 
fall ou the heart of the afflicted, the been clearly exemplified t|v patriarch 

(,'uurch. V* Mlu l.i 11 le Dmv. 

HMYl’IIE-rt.MY THK - At lb*. rf*l«lenr* of the 
brlut’t fethtr, Dr. J. D. Hmy(h**, CarlhMK*i Nl 1 »a . , 
DectuibVfT fl, iWS, *y. R«r. N. Al. Clerk , Mr. J. D. 
rtiuylbe lo Mina Hell le Muiylhe. 

IIOOV KR- MOORE —At Hit mldrnt* of tba 
bride's fulber, Janita Moorsl Kaq., *sn Antonio, 
Texan. Itovmuber .4, 1118, b/ R^r. W. J. Young, Mr. 
C. A. Hoof »ob' uf lUf, William Hoover aid 

M L. H. Tuouii son, of Buuiuilt, M iss,, to MUi FsUla 
Moore. « ’ 

•11 of whom have been called to their widows^the Orphans, the' prisoners and prophets »ud the church iff God in the 
reward. This year our . salaries wore degraded of ovory clime, like the great, past. SamtisI, tho Man of God, 
paid In full, and liberal collections gentle dew dislelting only to nourish. ! said : “As for tbe Goii forbid that I 
taken for tha (iause of missions aud “ Nind words nevey die.” but cause all ,, should sip against my Lord in ceasing 
Oonfereuoe claimants. 1 remember to " sing for Joy of heart, ” and are foij- * to pray for you." - Theeu prayers of 
this my first year in the itinerancy, .a* ever treasured as precious gems in p God’s people for tlielr enemies aud 
• pleasant and prosperous year, While memory’s- storehouse ( loug after the persecutor^ have certfiinly been an- 
memorv lasts' I will not forget t lose writers have entered ‘I the mansions of swered tfm granted through his rich 
good brethren 'and friends on the old the bleat.” But, ah ! who can tell tke-| graoe. For the kingdom of God ls now 

close student of the Bcrlpturee, huinhlo 
in walk and conversation, kind hearted, 
warm and eympallielic in her nnltire. 
Mho waa indeed a model friend «iuL' 
neighbor. C/\ 

Her last illness wns long and palnml; 
hut her trust wm.In lho Lird, and her 
end was poaco. ’ For many wookH 
previous to her doath, she realized that 
her stay on esrtlfi was efiort, Hue 
aeOtiied to comn umo with the. Savld. urj 
constantly, and (at iaitj when’ rnuuihig , 

I’onatuolly, and I at last, when luuMiug 
HOOPK - HOOVER. - AP Mjrtl« riacr, I’lko through the fiarV cold Hlrekui,/fio win, 
luntjr, Mlai., Dvctnbar w, iktt, uy Hi-*, wmiaiu wlthhor.aiidWereeiaaHiirodjlhatslilv- Ji ll0ju,.,uf ),fui»vll.ft, kjr., tlati | H mrivv with him on'tW'fir I g h l and 
rcraigavhle, v.* 1 10 uaui*. Oi at usitgliiar of it#*, shihiug stuiro “over there,” whore tho 
fAllaw Hoover ayd M. L. s. 'iiiuiupHOD. weary aro at rest. , I), a. u. 

good brethren and (rienris^on the old me meat- But, ah ! who nan tell Ike -^graoe. For the kingdom of God ls noW uide'a faihtr'. N'ov.iubrr 6, isss. hy uiv. w. J. 
Xlfidlsou circuit, inany of whom have baneful effsclti of augry, sarcastic bon- “tolerated and respected in almost every- O'Hnraut. Mr K E. Tan^lv.of Ahavlllv. Mias., to 
long sin...) cioJied the river, aud no trorersles that have been pourod out t dominion o- the world by all In author- friHkman KvKli.say, of Marahall rnniiiy, Mtaa. 
gouut safely . reached the- immortal IUu * seething torrent sweeping ao /lty, whereas lu ijie time of Raul there , , ,‘il!' T 14 !!"*' “I 

county, J>*c» mlnr 10, l'SI', by R»-r. William 

Hoover, 'lUf. C D Ilugui', of l.oul*vlll«i, Ky., tluU 
ufCraltftvIlle, V* ) 10 Mattla, ftnt UMugbittr of Hit, 
WAllam Hcovcra^d M L. B. Tiiuui|UR>o. 

THORNl'ON BULLl V AN.— At tbe raaldauca of 
tliti bride’* father. Noveiubur 18. 18H1, by kur. W. J. 
O'Bryant.. (Japt. J. J. 'flioriitou, of Texas, to Mb* 
Georgia Sullivan, of Marooall county, Mim. 

TKMl’LK Mr 1£1NN EY.- At the reatdeuca of th* 

4ou Ut ■kfeiy reached ihe irmuorUl 11 neathlng torreut »weeping BO fity, whereiui lu t,he time of Paul (hare 

pi,,, rH UASiit soum. many lu ^ts destructive How. Numbers | was not found a pi ius (ting’ who fkvor- 

IIIDIIJID.I niJi.i.n An.-Ai iao r«BKi*uce or i. rni.„ /viu._i„„ 

« tinde’t falliar. Hovoniliat 18, lfH«, liy hor. W. J. nBOd^Tl B-Th* followillg . pie- 

„ 1 ' . aiphle ami ruaoliilions were unaoimous- 

TSMFLit Mi glNNliV. -At iha le.ideucaof tha t'rict. Mississippi (JolilereDce : 

Jdt'a faiiiar, Noy.iuGr 6, isea. by K.v, w. J. Whcrcun, Our uioruiful heavenly 
ilnaut. Mr K E. Tau||da, of Ahavlllv, Mlat., to • Jfku| lt i|V , b | a ull-wlse, mysterious 
MIm Boaan MiKlosay , of Marahall roomy , Mlaa. frovldotli’c, Ld'.’. fit’ I U hla wjilfopi to r» - 
BAILEY -MBADKHjl. -At tin rvildvuM of. tbe move by death from our midst our 

»r TtaAS, Dm W, IIH. 

| have sunk down never to FUe again | ed Christianity, and this haa been ao- 

brldt’a fxibar', Ootohtr 18, .1181, by lu*. *V J 
O’Ur, a. I, Mr. J. t. Ballay M Ml* IdA f. Swim 
all of Manhall aoaaty, Mtaa 

very worthy and beloved superln, 
tendent, lino, tisouna A. Lbooetth— 
a man who aerved us .faithfully aud 

Free of charitc. A full site cake uf Ivnry ftiul , 
gent to *ny one yvbo run nut «< t it <" } . «*‘i * ! 

*1 a twofout ntninpMt! !»'>' ♦ J' , t 

it (laniblc. L'liudliiiatl I’liuiu" rmiull^u ltd" I » 

I7ETA jgr 0 ii) E L PRE?.^ 

/IRWr flK i»i‘ v «' Bold. 'Sc lit I * cent 

JUBv a> I 'dn<- (. gUiloyuc, t* 1 1 1 1 l* 1 ■ • i; " 
j Wj card find uthrr work d<dR 1 

v Ml>dr | ,, rM% 


1 l • ••.', 

~v * 

Jtt? IZZi* 


tftdpi* iawitab y «<>.» *«> 

TOI Cll VS OKNTt.Y, T 1 UF. / 

BY lUKtlf OOTtHWAUr. ^ 

Tmifll u*S« nl, T' ' n ""; ! 

Ltl „„ 'glide adown thj "brain 


Hillary, anil selling them, anil before he 
, wastwenty-oneyoarsofage bad wlaolv 
invested IiIh savings from- Ills Biliary, 

uni) formed habits of IniHinOHS, add at- 
tained a sagAcityrif Investment from 
which lie went on until lie became n 
than of extended Influence in tbo busl- 
ntiBH world. 1 have often wondered 
that teachers, especially those ho situ- 
ated as not to require continuous, 

THK ’rW F l nV lft t rB ' OF TF.ACHlSl* ON. 


The worat position In which a 
teacher can be placed is that ■ of *’ ,1 “ 
crowded, public school, whore from 
on to 150 or more children Brn crow'ilod 
Into n room not proporly yonUbUsd, 
at, a tomperaturo from six to tell 
dogreOR too high, tluctuatint; fr^l” 6 ^' 
lv oil account id defective heating ap- 

brnthron should bo reluctant to bo - 
burled in the superannuated relation, 
whllo ho Is still able to render effective : 
service*', and it la not quite the hand.-, 
some thing for a youthful Bishop, and 
the ofiunlly Juvenile presiding oldora 
whom like the young king of united j 
Israel, ho has miido Ills counselors, to | 
show unduo sollcitudo to got rid oT tho 
fathers. our English brethren manage | 
those things, and some olhora also, j 
better than we do ; for by their system i 

Gently-"’ "C 

mibrtlnm glldr 

a ten as not to require ciiminum,-, . ... „ rTOn nt i,| detective umuu* tliose uungs, „ 

arduous and exhausting study out ol j J,. rRl ,r B f rom the freezing-point almost > l0 tter than we do ; for by their system | 
school hours, pay so little attention to. t J’ i,| 00 d'-l,eat‘. Children who have the O f 0 lrouits, with two or three prcni .her ( 
remnheriitivo literary pursuits or tho n)H „f nlP asles, soarlot fever, and to eR oli, Hrey' make tho old n , n ]' 

0ur ^ounff 

' A.’iotrn yon un . 

riuiM Tin ulqfMAS cr tlcInHr 

WliVoiil tia'ath t without rest • 
plnd t lie motto Si il|r lirrial . 

Hear it with Ibec a" a?|ii'lt : 

Htfirm anil autirhlae Riiaril II well ' 

II red not flnwrr" dial rmillil dire Hlaoni. 
Ik lir II onwar t lb die It, ml*. 

Tliriiusti » fir'SK; 

ilauilde TOjagera arf we, 
lluiband wire and rlilldrrn threa- 
|0n r |, loBt-an antaelHed 
T„ the nr.urr •terliead !) 

‘ Ioac1iii5T'" ll ) r >T lm ”) 

Wf . VP not proud nor "oarlni wln|e 
oar amldtlan, our content, 

1,1,, |ii elmide tlilM". 
llaailde voyagers are we, 

O'er life's dim unsounded era, . 

So ttltlg only soma miss clime ; 

' ‘much us realty, Be nd e VI me. 

Letters to Young Men. 

1 1 1 . Ntru n t s-^ i ni'T "H T x trH 

»'■ Til AO It 1C III . 

Milt Khtlrut: My fhth©r .to ft .Wftth* 
odist. i>roHolu>r »gnl tnkort tiio A nvo'»:A*#ii, 
atui 1 mu v'ory tmwh hUorpatoilinthft 
cliiMrnn’s (/tilumn. \ Hflo iny 1HU© 
trlourt wiiMts to know who •built tho 
Ivory houHO, iirnl .wlvniumhouto in tho 
old TostHiiKuil it in found? Pisano 
rofftr to I KIuk* Ity, ami y o, *J5u*^ 

Unit lirnt Ahai* huiU ii. I Willjto^Kyy friend a„quosU«>n ; Mow oftonm 
ilio tmnio Lord moutlonod in tho Hih|n? 

I will Hftou'fnr foar my lottuV will find 
iis wav In l.h fv wiy^j,£^ lm ^W(it. 

Your, llttlo frhjnd, M 

.HHUl.A I.. NKI/UXN.f., 
(V-Tron<!*n»o V. o , Air»>iniini. 

recreation, while laylng^up something j . 1 j, a ,,|,„ r who is confinod in a room 

. , 1 i.,b 1 *a tiiAun . 1 » „ 1, mi ca W 1 1 ll A 

for ths time, to come. I make these 
remarks because many persons well 
adapted for tho profession of tile 
teacher have been deterred from cnlpr- 
i ing upon it by the fear, 'that tboy would 
| not secure compensation enough to 
I ontsMe them, to suataiu a goo.l position 
I iu society and to provide tor old age. 

r S conaecutive hours with a 

ia?ge number of children Is loamun- 
hoaltliv |ioaitioli( the effects or whi h 
aro only to be. prevented h> an un- 
usual amount> tbo 'open 

air. Two or Hired hours a day, ro- 
1 L-ardicss. of waathor, is smal an 

! amount. of exeri-iso in the open air a* 

*VuTwIth the groat liodv ofMethodist | too. Our achool closcd^on last Friday, 

1 }UV WIWJ VUO ft* T 1 it mil mtiitiiimrn ULfUtll 

nreftohora tho Suporannuttod rolRflon but I hope it will coimmmro , bkhiii 
! a tho appointed goal .from which only j 8< j ou> j $r „. a. M. Wailes is our lea, her, 

!■ 4 SS&BS. S 

„r|VHUI s> “ . I,, it. 

1 Many inbtatiees etfulil lie given to astu peMi'nvyo 

L.,Tio»a.,the-'<‘'.»Htr*ry if ’ it— werer-wijrHr i|i rough along lifo ol leaching, 

A • yrh+iwr - - though some remarkable, exceptions 

-■| misicuiks OF AN iNFF.ltion TKAci.ucii. ’’"p” bi' ii-o f U»o i.rofessor in an 

If yon propose to liecomo a teacher R( .*<leniy will bb lipalthful or 

■V.,.1.1 ,1„. ;i„n i,n a nuccads-' tho number of tioura 

earlier and sDniewltat Ruddon ^ n|ul w(j iiU , ov() hlul ,,„ Rrh . ,, u > ciab- 

^ • < s "Tl 

' Annual Conferences, equal to about tlB ' H ftepn closed tor n long time, hyj, wo 
twefvo linndred ministers in *■"; Ar. 0 - hope llial it will open soon 'again, Bro. 

l)ut I hope it will voitiLdOhco , Hj^nin * onn\ uot'vory -buiv; tttrv, littlo Tonimy 
uqou Bro. A. M. Wailes is our turn her, Tucker cried because lie c.iiil.ln'l barn 
, , , ,■ , ssl.- a whole mlicc pie, mid a tug ple.'-n ol 

and we all love liim donrli . '.*ui m f. ,r tils supper, .".bit'll Horner 

bath-school on account if HTiiall-pox ^ip," lie pouted. " Then .be li hint t lie 
i l.ih \vi\ . . . .......c . , .I,., iiFiirwnt it 1 1 said "mamma 

stomach -.e '.he aperwntd," said 'mamma 
.Tucker.- •'». Y ini'd have l o ta ke cualor 

liecomo a tuaclier academy will bo healthful ')t’ 

hobbl determine to' be* eucce*s- n( ,,yirding to. the number "i ‘ " 

*. tor an inferior teaclior wnndera which beds eompolled to spend in reo. 

ViLVr ! Mary .1. Norman. Joseph Manassal. | 
bird -nor are there thorp titan oyio .or | W as twelve years old when lie began m 
two ’so .far as is niiW roeoilected in any, t rui)<Ui ami ho reigned titty and hvu 

and live 

worm" 'which. is. .to come. 

jjohM'NEhs or thi: WORK. 

And the protonsor 

nolloifo or tlioolpijioHl 

iu er ply ondumntt ooIIoko, who exoitos i,j U itip inoro 

HMtlis'" — 

,,f tho elomoutH oi 

n * portion of til 0-0 in or * 

n “transition niay not he too violent and 
in of Hie experience of tho 

tho Lb id y8b all adieu for tills time. 

j„ r KUOH.NB V. llOttNKTT. 

qW- 1 atlist*. Lnulllalia. 

M n. Editoii: There w.ore some ques- 
tions askeii'by Joseph II. Benton in the 
Auvoi'atk of November 'J'J which I 
want to answer. “ How old wiis Maijns- 
; soli wjieu lie began to reign 411 Jerusn- 

I'onlderv. Wasn’t lie a foTiltxli boy 7 'crying wduhliiT help lliicgs a 
t,it you W now. A f er a n livh. Tommy., 
liegmV lo undj-rstnnil that; so to stop- 
icd crying l ie! begun ; U. ttdok, wliti ^ 
her Ups pouted out, and' a .scuifl on Ids' 
Kiel ll" ttioilgjll ,/ldl S' on til go 
a \v s V and Slav, so that iifamrun Tucker 
would Hiin'k t.e was lost ; amt then she 
Would feel,, bii, dread fully ; and the 
next thing would tin 'a mile'.; pie for Ida 
supper. ■' (i'll go-down Jeilar and tilde, 
in ilin.brlck eloseti'' said 'I’onftny then; , 
snrd d here was |nst' i» here 1 e did go, 
pm • down ihe slpirs as easy us 11 
Mediae. ’ lie didn't imhevo imvtiody 
could hear liior. Iml soi.ncbody did. 
Sonieiib- v saw h 1111, '.' "s 1 '.iV was papa 
Tie kjr, ivi'm Waa T-eipptog a b :, h in the 
cjs'.eril.. itwesvers dark I" lee hre k. 
cpcel ; iiei.idise'.l leu " wasii l. any'way 1 
•for the light lo g" 111 ;V lieu dummy 1 
had shut tlm 1 1 1 : ‘ ■ lijior bftliind him. 

Tlie touch, chisel "as made * of 

*,e« 1 ciseo ureal ct;imii")H under' ttiQ 

wBencTOve 011 iniao sw e- , " 

.'lie'll will briglitcn t<> a" eternity . 

The teacher communicates informa- 
tion bnt.he doe’s Hindi more. He- 
itanips , ' iK own personality m u« n.iost 
Id long features upon Hie minds ami 
. hearts of. his lie leschr* the 
' nhtr id’oes bow to ahooU'. I Id* 

\OUML . 1 * « . rLiuiitllll/ 

. You know, HH u stlidciit-aL Ilio present 
Units igrhat delight.- mingled with con- 

... .1 b inot vixnr 

vniitiU- ideas l-mv to aliootd. The l,«.V 
led girl form a hsbU of rsBAoning 
rln. ell . eoi'npaViug scciirau-Vy, itn -'S t- 

cHtimi Hgirooglily. or olherwlse. "« 
► #u 4.,,. bieuBiv. compares tio- 

ii'hiiinr tiro a'qtiirod from Hie teacher ; 
iisl life Id'linnueisHon pi Hi'<lii. H>-;u 

tam [it;' too feet wlien you ib'tcct your 
Use-tiers nml profenso'ra iu ijiistaKas of 1 

ignora And voir know 'That tn- 

'(lignatiidi von fool wlien yon detect -j 
lliMUi in mistakes of uaroicstness. bo 
ttnit llie most painstaking ca,rc m pri-p 
a ration unis' lie i'y Hie tuasher. 
Ijo must ue master of !ub theme. 1* is 
led uecot.sary lor him to- i'.edaiiticaU\ 
dlsiday tils" knowledge utum email, 
noil It's? This will make him y»ry dlsa- 
greeablrt. But he 'must have tho knowl- 
edge, and lie must apoAk.cs 1111a haling 
Hill authority of kiiowljsfge. 

Iieailed, make an ideal situation. 
York Christian •^Ivocaje. 


BT R K V ■ PAN I Eh 

our deiiomination Hmjo is a tenth min- 
uter ,0 beaupporteiraud that, lus claim 
for a support is in equity os K«M. "* 
that of any of t tie other 11111c. All this 
is commonly conceded among 
thoorv ir not. in practice: Imt Hm 

thought of any .such oldigauon is verv 
1 little entertained by <lur people. 1 hi 
i utterly inadequate support made foi 
.i, n .,'.ft,n'.niii oreachera is n'Ovouly a 

loin ami how long -lid ho reign, and- The thVen great- rHm""i» '’ r u "} 

wbat wash! moth, .r’snamer- Answer: P^-M^ Vbn X 

Ho was twelve yuars old when lie began F ' nt ,d Tommy didn't Imp jicn 

to roign, iiiid lie reigned titty- live yean,. 
ilia mother's name Was lloph-zibuh. i 
find Hiis ln'll Kings x\xi, 1. 1 had to 

built this out by iriifelf, for my papa 

old without sour little enterUlneq n\ ''“ny i 1 
I o iris „.i, honi ' boine unbuppv or , utterly inadequate support uia 
or cy n 1 as . " 1 1 h on 1 ’ K ^ , * ^ :0 , n ! “ “^worn.out preadierB is n.A onlv . 

. JAI.BI'- y ■ i ll. t rtl 1 M tbe spirits 1 »mnmr tho ministers to endear or to -e 

'U years. ' i,, the i-losetrat tho same Hint', d hat 
ibah. i v.-as a trial, hu. Tommy didn't have a 
I Had Lo ."lireai. .whild I" think, alsnifdt. Ihe 
\ Hour oftlie elOHCt was liard.difit l-unniy, 

».v W*i w «« sleepy -i< w.aa past his h. 'Himo- . 
»k ol lllo , in q whilo li»v wiw \v(ih k lf :i i’k »ny 
. % .• 'I'.inkur to lino 

im io : j.o^i\nt'n'a!lv ' dos{ r *l>l0 ^ !U V 11 

ledge'h p/.wever poaelhie and its worth v- 

lake ldnvvary dtsa- . rxeoe ds its cost, It 1* not 

list liave Hie knowl- > d »ath that opprehse« Hie am nna liavlngj ‘~ olif for H is b remarks 

would only toll mo in what book of tile 1 , u ,d while lev 'waa wi.liji ; leg n. 

IMhle 1 would lihl h - Viliile 1 | ’ 

wrifiiig I will toll, you- about my tm»- | .p will tell ynu trio re^un 

s tlie.spirltH RmqhK the mipistorfl ito 
romArK»'>l0‘' iiit^irur norno provision 

smeary money. l haVo collected sixly- 

live ceutH.. My sister gave me forty cents 

for that dreaded of tins 11,11 

milt. 1 have paid f<ixty-live 

longer prov ide i .cents myself. - 1 ear 

ned lifty 1 cents of 

ills the e 
into. t^eMoh 

forniiiuon into ■ sentences. - }> 0 .ammat: 

whole style. of the sdiular to Hie end of 
lir;, i-iip be alTocted !<y interemreo 
w I is leacher in a Wimdrol IH- - He mi 
J.iiUi wav* the teacher . puls his Hie elec 
VltiiTghu, prlneiples and foeilnga-i.ito 
In ids and bear la of the acho lsrs. and m 
V .'"nscious iudirmico U grnaer Hi an edge of 
(lo'nscinuu. I mlt-atlon, nnpercei' cd b> about it 

Pin d <'f •Hio'ehUci, i, iiontiuually . 11 ugh; 
asainillaBn’Is him to Hie teaclier. • | list * ’** 

And so to any ipan who pro- -teaiihc'i 
hoses PI lie a teacher, 1 «»V " « a creat tho c.m 
.1, oolite work, lit to lie a Ilf*’- are pci 
work' The ignorant dn 'not rlgbtlv not t"U 
Iticm it. The man who has made l-ai y.s 

tss .Su'X.? i r led” 

h's a n U estaH o 1 * ” i a*^ o«a' n |vUmp i -m m u s ttdng 1 

ho that wielded by a purse proud him. 

Ctrii lie Ween Ihe ^-uniary rlwArds by ; an 
the teaclior and Hie great lortnne. to speak 
he wcemululoir' in Oilier-* BC HvjF cs .,FU„iJ"' 
ih-ter von 7 " A good naiiie ih belter nomip 
^g^trichcs.’’ ami ^ ^ 

wielded by a purse nrou 
S If. tlion. you lire Y raw" 
.his work. "p I'lfd'e^ 

etWeen Hie pyi nnlary re«*rds 

oil g e of a n V hi 1 > >j e c t p V 1 a I k Vn t e' r e b t i >'X lY 
about ils elements than It dook to w r ito 
a high-sounding essay ^ 

osteiita'd uia address. Here many 
teaches fail. T.lieir r'-uiarks are above 
tho c.muvr-hnnsblh of H,e pupils, who 
are nerplored sod disturbed amb can 
not 1 el 1 wl-v. OHier tea-hera fall h T a 
Paiyml, method .idapled lo an Infant- 
■ lie' forgeiting that there- is nothing 
.hat Will nauseate :y PUPlI more Hum 
the feeling, that 'Hie lea-her. in 
thing that h P sav-^tmist cnqic dowivW 

hi,,, ThenrlH a proreasor ip ' ale 1 ol 
let-e whose ’uiniie 1 will not give, who 


bnt what 

SIHsl'SriiSis ; 


,e, , Pm, . wliat 1 Old and nmSa member of Hho church, 

Um mlnlXr iW One-tenth of and am trying to grow up to be a geoj 
ht, ministerial life he U out sertlce and mn „. \ our friend. 

witheut pay -obnatriictlvely -uuabls to I. _ .•imsst.KY mvits. 

' T-u«k«r bi'iiVt wrni« lior Imntln nn/i go * 
8 lookiiitf-iip HUirn »n«l Mown ‘‘Uirs for _ 
„ her llttlo hoy, when she loucd- he 
r -wasn’t m Ids- Ingh-'lmir. l-dm the 
1' was ho'auee paiia 1 ip'knr 
ir had'M'cu Tommy sod heard him, and 
r-TTknt'w' pTCi wITeW ll» whs. ’’ We'll liave 
, — --P, teach hiiii a iiltln lesson, said papa 
’■Tucker. So lie didn't, go. to bud when 
*>■ everyone nls.e di-l/hul lockwl the cellar 
at. door', mid sat down before the lure At) 
co read, right over poor [ittlo 'looiuFy H 
, Sleepy head: Ity-aml-bje fominy 

wako'd up. At lirst ho rouldn l think 
rH 1 where ho was, Imt pretty soon he re- 

n, MiH|v, Dec. 

Mk. Fun 

ance towards |ds iau-r I ^iV’ t we are not disposed just now to sinco X saw 

^ iVt n'W I S' 

These rerteelioos which -lH>{v to men , ,b« il^l«« pYftel-Tons .hail 
generally ) ahd‘ Hie world-; le mpdo for Hioao y 1 1 ta «. 1 y and Ond- 

not nisny more pitiful spec- neatly worthy claimants on ^ Juatlca 

ho^ mall of | .h hq churches. The .pproa, 

the ^cd bl, aj 1 '' 1 «• i'll u Hi < 1 1 <'** tb n t *w 01 

;hU is to provide against the codling , Mr ,.„ ITnK; n lias been some time 
Mil. . ,. „nw to ' since lKiiw ll letter from this -place i» 

t'Oiisn ro*atw bod y, 'but would suggest j your paper. U afford a mo a great deal 
the desirableness, if It is at all P rH ’ ;t !: | ,of pleasure to Feail tho.lettqrs Irom Hi» 
iiatile, that some bp-ticr Iffpv'slons sh* > | , UUo fo | ks , Margie .Howard- asks : 
^ " Where is Hie word ’ lace’ Unmd id tho 

ixeuu> J Mil.,. .„,,enunliilU? (•on*;! 'iT’.V.ln TUT \ wl>Mt lmo IS lllfttlo ot *L. J ** 

where no wuh, hih „ 

m^nhn.rit; * l»nor liitle 'Vommy luck- 
,. r .i Mr, was:-, 1 hungry hedidn t kilo's 
1 .1-1,11 lo ,fc. -.lecahae lie habit had hta 
! m',,, . von. know, and be twhprt dread- 
•* i it 14 v tl"» lToor w»iH ho li^rd. lommy 
; h,.irUu-U» rrv “Oh.-iicnr, <i«»r 

: me' * iu) w niton. “ i 1 t 

’down, .here- I do!” , But wysfij.ig, ,,a ■ 

alone; does i’l d > any morn g->->d loan 
I crying-; and ui'iv-bo Tommy wouhlnt 
have dime Hiivtlilng lupl wlstk if h»M 

Inido't | usi at. th minute hyaid a litUc~ ' 

I riihtlii so'i'. in# hero iirutiiid a . v way, he . 

; tiiotigiu he.iiid ; and u rustle in a cellar 

for Ills enjoyment 

timi^a ntuiinit . . lt . -i.nKliilHUKlIl. 1' W»H spin 

mod firsts. s'ircufpst.'vnoeH n.s ill great , i o rnu Id «<(U 

HOI.E, i»“ " M* 1 ' 1 1 t • noviMH oOeM of \\U orHi- 

it. tho prolessiomil H’scber . s. < d ci/C“ i . ‘ llterRl „ r e was to make 

w linlu -‘vvoil paid. Id small to" i s ( ls.m . mim , Uud lie would 

M.Z , rincinJil of a public sohool is ovary s «'•• " ‘ ^ KogBsi, litera- 

I'lloV fc'sslON A 1 . TKAf'lH’dS, • ON' \TIIB . 

‘ wiiei.i:, m. vv 1.1,1. iTc TMARii.-v. ... 

. Blit the prolee.ional teacher • 11 
tho w licit), -'well paid, Ov Hiiiwn lo«'-s 
die •male principal of a pnblie "" |m 
paid as high, and olten Htghe , Hn 
dial br*bdpk- keei ere and 
the si ores and banks of tk° 
locality, fn large towns t he salaries 
jhe priuoipals of )dgh soJioeU amj 
graininlir schools rise •'! v •’ 

Jl . SOU per annum, and in rare case 

ol'eiiHinslssm. n 

orofessor 'that lie could equcf'zn the life 
oni Of any text- bO"k over writum. .and 
that lie eoiii.l make mm <>* 1 hsakorav s 
novels as dry hh dust when ho ■ 

ZvLV r^d a book in I’mglisb liter 
ture, if, bo could I 

now Til KKIvl- or llNTin; Sl'A'SM. 

' A ^n^'aiMdN iSwacWhj i-ohHrolfiguids Mr that PJTO^M xUo *way to H.e'wastmbaSket. 
■ Lva» Hien full of Vitnl.lty.and hope, and, bo. liatrJMed, i thX ^ ‘ f 0 - lt -p 0tB ibl.ai1 vA«r Bttlorfriend. 

now TO KKIvl- nr l-lNTiU' SIX'KM. I ■ Ll, Ida past doing*, of which, 

It i« not an iinuiuatghiug 

securing, accuracy tondaota^i ! iZn'Zd res! "it' ia not .on iiniuuatghing 

enthusiasm. ‘ ' ° T1 WI1V to ! for some Hardy veteran to surv.-e hi* 

W ibist ear. Oth 1. 1^ |o ■ eic ]iei- augooiatlons and to'seev n«s set 

lav ’upon the couviotlons -and con- 
Bcjenoes of our people spine sense of 

ficlr lamogi table dereliction of duty in 
• Ids- thing and the crying need for im- 
mediate and earnest aUemuts to remedy 
theovil. - N orthern ClirisHaji Aovocaie. . 

Religious ?f»trUi3facf. 

Your littlo.friend, 

MiH'-r.F.Ln, I.a , Eft. m. is* 3 - 

■ le.l. fts 1 have already told you. Ibny 
Ton, n, v s reamed when he found, h. 
colildii X cot oilt 1)1 1 tiaul f f ■ 1 apa 1 

: iiuiiiuia! O’malhi:)* !" And of course, 

' then, p»pu Tucker came iu lia-to t., 
unlock 1 the door. ’’ Why, lommy. 
i soi l lie. ,f how cAino vou here’ I i 
i was ffowmiii the brick closet, said 
a TomiuVi^Hiasob; "and 1 was scared 
— orfle^Bcsreil. And-I want a pm-m ol 
Imscl and butter, papa a big. large 
mZ,” And so that’s, Tommy 

■ piece.’.' .And so that’s, wtml mmui' 

Mr. Editor : 1 Orouglit 1 would writo , ! ri ,„ ker )m d for his siipper-Mhongh am 
a few hues lo tlie* ’„ ms n.A dvocatb. ‘-“'T* ' 

Wo. are going to liave ii nice 1 ’hnstmas \ onto sh.i.npa m m ^ 

tree tip here, and I hope wo 'will Iwve a • Wl Tit Ohimuiss. -An aril- ’ 

nice-time. Now I -w 11,1 answer Mary Advanco. on.giviug nm'ohil-. 

Norman’s question. S-domon built the lr(jn t in family woi*h.p„ha* "»H«d 
ivory throne and also overlaid it with „ utl uds testimony from a widnwei 

gold. It is found iff I Kings x, &. I ™O l ^ : h avo tried it in our family, and 
will answer Cousin Margie s qiiesciod. | heart lH U) ’.lay full of thankfiilnoss 
The word u lace ,J is -found in Exodus j , () Uort for tho hlossed results. When 
xxviii, ’-IS. 57, and Exodus i|«l*, J - ,my bus hmid ^ 
v-v... i ufiii auk' (’rmsin Marffie ft <iues- i foUi • . .• m , i u**i)l to rav 

ami tho ©xpenBOB. nui in , 

Hint nrri moileraUly r buoowwuI 

a; liavM# a salary that ho la In « 

" r ^KKl.’por HnnunmindupwardH.aml positions 

ilimuTiis which -tho oxteniporanebu* j ‘ finger generation. L Thsae'l ...Rev. , Dr. Wadgl'i. of LuekffOW jv0l . ; 

X | • g; 

,»y cultivating P° ■ ,i. n i as » ■ . ih,* thoiurhtloaH and irrevorouoo of year horo in 1 jU< know, th , . j 

mmm wmm 

lv successful and (inportapt Uatlcidbt mbiUtcr --\^iy himsTf ^^r^t^gl.1^ "Ii t„e iowor « 

nositions in which any ,«•« •»" , « *' ‘..'Ttanv olhe" period of his' & of society and work tip. fho toll 

xxviii, ‘ik, J7, and Exodus xxxix, .d. 

:il ib w for in mi y excnptlo.issotha 1 ; honor to m'" - « 

one inuv nresent ll case of a competenv otnors. 

professor 1 who i« paW ll ' lt “ f, ’" ‘ tart and rki.f-Oojuu am>, 

NntAhle inilancoa or turn Kino miKux, oop t ino worn 7 a u ^ f . 11P 

be named, .If to I iiMtlvity | building, ^le to aoc = d»te say^f.ur 

Mu. HlIitoh: I am a little girl, and 
live in the country. 1 have one sister 

dred dollars. I take the ‘'a** 1 " , , . 

• ess in tlie urofosBion of tli.O toaclu r , Much tm 
upon tho average nude up not from eoss fill tea. 
tho highest nor the lowed, but f ro p him who < 
ilio wliolo An Inquiry in. luBny passed thei 
loclilles and in different -States has Ihose whoi 
eon v limed me that Hmse ilgdr 's "" to ask (or 
BumcienHT accurate to servo as a basts Many of t 
fur judgment: 1 ’» , 


TAi-r a n i- n,.... - — - by ill-health or decrepitude 

m unit t«.i i. .fViaj; 

•- rrssJS. M 

eosaftil teacher. If U He , niporiajuto '«,,d willing to be ac.ceunUid B e„ ding some fourteen , » r » 

i,i t i, —i,o deals witli men who nave 0 . r mic of another age, not | Oalcntta entrance examination, i t. 

passed ilioir training, how necessary ^ fj uw Aside, lie may still be put- Butler lias had a real hearty weloouio, 

hose who are yet untrained! tousofor ormimentsl purpose, as a ainidie and Mrs: Bailee b* " 

lo ask for U>0 attention o s«Jin Jars on the platform, or a.pre- I [heir visit lo the fyll. Oijf l--ti gib i t 

i had beeii aocuBtomed’W) when the m?a- 
! IiaikJ and lather was with u». W a kneU 

with the siinie, burden pressing on each 

m' our hearts, and the youngest In that 
l uttfu circle knew, as tr by instinct, how 
I. to get at tho heart ol Hod, as well as the 
I oldest. The r«*ull was, we were <P lle *" 
i i iiv our oxpootH^ 011 * °9 l 

mlw'ters\n 'tiieZentennial Koliool and I to school at Brooklmvon. Mamma takes . ( „ l c(n Lform;i by our expert 
wo liave had a good year; am ju*t . advocate which , we.- appreciate . ,jod ; and tlie exoroiie iso net 
siding some fo.aW^. for he « . ovo, at e, ^ ^ ^ ^ , wQ , etM 1( m u, oontiuno »t.J 

Mai cotta entriinco examinatton. irr. vtry , 

Teac.I.SrH .4avo long vAoatlo’ha W- | ; rit , foolish, or a 

nuslly, ainouiTHsig in n ptlhllo school , see . wliicli can feel the risings 

te not, tar from two inoiiHiH per annum, j stop i _ Lnil Impatience, itnd realat 

and in th6 academies iind-golbigcs lo I 'H Hl)1 i oalmlv and quicHy reiterate 
two and a half months. In-HTo-iiiilblii them, »n IJ 1 i,a» l>eeu neglected 

ViVr^ini^ ««iaxuo., or h i«n» -»a 

those wno are ‘ „ r HCholars. to use for ornamenmi purpoav, » 

to ask for t,he » ttG 1 ' ",'’l ,i oven in the figure head on the platform, or a pre- 
M an y of them ? re ."’’ui fw e to Ii x served apeduien of the past. 'Am I* 
advanced olasses o the o log • 1 1 0R|la0 younger men are souietlmos 

tho attention, L,i v i« fatiff m in a hurrv to have their wavs upward 

which attract It. Irr ‘Z,. ' wliicli can cleared from obatructloua. the process 
siiccess. ^ •fe^rUl ah or R I of remanding the aen iors to - he 

their visit to the full. Ojjj ^ngli-h 
and Hindustani camp tueot ng here 
were both very successful. I '' ul . Ur 
enjoyed them and we were all glad to 
have him affd Mrs. Buttor present. 

—The Woman’s Home Missions, a 

to scnooi IU l>rouMmvon. A.*..**.* conn"* . n.t 1./ -w»nt 

the Advocate, which ,we- appreciate . Uo d : and ‘^^V^ntuf.To More than 

very much. Ifhaa visitwl- our^me - wo yer^ 1 j llRM80 j, „„<V ive wuia 
ever since 1 can rimemlior. 1,1 ! not now he induced lo give it up. 

to Mary Norman’s question— “ Who j ♦ » 

built Hie ivory -throne ami overlaid it . / TnKM TO , -Parent* 

with gold, and. where can it lie found iff , MMUildTnot only train U M'', r .Zi!'aL”'o<ff 
the Old Testament f”-I would nuv, | „ ()m « R „d ^LuA fakLi them U^^ 
u .i -a.uilr ihe ivorv throne and , imt thovyali ri,„ utato 

Often, if not genbrally, not inoro than with t ,B H I j wi n ronipel Hiapoct and 
six hours per day ol teaching .is re >X n ^L«the oulilvatod. 

IMlnul. XJompnrcj tho tluio with Umt 0 ! fpl ( ^ rt y H n f tito ton^hor who hur1o«i 
of liu' Hork, who must bo hPIuh pto< e » ' • ” rOHH ti»o »<ihool -room, who 

of bui»ii)©H8 betweiM* »qy0n rid! ^ ONVIl ’ pi) pi la Hh«i thriJW. 

mid, with the exoepliou ol iis.idrL Hiiio k ■ / #( | t | 10 window, and Indulged 

fur lunch, centlnuoihoro .until latq in -the ... i, n rn sbverltv was often 

[<SS. A so) f-continami w lie , rpmHI „|,„g the seniors to * the _ T |,e Woipiin’H Home Missions, a 

,1 mean- tiling ' ll1 . r'lalngs ! / imhut Pottuv. ia aometimes a little n ,6nHilv paper, will be published early | 
id thing, .wliicli can feel tlie risings . / ln ,. tt »oTis usual the -V, t |,e vear by the Methodist Woman s 

Vi^uiirr r , r , 

,1 look Which "'ll'' 0 iu words receive their meaning from | i tmn |g rrt ntH, and destitute churches on 

Hence, nuist Re cullivate . tllB use mado of them in tho language I lll0 frontier, and tlie work thesoeiety ia 

,o days of t i in 1 e anlm r w U L I , „ of tho body. Its minister* are rated < lo |„ K f or these people; also to ho a 

Yule across ,Hio l>°' , |U .. 0 ffeclive," "super, niymerary' and i nie(li ,, nl of cpminunioatlon lietween 

ekiid down punU« ' '. indulged ".uperannualed but sonrin of The (hH , ulxl n Hry Hooteties regarding meth- 

„ out at the wlmipw, and Jnrt u g „ r0 „„t espodaLly c,(?icu-n( in oi1h ol work, reports, etc. Tho pr co of 

, rxi t 111 i t y — w l»o re Hr.x pro- their work; and in Urn second the paper ia tweulv-five ten *. H wi 1 

irviiil, hut Insqhnrdlnat on I [here are eopiolime* found sturdy mid- l)( , , m f,li B hed at Delaware, O. (ontrl- 

fiir "*ncli contlnuotlmro ,«m.. *»t ? ^XiUlily-wliere ^ro- IheTr'' work ;“ and in ' thp' second ol,aas I ^ J” iZiiiV^ve cents, ft will 

the ovoninK. un< * retail «t • . 4n««rve(i. hut 1 u h D ho r 1 1 i n * t i on 1 th«ro are Bomotlmet found sturdy mid- I i 10 i )U Ydiiihod at Delaware. O. Contrl- 

yery late in ® R ‘"\' 1K wliil o' tlioro moled iiv Unit nielhod ol Zlrenio ol die aged men when tlmre Is a confessed | 1 ,„ t(nnrt f or the Jmper should bo sent to 

wholounlo eatahlltthiuonU, wnuo it— which -reached, an »,/!« crvlmr (leinaiul f«r morp lulplRteri. the editor Mth. H* • Cl, Mc<- al»e, DeU- 

iH much JdtotiW in violent flbault. ami in ire nu m? > and the latt elae. la.madQ up not of all ~ £ " u( j the. name* of PutoexlW, 

busy seasons the strglu Ipn the UTOo, vi ^ r(1HllUfl(1 in homicide, are nun » :arn n)ll enough. Imt of those who Witli money, to Mrs. H. W. Thomas, 

■sat seas’ fjssjrftsj, u. 

medium of coni.nunieauou ..cvc - . Q hrolhers. My ’latuer n« 

taken tho ADVonATHibiir years . and 

the paper is twedlv-flve tents. It wijl | n ko to read it vory much. I lik« 

tlie Old .Testament T"— I would say, j 
Holoirtoii Rniit tho ivory throne and , 
overlaid it 'with tho best gold. It *» j 
found in 1 Kings x, 1«, 1 will close. i 
‘Your little frioud, 

ltUlIDAU Dti'V ***' ! 

CH!*AX3ttOf . MlBfflBalpyl.. g,-- i L t .1 

I Mn.'KptToii: I am a llttlo xlrl otovon 
yearn. old. I have one half Hiator and 
i two half brothers.' My ’father has 
, . . ii.a i nXmniT ir fixup vQare.aiul 1 

read tlie letters from the little children. 

1 saw Ilio question asked iff Margie 
Howard's' letter, “ Where is the word 
‘laoo’ found in tho Bible, and what 
use is made of it?’’ H is found in 
Exodus xxviii, 'J*. Now I want to ask 
a question : Who in tho Bible was sold 
for a pair of shoes, and whero is it 
found? Your littlo friend, 

kdit/H coi'i'unaa. 

but thoy-slioiiia issc v..y.» 

It is a*ad coaimniitiry upon the state 
of roliiBun If children can not endure 
n o ser Cico of the Siuictuify fur a., hour 
or umrll, when for week after week and 
month alter' month they can sit *U 
hour* flail v In the common H “ b . l ’Z 
We liave sadly dege.nera'-ed froip tpe. 
practices of our® fathers. W'lnt was 
more bemitifuj than to sea u »hn le fam^ 
(lv led bv a parent, tmteii the iburiu 
and seat UkiuihcIvcs h, the Bjune pevM 
(letting iivVav fj-pm tho lamily f’ ew , 

,rten the child's first Mop -biwards get- 
ting awav from tho church aluigother.^- 
Tho Jmlheran. ^ 

^ Tlie old Methodists hail much t-o »»? 
nf besetting sina, and they often pray 
'-* 1 A... This was most wise. 

Hcheol teachers the City or « .olfert Lhom yon meet. » « mlnjatflr wj»|i has all his -was appointou t.overnor u. 

a rf ; t l!;ir * ^ -m. 

money t^at ho saved from hlpjaubjoot. if 

I , Pokes Eilic, Flerlda. 

i j — n-i i i.wi, rt li mn, i iim^.i i i i ii»i, , i.iii*— ii 

n data a w “h the Vievll assail. Mm 
most easily and he needs to ho sp*;.al- 
, i,i. iimril AiraliiBt thorn. *1 

watohfulnessas to hoopoe Impregnable 
—UolBton |Iethodl»». 

gjta* «tUatts tttistiBtt 

'■ <?Uristl;w ^droratf. 

or th* Loiyauju- Miwnwir rI amp 
* i«»Ta Oo*r*R*»cK* or 


CpnJtjPH. »orTH. ^ 

CHAS B GALLOWAY, D. D., Editor. , 
CorrftponJIiif EJIIomi 

wp. T. X S. AKam**. /* — *■ R*t. J. T. 8 AWYKB. 
R*T.W.’l/c. nminrurT. 

THPMDifjANlTARVU). «**«• 

, * r /V 

Jhe fart, wan so .notieoiM.m* as to 

be telegraphed over 'the bind by the 
a ‘•roe luted press, that- the Indies of 
Cincinnati i n receiving on. New 
Years day offered no wine to their 
guests. So the reform ,is growing. 
If the eft-find amendment did fall in 
Ohio because, of the vote of Cincin- 
nati. the.agltitfion 1 ms borne good 

Religious Retrospect and Prospect, 

This is the title of a rather remark- au 
aide paper in the current number of be 
the Popular Science Monthly, by the 1 •« 
great apostle iif evolution, Herbert is. 
Spender. I t contains ids latest and 
most mature convictions on religious tie 
subjects, and, it is said, will be an Hi 
important chaptsrin a forthcoming G< 
volume. Til keen observation, deli- th 
cate discrimination of thought, and in 

honoring iiy its inhabitants, should 
lie seized with a craving for praise, 
and, having created mankind, should 
be angry with them' if they do. not 
perpetually tell him how great he 

Our New Orleans Methodism, 

.upon up. May our zeal increase! our 
lallnrefs multiply, anti a perpetual 

plausible statement, Herbert Hpehcef 

And til is is what the great evolu- 
tionist sees in, the future of .religion. 
He eliminates all idea of a personal 
God, all sense of responsibility, and 
therefore all rewards and punish- 
ments, all thought of. an atonement, 
and everything else that dlstlii- 

We Jiave reached the end Of an- PeiWcost nblde upon the ch 
other ecclesiastical year in the Metli- and\heir pastors. 

odist oalendar, and the preachers of XT 7 — 1 * *9* 

the Louisiana Conference are arriv- UVjji c kl ej^R b s p<p n s e , 

Ing by every train and steamer to at- . ,• 

tend the Conference session this Tho, Rev. ljr. Buckley,- ed 
week; It will bo of interest to the the New Ycjrk Christian Ad 

fBttitatg 1C, 1**4. 

Yrs. Her diction was simple and . 
beautiful, tlie prayer uttered with 
fluency, siiort, and full of unction-n 

1ts I model of style and sentiment. To 
hoar hdr pray was to be convinced at 
once that no ordinary person was* 

B leading with God, but onfe who 
new his courts and had been often 

oburch at home and abroad* to hear makes response to our Nashville 
something of our cause in this great confrere’s article entitled, “ Firing 
city. New Orleans Methodism lias Under the White Flag," and other 

' 1 ). mlifnr Of there. ’Pile lienedlction was a slinrt 

ic.ltev. Dr. Buckley, editi r prayet of hut a few sentences, uttered 
Slew York Christian Advocate, gy herself. 

This prnyer meeting wns conduct- , 
ed by Mrs. Wightinan for ten years, J 

always . maintained some of the 

Is a master. But with this there is a guislies Christianity leaving only J| th^grea^ He thfe sainted mother 

spiritual blindness and irreverence, the consciousness of • an Inflnit . }SSS3Ko£.Sn city denies th* correctness of the report 

that render him incompetent as a am Uterna Unergy. us J e tbe meetlug ho appreciated and of bis remarks, stating that “in no for many year&.^om 

teacher and orltic of religion. If only hiimau race is launched { so largely attended by. the member- report was there a single sentence felt, at death, that one 

an arflst cgn interpret art, so the ab- shoreless, ** ^ ^ ,f efin r le asant quoted verbatim," and “in every had been taken home, 

nnttnn r\t Hin rn] J nr l mi u fnmiltv iIIh- rlmrt nr cnmnasH or iruidimr star-. B,ll « * 1 * ‘ 1 , * , # * 1 4 -l.g," Ld I »tb« S®®' 

criticisms of the Southern Methodist 4 j lt! oily to attend a boarding-school, 
presson Ills Jaitious'Speecli before the 1 lost sjglit of it, and I never saw 
/General Missionary Committee. He thiB sainted mother of Israel any 

denies tli* correctness of the report 
of his remarks, statjng that “iii no 
report was there a single sentence 

more. Her family physician said 
that this meeting prolonged her life 
for many yearR. None knew Her but 
felt, at death, that one of Goil.’s saints 

sence of the religious faoulty dls- chart or compass or guiding star. 

1 f the eft-find amendment did fall in qualifies one to dogmatize about re- Alas! for such 
Ohio because of the vote of Cincin- ij g | on , Mr. Spencer, as is tlie wont such a mocking 
nati, the. agltitf ion hSs borne good an(i we iiU neea of all theorizers, ' After reading 
,ruit. studies phenomena, spiritual ami we opened Dr. 

• 7 '.J V „ • i t ,„- npoeriai , stiipi v i ri-thpirrelatjop^tg: nrastferlyiroldm 

, As we write 1 uesday, tliee ghtli h , t i(lea or hobby." In this cake Religious Progr 

-toBtonti ewOrleMS Is ft W n it j a his do ctrine of evolution . To the true theory 
legal holiday. On this < ay ic tlJIF master our religion' must stand array of facts ti 

armed conflict between the United ~ new life and re 

States and England occurred in this ^ obJec( . of the paper'refefred to faith the vislpr 

auz.« .«=- Alas! for such *Jiollow hope for - , The pastorH have been omissions essential to the case.” We' unronoiogy « ««..e urea*, in 

as is the wont such a mock ng vision of the ; future jn am , out of ar c pleased to bear such an explana* ' ., «<?thod,st History, A 

‘spiritual 1, «5 we opeVeT Dr DanierD^Vcl^ster’s season, and have, found favor in the tlw, i»utwe think 0^ '*>wtot not The f ^ lowlnR mmmmy of epochal 
elr rjdfttUm t ft masterly volume, “The Problem of eyes of the people. Dr. . IB. Walker, justified in reading a liomily <»n our- ^ pU , n digln yUB-h^taterr- 

ifStTe '^Bgio^Pr<)gi^8B; , '’'^Eerew^'7imnd' eating reading for centenary year. 

and. profitable year with quite all of one there were mistakes of facts and 
niir clnirclipH. The hastors have been omissions essential to the case.” We 

Chronology of Remarkable Events in 
- Methodist History, 

.Tlie following summary of epochal 

armed conflict between tne 1 lilted 
States and ICngland occurred in this 
city, resulting in a great victory for 
the American forces and the crown- 
ing of CjC-.i. .iackson as “hero iif New 
Orleaio “ !i is well to keep this 
glorious event in perpetual and 
grateful remembrance. 

tlie true theory of evolution, and an/ 
array of facts that thrilled us with a\ 

'b 4 ht '.punctual UTld faithful to his 
duties, in all thingu magnifying his 

flew life and revealed to tlie eye off responsible office. 

The object or the paper'refefred to faith the vislpn of a glorious proB- 
is to trace the transitions of- the re- pect. It is the history of progress 

ligio.uB .idea. He assumes that all 
ideas concerning t he supernatural 

and mighty triumph. There is not 
mere assumption and ingenious 

<-/UtQNI>EI,*T STllEliT l.HllllCH. 

Tills old cathedral of BoutlAvesteru 
Methodism, under the pastorate of 
Ilev Felix It. Hill, has enjoyed iu- 

As wt go tn ]iress, the preachers oi man s inougms aooui wnsieucra 
are arriving to attend the Conference, beyond the sphere : of sense, lie pre- 
We will lie highly favored with the tends tii describe their steps and 
presence >'f three of mir chief pastors transitions up to the Idea of an !‘iU- 
— Hishops ' Kavaunugh, 1 ’arker. and leged H omniscient and omnipotent 
Hargrove. The .following connec- God. This firstidea lie finds in- tlie 
tjonal officers will be present: I>r. ghost theory of the savage, wliich, 
I). U. KelleJ, missionary treasurer: b^ f the. gradual processes of evolu- 
l)r. Morton, .church extension s.ecre- tion, dropping one human attribute 
tary, and Bro. h: I). Palmer, bus!- and transfiguring another-, readied, 
ness manager of the Publishing the conception tif Deity. And this 
Ii ni ..,, '\v» 1.1.1 .them fill a cordial I conception of a Deity bas, been ■ 

are evolved nut ofrid.eaH concerning speculation as' in tlie case of tlie creasing prosperity. About ninety 
, the natural: Beginning, therefore, agnostic evolutionist, but a state- have been added to. its membership, 
with what be claims to be tlie.genesis nle.n't of facts and figures that furnish H fx flourishing class meetings have 
of man’s thoughts about existences a .basis of absolute -certainty on been held regularly, and the weekly 
beyond the sphere of sense, lie pre- which to .predicate a prophecy of the prayer meetings have grown in in- 
favored with the tends tn describe their steps and future. These entirely overthrow terest and power. Nearly all the aa- 
transitions up to the Idea of an “ ill- Mr. Spencer’s theory. Ueligion has sessments have been fully met, 

if tli roe of our chief pastors | transitions up to tlie idea of an “ 

leged ” omniscient and omnipotent had no such retrospect as lie declares 

This first-idea he finds in- tlie ami-will have no such prospect as lie I $'1,343 for missions; $1.90 for church 

itev enx jv. j l 1 1 1 1 1 1 <*“ cujuvcu in- _ 

. ... . . . but in this case: lie has no cause for 

creasing prosperity. About ninety - • . . 

, , complaint. Tlie feports of, tlie 

have been added to. its membership, 1 .. , 

, „• , , , speeches were published ill the West- 

s x lourishlug class meetings have * , - . ,, . , 

. , ,, , , eru and Northwestern Cbnstian Ad- 

been held regularly, and the week y two onloial jounm i a „f the 

prayer meetings have g own in .n- e(iltor8 were present 

terest and power. Nearly a the a^- ^ We ha ,, rlgllt „ 

seeHmentH have., been fully rtiet, : . & ... . , 

.. . ; therefore, to assume their eorreeiness, 

rounding up the grutlf.ymg sum of - .. J r 

vainly imagines. 

ness manager (it the i uinisiiing i 
House. YYe lild-them all a cordial I 
v^teomc; ' \ 

conception of a Deity 

Vertebrating the Judiciary. 
However well established 

I extension. $100 frtr j for . , , ’ . 

j Conference fund, $3,3.w5 for salaries OI ’ ,> th “ l We « lve 

! of pastor and presiding .elder and it prominent place : 

other objects, aggregating $7,845 15. t N('t one, phrase commented on by 

• -. . ,, , ./ the Nashville Christian Advocate 

That ih an excellent exliibit of cm- ever u ttereil by the writer. Fjir- 

our j aiectldual litierality and pastoral I thnately we liavt- at liaml a Va:balini 

", ' . .. . . .. estiug reading for centenary year, 

making the report a subject of alls- - jt ^ tho columna of 

cussmn. H;s rule, lie says, where w York chrisUan Advocate: 

honor or moral-character^ iR involved, ry m Klrst love-feast 

is to communicate with an autiior he i dat Ketterlane, Imhdon, England; 
and ascertainlf he lias been correctly January 1, 1772. First watoh-nlght 
reported before indulging in -corn- service held in America by Mr. 

A very good rule Aalmry.^ ^ , 74:! _ JollirW e«ley 
but i.n this case: he lias no cause for fy Be ,| {hgorivllcgeof thecommuuion. 
complaint. Tlie feports of, the January 2 , 1785. First ordination 
speeches were published in the West- of elders (twelve in number) in the 
eru and Northwestern Christian Ad- Methodist lspistopal Church. 

. . , , . . , ,, January .'!, 1741. Mr. Wesley re- 

vocates, two oflioial journals of the t , orda iu -j ,| 8 journal two happy 

chnreti, whose editors were present Jeatiis. ^ 1 

at tlie meeting. We had a right,, January 17S.7. llishop Asbury's 

therefore, to assume their correctness, r«t sermon aft^r li W ordination. 

and the doctor’s objection Is out of . ireac jjes^to a large company by 
order. Tlie following is in Shell stood ! juood’liglit. 

pastor and presiding .elder and 11 Prominent place: 
? r objects, aggregating $7,845 15. | 

coiumented on Iiy 

first sermon aftj-r hi-T'ordinatiom 
January- 1, 17112. Kev. John WeRley 
jireaches to a large company by 
mood'liglit. s. 

■ January 4, Isis, ltededlcation of 
tlie old Jolrn .street Church, New 
York City. . 

January 5, 1759. Conference of 

the Nashville Christian Advocate I shven Methodist' ministers at Isling- 
Was ever uttered by the writer, lybr- ..... |'| )( T|and 

i’. t . A 1 ...... 1 . . ... _ 1 . M ^ » 

— i -- - v i , - - - - — t j — - . January mju. ...... p-.. 

variously modified by the evolutions courts of justice and forma of 'aw, ; activity. Carondelet stands in the report, taken by one of the most ex- (in ]p r9 t P pr.ocure materials for Cokes 

Dr. Coke pave 

’ of social and intellectual progress. 

We are glad fir-see it stated tliat ! That is bis religious rctrosj>r»t — and 

our vigilant missionary treasurer, 
Dr. Kelley, has perfected banking 
arrangements so'n's to supply our 
missionaries with funds in eksc ’(lie 
I-'raneo-Ohiuese war should result in 
a blockade of all Chinese ports. Now 
let the funds lie speedily forthcom- 
ing. The mtsBio uary coll ections for 
Centenary yearAdioulinie taken up 

a very gloomy due, to be sure. Our bibility, tliese are powerless and 

and. however learned and effipipnl I front rank -of Southern Methodist 
tliose entrusted with jmlicial respon- i Churches In her missionary offe.r- 

God is tlie development of a ghost— operative unless sustained hy a loyal, 
our religion the evolution of a night- moral, intelligent public sentiment, 
mare. He says : “ Thus, reoognizlug Legislatures are often in advance of • 
the fact that in the primitive human the people in, enacting wiae and 
mind there exists neither religious wholesome laws. The statutss-a r e 
idea nor religious sentiment, we find fight, but are not* quid r.ced, because 
that;-in the course of social e volution not apjiroved And sustained by the 
and tlie evolution of ihteUigenoe ac- people. It is strange what an India* 


Tiiia well-organized and equipped 

T»»l«lntiir»«»r»nfimiii ndvRiice nf. ■ ? * V improper in no uuiivyreu. iu win- ( [ 1P pqil. 

, ® . . . “chnroli, the eloquent Dr. C. W. Car- villeat a joint convention of repre-. January .7 1754. Death of “.Little 

the people in enacting wiqe and paBtor i H good spiritual condi- sentatlvcs of botli chhrches. Our Jaltey,” "beloved child of Charles 

„rhn]m,'n.vwi .n’lan Lit ill lit nj Uf/l ■ 1 — 1 ’ ‘ L3 .. A U 1,1 ... 

pert stenographers in this country, 
iii no way under the control of or re- I the writer or his office. Not ' 
one sentence Of that speccli was fli - 1 
consistent avith fraternity or, so far 
as thought iu concerned, would be 
improper to be delivered, in Nasli- 
viileat a joint convention, of rejire- 

bury College.' . 

January li, '1751. Wesjey com- 
menced ills notes oil tlie New Testa- 

January it, 17-7.I. "Fomiatioii of tire 
second class iu Baltimore;* first on 
the fifth. 

January .7, 1754. Death of “.Little 

atauice and forwarded td (lie freasu- conipanylngAt-f’tTrere'.are generated 
ref. • We must “clear -the ♦decks ' the ideas and sentiments which 

or our Centenary movement will lie we distinguish as religiousjand that, 
embarrassed. i.throueh a process of causation, dear- 

idea nor religious sentiment, we find fight, but are not qnlorfied, because 
that ;-in the course ofao'ctal ev olution not approved And sustained by the 
and the evolution of IhteUigenoe ac- people. • It is strange what an India* 
companylngAtfnirieWare generated rubber conscience some men have 
bfffiv the ideas and sentiments whicli when called to sqrve as jurors or wi(- 
we distinguish as religious; and that, nesses in certain cases. If the law is 

Hon and makes a creditable renort I S.outherii brethren would not .prob- 

tiou and makes a cremta me report j , i);e all of H> l)Ut they would ap- 

of tlie .years doiugs. Hie assess- ; pj-qve as mucli of it as in their liqst. 

mOnts have fieen generously met— ! moods and most fraternal putting of 

most- of them in 'full. For foreign j thiiuis they could say to please us of 

$ 8 o fo.r, domestic iiiIshkiur, $Si fer tile [ , T J hat they may know 

Woman’s Board of Missions, $50 for i what waH said, we intend 

in a few 

, ... , ly traceable, they traverse those 

The three thousandeth number ,, 

. , . stnges whicli liave brought them, 

of the New 5 ork Christian Advocate , . . ?, , 

. among civilized races, to their -pres- 
i issued December 2 1 . Its first ,, ,, 

, „ , . ent forms." * 

iiUk. appeared September 9, 18J0, . BOOn he , tBMtnU verv 

, . .. , . , ,, ... I ■ I' vmuu d ** *'1 V' * iTimi nuo cum, tm; ihi-vuu hi m »* 

rough a proceBB Of causation, dear- disapproved, they employ any 505 for ’ bliurch 'extension , weeks to write upon subject, and 

l l.l„ a. A L,... 4l. n nn 4/. i 4 n oviuiliiinn mill 1 t v * m ! J „ ' . 11,. 

auoJfa^pri liter wh » worked it olf, 
C» J. Cbok. still lives at Morristown, 
N. J. Its first eiiitor was Air'. Bad- 
ger, and he wuH'suecj-eded iu order 
by Drs. Nathan Bangs, John P. Dar- 
bln, Kamuel Luckey, Thomas K. 
Bond, George J’eck, Abel Stevens, 
Edward Thompson, Daniel Curry, 
Charles H; Fowler and J. M„ Buck- 
ley. IU fireseut circulation is near- 
ly sixty thousand copies— the largest 
of an y religious paper on this bonti- 
nent, if not in - 

ent forms." _» 

Thus it is seen lie-^discardB tlie very 

methods to defeat its execution, and ^ ^ 
• then reBort to most ingepious casuis- ,, . . 

try and sophistry alj. uu all-strffieient 6 u ', 

apology. Thus grand juries aje foihsil .' . ’ ... 

in tlieir' elforts to elicit facts ofc “ /, ' 

$S9 for education .and $200 for the 
Conference fund. Tlie Sundny- 

to incorporate in the editorial from 
the verbatim report wliat related to 
tlie subject on which the Nashville 


January 7,1804. John Dickens rec- 
•omnienilcd to the iraveliug connec-* 
lioir. • 

Report Centenary Committee, North 
Mississippi Conference. • ‘ 

The Conference Committee ap- 
pointed to prepare for tlie epntenarjr 
of American Methodism begs li'uve 

school, under ffie superintendenoy Christian Advocate lias commented. | to report as follows: 

suggestion. of a revelation. Our ideas which to liaBC a hill of indictment, 
of. the supernatural are an eyaju- Or, if the case goes into court, a trial 

We will then respectfully oouslder 
what it has to say. If it shall show 
it to be false we will retract it; if, 
| without proving it untrue, it shall 

tion of- our conceptions o f /the na- by jui 
tural. God is only and merely, thi And ii 
creation of tlie liumaii mind. ’ He is spirit 
what we fancy him to-be— only that fleed t 
and nothing -more. there 

Turning now from the past, Mr: all lav 
Bpencer looks to the future. He lawry 

hy jury "is equivalent to acquittal: 
And ih every- such case, where the 
spirit ami letter of the law are sacri- 
ficed to a vicious public sentiment, 
there is begotten a depreciation of 
all law and license is given to out- 

df Bro. W. H. Foster, has a connec- We will then respectfully oouslder j. That the last Sunday, in May, 

tiohal reputation. what it has to say. If it shall show or aa BOOU thereafter as practicable, 

- • * It to be false we will retract it; if, , , 

sr. CHAiii.r.s avk-m e ciiuhch. without proving it; untrue, it shall 1)6 tlie time f,,r holding speoial esn- 

Tliis comparatively new enterprise still call it “firing under the white tennial services iu caeli pastoral 
u. -H /..1 n flag,” and prove it so', it will be time diurce. 

up in tlie beautiful Sixth District, to consider whether to humbly beg the District Committees 

the Rev. Beverly Carradine pastor, its pardon or to take down that flag. . . . . . 

tlie Rev. Beverly Carradine pastor, it H pardon or to take down that ilag. 
lias already taken rank as onejif our At present we simply say that it lias 

is begotten a depreciation of strongest churches. They have a 
7 and license is given to out- handsome church edifice, built al- 
most entirely hy the munificence of 

studies religion not only in retro- 
spect, but in prospect; He, asks: 

What we nded in every comrau- 

most entirely hy the munificence of 
one liberal and loyal man. During 

flag,” and prove it so, it will lie time charge. 

to consider whether to humbly beg , T hat the District Committees 
its pardon or to take down that Hag. ....... . . * 

At present we simply say that it has appoint the time and phi.-e fur hold- 
discjjssed tlie' writer’sispeecli witli- iug t,lie mass meetings in tlieir re- 
Out the means of knowing,, what it gpective illstricts, and also the time 
wai '' _ for taking up centennial.eirfleetions. 

nity is a loyalty of public sentiment IHe year tliirty members b&ve been 

, A Methodist Matriarch. 

What may we infer will ihe the that will exalt.tlie forui 3 'of law njill received , ... a nd urch lias been In his admirable address before t,lio 
iqjution of religious ideas and seuti- snstain^our courts of justice. Better active in almost every department of jj| a tcj|j^ a i Society of the Soutii Caro- . 
.... x. iL .. __i i n . r-L on i -j.-ui e r ..\ riorvicp. f^ontrihutwd for forttiern - ,. **.*-> v-. w ; r 

i, n i ni ^ ne ^ w n . t ev ^j u ^ on 0 f religious ideas and seuti- snstain^our courts of justice. Better 

We have faith to look for a better nients throughout tlie future?” TJjJs. liaveabad law rigidly enforced, even 
ilutlon of tlie Mormon dilficultv bv : question is pnswered elaborately. auii if it works hardship, than that any 

solution of the Mormon difficulty by ! < l uefc, ^ 0il Ih Answered elaborately, ami 
the present Congress. The Edmunds j curiously, He has no idea tliat the 

statute should he set at defiance. 

;J1 its service. Contributed for foreign 
,y iniBsioiiB, $219; for domestic mls- 
If slods, $50; aiid for tlie woman’s mis- 

blll, however righteously conceived, I 
has been tried and found wanting, j 
It fails -to apprehend polygamous ’ 
offendfers. -Not -sufficient power is I 

rejigiods cdusciousn.ess will cease to 
exist or leave au unfilled gap, but 
tliat it will undergo other and im- 

theoourt is disposeil'to a sentimental sionary work, $170#Farktfr’s Ciia|iel, 

leniency, that allows toil, many crim- 
inals to go unwhipped of justice, lie 

given to secure records and witnesses.; BK i e nee, instead of- dissipating re 

II. -I. 1 U.„ T, vrr l 1 

portant changes. The . progress of^ should be exhorted to amend or .re- 

We would not hold tlie juili- 

gucu III CAI 'll v icvwiun aim *i i lUirctD. j ■ . • “ . i . 

that would- convict the guilty.- The r 118*9“* b ( -llefs ahd sentiments, will ciary guiltlesm'ip.tnis matter. The ] 

. . . - . Y i j — ' ; _ „ n rm 4.. tim l ■ 

a child of this (diurch, has been com- 
pleted .witli- t He assistance of the 
other co.igregiitions. 'l’liere are three 
Sunday-schools connected with this 

President has recommended to Con - 1 infirea&e, them. The changes iu jhe imposition of minimum tl lie's,.: and ; 
ti.„ Qi.-'oifT.,,, r.r o’ ' vrosnc.ct of religion, lie says will be- the delivery of moral lectures to.! • 

.linn Conference, the Rev. H. M. 
Mood gave a graphic sketch of Mrs. 
Matilda Wightmau, tlie mother of 
Blsiiop'Wightnian. She w.<t« a true 
motlier in our Methodist Israel, and 
a woman of rure gifts and aecom- 
] piislimeuls. We liave on several oc- 
1 ; (fusions, both iu private and public, 
i heal'd, from Uu* Bishop beautiful 

3. Tliat tlie Nortli Mississippi Con- 
I ferenee attempts to raise thezujin of 
-$ 10,00 9 ns it lliaukolltrlng to Al- 
miglity Gml for the signal idessings 
■ bestowed, u pou our oiinroli dufing 
tlie first lii'ildred years of lts><rgani- 

j 4. Tliat tlie money thus raised he. 
j equally divided between the objects 
I stated by the Central Committee, 

I except where, otherwise, ordered, by 
the donors. ' _ 

5. That Rev, \Y. T..J-. Sullivan, D. 

jOt'lMAN.l A'Vl'.NKE 

i^n tin* Bishop pehuliful | ^ thmeeutenary aornio'U’lt 

refc-renci's and tributes to his mother , 

gress t^ieafniliiTiin of the Territorial jmospcct of religion , lie says will be the del ivery of moral lectures to,- itev. A. C.Couey, the active young tliat made us 'eager to learn more of 

GbverhmeiU and tlie substitution of j the gradual dropping of t,h«x“ human J oilefifiers, accompanied witli a threat j shepherd of this l!oek',: 1 .ejwkts peace : the sainted matriarch. Her- estati- 

a Commission. Though a heroic’! attributes ” of deity so common i'n"’i'oT more dreadful things if the crime j and prosperity. .' There 'lias been 'an j lishmeiif and leadership of 'a daily 
"measure, we approve it. Notliing j' our theologies. We again quote his : is repeated, will belittle any court ' addition of thiny-two members, and i sunrise prayer meeting in Cliarleston 
I ess ■ will remove tliat plague-spot i owu wori ' s: “The cruelty of u.| and render the laws inoperative, j an increased interest iu the pliflffteid j for ten years or more ' iiVdTcate her 

'ess wil 

'ess- will remove tliat plague-spot 
from our body-politic. We verily be- 
llpve it will meet tlie case and suc- 
ceed where all other measures, liav.e 
failed. , i 

l’eejean god, who, represented' as | But a right sentiment in a cpmniir* Ijirayer meetings. The collections to j singleness of aim and strength bfJ 
devouring the souls of the dead, may j nity, led by a fearless ioca. 1 . press or a | he reported to Conference are as fol- J character. We. make the' following 
be supposed to inflict torthre during few conscientious citizens, will copi- j lows: Foreign missions, $250; domes- ! extract : 

Postmaster - General 


the process, is small compared with 
tlie .cruelty of a God wiio condemns 
men io tortures which are eternal; 

promises no ‘child's* '-play to the ! aud the ascription of this cruelty. 

brazen iniquity known as the- Lou- 
isians Lottery. He is now preparing 
a biirto-bf introduced iii Congress to 
exclude newspapers publishing lot- 
tery advertisements from the pound 

though habitual, in ecclesiastical 
formulas, occasionally occurring in 

sermons, and still sotnetinies pic- j The same defiant, murderous spirit, 

rew conscientious citizens, win eopi- lows: Foreign missions, $250; domes- extract: 

pql respect for the law’s integrity tic missions, $25; church extension, My most pleasant and intimate as 
and the, oath of office. « $.40 ; 'Conference fund, $95; aud tlie fSociatfons were ut her prayer meet 

When courts are .disregarded and salaries of pastor atpl presiding elder Jfii 8, ^ say Ate prayer_ nieetings. 
lyncli-law reigns, people maxwell, paid in full. That Is a delightful con*. thr’numfstumta 8 

put On sack-cloth and aslies. I liere gregation, and is known for its i neously growing out of the peculiai 
is-iib guarantee of life and property, marked spirituality. B | circumstances of the meetings. Thej 

tlie next st-s.4.i .u of _•( 'onfer'enciv. 
Rev. J. 1). Cainyron, alternate. \ 
Tiros, v:\iiamskv., sit., l’res. \ 
k.-i.i'h\s. oaklev, Kee. . I 

Rev, Hi Caperh, of (lie Louisiana. 
Conference, writes us a cheering let- 
ter from- which we extract tlie fol- 
lowing concern iig 7 tlie - Woman’s 
Missionary Society. On the princi- 
ple that, we alien' d provoke one an-- 
other fo love and good works we 

is-iio guarantee of life and property. 

circumstances of the meetings. They Missionary Society, of (,recu\>ood, 

torlally illustrated, is iiecoiijing so 
iiitollerable to the better-natured 

That is perfectly fair. But ford tliat, while some theologians dis- 

the hewspapers the lottery would 
die. They keep tlie people advised 
•as to-'i’.s drawings and' marvellous 
doings. The lucky holders of prize 
tickets are applauded, their biogra- 
phies written, and their winnings 
exalte'd a- a well -merited reward to 
honest labor. We w ould like to see 
'the proposed 1911 become a law, aud 

tinetly deny it, others quietly drop 
it out of their teachings. Clearly, 
this Change can not "cease until tlie 
beliefs in hell and damnation disap- 
pear. Disappearance of them Will 
be aided by au increasing repug- 
nance to -injustice. The visiting on 

, , . . * . MORH.yy sthkkt Kin.'ifliit,* v kiiowiiftiiv of HimiliLr 

that - demands-the life of one man auowii any.oi siiniiur leuui.rei 

without the right of (rial bv iurv We re kret not receiving a rejiort were held every day in tlie 

}JZ. *- «ro-Biiiin B .i«, «« Mta, s!S 3 KS! 5 XiSdS& 

if there be a supposed provocation; but , we know of lim labors.- I hough ~„f 'Prinity ■' Church yard, fi 

And one such outrage -will make of oecasioually interrupted by feqble l’iukney street ; were opened 

each narticinant an outlaw and e-ver hea,th ,le h » B lleltl lll,; fort * with rise- summer and winter Sum 

eacn parucipanr an outlaw, uuu ever .... „ . a . .... Week day, and were atteude 

after 'he will be Impatient of.’ the and fidelity, lliatohuroh hy ninles and females,- wlii 

were. Unique; at least I liave never 
known any . of similar features. Tliey 
were held every, day iii tlie week, 
ami every week in tlie year, in tlie 
School-room situated in tlie .baok part 
of Trinity Church yard, fronting 
l’jilkney street; were opened at sun- 
rise summer aud winter, Sunday and 

iitnl Mt. Zion Cllurch. These two 
societies have enjoyed almost un- 
paralleled Huocesst 

, Little did we think a few.months 
ago, when ut Greenwood, we called 
togetlier a few ladies and little giriH 
to organizle a Woman’s Missionary 

^on parucipani an ouuaw, ana ever j - That ohuroh '^y. “'"I were attended both Society and ex pluln tho nature of li* 

after he wWl be impatient of the yingenco ami fidelity, that ohuroh liy lda les- and females,- white and that before the/end of the eusulugi 
tedious processes of tlie courts. He has a history going back iiiauyveurH, colored persons. The colored persons year their efforts would foot up tho 
thirsts for summary iiunishment" — a und lias been tlie spiritual honie of united Heartily in singing, and were tbe handsome sum of $82 85; less 

J 1 \ i i. 1.1 > . 1*1 nffun nullml mi In lmnl l n -.4117 .il.l 4t. l .. 1 - iL n 4. Iif* 7inif 

then have ii rigidly enforced; No ' alties foVa small traiisgressiou which 

nance to injustice. The visiting on speedy and horrible death. The, 
Adam's descendants, through liuu- tasteof blood uncages a wild beast iu 
dreds of. generations, dreadful pen- tlie human breast. Lynchers are al- 
alties foYa smaiLtrausgressiou whiph ways law-despisers. One such ofl'ense, 
they did notconlmit; the damning of unless under circumstances that may 
all men who do liot uvail themselves occur hut once in a century, unfits a 
of an alleged piode of obtaining for- man for good citizenship. And then 

speedy’ and horrible death. TbeJ hundred^ now laboring in qUier 
tasteof blood uiicatres a wild beast in ! Helds, or wWo liaVe been translated 

often called on to lead In prayer, 
especially one sainted old man, who 

still did we think tliat- Mt. Zion 
Church, with her doubting Thomases 

doubt tin-r# will lie tlie ubual outcry : they did notconlmit; the damning of 
against tlie measure an an attempt to ^ all men who do pot uvail themselves 
throttle'' free speech. Fniliguaut j of an alleged mode of obtaining for- 

to the skies. The Conference collec- 
tions, we suppose, ure well up. * 


AorctHH the river wo have u nice 
oliiircii and a pleasant little- congre- 

almost at every meeting led In one of and careful- Marthas, would ever 

the pruyerH. Mrs. Wightinan iu- 
varlably conducted the meetings, 
which, in times of religious dearth, 
dwindled down to very few, but at 
times of special interest swelled out 
into considerable proportions. Tlie 

resell the miraculous sum of one 
hundred dollar’s for tlie Woman’s 
Missionary Hjiclety; yet these ure 
facts, aud tliese figures, according 
to the report of our last Annual Con- 
ference, places-these ladies ahead of 

^hands will lie uplifted and impreca- I giveness, wliich most men have ! the moral effect upon an entire com- gation, presided over by Rev. J. L. “Ue nil ant entered and knelt, remain- every other circuit in tlie State of 

lions fti voked upon tlie puritanical never heard of aud the eflijjoting a munity is most. disastrous. It cheap- Wright, one of the veterans of the 
Postmaster-General. Butsuchacry' reconciliation by sacrifice of one who eus human life, begets a feeling of Louisiana Conference. He haHre- 
is mere cheat and clap-trap. If tills was perfectly innocent— arejnodes of suspicion and insecurity, and brings : ocived five members, all from the 
iniquity is debauching the morals Action wliich, ascribed to u human constituted., authority ’into con- Hunday-soliool. Tlie contributions to 

*** If*“‘ ' . . -V. V »•* VML.IV W... n **V*W**, jUCOUlVU VJ 1VI VJ JVCY, O, Jj. , I /, Vl .' , .. . ’ ” ' V * J "*•*'•* V * - - 

munity is most, disastrous. It cheap- Wright, one of the veterans of the Iml'll <m the miMH ‘ onr * ry nueK ‘ 

iiiuimy is uiosi, uisasiruus. ii cneap- vv r, t, one or me veterans or the until tl.6 services were ended. Ring- turn 
eus human life, begets u feeling of Louisiana Conference. He Jihh re- lug, praying and exhorting were all 

and -manhood of tbe country, it \ 
should be stamped out. Every con- | 

ruler, would eall forth expressions of tempt, 

abhorence; and the ascription 

Hunday-sohool. The contributions to 
our couuectional causes have" been 

conducted by Mrs. Wightinan witli- 
out change of posture. FsuaJly Hhe 
used uo- hook, , but raised familiar 

sideratiou of conscientious citizen- j them to the ultimate cause of things, 
ship and public good demands it. A . even now felt to lie full of diificul- 
generation of gamblers will over- ties, must become impossible. Ho, 
throw any government, however 'too, inus( die ( out the V belief that k 
righteously founded or securely l’ower ' preseiit 'in innumerable 
established. J*et the bill become a worlds throughout infinite Bpkce, and 
law, though all subsidized news- wiio during millions of years of the 
paperdom should set up a howl, , ’ earth's earlier existence, needed, no 

*' UI vnoueciiouai causes nave ueen hvinhs without reocRtlno- or llolon- 

We need to vertebrate tho judi- liberal. For foreign missions, $37 fiO; them, iu which all joined heartily* Concordia, says : 
ciary. Every citizen should hpld uji fdrMnmestic missions, $10 ; for Con- never singing more than two stanzas We ure snugl, 

Rev. H. C..Morehead t of the North 
MlHsissippi, Conference, writing from 

tlie hapds • of all law ‘otfiYerB. 

fereuco fund 


l’ower' preseiit iu innumerable j istratlon., If such support was more 
worlds throughout infinite spkee, and generally and generously accorded, 

every judge know that be lias cordial $32 60, aggregating quite a good sum 
aud unvarying support iu his admin- for thaj, excellent little band. 

Altogether, we reppit oui cause 

wiio during millions of years of the 
earth’s earlier existence, needed, no 

generally and generously accorded, prospering. The retrospect of the 
there would be fewer appeals to past twelve months brightens the 

never singing more than two stanzas We ure snugly and' comfortably 
at a time. Rhe alwuys raised the domiciled in tlie parsonage at tliiH 

tunes. place— thanks to the noble women of 

Her voice was not loud, but soft the church. Tlie parsonage lias been 
and sweet, falling as the melody of a repaired and refurnished front parlor 
scraph’n lute upon tlj« cur. Hen cx to kitcjien. Other improvements are 


prospect for Centenary year, now 

retrospect of the were, sometimes in few contemplated, and will be made In 

hs brlirliteiiH tiiB J v< ”' , ls,at other times of great length, the near future. We expect tills 

B h but always pointed and full of life, year, through God's grace, to achieve 

i'll ary year, now Bhe usually ollered one of the pray- success. 

j in » j. p ' 4's' " wjivt * 

iWr. T’hilip VVmlpin, 1M rnyiil stroo! . 

Now Orli-niH, In j<r**|>ind I" supply tiliihna a t • I ^ 
orRfttis "ii l in' iiiohi lllii'i nl i »■ i in**. ’ lilffli fur. 
lil« priced utiil CRi'(tlOKU>*M. > mi iiH’il not upful oir 
North folr liVu.niun*H > « *f -:i *■! <Vnfthln i li.unrt»jr 

when,, you • a u n K'md »tin. \-,u4utrvr hoine hi |v 
fair priio - Mr. vtarlpin'n Immi-jj Ih wHI kunwji lo i|m 
nil for lid rnlrainl hoiioriiblt* de*l iihil IM'iulos f >f 
the inont cplvbraliyl fiuHwIt'ji nr« ^iVhlckcrlir^, 
Weher, MnthtmhVk, Hi\le, Hardman, W^rleln atjd 
every initrumentguitm ti’i*il“to‘hv*' n mint tn»n»lr*r 
of yeil^n • . Organs; Mtur'in <V lltuiilin, ll'»y Mmv, 
yi.iTlliiK and olherii very Itiw. -If you will wild your 
order to Philip WyiMn yon'w^l »■•• *frt Mini And 
ple/uplh with your irnOtj.' Muslf or niiy musical 
I article ty he hlul. * 1 / 

—The annual union- communion 
sefvicqof the Presbyterian ■( till! relies 
In New Orleans wan field In .''the 
First Presbyterian Chureli (Dr. I’al- 
■mer'si last Kiinday aft.erh'oon. All 
the pkstnrs were present, a 'number 
of elders and a large , Congregation. 
We like that custom and would sug- 
gest Its emulation by Methodists In 
our cltleft. it brings the several con- 
gregations nearer together and pro- 
motes much needed unity of spirit. 

—Bishop Hargrove’s pbstoflloe un- 
til further^ notice is NaSlivUle, Ten- 
nessee. 1 

—Bishop Keener left on Monday 
evening for Madison, the seat of the 
Klorl.da .Con feren c,e. 

. ,__ T iie flrs.t Centenary’ gift we have 
seen recorded is from a Boston Meth- 
odist, Hon. Ald’eflf Hpearc. He has 
,rlven |40,0A0 to the Boston Uni- 
versity.' 1 

.—According to the Church. Alma- 
nac the Protestunt KpiRcnpul Church 
in Mississippi lias 2,401 communi- 
cants. tfhe net increase for year 
was fifteen. 

—After spending u few (Jays in the 
city, the guests of Bishop Keener, 
Hcv. U. N, Freeman and wife, and. 
■Miss , tones, Georgia, left this port 
i.ii the first instant) forvthe City .of 



Mr. X., of Now York, nieatnyc wr. 

Y„ of C»mhrldRp l .Mo«s’ : "Ah ! ui.y friend, how are 
ijilng* lh-Cambrlilgpr' Mr. Y.: ‘‘ Oh ! Wither slow ; 
rntlier ■low." Mr. N i ♦••Well, ,thaf<» 'ItlwayR the 
caae «o n*arthe hub, y»\u know. A ’fellow hm to 
come to New York to get tired.” 

- — ■ — - • t 

On January' 11 and 12, StuRft’H ureal 

eale of Jerify rattle will take plan* at the Meitner 
Dairy, In thlf city, whTcltys of Wtf Wm hy «*r of* 
Carrollton line of street cars, starting from corner of 
Canal and Baronne ntreets. 

Corner St. M^iry and Gantp Streets, 


Country nr dent promptly attended to, 

For all points in Texas and California 
lake tlnrSiiuilii.m 1’iu i Qc ami Slur anil Cresi mjlA'Ja 
Houston. ^ ^ 

M, E. B.— They all say so that liavo 
tried them f "Ohnniplou Monitor'" vtokliiR stbves— 

The. Rev. Dr. BVifnner, preskUnuU 
of Hiwasseu College, writes us the 
following pleasant postal. Wo con- 
gratulate Hlwassee and Mansfliid:r The wfttoh f>n 'the Rhine has been set 
Hlwassee College, Tenu., lias con- 1 to standard time, 
ferred the degree of D: D.’upou Rev. 

F. M. Grace, A. M., president iof 
Miuistlehl College, I,a. The recipi- 
ent of this merited honor wait for 
years- connected yith the College 

lloi'tl'C hiid .V t 

-MnihufacturcrH' of - , 

K IT It K It a .J—W o. tak e groat plots nr» in 
culling the Attention of merchant)., H6h«cttM|'m». 
me.; to the Eureka Ymut Cmritcru, nilyirllarcl to 
another column. Tlicy arecraada by Mrs. A. K. 
UoodVyn, a moat worthy laty. Those yeast Itfwtlirs 
may he tellefl u|>on as hclnu ahsnlately, rur, . Tliey 
are mannftictuittUn New Orleans n home l.rotlnc- 
tliin.- We 'hope the ninny thousand rea'lers of It)'' 
nun p i w ill .1 j v .ilpiUl JJlt.iiial-’OA.rto.rer_ jft 
. inont liberal jmtrunngv. > 

. A • j* i (1 g - walk -r- 1 h e.*c r ab’.H . . 

vpnlent to n mnnr.r order olllce, we would ^oy, 
1’lenHe Inform nn by postal cahl whether to continue 

the AnvocATR'or no. 

— • — 

Wo would nirnin call tho attomlbn o4 
■ulwcrlbeni and nKPtiiH that, In innklng remittances, 
lo.niAkc thfm payable to the Nkw Orlkanm C,'iiiuh* 
TiAit ADVOCATE ploano keep this In remembrance. 

J| ., « " w 

Mend tweilty-llve contBTn stanips lof 
one copy of Kendall’s Tro'atifce on the Uorse. 

, -dO- - . 

Ask your noichbors to subscribe for 
Che Advocate! 

— . <«► - - -- — 

Notice f to su,bscrlbors who order ilieir 
I address 'changed,. I’lense give fu,U address of last 
! I’ostotllce, otherwlw.* change cannot be made. 


that has gladly voted him the title. 

A UK NT* I'Oll 

. Mil. F. ihtiir : ‘O ur 'Christn iaa tree 
Jast V evening l ' pri pci pally’^fTr 'Hi e " 
Sunday-school, was it success. 
Among the many nice articles placed 
upon the tree whb u ftpleutlitl overcoat 
for the writer and a line lamp for his 
.wife, also a Very line HI bit; for one of 
jjur lady 'friends. Many tlmnks to 
“ Hantu Claus.” 

..Your brother, n,"S. n. 

'KasVPoi^p, La., Dec 4 Hn, -* 


"hotted each to 


The Rev. .1 
sionary in Rra: 


his -work. IK cxjjectJ te40W fkc 
proposed college in. Rio <lpj[iig cen- 
t diary yettr. , 

. — The Re/. T..J. Harris has been 
.rhanged’ 'hy Rishop Mi^rycire from 
the Kdiafohia circuit, Hardis district, 
to be junior preacher on lheXlkolqpa 
ci'rciilf, Aberdeen district, North 
Mississippi Conference. _ 

—BiahopA - Keener's sermon at 
Moreau Street last Sunday morning 
oil our proposed Centenary eelebru- 
Ron was a masterly ellbrt. Several 
of tlie |ireaetiera who bad arrived ii 
tliA city went down to bent liini.anii 
eauglit lire, as well ns tlie congrega 
lion.' •. 

Dr. Mel’errin, tlie Nivsli 

viile A d.v.oe'ate gave the, Methodts 

.Mit, RniTott: Oiiiremlilng this j i 
place, where I had lefl my family : 1 
while' 1 attended Conference, tlie sad j 
-news, greets me'oflhe tragic death of j 
a dear son, J, Slytjhy Harris.- He! 
was a freight conductor on the St. j 
.jjouis and Iron" Mountain' railroad, 
from Little Rock, Ark,, t" Texar- j 
kana, Texas; and was run Over ley. a j 
train anil killed on the night of the 
eighteenlh Instant, at VnUon, Ark, | 
Titauk « : oil he was" a good man— a ] 
praying maft— born and'" reared in 
tlie church of God. He leaves a wife \ 
and two, little children, God ,'only 
knows our grief. But his grace is 

‘i iniMiilalH from 

IVck’Hi fPiitont Tilliwbir 

t»y HPinitllic Mifii'oi 1 ’irrnp. u.t 
(iiiploi s, JU'l.srM, MUUlHtW •* UH'i 
in rpcinnincml iutf '< • 

cure. A dtlicse. /WEST tSi: C 

Approvptl by Mie. Atavlemv of MMlcineof Nt-w 
York for coujibn, cdIoh. ! foncjital *y ,c * .ij* 1 - erc U*££ 
coriRumptlon ncorfula huVI kpuitrI acini I iy. i dp 
moot mild, bland and ilulriUouH form in which < od 
ITlvar Uli can be um-). nml.wllh inorp sPcureH 

to'iho patlmit by iVsInclP leithpoonfu.) or i hie Jelly 
than by.dnublP ibe quantlty-of tjie llfpibl oil, and 
the m<*)Ht deiicalc Stdinflcll will ,M, i reipet it. ror 
it | a by all druKKlHts. ftptl K. H, TRl >-X. Npw i ork. 

Ink* plrWHKfl 


Arc t he Best Dyes F.v- 

YARN, STOCK-tttQS, CAR? 1 ''. 

' * cittilly uml 1 l>''i i -.-tly • > 

; FAST fikb DOR ABU 

. it i\w • u.r •. ,i ; . tn • 

|'. 11* ( llU !• > 'll! \ I* .PI 1 


irioryjou* dli'irdt r? Hn l it' 

A#r i tn e. 

••Thin Aprtiflpp.’ sD 1 
that S" Of if on Xt m 

V,ta. I)rupKi‘-tB, *1.-*". 

To those, m want' of 'l'l ? K : >Wl ill* 
wo won M k.o-T that the lMiK’liS |1 AV|;; 
il 10 ION HKDrCKI) on e\oi*y articlo in 
onr stock, though KhriUturo has fu\ 

•vanceil in value tmi to tw^tv por cont- 
our reason fnr tnak m£ )icij^-i-Muvi .ona 
is NOT on a"coii.u • • l/uin^ oVrrstocked, Cokl Pain " 
but. our Http is u* "bow •our.'.enstomers T 
an entirnly i ew stock. «j srv !• 1 11 - 1 • ■» k •• 

YicP- DrofideDt. 

NT AT KM 1*.>T 

l’rfiHlde.nt. __ 

CTXrioUJinu, of Oswtp" 
• cured up of Kpi;< pti 

tmlWclent. This calamity and the in 

Nevv Orleans N itional Bank 

-iteus' of N asliville a idnisant 

element weather will retard itiy 
movements in getting to my Circuit . 
Earvin, IUnkin county, Miss. . 

Your hrotheY, , 

11. J. H.UlRls 
W' dv u.u Div. 20 , i 5 "* v 

** I \voul<l rather b« rijj 
I'relililem.” paid M''nry Cl'ij . and I* 
since aecertainlnptbe tom* < f th ( ‘ i ,r ‘‘ 
on the Morintuv qui sllon. lourmuf.* 
platps himself in his 1 • * o k inx ^lAh«, 

the regular meeting' on j 
efore New Years. He ad- I 
ao body iirielly, atid all i 
1 1 . raver <d thanksgiving to I 

A*! the CUye of HuHltli^' 

\ . l>**r«*inlM*r HI. IHlCl, 

KESOnu 1>J. 

nil In discounted. 


UiversiJe. <’ul. The 

rimrlottp II ni in ran, our 


1’. S. bomls, par value* 
t-'k).uoo Lotiihlunu i onsoli . 
^U*0,000 Nyw Or leone Ouiole, 
'•‘Crne^mHii’B ” 

Currency aud cliecke on other 


New York hlKbt esdljange 

brave you UK niihsionary in ibei.'ity: 
of Mexico for several years past, wits j 
married in this' city, on. New- Year’s I 
Day, by Bishop Barker, to l’rof: 
Saniuel .1. Jones, of, the Southwestern 
University, 'l liey left the same day 
for Georgetown', Texas. h 

A postal from Dr. T. s. 4N est, 
written some weeks ago. aunouriclng 
tile death of ids little hatie, guiu 
Walker West, was strangely mislaid, 
apd only racked on r desk this week. 
Many have heeUvthe uflll.otions of 
•our brother, but we are glad to note 

tlie Centenary Committees for the. 
various presiding eiders' districts 
throughout tlie bounds of our church 
is earnestly desired, ami we sincerely 
trust that it. will be,' forwarded at 
once. Many change, 4 were made at 
the recent Conferences in tlie list “of 
clerical members of the committees, 
eaused'hy removals. In the corrected 
list please give your own postofilee 
address, and that of each member of 
the committee. An Oarly- compliance 
with this request will he duly appre- 
ciated, , 

W. 11. II A it 11! SO N 

soi'. Central Centenary Com. 

N vmhviu.k, Temiftwi-c. 

A man never knows what a weak, 

bln tomb, as death !• 
nor bull. It le onr 
bear H. 

Dua froth banks uhd bankers 

Five per cent. Bind with'ComptrolKr of 

the Currency *• 

Furulture nnd .fixtures 


Wn*lM»le and R ■iail-Fundfnns : 
7, Hit and 4 1 Jioj/al St >■<■>■< 
N$w Orleans, La. 



Capital stock / 

Hurplus fund 

Undivided profits - 

Circulation oujatnudlnfc-^** 

Dividends unctilb'd for 

Dividends payable Jan. 2, 

I udivbiuai depo^ 4 a;..v.:r:r. .ft . 2 - 
Dmj banks and bankers 

Adoring onn 

a blue sjjarf): "Oh 
ytjn clasp *.• lpvlh 
Were; so that 1 coni' 


JANUARY \\ ami 1 1884 . 


Coldbn's l.Djrn 

parts Strenirth to tody u ' 


I rei t!fy the nb 6 'vp to be a tyne statement. 

WM. 1’ALFHEY, Ciwhlsc. 

the strt'.ete 

tlekltrsild urrem tdu jiinsler lie lifts in 

Correct - Attest 

-TogaiiLv— Import' d ( hnn n 

Ills ' IrottHun s:: 
field'- - Waterloo:,' 
iv tbinight-r* no 
[ ■dare iijy V' •< With 
luhty rare, l eap tell 

pipes, gutters uml gat-meters, in 



"Cidt’s re volver, 
Friend : ■ r.i. ’ i 
'idea they” -Au*l 
pxultaljon, '*•11 
you !" 

of our citizens, 

to the 'discomfprt , 

iSrely 1ms the mercury reached so , 
low aJligure in the Crescent City, or 
our people given such a shiver. 

—The military and Civic, display 
-Hi the occasion of Archbishop 
l’erche’s burial w-is quite Imposing. 
Indeed, it was rather overdone. It 
was not a modest and tasteful tribute 
of respect to tlie distinguished ezcle- 
' siastic, ' but a v'iuiogiorious, glitter 
and show for the living, 'there. Is 
too much vanity in funerals, an>^ 
way.. It is an ofl’etoc t'> the jmered- 
licps of true sorrow. 

1 Kevs, JJ W,. .mid It. 1U J- 1 
som, of tlie tsputlc.Gtjorgia j,'bn,[cr- 
' dice, passed tlyough tlfe, city la.-t 
week f n rt.ufc to tlie .i’jyillV co^Uii, 
They have been transferred, one to 

Breed^iM roj 

once aiml dp' 
iu CAitnloRue. 

The Soothern Cultivator Frfce, 

All old Subscribers .hy paving up 
ill. full to date, arid two- years’ sub- 
scription hi "ml vaucc, w.iil receive 
tlie Cultivator free for one year, post- 
age prepaid. N't v will also send the 
Cultivator free for oiiC’j’.ear to.aU no\i 
subscribers .paying two years’ sub- 
scription ill. advance. 'Ops oil -r is 
good only- to December 1. No reduc- 
tion allowed, for postoftlce. orders or 
registered 'letters. "This is a line o(>. 
portunity to seep re the only lirst- 
class.agriculturai paper published in 
tlie Kiiuth free for one year. 

CAHV.BR x JAMIKSON. r i KF.i'.- -'ii out , 1 1 . y - 

.Irian, rrlirnl from 1 -nu 1.) 1). ,iHK lioil r-la.-o.l- Ci 
hi. Inn.. la l.v up F.ssl 1 1 ni i h" inlaslonuy Hi.- 0>rmi.l.i 
ofo .iuililf" vrueli'iM. wmo.l y for (lie W-hkIf »»<l 

pffmnllrtil i il rr for Conaumr^lop; llrnnolilll,. I f 

lurlli, AMInna uml nil t'.rom' anil, i.inm AlWclil nr, 
iKi II (KMitlve nn.l rndii nl mre for K»i vnus llelnliiy 

u u,l „n Vcrviiu, Coinplftltile. niter Itnvinp le,t*‘»l ft, 

wonderful eiuutlve powers III Uiousallilsof ciueS, lins 
f.Klt 1 , is duly to mnke II Ills’ miireilng 
fellows. Aomnled. I'.T Oils motive uml Ii de.-tZe to'fe- 
U, . V e hutuun huilerlne. 1 will M i|d free cf ihnlpe, .to 
nil win. desire il. Oil. rerlpf. in CierUlali, Kreiicli. or 
Kllgllsii, nilli flilL*..dir*rn*liis ‘for plepntiuH nnd 
urioi!." Si-in Py mull >y. . Iiilitqf«l>)* .KUIi.»Wuii>, 
' narntan Oil" ,.»l»r, W.-A. V.vie.lW /Wer’, Mod, 

I lii Ciiniii !•<“«•< 
yir.iv STtuHvi; ri. 

594 St 596 Plasatine St. 594 & 596 

rVl'^XV OltLF.ANS. 

J 1’lfl hr /iff rt iriilii il ii mill 

pronijit/ 1 / /illcil and 

/‘rcif/ht llirl'ion 


Blanks f.'r Clerks of Cr 
Lodk'^N. blailku for Qrani; 
.Ojferative .Stores, v 

Tn K\y thftL- u preun salon ■ 
houT 3 111 passim a -Tiveij jiolhl. 
the Chichi:<) THoK n« * '-warilf 
Iciijg i>r it « s,iii»!i. J'infe t li** i vt*j» 
been a beer flalih h- : 

tin* patrons to boar 1 -h Biltui iiut 11 pay- 
nteii uiDitt fiiry^ubsoriptictns we do not 

•d to desirn, postage stamps, and that they 

bid .nliouhl. lie scut only or fractional 
item parts of a dollar. A dollar bill is 
much more convenient and sufe to 
vein- peril It than the same amount i:i one, 
cm- two, or three cents stamps. Tlie 
,-ele- actual risk, .of remitting money la 
V of -slight; if properly directed not- one 
astor misenrriuge will occur in one tbou- 
„f sand. Inclose the lulls', mnh where 
,’ m. Letters containing money are sealed 
liver- in presence of tlie postmaster, we 
ight. will! assume all the risk. 


\. AND u 

sn’s . furnishing Goods.v 

Ilciulqqai tvre of l In; uelebriietl 


Boy’s Clolto'E a Specialty. 1 

An TO U l u-ith* m. 

•'■Avoid nrRUiDt nt^ aiih 
'iilng > ants' auvaop *IIkH 
bfuoiito iwUlftl av u *."‘' 
wontttMl aud twlslfd lo* i 

l uive tlinoasetl lung^, t 

Y «-K liuRKH"UM'.AM> TAK. 

HAciix Drith cure i« hiinttjv 

Cfothini/- Uif/f/f* to Orth r 

A rfupprb Illustrated $ 1.00 monthly t’rrolj' 
to all thuJ file lost* a It In ml. to um now witn u 
p.iHlllgi*. SUWtL WOK|,|».JIlllgLA*»l 

Your Lightning Liniment came to 
IlSnd nil O K mil Is limyllig fill un imuul. Mr. 1" *■ r - 
pernon'. wife cured llf'jBieU)llAti«m ttlieu ilie liuil 
l, ecu nud'erlng for •-■0 yHim mill had l (led every 
nvnlltllde remedy: He purclmned n Iwentv-llve 

cent Pottle of HIllliiRlon'. UnlitnliiK Unlment nnd 
lhe received Imm.tUnte relief. 1 Imd lil.lentlmuuliil 
-but Min mleplnced^-I Imyenpld, lire nwure, 
iu*r 4011 buttle., mid every obe with tlie underidlmd- 
,bnt If It did not be returned. 1 Imve 
bml but one couipliilut. nnd tbe.n the bottle win led 
returned. The nimi bml Blieuiunll.m-ouri week, 
nfter be pot your LIrIiIiiIiik I.liilmeiitbe Imd tlinrw u 
lit. Mick ewnj. he olnluied no relief. I mu try- 
ing a cnee of White Swelling. The party tell, me lie 
bae had 7 nlglil. re.t, the llrnt In .eventee.i yeure. 
Toothache, Neuralgia, rains In the breu.t, back nml 
ihpuldere are known no diorej 1 fierewllheend roue* 
office money-order for tlB-VO. p ' h'a| 1 

Coiisicaha, Try., l>*r. 4, 11S2- . 

guliUshff> Dfprtmfut, 

V press 

I fee thousand ueres 
I i in 1 c* r lands, ciiti 
tovf .silHm I 11 1 
rstige' HI east. soiHh- 
bind District oi Id 
Kor*ioiot inHtl»Li« 
Apply v 

to Bt'll our Hand Rubber 
Stain j' b. baiupleB free. 

No fraudulent advertisements uu 
knowingly la allowed in lhe AdVOCATI 
If oiic ej),cr appears it will he by are 

deni. ' 

' In ordering from l hone whose adi < 
tisements' appear in our columns plea 
stale that you have men the same in I 
A dvooatk. oauvkr a jam 1 K SOI 4 , 

terN EW‘«i »orCH0!GE ‘^ a 


All of the heel, liotll new nml|dl'l. W»''K ' 

12 ROSES m v.”i:r,ig $3 


For |bc* oth>r V , ; r 1 5 * 0 V l ! , ['!*"■ \‘n > 

V’ ;•'.'•►« Ku-oor i||ihi*m'**'I ' «'mIi**h* m'» j 'till, 


r" CIIA RO lb * c iS , tioul 4 'preperty 1 * and "pparat"* 

urjlitaml.ld, MA*™.^ 

$#"Her«nly*flve teacher* wanted at once. 

KBrill TK»»IT¥ 

AllRHl*. «»- 

ir 16 th year. 

BlV M VEP M r V, Cq 








, TO-' 

Other. #A LIFO K n/a nnd MIWCI^AN Point*. 

i Ppn 'T Ll'.AVV' 1 II II 
rflen Lltnt the “tie " ' " 
table must Also lu* Iter “ 
Suit) it is vorv HUtinylm; 
the pnpsis. i ,v be “L'bv 
seat every t>“.;v -»iim it' 
needed arliele, or In eiii 
. m oi’ii or till- uiip't'ip 
tnav lie. avoyleil by, t| 

We read to ntlieli about the obligation 
laid upon tint wife, to be a perpetual 
sp o-l pain in the house that a word to 
husbands a»n< the saiiio tuple may not 
be Hliilv*. ' 

\ , heeifiil ntinoRphero is aiiportmt 
tb happy hoine'dife. It is very hard for 
••'llldrcil 111 liDKdOd w hen they are «*- 
riail-Btdrm- of 

Tiirouch -Hlnplnd Onri rrom 

Voir •Hrmni (n *nn PraacliM. 

IIKTttlnw-lnlialer is one of the in-et olfci'ttvo rnwlfcal 
inventions of the a*-. It is a t-rlnranh of sdanoo ovor 
vans'. It is Ireinandou. in its efteeta, for it i>»thp imnquertir 
i 'Mart'll and Die wholo horrible phalanx of klmlrlMi all- < 


It is a Mechanics! Pillow that is used t ho stale . as one's 
linsrv lied-tiilluw. II contains reeMvoifs for volatile ineill- » 
•ofitrol its The inmlTniic*; nnd IrvIitIr uw*<l in tliwo 

and (Uninfecting that science and experience have lieetl 
are reoiiirod. Tlo.v lire entirety rale and the .Inhaler is 
eainftae It. There are no pip,*. or till** for the month or 
now. melt hiiflit, Him. dangerous period ol tlio 
twentv four hours,) for about el*ht hours, health 
9^ ■ enters the w'aatcd body of the wretched ttuffenfr 
2H B with every breath lie draws! It conooers disease 
ly v n w H bv !\.»Y)nh'M/0tw application of oiiratiyo air tq. tlio 
n dlerew-d ineinhraoea of the rwrpirstor.v otvans, - 
h3 ami. whilst spreading Btlmuiatlag tijid sootlilnn- 
K agents upon Inflamed lissneil and aerating tho 
K! blood. sen chra through every drop (n the-hod*: 
iH ■ lorvc-tiiriscii^ .,r ill.ei. se adid'niimi ilfflleB'tlTrillT 

Ilf . R heat, ib ohi thtimoky our or iejfdeede. 

mmm a cure bf the wbrst type bf catarrh. 

4. rvrtd thPB I wai srinc inU> ciummrj.lon. I |**tnerrr«l *ltb ilia Pillow, 
•r ■wdUIno*. aitl n im / »m ihmi/icI kflth. It h*‘» wroucht such n our* Tor 
«r Mid tltr knswlHfiC of It Ui stusra U» wlium perhaps U mat J-rfire t. • srost it 
i lUlltmorr, kii*» • how I Mtfarr«1 ; also many Trlwnln T in i'hiR unrt, 

tmony to ' ’!‘“nfe. It- J.cnAl'itVK'K, Mei.i.u-i Him.. N J. 

Morgan's Lonlntann bihI Texas Railroad, 
aion.llonston and Ran Ahlonto Hallway Hyrtw* 
and 8outh«rB-rl»acltfc Railroad. 

|Vi isr • l«' Mil IIU'OMiailt 

jHiilf 111 'liiur from tbolr parenU. It ir 
very «(it .i mi I t !"r a wifo Iri tnnint.ajn n 
f’ftlin' unil rtiHrinin^iv-HWOGt doniwuior. 
\v\wu l.or himbaml cynical or 

suiU'ii, and tftki’M hII hor fonder ellorto 
with in.lilVoronl npprdclation.' V 
1 know full w«*ll tlio Rlr of polite 
Hinn/Hiiient, or kmiIhIiIo incredulity, 

OoBnectUnB.made at Houston with 

T rat mi nlart from head of Elyilan Fields vireot 
da follows : • 

Alexandria, 7:1ft A. M. UnnitOB, 12:1ft P.M. 

. Arrive from 

Alexandria, i 4ft V. M. HbUAton, liM A. M. 

For further Information anply In- 
W. J O’ H KILN, *■ J <'» SCHHIEVBJt, 

Ticket ARent. - Traffic Manager. 


j ofa vi.otnmi's opinion tltftt in tno homo 
1 iiHi't n^rthip wifo, - nnd not IiuHband, t 
! pulls tlio laboring our. Still if ift tnio, 

I that, let ft' iiiRii’H busintHts ho eVor «o 
on grossing, evot ho V eArliome, over ho 
1 jrtLiprjous., .tlio inei’ft.fiWt tb^t .iniROfiR—U). 
i it in tlin morning jiivd Vel^iriie. from it 
ut niRht sots him ftbovo lilnSwlfo in ouho 
mid. comfort., h'or him lhe\filavory of 
‘routine 1ms UH.inlorv.ftlH and_\U brfwiks. 
i ll.o Uhs a breath nf.the world outeido ; 

ho hns a change of hcouq daily); lio 
■ poophT and lioarn ihtnn tally, Hpd lne 
| liomo is diatiuelly- his roftigoVand Hhel- 


pli.ppm^ otl. A corn nc. ii 
side* neatly up- idnirroi 
inalonal of quiet color, 
shelf, etc.,' '’ovoroil vith « 
atiMwor. Tht'Mu. Hide., ta’ 
common in cit y homes. 

Illinois Central Railrhad 


name Il.m*. 

. ' r - — WAII your own f.ult ’ 

tCmu rriastmlek wn.n you enn 
Get tiop Inf lor. that never— /htt, 

Tho waftkeal, woman, anlaJlwt child, 1 
arid Blokoat itfralld can u*o hop bilters j 
with aafety and groat good. 

—Old man tottoriuif around Ifom 
‘Khoumatism, kidney trouble or any ; 
vvtvaknoas will bo almost now by hslirg 
bop bitters. 1 

—My wife Ain\ datighter woro made 
boalthy by tbil'use.of hop bitters and. 1 
reoonjmond them to my people.— Meth- 
oilist Ulorgyrnsn. 

Apk anr good doctor lfhop ' 

Hitter* aie nol the beet Tatcllj mediohie' 
on B^rth. 

— 'Malarial fever, Aguo and Bilious- 
ness, win leave every neighborhood aa 
soon as hop bltteni arrive. ; * ' 

—“My tnolber drove- tlio paralyais 
and neuralgia all out. of her syatom 
with bop bltftlra.”— Kd. Oswego Him. 

— Keep fits kidnoya-beelthy with bop 
bitters afid you otsvl not fear sitlktusa*. 

•ric* w*W/ la teiderfid ijarmiBw and nsorn r*>fr»«li- 
Inc and »wt1tIjik wltb b-jp hltteri In «uC* drtniJht. 

-Ttifc rltor of yoavb fbr the aud iiffliaj In 

hop bittrrR. 

Cotton Factor 

CAnTReLL & C OiliMT^lfOT™ & B 
E. Si J. BURKE, <:> ■" ><’! M 



lla? u I a<1 .dult-rri.t fivoi 

44 Perdido Street, 

Hr? oiborn.tH clip Khnpo, with HHt- 
sK) Af’.ju.-ftlnir H*!l i n i-iMitrr.adaptR 
; m iisoif to alliH^itlonHof thebotl/ 
B whlltf tho ball in the «' i|» 
V prosBoSr.back- tbo int«B- 
x tine9 Ju«t us n porspiB 
neer. wituTjRbti-!vrevii«»i ioirer 
'fiv and iu«lu. ami a radical cuni 
iirfil lo n”d r’ '*ap. b* :it,l*y im»II. ClT- 
M.uUlfilOX TKt b8 tO., (k.oa&D, UL/ 

TRU89 A 


, . p ■ 

Clothing and Furnishing 


Successor lu Wholesale to 


R4I Mi'AJial Blnxit, - ■■W 

»• ptvr*- *»%*«»*« 

3 r*a»'\ *• 

-'i.T'’ for iVlt*** 




Cordage, Paper, Demijohns, 

FIUKAVt)ltK«*:: , 





IIKU8 ■ YM. 11 4 TO H 


■43 1’IPBrt. . 81 It V EH 

80A1.EH, bUAl’H, 


Will I’d. TO.YH. Ac. 

toro Furuiiiliiiisf, GooiIn 

yorfl’EN TOU'EtTfllKE^H. 

Ib- tbr direct- 11 riw from NKW OR1.EAKH' to 
noiltuek*. i:a«ti:kn. WEHTICUN ANMI CLN* : 
TKAL TEX Ad and all polnta In Arizona, Ubl and 
Now.Ucxlowand Cf.liforula. 

ThroBfb Kxpn*«t- 1 raves New Orleans from dfpnt 
foot df V«rv«iclioi «• ■tr»‘r , -x at 12:16 noon. This train 
stops BBly at Bt. tfliarlua, Vsc hvrta lKinaldso.ntliU 
antf'IMaquem'lae, btiwees Now Orleans and Butoii 
R'ouce Inaction. 

Baton R*iif!e AccomnmdatlovJeUves N<-w Orleans 
atO-.M A. M., f*ot of TeipstcHore atreet. Biops at all 

OU^ji ala Exprens arrlfes at New Orleans depot, 

foot «f Terpsichore Rtrnei, at 7:80 a in. 

. I'ullmsn Palace, slreolni; '-ars ou this train frory 

New Oi lmans t# Bap KrauctscG. 

Raten Xteuge Acconitnodatlon art Ire* of New 
•rleaiu at 7 p. nii * 

Fnr tickets or Information apply at 47 HI. Charles, 
onrnei Uiavler street, of dppot, foot of Terpsichore 

• ■ A. H. GhAHAM. TlrjrrMAKcnt. 
K. # W. WcCrL!v«OGH. 

j""' Atu.'i Gen. PaAteu’gcr Agent. Marshall, Texas. 

H. 0. TOWNBlNp. 

Gwi ! I’asi^iiger Agent, Hi. l/>uis, Mo.. 


L Third Vice Presinept, Ht. Ix>uls, Mo. 

cleanse the-Hkln 
.1 Hfialp, and Blted-'V 
of Itching. 8«aly, PI*- l 
f . p ply, rtcrofiiloui, Inherit- } 

[- , '« ed and OonUsjlous ■ Uu- ; 

iw *1 v ^ 2 mArs, Blond Pollens, 

' W Ulcers, Abcassae, and . 

Us t « Inrautlle flain Torture#, , 

. VI % the Cutioura RaMnnins 1 

V . V;, f'. v . ure Infallible. Cuticoka ! 

J Ia * J8V >, H A*o L vast, ihe new • 

Hlnod Purifier, Dluretts ] 
/L\ .aud Apenerit expels dls- | 

' ‘‘ aHe Barms, fro* the , 

1 bloo'd and persplratlnw, ! 

ix* 111 ' thus removM the | 
cams. 0«T ic nit a, the , 
great Bkln Cure, insiantly allays. Itching und Iu-J 
fiSmmatlon, rlnare tlic Skill Bnd Scalp, hesls Clceis 
and Hoies. restores the Complexion. CrxicoitA 
Boap, a'n enjoUlte Bkln lleautffier and Toilet Rn- | 
quinite, Is indispensable lu treating skin dlssases, : 
and for rough, cnapped or greasy skin, b'ackhisadi, 

' blotches, and bahy humurs. CUTICUUA ItxMnniM 
are the only Infallible blood purifiers and skin 
bean tlfl *•!■*.’ Bolt) v l»y .nil druggists. CUTioi'iu, 60 
cents; Uesoi.\'ctt tl : Soap. 26-ceniH Prepared 
by FoTvr.ii L)»ta and <Jn xmica l. Gs., Boston, Mats. 

Bend for “How to’. Cure Skin Diieasei." 


o^wing Machine!* 

r *. if-r«*nt- Miis'lnjr 

; r.7 UOCJ . 


Tin Tans.— U'Iihh Leon Hfiiu that. “tlio 
trail of the wbitauian aerm»» v the conti- 
nent i« mnrkiul by the empty tin ean,” 
and one fully realize** t hit* Kb»temcMit 
when traveling: in the far .Wefit. Hut 
<\ven the deapined tin p-auk van be made 
of tine; if they , mo umtoldored at tho 
top, they oan be tiia'io into ijluo poJ.H, 
or paint pote, or will hobl trar'len ered. 
If they are opened at the lop and bot- 
tom, arid unsoldered at tlio Hide, a j'ood 
soap dluli can be made, or the tin ran 
cut up, and used- to nail over iuouho 
A nd rat holee. And in tho "early^apriiiK 
they are exrelkiit to hlart tomato and 
pepper plan l » i -eo *slo ilot-th row- a w ay- 
-even the tiu cann to digliguro the dboi> 

«Tfi : workc|t Buslnrss 

As a restorer of exhausted nerve f, 
it him bee'll largely Hhown durin« the 
pHHt tliirteoli year 8 that tho new Vitali- 
zing Treatment dispensed l>y I>rH. 
S'urkey '«V Prtlen; fltW Virard etroet, 
Philadelphia, l»a., in tho mojit prompt 
and. ofticient. aren't yet disco vero<.l by 
the medical profeasion. Its use by. 
over worked bunine-as and profoeaional 
men’ would wave many v humlrodS' of 
1 \ voh every year, and t;ivo to tiiousanda 
more the ability to- work wit hout , the 
weariheHH^ oxhHUHlioti, end pot’ll V/JiT^h' 
now attend them. A pam ph let. oon tah) - 
in# full prtrticoliirH in regard to the 
nature and. aotidn of this remarkable 
Trealineut, will be mailed free. Write 
for it.. 

40, 42 and 44 Tchonpitomlai Street, 


49 Gamp Street, New Orleanr, 


China anil G film (fare 

is ontuso 

SpUep’tU.FiU, uCroefceri/, 
Spasms, • Vailing Gs 


sions, Bt.. Vitus Dance, Alcoholism, 
Opium ’ Eating, Pcminal /Weakness, Xm- 
potency, Syphilis, Scrofula, and all 

Nervous and Blood Diseases. 

Clergymen, Lawyers, Litetary Men, 
Merchants, bankers, J.adiea and all who^o 
nedbnt&ry employ rueut causon Nervous Pros- 
tration, IrrcpilaVu.ies of the blood, stomach; 
bowels or Kidneys, or who require a nerve 
tonic, appetizer or stim ulant, ^' a mgrifan^Ver w* 

Tlsw UUarUst and Btaichost Bsuta la nil 
EasMra ClUfs, 

PeuBaool^a,. Savannah, Montgomery, Nasii- 
rilio, Loni»ville', Lyuohburg. 'Cincin- 
ntti, Bt. Louie. Atlanta and 
^ WrjskiDgton. D. C., 




For (Xninlry He, .lor. 

r.vkmn Nlvelj. iM»rlrJ. 


y:elt!/ow wark 

-- ULAISS W.ljr.K 

— rriN wark. 

Bole At-nlo f6r 

Coal Oil ?t*ve* anil ttarileh nYmps,' 

Wanted AgsaU in fvrry Town in the Btato. 

I Refrigerators, Ice Boxw*. Water (coolers, Ice Cream 
Freexers, ('fiiAoee Rafea. Fir Fans, 

. Fly Traps. Bird Cages 

Parrot and Squirrel Cages *”''3CrT: 


4®“ Bend for Catalogue. “tbE ’ Pfr 

A Nick Distil- Two tggs, ono pint 
of milk, baker’ 8 broad— ms it is morb 
porous —out into thin slices; dip the 
bread in, the batter, and fryjeacli fdde 
brown in bu,tter» • Then bdil one clip. of 
auear-in two cups of ’aater, and, after 
a<idimc vanilla or lemon flavoring, pour 
pver tluPbread, and cover d ish An as to 
Hteani, and keep hot. Jt is well to re- 
serve part of the Hiiuco to put on each 
slice when serving. • 

. Go no is u N l n o- Giutm rung. — D 

grumble, or oroak. It will do nel 
you dor anyono olso any good 
ihtngu are all right an i -propitious 
ungrateful to grumble^ If things 
not ns well a« they ought to bo,, it 
not’ help .them to toll nil you meet 
everything isjroing to the dogs. Grt 
ling aud looking at the dark Rid 
things lias a tendency to produce 
you profbssio deplore. Be hopefi> 
cheery. Don’t exaggerate small 

: fi'ilrring ij. 
ripU"i'ft and 
ami Slower 

: Co all. 
I, XZlGlU 

rustomers of last 
It contains i ! 1 ^ ^ * 
directions fo’r j 
Seeds, Plants, « n 

. ' I^ave. ArrlTt. 

Kxpr*v«.... A. M. 9 ft** I’. At, 

Coast Accommodation- 8.J6 I’. M. 0.66 A. ?4. 

Fast Mali S:00 P. M. 10:10 A. 14. 


• Brawl ng-Room Oars attache<t to Coast Trains. 5Gc, each way. 

Tlck.t^o, ooruer *1. Ch.rlM will Common «*.. 
where- Rleepl.f Dor .ooommodollons can hi- Btictirod. 
0. P. ATMORE •«n,ml Pa,,. Arum. 

JOHN’ tlLKF.b.'Y. AMI den, l'aan. Afirnl. 

J. H. iMITH 'llclirl Ajroal. 

J. X. RiKAliN, Biiperiulendant, 

ine Is Invaluable'. 

tiYTliou Bauds 
proclaim it l!ie moat 
woiielerful ltivlgor- 
anttliat nTerBuitain- 
i'.l a finking fjBtora. 
S1.50 p«r l»Wle. 
MEDICAL CO.', Sal* Pro- 
prietors, St. Joseph. Mo. 

Oyrtkr Sausages — T«kp half, a 
pouiwt of lean mutton, tlireu- '1 uarlurn of 
a pouml oflieefaoet, twosc-oreof oyslore 
Bi'alileii. an 1 t tie beard tuken off. Chop 
all logetlier, and add houio breadiTiinitis 
and yolka of eggs-to tilmt tho mifteriala 
togelber. Snason wol! vyith salt, while 
pepper, and mare. Make Ibia eOmiiO- 
ailton intAlbe form' of aaoBairea, and fry 
them lightly in the ummlway. 

Rendiit)YD| att'J St v citations 


efsr AgrsU. oissto IXSIprr 
la nailing our flue tasks aud 

yrtts to J. €. MH'urdy 4l Co., Bt. 

|mV£ f . Tltlr nmntw*.r is nnlfom. 

t H— IrJilLA^iiV ||, ( . St’lifH, mill cqn- 
I nln* 1 nuntli.’r iirsnltcn ajdanillil IHwv 
U ^ InmnlinaiN anil ItiuiUsp* 

Itinlny Nantlinrnl, Or»t«u , I’alhuo. yliismsr. 
Fun. Price, UBetiL, uinilcd free. Sold hr lWokMdJcfti 
Every boy wh«» *\vsaVH - , v. rv im-nj » 
i.vceum who waniH Noui<*tlilkiur New t° ncJJ'r 
fcltOUl l ur«*t. Use whole M*I. CI..I. rut»-ft Iititl T'lU 
of conu iin f.-ee.' 1*. <aRHi:TT £ CO„ *u« 

Tapiopa (’heam.- O ne quart of milk, 
two and a half teftspoonfuU tapioca, 
three egga ; beat the yolks with one 
put the tapioca in • the 
heal and dia- 

(Ooiitinucd from ijs.l icctk) 

How Watch Cases are Made. 


Tho Nor thtuex tern Hrihodixt. 

Aliks o Miionl of llie Columbia Conference, 
MethoKi. Episcopal Church, Bouth, 11 was uuaul- 
la.asly rutolred ami faroreil by Rlshup llaritrove, 
to ahllsh ' relifiious paper. It will heclu us a 
iMOalhly a 75 cents por annum. All who dMlre to 
aid a good causa aud know what the.phurch la 
doiuy n Oregon, Washington and Idaho for the 
Redeemer's kingdom, will send their names ns sub- 
scribers sad the money when the paper Is received. 

F. W. D. Mays, Pomeroy, GarAeld oounty, Waah- 
Ufton Territory. 

<tup of siiKitr . 
milk; net on- tho otove, 
solve, then put in the yolks with the 
siiRar aud boil; froth the whites und 
-stir in. ' J ’ 

Save pretty plot tires and wood cuta, 
and ti^ale in a scrap-book, Lo please the 
children. Afterward send to hospitals 
to (give pleasure to “nobody's children.” 
L,et tho gathering he pleasant work for 
the children, teaching them early to do 
kind things for others. 

Cream Pie.— To one pint of milk 
put two even tahlespooufnls of corn 
starch, two of sugar, one egg, a small 
pinch of salt, and flour to tatte, with- 
extract of lemon aud orange mixed. 
Bake In a rich paste. . 

for April, contains a suggestive little 
story called “NSliemlah’s Plan"— that 
is, as all Bible readers know, for every 
one to build opposite his own door. It 
is not a bad, plan. Try It. If your 
preacher is not aa eloquent and Impres- 
sive as yob would like him to be, don't 
fatidy it will belt) him to tell everyone 
you meet how,, had you.feel about It.* 
Don't' forget that as much depends upon 
tho eye . you seo things wltb, ajs upon 
the tilings themselves. Have you not 
heard people teTl how, when they were 
first eonv'erted, the trees and the fields 
and the hills seemed to rejoice with a 
newjnyT Don't fanny, because some- 
one else Is at the holm, whore you once 
were, that the vessql is going on the 
i rocks. Don't say, 1‘ the former days 
wero better than these,” because you 
I had larger capacity for enjoyment, 
j There were not half so good. No man 
or woman over sixty, without a good 
deal of grace, can think tho world is ss 
! bright as-When they were yonng. ' But 
! tlie change ia in them — ppt in the world. 
I —Christian Guardian. 


Through Trunk line 



Sunday - School Supplies : 

OonalRitiig la part «f 
•OSPEL HYMNS, single and Oomblaod, 

With and wlthoat Music. 

Bible* ut) Testaments, (cheap edition) Teacher’s 
Biblea, Oxford Pocket Ulblee, (with clasps) Bible 
Diet lonarleeV etc. ** ”* “ * 

Uaion Primers, First nnd Seoend Reading Books; 
Union 8pel(lng Bonks; Uuten Qiiestlou Books; 
Catechisms; Rewai4 Cards; Scripture Text Cards; 
iToktM, etc. Alse a large assortment of Books suita- 
ble fer Bnhday-Bcliool Libraries, or ipreseute to 
children. Pulpit mid Family Bibiee, mini |* 09 to 
H». Liberal dlsoouut to ministers, churches aud 
Handny-oohools. Catalogues sent on application. 


'h Bust ness Manager, 

t4 Camp street, New Orleous. • 

k free TO ALL. 

r\UK now Illustrated- Floral 
U ChUIoimc ii(Wr»gM ; 
oontuUilti* dcserlptlon au-l 
prloos <>i the boat vsrloUM of 
l*lttuU« taurdrn umi Flow* 
cr Heedaa Hulbm lUoU. 
Shrub., Amall Fruit* .u-j 
1 '.m » ill bo mutt— a Kn. to 
.11 .|>|,ll«uu. 
> ooiiv without writing 
Rosea in stock tlmais gtisran tjwl tarn 
(lll'-r-t for tho llr.t Hill- Iht' No. IBouble 
» ." r f h(lt M " unit r.- 

NANZ &.NEUNEH, Louisville. Ky. 

Pretty and linex pensive screens can 
be made by covering an ordinary 
clothes-horse with dark felt or, plush, 
upon which Chinese s-rape pictures 
may he mounted. — Ohiorver. 


From NtiwOrledftp, iTg.Uip n„ut Mnntijuim-ry, to 

Chocolate Parames.— C ue cup of. 
sugar, one cup molsss.-s, uuecu|i -boe- 
olate, one half cup milk, a pte-o of but- 
ler size of an egg ; add chocolate when 
nearly done. 

,n WuflliUMtlui'. ' 

.l-ltuoli ol Pti^PbU o«Ui ^ ux *‘ 



Mock Duck.— T ake a round steak; , 
makestutBng as for turkey; then spread ; 
the stuffing o£ the steak, roll it up and ' 
tie it ; roast from half to three quarters 
of an hour. % 

Baked' (IuinCks.— W ash and core 
ripe quinces, fill with sugar antrjjake 
in a baking dibit with a little water. 
To he eaum hot or cold with cream and 
■ugsjr. ' 

Lincoln Cake.— T wo eggs, two cups 
sugar, one-half cup of butter, one cup 
milk, one-half teaapoouful soda, one 
teaapoontul cream tartar, three cups; 
flavor. * 





)• !• err- PamplijiA 

ibiuolU lil. OluA 



■ E Diam.tJ fTatwUK Oottaf 

JJtU. yoktjt hell* 

vIWM lx NoV 6 " Kl n'! . . .fe . 41 ? ic 

J\l' lAll Iso. b\, 27iu *40 11>6 MM 

- No. 7, Min 4M It* ... 60 M 

No. 8, Miu 7W llS.... 76 M 

»L*K—!L1 m f I No. •, ib*.... im w 

jHjtnrj RUMSEY 4s CO., 

BeaeOtt FalU, H. T., U. B. A 



From Chattanooga and NiiHhville to 8t. Louis, 
eonneoting diroot for Oltiu* In tlio Northwont. 

Pewt, Pulpitn. Chairs, 'Settees, 

Hailing, etc. ' 


Bo*4 for Illustrated Circular and Rstlmatea. 


receive upeci-al low 1 


vwvnssh "‘•i* 1 ■ Vr, 7 ',„.'iir* Cintlii'r nii'l Ti" f”v ‘['l* 
Srhuulit, Firs A lotiii", - urnnt. i'lc, Funui 
WAItKiNTEP. Culul.igil" --in e r.'» 

VAN DU ZEN A TIFT, Cinoinnstl. 0. 

-tophi hii«' tHT-ipi' iii'h 
>n lur'M. you a ‘•‘.•’•J 

O which in eu»y u* learn l'“J' , .9f 
I# vuiilarui* MiniH f.f mumy »" I'n'lltn. 

III ran in't rich- Mbn. wonutn. iuhJ 
* " li^KiiSu: rli.a'BiiiaklNKf^'* 1 ^ 
ulrttl. "O wl.l «tnrt you In the J WfflJJ 
nk wliatever. Y « » • • iuft*‘l rn't 

A 12 horse power Atlas Port- 
able Engine on wheels, has been 
but littls used, and is in thorough 

Will be sold on tlme to a good 

Apply to 

f Ty j, C ARVER) or- 
44 Perdido St., New Orleans,, 

School Desks and Supplies 


Bead for circular. Agency for the largest Factory 
In the eomairjr. Bamplea can be seeu at . 

1*1- Ofunon fttrfPl; N^fr orirani. 


rr*n dr. bly*h patent ahti* 

| FIOIAL TjIMRH. -vThe H*m An d 
C»eapeflt.BatUfkctloa guaranteed* 
I *o«p ou baud a largr uMuriiuent 
■ t Iruuct, Shoulder Braces, Abdominal 
lapportera, Elastic Blockings, etc., at 
aeuarUte prleee. Bend for pamphlet and 

dU 'A.' ii^ukitHt/n'. WEhofitotni.r ■ 
151 Cam* Bt., M«w Oile** 

Dilute glycerine 
r Intoning and ft* 

•*. CslsiegMwftb IbMlMiiiMaUhhpriocSiOtf:.. «<ut ri«r. 

Diymyer Manufaoturins Co., Oinoiunau, o 

wbftonfng' and BoftoniuK , thu'1 
alone It U Btiokj and unpleasant, 


MlSf’Kl.hA .VK(V'A 


A. Brousseau’s Son 

M TSC 'F.l. I. A NEQUS. 


ran path which ovuutock tiir 


.\ few ■yearn nui i, tin* Cih/ of Horton 
hh 1 1 m I from I'mrhor. crowded with nil 
expectant throng of p^Hsengers liouml 
lor a foreign ah n o. 

She nwiir entered port. 

The mystery of her untimely end 
grows deoper us the yearn increase, and 
tho Atlantic, voyager, .when the tierce 
winds howl around and danger la immi- 
nent on every hand, ahuddera an the 
name and 'mysterious Into of that inag- 
nlllcent vessel are alluded to. 

Annual National Reform Convention. 

' tho annual meeting of Hid National 
nnform Association was held in Gleye- 
ftrid on the 11th and Pith inat. About 
hundred .porHnns composed the 
lonrention, besides thohmllences which 
Inhered to hear its proceedings. ’1 lie 
lie Toll* B. Brunot, or Pittsburgh, 

virnaided. Addresses were mndo hythe 
bnv Frederick Merrick, former Prdsi- 
Rant of Delaware University, Ohio, on 
court oil tics by tho Uhv. .1.11. II.* 
_i,r 1) I)., (Lutheran) of Akron. Oliio, 
Christ's Authority over the Na- 
, i,v Bishop Bedell, 'oftlte Diocese 

of Ohio, and the M Xl’en.iv, of 
Cleveland, oil “ Divorce IJeform by 
Mrs Mnry A. Woodbridgo, President 
nf the Oldo Women’s Christian Tem- 
nnrance Union, on “ Intemperance ond 
[i?e Republic by the Hev. A. M. Mil- 
gan P. D.„ of Pittsburgh: the Hev, 1). 
McAllister, Professor of Political HOl- 
(n Geneva College, and the -Hev. 

« ,n V l . is Wnno. 

j HI »ntf Jl ®U»rlrn* *»«-*•! ton M 


I IN fl M «»» I Ik jf«l T»' J 


.IC.nik* Y»|M UfSC ft, 
Vkit.*: MnsWU: nrufMli 

rpilBT resins ih« sinmicli. Mi*r. 

l gidAsji »ns h i' . "* ' 

In M> |M» Kllilr. • .tw.snt l Inmo# rtrtok- ■» 
run- >11 ailltiinM. c. , »«l , M I u a l n rtl V ' . 
rtr.rtx*,, Mklans. Klknn; ll ^ n F V t , "' ll |i} l— 

.Mk. alert, C.lrtl.*nrt >11 
r>n«*.l t? » tsrptrt #r .l«ef H*”- Laiilrt 

f. pruikrM fri>» Ik. ri.l J«l.» •' 

MhinCmu sud bissil MrMI.rt. f'*’ l”!, 1 ?. 
half plnll/ouie. Auld Of AniftltftieMWMU* 

, lion. John I. Mftrlln, nfllr. etbMItrt C ’“^ 

at i mil ■ u.v w.Iim Union Bllllf B4* no tan* 1 

T4:(’anal Hlr***; N«w I’li.' ‘mu' \*'i» >1* ■ i iiabnr* Htreat, New York. 


. HiH'fif AEE, ' 

Steel Barb Veiu o W i r<‘ aijul.-Vs: ide ultund Implements 

A 4 jjBPCf - % fOB: - U; A J. Frank* 1 . Atn»*«vr llrniVl Vulli mid IV MelAll' »'Mlr|dge Co. 

Wlnitrad Ho« Co., Vf ii.MriMl I’nnn.. M Ibwtnii A. Hon g l 'iilukrnti'd *•'(!• *• IMnl .ufwluhla F*«'« 
Breech- leading Shot (limn, Ohio Vitlli*y HteH i\nrt It*.. Work'. (TnHuiuM, Ml.dynl* Heel Warka, rkll- 
ftshtlphlH Malkin'* Chiliad rioirn, 1'ark, H<’ott i* <V* iktid'Balt i «|>; »•» . IMUmI.iiji:. I*a. 

WfltwM, A jgn!«fO*rf, 

/ XnvrMvk. TlirU Ply,*. vn»dfjw ShM*»a. 

/ ' i,»m i!ui''Aln», Oim, Hfcplw 

(tklaat Turkish 

Bu£ 4, CruMk, Cloths. 

nag* *a 4 Mats 

1» dr*Bl YarlOy, nil UlMk 8tyl«a and SovtliW 

imein i Doom mo nuiitioti to. * , : • 

Our rejinrtor, on a recont visit to Now V un, * n °'“ '* tt ’ 

Hiddons Murray, on board the Alaska, 
of the Gulon lino. Captain Murray 1* a 
man of stalwart build, well-knit frame 
and cheery, gonial disposition. IIo has 
beeri'a constant voyager for u qnarter 
of a century, over half df that time 
having been 1m the trans- Atlantic ser- 
vice. In the course of tho conversation 
over Hie well spread table, the mystery 
of tho City o/ Holton was alluded to, 

11 Yes,” remarked the Captain, “ I 
shall never forget tho last night wp saw 
that ill- fated vessel. I w as chief officer 
of the OPt/ c/ A ntu'nrp On tiro day wo 
sighted vhe. CJJiiJ/f .furious 
southeast hurricane sst, in. Both ves- 
sels labgre.l hard. The mih seemed de-. 



1. U. Wllki'rv'n, nr«««l«t. rtutvtla. A/-H .. wow* 
I.Mnun Kllilr l> >ITSrtlhlI tb. uinrtl w <mr»n' 1 «"•: 
l-t.nre I. uirt »lnl hk.> 11 Vr lt> illsus St whloh II 
Is recumm»urt*T. 

Bn. n Mon.1T - air: Af»r o> jaari af 
nr»tMiir>rlai fr>i« I nCIpwOon or l^l»«rlla, will 
■n<< iurrvui vr>(.lr»tt>n oirt WllUuaajas Mwrrtar- 
•.I tlrtnuttum c«Bi.(i)>tl»n, during wM«k-U<«« i 
nwrt nil knows rw»rt r «. >nrt i/la^ lht •Mil 
nt tnstir n.nluaol ph-.lvlnn*. to* oMSa.^ »« grow 
»ort». I hn*> l"sm . ui»J tr I» u n*l,E T ’*' 

»** “ — fe,.u, 

Wholesale Grocers 

VVoV.Ifuk K( 


Cniuuilwkiiou Meroliant* 
Hoa. 4a, u and 47 Tnm sirwM. 

(Former >7 He* L»jo«.) 

HEW *»T.«a»a pa. 

H»T* ou h'nni! jt likrgK Plo.k f( 

•iar rn i iiurv»,T«rs-u. u . 
Tetnall rlroll. Allait>.,V». 

to Order 

Spring, Hair 

l actbr*’ and Traders j 

I tf?, rr R A NCB COM PA it T . 


n.aea.ns* . I 

(ViaBlrY^'iTf.rt nriHftT'lir l« 

nm pa ® 


imJ <lt*rripH<m '■/ V)ur I n 
Po,'(nI /.’dirt'fc*^ u-fiti , 

r ; »bJ f? 

ffT>. PAIrtFHlC Y* Priwtdml, 
j 'V-TS CTIAP-P*. VlcA PrMtd«ml, 
•j , , 4 . y *> l.g lH. 8i'or»tJiry. 

• V 4 ..Y .1 J. STKl'KT, , Street , - ' > l><n<pN*<<’ 


. , • Hotirii IjBitbljabed la 1M2 . . - 

K«.«e at »t) tiWei.* most feaipJr1o-(.mrt*.t»t '*f Vcronwu in»'A IHrmeUr- 

JB 0 DD£Y 3 RC 

ouii pwUintM inveriig FIpb. IUw 
*'aK,s njkCBA.' • '• 


j»b» i K<*hvu.' / 

P.'«'!*io kiviik^* . i T 

FVi-i W»l»aUY , A. H. . , 

7 - \jjri A*wo»i.n. Buyvl, 

VTm.'j. * .»• '*■ 3*kUvuiA. 


Hoa. ilifHmU. 

A. T A. M. Btr.kMRk 

lltr.ry Ak.-xh***. J-«ul« IJuh. 

\ Bfltliu, *» VT. . S«bUH. 

\lm. C'jmO»gh4 »L. J-IUji J. AAa«u, 

» V. B««i.r>%r, W*. .*.. Ovyn, 

* . *. 

•Wihtoi) i'i.’posltorv 

{ act hi 

i: ( I » WlV-cTs ^I| n:IL 
Eo<!!«’v’« ' Wagonn. 

nr. scijl N’ ! i Vair 1 a, Ati 
/-PH. ( * >t t » » u y> '1 Dlstri .u*. 

Sloui! r‘ i . 'llr«*4 1 from fa-- J 

\mm W 8 D 8 A 1 P 101 MII 

HI. I itvoevwe retart m > Knleel Ce»>>.*/ l> ’,»4Ar lu 

j j;-ui|p>rt t* e Sleek cawiveoi' I . 1000 

' 'uAEa CAPnlfa ••••;• '.•04»« »AV. 

Tee eelrt e«ar»J HIPB >41 -r Ia4w 

1 VxiimJ »»«1 Turwi Puilcltn’ !wv »4 
Plrt IxiU'ov 

V. U tTi ..Pc-Lft* 

'3LAA. K. WbtSUTi. ... Tu* Pi. ^ • 
ijijjL n RisriL .‘ ..knAiOt 


orjrc:o3i:ss50 3a to 


'I itSiSi MW fISfSSiiK » 

' *{*, 1 1 ty 15 OAltt? STRB 1 T, .Yew Orleuu. 

w»ex Oi.fW f'wB-A «?0 to- 40 Tlualnaas ttottm, 

a for 30 I 0«D*r». ft 1.^0 

>v>-r V.r ..'I'maWV »nd I'Wrel llumi 

mown., eve,.- /c.u.« ..NUwuhc-U.,,.., S-CIM) I' - 




inciirod, or, being secured, mu r, >t he 
uiamtained, , 

Mix oi Hie nine District Sarretariee or 
tlie'AssOi'i.iUon were preannt, and pre- 
sented reports of lh"ir work. Tho re- 
port nt'-the 1 l-'i i nuniUl v.rmretary showed 
die receipt vo more than six ttiouaaml 
dollars, from nearly three Ibonaaud 
eontrilin'ors, rlurlilg the year whlcii 
tlosed .Iuiih Is:. During the thr(*> 
months just past the receipts have hoen 
almost three thousand dollars, given hy 
more than fifteen hundred -contributors 
in nineteen Statae and Tnrritorieo 

llrunot was re- 

Tbe list of Vice 
than one 
preediting every 
A uionjf tnpin urn 
e^ROlvo, l>. I* * of. 


4 >! UlAXfNE', 

T> SIP.IKT*., 

■ BT7 gBSsMAW. 

B. Ca«M| 4 j 


Alfred Moolla*. 

Jam** TUwUug. 
i'.non Heniftkelift. 
F/verj* W B^nkall, 
PM- n MwrtiBUR 

fcomu tift.v Ui ovi*rUKPii .wim 

lu’crdiuiWi. I Hull tiinl ll.ti , rtK*<n. 
uhootin^ i-lairs tt.rouj;l) miv xir n\»» at* 1 * 
lUiji,M. I’tiMRlbl w thn next 4-v I wo.iiM 
f«ol ti uitlif cl H,n<l iiMari’ iuntnhi.y iiuoasy, 
and tli© d*»v inline Ing rhvly and dwr 
■ pondent. 'I'liiu rnuiir.ued ubUl lwt 
.Decern tier, when l whs pro*lratod**ooD 
and for the 


It. K l-rautu. 

CtoxrlBi K. WRlen, 

'A- II. Blr#*r4. 

■furry L. Flx«k 
J. J. P^l*. 

T.nctca Dalery, 

■ .'U. Wall***. 

M.BHUU. ' 

0. * Writ. 

Aw EMMatftld. 

n++ bur Aa<*« 

Teas*, m IwwkeAkpprt e» l 

0. M*rla«al, 

J •h*Oaldkj, 

B. C. Or*«l®u. 

W»*A. Pb»l»A. 
L*«i* PraA*», 
CkarlM !4rwaia», 

. dlgnuRil. II aft*, 

K r. W Bastkkuj*. 
Tfm. ©*r1i. 

Joke D. klikw, 


nfier leAyinjz (>|iieen»tnvrii 
remaiud **r nftlio voyage was e 

The Hun. Fallx H 

Sic, ‘led l’realdent. 

I’roaMenla embrhrr>s more 
liirndred na.mtsi, ' rej 
H’.aio an 1 Territory. 

Preaidijnt-.l iil-ins H. : ■ 

Amhernl .College, Masaacllliaeue, 1 ror. 

- K liimnd II. Bennett, of the ha* De- 
tiarlmertt of the Boston Univeralty, the 
Hon. Thomas W. Bicknell, editor of the 
Boston ‘'Journal of KduoaMpn,” the 

Ksv. Dr. A. A. Miner, tiro distinguished feelings, the-BCia'ic 

idvocato of I’rohibition, Bishops Hunt- - 

ington, Berlell. Jn'ggar, VaU,. Green and Jisappeareii l 
Kill ol t lie F.piacopal Church Bishop , lug indueiice of Warner 

Nicholson, of the Reformed Episcopal - ‘■ 1 “"'ir-G 

Church, Blslpliiyiii m pHoiir*rf.tUe Meiho r . 
dlsts, Drs:- Hodge, Nb'Iivaine, Craven, 

Green and JetferS. of the I’reshv teriana, 

Drs. WilsQit -jam) Sloane, of the Cove- 
ne mors, Ur'Psidents S.'oveJ, . f W isps. or 
UnivorsitV, Vslenline, of Deiinsy lvanm 
College, Heckman, of Hanover, Ban- 
shard, of Wheaton, and many other 
reprfwanthtiveH of -edmifttional inetitu- 
tlons ; Mrs. Mary Wood I. ridge. Hreei- 
W dent of the Ohm Women’s Christian 
Temperance Union, ami Judges Rock- 
well. df Massachusetts, • Phel | »■ "> 1 on- 
necticut, Brooks, of North Carolina, 

IlagatiH, or Cincinnati, Sawyer, of Cali- 
fpmift, and fJrwnP, f >f \N Rilimirtoi) 

Twrrirory. All ilta ihuih-h piihllshfd iu 
this run neotlnn h«vfi uiveu their ex, - 
nrony adherence i«* ihe chuho. 

lu>uf .uircrer, lii '.Unu»rj T la*t, a 

friend wim made thy viDyane with njw, 
w ifote mo a letter ur«iug me t » try # a 
new course of treatment 1 filaillj' nc* 
l M a (*puus«d, and for Uto lant 
montliv have cjivon ihorourfh ami 

i.iTRwn *AcaamaA»T». L 



— ANB — 

Wholesale Deilers in 

I’skaeoe. Clgarit, Sam*, Ulpea. Yla. 

* 6 \ 1 lflAZ!NE 8 TREET, 

Now QrU4*ns. 

LA A ‘.’i Ma«a7iue H\A 46 t'maHOB Blr»»U, 


cepte<l inn 

seven - , . . 

huaiuofts like Hitoiitjeu to .the recovery 
of . my natural*- health ; and A'o*day, I 
have the, proud Hiiti** faction of aaylni? 

U) you that the lamt» back, tho strati#* j 
“feeHnjra, the-^cia'ic rh**mi.atUm which 
'have ao lo'tm pur»t,uvrtne, have entirely 
h roll the Id.ood purify - 
* r\s Safe Uheutn- 

Hii” 1’ure which entirel.v eraoit aiV*l all ] 
rheuiuatio poison . from my ayaicty. 
Indeed, to live, it Heem^ t-hni^fi hay | 
worked wonilwri, and I therefore most , 
cordially commend it.‘ * . j 

“ Ami* vou have no trouble now In ; 

A womwm, aid 


«r' ■ 

f l.Y TI'lLw tKD IX THX PUOCftiW ©i' 
iur *;m u> {km i 'kdttioil, m fl rl * S' 
»».) i » jLiDhivrihii mid *u»«4 «»n •culm*, i 
nil 1 1 . iUui-i e*Ai. rftkio'r* id* »l,ibt, l| 
i'.;* *or Ui* ri>:n» i tig istu.t i 
ijilmcj**.* if.p*l*iy doing *« »7 » bk 4Ii»t 

It Will Pay Ton 

nun! siarcfhVliil Itvnifdy yvw dlJ- 
»b It is ctmiln in 118 .effecW-cnd do-s i)ul 
Head 1‘iocf B*’b»w. $ 

ttMKllY (IX|rt8rt«Ui.'«0 iu UMHI 

;*.V.:ar 4 Lbej , .Uoji. VL«; r l -cilr i ^Trmt you will Biwaj- ^ 

i.eitViJ'aud tki« > •*tTi i» ih.viu- "Vue yirvwi I’.waj.* c#ol. dolag »w»r 

M,'J « ril*- ui jm rtiil nlghi/tht*l l.utlnK *>« eflecl tkf eye, With no 

wt let* iiecoiliO Ay linprwtm L*# i/e. <A. 

»U.N > l r it VlClTa- SLUM filllY.'INli ULflaBud 4 fl 
IrilJJd ar« ail v*-auj?u^ «n 'u« frsiii* II..U0UBAH, MMOkbATBB 
p/IrtVi ilfi/oVs ..>./■< v/> I A I, oral fS»**unt. 

0 , nr<ir»jre.*th««P ■ petUu l efl. <HUi 
,c laiuoj^^frfrrVfti, an« Kav * 

St (,’hnrlee. ArkaiifRB. Aisguft 24, IMS. 

• I okr j.l#»inire in 
l.frrly hII of ibt-boul* of*' 
..i 1 you ‘vnt me from *>t. 
.a-, ;in i i«» my HHilflfMidon 

I vf ill cliuut t»wo WV-Mh# 
u.:i nf’ilie lauu iifHi cauHetl 

• v \ . .. i ‘.-v ctiiudliiu >nd ia 
* ll,,. «w. ’Uni imd fill* rod* and the 
, »*lv «elC'MMi ciiuMrol u-i rMIi, tu 

' •' *’ ■•mfPWiuHpavin Cure 

ui. \* m woiinle**.- «o 
HcaicFi.v around 
1 tin linos! t'llgiy Kill III *1 in 
•.! .nt oi j bottle afVr 
|\ curfl ii vert b«T«re 
t. ••.'.ft it baa Riven m* 
F it*. I have only Jty- 
,, vin i oi •• i.iur itm* n ami Ihe coni 

.ii- mu! wUllOill m j pM». 

•<i li iuiifiii inav it tu in*. 
IJ ti lt Moihs bad Ilia l>ta- 
i ( ,it uikc ’in? iwoaey for il .'.f .l 
H -t'in^ > y«i.' »ucmi4<i I 

\ tit J J* 2 C8|»t*ct fu 1 1 T , 

H. C. JttABTIS. 

K.*tiDUi', sjrt'RVlii i lire l 
i/«uiA. Accoi ili no to di re* 
(ami I muni mr M 

m . u»ftr« *!•» fiit'C *>' "■ 
ty a bog 4 JIAT I U of GUT Oil 
ll’ire* v»#^ka T I’m* 

V.iar* i • now env. 

«»ver I coiia!d*r 
worth in iun 5 * ' w hm itie 
ab* wm on t b rwi* I k- ““ ,T 

on ibe'u xud bow -it 

i»a: •*. aiul win oo* 1 
curing lb» inure l bnw^ , 
cm ii on ll<w ball ‘ '■ 1 • T 
graM n*ln fot two o.I;'!m< 
piitil Kandall'a -y l 
now ia neat t * o u 
lo Ifinrl I iMhk ll i *• * '• 

1 litf' a Keii'la' i * 1 } real: 

fsAta.4 Bii i I 

^u’uUt ail gp' Kuolbtr. 

: lauiain 

n»# u»pk;a rti 
OcflUa » 

f -whu rax/ *• *' 
•ail i • yh-Vlo|. * 

ALL tritri awiT.- 

Mad for a om a'ar co: 

ii. owi irtfiil oy mail, by audr<(»jliig 


trims iitul liglus Ins liimpj h« g"<’s <»> 
his lonely cnyrh'chnsreil by the ttiougli t 
Mist tiv Ids tlileltly to . his lriisi lie 1 
guide ninny, s innrinor through Hm 
dangers of 'the n eiiclierouH ^ee. Bui 
how many mo thus guided lie knows 
uot. It is even so ivilii Hie v ill" I ilia 1 ! 
wlio keeps 1 1 i h spiriiuul imiit sidning 
tli roil u Ii Hie l.smp of h virtuous lijf. 
Tli ill he does gii: le some souls to Hie 
truth he can nol. diioli: : hill Imw hiiuii’ 
sre led to think lieilor llu iiglits, to torm 
mg** go enlisl under, Jns 
VrT liV.os’.i not know, lie 
u .til. in Hie lilessl d 
h tippy saint 
" lo guided 
Win oe- oo , 
Trim ice 1 i 1 "’ 
... t, slid let 
lie, *, .is es tint 
.htnblfi rough 

Seif, ( friea ns. 


A* w i*4 * <C nenii** ‘M* W 


Uu«Mn.i'b'» Umtli. IS nils >«nli of D*nv*r.. 0*1. 

v March 6lb, i 

n* P. J lLe.NrAi.LAC*. Gann far »h> put 
Ih.CF.trt l iiav* umi.Ko* ali a d^ari. Cura. _ In 

Lfi.f c«H.. ' J. r .»la Wf -b: * 1-rniT. lr-*»eu Are. ll | 

hu k i iKi the* ait ami entirety, mm of *4 lbr#e. In.J 
cake •' w pi lot l ii b;w #• Minal *** «*•* Mi -I 
H aoMh>H y*Kr»>»Krt« 1 iai and th*|»*awt« < nre r*- 
irtTf*rtl -(enilralr l ba<i a cow yaiiapavlaejl 
'fcr,T.I« ci.r.rt h.r . u r-»r l*e l"io..r..l 

suuiiil sluo of > .. r » .irking ra> | 
liLn >n loi.p- >»S i">« v. souul T-> lin.i— > clo in 

HlS.ll > loot -OK. I.01..1 lr»lll. 1ST ISIS I 
w.. llkf.i I...OI* llirt- err e) 111. di* 1 •>" 

iiupuuit.i •' in ‘A **>i | 'i 

unirt I ll n. I .. .si Bn K.*, ;'SH .Sp.i.n I u.r. I, .1. 
all I him* ami In •» « «1«y« l of'nWl wai» fcround. | 
Abui ihi rtM jeek* ayo.tay raa »wi,f and 'brew 

t, i!,t of the -ajmu «*, kini whe.; .truck my k eo«. 
a fie i apaJymg ew eral blffbly r*.*ua»...eatlrU- Hal- 
nieh’^iWilbOut oMhl,»i»B aah.reVltf I wt,lf,r n J 4 ^; 
Jail'eHi'K.Ui «*ur«. Mt. lei(*»aM.rKwn up am n t 
k re •w« 0 «d badly In dare l war *«»U lo 

walk lo tli* l*aru. i c«*nU1 B a Into' n .oif r»iUr, 
and make lit t • a rery lottf leuer but Will not w«*iry 
*,iq I am roepwri Tally yourt, 

JUU. ‘ r ’,1,4,1' Hi-TCHISKiS. 

F. O. Lock Boi.JMS. Il.r.T.r ('Ur, f«l._ 

, ll gii' :>1',‘S'>. nil*, 

pr , h ; ,y{" i. 1 1 G C“ , lueiudlx* . 

X Hrst A rrnn jrit 


i 'wa -t H akle Co ♦ tar. (Vularn: 

V«4 a 


ooytt^V-iJl knovv*. 
h«'i p'»lt.i>r, nbc m’»«] iioVtho 
will Miiy lo him. 4,4 Your ii 
mo to pur pnn 

theroforo, !•> h» , 

himp of Hiy ll vo'WV'thw ^ h i wt 
it Mhiun through M\* v P urH 1 
irtvw fruiu o comnioii Imup.Mi 
a plohe of nhihuslor. 

We some! imes com |dsiu of hurd work, 
Thai we inive mo iiiucli to do, unn U'st 
we tmve no time lo rest. Well, work 
docs HoinotlinoH become laborious an, 
■eemitiglys oppressive. <bir ininds antj 
our head i, grow weary, and we almost 

wish we hud no thing to do. H"* 
it would lio if we were aide lo work, 
slid IihiI nothing to do, or II wo n»n 
plenty lo do. lii'n were mil iiblo to.wors i 
It W a lilessed thing, after nil, to w m k 
for tlie MiiHlei:. He knows how to 
strcuigllien and comfort the weary, ‘ 
he waa , ol’Uiii weary iu Ilia own gr « 
•work of love. I, ".I US, then, patiently 
tell on HII onr work js done, and Hie 
M asliir shall call ns to oijr reward. 
■ Then we Hliall rest, rrom onr labors. » M 
our works, in, l he rluluiesa nt 
ward. Shall foilow; ua.T-;Motlindi»t Re- 

'•ordoL ' / V 

Tk# Aral . cr uwan of fiv* v »« pric* of Ut 

•juklloailoa p*r rnKr.lba w«»4 Ik* vrt** •? tk 
'vro. laclatiia* •■f A».ooit»B. 
■4w-0rWakTi»j^l^*»MWBl W , * ■* 

N*w Orlfwaa ri*ay«n. * •• 

S«alb*r* C lHvaV*r ‘ ** 1 H 

CouKVr*-«»*».U*maB ~ A H 
AuicMleaj^^grl*«l»«r1«\ 1 5 

Cii*b t* aoc*«|»K*y *r4«n». Mu r^aekic 
allawad ikrM ra»** B»r r*»lllajii>aa Will r*«k' 

M akMrlpU»aa f*r all tfe« Wa41af »s U 

tfnU*4 BU*m. 

flA RYIMI ii JAMfBBOM. Pubkakara, 


il.lo »!»’ -V>r»nMum UTUl 

tlM, MAk lug IV lu* 

8 SI EIEN StoflfR, 

n tt«sl and other 
, i ft : ii »*« oru* ft**i 
■md) * i>i*»**UiK 
fw |. X froiu>or*u*K 
, liticugk. 

A r I-, 

:i ,niiii^. 


ttant* kli’.ft, 1141., Ffb. Vlh, IK68 
R J 11 MUD 4 ll. A l)o . ,»i**»l*ai*« • I f»*l l» 4 j 

dniV I" uihwr. •ufTei**g wl»k tk* *’lM nnd fkl'liigof 
Ihiruccum to writ* l* y*n I b*.« bad i*« *d«** 
iir«il*p.u* of lb* r.ciuoi Bir fl»# »**r« •or ib* \>t»i 
ih r** *ar* l bar* *un*r*4 ik. ta**l R««alilBg p*\i\. 
Triad wv.ri»4la« wituaul r*1i*f bui afkrr lea tla.a 
use of Keiidall'a #4a»l4 Cura l have mil •***»» ** 
beard of vk* *Um * 1**-* <»»• »*ha ba* uol ■ u, J^ ifc 

it. 1 have can aol . *mpr*b*Mi1 tba meat J»y Ihoi I 
foal at hatuif curwl af a dlaeatm al«**rt vrnra* »4a.i 
dealh. I bad a ".aluahla **un« b*rw lUhi kail ij 
larue bunch galhar on hta Wiaaat Uian. I irlwl all 
Lluda of iliiliaenia and Bad U cut o>*« " U ^* ul f' iy 
benen . aaw yaur 44?ariluai4*»l 4u4 lurugki 4 bol- 
il* of k.aDdali'1 Hea.ln Cure and ordanMl at leiuu- 
illr ikrSS; m ^dlrJcled. In \tm ihii dor week 144 
1 u id o bad il.aaaaar***- Tblnklag lhal a llnlutil 
tkal P waul4 do -Ual Kendali'a 4pa»1n Our* bau doue 
hr ■T.urS u,l«kl i-s.*! *"'• - I Ir *1 11 «» IsM 
rraui L. vy lb -gratitude and beel wl^iau tar jour 
i ant IkUbfally J*ura. 

aueowM. j HJ |LinIli 





OnkY. Conior Wftkhingtptf and Crawford bU 


1 1 Urn I i r»«t prt if i ui i nuil 
Atiulbi'iii . E • * | H •— * ft i •* '• 

, nwr 17 utiiiii’L'UUJrH. | 

The Great Invep-tion, 



will, out Uor,n to r,t nitir or iiAsns 

„„1 parliculsHy mlspt'H l v ll ,.rm fd'» «■ 
tiu.hiiiiily, rii'tl or poor nheiikl be • 

' s,)l,l hy nil Clro«g». imt b/ooro of vile iuilt. 
IU>I1. J' / /I It l iy e is Iiiiimiinrluroa , 


The E. A. Seminary 

Tin. Klliiol, for. hull Slid 
Arcadll. IJI.n'vtll* 1‘srUli. b« . • >«» “ "*• ,,U 
I rsirt.lhit Jcii»» M.nro. mil HliriiVrpi'rl. •• 

L.l.rujo ItilST Pin, Visit I F.l I'.IO 

knnST, II is illsdB'lif l«»' whltu i«0: mil, stivl.: 

■•MSI sWMilss W it rsiildly iuilt .•l-l’'r-r^- n ia , ^*r 

\ i* rt T COTTON. CORN & WHEAT. 

It Wifi imsitlvHy M*Vl‘i 

♦g&TYAl 2 A!* MS THOM 

II. Court »|| r*i.r>l eu«>l. Sf.wu. > *,*- 

it i.iiii din n it I <• mimunl m 1 

We luivo .v><*utH m ii. ni a 



S.nd >rtrtr»»th>r Ill»«lr,l*rt ('.irtslsv. *bl«h ».e 
■ Ink postil ,, I'.oof of ll. .|ns«. N. r.»«ly 

M .v.r mSuillb luck »n,,u>llfl.rt .uu^ tu.sur 

v , rT^,rp.rk^: , or.;.;>Mr rw ^ 

‘n:, h urti* 4 r «\ , r.i*dvx^ 

, j.' ft aaiii ti . l ȣ CX>. . Baaukarifb Falla, Ya#aaaaL 

W. >r. Mlllkf Ik. WkUikM.rik. AI.I.SM WM* 
CtupMj. Wsllk.m. Mms. m l.w » Ikw M« >*M 

l.j wliirtlM *lnr S.Sk* >1 *4*. 

Mia. wlsrtlnj Wm-Wlkk* >1 |1» •• 
MM>-*ls41nn «•!• WM.,- >1 Mrt Mrt s,*kl«k 

>H*-“J ,r I Msrt Mr > ssMlsga*. 

A~ *. tUIVOUl A Os., 

■ who will uk. OSB PD 
If ,.oh . Ihiac T. poMtn 
rlfk,,. Sold ,».ry * k,f«. 

1 iibIIUM 


3 kw tiritaus fitmstiau JUbwatc. 

'tVrrUUi 'illarltfl 

r, HV rl ■'■nn ’‘-ir v 1 ^'t. , 

s . . • V ' 



Low firiltnaVy • '’d 

Ordinary * . * n 

tbiod onitiwry. r 11 !*'■*<> 

bow middling. ,.•• i* b» b* 

Middling. 5 1<; - 

Good middling :.. IU U K’ — • 

Middling lair. 1° 1 ’ 1,1 

Fair • 1 1 

Ualveston nttVltllinp 1" v • , 

Mobile middling b»i - — 

f - 


' 1 ' 

Inferior. 'Jj* 

(’ommon : ' 

4 rood common. '"V '' 

Fain- • — ' 

(5olxl lair 4 ’ : . I’ - 

“ "'.FllllV fall .: “ - » “ - 

-r,,r uirri' tlie fireman, wm killed instantly.. Hie 

OF •HE WEEK. boiler oftlie dummy exploded 

A rellor party of thirty or i..rty nieii 

lOMRHTIC waa soon on the scene; afnl about 1 

i . o’clock Rcvivr loud. of (lead and Injurotl 

>, .Ian. a.-t-The Cleveland wer0 .nn their way to the city. 

•i«tian Teni Iterance Union t ^l in morgue lifteen bodloa v-’er.o 
inilialh ntiglhnr political side fTv aido in a row. Attliehoa- 

lamied by Miss Francos . ltRl on the arrival of the wounded, 
latdent of t lie National t | 10 duelers ininiediately aet to work 
ecently left lior.o .for , Chit „ n(1 ( n,} „n j n .their" power to allevlato 
iich point aUe will super- thoaufferinRa of the unfortunate men. 
r work, through Htnto and Barber, the conductor of thh freight 

tit rou f$hout the United train waa immediately placed under 
project la to net 1,000,000 nrre8l , -Me. looked at the time table, 
n incmorlaj to bo present- 1)Ut f orp . n t the aubnrban train on the 
it national convention of , of regular traina. Hence the nocl- 

Vriiue ... .: 

Strictly Prime. . 1 

Choice • •" 


Yellow clarified.. 

Gray clarifiodv 
Choice white* 

\i ran ti luted . , 

*. MOLASSfyi. 

'^Vrnp - - 

l air . - 

Prime., ■■■/■ •’ 

Choice ' — ' 

Fancy.. . ... 


1 ‘riine 



_ No. 



Ci.hVKi.Aitn, .Ian. :i.4-Tlie Cleveland. ' 
Women'a Christian Temperance Union 
W about to inilialh another political 
movement, "phttlned l > V Mlaa hraucea 
'Vlllhrd, president of the National 
Fnlmi, who recently left lior.o ,for Uhh 
.■ago from w hich point alio wiU super- 
intend similar work, through Htato am 
loo.iWsl niniis - throughout the United 
St Thp projw’t |s to i?et 1*000,000 

Hii/iiHioraH to >t memorial to bo proseut- 
, H jtn tho next mutoiml oonventlon of 
each 'party, asking the inaortlon of a 
prohibition plank hr the platform. 

MiNNK/troLW, Minn., .Ian. I.t-Tlio 
weajher ia intensely cold. The ther- 
iiidmoier at noon registered SO 1 below 
/.ero, .the loweal at tliia time ol the day 
lor t wenty-tlvo'yeara. 

'At Krai nerd aid o'clock tliia morfling 
the tliormoniotor waa t- , below /ero; 
■at.Fomi du U»c, 111) lielow; in tliia city I 
— rn -il i t - h u-ii -Ualuw. _lAUi!.._Hlolii tr down. night it ran (tod from -in 07 .IT* 
lielow. It is believed to-night, that it 
will go lower. 

•CHK’AOO, .1 aii . 4.— Tl*e extreme cold 
weather yesterday. and laat night re- 
tarded all passenger traina. Maila Irom 
•ail quarters ol-tlie country worty delay-, 
ed in ihoir arrival, loolay from three to 
Sixteen hours. Eleven milfis sodtll- 
Weat of the Block yards, oil the \V abash 
road, stands a atock train of twenty 
cafa, witli famishing, freezing live. 
Htnc'k, The train waa snowed under 
and stalled Tues day liight, since which 
time it is htjlie'od the animals have 
been without food and water. 

Chip. too, .Tan. V-T.ho lifter Ocean's 
‘Belleville, III., special aaya : Sf. Jos,- 
eph’a lloman Catli'ilic.Gonvent burned 
to the ground at about midnight. Five 
nuns jumped from tlio fifth story win- 

alio waa ablo to take care of her own 
room and walk out to her neighbor’^, 
and liaa improved all tbo Mine since. 
My wife and chlldron hIbo Iiiivo derived 
great benefit from their use. 

• . w. ii. Hathaway, 

Agt. i'.ii. JCx. Co. . 

— — — 


A Home Production. 


McComh, at flnsnolla srt*SBB J * n ’75’ni ' 

Adam* and Bogu© UhlthJ, Hogue Chitto 12. i 

Summit, at Huftnnlt . JJ i 

Brookhaven •*••.• ;v o« 07 

WeMon and Beauregard.-;....... ■ 26, -» 

Scotland, at Galatia ...y 2.; 

Brandywine, .at Sarepta *!• J” 

Providence, at Providence ia« i < 


, Terry, at rioaimnl'Grofe ' 

[ (:ry ? lKi;Hi,.rlnR>..... : .......... tV ....... M>r ! J. » 

h! y 

lituuati! 10 , 1004 . 


Hprlng Ridge, at Bprlng Uldpe. .Mar. 1, 2 

Bnyou Pl§rre, at IMeaBant ^ alley y 

District stewards meet In Hazlehdrst, February 20. 
r,» J. A. n. JONEfl. v s b. • 

list of regular trftinH. Hence tlie acci- 
dent. * 

Vi knna, .tan. b— The Cz^r waa^ re- 
turning on tlip afternoon of Deo.' 17, to 
Gatchina Palace from a shooting excur- 
Hion, accompanied by ids suite, in eight j 
sledges, and a number «of sorvants. | 
Although darkness was coming on, the I 
party noticed on the road ahead six j 
men, apparently peasants. The Czar s , 
Hides droVo- forward and orderod the j 





- VlOKSnunTTH^^. — FIRST hound; 

Fayette, at Fayette.. •• • •••••V JJ* 

Dsnnlsvllle, ol Deunlsvllle.)^.. 21 

Rocky Springs, at Grand Gulf .j.. Feb * “• * 

Vloklann and Sunflower, at Vlckland H, W 

Rolling Fork, at Rolling Fork y . ]<J 

Mayersvllle. at Mayeraville 

Meadville, at Oak Orove- v . i 

‘ Knoxville 2 f> 2 ;; 

NaU ller., at .leilerson Street... .j.Mur. 1. - ■ 

men; apparently peasants. 1 tie Czar « ^hlA 

nides drove forward and orderod the ( ac i JrAJ ill 

men to cleat thlrway. I'ho tnon saluted | It li ; an It always bos bten, a pnri 
the o llicers and appeared” to obey ^ 1 1 iUll , lf untTrctyl ^ TF^" Tr«M u L - A l 
order, but when the Czar s sledge came , ncflemiet. mul ox aui In 

. I l ...1*1. llwml t tAV UIKIflHnlV 

y ^ fri i er. at Wmlny Cbapel.*... ...... 

Kingston, m Kingston ...T.... 

. , , •Kingston, at Kingston 


' 1 •* A- 

It I*, as it always lias bien, a pnre, unadulterated 

artble. MntTfcly.^fFfP ' Tmtu* Afimtr H-M-b*en- -W.mmV I DlrH * fHHq 

analyzed by acflnmlM. mid oxauiljied by prominent „ 

pbyslolanB or Ibis city, wlm f have Radi (led R) Itkpvtt^ kast Feliciana ulrc^i’t. at 
y, u«ing u pure Powde'r and a heme pri>docMotf, North Wilkinson circuit, 
It la crlAlnly iv.rtlix Ihc pMTonw of Uio public, 

Still luannfactared :it 17V blro-1 t( r ee«. by Mrs. A. F. jinyon Hrfra circuit, at lb* 
Sooilwyii, willow uf Ike lull’ 1 '. M <• lU.livy.u. I, Ms A.mltc- c lr Q , m,.iUl,tl | ,crl v 
Imu.llyU Vi/ rholMtl. proci.n, »n.l bv nil .or our ^jn’Jo/rtgtinn. 
leading family grocers. Orders from the country, Atplte City, at Ainlte'Cit 
wlmtlur In ctin'or bulk, will tw prompll/ flllwl by *’ Vi ull bo n" ' * *' ° 7 . ?.* !" '! r.”. 1 
seuUIn^ l.v 179 Glrocl Rtr.fl, New Orl.n.B, L<i. Knst-Hnlnu IVoilCS .IViui 


Miiiiivaola liakpr* b 1 

Mlnnnota patents. 7 l j 

Extra fancy.. ■■ t> 1 1 

YN’lntvr whoat palenla. 7 00 

Uhpiue L- 1 > 

Fancy •' .. 

- ' CO UN FKOmiCTS. 

j.Cr.aam meal " SO 

(Virii tiieal - — - 

tlrlia ■ . SW' 

Hominy. * 1 

fill A IN. I'-TE. 


1 i'oitN : 


Yellow. •£* 

( *ats : 


Texas riist-prcof. I s --. 

itiit x: . • . ! 

■p ewt I 0° 


Choice 1<* <Kl 

Prime ' 10 f'O 

Strictly prime 17 SO, 

vlll go lower. ‘oYi a level with theiil thoy suddenly 

ciiicMin, .Ian. U -'-Tine extreme cold wheeled around and tired at tlie Czar 
vent her yesterduv and laat night re- thrice, and two of them ran toward 
ard'od aU pa«aenger traiiia. Maila fr,om him. The horses drawing the linperia 
ill quarters ol-tlie oountrv wort* delay-, aledgo became frightened -anil galloped 
id in ihoir arrival, ton-lay from tiirev to : . 80 me hundred pices, when th* Czar- 
rtxteen hours. Eleven milhs amith- was thrown out pf tli,e alodgo. a duiiot 
W est of the Hloek yarils, on the Wabash ,vaa lodged in the tlzar'/i Hll oubler. it 
road, stands a stoek train of twenty „ (Vera, however, no dangers. 1 he tzar a 
■afa with famishing, freezing live, followers immediately mounted the 
dock The train was allowed under , H l e ,lgo horaea and toilowod tlio aasaa- | 
and stallod Tuea lay n'iglit, since which s jn H , who escaped ia a neighboring | 
lime it is believed the animals have wood. Owing to the depth 'of the snow 
been without food and water. . tlie pursuit was fruitless, (file or the 

I’lurmo, .i an. f.'— T.lio I liter -Ocean's pursuing otllcers ventured too far and 
Belleville, 111., special aaya: St: Jos,- has not returned, * T ... 

eph's ltoman Cathrtlic.Gonvent lmrned punt-iN, Jan,-- 1. — l nited Ireland 
to the gfoitml at aboufrnidnight. Five account of tlio murdor-ot 
nuns jumped from tbo UfCti atory win- Carey written by a -gentleman \vho re-, 
dow; one is. dead and the others are oeived it from O'Donnell with the un- 
-likelv to die. •>• * derstanding that It was not .to bo cold 

PiTTsqtiTBti .Ian. .V.-A Duke Centro as long as a'ehance remained- to save 
(Pa MUs .ilch wivs: About .12 o'clock O'Donnell's life. The acco.urit sl ows 
vestord.iv tbo dwelling of J. V. (iarvor, that O'Donnell deliberately killed 
ail eiHifloye of tlio Keystone Oil Com- Carey; there was n °'” 

I Iiauv, on tlio K i liana li'rivn-^njoar here,, made no attack- upon .0 ^Dpnnoll, . Had 
•alight lire frbuf ovor-prossur'e Of gas .1 udgo Donman periintted O I >U'' 1 
while Mrs. Oar’vor was absent, and ip a speak ho would have told the whole 
few minutes it waS in aslios. Four lit- story ol the killing. 

He children, airod from one to nix London, Jam 5.— Th« News’ Madrid 

ia, b; 

C. «. ANDBEWB, T. R. 

— -wvwwx-Himi-w-Ha 1 . — nuuu--JiouJi.D. — j 

^SuTIii 1 ‘slallan... : Jan. n, f> , 

Kivst Ft liulana * Irnilt. at ManiLtsw 12, 11 

North Wilkinson circuit, ut Frlnnlshlp.... 10,2^ 

Jiu-kaon slat Inn * 26,27 

Wilkinson circuit , ut Bothnl l ob. 2, ft 

llavou Sifra circuit, at Bayou Mata,.... y . JJJ 

Amite circuit, .at IJhvrty...,.: • 

HI. Helena circuit, at Center : 

Clinton Hiotlon. ; ..Mar.' 1, 

Amite City, at Amite City.., 8. y 


Tne twenty-iifnlb Annual Session Will tieglii on the' 
' v . 12lb of SepU&iber, 1SM3. 

Mansflebl is Bltuateil on the Texas anil Pacific 
Railroad, forty miles soutU of tfhreveport in a beau- 

Ht. Helena circuit, at Center : 

Clinton station. ; Mar.' I, 

Amite City, at Amlle City... 8. y 

Pipkins and Port Hudson -circuit, ut Port 

Hudson ....:. V 

East-Balon Rouge clh ull. at Bethel 2 V.-J* 

' Livingston mission, at I’ort Vincent:........ 29, W 

“•^There will be a district stewards meeting at Clln- 
fn ; \^anuary ",p, 1884, ut eleven o’clock A. M. 

I ,V2 c n. A. I.ITTLE, r. ,K. 

Absolutely Pure. 


Brandon fetation. 

l.Hlilbdi, at .Salem 

* JanJ 

llfnl and healthy count ry, and Ia '. easily acccRsitde ^ * nr v iVi circuit . at WesleyaVia 

from almost every portion of Texas and # lA>ulslhna. \\>Htville. at Weelvtlle... 

The College is the property of tiie Metholhst K.lsfo- 

pal Church, South, and Is managed by the Louisiana jgpwttin circuit, at Newton 

'Conference. ’The buildings and grounds are exten- strong Rlver v at Mutual Fnloh.' 

Biv? and all the'. facilities for instruction are pro- J^^VA^I lVcui i ,af MacMlDnlV. ::'. 

vided. The College last year bad nearly a hundred i),K>fttur mission, at Mt. Hebron 

Couplers hud olxty P-'plU UUr.v l„ Art w«l»«. 

and one hundred and twenty In all. Raleigh circuit, at FnJori (Impel ... 

Board'fttid tuition, pef term : I^U.oO. Trenton circuit, at Boykins a., 

Music and use of instrument Dbtrlcl stewards will meet uie'in 

(’Artbnge circuit, at Carthage , 

Raleigh circuit, at Union (Impel 20 . Mar. 1 

Trenton circuit, at Boykins a Mar. 5 

Dbtrlcl stewards will meet uie'in Fopttt, January 

!9, HO I This powder never vanes. A marvel of purity, 
’lln- ' stjeijgth an*l wholefeometiesa. Moie economical thaji 

I the ordinary 1 kinds, and can not be sold In con\netl* 

. linn with the imiltltude of low te*>t short weight, 
atuui or phosphate powders. .*wM only in cans. 
Royal .Ukimu Powiibh Co.. New York. 

KNA ‘ 


m, m uNiity \:.i i:u in 

s rone, Tollcif orteausiiiB anil Dm* 

* WMil AM JiNAJIfr; * co. 

Mar. * s Mos. 204 and 200 West Baltimore S?ree 
t, January i Baltimore. No. it j Fifih A /tinue , N. \ 

Usual charges in Art .Department and Modertf 9, 18M. 

tie children, tiged. from one to six 
years, were, left in tlio lioiisb, aud all 
perishjgiL in tlio Haines.*. 

\Vuct,kvit.i.k: **., .Iahr!*f>.— Tjjio rosi- 
doiico of Milton-JIiglan, of MotSianiea- 
towiT, a few miloH. ilistant, lmrned early 
yesterday morning. Two children,, 
aged seven aiUV four years, perished in 
the llainos,- An older sister w -a badly 
burned in atte'uijiting to rescue U>o 
' children, 

C’HK'Ado, Jan. .7.— Tlio thermometer 
at 7 o’clock this morning-dropped tr a 
point -7 lielmv zero', which, taken 
with tluv cold xecbrd of yesterday. 

London, Jan. 7.— The News’ Madrid 
porrespondent says: The commercial 
arrangement botwedlf tbo United Stales 
and Spain lias lieen signed. The l’ro- 
teetienists Appears to be furious. 

St. D'KT.ERshuno, Jan. fj. — Tlie bodies 
of DeLoug an d 7 -0 m pad es were borne 
through the streets of Tomsk Wednes- 
day with the. military bands playing. 
Large crowds woro in attendance de- 
spite a 'heavy snow Htorm. Much sym- 
pathy was- manifested. . 

QuEHEC, Canada, Jan. n.— The first'! 
malls from the’eguntry parishes since j 
the great storm, which set in on the j 

].’, M. GHAC1-', 1'resliteiit. 

nfacinri ti celebrated ChimcM itnu 
Ac. I’i ice- list and Circulars seiit 

iKBPIRY flpXRAN** €>•., 

I (lAlHM«rr, H d. 




Aberdeen , ’•••*• Dec. 1 •. R> 

Btiannim circuit, ai shannon 

Okolong statloip./. . ' 

Richmond circuit, ai Lnlon. n 

•Pontotoc circuit, at Hon Ion »c. 

II mi st nh circuit, at FHendshlp ... 

F.licnezcr circuit, at Khene/.er ( 1 uesday/.. 

Houston ami *V‘eslcy, at Houston ( 1 Ini. 

Oucn£ Vlita circuit, at Lake Providence.. 

1 TOR JIA1.E.-A good ’place In Amite county. Pontotoc clrcutt. at 
’ ..Miss.. tTMilivIning (MiD t'Urei* huudfed nud HousuTn circuit, ai Frtemism 
iwculv ucrer; n firte two s*lorv du vlllugrbotisc, beau- F,t.enezer circuit, at EhMie . ter 
liful Klfe healthy lo*'«Vnin, about four mib* from Houston and A ealey. ill hou* 
Mtud-Nintd Valter railroad, on tlie CRuton and (Vu- RuenA Villa circuit, at I.aWe l 
trevtlle i«»ad. For furilier particulars apply ttk II.* Haltlllo circuit, at Oak itroNe, 


Bra«l ford, Ambrosia, I.; 

with tlu) cold jeebrd of yosiorday, the great stofm, which Bet m on too 
inakeiClT TlnrinriSt IBWO Bhnwlng- Tir 1st insfaiit’'i-oai:IT6d' the town' to=riirr. 
the way of extromo weather knowjn in The bags were carried In on snow 
tnanv 'vears.* AJ, 8 o'clock tlie tbrr- -ghoes. Sitoli - comiilete stoppago ol 
mometor was still 2U. Tlie elfoct in communication in the country haH not 


F'oi-.k : 

M ess. 

Prime mees 

Humps. ' 

Bacon : 

Choice breakfast 


Sides, dear.. ........... 

Sides, clear rib 

Sugar-cured „ 

Duv Sm.t Meat: 


Sides, dear 

Sides, clear rib 

Mack Kit a i.:.. 

No. 1, in unis.. 

Half bids 

NonrrtTT l T b IB. . . . ., 
Half bhlsv 

mometor was still til-. 1 lie ellect in 
this city lias been in a measure to par- 
tially partilyzo tlie ordinary course of 

Ni-.vv OiiLKAN\,v.Jan, 7.— Judge l’ar- 

boeu known for tWonty year* past. 

Gaiiio, Jan. 7.— The Egyptian Cabi- 
net was in. session at the residence of 
the Prime Minister. Th6 Khedive was 

doe delivered the opinion in the suit of absent. The Ministers resolyed to re- 
the 'NeW Orleans National Bank vs. sign. Gherif Pgsha, Prime Minister, 

Wasliingtbn B. Merchant, postmaster, accompanied Ids rpsit 
Jle concluded; As follows : letter to the Khedive, 

On the allowing made grave doubts roasons ior- the action 

. Quarterly Cohferences. 


nltklCNSllOltO - DIST.— 1'1 IlST ROUND, 

GrocnutmrA atatlon...: .*... .....D«>c. 29, 90 

N>wh«*rn*‘ circuit, pt Mi. ^ermo’n .. Jan. ■, ,»•' 

Grppnc circuit, nt Clinton }2. >• 

Havana circuit, at Havana - 

Cuba circuit, nt Culm -*«. 2. 

Belmont circuit, at Wesley Chapel Feb. 2, .1 

Ltvingaton ami Butaw, at Llviugilon t», 10 

GftlnefivllUf circuit, at (iaineuvllie-- hi, U 

.Okolona circuit, at Egypt..... .. _ •• • • **• * 

HmllhviUe « Ircult at t.reenbilnr . lbu.i 

Athena circuit, at Stonewall itr^ouy ) 

I’ralrle circuit, at I/ebaiion.... r...., . ‘ 

Fulton clt'culV. at l*ultnn. - • 

j- Verona amUDupelo. uU-V yr fl Oft X l - h . — 2 

O ( B. Q. rottTP.U, F. K 


B1KI1. in s.v .. G«inefivlU<f circuit, at (iaineBTlUe._ 16,17 

accompanied his tpsignation ^ ltl1 , a choctaw circuit .at Link v% 23 * 24 

loiter to the Khedive, explaining the Butler ami Mt. Sterling, nt Butler Mar. 1, 2 

10110 . i l « I'lM... irUxA.Uxro . OftOton circuit, at (k)ke Chapel..: s. y 

^OnThe ' shoWbig ' VnYufo' grave doubts reasons” for-the action. 'The Khedive 

must arise as to whether the hipidp of accepted tlio resignation of the minis*. p or m nn ,i circuit, at Forkiami^v 

complainant’s are as dear as Ids should tew*, but requested iliom to remain in.-orcembomdrinii.iUMt. I'lwm 

SA HDIVnDIsT. — 1 
I). rtetiatohla atntion /. 

on i Herimud** ami C*ibl Water. 

Sunils ami Davla* Chapel. 
..!• Je. . BHtenvillc ami NVealey... 

g'l, BenaUibla efr* ult.. 

If,' o- Onuunml Krettonln 

.. Horn Lnke.nml l.*»vi i*»wn 

Harmony circuit 

m’ {7 Co nkru m circuit 

U* ii Mount Vernon circuit 

Lewlpburg circuit ;.. 

i* n Chulahoiua circuit 

* i u st hou'nd. 

. Dec. IS, 10 

22. 2J 



C. N. TKRRY. J% 

(■omplaimuit'H are as dear as his should ters, but roqtlestod iliem to remain in 
-bo who<;mnOH iii a court of equity, to cfiloo until their suueessors were ap- 
in<-oke the aid-of good conscienee and pointed. 

-No.'3, iu bbls., large. 13 — 

Half bbls .*.: 7.0(1 — 

GRi iUF.lUES. 

Cofiek: / 


Kio, olioice 


Cordova, choice . : 


» 1 5 

Java, choice . .. 

■ 20 


Western dairy 

. -0 

* — — 

New York dairy. 

■ li. > 

— — 

Country...; - 





Ti:as: . 



> b o 


. Fair 

Oils : 

■ 50. 

Coal, cases 


1 (^ 

Coal. bbla 7.. 




‘ *43 • • • 


-T'~ . 



18 00 


...17 00 


•••. r" “ 

15 00 

New York 

.. 1 40 

1 GO 


... 1 40 

1 00 

Seed, New York. 

.... 1 40 

1 00 

Seed, Western 

.... 1 40 

1 00 



.... 10 00 

12 00 

Onions : ' 

bbl N .. ..... 

.... 1 75 

2 25 

ecioity. . *> 

I have refrained from giving ellnet. to 
'this' phase 'of this case beca’use of tlie 
following considerations: 

1. Tlie bank, complainant, by the af- 
fairs ol its president, (heroin before re- 
ferred trt i lias purged itself ofthr dmrgp 
that il was receiving registered letters 
-or money orders for Daupliln, or that it 
was •Dauphin’s agent lor Any purpose 
whatever, and- Chore proof to tho 

•- c ontrary .- . • , , 

. a. It- is not proven, as charged, for 1 
suspicion is not proof, that tlie bank is 
receiving registered letters and money 
orders for tlie uso of the Louisiana 
State Lottery Company, and, strange to 
say, there is no proof in this. case to 
show that Dauphin in tins case had any 
connection with "the Louisiana State 
Lottery. . . < •• - 

• -J, It does not satisfactorily appear 

that Daupliln, in whose difiic.ulties 

Const anti.noim.i-:, Jan. 7. — It -is ru- 
mored l.l Mahdi has declared that lie 
will willingly recogqize Halim Pasha 
as Khedive of Egypt. 

.The (Jintriet stcwartli, arn n-iiscUi-l to meet in 
Kutnw, nt lie- WathoiTist' Church, Moinlny, Jnnnnry 
14, 1 SS4, at eleven o'. clock A. M. A. full attendance 
earnestly dealred l,y 

1 r * j. RAscnorT, r. r.. 



• Francla ...•••■ Jan. 6 

IK K SAI-F.. Grand Bay, Miss., at Ht. F.lmo Vt 

. WhlHtler... I........;....'. ; *),?•?! 

.i/i n i, Gift anil mince- Cltronelb’ .(...Feb. 2, 3; 

Uriisil LBO AiiuouuLt niadou aud St. Htepbcna, at New Hope 9,1>» 

. Stuart s animal hhio .i Hn cy ctfcult. at Ihupv... 1M* 

Tolrfnianvlllp. at Allon’a Cbapel (.... 28,21 

Wash In glob circuit, at Bethel Mar. y, .» 

r^^rov^»^T7i1rUoS^T5VU : iTTti'nTLin7fHHTHTHr7Trnr7“'^ -lii'rlb 
i Rumrsville; at .SuggaviUe * 28, 21 

i.ij*«o T --- * * .1 - itllH') Utmi '-W* 

with tlie Postofib-.o Department tuo „inpl, Texas ant 
bank is charged witli intornioiLUing, is Rtol , k is voin fo 
inliibitod the free and lull use ol tbo- j> r y 

mails by any'valid finding ami orueror iumdreibstaUs. 
tlio -PostulaSter-Geueral, and uow in m ,i ma l s lias lie 
force. -' . ' ... for sale ht tlio 

1 have now given my views ot tlio , ull p lv r6 |, av ai 
law applicable to this case, and, ol animals to go 
course, j udgment innst go accordingly : ar0 HO iq a t aucl 

therefore, the motion to remand and the rtr Q grat 

l''.lsewliere we jmjuisli the announce- (11 u ‘ M ;i si. siepiipna, at New iioiie 

ment of Gol. W. it. Stuart s annual salo .i B n,vd*-uU.ntl»nev. . 

nf rln«Hlnck' •* Toufiimnvlfie. ot AUeii’a Olmpel , 

'Afissalewt'ill take place on (o-mor-, 

row the eTcworiili ITistaut, at tVfrtVB+g^S»viiiu.....“.;.:.-...: -itj: J 

o'clock, at the Melrose Dairy, in. this BukKsviliKoi fs..g KB viUe ... -’*- 

city. A large •number of imported si j. o. kremrr, p. x. 

Jersoy cattle are now to bo seen at tlio ", 

Melrose Dairy, includiii-gBoven or eight uukaula nisi. iirsT not 

of their little calves that look moro liko Knon „ n ,i Midway, m r.non J 

the young of deer than the calves wo 

aro accustomed to see. Columbia circuit, at Smlthvlfb* .... 

In addition to UlO imported cattle lloury circuit, at Lawmicevllla ; 

there are a, large number of very, flue 

cattle from (teor^m, AltludULl, aMISSIH Kchodrcuit, at ICcbo/ThurwIay )..... 

Hippi, Tex us and Kentucky. All ol Inis' sklnpp'rvillc circuit, at l’ostoak 

stock is 'comfortably quartered in the 

'MelroHO D ry, winch .contains one K afaula - .r.V 

Knon and Midway, at Knon Jan. 

' Colu in tilu circuit, nt SniitliTlflp 

Henry drcult, ill I.nwmn-evtlU 1 ;.... 

I’erote circuit, at AhcrftiU - 

'Ozark circuit, nt Ilnw ItidRi*.... ..... 

hundred-.staUs, ' Such a number of line i oinmvillc. .. 

animals lias never lieSnro been ofi'ered The preadicrawlll please call lUclr stewards to- 
fur sale in tlio U nil' States, and it will l Rethcr inimcdlntoly and liave the ciiKKReinents mule 
amply repay all who admire high-bred and divided nmnna thecliurclics wltlmnt waiilux r*r 

animals to go to see them- boforo they tin* quarterlr U»Rfcremv. fcicept' when* It at 

■are sold at auction. • -held very early. 

We are gratified to learn of tbo sue.-- ; . • ' 11 . ukschaut. r. k. - 

9*M . 
16, It' 
. 21 
• 29, -2 1 

Mnr. i. 2 

k M 
ISf 16 


i ireeuvllla 

’Dwr Ureok.. Jftn 

Ulark-dal**. ••• ••• ••; •„ >• 

i'n»*rry Hill aud HoUml 

JoiHWtowu aud Maguidm 

Friar’s I’olutaml Auvtlu '• 

Faizaubi •' •• 

Bolivar * ; 

Rospdiila .* 

Coumrdla « •'* 11 • 

Indian Village .. ■ ' 

Joucs! Bayou... 

51 J«*IIN W. FKI^E./. E 

(5o R l NT rt DIST. — FIRST ROUND. 

| (<nr.lutb Htatlon . .. Utc. l j 

f>ika statloir ■' 

Booiivilb- uinl KiCii/i. aUl'A-tnUlf. ..... . . ti 

Corinth circuit. a« R'x * « l Jati. • 

I uka circuit, ot IMuc Sarlags J- 

ltay Hprlngn. at Friendship »' 

Marb’lta, at 11 fide ' Chupcl - h 

Kowuttb. at K«s«!itn .. l * 

Jonesboro, at JonesUor*.* . 

New Albany, at Locust Grove. 1 - 1 • I 

Ulnlev and Blue Mountain, ut Ripley... --*. •.1 j 

IHUdwvn.ut Bildwvu :... Mar. I, 2 ! 

Llm^klHnd.nt Carolina 1 

TiUtti'ct jtl* wards' inci ting will b - b'<cbl at C’«»rl 
d Friday, January d, at two o'clpck I’. M. . 

| 5| / AMOH KKNDALL. P. 

«;«>«»!> I'dU — — Vj 

All AchoB & Paini. « 2 

TUtiJir.ST . £ fcj 23 

unit iiimtn ? s'- 3 

/’«•(»• /)/ scnrrrnl . 

. v •/«*-/ *r ■ ■/ /*(• At*. pzQ 

Ul.\ \>, . t I. X AS P£j 

: — _J Cse 

Ml>; ,V\ jjtll Hs*t • Ibi* *1 to bi« bed With InllUftl* 
inatary UliviUMatHin. Iiuv! a .»1 ►»••»»* e**| l.y tile lielgb* 
liorliig | ; l» : icmiih will. *ot re tiff • I procured two ti \ 
oLltinii. f >•-»;• 1‘ i:t ulna I. turn. Hit. //»* <»»"/ \ ^ 

r.//>*'K*. : ■ • I 1 • •i!.l..»:tl', • Mil. to", anil used 

hull ., I • **ttb ;upI ixinr. uble’to walk with 

out bis • ratet *••*. I d*.n t want t«» I.** without it. * ! 

Mi.s..K A (iFCK-WPilTU. 

C, Iljll-.N H Cun h. I.KMH* (.■•, Tkx. 



M» S P 0 TT’S f gjO IRON 

COLD '“ n 

^ motion to diBSolve tho injanction aro CQSB w j t j, w hieh Col. Stuart enterH upon 

Kufaula circuit, at Rocky Mount 

Vi II u IU circuit, ^t Jernlgau 

Kufaula ...t.V. 


XV JjHt Point and Tlb’bce Pc*-. 

Hta? kvllle Htatlon 


Oolumt'us Btation.. 
* aiumt.uH « i rt ull 

Pec. 1 ■ 16 1 
VJ. 2H i 
•jii, no 

overruled And ilenied. thiH.his fourth. annual salo. Tlie work 

Let judgment bo entered accord- that'bais ‘doing in advancing the inter- ,, 
ingly. eats of lino live stock in the South can \ 

Iht.ti.k UOUK, Aik,, Jan. 7.— Snow not be valued iii dollars' and cents. His s 
fell last night and i morning to the next sale will take placo during Mardi r 
depth of five inch*. . Tlie storm, was Liras week. : • 8 

general, extending over tlio ontira. * » »• — c 

State. The thorn, ometer is 2° above j Kufkkredt for Sbvkuai, Ye. vim f 


krom Asthma, and from some Alloc- 
T v . tar, - Tlvn BevhroHt tion of the Throat resembling Bron- 

wlr'ur'i; ’imt 'nto-Yiay chilis. After anending a great deal of 
m h a fair-isr Z L and snow money on various medicines, with no 
Everything is Covered" wittf snowj material beheiit, in on the 

Trains Nortli are reported snowbound. rniu^ined^Dr Vavne’s Fx- 

Most of the members of tbe. Legislature this place, X .[i ■,„^ y h o t tlfl8 of 

litvve arrived. The Legislature m eels. 

to-morrow. . . relieved that I continued taking it un-, Tex., Jan. 7.— Two inohoa of yi I used seven bottles, and by tliia 
snow fell laat night, aud tlie town lias time my symptoins had all disappeared, 
been frolicking with sleighs all day. B nd I have everj} reason to believe my- 
The weather is Btill very cold, with, the emit cured.— if. Jladin, Catspring, Aus- 

Baogino: ' 

li lb..... 101 

" 2 it. ns 

Baling Twink: ' f 

w V tt>....v ■ W* 

% Ties: 

bundle 1 


Fq.v ltrv : 

i GbickenS|‘Western . J i>0 

Young. - 00 

Chickens, South’n.. - 7fi 

Y'oung 1 7f> 

Turkeys, bouthern.. 12 0(J 
Eoos: ,' 

Western. 25 

Southern 26 


Lake ,.... 22 

IxmUlaua 20 

Burry.,'., 0 

Hides :. 

Green salted 0 

Dry salted 10 


Oak, kegs 50 00 

Oak, barreU — — 

Oak, claret 90, 00 

Oak, hogshead 80 00 

Hoof 1’olks: 

Hogshead ,40 (HI 

Barrels.... I.' 20 00 

r Half barrels.',:’^ 12 50 


Cotton aeed. 11 00 

Meal (oountry). 2k 75 

Meal 00 

Muriatic acid..:....... 1 

Sulphuric aoid...T i 

.. Bone black I 

'Densacnla Htatlon Jan. 5, 0 

MOmu Atatiun , 1*. 

Brewton, at Pensacola Juuctlon- . J«,-u 

Warrington atid Mlllvlew, at Warrington. 26, 2< 1 


Bay Mlnette, at Bay M Incite..... 

M. la 

16, 17 

Kvergrwn, nl (Jastleberry U 

(ieorgiaua, at Gcorglanu.. 

Hepulga, at Gonu«»rd..... : 

8, 4 


Montvrey., at Monterey .7... 

The district ptewnrda will meet 

22, 23 

at Brew ton Ala. 

FRAZKR.,1*. K. 








S' 00 



8 25 


7*5 * 

»> «>' 



15 00 








— — 

thermometer 10° above zero. Reports 
from sheep ranches. continue gloomy. 
Thousands will be lost. 

■Memphis, Jan. 7.— A snow storm lias 
prevailed since 2 o’clock this morning. 
The snow lieH eight inches deep, \yith 
no indications of the storm soon ceas- 
ing. ; 


Toronto, Jan. 2. — One of tlio moBt 
frightful railway aocideuts whieh ever 
bocurred in Canada took place this 
morning at (5:55 o'clock. About fifteen 
minutes previously tbq suburban train; 
consisting of a dummy engine und two 
cars, left Union Station, having aboard 

(in Co., Texas. 

British fleet will'beseut to the Red Sea. 
Beyond her previous orders to protect 
Egyptian interests, England lias taken 
no further measures. It is slated that 
-Evelyn Baring read to the Khedive, 
England’s reply to the recent Egyptian 
note. England insists upon tlie wllli- 
.drawal of tbe troopH from Khartoum to 
the Second Cataract of the Nile. Great 




Feb. 2 , 3 

23, 24 

Mar. 2, H 

^ ?<f< 9 10 

Dover. - :... 


BrohknvillF : * 

T'ai&iut’O, Pleasant ( > ro\ •• 

sttnlkvllla clroult. Mayhow r , 26.27 

Habriiu '•* 

Mmo, ii ( WediiFfiday, acveu P. M '• 

Hhuliualak. »••* u * j 1 ' j 

I/ft(;ranRF, Anllocli *....:. J* j 

nusfetur * b>. 17 

No.MibfF circuit. 1 : *•> 1 

Loulsvlllf. ••-• 2 * 

Calcnoiila, Union Cbapel Mar l. 2 

Dlltiiit HtcwiirtlM will inert' at Artfsio, Monday, 
Jumlftr'y *1 1, at eleven o'clock A. M. Full .attend* 

| ance r»*iuestnl. 

51 T. C. WIETt, r. K. 


NewiSaleni circuit, at Oak Grove.—....' /Dec. 1'*. 16 

Holly sprliiRH A..'..* 2tf, :to | 

Holly SprliiKB circuit, at \Nalerford Jan. «; j 

(Jornersvllle. at Betlilebenv...... 12, U i 

Hickory/Flat, at Klienezer 1»,20 

Hbelby Greek, at Hhelby Creek ....; 28.27 j 

Asbland, at A*bland Feb. 2. a 

Hnow Creek, at 1’iHgab t», lo 

IMtie Mountain, at 1’lne Mountain..... 16, 17 

Byballa and YlctorU, ut Dyhalia..... 2i, 24 

Kinory, at Fountainhead ;..Mur. 1, 2 

Marnball. at Bethany. - * 9 

Karly Grove, at nudeouvHle 13, 16 

The dlutriet stewanls will meet at Holly Spring* 
on December 29, 11 o’clock A. M. A. full attendance 








b'*w c atalog'll^, best publisher’ 

Via L II V I 1 ’ I’ee i>,oll. l,.VOt» nirirt tc.s, .*HN> 
ArrUt% '•> f i " ii c*u - b 1 1" b u. • jc 

M u. A (.o.,l’bilauelpblu,l *\ 


A sthma Rube 

Price, $1.00 per Bottle. 

Solti by Druggists generally, or inay be ob- 
tained tliroel of its proprietor. 

in dtjHircd. 

6 U; 

w. i*. imtTON, r. 

52 jnnH A. BLMS, T. 

Waynesboro (Tuesday) ...Jan. * 

Water Vulley. Wood Street Dec. 

Dec. 15, 10 
22, 2H 

Hrltain does not objeut to the cession of ■ * 

Pnrbflv nr In Tlll-k- V* ^.V iU V 

Grenada Btutlon 

30.31. Kurekaclreutl 

•. h. Panola circuit 

* Charleston circuit.. 
• .Oitreevllleclrcult... 
>./ Woaley Chapel 

l' Taylor circuit 

H Oxfonl circuit 

lz, lx TocopolU circuit..*... 

Eastern Soudan to ‘Turkey, or to Turk- 

| ish reoonqupHt-of Soudan, provided the -UeKiUb.., , I'eb. «, 

Forte pays expenses. It is stated tlie Kutern* iii! 
Khedive and ministers refuse to com- 
niv with the English note; The Khe- 


’ft}' 2 !’ Harepta circuit.., 

ItAiiuer circuit 

cars, left t'nion Ktatiori, having aboard ply w jth the Ku|<lisii note! The Khe- 
sixty passengers, clnefly omployes of fli-vo declared tliat England is seeking, 
the Bolt and Iron Works at Humber, to compel him to abdicate, but lie will 
residing in the city, who were going to surrepuer only to force. 

their work. pn.rounding a sharp curve m » — . 

Just before reaching the bolt works, the wlmt „ dld tor old i.»dy. 

engineer saw a lroight train coming „ fiT , TIn , *y .. s i S 7 K 

thundering down tho grade toward CosuooTe.N S tation, N. 1 ., Uec.-»,i87h. 
him. He reversed the engine, blew a| Gknts— A (lumber of people had been 
warning, and, with the fireman, jumped using your Bitters here, and with 
for life. The engine of the freighj, train marked efloct. In one. obho, a lady , of 
knocked the boiler of the dummy clear over seventy years, had boeu .Hick for 
through the first car, crushing the un- years, and lor tho past ton years has 
fortunate passengers in every direction not bepn able to be around half the 
and pinning many to the floor. Tlie time. About six months ago she got 
imiietus was so great that the engino so feeble she waa helpless. Her old 
actually mounted the truck of the remedies, or physicians, being of no 
dummy, whloh kept tbe rails aud re- avail, I sent to Deposit, forty-five miles 
malued on its balance. away, and got a bottle of Hop Bitters. 

TVe”87i’KrneeF of- the Yreigbt train, It lmpMsad. .her m “La waa jtMa .la, 
when he siw a collision was inevitable, dress herself and walk aboutlhe house, 
spraug from the engine, hut. Thomas, When she had taken tlje keoond bottle 

Nenhobu U, lu 

Kiiurprloe 16, 17 

Clurk 23,24 

WmcliFHier .....Mar. 1, 2 

VoHHburR and lllFillFburK;..., '. 8, t) 

Haumlumvllle (Wodneailay) » 12 

PaubllnK 13 , 16 

Merhllau . circuit 22,23 

Meridian ' ...«.U.. ....... 29, 29 

1 ‘ JAS. A. (JOI)KliirY. I’, ii. 

Pltulmro circuit.. 

, 'I ■ 19 obi Town circuits • M 

:.j Retiela circuit 15, iu 

2 Tbe dUlrlct HtcwafdHVlIl meet iu Grenadu, Jan- 
ti. uaryfi. 1881 

J 50 N. M. Til AM MB, P. B. 

!3 . 


Richland .‘ Jan. 6, 6 

BcI/.otih, at llelromt U 

.KoaclUHko and Durant * 12,13 

W»st.. r ,.r. 19,20 

6 Lexinitton 23 

ttieHburR, nt Knon. ^Tv....JftO. 5, 

llattienburR, nt Knon 

KlllHYlUe.ttt Hebron;. 

INtplarvllle, nt Wwley (’tutpel... 


•t I Prof. It. 11. Ihillirook, National. Nnruml I nlvn-lir. 

' IjlMvliyii, Ohio, virit*" : *• V*mr Ai>tbnia ( urveoton- 
u pVtulv cured in. nf my Astbma tlmt 1 have. wart ij 
7 lliutiKht tbe pu*t yur.” 

j lb v. Unlvlu Fa •'*. Drldp-. 1 ' 

« IN), xvi it. . ; ■•■ ll i* Hi*- in..- 1 olb'i'l Hal icindy I 

‘ ever tt'i'.al. I r* ■ •Jiumeii'l P t«» nil-* , 

! I'jiif. .1 nil I'. Hbotly*. I'i iiiclpal *»*f .Momly ; 

1; , l.mtell. M.,i>s . wrij. ". '• I have U-’ ’ll { 

“ ! hv II.1IIM’. I like It better than any tbiuu 1 bim i'u 
t tried Hinbret ^iniueiid It b» all " 

(I ! Hnl.lll’. .i.-n * s r II n t , n*V'. ,t 
‘ FlIVKHl THI.IIt «' .ll'NK .111*1 Cl’lt 1 '- 
free lu all i*4‘iju<‘»Uiiir*. 

12,13 1 Carrollton .;.r.. 

rain markeef effect. In one. case, a lady of S'.S 

lear over seventy years, had been .sick for V»no\e»re.aiPlne Grove. F«b. 2,7$ 

mi- yearn, and jor the past, ton years has ill:!? 

lion not been able to be around half the Grove. at Wau*rhoies . K$.24 

Mt. Canned, at OoluinbU...; t», 10 

Frankllutbn, at Krankllnton. 16,17 

China Grove, jR Waterholefi , v .. . . 23, 24 

Ocean Hprtu^H. nt Ociin Bprluga.. .Mar. 1 , , 2 

Scranton, at Z|ot).„ v 8, 9 

Mohh Point Htatlon lb, 16 

WhlttliiKton, at Whlttln#t«n 22,23 

Pearllngton, at fearltugtou 25 

Covington, at CoviugUn..... 29, 39 

There will be a district ute wanin' meeting at Mobb 
♦ olnt.-felwrchlfer-lllH. L tif#e^l r RttMiuF 

l' J I . B. B. xaykhr, r. u, J ; t .j 

M inter City 20 

Greeuwooil * .' 31 

Black Hawk ,.Feb. 2, 3 

Winona aud Vulden Si, Ju 

Wall ball ;. ?, 13 

Winona circuit,.../... 16 , 17 

French Camp....: 23, 24 

ZJlpub .....; .1. 25 

I Attala .L... Mar. 1, 2 

Laboticha 6 

Newport....*.... 8, 9 

Tho dlatrlct BtewardB meet at Durant .ThurB- 
-day, January 3. 

'WM f MidrtyB t > ^ 

f60 1 , J\ TU06. Y. UAM9KY, P. B. 

Address, L. A. KNIGHT, 

Vo. 15 £. Third Street. CINCINNATI. OHIO- 






l-'nll inve,tii;auun alforueu to oil. 

j Willoox & Gibbs S.M.Co,, 658 Broadway, ”* Y - 

In tbo BENT. No prnjpar.ti™; 
UbOil with uMycbuKIii'll <“ r "jU'. 
Ink nny li.brlo.r«pu"£lV^ f t ^„. 

l>rinri'lst,",S.tntlom-rs4 .V-»8 A«( ^ 


^'e /1 

- INK <: 



K‘, K 

. . 7 ' i 

VOL. 80*— NO. 3. 


WHOLE NO. 1 433. 


church, si 

wr ,ggo at the post officii at new was a mystery to him what had 
° obleanb ab second class matter. become of them . He wag at a loss to 

know where to move until repairs 

fftristtiau- ^tlvocatt. 

9HAS, B; GALLOWAY, D. D„ Editor. 
OftRV'fiS ~E JAMIESON, Publistrera r 


Subscription, i . . $2 per annum. 

ainl««r« »nd wl.w of AiwemMsi Prew-her, half 

All of the M. fe. Church .loudi. nre Author 

liwt Afente to whom payment* m.r be made. 





nuwuwirri oonrzaisca. 


REV. W. I,. C. n -'NNKIDTT. 



Rtei W. T. J. 8 ULLIVAN.D D. 


’'yj,r the Sew Or ten V* Christian A.tiocnte. 

GoO'l-uiornlnR " is a swe«»trr wor 1 , 

Thati fVer a " GootI*Mflht " t :»n . 

It IrreHthPP of Hf»\ the flnrktvPh." flow, 
i And Unit's tt sweeter thought to-iiir. 

- | -tot)," think 9 f that hy-and-bv 
Where none will ever weep or ftgh. 

Good* night " Js all too sad n sdund ; 

It pains in y heart l» hear It said 
Twas Just ill dusk my darling l**ft 
T.i slumber with the silent dead. 

M tnsrtt hi* ryrsrrom'peseil ills f*#H«G 
To rest till resurrection ijiorn. 

! could not bid him a " Good*nlght 
My*heart. looks forward' to the time 
* Wljt'n I shall meet him robed In light 
In heaven's own bright and happy Clime 
Then, oh : what joy tw'lll be to say. 

'• Good • morning In that world of day 

China, and .Her People. 

11 Y RKV'. J. W. l.AMill'TH. 

could he niRde. He went at once to tural anti 
1 i!h uucle nearest to him, npd-. naked say on tl 
if he could allow liiin to come to his we. read, 
house until he could make repairs on reuson i 

begins the work of cleansing from 
sin. That is mere assumption, and, - 
as we verily believe, without Hcrlp- 
tural authority. What does thfe word 
say on that point} In Isaiah i, 18, 
we. read, “ Come now, and let ns 

view we have Paul's alignment in 
the, second chuptep of CiiKwsiaus, 
under the figures of clrcumcisloiiaiid 
iiaptism, Hummed up in the fhlfilw— 
ing words: "Ye are complete in 
him, which is ttie liead of all princi- 

I wouldJliavegiVtMns^yjwiayw 
to Hro. rritclmrivis strict uJrvH p 
my vi£WA hut mjt tiniWlMH I 
-tftkFnu 1 1 with Jrav\l hiuRJM 
closely us noRto allow Ttre I he^k'i 
in which toNceply. It will r>« 

jiis own. His uncle replied : “ I can though, your 

not allow, you to-come intaiu-y house; 
but there is aii old out-,ho\iee which 
you can occupy until you are ready 
to return to your house." He moved 
"everything out of his house to this 
shed, and .began the repairs. In a 
few days lie happened to lie walking 

together salth’ the Lord : palltv and power ; in whom also ye served that RriORtfltchurd and 1 hjfld | 
vnur Bin’s lie as searlet they are circumcised', with the ciro.ilin- fust to the ddctrlnefjf Christian perq 

- ... ' i ' . : , , 1 . i. t.-, i o, n , o. It, ■i.iTt- fr. srrntV’ tint" I h rvhl Vm I ul 1 f ri i r 1 11 ! s t 

shaH tie wjflte” as snow f’tTioifglil n ey 
be red like crimson, tliey shaill be as 
wool.” This, language is .addressed 
to the unregenerate, as is Vindicated 
liy t>ie terms ” scarlet ’’.and "crim- 
son.” And the work proposed iH re- 
generation, the character , and extent 

qmst the tioid iy. which, his second of wiped is stated in the 

clsCoii "fuiiittr wtttttitft ‘iTsiirls.Tti i*m-" 
'ting oil" the body of the sinsoi the 
flesh, by’the circuincislou of Christ; 
buried witli himjn baptism, wherein 
ve also are* risen with him through 
Hhe .faith of the operation of God, 
who hath raised him from the dead. 
^Vm 1 , you, being dead in your sin* and 
the- circumcision of your -flesh, hath. 
Tie quickened" -together with him. 
having forgiven you all trespasses.” 
There is no mistaking the meaning 
anil-scope of these striking tigures. 
t'nquesuomibly they refer to the 

fPCtldftT Irntr l hold' that hII out past 
sins are remitted -and removed in 
justification and regeueraliotT,*' ami 
-noth iog-«s,H--<iltHtFuet-our-[vt»Kwage.P/i 
the nttaiument of. Christian ner- 
fefctiou hut the want of faith, /the 

■ ihacle, giants of our 
ed years ago. The 
W‘gets us again leads 
1 1 ill we are sanctified 
“ liply,” Uol " wiiol- 
w hole hoily ani| hoiiI 
nolens till til 6 coining 
Those who lire not 
r;trr-t n '-s n y RT r'-tT r. - n i i — - 
read scriptural tioli- 
ainls. Tile holier w.e . 
aver we will have, 1 1 
tilnery of ujir eliurch, 
of heart ami life rill 

omission of duty, or thehreaclj/if the our membership that has been t'ho ' 
Divine conimandineufs ; "‘wiHle lie greatest power of our Methodism in 

uncle was working, and he saw him “scarlet” shall become white -as the. circumcision. oi .your -lies 
working with iiis hoe. He said at. snow, and the "crimson” as wool. Tie quickened together witl 
once: "That is my hoe. I have This is not a work of cleansing ficfirmt having forgiven you rr /tres| 

looked for it in every direction, and nierely, but completed. Would Uot There is no mistaking the u 
did not know what had beeome-of it. remaining sin, whetlier latent or and -scope of these striking 
I want It, for i can' not do without active, \discolor the snow and pollute l nqueationubly they ; refer 
it.” His uncle tried to claim it as the wool ? Ezekial is equally explicit work of regeneration. 1 he J 
Ills own, but the. man contended in chapter xxxiii, hi. “None of his sins is put ofl by the urciimc 
strongly for it, ami at- last his uncle, : sius ttiat lie hath committed shall' be Christ, and ttle , ul 

pitebing it at 6im, said, " Take -it and J mrnmitird unto him’' Again in quicsened ipto life throe 
begone.” The man had stolen it the ! cliapter xxxvi, ih, we read, “Then faith of tlie operation of 
night of the Are and taken it home j will I sprinkle clean water upon you, And the res" G>l t. h , b operate 
withTiim. Some of these people seem i and/ye shall he clejin : from all your described under two tigures i 
to think that when a man- is in mis-- tilthiness, and from « all your idols, m tije thj-rteenth. ^^yerse '- A 
fortune then is the time when everj- will I cleanse you. A nor heart also being dead in y( ursii b 
body bus a right, to pick at him and will f give you, and a ncv< spirit will circumcision of ye uir flesh, 
give him a push, dovyn tlie road to j 1 put within you; and .1 will take quhekcnul together ^ wi hmv 
ruin.’ often have 1 seen men oil | away tlie stony lieart out of your t o r g i v e u y o u tyo u r D e s p a .. . 
tlieir boats l.v some mjshtip have half flesli, and 1 will give you an heart of the work IS 
their cargo turned into'the water, flesh. And I .will put my spirit .with- are forgn ep, i ne , rtii o ai mu 
and tlien it is the signal for every one in you and causer you to walk ,m my reguant or subdueu. God is s 
rn eh, imself. Strangers and those statutes, and yt shall keep mV judg- ly satisfied witti hw v leans, i 
near by Zl. forward, gather what ments, and ‘do, them.” Now, if in regeuerat.ou^ that . he te 
lliev can and flee away .claiming it as | cleansed from all tilthiness and all Kzekml, as 'l uot , ' 1 ,, a ' p ; ' 

their own property. ’ idols, how mheh of the tilthiness and , ^kevert si Imll ot ,e 

. Some time sinoe there was a' mar- idolatry remains? ‘mneii I r t( i, hn u, and h 

riage in tlie city of Shanghai, and Tlie. radical error of Hro. l’ritch- x,l, .that .his sins and ii 
when tlie family and friends were in i aril’s school of theologians is lodged will; l r . : 

' the midst of the niarriage ceremony in Iiis definition of regeoeratiom He possible that any sms could 
ttiere was a rusti of the servants from 1 says “Regeneration is. a stale of lie the heart that tiod _»n 
tlie kitchen to see and hear what was partial cleansihg from sin, which j weiuher. or Hare t«> • 

ttartH with “the old element of de- 

fiant. Let -lia onee more throw 

I put within y,ou ; anti ,1 will take quitckcncd together with him, having 
awav the stoiiv lieart but of your forgiven you alt your. trespasses, ho 
flesli, and 1 wifi give you' an heart of tlie work is complete-o'/ trespasses 
dealt. And I will put my spirit with- are forgiven, n ° Ije - remaining either 
in you and cause' you to walk .in my reguant or subdutTl. ( »od is so entire- 
statutes, and yC sliall keep mVjiudg- ly satisfied witli his •cleansing work 
meuts, aud do, them,” Now, if in regeneration that lie- tells us in 
cleansed from all tilthiness and all F./.ekial, as quoted above, that the 

prayity rnnainihu , 'though not rt i, i/n- our whole weight, on this secret 
in<‘/„ in ,the heart after conversion ” | spring of our |ibwer in the world 

witiii a fi"eid full of grass and weeds, j If thine own heart condemn then 
obstructing the'gtowfh of tlie lender in any thing, cast that tiling out. 
plant, and tliiH after God lias done God is greater than thy heart, and lie 

ine/ 1 , in .the heart after conversion ” j spring of our phwer in the world 
ig wit’ll a field full of grass and weeds, If thine own heart condemn thee 
es. obstructing thu'gtowth of the tender in any thing, cast, that tiling out. 

. . lie plant, and this after God lias done God is greater than thy heiirt, and he 

work of regeneration. The body of iiis work. - Nashville Christian Ail- will ' condemn tliec. 1 (follow tlie 
sins is put ofl - by the circumcision of vocate. - ‘ Spirit. Be led l.y tlie Spirit, and 

Christ, and tlie dead in sin are — soon tlie daylight of heaven will 

ouickened into life ' " through tlie . „ , c burst on .thy soul in fitilness as it did 

taitli of tlie operation of God.” " Centenary Suggestion. , on Joint Wesley when one was read- 

And the. result of the operation thus! J i ing to him i"hi this subject, 

described under two figures is stated | . Special emphasis slinuld be given Your liCst knawlcilge ol your father,, 

in the thirteenth} verse: “And you, to the direct witiiess of the Spirit this | mother, child, husband, wife or 

being dead in your sins and tlie un- centennial year of American Meth- ! friend is spiritual knowledge. “What 

circumcision of your flesli, hath he odism. i man knowetii the things of a man 

■ ‘ ■ ng Many of -out people do not under: tmt by the spirit of man?”' “ Kven 

Bo stand tne doctrine of ilie direct wit- so no man knowi th tlie tilings of 

circumcision OI join oesu, imm uc , ........... , "1 .... ■. .. 

quickened together witli him, having ! Many of -our people do not under r .but liy tin- spirit of man ?” “ hveu 

torgiveu you alt your. trespasses.” Bo I stand tne doctrine oi the direct wit- so no man knowi tli the things of 
the work is cotto'plete— n'l trespasses I ness of tlie Holy Gtiost as distill- i God but by the Spirit of God-." 'This 
are forgiven, none, remaining either I guislied from tlie indirect testimony ] spiritual apprehension or obmpre- 
reguanl or subdued. God is so entire- ! of the Spirit . Tlie ollieeaml w-urk of,; pension U no more my.teriinis in the 
ly satisfied with his vleRtishig work I the Holy Ghost, in his . relation to I one ease than in the other- no more 
in regeneration that lie tells us in personal salvation, have been so ridi- | unreasonalile" in nor relations to God - 
K/.ekial , as quoted above, that tlie ; culed and obscured in some parts of | Hum jn our relations to men. It is 

I blols 11 liow mlich of til filthiness and- believer’s sins simll not ne " men- I our wide territory that our people do. direct, immediate and .personal in 
I iaSS? flht hltu.ine.Haitu. “Xd unto him,:” and ill Hebrews | not understand nor appreci ate umr | both cases. <), tor a fresh and full 

tinned unto him and iti Hebrews not understand nor appreciate nor 
x 17 that his “Bins and iniquities enjoy tlie presence or power of tlie 
will- l remember no more.” Is. it Holy Spirit as they should, l'cw, if 

ion of regeneration. He possible that any sins cou'td remain ' any , professed Christians m- our 
operation is. a suite of in, the heart that Hud w ill not re- houthl^.l deny the Tudirect esti- 
,..i,:..i, i.,iBioiier or dare to mention ? inony of the Holy Ghost. All. agree 

both cases, t), tor a I'reeli and full 
Iiaptism of tlie Holy Ghost.! Then 
tlie old gfow and glory and power .of" 
our early days » ill lie upon us ugain. 

. ' Hi l.nKHOY. 

(Tti ii ly.fiKhtii i.i-utr.) , on tlie stree 

My Dear Yount/ Friends: These music wen 
peculiar people have a great many dancing. 1 
strange-' customs among them so .remain on 
ilifierent frpm people of other nations, w.ould all" 
Suppose a man’s liotise in Ameripa houses: 'l l 
Should take tire and burn down, and these heat I 
his family should lose tlieir all and who should 
be brought to poverty and distress, or calamity 
what would Christian people do for ly you will 
them? They would do all they could uer feelings 
to help put out tlie tird, w'd, if the them ; hut 
house, should lie destroyed, they you will hi 
would .take tlie poor mau.-apd iiis. care nothin 
family into their homes and do alt ers. Dtirii 
they* could to make them happy in ih • ‘ ,,s 
order Unit tliey might forget their tlie poor a 
terrible loss. Not only tliot ; hut from starv 
hundreds ahd thousa'uds of kind one to ion 
friends would do all tliey could to But tlie t 
collect money to build them another the hearts 
house, uud in tiie meantime tlie poor gives iheir 
man and iiis family would lie kindly for those it 
cared for. Hut it Is not so in- China, native chu 
When a man's house takes lire many wine i the; 
persons will come to see llie'fire. hut us> 
nev er move a, finger to help put it die-“ 
out. Others will lielp pint out the us 11 
lire; but these are generally neigli- ing "tlie cl 
hors to tlie man, aud they are inter- a love for < 
ested in iiuttlng out tlie tire lest their have. Jtieu 
own* property should lie destroyed, and we pri 
If tlie man’s liotise is hiirneit' down, nomej. — wl 
lie is not allowed to go into aiiy man’s lie full of 
house, but has to remain in the for the wi 
street, or seek some enqity jilace China., 
wliere there are no houses, and put • , 

in a.lieap. .what, few tilings lie may k 

have saved from tlie fire and tlie • nisnop a 
■ thieves until ho can erect a hut of' 

straw over them. It is often the case, j ?‘ K - *'- 1 

going on. Son'll tliere was a ery of- 
tlre from tlie interior of ttie building. 
Tlie house was really, on lire, and this 
caused mtu-li confusion among the 
guests and in ttie family of the bride- 
groom. With all their eft'orts tliey 
were not able to extinguish tlie fire 
until part of ttie building was con- | 
sumed. Tlie whole, party was, of 
.course, thrown hlto tlie street for a 
time until repairs could he partially, 
made. Tlie wedding ceremony went 
on as before. The bride was still, 
veiled, and tlie bridegroom dressed ill 
iiis best was by. her side on tlie street. 
The musicians had erected a stand 
on tlie street. for tbcinbelves, and tlie 
music went on, tmt There was no 
dancing. For three days they had to 
remaiu on tlie street, for no one 

ninny ot tlie lioiy unost. aii. agree. -» ■*- 

subdues sin so ttiat it does not i-iiyn \ The only supposed scriptural sup- tlmt the j j 'J 'XZr* m l * i n i r* i >r re- I Grenada District, North Mississippi Con- 

unto vbirthZorirtveness'of sin* ■ and I evfen as unto babes in Christ. I have agent to appiy the word .’ Dig an- TllKma?i ,». K ., Uev. T. ,1. Newell 

by hh.i all that believe are jusrified | fed you with milk, and'uot with " 7", |, 0 iV 'cam eon I v t iVro u gt'^'.e W. Jones niet in Grena. 
from all tiiinirs frimwwhich ve ctiuld 1 meat : for hitherto ye were not able If the ‘Spirit <ame only mrougn yie j Hmlary ., lssd, and ailbptei 
nnMip iiiatifiwl ’liV^th^Taw of rdii'U’s ” I to bear it, neither yet now are ye word, then the jyqrd mus have been lowi| i( , Il:) : 

I Jolmi h read?^ " If wv concur Utd" For ve are yet carnal A, Tor before th_e.Kp.rlt .and, stead of the ,; c * h .,d. That the prea 

sins lie 'is* faith fill 'to Iiis promise) 1 whereas then? is among you envying, Stdrit giving the word, the word this district be requested ti 
and i list Mn view (if the mo.ietKent) I and s.tri-c. and divisions, are ye not gave the Spirit ' All henpture was 0IU .„ t0 ni | ao the collecliom 

o ur alna l w rl«fc ! cartm<" .nd w-.ilk as men ?” Now the given by inspiration of - he Spirit, , t he Confer add to 

from all u m Men “ t' qnZiot; arises. Is this carnality the and holy men of old wrote as hey t fien.' by Ma.v.l . 

t h»? here Hri' confession fur- rcsiilrcf niuainitiff s/.ns .or.of unright- were moved by the Holy Ghost. If /., Tlmt the (juarti 

uiveness and cleansing from ad un- eons ads i ct. Haul ascribes it to tlie this he accepted as true, then the ferolU!B f,, r each circuit, he 
rliihteousness in the* same trails:- acts, aud specifies . ‘■‘•envying, and | Spirit was before the 'Will’d, and his tf) drsigTmte some time aiql 
action, inui.ifcstiv the -work .of -ju-ti- strife, and divisions’-aml-ejincludes i hrst HWtioti i was certai.uly ^ f re ^ n ,‘-, Jwlding a general eenleni. 

Um.ii .,1 aiHl -reireneratiop. ._().ir. from that, " ure ye not carnal, and not indirect. I ne wor t iit l.oi is lnK • for said circuit : - this 

ami ‘•.ti i e. aud divisions, are ye not 
oarun r uid WiUk as men ?” Now the 
question arises. Is this carnality ttie 
result' of rpunhung sins or al unrig ht- 
, nus acta }. >-d. Haul ascribes it to tlie 

agent to apply tlie word'.” The an- 
swer to this questloh is a I '-important. 
If tlie .Spirit came only through %Iie 
word, then tlie jvo.rd must have heeli 
before tlie.Spirit, aud, instead of the 
Spirit 'giving tlie word, tlie word 
gaye the Spirit. “ All Scripture was 
given by inspiration of -the Spirit, 

Thames, 1*. F,., Rev. T. ,.I. Newell 
R. \Y. j-ones, met in Grenada, Miss., 
January •"), 1SS-4, and adoptid tile fol- 
lowing resolutions : • 

Real it red. That the preachers in 
this district lie requested to begin at 
once to raise the collections (ordered 
by tlie Conference, ail'd to complete 

and holy men of old wrote as they ti le m' by Miiy T . 

were moved by the Holy Ghost.” If Resoired, That the Quarterly Crtn- 
thls lie accepted as true, tlien the f urwu;e f or each circ.itiL hi: requested 
Spirit was before tlie word, and Ins 

to drsigl’iiito Home? time unjl place for 
holding a general ceivlennjal meet- 
ing for HHi'i circuit ; -.this general 

good, but certainly lint 'better ndV ,.entejiiiial meeting is not t;> take the 
greater than tlie Spirit by which it special ceutemiiHl seryices in 

was given. The wor f l is the' sword eucli congfveation'. 


tl. 'I’liRt these general nieet- 
hHid, as fai' us -practicable, 

them; but where you mm one such 
you will lind tens and twenties who 
(•are nothing for the sullcrings of oth- 
ers. During the cold winter flights 

Now let "us turn to II Corinthians 
v, 17.; If any man lie in. Christ he is. 
a » ' ic ert alurt : old tilings are passed 

our love may lie made perfect— per- 

W y pure, free f rom enmity— so that 
love nniy pervade and permeate 

of tlie Spirit. It is the Bpiritjhat . ) ;i< \ih ‘d. 'I’liat these general meet- 

cuts with tlie word, and not the-word jn H |, p },,,],{, llH f»,‘ u s . practicable, 
that cuts with the Sjiirit. Tlie Holy | fr()n) tl „, |- lrH t.of Jolv to tlic middleof 
Ghost is the agent, the ■ word tlie in- ! « . "• 

striunent. jit will not do to magnify 1 " /.■. ./ 0 T,v ,7, That the children of tlie 
tlie word of God at tlie expense of ttie | ,. rj ,mfegations he organized into cen- 
Holy Ghost. Some people worship-]- 1 . t j j 11 r»« i I‘t i eS I n liirUieiraTWe of this 

tlie word of (fhal. Ma-ii infist be born 

i Id see; this people boeom- grace did much more abound.” T" 

ni/.eil in Galatious v, JJ, as tiie “fruit 
of tlie Sp’irit,” and this love* 

‘Constant cry of.our Methodist ininis- 

Centenary. observance, and tiiat. tlie 
ladies lie requested to organize them 
ami work with them. 

ijisuhrd "'I’luit the subjects of mis- 
sions. etiureh extension and edu- 
cation lie i mpiiasized in these Cen- 
tennial exercises, am) Hie people 
iifgeil to, make lilieral ^njfcbirtions 
as an expression of* t m-1 f *frrati tinl c 
In God fni h‘s iiptnimbereiT lienetits. 

/; our qireactjers ho, 

and i. -. . , ’..reliy urged to circa-, 
bin /.in . .e-i.-iy and diligently the 
.literature, frniii our l’ubjishiug 1 louse 

SiuMiMAi, Ciiisa, nee. 1, is.':'. • 

. Uisliop Kavanauglr on Sanctiiication. 

' what shall we’say then? standard toward God, 'with- all unr try , for more than one hundred years, j whi e h Wd! inform .our people i’n re- 
■ iHinUnue in sin that grace powprs, and toward .man. as we love It is the key-note of the worlds re- q, ar(1 to ()ie ., rl gi„ ami progress of 
.i ln ,i •"> Ttmi is shall we ourselves.:' And tills love, according generation and salvation to-day. I Met hod Dm in America, and impress 
o or ' sins so as to give the to these standards, is that on which Tfl have been begotten again by i them the pnqniely and i alee ol 

, moor unity "o exhibR 1 hangs al he law and the prophets, the Holy Ghost, how am I to know ^ Uabl edebrating" inis hundretl. 
eeThis crace^ iu ftVrKlvIiiK' and according to the declaration of it? . What is the highest and best ypMr ,/ t he organized . hureh. 
u Iti tinle of sins° Paul pr<v Paul, iH “the fuitllflug ot "the- law.*’ testimony to that fact . I answer^ \\' t * recommend, also “ The Hand- 
God forbid. How shall' we ’As' to the nature of tins Jove of "God. ’* r O>® T ^ I ‘Tl ch. Hof l' onk .'. ,f S vT 

if otlier houses are burned at tlie same 
time, tlie mail withAvliom the lire 
originated lias to flee (W life.. If 
eauglit, he would lie handled by tlie 

Mu. Km to in: In tlie Christian plies at 
,e Advocate, of November 11,1883. my separah 
re excellent friend und -brother, Rev. atone 
If C H i’riteliard, ijissents from my tlien, b 
io views on sanctification, aud criticises though 

moli without mercy and, go t lem as a^ vooutg of tlie theory apostle asks : “ lyiiow ye not, that so 

to prison, and he is well aware of thi . f . . ’ ) j i, eaat .|ear'ly defines the many of us as were baptized into 

If only Ids own lumse is burned, he of Ills si liool e as e ica v j baptized into i s 

will, not tie allowed to enter the house Ho. ^ »v(flvjd and mq^ y fig^m JeH,^ ^ ^ ^ p , 

of any other man for tliree days. ' r T,, l Un , , !, a i n t a n ee With tlie Why is the den,th of Christ called a 

My Chinese servant told me tiiat writer y 1 . t vt , baptism? The reason is, lie so 

on one occasion he had been working l i' lthl "'' l j ,( ' H . 1 / J Z-re' strife of designated it in ids own htlirnmllou, 

in tlie field, and when night came lie no ouw d< ?i> ■ f) f . > ■ *• r have a pabtism liaptized 

’ felt verv tired, aiidua soon aft he could worun, or over w * N * ami imw um l st raitened until 

apostle iis k s : “ Know ye not, that so <iuuntift/ % that our love may be mad.e 
many of us as Were liaptized into, perfeoj..” 1 make it perfect in ./uantifj/ 
Jesus Christ were baptized into his — coming up to. tlie st^udun). lie 
deatli?” Ret us raise ihe question, makes it perfect in quality. 1 should 
Why is the dentil of Christ called a have felt aeqpmodaied if tie liad given 
iiaptism? Tlie reason is, lie so his authority for thaHdea. 
deHlurnated it in hla own htUrmation. Hro. Pritchard, iu concluding jna 

Iiis Son into my. lieart, . and that 
Spirit, the Holy Ghost, fills-my whole'; 
soul firil of hgtit aud joy. “ If any 
inau have uot the Spirit of Christr.he 
is none of Iiis.” Mark you not 
the amiability or gentleness or self- ■ 

Tn IiIhii the new-lMjruilujr ; 

the t’rtie twiK* that in mim'iiH i ^ > 

Rloou. like Mu’ j»ropJiet> ro.J . 

*r.oi i lie ill i*« Hiifdir of M" worn 
J t ,.iuk t'.iee; <*» my GOtl. 

' — Lucy 

r T rouble and perplexity drive me 

felt very tired, and us soon as he could words, °, r ^ or ‘ ,a " . - Nor HIV t i, 0 

get a -little supper he went to bed and Hro. 1 ritchard says > . - m . r i p - 

iv as soon asleep. In the night he Hishoji » \ lew » ‘ m |‘ s . 

was awakened Gy an alarm of Are, tural. the Scriptures 

and soon found it wus his own house, leading or untrue . I o t he i r 

Tho neighbors around came un. to ' LeH/e to Art v! 

render what assistance they could in I m«st be a rtlly in our 

assist him ; and when it was found whatever is not . re«l « *r«n, i >gr. 

{•‘at part of tlie house was saved to may )je pr^tl ther y, 

f'lnm some congratulated him that the required of any mair hu lt 
whole of I was not destroyed and lie he believed as an . arUcle of I. 
turned into tile street. HHhers said: he tlniught r “fl l ' l8 . lt mblv be|‘| 

| You ought to. be more careful, and 8U ' vat -; 01 ’ HiZieneial Rules 

f«t I, aye us aroused at lids time of taught in. tl te 

Ultfht to come ami help you brvc your hocietleH, i auttlcie 

'Odse.” Tlie rdmaifluer of the night the on y rule, a n 

"I have a pabtism to. lie liaptized 
with, and how am I straitened until 
it be accomplished..” It was .accom- 
plished in IiIh death; and tlie sense 
in whicKLwe are baptized into Iiis 

n as would tie 

by falling into a common error. 

die poor man thought of his misfor- 
tune, and yet he felt lie was fortunate 
for several reasons in not losing all. 

luil'hing to tiie “demonstrations 

ly Ghost (The quickening | ^ ( ,; nwar j 

dying bpirl't of our God s kj / Milton. 
Iian a tlie armor of the ; 

parable to celerity.— l/ord Hacon. 

— Slumber notri u t l ie' - tew is wf your 
fathers. The world is advancing. 
Advance with it.— Mazzini. 

Act well at the piomeut.and yoit 
have performed a good action to all 
eternity.-- Ravuter. 

’ —Vi'siateviT -your wants are, want 
not faith, and you can not want .-.q - 
plfes.— Charnoek. 

Truth. U impossible to be soiled 
hv anv outward tducli us.tliesun- 

iHn,. Win lint oil I v be proved by — efl’ectlng tlie death of tlie old man, 
s+Hotures but hi its own forcible tlie destruction of his body-and free- 
«n\riiam>: dom from sin, "that henceforth we, 

all the armor of the j 
do not^ need Ichh leurn- 
do need more of the ; 

. • jcnauua iu uuii «••• * . • UUIU irum miu, tuui ucimcmiui « 1 , 7 . . .. . 

\Vheu daylight came he began to »nd bea ’- 1 *!’‘ , 1 . ur 8 i 0 l the nuestlou ati'Bhould notserve, sin.” Ho" thorough can the ho growth at all. HP indicates 
around to see tlie extent of the : We c0 W'.v?i^har<l lelluea" Ranfltl- is this cleansing act this regencru- tiiat it ih profane to speak of improv- 
' damage, anil to devise some means to issue. --Hro. * u what "we tlon— that the apostle adds in the ing ou the righteousness of Rlitjst. 

make good Hie necessary repairs. Ha, ficatlon thus. Blulo HH C ation— the twenty-second verse,- “lint now 1 be- If you admit Ills premises, which I 

•“eked around for his Bhovel aud hoe, uudersta: nu y . of Realising inn made free from sin, and become do not, you are bound to accept his 

u “d they could uot be found any- oomplotion ofj til , wm , 1 ^ j e iini- servants to God, ye have your fruit conclusion. I hope Hro. Hrttohard 

jy l "*re. He was sure he had plaoed l‘egwiin regc,teration. l() ||U unto holiness, and tlje end everlast- will not repeat the assertion that) I 

h<) m inside of the door with his tlon maurnea the .very i K life ,n In confirmation of this am a disciple of /luzeadorf. 

iiaskets, etc., the night before, and It proved, viz., that regeneration * ^ ( 

If our justification he the imputation Kpirit. We may reason till d om« ( 
of the rigliteousnesH of Glirist there day, but no soul will lie saved ; 

canlbe ho growth atall. Hjp indicates Spirit of God do not apply t lm w r • j 
that it 1 h profane to speak of luiprov- lie sure you have-the Holy < > r 

conciusion. I hope lJro. Pritchard 

aud tticn your words will be burning 
words. Men will be cut* to the heart. • 
Cries for mercy will goThp to God. 
Thousands will come out of tiie dark- 
ness of sin into the light of tlie Spirit. 

1 The Holy Ghost was the mighty arm 

That flower tlmt follows tlie sun 
doth HO even ill cloudy days. I.eigh- 

—Keep aloof from sadness, for sad- 
ness is tlie sickness of the soul. 

— Rave sought is good', hut givt-n 
unsought is better.— Shakespeare.. 

— It i» easy to flud reasons why- 
other should be patient. 

—The soul is strong tiiat trust* iu 
Gf/d.— Messenger. . 

. 81 nr #*Uims glmstian §tecntt 

jtiau 3idt*ri!U. 

rnv«<nu j»jti »m vs 

Only m word ' 

A ri ii t'orf on U* holy Lrymh • « 

A niPUrtH^c Unit God 1«*>1 niv«*M 
To kindly w arn from lli? wny* of 4 a»Hu 
A nd a lt» ul wim lid 1»'» licnvm. 

i inly n wo id ! 

gpokrn.ln ncoVn by Hpi tl»»t pmllrd 
fhtt * bmirrtinir dotrbl’t* MnOU rliAd' 
ii« cMt in the truptlriK heart of « child, 

And a llfo-lonp dRfknfW mndo 

Qnly a word I 

Vft there lay in lie heart, enahrlnH 
LlkeYhr (term In n tiny wed, 

A thought, that fell In "« enrnewt mind, 

And grew to n noble dee* 

• *' .Only a word! 

No wore widely ttie ocean parts 
Lajid from land with its ebb and Dow . 

Than one fal«e word severed kjndly heart? 

Thatioved, in thjplong-ajfh. -. 

only a word:. 

The yhUtig fP-d-imillEll-l’.ilLll.IJAICt 

'■'TTut it tlrw, like a awlfl-wtngtfd dove, 
l*rotn the atorVny .dept he of a aouPs despair 
T« t he Fattier'* heart of love. 

Only » word! 

• Qh : cbooae it wisely; weifch it well : forth with love and faith ; 
it mar l»e the message one word, cad tell 
AVlll reacue a soul fr6tu death* 

nnlghlKirltoorLt llRt HDUhl lf Ado of cat- tweny-i vodollrrs. U 

tie. horses, hogs ho.,a^E5]ra*n«l kitchen wa. 1HU* enough, and- n0 

furntturo would take place on the day thaokH of the looked toss, 
named. When the day arrived there and talked very Impolitely, and I wan 
™re« good number of the neighbor* glad when the last one was .out and 
in attendance, ami bid off my gooda could shu the d°or ; I lJ«J to tfj 
and chatties at almost fabulous prices, warm by the coals They h«l «< 

g w yy % r > fVVT* 

shall reunite thorn in the paradise 

Mississippi Conference', and the author Melho^kt KpUo^al Sn^^ol. ^ ^honlaor ffiS? 

of Mary Singleton. We find his com- and attended upon the ordinances of touohm , wllh Ul0 divinity of his um 

pany most charming until Startled by the ohilrch. She was liked by all, for 
the shriek of tho locomotive, and the she Imd a smile Tor all. Hut good pen- 
voice of the porter, announcing in pie must die as woll as wlckod. t'hr.iBt, 
usual intelligible voice that wo have who died for all, will save young as/ 
reached Tangipahaba. A .brihk ride of well as old. 

and chatties at pi most fabulous prices. not a stick nine miles, behind a pair of spirited Mar* te.uifau.tiu... l’.ln.y..,tn mm... . nencs, in , ™ 

! In ton days thereafter might have been . ponies, and we arrive at the quiet little ' ^ «-• the 

soe.^tn a hir^. anibulance a pre^> , W 6nt out aftor town of G., and aro soon ip the parson- T . ‘ nfw „ r i,,tf ft,,,,. Christian sufferer, they proved «n 

and his family hogging through deop little son got up ana . ■ BB8 Bn ,i w «th Its loVeiUumaMs. Home , . elixir both to soul ami body, always 

mud on their wav to Yar.oo City In some ijfood. When he had kindled a g ^ . Not Ilk, Hie queen, of ililniri rnrtli, • leaving her calm and peaceful. Ah' It 

I I- i Mm heat to take them to (ire I arose. My mothor was not able again, not to go through th.0 bustle and who live and rule *>• linttlm' roll, became mure evident that she must dio, 

search ol a stoan 1 oa to rise and was sick for several weeks worry and fatigue of moving, hut to T h.v vlctorleswcre-of higher worth- her trust in God became firmer and her 

Hayot. Sara, receiving their first lesson to rlee, rati l w^ sick | ^ no, not torest either, but t l 6 eh- They wore the vlc.oric. of the. o„. assurance clearer. Indeed a calmer, 

M » K.«M *u.; Ttx*». Rao. s». t.m. ' I found the little that remained of the for the Christmas treo. Add now, will I <? ZrM with ihl, Hrl'a Vilfwirtl, neeeed than expressed by her In 

«►—*•■» stow frozen solid, and all that' was loft you bellovo me, it was about this very *,». ...rang torth hi.jbXp, *ia W our last b.torvlow 1 

! TwentK Years Ago, or Watch-Night in i„ the plates, but not one oyster was Christmas tree I sat down to write. ^ j ^ ... w..c. th^ P^^tSi ^.l^h • 

# t£63- found, and thoy evon took tho ein'|i$y ^ ' - ?{ e v. Thomas Cumins, kindly Rcndftj’ 

•• can. There vvhre more than two dozen oiir nourishing Sunday-school, our, / Mlnrvlnrtfd pan led her husband with her rhinalm? 

a\ miis. l. citAi ; n N \m, plates oh. the table with the frozen preparations for the Christmas festivi-’ to Canton, whore she was buried with 

We were refugees from Vlorlda, and „ lo w, besldewnan'y saucers ami other tTes, oto„ but before I was awaro of it - - the g,0rl : 

found a home in an . interior town nf disbos thoy jmd ined. I could not tell my truant pen had rambled oil into Bit\ni ; Kf'-siivvt - _I " mT'c i"‘ r. s. woodward, 

Alabama. We fell among friends ho w many men there was, only by the another subject, and so X just followed Fr ,/aufth 

whose love and syniprttl.y wTll be ro- dishes. Afterward I learnod that one it whithersoever It led, and the result Mi . i , avr1n _ gai „ )IS ._a. ti.o re.w.ncr i»r. laii Vk ^ IIaIWon, daughter of John 
rriembered an long as wo remember of them was bung for passing deserters is this scattering lettec, which, unless j„ Morion, Miss., January 2, n«4, by iiev. (j 0 rdon, was born in Spartanburg, s, 

anything, earthly, and. when we and .through. the lines, I had seen one of . you sre the .most amiable. of. edltora i>. p.flrmmmir!>fr. tirorgr o; Mcuuiln, uf Doliiiii, - Taii'uary 20, TRIO; She was mamsif, 

Mnrr bcniilfouR limn I’almyrcnn Innni, 

' Tlion 1 c.uf r nf r qiirrnly niiHio, 

Tiio' tli.lii Uv'sl n ClirlBtlnn lliv 
Without » thought of worhlfy fmoo. 

Not llko the queens of this e'nit enrtti, 

Who live nml rule *y Imlllfs' roll. 

Thy Victories. were of higher worth— 

They were the victories of the soul. 

Christ-like ihou llvg.l on mir enrlh, 
k ne colled Ihee to n higher plVe, 

And', wearied wllh this life's llrfworth, 

Thy soul spring forth hls.throne^O grace. 

J W / i. w. c. 

changeable love, shall never be dguh, 
gjvered. , 

.It was my privilege to be with l 10r 
frequently during her last Illness, it 
was their custom to havo .he pray with 
tho.ii bn my stated pastoral visits ; 
hence, In placd of the pastor's visits .ami 
prayers producing a shock to the al- 
ready excited and delicate nerves of tho 
Christian sufferer, they proved u n 
elixir both to soul and body, always 
leaving her calm and peaceful. As' it 
became mure evident that she must dio, 
her trust In God (Inner and her 
assurance clearer. Indeed, a calmer, 
sweeter rollntioe on God In the near 
approach ol death We have rarely wit- 
nessed than expressed by her lp • 
our last interview. I being called to 
attend our Annual Conference, the 


pastor of the l’resbyterian Church, 
Rev. Thomas Cumins, kindly accdfy 
ponied her husband with her remains 

BlIADI.Kf'-SIIAW.-Iu llrWnsvIllo, Miss., I>c- 
cemVr 25, ISM, l>y Roy. 1). 1*. nradfprd. Mr. C. I. 
Bradley to Miss Itulur’a Shaw. 

McT.AURIN— GADDIS.— At the residence of Dr. 

to Canton, where she was hurled With 
suitable coMnjbnies. to await the glori- 
ous resurrection of tbo just. 


HARDON-^-Mrh. Kmzahkth Ade- 
laii.k IIaWpon, daughter . of John 

anything earthly, and. when we and m ro ugh tl.n lines. I had seen one of you sre the most amiable .ot.«Utoi» - •'!».-p.*rmHim«rWr. neurge o. stclararlirr 

thoy reajl our titles clear to the better them In Florida, and knew his name; (as I am half inclined to think yon are, to Miss Ante o.owldia 

land and go up to take our possessions it was Hobbs; he was the one that was since seeing your genial face,) -will find ,, t onM I as* J n n u n 'ry 

wo expect to meet those Alabama h un g. of the others' I never heard a its way into tllo waste-basket. So now p"’!Bradror<l! Mr! Wlllla. 

friends again. It had been tho-custom word. If any of them should chance, lean only just say that the Christmas AdclcC. iPctiry. 

to keep watch-night in our little home to Bee tbit. I think they will remember tiree was a charming success, the pres- JOHNSON-JollxsON -At the rcsld, 

clrclowhen wo could not join others, that night very vividly. I wish them ents amounting in value, to quite two hrld f » father, Rev: .loWph Jolrtnon.-i 
, a. /..» At • ... • . . •• r. . ... - . ii.:... » i . ■ » .% .'la Dnrpmlipr 27. ism . hv RnrrKuftOnr. Johns 

iMInAUtca.OiuIdia; November 11, 1W17, to A.icll Irvin llar- 

WILI.IAM'S— RlvNUY.— At the residence nf l lie don ;' moved to Shelby, N. C., ill 181(1 ■ 


; That night, December 31, 18ft», there no ill, anil hope God will forgive them hundred dollars, I sup pose , for hidde n 
were hIx of us— husband was away in f or the trouble, discomfort and fright away among the groen leaves anti 
the army. My mother, four children they caused mo and my little family bright red borries of the holly tree was 
and niys&lf composed the littlo home that night. - a costly gold watch, a fine gun stood 

■Xmc-homei-waa. a.. atord, with. idearnod tho nextrlay'4-hat the same. .Iieneatli. .thfl....tree, .and.— many other 

The Mississippi Conference was held 

large double doors, fronting the street nr p W d 'had been td every ' house' in 
and railroad. This Was the only avail- ', town, and no one would let thou. in. 

handsouio presents made the tree h 
“thing of beauty,” indeed, Atjtl now 

l.flilr’a mother, In Bolton, M I.p. . January, a, 185., by 
Rev.' D. P. Bradforil, Mr. P. I’. Williams, to Miss 
Adele C; Henry. 

JOHNSON— JOHNSON.— At the residence of the 
b ride’s father, Rev. Joseph Johnson, -Dlka, Miss., 
December 27, 1S83, Uy RevrEuftene. Johnson. asalsteiL 
by Rev. J.-H. Mitchell, Dr. J. M. Johnson ntld Miss 
Ora Johnson. 

TOBIAS— FOSTER.*- At * the- lesldenco- pf llie 
bride. (Kean S|irlllK«. Miss., January a, ISM. hy 
Rev..!. Nicholson, Mr. II. P. .Tobias, of New Ur- 
leans, I,a.,lo Mrs. Santh K. Vo-lrr, of Otenn S|, rings, 
MIbs. - 

In Natchez, in December, islil, Bishop' able house in tho town. It was large, They saw the- light through the trail- adidii, until we meet next winter in 
Andrew presidniu. My presiding el- with a fireplace In both rooms. One I some over tile door, and tlionght it was Yazoo City. ii.uiy J, paiikfu. 

..or a T M. Klv. whs 'detained at usod as kitchen and dining-room, tho nublic house, nerliaps ; but when GnEENsiiuitu,!..,,, Dec, :ii;'iss3. 

nnuory. a, issi, by joined tbo Methodist lCplRcopal Church, 
Williams, to Miss South, 111-1863, ..and moved to Doiio Oak, 
Texas, in 180.1. where her husband died 
e residence Of the in 1809. In 1870 she cauie to Louisiana 
n,r inka Miss., to live with tier brother, W. R. Gordon, 
Johnson, assisted. -Mill Jlavon, OlWhita parish. Tin 
Inhnson 'and Miss mother of live children, three of them 
survive her— two living in Shelby, 
N. C., ami one in I.ono Oak, Texas 1 1 the SUe (1 j ed November 1. 1883. 
nnnry n, dm ,y x’ossBRsed of groat natural energy, 
l ' 1 . 1 ”-.— r N "” . r .'. ..siKtcr .littmioiL-wiolde(liL.v.ery.-iiu(iidciY 
-, ofOu-nnS|,rl"KH, in | luent , 0 on those around her, und iii 
' , , ,, - tho 'community and church sho was 

' m n " i. 'known as a Worker. Her consistent 
« M 'n’hn'w A^. . life HI1<I Htert,1 y l'ioiy won the coun- 

ter, A. T. M. Hy, was detained at usod as kitchen and dining-room, the a public house, perhaps; but when 
liouie, in consequence of the sickness ! other as parlor, bed-room and library, thfty learned that it was not they 
and deatli of lijs first wife, and did lifiCpTiio shelves wore just tho thing Tor my ghpuld have retired. It was one o'clock 
read. Natchez until lute in the session, books, and everything else one could before they left, and we had kept 
In Madison county I had a small farm, stoiv away on a shelf, while there was “watch-night” in a way wo had not 
and a pleasnnt, adjacent to sey- ample rOoin fop -Three liodfJteads anticipated, 

eral ciYcuitS within the hounds of tile and nthe/ .furniture. , Altogether, wo of tbo dear ones with me that night 

Bishop Galleher at Bastrop.- 

i .-Ai n.c res dci.ct-, of- the 4 •j cllowI j Hs 1V Worker; Her consistent 

. I.rlui- Siiiiimr, In Ma.slmll coiuity. Mils., December ljfe K1R , Btert , ly pj 0 f y won the COUli- 

|„5.isMi,by itsv. li. c. Mur.-hciiil, Rsv. John w. An- ,| enco . 0 f all and made her power ami 
Ilerson.-of tlu- Ml.slsslpid tunfetsme, lo Miss . , He fnliVeas as a Christian recognized 
M. Cullit- Grocr. T and fell. At the time of her death she 

BijNXE 1I-W1I.S0N.-AI' the resilience nf the 1 w as actively engaged in tile blessed 
iirbl, --s bijnln-r lit-lniv; Cn|,t, Brown. Mu Bolivar i work' of t tie AYouiaiTs Christian Telii- 

assooiateil will, tiuft of our 
oaaaed Tirolher, \V. ~1 1 WatkinB, ap- 
. pointed to Wood vi lie circuit; .right 

In Madison county I bad a smalt farm, slow away on a shelf, while there was “watch-night” in a way wo bad not Mn.T.niTiut: Risbop Galleher, ol tile j 

and a pleasnnt l.oine, adjacent to se.v- ample rdoui fop - three liodfJteads anticipated. Protestant l-.piscopiil f’linr.di, ..I Lou- j 

eral circuits within the hounds, of (lie and othef -furniture. , Altogether, wo of tbe dear ones with me that night isiana, paid ids annual visit here, last. 

Sharon district, which I could serve ] thought tho. lines had fallon to us in only one (that was the baby then) is Week. Much preparation had been 

without moving my family, -consisting pleasant places. Wei^ad no front ynrd, witlTmc) now. The others have gono made by Ins. people in. one way and 

of a wife, four little buys and 'some but wo had a good neighbor on both to ijbep watch inside the pearly gates another to adorn bis : episcopal visim- 

.servant!}. When the appointments Hides of us. My mother said wo must for us, but l.helfe is “ no night there,” tion. . As their building hero is a \ ery 
wore read uni I waited with much keep watfch-night, and pray for the and they need no candle, poithor light small one they askod | permission to use. 
anxiety- to hear my name' conneoted deaf absent friends. So we read our qf. tho sun, for the I.ord God giveth our.-hpu«$. of worship,- which is quite 

With a iiircuif on the Sliaron district. ISiblos, sang and • prayed ; tlien tiio tliom light, and they shall reign for- iargelfor a small town, and it was 

In this I was disappointed, other and children dropped oft' to sleep ; the old- ever and ever. ■ * .granted. 

more-distant districts w-eio called, and eat was tun yhars old, the youngest ^ . ■*' > ,4V uirA ol 

still my name was not called. jBSgan one. It was a very cold. night. ThMO r '- A Preacher's Wife at Conference. mtieh labor, is a. fine looking genlle- 

to conclude that 1 was of so llttlp inr- had a heavy snow storjin all day, and it mail and a lluent and boautlful 

portance to the itinerant machinery was so cold the water was freezing* in Mit. Fditou : One of the ‘‘-heroines speaker; did Dot read l He sei-nint). lie 
thatl was overlooked caficcfy. Natchez, the house. Yet still wo two, my dear of the par8Quago,' , 'of whom you mako occupied our pulpit last Sunday at 
' district was Iasi called, and my name, sainted mother, Roxana Ballard Crary, mention in your editorial concerning oleven A. M. and at night. I heard 
ass ociated with tiuft erf our ■ and inyge if, sat there by the lire keep- the Mississippi Conference, herewith him- only at tiio evening service, llis 

oeaseil .brother, W. ii. Watkins, up- ing watch- night. 1 to Kbepjawake was sends you a Christmas greeting, and a IBXIAVRS IUlkO x, fi 0: "AtUlTlI.tb Wlllttv 

. pointed to Woodville circuit;- .right busy sewing on a dries for my little sincere wish that yours may be a liappy soever houso ye enter, first say, Peace 
then I wilted.- How could I leave my- giri, wliile'ffiotlierTead, and talked al- New Year,and one of increased uaeful- he to this house. And il tiio- Hon ol 

county, Ml*s., Ill i-vm'-tr 18, lDci, by the Rev. II. ' ’ 

Moreheml, Mr’.'wi Ilium A.'Bnnmr unit Mins Klur- 
••m e Wilson. * . 

V K K R I \Aj— N K I.S ) N .— A l tin* mltlonc? of the 
lirltlo’a purents, in .'.lack noil coutrt-v, Ml^.. by 
Thotnns rrl.<-, Mr. Al3*?n B. Ferrill wmi Miss 
Druclllti >'i*ison. ^ , 

1M'' l* Y— WILSON*.- In the Mplb o.diHtf* (-Iiurt;b, ill j 
ViTimn, Bn., on Tuos^ny, IJiTi inbi-r 2f>, h w hU, by | 
Kev. .iTiim-h A. M cl >»•• !», Mr. Jopfp.b 11. T’t»ht*y l<» Miss I 
Lula It. Wilson*. • r 

ever' and ever. 

A Preacher's Wife at Conference. 

then I willed.- IIow- could I leave my- giri, wliile'ffiother read and talked al- NewYear,andoDeoYincreased.iaeful- 
hotne and gtiH-wo Liu mired miles among tomatnly. All at once the little dog ness in the department of ckutch labor, 
strangers! Why could 1 not have jumped and Hew at the door, at the to which you have, ih the providence 
work assignod me nearer home? I same time wo heard a loud rap. We 0 f God, been assigned, and in which 
wont- immediately to\(tro, *ITy, and were both much startled, ami did not you give promise of eminent succohs. 
said to him: "Had you told mo that know what to do. It was after ten The delightful trip to Conference is 

L-ouuty, Ml»p., pVi-viub.r is, i“i:i, L-y tliu Rev, Ii. c peruncu Cnion apd the 'Woinan’s .lfor- 
SHl.-KniTiilt : Hishop Galleher, of tho SIorclieml.Mrt'willlutn A Tliiumr unit Mbs Flur- i.jgn Missionary Society. Oftllo latter 
Protestant Kpiscnpjtl Ciim-cli, ol^lfoii- wibou. . ! organization she was the very efficient 

isiana, paid his annual visit here last.; ficiriim.-nim.s in.-ai n„- resMem-c th. 

‘ p ! brhip'.i immito in Jackpou row»rt-y, Mihs.. by Rpv. il |.lQl|>]U|££u.Hn(l W 1161 0 1186(1611 HIiU « lit rft 

week. M uch preparation hnu been | . 1 ', lomns i Mr. Ai 3 **n B. Ferrill mou Mbn j jjooii wan to bp Hone, she brought to tin 
made by liis. people in : one way and Drui-iiinNi-;snu. _ • | lioiioVolent ami Cliristian enterprises 

another to adorn bisM-piscnjial visit u- ' iskey - wiuon.- Iij'.Iiv Mi-tliattirtMaiiurcli, in j around her a loving heart, an earnest 

tion. . As their building here is a varf v.-tunu, r*. ! thomugh^ “MethodisTalie ‘helibve'd in 

small onh they askod permission to live Lpn. Jitmt-h a. .l i •. i. i ' i the class . meeting and eheorlully bore 

ourhausp. of worship, which is quite; , ! her testimony to the goodness ol Got. 

1 v- ,, 1 - •. STA n Di M.L - bi.a^*< il a Li>. At tin Methodist * lio love of her Lord. She will be 

Iargelfor a email town, and it «'“* i im, Mb, . D,-„-uU.,-r ,i. isss, ..y.: ImZlntqverv point where her true 

granted. ' . " ’ . Rev. j.,liu w” l-ricf. la-v! u.; m. sunuufr, of.tla- life. fuelled-. the lives of other*. She- 

Tlte Rishop, 1 ,I, k 1tidgp l ,..i/i,,a mart of -, Sartfi.MlwlKiiw*! Uuuf»i»»is-; Ih-mih* i.Jiiu- Blau- i w-as a devoted wile, fond mother, lov- 
mUcli Taijor,' is a Vine looking* i?entle- vnuDi, o f . .".c.r.i i.», | ing sister and dear friend. Tho'chil- 

.,„i I I IiriJStiN— DICKIE.— At lie- rtsMcnce nf tin- ,i ron , lm l all who know liorcitD not 

man and a lluent and boautlful j 1Al | ler Mr , w . Dickie, Jnnimry c. dm, !■/ I soon forget lier. Very great is tbo loss 

speaker ; did not read the sernibu. lie *bov. ,i. t. \vtikit>(i, Mr. J. a. litninon' t«> mi&sa.w. I to tho church, her relativos and friends, 
occupied our pulpit last Sunday at niekte/notli of Calhoun enmity, 'Alt,. ! in tbe deaili of Siater-llardon. 

oleven A. M. and at night/ l heard TEltRY-BAH.HY.-At ti"- resiilmce uf n,s Suddenly and speechless »ke Ptuised 

him- only at the evening service His told?*, Uui.nes dumty. Mi-., Dcco.nU-r 2 : 1 , N« <ly«nK w ere needed to- 

• OIHy ,u 1110 Gvonl,1 b at r>\ it c. nia .. ,, vnt s Wl ,, Xtvrry to mi m tell that lier end was j>oaeo and her re- 

text wua Luke x, n n : " And into wiuit- ' — * ‘ | ward lieaveb. Her lire whh in (Mirlst, 

soever house ye enter, first say, Peace kl'scoe—m i'ch, e,— a" tin- nMd.'nc „r . 1 ,.. ! forover^ o^^th^hlrwSfk^the 

bo to this house. And if tho- son of Urt.l.- k father, Jumw.v 2 , 18 SRI., Rev. J. F. Evans, j :„ Mt t|,.| bliliiAtli more and 

granted. " . ' ’ j Rev. J„liu W f .T’tlcr. Rev) R.- : 

Tlte BUihop h il. AiylRtW-lft ,-*t mart of j Stirffi-.MlMlKiiwd Cuurmiici-; i< 
mUhli tallior, is a fine looking* fcentle- 1 « totd, of t uniwain. sn*— 

man and a lluent and boautifi.l 1 ut bsON-DUKD-.-At i|h 
, ... , , ,, I ImiH-Kl fHIber, Mr. \\ . Dickie, 

speaker; did lint read the sermon, lie -gi-v. . 1 . T. wtlkius, Mr. J. A. Uu 
occupied our pulpit last Sunday at uk-ktc, Wtli ofcaihotmcwiiity, 
oleven A. M. and at nigtit. " l heard tkury-iiailky.-ai tb« 
liim-only at tiio evening service. His told* - . ftUl«*r. Bnlmra dumty. 

wont- immediately to \|tro, *I’ly, ami were both much startled, anti did not you give promise of eminent succohs. 
said to him: "Had you told mo that know what to do. It was after ten The delightful trip to Conference Is 
you had 110 further use for me on your o'clock. Who could it be coming at. over. Doubly delightful It is tauthe 
district 1 might have saved you some that liojtr ? We were afraid to -ask. itinerant’s wife, who lias had but little 

be to this house. And if tho- son 0 I 7 1 i, r i,i..j,fuii,er.Jniiu,u 
peace be there, your peace shall rest Mr. a.-r,h. iiubcocu 
upon, it: if not, it shall turn to you Gnrroii county, Miss, 
aigain.” WiLuams-nabi 

. , , .1, ride's rullu-r, Jniiuai 

Tho congregation was large and vory Mr yv w a 11Uaul8 

attentive to tho word,' and the Hishop Curinii county, Mbs, 
proceeded in' his own eloquent way '• z — 

fnllier, January 3, us-RUy Kev. J. F. EVkns, 

to the c-lnirch, her relatives and friend' 
in the death of Sister-llardon. 

Suddenly and speechless she passed 
a'wa.'V, No dying words were necd.ed tu- 
tu 11 that tier end was peace and iter re- 
ward heaven. Her ltfh 'WHH lu Christ, 
and, falling " asleep in .lesus,” slm i> 
llis forever: On earth sho walked the 
“ path of the just that shiiioth more and 
more unto tiio perfect tiny," and now 
ssliocver lives 111 the light and lilossed- 
110 RH of that tlay that knows no night. 
Let us all follow on to the home of tho 

district 1 might have saved you some that Hour ? We were afraid to -ask. itinerant’s wife, who has had but little until he reached and declared this 

trouble hy asking lor a discontinu- The louft knocking was kept up, and recreation during. the year, save, per- strange and altogether, uuscriptural 

ance.” 1 shall never forget how he tlte dog barking furiously. Atlastthe chance, a tr ip to camp meeting, and position, which, in my hlupblo 

looked. With a tear glistening in his thouglit tliat it might be a Sick neigh* w i,o is therefore prepared to enjoy to opinion, destroyed all "the force of the 

the fullest her temporary release from after and closiTlg parts of the discourse. 

eyes,, he said, “most kindly; 

bor wanting something or 

Morse;! did havo a place for you, but perhaps, ‘’in need gave me courage to the unceasing antVunvarying round of The assertion was that “the last word 
you may yet live long enough to find speak. A voice said : “The train had domestic dutieB and maternal cares, in the yld Testament was a curse, and 
•ut that a presiding elder can not keep run off the track and they were In dis- You, Mr,' Editor, who attend a Confer- the firslj- word of the New Testament, 
all the preachers he would like on his tress,.” So I unbolted the maBsivo door enc.e every winter, perhaps two or in the oillcial character of Jesus Christ, 
district.” Siue^ that time I have.trav* and two, men fairly jumped into thd three of, them, can hardly realize the was a blessing, and that was the differ- 

mui ui mu tuitt oinuuwi iiiu.u ism* 
Mr. A.- 11 , s. Ituscof to Miss I II.-, I c. Mlclitr, .all of m ' 0re day," and now 

Cnrrull county, Miss. sahojjver lives 111 the light and hlossed- 

W I DEI AMs— N a Bo us.— At tbo mldenci- of the n0HS ()1 - t | iat ,) lly that knows no njght. 
luiile'* rullu-r, Jamiurr 11 , ism, l,y lttv. J. F. Eviiiis,' },pt us all follow on to tile home of tho 
Mr. \V. W. Wililaius 10 Miss I.urcnn Nation, ull of aa int3. JOHN T. SAWYER, 

Curl",! “"mi.' . . The follow ing resolutions were gilopt- 

^ I ed by the Woman’s Cliristian T’emper- 
MBRStVtRVidd 1 anco Union, of tho Colony. 

UVicrcu.t, Tlte Lord gave and tiio 

Lord laketlgaway, We bow’in liumblu- 

HANKY-” The righteous shall be ‘ijfwjl.l who In calling 

Vfias aRiimr r«iiiHinbnincn ” “ llnr fronI our Ml'S. L. A. Hanlon, lihS 

children rise up and call l,lr : blessed." t»ken an earnest worker and Christian 
Of a great nuuilior of tho people of »“£, b « '/' ,1 ,°, f , th ® 

God with whom it lias been the privi- Woman’s Cljris iaii'lemperanceUuion, 
-I..:.....,, I.„ 1 , mac, nirintn, l treasurer ol tho Woman s 1-orelgH 

eletl seven districts, and learned that room u)nd as^ed if thoy might warm magnitude and importance such an ence between, the two sysi,ems.” 
iny belovod presiding elder was right. theuiBelve^. I coqld not refuse to let event assumes in the eyes of the Now, sir, turn to the 'Old Test 
. Many preachers since thou I have re- th’em go to the lire. Then they asked .preacher’s wife. She feels in a good and you will find the word “ble 

luutantly parted w ith, because I could. Tor something to eat. I told them I humor with all the world, and has a 
not lielp myself, all for. the best, no could not give them anything; I had- kind of sympathy Tor those of her fel- 

Now, sir, turn to the'Old Testament, 
and you will find die word “ blessing” 
mentioned forty'seven times, ss in 
l’salms iii, 8; “Thy blessing is upon 

HANKY — “The righteous shall be 
in-. everlasting remembrance:” “Her 
children rise up and calL her 'blessed.” 
(if a great nuuilior of tiio people of 
God with whom it has been tho privi- 
lege ol the writer to become acquainted 
during llie experience of a lo^ig fife, be 
has known but lew, if any, to whom 
tho' above words -of inspiration could 
wjtli greater propriety bo applied than 
to that ilepa-rteit saint of -God, go.od 
Sister N. C. Hanky, who ilopSTted 
ibis life, November UU, lssu. 

Ttfough i-ii ruiiiscriliuil in lior sphere 
of’lU'u, tier lot iiaviiig been' ail liurjible 

doubt. 1 then went to iny^uew presld- nothing cooked. Then they said they low-travelers who aro so unfortunate | thy people.” 
Ing eldar, Dr. Winans, and ihdtod him bad a large can of oysters. ,If 1 would as not to be " going to Conference.” 
if he 'would be willing to take llro. stew them and give them some bread We— changing the person— even for- 
Roberson who had been president of they would, pay me well. I bad noth- give, from our heart of hearts, the 
ShaVon l-'emale College, hut had Ron- ing but meal, anil told them* I would blundering waiter at a certain hotel, 
seuted to supply a work on tiio Sharon ; bake some griddle cakes and warm tiie which shall he nameless here, who, at 

. , ,, ,7 ‘ , one, she was a burning anil shilling 

And then tlte words j-jgiu j„ tins world to all whmknow 

had a large can of oysters. . If I would as not to be " going to Conference.” " bless, blesBeth,” etc,, aro mentioned |, eri especially to all w ho kiie 

stew them and give them some bread We— changing the person^even for-, hundreds of times in tho same old Lord, lor ■ they’ could readily 

give, from our heart of hearts, tho 

book, while “blessing” is mentioned ^nowladgo <>f ner^not only that she 
> 7 ", .. bail lieen w.ilh Christ, but that m!io 

only twelve times in all tho New ies- Uv(M , h| ,, 1()Se luHowship-ivilh tiiin and 
tament. At the same time the most with tli'e l-’ather— and will 

district,! in niv place. Said ho: “ 1KT oystsfs. So they went to the train for the table, fails to furnish us with a dreadful cursos of God nTe promised to 

any change is made in the appointment the can, and I prepared the cakeB and knife anq fork, forgets the butter, and 
you must sue tho Hishop. I would ad- set a small-side table for two persons brings usRold) rolls and beefsteak en- 

viB8 you to go home, fix l ^r’ gp lng to 
the work assigned, -you', come down, 
and we will take care of you and your 
family.” He spoke so kindly and in- 

liy the time they goj, back. Then four - ti rely bey < 
men came in instead of two, and rush- tion. Itut 
ed to the fire. I was amazed. What and-feeltli 
oould I do? I said to those that oamO nanimous. 

tiie wicked , in tl.e^same New Testa- 
ment if they repent not, and porsist in 

which shall he nameless here, who, at tament. At the same time the most with llie Father— ami will doubtless 
the table, fails to furnish us with a dreadful cursos of God nTe promised to concur with tiie writer in 'indulging 
knife and! fork, forgets the butter, and tiie wicked , in tbe^same N’ew Testa- a m ; j « } G nu 1 ,,“ li a y 't 1 ,i ' 1 1 ' 'ts ' I h p.Tr- 
brings us\pldj rolls and beefsteak en- meet if they repent not, and porsist in tion in the lot of the righteous'— in tiie 
tirely beymgj/our powers of mastics- a life ol' sin. It is a most grave error saint’s everlasting rest. These t-lierished 
tion. Rut we are in an amiable- mood, that 'many - have fallen into in these memories and fond hopes result from 
and- feel that we can atlord to be mag- days that the religion ol the Jew and y^rk-wfitli llie deceased ; during a pari 
nanimous. that of Christian differs. And l was the timo a Veiy intimate ai-qimiiit- 

. How nleasant tiie reunion with old surprised that tho eloquent Bishop Katj mice, Tiieso years also embrace a 

ly her sudden. deatli, and tonder to the 
family our .yaj-mest sympathies ip tiffs 
llioir Had heroavemeni. 

Jt'r.sulrcil, That (God helping tun wo 
will inotit our frienti in tiio " tioitlUfijl 
valley,” where “sorrow shall he turneu 
into joy 

Jtc.tuli'cil, That a copy of those reso- 
lutions be sent to the family and 0110 to 
the Christian Advocate, 

Mrs, w, Y. COOPER. 

-l-'or Committee, 


by tfte time they goj, back. Then four tirely beyohii/our powers of mastics- a life ol' sin. It is a most grave error 
men c»mo in instead of two, and rush- tion. Rut we are in an amiable- mood, that many have fallen into in these 

that of Christian 

vitingly that 1 concluded not to troublo ! first that I was not prepared for more . IIow pleasant the reunion with old surprised that tho eloquent Bishop had | 
the Bishop. While trying to negotiate ! than two, aniTj could not do any more, friends, "preach'eTS arid their w(vetj t ' left " 
toy company all lelt, and I ljad to ride j They insisted, and said they would pay who name thronging Into the cars, In* ] pit. 

“ solitary and alone,” thinking how I > 'me any price. I went in the kitchen, creating in number at almost every | 1 ; 

So’j'd “ae^ tiie hull in motion.” The: made a lire in the sthyo, and put on the statlqu, until when we loave JackatYn, upc 
4rst nignt was spent in' prayerful I oysters, It was a large four-gallon can j at six in tho morning, for N'atchez, ljgi 
wakefulness. Can my wife loave home, : they had, and they. saioSl might have ] there are fully lilty preachers on lioard. V J, 
situated near liy her fond parents, and all that was left. I, set the table for j At sight of llie familiar facos; known 0(11 
•onsent -to becomh a ho me loss Itlher- 'four, went to call them, andSBiund the and loVed in tli’e years agone, wliat ]ov 
ant’s wife? Can we consent to givo- up : room full of men. Some werh gentle- tfoops of memories come thronging in hei 
•ur home with no prospects of liaving i men, or looked to be, and Others rough Urion tiie heart, causing tiie tears to a ll 
another? Can I lie as useful among ! enough. What a territile strait r-\ivaB start, unbidden, from the eyes. But xi, 
strangers as 1 could he among those I I in., T was almost frozen, the children this is no place for mournful retrospec- as 
ligve known so long'and loved so well? orying, 'and tbf(y were piling on tn^ tion ; the iron liorse is hearing us 
Will not’the good people of Hie new j wood on the fire in the room. Myold- '^wiftly on to the beautiful and thriving wl 
sliarge think they were entitled to a eat boy bad gotten lip to .protect me, city of Natchez, which we reach about sh 

friends, p r6 achVs and their wives,, left the right way and fallen into this . ** 

Gild never projected but one religion 
upon, tiie earth, and that was the re- 
ligion of love. Turh to DoulCroloTtny 
vj, •l-.'i: “Hear, -O Israel: Tbo Lojd 

liand of allliction lbll'niost heavily up- f 
on her iii Him loss of a linil) which ren- 
dered lier a cripple lor life. But while [ 
her active, affectionate ami benevolent 1 
life wss greatly depreciated, tiio price- 
less treasure of • fiOr Immortal being , 
suffered 110 depreciation, nor Dio loss I 

our God is nno I.ord: And thou hIjijR of 0110 ray, of Urn bright itml cheering 
love the Lord thy God with *11 (fine ‘inwi^ 

heart, and witli all thy, soul, and with U |, ml 

all thy might.” And in I.evimt-us Having I'uen cut off from the privi- 

. hgve known so long and loved so well? j 
Will not’ the good people of tiie new | 
charge think they were entitled to a 
preacher of greater experience, with a , 
| -"iightor burden to carry? Ih it not j 
probable that the Bishop hqs made a 
mistake in my appointment? These, 
with kindred. suggestions, made up my 

I concluded when I reached Jackson 
I would call oil my quoiidsui colleague, 
and ask him lo write my wife such a 
letter as would strengthen tier faith and 
reconcile her to 01 ft distant apportit- 
inent. When I called at the house'oj 
bit father-in-law he met me at the 

heart, and with all tliy, sqm, aim wim U |, n „ 

all thy might.” And in I.evitlic'iiH llavliigi^ieen cut off from the privi- 1 
xix, is; "Thou shall love th4 neighbor lege ofatteud.ii.ig church ami Hie minis- 
’ ,,,, _ tratioiiiof the gospel, tllh PIt'Hclieil word 

ts thyself. Novy .turn lo Luke x, | lur j,, m ,o or tbe place Dfli*r j 

ttj-,28. Here' wfe .ia’ve it certain lawyer ghode. In These services the writer ! 

est boy had gotten lip to .protect me, j city of Natchez, which we reach about shall I ( ] 0 to inherit eternal life?” 
the others were frightened, aiiil my noon, and are -soon domiciled in the Christ asked him wbat was' written ip 
mother was obliged to get in bed to “eholcost home in town.” Had we the th a law. And the lawyer quotes these 
keep from freezing. Then they rushed time wk might speak at length of the very words of Moses, And Christ said 
to the table, and helped themselves different\bjects of interest here, of tbe m him : “Thou hast answered right-.; 
from the pets on tiie stove, and ate costly ohurqhes, tiie lovely homes, tho This do, and thou slialt live.” I am 
every oyster and all the bread, and elegant subukban residences, the gen- *- # n aW are of the fact that Christ says, 
wanted me to cook more. I told fhem erous bospitgBty of the people, and John xili, ill; “A new commandment 

whoasks this questlopj “MaRtBr, what performed' an humble- part, and can 

shall I do to inherit eternal life?” never lorgei that placid countenance j 

, . • ... radiant wiUi-love to (.oil and love to all j 

Christ asked him wbat was written ip ||| 8 creatures and hopes full ol’ ipunor- 
tlie law. And the lawyer <iiiotos these tality. Consule'riiig the number of 
very words of Moses, And Christ saift tliose near and dear to Iter who pro- 1 

I could not; would not. Than one of also of the doings of the Conference, T give uiito you, that "ye love oue,an- 

the first who* came asked me what I j the venerable Btkjiop’s sermon on 

ch.arged. I Bald: Gentlemen, if you 
are gentlemen you will pay lneaband- 
jm^ne sum f(j{ this iptpo»ttioih-*|jonly 

Sunday, the fine addresses which we 

other.” And tiie reason that lie said 
this was that tlte Jewish people were ho 

ceded her to tiio liomu in heaven, we 
may safely indulge the delightful 
thought Unit God's children aro gather- 
ing home. JAMES H. MUSE. 

CASSKLL— Mrs.' Sarah It— C as- 
hki.d, wife (if A. G. Cassell, and 
(laughter of Mr. IV R. Sutherland, of 
Canton, Miss., died of paralysis, in 
Vicksburg, .-MIbs., December 12, 1883, Mil 

reRd to- enterbnu two, and all this | which all the other 

. , , ,, , — * ■ viCKSiiiirg,.-miss., jjecemuer iz, ios.i, 1.1 

heard, and many otherTjiiugs. Rut we B adly backslidden from the aplrit of the thirty-third year of her age. 
must hasten on to -that' last day for their religioft that it was only in forms Being reared in tiie Presbyterian 

m .'. lit: combination 

01 life ( )ils anti Al- 
kali (.Sutla) must 

Ijc t ) m p 1 t c to 
form a perfect or 
true soap, such as 
will not hum. the 
fibre,’ or r e 1! d e 11 
and i r r i tat e the 
skin. The Ivory 
Soap is ' 99 \\%fa 
pure, which insures 
its being pt-*rl.ectly 
harmless, ami will 
leave the skin 
clear, white and 

> . hunt tan 

d_ays of'-ft 

site attached lierselt to that 1 

door, invited me into the parlor, and erbwd have rurfhed in upon me it is an were made. The ordeal is Uauit,' the sight of this loye, and therefore it was 

aaked.ute how 1 liked my appointment. 
After/canvassing the subject a few mo- 
ments he handed me a letter he wrote 

imkertlnenUlntruBion. 1 am a soldier's 
wlftAani! w/efugee. You have burned 
ail niy-vvood, ahd I ant almost frozen, 

were made. The ordeal is past,' the 
"agony” is over, which means the 
“appointments” are read, and we are 
returned for another twelve months to 

and ceremonies, and they had lost fhui'ch she attached lu 

«li»?r«lx n early life. _ She 

church in early life. Sho was uian-ied 
to Bro. Cassell, October 21, 1873. Three 

the night previous, to my wife, say-’ and my.' children too. Fifty dollars the people we have learned to love 8^ w hile the religion is the same. There .south, in Brandon. MIhs! 

ing: “I thought Sister Morse might will not begin to compensate me for well, ami who, we humbly believe, will i B a difference only : in the' ceremonies appointment lo Vicksbur 

feel allllsted on having to leave her the discomfort and' trouble you have cordially welcome us hack. Returning unp sacrifices. We hope Bishop Cialle- 1!ro - Cassell engaged in a 

friends and home, so I have taken the caused hie. One Stepped up to me and home oh the South-bound train we §®r will see the point.- 't r c a HB()u' l and h n aiul ll h Is 'di 

liberty to give her some encourage- ’said: Mad^ua, wo could have gotten a mlas the society of the preachers so jambs k. Bradley. reguhir worshipers at the 

ment,” I. thanked him for anticipating ] line supper at a boarding house for mueh that we are feeling qujte a sense ni8ium\Li., D«c. (, 188J. Churoh. 

ment," 1. thanked him for anticipating 
my visit and business! <>u ruai-hjng 
home my wife was anxious to know 
what disposition was made ol us. I 
handed her Bro. McLennan’s letter, 

fifty cenieVir a dollar apiece," I re- Of bereavement, when a‘ fine looking 
plied : Wt/y did you not go there then, gentleman approaches, and says to Mr. 

and not jin pose 0.1 me and my little 
oiiihjren ?NJ do 110 J, keep a hotel. Then 

rhich she read, but not without .tears. ; ojisapokfi/and told them all to throw 

sked her if she could aland it. 

in and j 1 

Some aneaksd out 

gentleman approaches, and saya to Mr. 
P., with a pleasant smile: “1 judge 
from your general appearance that you 
are a Methodist minister.” . lie then 
j Introduced hlniBelf as Rev. J. I). 

really “ new ” to them. years after, believing it to bo her dqty. 

The fact is that the Christian church to unite with tiie church of herhus- 

ls a mnllniutinn nf the Jewish church 'tond’s choice, the writer received her 
is a continuation or the Jewish cm iron, , nU> the M i thodlHt i: p i B( ;opul Church, 

while the religion is the same. There .south, iu Brandon. Miss. On my 
ja. a difference only, in the' ceremonies appointment to Vicksburg 1 found 
and sacrifices. We hope Bishop Cialle- »ro. Cassell engaged in a prosptiroiiH 
nii! .l- tlr«K buameHa in the firm ol Hardaway 
Ser tjrill see the point.- A Cassell, and lie and his devoted wife 

. \ jambs K. BRADLEY. regular worsliiperH at the Methodist 

Disiuoi-.Li., Dec. (, 1883 . Churoh. 1 i * 

— ' ( . • m » Congenial and liappy in. their wedded 

i- In Momnrlarri love, perfectly ugrcotl in their domestic 

in memoriain, and religious sentiments and purposes. 

X , they spent the ton yeafa of tholr married 

Miss Zenobia 1- lemmona departed life us liapptly and peacefully, I H.ip- 
thin life aged fifteen years and two ppso, as qyer falls lo the lot of any. 

(•piled: “ I can If jR/u can." The next without paying anything, but -the one Cameron, a name familiar to-ua as that 
Ur i circulated notices through the ] that took the money handed me 1 of an honored member of the North 

‘ Xjri Memorlam, 

Miss Zenobia FlemmoiiH departed 
thin life aged fifteen years and two 
months. The good die young. This 

Prse of charge. A full «ttfl c * k ® 

mini lo aur ouawlio cau not gst It of tucirs 

bIi two-ceut »tani|iB, to pay lii»ts*ii. arc ‘ a 
A Gamble. Clm-lnuaU. l’lousu mcollou tins 1 »i 

ljlOR WALK. A gooilyliico In AmUt 

Ut deftth ha« HUHpendod the sweet twenty fwnw. a flnejtwo iS»ry dw^llng*iio«'^. 
nion, and the huHhand is left alone to ttiic, i*<»Uon.»b a'llh Ml It loll fa 11 (l 

, * r . union and the husband is left alone to ttfxn itte. b-kUhT £'r„y„ imi VYn- 

young lady was unUl lier illueas a woe ,, ' am , walti heart-stricken in ffie ^ 
faithful member of • Kpllclty Street solitude of liia sacred grief, until God | Braarimt, AmbroBla, La. 

** 7 

: f ' . i., 

j-wL-j • ■ • • . 

17 1 1$$4« 

\x ©tertian J|flwat*y . ; 

fttfftiaa gkflvocatf. 

TB rB«i>AT «*"*"' ,7 ‘ 1 81,4 

• Tim YALtJtr OF SU.KXrK. 

nuifnr on the deefllttiere a™ billow, 

• Tirol never BllBllWak on the beach : 

‘a nm vo »onK» in the alienee 
Tirol never mail final Into apee^b ; 

| irove Iroil ilj-eama In the Valley 
T0 „ loftv for langiwge to reach. • 

, .rove aaen though ta In the VpUey- 
' - ih me! how niy aptrl^waa atlrreil ! t 

They'wear holy vella on their facea, 

Their foolatepa ran acarcely be bear.l ; 
rhev pitss'ilown the valley like virgins , 

Ttio'pnie for the touch of a woril. 

- do yAu ask me therplace of this Valley , 

■ To hem tv that life harrowed with care 
\ r. ||eih afar between mountalna, 
uul n,i,l aiul hla angela are there ; 

Vnd one la thoxlark nionnl of Borrow, 

, A w pa^Tbrrght BiohntM^afpn^ v 

the Relation of Baptized Children to ! 
the Church, 

The report of the coflninittee on this 
subiect, at tile into session of t'lre Mis- 
sissippi' Conference, did not, in the 
•ntimls „nf many, give tt satisfactory 
urowhr to a question that lias greatly 
ifpleSed the church. Wiiat r.elatfbn 

What Can We Do for Missions, 


Wlien you liave roail and hoard imridi 
about missions; when hooks amKptil- 
plt appeal to you to take tip thhy work, 
naturally you ask, What can' we do? 

(l.y Ym\ run become ilccjili/injercxtcil 
in inhsim i.i, arid without th* yoil...w)J/ 
do little else. 'Phis interest comosi part- 
ly from a study of the Bible! The Old 
Tosta'nreut, if rightly read A is full of 


k, and the 
first mis- 

prophesies about the Overiu^tirig kitig 
dom which Is to cover the wl ole earth; 
and Is not the New Testamei t 
cally a missionary hook? Tli 
tell of the preparatory wor 
epistles are letters from the 
sionaries. I 

This Interest comes also largely froni 
reading the news from the Held. l»o 
you remember, twenty years ago mdn 
could hardly wait for th«< daily paper, 
to know h(.w tho war/ was KOHiK? 
What an earnest citizenship ! Hut shall 
wo have less .Interest inf regard to. the 
Lord's battle? Said oif old minister; 

I “I .rend t he iiewapapurk cli.letly to see. 
How Uod is governinlg the world. 
Why should not every I ‘hristiati iamily 
hate the church paper? Why should f 
hot a large majority have also a good , 
missionary paper? 

'1 hen, too, how many magazines are 
published, for general use, lof women, 
for childreh".. How many books ol mis- 
sionary biography, travel and history . 
fill the Sunday-school' rind family 
\ library with suclilnaUor. 

You can, not ho interested injdijius 
of which you know' uutbWjh* Such 
r e ading - arid 

•that which costs us toil and trouble, far 
moro than that which siniply drirte 
Into our minds or falls into our hands. 
We want to Insist on private individual 
iudgrnSbt In matters of fnlth and prac- 
tice, since wo know that ho .is 
stronger, who works out his own re- 
sults, and has mainly depended on 
Divine teaching, and when our Metho- 
dists shall he such l.y conviction and 
not simpjy by association or descent, 
then we can hope for better ana 
brighter dayH. So wo think it la possi- 
ble that doubt, may bo in some sort 
i fourth''. I a stepping stoiio to a higher and 
1)1 a earth , | “, ron ' ‘ r Again, uttered doubt 

emphat -v* 1 ^ ^ nH(w , f be a heartless mi- 
io-gOSpela | ))al j e |. tho moral sense, and 

drives one to the strong ground on 
which we base our faTTli, and its qiiick- 
ened exercise is helpful to in ml and 
soul. If, however, thero be the ex- 
pression of honest doubt, «ur symfm- 
thios arc. aroused, and wo want to* t peli 
the seeker after light, and as via begin 
to answer objections and give -n't" 1 re- 
gent reasons lor the- faith and hope we 
liave, it will lie found that, the dls- 
"covery that wo are on (lie ianndatloiij 
will -not tmiy— ltePp- U Hv-hul— add. auvil . 
ringing force to our testimony, us t 
carry conviction to our friend s mind, 
lor personal knowledge and experience 
are the two prime factors for successful 
presentation of the troth in «; 
And some objection, the lore©' o wl b 
wo can not at the moment turd aside, 
will cause us to (lawfully 
whole subject, and give us ale Ightful 
slid protUahle employment, until we 
excitingly reach a demonstration, 
which wo can hasten to answer our 
friend. -A converted inlidel is uspally 

in bnnti/ecl children huMahi to the. ui wun *' V”'’ <.7r.inti ,r«H -Ffrietui. -a. cohv«i-wu *• 

To \ r/itiiiiv’mem her s^r are H0 V altietoUie-<dujr‘-h r -Hinta 

•lnirch. Are they members or r | ulrcll j m p erH and missionary literd- , . , is stroncer r bv far because, of 

’ v 1 *•-" — - ““ ,,v ‘ lw,lkR " 1 the terrilic struggles tllrongh . which be 

has passed. It may be held that ddnht 

;6cy not? If members, how do jthoy 
liillcr l'roih adult mbmhefs? To the 
Anglican, dreok and Homan Catholic 
Churches these questions- do not in- 
volve any difficulties whatever, l-'or 
baptismal regeneration settles the- re- 
lationship in such a way that any sepa-- 
rato distinct work of grace, in fitting 
(bom for either the visible or invisible 
kingdom of Uod, is.,w holly 'unnecessary. 
Willi us regeneration is not implied in 

lure iTirisl Of necessity awaken and 
strongthfon a missionary spirit and in- 
terest. To become deeply interested in 
this work is not merely- possHde and 

uroper, hut it. is also your duly as a 
Christian. , , , . 

v-ig.)- Vvv+e-,-f(,( the •iikxxioii 

Yoii can go as a minister, lor more are 
needed. You can go ns a minister s 
wile. Physicians, boih. male anil 
female, are found very useful, and 
' mav lie your life work, 11. reach the 
souls of men lllfongh thefr bodies, as 
our. Lord did,. Yhu cpn “ teaclier. 

liantbm. If wo are ever regenerated liven mechanics are needetk in L. 

...» »■. «— » >!» a •KMw'&rsa x 

of actKfniitahility, and are dupable ! .or^xla'ftd missi. mars, but also many 

in A I rush 


' lino Ol ay»wnuw.-a...,i , - i '.urunilitfu iiii.yi'iinu -i .. 

u.fontlni: C liriHt as our Saviour, mechanics and Uboreis. 1 .mtor ^‘rniH, 

assumed l.y nearly all Protestant do- B<,nl A,rl ' • 

v nDliiinations, is tlial tile blood of Christ 
avails Tor chlhlreu, ami- thoreloro, ac- 
,. 0 riling to our view, ro^eheratloii ii> 
infancy would be-n sifporlluoiis w-ork. 

Mtegeneration evidently takes • place 
viibscqaient to accouutaldlity, when wo 
j know good iro’m evil. * 

-^During tho time .of nonage or in fancy 
(bat intervenes lietween liirtli and tho 
period at which iiie child becomes ne- 
coimtaKlov if baptized, what relation 
daos it sustain to tho church ? I answer 

is tiie lntirniity of great, minds., but 
we tliinkwe can see that it may actually 
lie the forerunner ol. precious truth, 
ns it compels scrutiny, end « »" ay 
well ho glailv-tinU any way C hrist m 
thought -of, or. preached ,1ft* ( 

Trutli ; a'V' anv lionest mind must 
at last blow in ■'reverence . ohedimice 
and faith to' believe it has 

been said.- “a fool never, don his, anil 

wl.ile we would tone ddw» such asser- 
tion, we vet think that a strong m n 
can not lillord to fcccivc anything, hut 
the naked w-ird of Cod without H'i e . B - 
timi ami doiilc, and thht every ’ W" 
is lioumLto study the Bible, allndugh 

sionaries and 10(1 members;' tho tthree 
Churph^lif .Scotland' and the Presby- 
terian (/lnirch of Canada In New llwh- 
rldeS( with IH "missionaries and ‘2-1H 
momberit. , , , . 

What la tlio eliaracter of Hie wdrk in 
Australia and Now Zealand? It is 
chiefly self-supporting, independent 
work, by, for and among the various 
Protestant denominations established 
there in the English settlements, and 
not strictly missionary work. 

What sooiotieB are most successful in 
Australasia? Those ih Croat Britain. 

Who woro tho first nilssi«nariea to 
Polynesia? A company of '29 sewt out 
by tho London Missionary Society in 

171X1. . , 

What oilier societies entered 1 oly- 

nesla soon after? American Hoard at 
Hawaiian Islands, In 1819; Wesleyan 
Methodists ol England in the 1- rioniily, 
Islands, in 182‘2; and tho Society lor 
the Propagation of the Uospel in 
Western Polynesia, 'in 1817; and others 

later. • , . 

What societies are now ai work m 
Polynesia, aipl where? The Society lor 
the PropagHthpi of tlie Uospel in Now 
| Caledonia, Fiji, and Hawaii, wiili 
B rn l sSr 1 1 - " 1 

Ueotgian, ciuvio.j. - — , 

Samoan, and -Royalty groups, and on 

Savapo Taland ami New .(TinutMi. wit u 
21 missionaries and la, 990 or 20,990 
members ; tliei Cimrch Missionary So- 
ciety on Queen Charlotte and Van- 
couver islands, with i! missionaries; 

1 1,0 Evangelical Missionary society tol 
Parisl in Tahiti; and the American 
Board in the llawajiim, Uilbert,-<WKr- 
atren-mid i'aroline Islands, ill coirjiec- 
I Lion wiili tlie 1 lawalian ngeiical 
Association, which carries oh Wrk In 
the Marquesas group and aids tlie 
America) FBoard missjotis. 

What societies have done the most 
extensive work in Polynesia. 1 lie 
London Missionary' Society, the Eng- 
lish .Wesleyan Method 1st ami American 

'what fias become of Hie Wesleyan 
missions in the Paeilic?^om- | 

m unities are self- supporting l { r '«. ?’ I 

the balance of the work is in the hands 
of tho WoaleyanB.. ol Australia^ wjio 
have several C'enfcrcnccs. ahqut 
traveling rind 1,899 local preachers, ami 

liUHH) members. ' 

•What'has l.een tlie method or all 
these societies? As sodn as a beginning 
' could t io made, tlie lost converts have 

cim.niiFx s Moiinis ■ nos <■ 

■ ' * 

To Gail npiyfl 
'/Whbue name lovi , 
nnr grateful anng wo r ilHe, 

Amllbwly tmw 

Ilpforp him now 

In humble pruyer hu h pirnht 

All through the night 
The nng«j*H bright „ 

Iliive aroiiiut nur IrfjlB. 

Anil wlilte we’ve ai n't . 

Their watj'li they've kept 
Above ouf 1'IUowed JifludB. 

All through thlvib’y , 

In work or play, 

Lord, leiul uh In thy wny ; 

And may It h elo«a 

ltrlng, mveet repoiie- , 

WltlidrciUns of heavvuly da.' . 

American MesHdiger. 



Kditoh: IMcrho allots mt’ l- 0 

you a short lotdor, too, as 1 hog 

don la Fiji, ami Hawaii, with, wruo you a h.iuu , .... ■ 

n o ' iiftrrW, h til'AvI ion rn TQ fn tho-^ot hot*' - fU-tki-rH-U-la. ar : tL : wxi t i J.UC-XU! T 

Vjomi'o 1 1 ‘ Mi RM fl) n ary 1 i? ' io ty. i n tho 1<jUora> \ ttm only o^ht years ohi/lnit 
tgian, ..lad to sue the dear eblUVs corner 

homo l»y the ilihenH.of rny own rnoUior,' 
tho fooling wan IntonHithul. Mottior 
\va« vory III, anil an hopo t*rnw fainthr, 
in V (IlMt.roHH waa- hardly Iorm than Stol- 
la’a. <)no ni«ht,, whon tny alHtor and I 
wero.tof) sloop, I told nor 
about Stella, and wo thon plod'KQtl our- 
hoIvoh to talts from mother ovory poa- 
Hfhltl i’aro,’rtiitl .to, mako our homo our 
lirHt ohjoi't. Mothor’H illnens uiado it 
Hoein n»orq» natural Hnd 'aasy’at It rat, 
and ov(»rVlhn»K inoyod on ho smoothly 
that 1 ftoall;/ think who ro^ained libr - 
health more quioklv. All tho mondin^ 
ami Hnw.hlu wore dono promptly tuijlor 
her diriuMhm, nml »wo alway^Hllom'od - 
’ her by Haying, wo liked to dt>f4t. Who 
Holdoin r 'knovvH what iH propilrln^ for toa 
of hroakfaa>; wohe^ her niiT'l'o omptiro, 
for wo know that who onjoya little Hiir- . 
priHhH. Tho hoys ami tho dear baby' aro 
tiottoj and hapnior for having ho muoli # 
of lior titim tjn’in attention. 

“ LaMt snmtnor 1 vlaltod Sl^jlla a^aiu. 
She ih tho 11 y I ft of tho homo. Only lor 
t.lio dlsolpHno t had pas^oil throuuh 
rouhl 1 u?»dorHtand how alio was able 
to acoomplisb so much. Hot* hands 
woro not lldr and delicate, but I iliou^bf 
'them morn fboauli'ful. Why, yirls. 1 


am its glad to sue lilt, dear child's corner 
as tlie .ten- year old girls are. 'I ell | 
Eunice E. Harmon that Kuth was i 
I, avid's grandmother. 1 will ask one 
question': Where is the word "girl - j 
iqund in .tlie lUIdU'.” Wo girls read all ■ 
Fathcl-’.J onus' letters, too, and think it : 
would he nice if some good mother 
would'WTite us nice letters. Perhaps 
they might a great deal ol good. 
Our .Sunday-school went into, winter- 
quarters tho Sunday before Christmas. 
Some of us have promised ( ach other 
that we will not forget to read carefully 
all tlie Sunday-school lessons until 
March! when wo hope to meet again in 
Sunday-school. Fulil then wo will try 
to he gAod-and remember the Sabbath 
day to keep it holy. ■ - 

Your 1'itue friend, 

' Si IN NIK K. — 

TYI.LMO* s.’MKS., I »*** \- : >l ...I’Wh 

iidYiir hc'c a pretty liand ft6:W wltlio.ut 
wmrdprt trp^ ' Tf -• TH; bl' T <‘ f c Uur — 

Hint 'white. So I am goini: homnu>bcTp 
mother; I ahull bc-'lmppy btu-uopo I 
know if in my dttl v 

Ah liOUlHO iVniHiiHd Hpoakihn the t'n-' 
tiring ball Hounded. Not tt, word wan 
Hpokon, buL-thn kiss that cadi, bestowed 
upon the lltiHltpd fa'i^i of thfiVMirnwtt 
Hpeaker told -»)f tlm 'itupresHlon her. 
words had made. Tlioatj indtheiH alotm 
’(•an toll >vJv»l;hGr ibe,u»tluem*e wasdaHt- 
1 i n tf . — (’ a 1 1 ^ rQ £ a tii in a 1 i h t. 

n<pti» study I lt^ ,yril so been -trained as native pastors, 

he tnayDiniinestionahly a(.e|ftt it al , . have pushed cut in advance as a 

lhatHie may Aee the heantilul harmony | “ , e Tc Tine to d pen new stations. 

ytWS.ll minvai.i , , 

precisely the same-tliat a rojitmnrate(} j lereat. 


file Fr<«e Church ol 
; Switzerland, lias now 
farmer, a carpenter, a 
i lirick maker. 

ill. v»rt can seti'l .xuiii'yFoie in ■‘/''■I) 

nhiee. Not all can go. yfinne have the 
will lint not tlie til ness. V ( liristmii 
gentleman in New-'A'mk pays tlie ei- 
' censes of Kcv. (.ill-ert Head ill < hefoe, 
china. Hut perhaps Villi are nut able 
to do so HKw h. Then join, ten 1,1 ** 
thousand others and help to send a 
missioifarv io' his work. Hememher, 
your giving will -depend j-n vour m- 

fattli Of assurance. We also 
mend doyht in all pur schools. It is a 
needful educator. No. teacher nr ro- 
fossor should l-e considered inlallible. 
our colleges too often turm out. men 

Samoan. Society, N*w liel.ndw, t aro- 
; linriSAlarshall and Hilbert groups., 
VVlAt. have he.on thW clnel hindrances 
l*to (Mristianizing the people?- H 
,,r« Jcs of tsickedl. .en 'romthHsHan 

. . Wbat-.AIIefl' Oliver. .. .. 

“ Cs-i, up, little hov ! You are lying 
in hod too long; breakfast will soon lie 
ready, Hilt u.p, get up, er I. shall throw 
tilth pillow h, 1 you V 
Thai; is what Hisicr Charlene said to 
Oliver Heed (hie treaty morning In No- 
vember. Hctvyas a good little tellew ; 
lint he had ene fault ; he was tee fopd 
of lying in .lied in tie- 

| lon'l throw tlie pillow, at me!’’ 

' cried I liiver ; ••I'll gel up. m tfvd min- 

' files." , , i 

~ -- lf-would .he ,‘healtliy.. wealthy an, I 
ijvise,’ you uuisl rise eaily, little boVj 

said Ciiarhitle. 

Mn Edit, hi ; Last year I reported When Oliver came do-s n Jo The hreak 
MH. i.BiKd. . oast i (fast, taldu, his father said, -How is Him; 

for Hie missionary cause, as proceeds (| -|- vm .., you are late again." 

Pi jny missionary hen, 8-» 20. . I then Oliver hung his head, and 1 liarlotto 

proposed tb become (mood' the Harder -'sahl,; K „ 01 , ruber ; 

: Magnolias, l or Linar yeai, Irom i > , | lUl j 10 oil' to alccp atfain^tlj>* min- 
mishionary bon, I bave paid to our ! u ^ e f loft tlm robin, though hej»iomi w .od 
. 1 d....' Ilf '-iiuii'g S.V W liicli"he ... hi, im in live minutes.'' 

(MIX — 1 1 1 * ' - I - 

For this reason a deep interest 

adnll'.persnn does. Such a ond is- in 
a salvable condilioi?, thougii liable to 
fall, Tho only dllVefenoe being, in case 
of adults, their liability every day to 
fall, while ill caso of infants, it is im- 
possible for them to do .so until they 
become rosponsl hie. Tho trouble with 
ui'auy in regarding cliildren as mem- 
beys of tho church -is that they conueV.t j 
.lonvdrs'ion and regeneration with tho 
idea of church membership, and, as 
dT ,|o nail look upon children . as . 
regeneratbil, they do not consider them 
-burgh members. It is well known 

lliat.thore aro many adult persons that 

are meuibers of the visible chureb who 
do not belong to the in vlsihipJHngdoui. 
'~Tliis is btrictly Til accordAIU'O.witlr the- 
teachings of the/ Scriptures. "Again, 
tlie kingdom pf/lieaveu is like uui'o a 
-net, that was-Tst into- tho tea, and 
fathered of cypry kind: which, whon 
it was full, they drew lo shortq and sat 
, down, and gathered tin- goo-1 into vos- 
.sols, hut cast tlie had away. So shall it 
he at tho end of llio world: tho angels 
shall come forth, and sever the wicked 

in. tho work stands lirst. (icing and 
giving Wiili then follow 'as truil Irom 
the inner life of tlio'tree. 

t. Tfiiii "l> !/"" r chiblra) in (/■' 

: miMimcnyiNjl. . They are tender and 
I eaailv molded, l’aretits should do it 1 
tin, -family : teai-li'era in the school, 
paalors in tlie catechetical class and in 

t T'i , r«t ;l of' all anil above all, lu'rn their 
hearts -and mimls toward hwoming 
i missionaries. H«v. Dr. Bah win we it 
to China, through an appea niade .n 
tho. Sunday'-seho, 1. Hev. V '- I ' l,lT 
heart waa early turned to-iiis life vmb 
Dr. (tram was lead to the loreign field 

hv ilia mother' a sl< )r l(^abmU llrani.(r 

and Eliot.- llev. i'r. Mollal, "hen 
‘ bv a 

inoul Unl alter a .patter p. 
tearbor prove an lto tfoes. — - - t .. 1 
in letters or Hcienre be accepted mitn 
tho! primer testa liave l.een applied. , 
llad this been well drnie W 'OUT '*n ion- 
tide schools, the world would liave 
been much further on in development. 
A wotkiug hypothesis may- he goo, . 
|, ut a deiiionstrated fact is ol the in- 
most value. .Since we were at .school 
we liave hadto unlearn many tilings 
taught for truth, and while we strongly 
urge that we leach an intelligent tailh-, 
let ns also teach that honest doubt olten 
, leads to the puhlimest dtscovenes ol 
i trutli. — Baltimore Episcopal. Method 1st. 

Missionary Cathecliism. 

■filji ISLANDS ill' Til K 1-AClKH 

Let" every I iandsV Homan Catiiol.ic intervention no fact and native vice and moral inertia. 

How do tlie results compare with 
those elsewhere? They aro greater for 
; the labor b.imtowejjBj-nospel in All 
I Lands. 


voting, was attracted 
the London Missionary So'-let'v 
Aram them also to an Intelligent »ml 
interesting alms-giving .for thb 1 wor -k. 
If all our cliildren were so t. uglit ai i 
trained, wliat an income 1 , would 
inakh! Several times tlie children oi 
England have paid, for mlsa on.ry 
Hlilps. Two years ago 'he B'i 'day 
echoola of the lTeehyterlan \ juroh ■ 
gave 810,900, and those of the Methodist 
Church ?100,9iHi. (or home and foreign 

melons. lndSS2twohnndr r VLuh- 

: prait Sunday-Hclipnis gave Sf-.-kx' h> 

wards Ills "children's missionary in 

Aron, among , he .lust, and I 

The alnis. however, are a 

them into tlie furnace of tire.” (Mat- - 

l hew vlii, 47 Mi.) ■ Here are two terms— j t „ r Compared wBI^ the 
>K'I and :u*it'Le<l 

lieretre wroieruiB- ( tftr 

-denoting many that j know ledge tlp-y al „, UlB 

are in tlie visible kingdom that shall 
ultimately be severed. from the just , or j 
regenerate. N'ow it seoms to xiio ifthe j 

tho tcic/.-cl, are aomettmea-fouiul j 

—in tlie visible chureli, and who aro , 
evidontly not in' the ark of safety so j 
long -ius they, remain In tliat condition, , 
it would lie very wrong to exclude 
. lmpUzed,childron, who are, ior Christ a 
sake, in his- invlniblo kingdom. As 
members of the cimrch, therefore, bap- 
tized children stand on the same piano 
with' adult and regenerate members' 
Thero is another perplexing question 
attending the reception of adults, who 
were baptized in infancy into the 
church. Why do wo again go through 
with the form of receiving them into 
tlio church if they wore inducted into 
tho church by baptism in infancy ? | 
Let it be understood that baptized chil- | 
Tlron are mombors of both the visible | 
and invisible church or kingdom until j 
they become individually accountable, 
and then they are no longer members 
nf tlie visible, unless they satisfy- anil 
confirm tlie vows publicly taken by 
llioir paronts in infancy, which act con- 
stitutes liietu adult members ol tlie 
visible cimrch of Christ. And tlioy are 
bo longer lifomhera. of the invisible 
oil li reli or kingdom, unless renewed in 
tlie tompor and spirit of their minds. 

it is quite possible, as I liav.o intl- 
.'niateil, for tliem to bo, mombors of tlie 
visible church without this ; hut not so 
of tho invisible kingdom. There aro 
dulios and obligations incumbent upon 
adult members which have 110 hearing 
( upon infant niembefs. Such, for. ex- 
ample, us repentance, faith ami olje- 
I (lienee. Whatever of these that ynuuy 
he required 'of cliildren must iie dis- 
, c.liargetl by tho paront. As parents 
stand in tlio same relation to their cljil- 
. dren that Ood dyos to us all, they aro 
required to teach tlieir Children these 
duties— to train them up in tho nurture, 
-rear and admonition of tlie Lord. 

H. S. MOOllK. 

I', l\, J*e. I..18SI. 

thev will feol'in Hie' work, and llnj 

1 Into-jvliat grand divisions- are the 
I islands ol the Pacific divided? Into 
j Malaysia, Australasia and Polynesia. 

1 What does ■Malaysia include.. I lie 
I islands southeast ol Asia bordering 011 

----- , r tlie Indian Ugean. . • , , * 

placard or. W liat 'l"es Australasia, include? 

I Australia,, New (iuinea, New Zealand, 

I- Tasmania, New Caledonia, New liebri- 
1 (1(>s, New -Britain, -and- all tlie smaller 
! islands xiul: groups surr.-mnding ; tliem. , 
1 What does Polynesia in cl in let 1 Iraq 
| nmltitude' of Htna'll islands throughout, 
the Ocean. 

When nvhh the lkii’itic O.^ah- cliH- 
on v ©red ? By Balboa, in 1.118. 

Who liri*L eroneoil the 1 Aoitic. M»tfel- 
lan, In 1V20. lie named if " Pacilic, 
which means peaceful-. 

Who first explored 1 olynesia. C aj't. 
I’ook, in 1.788 1779. * 

Wtio were tin) first European seltlersy, 
The mutineers of ill© Bounty, win) 
aeltled oil Pltcsirn'a Island In 

How inaitv races oi people are found 
in all of those island-.'? Malays, natives 
of Auatrili* hiuI Now . ai>4,1»iui, Ai\,tl 

, l\>lvtie*iiu»M. 

\VhRl kind of* oeohlo are they? I- he 
natlvee *ro tfeuentlly ltfuorant, aenHiial, 

— At a recent conference of the S iinta 
at Salt Lake City, it was reported that . 
in Flail alone there are 1'2,,2.H mem- 
1, era of tin. Mormon (Wen. of whom , 
2:1 '040 are' recent converts; in Arizona 
tliere is a membership ol '-,-94; in i 
Idaho double that number, and not, 
a few in -Colorado and oHier teriqtonea. 
Eighty -one' missionaries wore recently 
appointed to go on proselyting toiirs 
throogh Europe. si)d lilts country, <**- 
ieciallv into t'he Southern States In 
-Switzerland anil (iormany they have 
the heat success in ohjaining recruits. 
Bishop Edward Hunter, presiding 
Bishop 'of the Mormon - C hurch, Is 
ninety-one years of age, and the oldest 
Bishop. Hi Is now verv ill.. A report 
is current »l Salt Lake l it y tliat 1 rosi : 
dent .lehn Taylor. -will resign on ac. 
count of Ins advanced age au.d feeble 
uundition. • jUeorge, (J. t'anmm. will L-a 
his successor. ' 

preacher, Hevi IL Capers, 8- r >, which'he 
wiil pay over to you at Conference to 
aid the Parker Magnolias in tlieir et)ler- 
| prise. 1 have seven chickens yet, of 
this year, not. sold. Allow mo to say 
I further that 1 read with much interest 
•! the iett.tirs- in tlie AdVoP vTl'.IfOin lilB 
, boyk and girls. Wishing them all a 
merry Christmas and a happy New 
Year, I remain, Your little Iriond, 

lIKTTlli-W. u A u N hs, 
l.i,.y(i,v.,.,u,4.(.i,l)ec. «5, laKt. ' *■' 

—Thero Is some trouble at pYeaunt 
among tlio churches in.British (iuruea. 


Mr. Editor : Titiolosed please linil , 

81 which is what sister aul 1 re- j 
ceived for our last missionary chickpus | 
for ls8:',. We would like vory much to 
know how much the Parker Magnolias 
made during tlie last year. I hope (ill-j -*ald, ‘ 
the (! cuts) ns will continue to win k wiili ; ease 
. us this year. With many wislu-s lor 
yoiV and tlie Parker .Magnolias, I re- 
main, Your little friend, 

I , AN NIK SKCKt'fiT. . 

8 u,h tei: col'MY, Ala., Jhi>. 1 , 1884. ^ 

White Hands. 

I it was lire evening 
1 mencement at Mount Pleasant r-eiinn- 

I arv. Six young ladies ol the graduating 

I-V” « class were gathered around a window , 

, I overiookingThe plpasanl-grounds, an d , 

The four pfincipal- churohes- in , the . , ti,iking.en«*rty »bput i 

to lio up ill live niinut^H. 

“ I .wont t«) hIgoj) liinl t'ortfot Hlr annul 
It,” Raid OHver. • r . 

“ Como hofK my >.»n.v, ami lot mo feel 
vour iuiIho,” walii hin fathor. “j ajinuhi 
not wonder if Oliver wore sulferiutf - 
fr^ni a d innate' whirl) ia very eciiniiiQn: 
Oliver tf a\ n Ids hand t<> hiw lather, , 
who, after leellnghis pillHH, KHlil : "1 >-s, 
it is IIS 1 thought. Poor Oliver ms 
Slack's disease. Take him up to. bed 
again. Keep Ids break Inal warm by the 
lire -, and wlien lie feels strong enough, 
ho ean eat it. 11 m may stay at homo 
frrtm school to-’diy." 

Thejittle hov wondered wliat Slack h 
■ disease, -mild he; but lie went up-slaiJs 
with his sister, and was put l,o bed. lie 
could not sleep, however. -lie hoard 
children plavingoul , if doors ; lio.lioarji- 
Ponte harkiVi'g, ami Tommy, the canary 
lord, sing a cheery song. 

Tlieji ( liiver called to .ids- sister anil 
Charlotte, wliat is Slack'* dis- 
Is it dangerous ?” . 

I rather think not,'' said Charlotte. 
You dear little siundoton, den t you 
know wind father meant? He meant 
you were trou hie- 1 with -laziness - a sail 
complaint." - ' 

Oliver saw tliat a trie.; ead been 
played on him. He jumped out of bed, 
.dressed’, and ate Ins l.reakfast, and raiL,., 
oir tosrhoo.1, where lie arrived .lust in. 

11 sTlico liiat day Oliver "Inis bef-n the 
’■ Tirsl ni.du-thuhous.r ... l ie i s U H loiigoi 
: t, .milled with Sl;,cH'4 disease, and re- - 
members that, .■■■.Sli'.tlrlulness easUtli i 
jin,, a deep; «nd an idle sou I shall 
suitor Ini'iqo-L" 1‘rov. X'X 1 ' 1 Bl, ‘ 

ada Ad vociiUi.* — »• '. 

un, ritual nnwnr v*** . „ uinvin nin g," -rr . 

ill then! 'all of which iiroparea them (or t piu, «nd superautious. 

iisofulneaa in the church when older. wiiatiathe character of life islands 

We- niuat gain this P'"'>j when mir , th( . y live? Fvcry physical eon- 

children are young. "’Irani up- • j jitioii oflifo is perfect. ■ 

i/,,7, IP— not when half grown, l-.arly ; What hoi been tlie effect of civilza- 
, begun la early woril , lion on some ol these. -islanders? llB 

1 , y, m roil 111*" VII’U . lorth* woik. ; TMmal ,i„„ natives have entirely di»- 

Th’ia every one can , do." But >' OMr i appeared?* those ol Australia, Now 
nravers will he acceptable sod answer- . ^i*,,,,; No w Hebrides and Hawaii 
ed only I'n'-coae you mean " q”!! , are dimiuieliiug. , . 

uav They w-lll be narneet only if. you What Hocietiee are at - work in 
V ' uly interested ^ 

aro truly mtoivn..... - , 

t IiIh atfAiu Urtf •> 

knowing mlu’li »l»out it. ^ ^ 

A careful study III 


Lands. . - 


. The Uses of Doubt- 

Wo do not intend to shopk'anv godly 
people by extravAgant or lieterodox 

liuTsucgs, find yet we aro sure . 

doubt. Has its uses hi ‘“"S ' 

direotloua may -w«;'l bo . ult vaieu 
We do not yield to any offe in our 
reverence for the -sacred Scriptures, 
nor do wo bid ievp wo can wilhmil sin. 
lesseii tholr force as the -/ »«d at/ 
HulUeiont rule f(*r UltU‘»nil prw tlc.e. 
but wo do obiect (fuiln positively to 
receiving irisu'sdnterpretstlon of thorn 
withput doll lit, and without ailhjactlng 
tlie same to' prayerful 0 x ^ * ‘ \V ’ H i » 
we believe God teaches each one or BW 
children tho 'exact truths they 
from tlio vory Scriptures containing 

not tom I*. ihitm im >i 

Malaysia? Seven societies in 
NaUibrlaiuls and one in (Jermauy. 

Where' aro they working? 1 lie Ne'h- 
erlands Society in Java, ( olehes and 
the Moluccas, with '22 European mls- 
slousriee ami 12,009 church members; 
the Netherlands Union 111 .lava, with 
N missionaries arid TTiO members ; tlio 
java Committee in Java and Sumatra, 
w Hh 13 mlasloiiarlos and 350 members ; 
the Datcl)- Beformed Society m Java, 
wiili 5 mloeiouariee anil 49 meuibers; 
the .Hhenlsh Society, ol Utirmany,- in 
llorneo, Sumatra and Nias, with .10 
missionaries and 5,-iUO. mom hers. 

Wliat societies haVS-been most, suc- 
cesaful ami where? Tjie Nellierl.ands 
Society in Celebes, and the BhenUh in 
Borneo and Sumatra. 

Wliat societies are at work in Aus- 
tralasia? Eleven English, one Scotch, 
Olio American, one Herman and .two 
Dutch sooielies. , , ", 

Wliaro aro tliey working? I lio So- 
ciety for tlie Propagation of the Uospel 
in Australia. Tasmania and New 
Zealand, with 13 missionaries; tlie 
United Brethren in Australia, wi(,h (1 
missions rios : tho Loudon Missionary 
Social v iu New UjiintUb with 3 mis- 
Hionariea ; the Churlih Missionary Sn- 
cielv In Now Zealand, with 17 mia- 
sloiiariea; tfio Bible Christian Mls- 
aliiiuiry Sec/el V in Auatralni and New 
Zsaland with' tin ministers and 4,09.) 
members; the Colonial MisHlonary- So- 
ciety in Australia, Tasmsnla and. Now 
Zealand ; 'lie UoloiiiaJ. apil Continental 

colony are the Episcopal, or Church " pl , ula wer (. various, reaching oiuwml 

England, the Kirk of Scotland, uni . I ‘ wl tl, no thought of grief or sor rew 
the Church ,of Jtoiiis. The Church of . Weaitli, admiration, lame, were niimiJR 
England receives State aid to t-lie ; lflH a (tsiuable. Music and ait wouh 
amount of *30,080, the iyirk ol Scot. and | mv e Us devptee. <>no would i on- 

has 8 ' 2 I 590; the Wesleyan church has n,n»o Imr'studieHiu a higher i.ustUuUoiH 
R7 ooo and tlie Homisli Church $.12,000. ,i, {other wonjd'becom& the inistressajl a 

Some believe tint because a part oi the , beKllt ii„l lioihe. j . - 

puiilic revenue is raised froin taxes oh t , 1|10 |, ai | not. spoken, and when Ha 
tlie siiebf intoxicating liquors, there is , ,.{( es u 0 n, a second time , was.Asked bn- | 

something radically wrong m the i| ‘ lienl | y , "Louise, wliat are you 
State and in religion. ’1 lie church of , plans?'' Iier answer was eagerly a* ait 
Christ thev think, should not he de- | „ a H | 1H n help my mollier, sain 

pendent iii-any way, neither directly r. Louise. "O-o-oli, we all mean to i lo 
nor •ihdirectlv.'on the (Irani shop. > he ; Uml „f course.” said one, ’’ut w liat 
erv in consequence, is raised lor dis- . )lttn8 have you? You can t mean just 
eii.iowmeuts, . ’ j to stay at home in a pok.v way -and m* 

• -There is a cathedral Ur Pjso del 1 ^y.t^ ^ r^^Slo do jud that for 
Norte, Mexi*^), winch i» ovoi.JOO hi^i | ' nl u? i e HHt. mv buHinewH hUa.I 

dred years old, and has had no repairs I - j m 0 t, ber {„ anv way Uist 
for at loast. 290 years.. It has no |»ews | e fn gjj,, 

There is only a piece ol carpet spread , it i I at the puzzled laces around 

_igi front of the altar, and on tli » tlie j . - K ri on iiniied : ‘‘Shall 1 often 

worshipers kneel ouo at a time.. Dene- , hei, ■ a b lt and let von relid 

ration* liave come and gone, and noth- m> •” ^ rt)U1 it? You rememl-er 

iiig lias been'- done to buprove their . Jb Morton ? You remember that I -;Ahis: •sum m" ■ ; "•“.■Tin- 

mode of worship. once visited her during vacation ? Her i Hky has vanished mid t ho g reel - 

—The attnirtd meetings of the French h)Mnn vmt very Ttloasant, and a large , m widow lisa ‘^(iJei? cups And 

Prutektsnt Hlaiorv Socieiy' have just | | )r otliers and sisters made I ho i the Mowers are 

lit id at Minos, -and have been , (avs j, UVH merrily. ()ur fileasu.res kcflt , H ee. tlie rain h'bb s„ rB i v ilieNun- ' 1|Ul , out of (loors that WT) saw I a ii,Uio prospect dim. surely vue nui 

liltle of Mrs. Morton— a delicate, quiet i | J( ron, was mocking me • ■ 

hull/ always ready to bestow Sympathy Then on tlie dftrk , - 
wl on reeded. T noticed that the girls shone out a ' ^ 
were rioisb-tidv anil helpful about tipi . melting sillily- into eac li i other , famt at 
house as lhail beeri taught to be hut first, 4.».t growing l, »*' rZeili 

HH I dill not see who supplied all ilell- | „us doiflile ren;how. auh v «|| 0V 

'einneios I thought Utile ahqill it. Hire : the hill Hi"! tlie Ollier low in 
R ^Picnri liritl been planed, and I spanned .he LiiiUs.-fapo ‘ i » -ury ■ h 

heard tlregiria iuipatlontly commenting oi trimnpli. 1 i“. '-I'lb ! Eor a 

nob Die illiioss (If lire Olio servant, as life seen anj thing so oautlfiil. ror * 

It threw upon llreui some diKHgreeahle j little lie held his breath to g" •' 

— ' Ale 

Stella ana Alice iiiiihi 

Th i: Si n uk \ m v — “ Swcel Si;tjl>cam, 
i grtiasi 'little | ,lll .v uni u.e »r >«-<> 

aro at play liko'tuo, «>r ut work lilv<} my 

Sii n njion 'j’lie oliiljl 
I ami aiiHWeroii : ” * a, in . hanl 'Rt work 
, i/aintintf tlio skv *Uiu<v iud^tho tfran. 
i tfreen. mut Hie lioWcrs. ul a 4iumlred 

1 hllOH.” -- ■ ,, 

“Where do you got your- psints, nun- • 

' beam"?" asked U.emnld. . , 

• • i carry them' in my hosooi; where 
have more (ovely colds hidden Hmu 
any which you holiold in sky , i bcc. 

j orTlower." ' . , ,, 

“ Dear Sunlioain, said lire .Ibid, 

I earnestly, ‘.'do let-iiui see tie so lairest 
I colors which you hide in- your bo,mn. 

: | long so much to look-iii. them. 

- You shall liave your Wish, little 
1 one, ' sanl lire Sunbeam. I Irefi the 
; stormy wind aroso and made U.e trees 
I hlu'ver and bend, and drew a black cure 

I lain of cloud across the skv. 

Alas!'' -said lire clold. "tire bine 

been non* .»u- vhuwu, 

characterized with tfreat manifestations 
to do iiprtlceto French Huguenot his- 
torv which while it has been hLtherto 
sup pres sod hv the oppressions of the 
government, M now Iming gathered 
anil laliulatod with aktonlshlug fullness 
of detail. 

Btutly Riul 1 ns are Very val- 


‘ 1 lim'jnd easily receive the trulli, as 
u'i^ weU known tha^ we uppfftciate 

/.eaiaiio; -m — . --v-- --- ----- - 

Hocletv In Australia and Now Zealand, 
wiili 29 mUsloparids ;\ tlie irisli 1‘ros- 
hvloriana in Auatralia “J"* Now 
Zealand ; tire Hrlmltlvo Methodlats in 
Australia and New Zealand, with 217 
ministers; tire United Free Methodist 
in Australia and New ZmUand, with 
10h ministers and ‘2.‘200 niemborH ; tire 
New Connexion Methodist in Aus- 
tralia, witli ‘2 missionaries and 119 
members; the Horinannsbiirg Hocletv . 
in Australia and New Zealand; the 
N U r tirCTaVu i ari 4.1 -Now Z»»l W‘(i ; i-RUt> 

Utrecht in New Guinea, with 18 mis- 

— A school lias been established ill 
Swelled in which young men are 
trained with special view to home mis- 
slope. Several or tire moil \,lm have 
been trained there liave -been laboring 
for some time among lire Laplanders, 
of whom there is paid io be, .70,009 in 
the most northern part oi Norway, 
S.yvede.n and Hussia. 

—The Young Meii'a f’hrislian Assn- I 
elation of Boston dedicated tlieir new i 
building on • November 14. it is sit- | 
ua'ted in tire most attractive portion ol , 
tho city, and cost $809,(1(19. Tire audl- 
onoo hall holds 909 persons. Tire asso- 
ciation lias a membership of 2 ,..U9, and 
waa nover in a more nourishing con- 
dition. ' • . 

—A telegram', from Hong. Kong, 
dated December is. states that on De- 
comber 17 Hov. Mr. White, of the 
American l'reshytejrian.. Church, ar- 
rived in Canton with the intelligence 
that in a riot In Hlrekloong, sixty, miles 
east of Canton, cluipols were destroyed 
and many worshipers seriously in- 
juriid. .' 

—In honor ol tire four hundredth 
anuivorttttr.y 'of tho Wfth of blither, it 
lias lioen uecldftd to rebuild tire St. 
Nicolaus Church, in Copenhagen, Den- 
mark. TliiH chjirch was destroyed by 
l.iire in 1705. . , 

— Syracuse University has receive^ 
from the life insurance company pay- 
nreutllf >19,99/1 insured upon tire life of 
Bishop Jesse T. l’oek'for its tJBfimlt: 

slice given by — - 

have been most uiisatlsfaetory . 

• >\Ve returned by moonlight, so tired 
that wo went to ouf rooms without see- 
ing any one, if, indeed, any one was up 
at that liour. By ami by- 1 /'h'' 1 
know liow long wo had slept -a Iriglb-. 
aueil voice called Stella, who shared 
mv room, and spoD we all know tliat , 
gentle, tired Mrs. Morton was alarm; ., 
•ingly ill. At sunrise she was gene, , 
' without, hearing the voices ho ,9 u '"| 
love and sorrow. i.irlH; 1 < an t uo i 
scribe Stella's grief; slu/ place; her ow i 
delicate hand beside .the thin, Hi II 
stained (load one,, and said, see 
Louise, at what a cost mine is so l .- 
and 1 liave been vain ql my white 
hands.” She kissel Die cold, tlugeis 

^^nriuud Stella at her moth - 
or’a work-table holding up some ,uu- 
linished piei'e, evidently left ip haao. 
‘Louise, ‘ she said, ‘mother asked me to 
do tilts, anil-1 really meant tf) ; oh, a by 
didn’t I do it at once?’ 

“You can understand what an im- 
pression all this made upon. me, and 

Still. Melancholy fain I Wily do you 
spoil 1 1, i v prospect?" Then -the ciilUi 
heard a sou vrii.-e wliich he. knew to be 
that of- l he Simheam, thougii t >•» 
Imigsr shone on Ins path in on In 
golden curls: "Liltle one! when the 
ralu. coases the colors- will lade. Only 
on the dark -back -ground ut the *U>r n. 
when Llm rain liolds up Us lo.-kiu, 
■glass to me. and I smile Ihr/ugh rears, 
can mortal eyes I-elioM m\ l.ure.l 

i ' "'Phe Storm ceased. The skv «»■■> 
'bluer, tlie 'grass greener, the .lowers 
gayer Ilian before. Tire Nunheam 
smiled again upon lire child at Ins I'lay • 
p. t the fair culms had vanished ami 
wore 'hidden again in the Sulg&T* 
white hesoni.- Dr. Coiner, in lu.q.saml 
Hoc kb. . • 

U requFres moro faith. and courage 
to say two words face lo lace with - 
aiiigie sinner, than from till- pulpit 
to rebuke two or three thousand .per- 
hoiih. ready lo llsteif to every tlilug 
Oil epndition of forgetting all.- ltee- 
»uoi. ~ ■ / 

gfeut (ftvtrans Christian ^Jssratr. 


Ou>»x or thi Lociniiu. MiMi*irri akd 
tkatrn Oo*f*h«iu-*« or J 

T« Mmonirr Kriwx.riL 
Curse/ South • 

• " I 

OEU B GALLOWAY, D, D., Editor.’ 

Carmros^lol MUom I 

rf. T, A H. Anm«. Rat. J, T. Kawyak. 

.Rat. w. L C. Hrssirrn. ]■ 

TurivmtT HM IRV li. IM). 

We find the following in GieJ'olo- 
rado Methodist : 

Rev, David 1‘. Watkins and wife-, 
t tuadatajara. Mexico, connected with 
the Congregational Cliutph, have 
transferred their relation fo tlie 
Methodist Kpiscopal Church, South. 
The large church to which he minis- 
tered has also made the same change. 

Looking over tlie„ flleR of the An- 
mh ati: we found 'tills interesting 
note. Will old Delvalh 'make such 
another report this centenary year? 


Our protracted meetings are all 
over, and we have had happy linies. 
Two hundred conversions, and raided 
11,000 missionary money. To God- 
b^.all’the glory. 

'Yours in Ch r ist, , • • 

A . M.' Box. 

Orrusin to. 1V.1. * 

The following heuutiful figure, 
'Used by Bishop ( iranhery In a recent 
sermon-; is at otice striking and sug- 

(The perfect Archer calls the deer 
his own even before the shaft has 
gone .from his how. Oh ! that God 
may give us such faitli in the means 
that we are employing for the salva- 
tion of the. world. A faith to Olaini 
success and victory as ours, even be- 
fore we have reached it. 

On the seventeenth of December 
last the prohibitionists carried the 
town of Columbia by a vote -of thirty 
to ten. And on the twentieth ultimo 
four wards in the parish were carried 
'by a laige majority. Three wards 
.held no election, as no liquor is sold 
in either. So seven wards out of ten 
have already declared for prohibi- 
tion. Everything encourages the 
cause of reform., Thorough organiza- 
tion and zealous work will acWievea 
glorious triumph. We do not expect 
die millennium with the overthrow 
of tile liquor traffic, but we do look 
fo.ra great curse to be remo.yed, so 
that grace may more abound, and 
Scriptural holiness more rapidly 
spread over the earth. 

Another Episcopal clergymau haB 
emulated Dr. Heber Newton in his 
pronounced opposition to the ortho- 
dox view of the inspiration of the 
Scriptures— the Rev. Dr. llush, of 
Staten Island. The following, 'from 
the New York Sun, are wise words 
from an unexpected quarter, and 
our sister church would do well to' 
heed them : 

Is it not strange that the Epis- 
copal Church nermits the utterance 
in its pulpits of views regarding the 
Bible which under.nitne the very 
foundations ,of its theology? Take 
away faith in the Scriptures as the 
inspired, all-sufficient uipl unques- 
tionable word of God; and there re- 
mains nothing for tiiat theology to 
rest upon. Iteason has replaced 
faitli, and criticisiii lias supjVlahted 
devout belief in the written word. 
— -»-•» . 

No system;" iet , so' marvellously 
adapted to all conimiinities-aud all 
conditions of society as Methodism. 
Many suppose it eminently useful in 
pioneer work, but lacks the conserv- 
atism needed for older and denser 
populations. It is good fd t the coun- 
try, but fails in the cities. Those 
who so imagine evidence dense ignp 7 
ranee of history. The Loudon Meth- 
odist Recorder, of recent date, says: 

“ In no part of the United Kingdom 
has Methodism so grown in the last 
twenty-five years as in London.” 
Bight in the great metropolis of its 
birth, and where we would suppose 
the conditions of growth are most 
unfavorable for our itinerancy, tlie 
increase has been greutest. We only 
need to wisely work our wonderful 
system tp perpetuate the Pentecostal 
• glory of its early triumphs in old 
Fetter Lane, Moorfields, and on 
Kenuinglon Common. 

The (Schenectady Union New j 
York reports that the Bev. Dr. Bac- 
cus has bail his sight restored alter 
ten' years' blindness from cataract, 
HU joy was unbounded in being 
able to look upon, the faces of his 
family again for the first tiffin ten 
years. He had never seen his grand- 
children. Many ofjria old friends 
had so chhiiged that, though recog- 
nizing their v dices, he knew not 
their features. Borne whose hair he 
remembered was black as a raven’s 
wing/bad become almost white, 
suggestive this incident of fam- 
. liy reunions in heaven. The joy of 
meeting will be heightened because 
of the long and painful separation^ 
Every augelip face will he a new and’ 
Increasing revelation of heahty. But 
there will be no difficulty of recogni- 
tion. Even at best, we now see 
through a glass darkly; but then 
face to face. Le£ the prospect inspire 
us to right-livlpg and abounding in 
the work of thfeLiord. 

Louisiana Conference. 

1 Tills* body met oil Wednesday of 
last week in tlie Caroiidelet Street 
Church'; Bishop II. It. Kavanaugh 
presiding. Nearly all the members 
| responded to tlie first roll-call, and 
1 quite a number of laymen. Most of 
| the brethren from the rural districts 
had the bronzed look of field service, 
and each had the step and expression 
iif courage and sclf-denlAl. Bbtfew' 
sections of our wide connection de- 
mand so much heroism and fortitude 
to cultivate as a large area of Louisi- 
ana. We honor tlie brave men who, 
amid untold ^lifficulties, have kept 
our Hag unfurled and preached a gos- 
pel of free and full salvation in all 
these lands. Their greeting of each 
other was most cordial. In no other 
body is there such an esprit dc corps 
as in au Annual Conference of Meth- 
odist! ministers. And these annual 
gatherings nerve to keep alive the 
warm attachment between comrades 
in a common cause. We condole 
with any preacher who Is bereaved 
of this amiUal’prlviIege. 

The devotional exercises of the 
opening session had the glow of a 
Ca nap-meet tug-. Buoh .fervent pray- - 
ingaml-hearty. singing we have rare- 
ly heard. It is well to stress the de- 
votional spirit in Conference deliber- 
ations. The morning worship should 
not he a mere form, hut have the 
genuine spirit and jower of true re- 
ligion. It gives a^ooil key-note to 
the day’s doings. Ambassadors of 
God, assembled to confer about the 
great interests of his kingdom, must 
keep prominent not only tlie Mas- 
ter’s business, but the Master’s 
| Spirit. 

The Conference organized by the 
eh'etlon iif Dr.-C. F. Evans as secre- 
tary end B. B. McCutchen, Esq., as 
statistical secretary. One of the first 
items of business transacted was the 
adoption of a resolution requiring a 
rearrangement of the roll of members 
according to seniority of admissloli, 
readmissiop or transfer into the Con- 
ference. Such an order lias hereto- 
fore not obtained. While the presid- 
ing elders were, nut preparihg-4Ue 
standing committees, 'Dr. DaVid 
Morton, secretary of the Church Ex- 
tension Society, was introduced, and 
addressed the Conference in behalf 
of that cause. It was a straightfor- 
ward, business-like talk, in the spirit 
of a man tremendously in earnest 
and wholjy absorbed in ills work. 
The General Conference acted wisely 
in laying an embargo upon his or- 
ganizing and executive brain, and 
calling him to the leadership of a 
new departure. Church extension 
is already one of our most popular 
collections, and soon wHl command 
the largest liberality of Wur congre- 
gations. We are especially desirous 
that the Loan Fund of $500,000 shall 
lie raised this Centenary year, and of 
this we have little doubt. Dr. Mor- 
ton intimated Hint 'some Centetfary 
donations’ were expected- to that 
fund that would at once astonish and 
thrill the whole church. Bo mote it 
speedily lie. The church extension 
.anniversary was held oil Wednesday 
night in . the spacious auditorium of 
Carondelet, with addreAies liy Bishop 
Kavanaugh and Dr. Morton. The 
collection for dip. year exceeded 
eleven hundred dollars, about seven ty 
per cent, of tlie assessment. 

Centenary College and Mansfield 
Female College were presented to 
the Conference in most excellent re- 
ports, the formerwritten by Bishop 
Keener, the latter by Dr. F. M. 
Grace. Centenary irf" having com- 
paratively a very prosperous term), 
with a larger graduadng T c]ass than 
has appeared .upon that platform 
since the war. President Bush is 
demonstrating more and more his 
eminent fitness for the position he 
occupies. ' Under all ,(he circum- 
stances Mansfield Female College Ik 
doing .remarkably well. After the 
shock and widespread effect of last 
summer's tragedy, many friends 
feared, that its halls could not be 
opened this term. But President 
Grace has evidenced great caution 
and wisdom, and already the college 
I has quite regained public confidence 
and favor. -That institution has had 
au honored history in North Louisi- 
ana Methodism, and is a real neces- 
sity amoug tlie conservative forces 
of our churcli'iii that vast and fruit- 
ful section. 

Bishop Parker occupied the chair 
from time to time, much to the 
gratification of his old Conference 
comrades. This was their first op- 
portunity of observing him in that 
capacity, hiH episcopate heretofore 
being exercised entirely in the Btate 
of Texas. He rules with diligence 
and dispatches business with east 
and accuracy. A Bishop off' duty at 
Conference must enjoy a comfortable 
, atfff comTflttb'eut' mind. lie has not 
the care of the appointments to tax 
liis'brain and sympathies, and often 
disturb the hours that should, be 
given to sleep. Possibly few of us 
appreciate how great is the strain 
upon a Bishop in endeavoring to 
make such disposition of our forces 
as best to conserve the interests of 

the church and not to afilict a single 
brother or liis family. Providence 
in the cabinet ^the secret of his wise 

The reports of the preachers, con- 
sidering the overflow and drought; 
from both of which Louisiana has 
suffered, were very creditable and 
encouraging. They had stood brave- 
ly at their posts, and worked with a 
zeal and ability that has been honor- 
ed of God. We know fio nobler type 
of manhood than a true, conscien- 
tious Methodist preacher. 

“.Missionary day,” conducted by 
Dr. Kelley, was an occasion long id 
be remefnbered. After the mission- 
ary treasurer’s report wns read he 
called out first the laymen and then 
the preachers to state the difficulties 
in the way of raising the collections. 
When these bad been given the doc- 
tor- took the platform; and- for an 
hour or more delivered one of the 
most practical, near chin;/, aggressive 
and earnest missionary addresses 
we ever.lieard. He made points and 
sharpened them. Never once did he* 
utter a venerable platitude. Some 
may difi'er and others object, but-the 
address Will -provoke thought and 

good worhsr-' ■ - — , — 

. The Centenary. Committee organ- 
ized, outlined their work for the year 
and appointed a wide-awake execu- 
tive committee. Dr. C. W, Carter 
was appointed to preach the Cen- 
tenary sermon before the next Con- 
ference. ■* 

On Saturday Bro. L. D. Palmer, 
business manager of the Publishing 
House, arrived fresh from the Florida 
Conference and at once proceeded to 
business. He was warmly welcomed, 
and found generous patronage in 
this body of marked ‘coiiuectioual 

President Bush, of Centenary Col- 
lege, made an address, in behalf of 
that institution that awakfened a 
hearty response. His speech Was in- 
terrupted by au impromptu collec- 
tion of |20.0 for the purpose of susr 
taiuing a young licentiate who is 
there preparing for the itinerant 

The following statistical summa- 
ries have been kindly furnished by 
the efficient secretaries: White mem- 
bers, 14,4104 ; colored members, 21 ; 
local preachers, 81 ; adults baptized; 
550; Infants baptized, 803; number 
of Sunday-schools, 101 ; officers and 
teachers, DSl 1 ; number of scholars. 
7,000; number of Sunday-school 
scholars received into the church, 
314; collected for Conference fund, 
■*12,430 95 ; for support of the BishopB; 
loos' 95 ; for foreign missions, $5,- 
144 40; for domestic missions, 
1890 40; total for missions, ?G,034 80; 
for the Bible cause, |19G 70; for edu- 
cation, |317 60; number of churches, 
183 5-0; number of parsonages, 37; 
amount expended in repairs on 
churches, $19,344 80; on. parsonages, 
$4,820 80. . . . , V 

Admitted on Tried.— Julius W. 
Bleker, W. H. Maxfleld, G. F. Hill. 

Remaining on Inal.— Win. Wim- 
berly, A. C. Couey, B. J. Davies, J. 
M. Davies. 

Discontinued.— H. F. Jenkins. 

Admitted Into Pull Connection.— 
Hickson Capers, J. White Davis. 

Readmitted.— Bobt. J. Harp 

Rtccived by Transfer. — F. M. 
Grace, from Holstdn Conference; 
B. Halsey Werlein, from Texas Con- 
. ference ; F. D. VauValkenburg, from 
Little Bock Conference; J. W. Mc- 
Laurin, from Mississippi Conference. 

Reaeons of One Tear . — B. H. What- 
ley, Beuben B. Collier, Charles F. 

Traveling J’reaehcrs Elected Dea- 
con*.— Hickson Capers and J. White 

\ Traveling Pregchers \Electcd 
Her*.— C. T. Munholland and B. M. 
Blocker. - « 

• Local 1'reaehcrs Elected In' aeons . — 
John M. Davies, J. Perry Porter, 
Steven J. Davies, John C. Caruline, 
Lafayette M, D. Coody. 

Lorate<( at iris Own Ri guest. — ■ 
Silas H. Cooper. 

Supernumerary. — A. G. Miller and 
T. J. Hough. 

Superannuated.— John, B. Davis, 
K. W. Y'ancey, Wm. E. Doty, 1*. H. 
Dieffenweirth, B. M. Crowsou, Geo. 
M. Liverman. 


N ew Orleans District.— Joseph 
R. Walker , 1‘. ~E. Carondelet Street, 
Felix B. Hill ; Felicity Street. Chas. 
W. Carter; 8t. Charles Avenue, 
Beverly Carradine; Moreau Street, 
J. W. McLauriu ; Louisiana A veil die, 
B. Halsey Werlein; Algiers and 
Gretna, James L. Wright; La- 
fourche circuit, J. F. Bcurioek; 
Buton Rouge, H. O, White, A. G. 
Miller, sup.; Piaquemine and Don- 
aldsonville, F. 8. Hocutt; Agent 
Southwestern Bible Society, James 

A. Ivy. a 

Shrkvep.ort District.— h . E . 

Alexander, P. E. Shreveport, Chas. 
F. Evans; Mooringsport, Wm. Wim- 
berly ; Caddo, to be supplied ; '-Lo- 
gansport, J. Fulton ; Grand 
Cane and Woodside, John Pipes;- 
Mansfield, it. J. Harp; Pleasant 
H.lli, Bobt. l’arvln ; Natchitoches 
and Tiger Island, C. F, Stivers: 
Anacoco, to be supplied (by Samuel 

B. Holliday;) Bed Blvcr, B. M. 
Blocker; Provencal, to be supplied 
(by John C. Carnllne ;) Coushatta, 
A. C. Couey ; South Bossier, E. B. 

Foust ; North Bossier, J. B. Casalty ; j 
Itoheline and Many, H. Capers ; 
Rablne, to be supplied (by J. M. 
Franklin;) President Mansfield Fe- 
male/College, F. M. Grace ;•■ Nortli- 
west Calcasleu, to be supplied (by J. 
F. Carroll.). 

OfELorsiys District.— C. Keener, 
P. E. Opelousas, James E. Bradley, 
T. if. Hough, sup.; Washington, 
Julius W. Bleker; Verrailionville 
circuit, Thomas H. Handle; Plaque- 
mine Brtilee, M. C. Manley ; Jean- 
nerette atul French mission, S.' J. 
Davies; Abbeville, A. E.-Clay; New 
Iberia, Thomas J. Upton) Franklin, 
T. K. Faunt LeBoy ; Pattersdnville 
and Morgan City, It. 8.1’rlppett; Lake 
Charles,. S. S.. Keener: Sugartown, 
H. J. Boltz; Sulphur Mlnfe circuit, 
J. P. Porter; Grand iphenlere, FI. B. 

Delhi District.— A’. Randle, P. 

E. Monroe, B. F. White; Delhi and 
Floyd, -J. M. McKee; Trenton, Wm. 
Hart; Bastrop, J. T. 1 Sawyer; Lind. 
Grove, B. H. Isbell; Oak Bidge, J. 
F’rWynnq Bayvilie, C. T Munhol- 
land ; WinnRboro, to be supplied (by 
T. B. Reneau ; Harrisonburg and 
Sicily Island, T. II. McClendon; 
Waterproof and Rt. Joseph, J. M. 
Brown ; Tensas, J. W. Davis: Lake 
Providence and Pecan Grove, Baxter- 
Clegg ; Oak Grove and Macona, Geo. 

F. Hill. ' 

Homer District.— A. A. Cornett, 
P. E‘. Homer, J. W. Medlockj- 
■Tulip. R. T. Parrish ; Hayn esvllle. 
J. A. Miller; Mindeu and Mount 
Zion, J. A. Parker; Minden circuit, 
.W. H. Maxfield; Sparta and Sabine,' 
B. 8. Collier; Arcadia, J. J; Billings- 
ley.; Vernon, .4. L. P. Sheppard; 
Indian Village, Cl W. Hodge; 
Rochester mission, W. B. Whatley;' 
Downsville, CL R. Godfrey ; F'arni- 
ersvllle, J. M. Johnston ; Summer- 
field, to be supplied (by John L. 
Williams;) Webster circuit. J. F. 
Patterson ; Saline. John M. Davies ; 
Buston circuit, J. H. Stone. 

Alexandria • District.— .V. ,S. 
Cornell, ]'. E. Alexandria ami Pine- 
ville, J. M; Beard,; Rapides .circuit, - 
Jeptha Landrum ; Winfield! J. W. 
Hearn ; Jeua,-D. C. Barr ; Columbia, 
J. D. Harper; Flvergreen and Big 
Cane, S. H. Whatley ; Spring Creek, 
tobe supplied (by Abel Hauffbauir ; < 
Black River, Geo: Jackson; Vidalia 
and. Troy, L U A. Beed ; Bayou Bicuf,- 
F. White; Colfaxtuid Montgomery, 
B. A. Davis. 

Transferred.— A. T. Galloway, 
to Little Bock Conference; J. V. 
Penn, toTVIississippi Conference. 

The Advocate, for 1884. 

Our patronizing Conferences have” 
all heid recent annual sessions, en- 
dorsed the business and editorial 
conduct of the Advocate, and 
pledged themselves to increased 
effbrt in extending its circulation. 
We are grateful. for expressions of 
confidence and appreciation, and en- 
ter upon the new year’s work with 
fresh inspiration and aspiration. It 
is our purpose-to glvtj all diligence to 
its several departments, and make 
the Advocate more and more a 
pastoral helper and home com- 
panion. Successful pastors write us 
that the paper is an efficient assist- 
ant in all local and cohnectlonal en- 
terprises. Every siich testimony is 
an additional argument in favor of 
increased circulation. What benefits 
the few ought (o bless the many. 
With an Advocate in every Meth- 
odist family au upward movement 
would 1 be, given to the church, the 
results of which eternity alone can 

DuringtliUOentenary year special 
attention will he given to the pecu- 
liar doetrlnes that have character- 
ized our Methodism and the record 
of God’s signal mercies to us as a 
church for the past hundred years. 
Scraps of local history will be pub- 
lished, indicating the measure and 
character of growth in different com- 
munities. And here we would sug- 
gest the appointment of u local Cen- 
tenary Committee in each pastorate,' 
who shall he specially charged with 
this work. At tlie Centenary mass- 
meeting in May or October this his- 
tory might be read, and then care- 
fully preserved for some future his- 

We invite correspondence, hut ask 
thgt due attention be had to the 
virtueof condensation. Short articles 
command readers, while long ones 
are passed over wKh a single glance 
at the head-line and subscription. 
Occasionally a brother writes that he 
Is aware his communication exceeds 
proper limits, but he could not ab- 
Ineylatet, without affecting the 
strength or continuity of his argu- 
ment. Iu nearly all hucIi cases the 
argument is never read. A reputa- 
tion for prolixity is fatal to -a news- 
paper correspondent. A very esteem- 
ed 1 friend and brother minister told 
us he had never preached but one 
long sermon in his life, hut unfortu- 
nately that was his first, knd it gave 
him a reputation for pulpit endur- 
ance. Verbum sap. ■ 

Short communications, if accept- 
able, can always be utilized. But 
longer ones, however worthy, have 
to be reserved or consigned to the 
waste-basket. We do not promise 
t h e' publication of everything sent. 
Our best judgment must decide its 
adaptability to the wants of our read- 
ers. The non-appearance of an article 
is no impeachment of its worthiness. 
It might be very acceptable to an- 
other character of paper or to the 
"Advooatk at another time. Home- 
limes a little offense is unavoidable 
TStttipg coaunuaisatioR, but net 

unfrequently a writer has cause to 
thank au editor for such decision. 
Bfit we wgnt the brethren to' write, 
aud keep our columns sparkling 
with good news from the churches. 

' We commence the year 1884 under 
more favorable auspices when 
, we balled the first morning of 1883. 
Wo bade .farewell to the old year 
with some feelings of gratulation. 
It was with tlie safer rejoicing of 
him who takes q(T the harness after 
successful conflict. The Advocate 
now gops into twenty-five hundred 
more homes, than a year ago. We 
have appreciative readers hot only, in 
every Southern. State and in every 
State where Southern Methodism 
has been planted, but in twelve 
Northern States, besides the follow- 
ing foreign countries; Flngland, Ire- 
land, Scotland, Turkey, China, 
Central America and Mexico. This; 
Is a large constituency. May it be 
more than doubled before we go up 
to Baltimore lo celebrate the Cen- 
tenary of 'the old Christmas Confer- 
ence, that determined tjie organic 
life of American Methodism, With 
many tbankB for the favoTs of the 
past, from God and the church, we 
look out upou tlie-laborftanil reapon- 
sibilities of a new year. 

Report of Trustees of Centenary College, 
of Louisiana. 

To the president and members of^ 
the Louisiana Annual Conference, 
the trustees of Centeuary College, of 
Louisiana, would respectfully re- 
port : 

That during tlie past year this in- 
stitution lias hail as good attendance 
upon the regular college course as at 
auy time since the war,. Thai large 
numbers of Htudenta have from the 
beginning of this college attended its 
halls wlio, though tliey have but 
partfiilly completed the regular 
course, yet have received a good 
education. V _ : • 

The faculty lias been strengthened 
by the election of l'rof. Harrison to 
the clmir of mathematics. The at- 
tendance was large at the last eom- 
lUAljcehieut, and the speeches and 
scholarship of the graduates were as 
creditable to the college as those of 
any previous class. 

The west whig of the college lias 
b.een repaired throughout one story, 
and other repairs are still going on. 
The facilities offered by the institu- 
tion to young m eh who desire an 
education are unusually good. The 
trustees believe that the cost of tui- 
tion, hoard, washing, room relit, fuel 
and lights is less. than at any other 
(lotlcge in the Southern States. Tliey 
have had occasion to compare this 
cost with oilier colleges of tlie Meth- 
odist Episcopal ClTUVcli, Sputh, ail'd 
believe that the year’s entire.' ex- 
penses are nowhere put at so low a 
figure, say $175 for everything. This 
lias been secured by the devotion of 
the faculty' to their work at scarcely 
■ living rates, in the hopes that by-' 
and-by a more remunerative attend- 
ance upon their instruction would 
set in from both - Mississippi and 
Louisiana. ~ 

The board believes that Centenary 
College is doing a good work for 
Methodism iu the Southwest, and 
has been lurgely useful in preserving 
the labors of men who have gone to 
their reward by maintaining the 
reputation of the church as a teacher 
of youth. The college remains as a 
monument of tlie Centenary 1, sub- 
scriptions and public spirit evoked 
from the Methodism of 1839, in be- 
half of higher" education. It ljolds 
iu its walls and history the memory 
of McGeheC, WinaUs, Lane, Bur- 
rows, and a host of noble spirits who establish it and give it to 
the church, ub au expression of their 
gratitude to God, for the rise uud 
work of WeHleyau Methodism. 
While many.moniiments have crum- 
bled aud yielded up their charge; 
this, tliauks be to God, abides. After 
the war it survived to find that its 
enJCwiment had . vanished ; ' but 
friends were, again raised up who 
started it upon a new career of use- 
fulness. Mr. Edward J. Gay, Mr. 
William It. Stuart, Mr. May, of 
Richardson & May, Dr. B. H. Moss, 
by lestament, were those who con- 
tributed ,the largest sums. Many 
others gave of their -poverty. The 
buildings, were repaired aud the 
halls opened. Since then numbers 
of young men have received an edu- 
cation who but for Centenary would 
have failed to receive one. 

The trustees are grateful for the 
educational collection ordered by 
both the patronizing Conferences, 
and believe this to he a valuable sup- 
plement if the preachers will bring 
it faithfully before their congrega- 

It .is to be. hoped that the two Con- 
ferences and the Methodists of Mis- 
sissippi and Louisiana will in this 
coming Centenary year hcknowledge 
the claims of this venerable institu- 
tion upon tlie church, and give to it 
jo mean share of the off erings which 
may be made In gratitude to God for 
our common Methodism. It is ask- 
iug nob too much that it receive at 

(MUUWf 17, 1M4. 

least fifty thousand dollars from this 
source? In conclusion the board 
prays that the H$>IJr Spirit rtiay move 
the Louisiana Conference to devise 
liberal things for her first-born insti- 
tution of learning, if it be not the 
very oldest of ail tlie colleges iu- the 
Southern. connection. 

Very respectfully, 

■ .1. o. keen nit, 

Pres’t Board of Trustees. 

JaNUABY 18S4t V 

—The Salvation Army of .England 
is having fifteen hails built, with 
seating capacity for 25,000 people. 

—Rev. J . A,. B. Jones, J. T. Nichol- 
son, W. G. Backus and A. D. McVoy, 
of tlie Mississippi Conference, were 
iu attendance upon the Louisiana 
Conference last week aud welcomed 
callers at our office. 

; —David C. Cook, -the well-known 
SundAy-school publisher, has given a 
.$2,500 Cottrell Steam Brlpting Press 
to the American Mission Publishing 
House, India. A very sensible and 
serviceable donation. “ • 

—The Irish Christian Advocate, 
one of our most vamped exchange's, 
has entered upon iLs second year. 
4i-is_accnmpliahiug_great ihlngaJtoL— .U 
Methodism iu tlie land of the sham- 
rock, aud we-wisli for it ever-increas- 
ing prosperity. . , 

— The Itev. C. H. Carson, of the 
kSfiftith Georgia Conference, dropped 
Ifito oiVr office for a few” hours on 
Monday last. He was en route tp 
Albany, Oregon, iu tlie Columbia 
Conference, where .lie lias been sta- 
■ tioned by Bishop Hargrove. 

—Tlie Hon. William M. Inge, of ' 
j Alcorn, was elected Speaker of the 
I Mississippi House of Bepresetatives 
last week on tlie first ballot, Col. 

Inge is .i»i eloquent aud pronounced 
advocate of prohibition, and was the 
leuder of our forces in the last Legis- 

—During tlie presidency of Bev. 
'Charles Garrett, a new weekly jour- 
nal was started in die- Wesleyan 
Methodist Church, entitled Joyful 
News, at the price of a half-penny. 

It is largely made lip of postal card 
reports of revival meetings. The 
subscription has already reached 
50,000. ' •' ' ■ 

— Bishop Granbery writes to die 
Richmond Christian Advocate that 
liis threatened blindness has bcegg 
partially relieved. He thinks by ab- 
staining from night work'he may re-v 
tain his present power of vision. 

Iu the prayer that such a blessing 
may lie vouchsafed to him die whole 
cliurch will heartily unite. 

— Bishop FI. W. Warren and bride, 
of the Metliodist Flpiscopal Church, 
si>ent a few days in die city last 
week. Dr. J. H. Vincent, the 
“Jjiahop of Chautauqua,” was also 
here for a day, and engaged our 
Crescent CHy literatus, Mr. George 
W. Cable, for tlie Chautauqua plat- 
form next summer. 

— The Alubaina State Temperance 
Alliance, through it« president, lias 
issued u call for a State Convention 
pf all temperance workers, to he held 
in -Tuscaloosa, January 22. All - 
reform organizations, churches und 
Sunday-schools are urged to send 
delegates. The cause iH moving for- 
ward, ami its -friehds multiplying on 
every hand. ; 

—We acknowledge a call from our 
young' friend, Mr. AV. A. Battaile, 
general traveling agent and corres- 
pondent of tlie Tlmes-Denioerat.' 

He retired from the editorship of the ■ 
Summit Times and Intelligenper to 
accept tliis position. We have known 
him frohi boyhood, and expect for 
bim marked success in his chosen 

— The Bev. .Owen Joues, of die 
British, Wesleyan Conference, is 
spending some days iu New Orleans, 
en route to Belize, British Honduras, 
to engage in mission work. He was 
introduced to" the Louisiana Confer- 
ence, and lias made several pleasant 
calls at our office. In connection 
with the purpose of his coming 
hither, we are forced to ask why 
Southern Methodism lias no mission 
organized at Belize. ' 

—We are indebted to Bev. 8. A. 
Webber, edltoroftheSouthern Chris- 
tian Advocate, for a pamphlet copy 
of ids sermon delivered before thi? 
under-grad nates of the Sou di Carolina 
Conference at its recent session iu 
Sumter, S. C. It is a spiritual and 
discriminative discussion of the 
apostle’s great thought: “F’or God ■ 
hath not given us tlie spirit of lear; 
but of power.” The Conference did 
well to. request its publication. 

—At the anniversary of die Wes- ■’ 
leyau University Alumni Club, in 
New Y’ork City, speeches were made 
by Bishop Harris, Gen. F’lsk aud 
others/ To the toast, "New Theol- 
ogy,” Dr. Curry wua to respond, but 
being unavoidably absent, he sent a 
note of applogy in which he charac- 
terized " New Theology.” as a tad- 
pole which had lost its tali, ever 
wiggling, ever and anon reappearing, 
and hoping to come into a normal 
•shape at 'some time, A facetious, 
but uot luacctirate characterization. 

4 . 



■■■Sr... ■ 


Inmiavn \t, 1884 . 

(Dtons tfteistiau 



_f he Kentucky 1’ooi Association, 
uhicli regulates tlie production of 
li„uor, at a meeting in Louisville. 
lft st week, ordered that the capacity 
„( production this year he reduced 
„er cent, of the average produc- 
tion of 1881 and 1882. It rejdly lookB 
as though the long-ridiculed temper- 
ance reform was hearing good fruit. 
Decreasing Ufa distillation of tho 
,! ui( i damnation 1 b a great gnln. 
Let every infill of lBrael„liie away to 
h '| 8 tent anil hear hid part in the 
great struggle. We Have our quarrel 
jOSh • f bit: — - — - 

—The South India Lay-Electoral 
College elected the Rev. William 
Taylor, a lay delegate, to the General 
Conference of the Methodist Epis- 
copal Church. Mr: Taylor is at 
oresent iu Chili, visiting the self- 
Mill iib missions. he^estahliBheil 
in South America. The New York 
Advocate pronounces it. ’‘ the most 
remarkable election in Methodism,”, 
and indulges in a good deal of pleas- 
ant rhetorical' extravagance over the 
event. He Uncalled “the wondrous 
.comet of the mission work.” A very 
remarkable tiian he is, and eminently 
deserving of tills hough 

memhemhip can now only lie num- 
bered by millions. In thus medi- 
tating on tile aina7,ing.siiece8H of .the 
Methodist Church, and Her whole- 
some doctrines, my Until uonclunififn 
whs that I would rather be an hfl^i- 
blenilnister in the Methodist Church' 
than to lie a Cardinal or Archbishop 
of any churcii claiming apostolic 
succession. The succession we all 
want is sound Scriptural doctrine 
and holiness of heart. 

In conclusion, Ilro. Wier would do 
Weil to preach a Centenary sermon 
at all ills quarterly meetings in his 
first round on His district. 



Gili'mihh, Miss , Jnn. V, lSBf . 

Ahvouatk useful hooks 
which they can spare? Sometimes 
a person has duplicate copies of n 
work. Hometlines a deceased mlnis- 
ler’s library has fallen Into the hands, 
of person^ to .whom most of the 
hooks are ntielly valueless. Some- 
time?) an aged person has no longer ii 
need for hooks, and Inis im one to 
whom lie Specially desires in donate 
them. If this note meets the eye of 
such persohs will they riot utilize 
their uuutjed treasures by sending 
them to our bookless brother? And 
can not other s who h ave no du plicate 
copies spare from, their libraries a 
few valuable hooks? 

W. C. 11I.ACK. 

' Note from Rev. Jchn Pipes. 

Mu. ElirroK : Last Sabbath we 
closed u]> our work on Caddo circuit, 
which makes the thiVtj^ninth con- 
secutive year of our itinerant labor. 
We thank Odd for his .good ness to us 
during another year. We traveled 
some twenty-five hundred • miles, 
tilled the appointments from J anuary 
to the filth Sabbath in December,' 

. (Aflrgpt two or .three, which were fill- 
ed by proxy while we were attending 
other meetings. We held protracted 
meetings at every appointment, and 
took up all the prescribed collections. 
Now for the first time iu life we de- 
cide 1W to go to Conference. The 
weather is cold, the Conference far 
avfay, and,, having been indisposed 
for a week, we thought it priuleuL to 
remain at liome apd recuperate. We 
are aware of tin great; loss we sustain 
by not attending the! session of the 
I’otiTerilnce, where we are always 
thrilled with better emotions and 
new resolves for good. Praying that 
you ntay have a harmonious and 
pleasant session, we remain as 
ever, • 

JOHN" ri 1»ER. 

Xt WIELD,' La„ DfC. 4, 15fl. 

first Sunday in January, “in 
Columbus, Miss. 

Chronology of Remarkable Events in 
Methodist History. 

January s r 1788.- Key, Jojm- Wes- 
ley; on board ship, writes out the 
result of ids heart examination ill 
private meditation. Is not this duty 
Badly neglected at the preSent.time? 

January 8, I7&8. Asbury’ records a 
wonderful work of grace iu Virginia; 
about 8,(100 persons converted. 

January 0, 1780. Wesley says in 
tai’s journal: “I left no'uiouey to any 
one iu my will.” 

'January 0, 182:1. First number of 
Zion’s Herald. 


■ l> 


January 10, 17TO. Arrival of.White- 
(leld at Savannah; ( la. 

January 10, 1770. Asbury and the 
Episcopal minister, Jarratt, liold a 
watch-night service., 

January 11, 1720. Wesley wrote ! 
his se.rmou, On mourning for tile 

January 11, 1778. Asbury com-, I a 
mends liiglily Baxter's, " Saint’s I 
Rest.”- . 1 

January, 12, 1784. Wesley, in great ! 
need of money, prays for it, and it 

January 12, 1701. Jesse Lee preach: 
ed. ids first sermon m Livermore, Me. 

January 13, 17I1S. Wesley records 
ills feelings during a fearful storm at 

January 13, 1882. Boston i'niver- 
sity realizes the noble btquest of 
Isaac Rich, JEsq. 

January 14, 1738. Jiev. George 
Wliiteflelil ordained. 

January 1 1, 1827. Sermon preached 
by Bishop Houle this day made the 
subject of Ueueral Conference inves- 
tigation in 1828.— New- York -CTirit- 
tian Advocate. 

hi a note, enclosing a list of t Quar- 
terly Conferences, Presiding Elder 
Rayner Writes us follows: • 

Tire last has" been. ttfSTiHBSfc latSor” 
ions year of my life. I have preach- 
ed about 200 sermons, attended 
numerous other meetings', labored iu 
six camp meetings, held'.jl t Juarterly 
Conferences, received 200 persons 
into the church, baptized 80 children, 
traveled by public; conveyance 3,100 
miles, by ' private- conveyance 2,100 
miles, ejld-ured lieat, cifld, rain, jnor- 
i|uitoef(i tohaccrt, etc., often traveled 
all dwy without dinner, and gave 
_mucl it 1 me. U)-(iur-diHti'-iut-fWrsai>agy r 
etc. Salary, , 8800 ; expenses, $000. 
And it is Hgi.l presiding elders 
area “fifth whee'll,” “ do uotbli.ig ” 
and “ live ou.the fat of the land." 

departments are welt filled. The lead- , .*• Bo not tnsrrv a w iddwer.'' s»ld the 

ingsermon, entitled' “A Iteintty ti>r the . > t,i I ,%•- y . " i * i-. ■ imiile tvimil.v 1 , lilt. nv. ■. pui. 

Closing Y psr. , ,Os by Rev, Jose|>l t-| A ft„l, ,'.u ' m,. i:n «, » ,m, 

Waite, ii. MV-' 'I lie It dugicaljml ei - i.pneil'ili* ■iitm-ei — nii.r-lii- dm. 

poaltorv seeth’iis me’ n.-h and sogifcs/ i .... 

ive. ‘ We have no h-siUm-v In cordially ( Your IJghtnlnu Liniiireili eame 
rWtofnniendfh guilds >i. nnthlv. • New ! tmml nil b K- sna in Tm.vii'ifi ntin. usuni. Mi i ... 

York: AnsNu^jA l‘, I { md <>l | , It ,t fo., 
000 Broad way. 

• —The TCleYslrl^Mor .fanuaryt. Is a fioli- 
day-numher, and'lhe tinsl, in alt its his- 
tory. The fair young editor-, Ailrtin 
E. Wilson and l-iiinlla M. Loylmrn, 
liave already .taken niuk ft in on g t|ic 
bout literary '.(nuriiiiliHta. Wo wish 
tide Southern monthly inereasingRreB- 
nerity. Terms, ?4 a 'year. Aildross 
Isabella M. Leyburu, Louisville, Ky. 

--Wo are indebted tq our excellent 
friend,. Col. Win. R. Stuart, lor a eaia- 
logue St ills line imported Channel 
Island, cattle, and -Southern raised, 
thoroughbred stock of different kinds. 

Hcnranu’s wife ,ciire»V'nf llu fmiatlNin mljfii ibe Imd 
• been finderlng for ‘JO yean fititl ,il(HJ'ttff»l , * , vi-iy 
avullnlilt* remedjK Ilf |>u r« liriMiMl u twetilv-ilve 
cent ImtiD' of- HIIKngtnit's Llgbfnlng Liniment and 
n!»** received DnimdJiite relief. • I hud lilt t«*nt liimi* h>4 ' 
but *1 in misplaced, I have aula, ns you lire aw hip, 
near iMtlvf, and ovei v o|ic with the.iti)deridwid- 
j lug Hint If It dl«l not rfllfvc In be roturii'«rf'.' I Have* 

"luul bni blip L’Oiii|i|nllil, mid llit n the bottlft »iih not 
ifturticil. The mull Imd Rbi'iiiiijitiau^-on^ titk 
nfleV bf pot your MphtiiiiiK Lliilni.ftithe Imd tlinmu 
lilii i.lck ewny, jot he claimed no ifllef. I nm I ry • 
lop » wine of White SUelllnjfl The*tmrVy tells me be 
bjiH bnd 7 nights rpt, llm in 8i a ve|il««m yeuw. 
Toollmi Iip, Nfiuulklii, I’liliifjJn llir 1 iruH^ luH k unit 

The Southern Cultivator Free, 



uJflfi-H lire known no more 
ie^^u|Jy- order foi llH.wr. 

Tkx.-, Dec 


. -I. 

I berewltli nend 1 ’oh^ 

W. 1*., M A I.I. 


Books -and Periodicals. 


I bad tlie pleasure on the sixth in- 
stant of listening to a liistorical and 
highly instructive centennial dis- 
course by the Rev. Thomas C. Wier, 
presiding eldei; of the Columbus dis- 
trict, ’.North Mississippi Conference, 
iu the Methodist Church in this 
| place. His text was: "Behold how 
great a matter a little lire kindleth.” 
-James Hi, 6, Without ftny refer - 
euce to the connection of the text , 1 
he commenced by stating that the 
Unit Sunday in January, 1S84, had 
teen designated by the Central Cen- 
tenary ^Committee as the time for 
preaching a centennial sermon, lie 
then briefly referred to the centen- 
| uial of the organization of Methodist 
societies in England in 173fi,^<7f-Un? 
centennial of the’ first Methodist 
preaching in .America in 1770, and 
then of the present centennial year, 
commemorative of. the organization 
of the Methodist Episcopal Church 
iu Baltimore In I7&4, by Dr. Coke 
and Bishop Asbury, and that the 
wise plgu adopted of a general epis- 
copal oversiglit of the whole church, 
thatof presiding elders over districts, 
an itinerating ministry, and Quar- 
terly Conferences and Annual Con- 
ferences, all combined and working 
harmoniously, constituted the great 
factor iu the hand of God iu giving 
“uch unparalleled success to the 
Methddist Church, lie also spoke of 
the doctrines 4 of .the Methodist 
Church tiH being nothing new or 
fanutiyal, hut in accordance with the 
Plain teaching of the Holy Scrip- 
turea. His statistical account of- the 
Methodist 'Church Jn the United 
blates, Canada, England and other 
countries was edifylug' and, even 
Mtouishjug to those not informed on 
that subject. Ills remarks on tlie 
doctrines of the Methodist Church 
wan listened to with deep interest. 
•Us closing remarks were on what 
was hoped for, aud confidently ex- 
pected to he accomplished this cen- 
tennial year, tlie most important~Bf 
whicii was a general revival of re- 
'IIkUiii, pure ahtl uudeflied. During 
his remarks he referred to how tlie 
term Methodist originated, not , be- 
cause Wesley acted- In all he did 
facthodically, or that method iu all 
tliiugs is a pari of religion, hut as a 
term of reproach. Tills refhark set 
your correspondent to thinking of 
tlie many reproachful epithets ap- 
plied to Christ while on earth, still 
Christianity lives. Many reproach- 
ful epithets were applied to Wesley 
■tud his followers, still Methodism 
lives; and now, from that little tire 
“hulled into a flame in 1730, by the 
I ttLu rP,»! John. Wesley, the church 
I uaa continued to spread, and her 

Kindly Mention.*' 

. Iu a letter to tlie St. Louis Chris- 
tian Advocate. the Rev. M. B. Chap- 
man, of the Missouri Conference; 
thus refers Jo His recent short visit to 
New Orleans. He is in error about 
the representatives from Alabama 
being present at the meeting of our’j 
l’ublishing Committee. From its 
birth to a few years ago tlie Alabama 
was onq of our patronizing Confer- 
ences, but lias now transferred her 
olllclal affection to another excellent 
organ bearing her own name and 
published at Birmingham. Bro. 
Chapman says: , 

My stay in New Orleans was neces- 
sarily brief, hut I took time to call at 
the Advocatk office’. There I found 
tlie Publishing Committee, consist? 
ing of representatives from the 
Louisiana, Mississippi-,— North Mis- 
sissippi and Alabama Conferences, 
in session and met, with -much 
pleasure my old friend., Dr. (’. W. 
Carter, pastor of Felicity Street 
Church, Rev. Christian Keener, prt T 
siding elder sif Opelousas district, 
Louisiana Conference, Rev. W. I’. 
Barton, of tlie- North Missippi C 011 - 
sissippi Conference, aud others. Dr. 
Galloway,- tlie genia‘1 and versatile 
editor of. the Auvih ati:, is proving 
His adaptability to ills position and 
is making his paper one of tho best 
church .orgaiiH in tlie connection. 
: * * . 

Southern Methodism is growing in 
tlie Crescent City, ami is meeting tlie 
wants of tlie people, Dr. Buckley to 
tlie contrary, notwithstanding. \ 

By tlie way, the Methodist Epis- 
copal Church lias only one white or- 
ganization iu this Oit.v, which a 
prominent clergy naan ol our church 
there informed me hua an average 
congregation of fifty, aud is supported 
Almost, entirely by missionary con- 

’ A Card. 

The teadersof the Advocate have 
already "been informed of the Calam- 
ity that bus befallen ‘Dr. C. G. An- 
drews, Viz : tlie loss by tire of all bis 
household goods, including tlie. cloth- 
ing of himself and family, and also 
liis library. Concerning this last 
item iu the sad chapter, r desire to 
say a word. 

To a minister hooks are indispens- 
able ; they are the tools of ills trade. 
This fact is not so generally appre- 
ciated as it should tie; al least not iu 
Methodist circles. Stewards, in Ax- 
ing flie salary of the preacher, do not 
usually, as they should invariably 
do, include an estimate for the pur- 
chase of books. Hence, ordinarily, 
" tlie wherewith ” to procure hooks 
is obtained by tho practice of rigid 
self-denial on tlie part of the inmates 
Qf tlie parsonage. The minister’s 
wife aud children do without many 
tilings which they need am} ought to 
have, and the whole faintly live ab- 
stemiously, in order that a few 
needed hooks may be added to the 
library. Hence the loss of his library 
Is to the minister a most serloipr 
all’alr. How is that loss to he' re- 
paired? Out of present salajy? 
Alas! that salary ’provjdCs for a i 
inn only ; It contains no estimate for 

Now, are^tKere not readers of the 

Ciuuhtia>* Ho.mi:. llow t<> ‘ Malt'. 

and llow to Maintain It Bj* Julm Ikull, I). D. 
a’UjlRdflplila : Tli«i American MUfl?W;SJ>oul 
I'liioii, 11JJ Chestnut stu ft. 

We are groktlv induhied to tire puh- 
iishers tor this timely and admirable 
book, it is needy.!, a'ml ouglit lo bn 
circulated an .every congregation and 
Sunday-school. ' After all, tlie kot-uriiy 
and purity of our civilization- Is in tire 
iioure. Ifopr homo-hfa is kept pure 
the gates of hell ciin' ntn pr evail against 
onr civil- and social order. Nations 
and dynasties have begun their decline 
and fall first of all in the home. This 
book is practical. It gives prudent 
advice about love and liiarriage, argueH 
for a Home ami not a’ boarding-house, 
shows the influence, of home upon 
business success, and indicates lire re- 
lations of honin’ to heaven. In tlie dis- 
cussion Ur. Rail notes -Hire modern 
social currents that menace tli'e founda- 
tions of true family life. \Ye kirey of 
•no book to t o heartily commyuded at 
this time, l’rice, ?i. 

Revival?, and How to 'Tkomote 
T iiKM.^New York: 17. I*. Treat, 7*7 Broadway. 
This volume is a compilation of tlio 
choicest things on the subject of re- 
vivalsJby tlie most eminent writers and 
successful preachers, it is edited by 
Rev, VV. P. Doe, whose taste and labor 
aro worthy ol lii.gli commendation. 
There are excellent chapters hern irom 
such writers' as Bishop Mcllvane, 
itiahop Simpson, Ilrs. Lyman Beecher, 

A. 'Barnes, J. A. Broadus, T. Ik Cuyler, 

B. W. Dale, C. <L Finney, C. II. Spur- 
geon, W. M. -Taylor, T. DeWitt Tal- 
iimge and others. It flan not Ire read 
withoiit kindling a tire in tire heart 
and awakening zeal lor holler service. 

If circulated, it will promote the re- 
vival spirit. Price, ?1 50. >■ r? 

TiiB.M.uiAziMt of American Wry- 

toky. New York : HUtoricdl Publication Com- 
pany, r»0 I^ifayette Pl«pe. * * , 

This illustrated periodical is cilited 
liv Mrs; Manila J. Lamb.’ author of (hit 
History of tho City of. New York. It 
is certahilv condiicted witli. skill an d, 
ability. The December muntrer lias 
special attractions. John listen t'oeko 
contributes an interesting arlicle on 
Christmas TiniQ in old Virginia, 
Other papers are aa .follows: Holidays 
in Early Louisiana, Christmas-Tide in 
Canada, Col. David Crockett, of Tetf* 
iressee, aud Original Documents. 
Fifty etmta a- muntrer. Yearly sub-’ 
acription,’ ?5. 

The Like of St. Pafl. By I>. If. 

T;.J'1,,I. lloston : D. Lottirop A Co. Frio-. ,1 5o. 

This purports to be a popular history 
of tho tile of St. PAul, and Will justity 
claim to all careful readers. Christian 
people never weary of reading about 
tlie great apostle. This Volume, in 
size, stylo and price, will, meet a gen- 
eral demand. Tire author seems to 
havo-.ta.ken unusual care to secure his- 
torical and exegetical accuracy, 'in 
addition to an uxceilont map it contains 
a number of important illustrations. 
The binding is tastelul and durable; 
after tho -well-.known Htyltrcf Lolhrop 
A Co. 

The Uplands of (ion, and other re- 
. llfflout pooms’. Austin 1-, F, Uaudblpti A Co,, 
you llruiidway, New Yoik. 

These poems are. selected and edited 
by the compiler of The Cliamiod Croaa, 
The Shadow- of tire Hock. geo. We 
have examined this volume- carefully, 
and think it will prove as acceptable to 
tlie public as the above-mentioned 
books, l’rico, $1 25. 

Bee Kkkpinu fok IDiei ir., .1 Sew 

System oj lift Mandyemint: By Mih. L.'li. Colloti, 
Went Gorbain, Me. Price, •? t . 

This is an interesting study and 
profitable business. It Is not, only fas- 
cinating, hut may tjo remnnoralive. 
Mrs. Cotton is an enthusiast on the 
subject, and is doubtless a good au- 
thority. Those wishing to read upon 
the management of bees will do well to 
send for tills little volume. 

—Tlie Pulpit Treasury, for January, 
ia full of good thlnga as hsual. This 
monthly Inis grown in 'Internet and 
popularity from ita initial number. 
Tire frontispiece tn this Issue la a por- 
trait of Bishop H. C. Rotter, assistant 
Bishop of New York. There is alao an 
excellent sermon from his pen and a 
sketch of Ills successful career. The aer- 
mon on “ Light, tire Outcome of Life,” 
by Dr. C. 11. I’arklmrst, is sobolarly, 
evangelical and suggestive. Other 
writers for this number aresmih names- 
as l)r. Deems, Dr. John Hall, Dr. I). 
(furry and Itiuliop McLaren. Now 
York : K. B. Treat, publisher, 757 
Broadway. Single copy, twenty-live 

— Lippincott’s Maga/.luo, for January, 
contains a varied amouut of entertain- 
ing reading. If this number Is a 
prophecy of good tliiugs for the oornlug 
year, we shall hall with pleasure Its 
'mouthy visits. " Notes of' Conversa- 
tions with Emerson,” ’“Mathew 
Arnold in America.” Under-graduate 
Life at Oxford, and Healthy llomeH, 
are among the best artlolea In this num- 
ber, Philadelphia: J. B. Lipplncotl A 

All old subscribers by paying up 
in full to date. ami two y earti 1 .. atitf-. 1 
scrlptlon in stlvance, will receive} 
the Cultivator free for one year, post- ! 
age prepaid. We. will also send tiie 
Cultivator free for one year to all new 
subsoribers paying two years’ sub.- j 
aeription in advance. ■ No'reducjiou 
allowed for postofllce orders or 
registered letters.’ Tliis is a flue op- 
portunity to secure tlie only flrst- 
class agricultural naner. published in I 
tlie South free for one year. 


Send $1 Bii.i.s — We \visli our i 
patrons to .bear n mind hat n )rey- ; 
ment for suliscriptiOus. we do not i 
desire postage stamps, and that they J 
should he sent only nr • fractional j 
parts of u dollar. A- jjollar lti.ll is i 
'much more convenient and safe to I 
remit 'than the same amount in one, 
two or three cents -stamps. The 
actual risk of remitting money is ; 
slight ! if [property directed not one 
miscarriage’ will occur in one thou- 
sand. Inclose the hills, and, where 
letters containing money >qe sealed 
in presence of tlie postmaster, we 
will assume all tlie risk. 

A pi pop in a Northumbrian town 
wan nice HHkwl If lie could piny . ", Within a Mile o' 
l y ) Inbor n TqmT. " ‘‘ AV1U. 1 ,11.11 jn l j p !” be excljjImH 
NVey, imiuii, I cuil piny, wjlhln ton jrnrds'o'i.." 

bm.ikfaBi »eU, $1 l.l# mow IftAittn, |4.i9 .MiutH 
renii cbuni'bifr neln, fl.iO. 

What relation is a loaf of-breioKln'n 
nlputit riir'.ih .’ Brcii'l Ih :i m t PHMty.' A cti^Uie 

In mi Invention, 
tlon ; Ihcipfort'n 
■tcatn’enKfui*. - 

rpHfilty ' thv motlur-nf iuv 
uif of lirpnd (a the motlie.r t< 

M. 1 S C F, I, L .1 A’ /•,’ OVS. 


• j- ' , ”* ' , 

Sash, i . . 

Blind and : 

i • . ' 



sw. Ml .’3cu, :W8 . bvIit strut, 

Si: II O II I, E ANN. 


— Fxoprietors. 

- W 

Hath, Bllmlfi; litmin, MonjilinKfi, KIooiIiik end 
(piling, NowpIh, Biilniierfi, *‘tf.,ul wbv« on hand, or 
nintle to older. 

• Ordpr« promptly attended in. 

Plantaition Cabins a Specialty 

. • , ' BIIANCII (>ri l( I; e. -m.'p 


-Mr.lihiliti.-W.(jrLfciu u 1 stud 

New brlennfi, is prepared to wmjily pianos iti.d 
organs on the mdil liberal terms. Write to him for 
ills prit es and ufttalouueA. Yon need trot st*nd oil' 
Nortli for Instruments of- a qmrt-ttnnnldp character 
when you can get a good article nelirer home at .a 
fail price. Mr. Werleln’s house is wMI known to its 
n(l for its fair and. honorable dealings. rianpsv»f 

Xo/t' is IJtt 


7 ime l/i 



tlie most celebrated 

facTffi lei 

* fire kept, 

. ( 








WcImt, Mathushek, 

Hale, ! 



erlein, and 

! 11 






. . . * . . 4 


every instrument guara: t-eei 

1 to » 




l 11 


bf years. .Uigan^; 

^ Mason 

A Hnnili 



vv .State, 



A /.Alt. a... . 



Stei ling and others 

very low 

I f you 

Will H 

lend yotir" 



11 PICK 


01NG PF.t 

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order, to Philip W 

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e to 


Islil'd ami 

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J-'Jl A* 


pleased with your 


• Music or 





ue Yeat ' 

; .Yutflh^ i s i 



ditlcle to be had. 

• ' 





all got, s { 

nir is i 

<| t hr I'uiftil St a 


tMiU.sIkt'S JicpnTtmrnt. 

Sydney Sijlitli HaiA miirriago re- 
sembled upa^rof sliears so I'dpeil that they can not 
}.« separated-; otlen moving In-bpposlie •direc.tUHi", 
>ct ahvuj 8 punishing any $uy whueomi,.- lietween. 
Ibciii. . , 

• For all.poinla in TeN-ns uml r tlitornia 
lake the M.**uihcrti Star and Cn.-ut nt via' 

M, K. 15.— They «U sav so that have 

tried them: ‘ Champion Munl’c " cooking stoveff - 
Most Even Bakers. 

No frridthilen k ad vert i^mentH will. r 
kno wpujly be auowetl in the Advocate. lh( 
Jf.otic ever appears it will be bp meci- 
tlcnt. - , ' - 

Jn ordering from thbtfC u'Ap.^e adver- 
tisements appear Til Our columns please 
state that puu have seen the same in the 



To those of our subscribers, not con- 
\ m Ycnlent to- a money order’ ojllce, we, sould say s 
lMctMielnforiu n**-by postal card wbetheMo-vontluue 
the AhvocATK or no. 

Wo would again ‘call tire at ten lion,, of , 

stil-«crilieis.antl agents that, in making rerulttaucta, 
to make them payable to tlie New oklk.ans Cniita- 
tiaw Advocate keep this in remembrftlrce. 

•Semi twonty-livo cents in slhUjpH.'ioi 

oue c*n»y of Kendall’s Treatise on the Home. 

The Volhmt’H of-the Wf.rKLY i« u«l luzv lirgin. 
wtili the tliHl nuinhers for.Jnt urn ...the VolluueHof 
th'o-Yoi’M. Pi-irt.K with the llrst N'umt>« r for No- 
vember. and the VolifniPH of the M nk,W it Ii the 
NfiinheiN for June -ft ml December of each year. 

Hulrecrlpttons' will hi 1 eijtered with the Number of 
•each lT'fiOdlcal curieht at Hie time tif nceljitof 
sutler, .e,scept In last s when* the suliscriher other* 
vWlstjilincts. . 

Specimen copy tf II \|£PH:d Y-u * I * i • i - 1 K sent 

on receipt of lour.i* tils inVuunpN. 

11 Alt i* Kl’CS FKANKIJN HQI Alji: 1.IUUAUY: a 
weekly publloalhni. contatulug woYks of Travel , 
Biography, llth'ory', 1 It tlon and Poetry, at prices 
ranging from. Into •.:• cents per number, Pull list 
O / ifrrary wtd l/e lUtU- 1 
Ished 'gratuitously on application to IIai.tei: A 
Hi:-. nil. us. 

EemlttamYs sl|0Uld > > 
Outer or Draft, to ftN old 

tuaile tiy P^ktoflic 
i haute. of loss. 


A little girl In cllurch, after the con- 
trlbutlon’ plate had been passed, complacently ami 
audibly said, *• I paid for four, minima ; was that | 
right?" ' 

Read advertisement In this issue con- 

ccrntng the Ozler Colton, 

Sjjgumli . saying, full of truth 

-nlMpi-llofttion' : “ (irunilfaltier. farmer; 

An old 
and of general’ 
father, trader ; son, gentleman ; grandson, beggar.'* 

St. Vitus Dance is a distressing mal- 

ndr* ‘There Is but one cure for It. Samaritan Ner- 
vine. . . • 

Ask your neighbors to subm-nb^ 
the 'A dvocate. 



. K; tlAttPEIl'S CATAI.OGPE. Jif Pftwon llirt-n 
'amt four ttnmaainl vjjllliuai, uiuilol oil of 

en Cents III PoHng«*’St«uii|'B. 

‘ n(iiooia!1t:a«iii:hn'. 

Notice to Nulmflriher* wire order then 

address changed.. Please give lull adtkess of luet 
Postofllce. otherwise change • annot be mftit^ 

The Rkeat JAfljftoN Route.— !•< lire 
favorite to all summer resort**. "It has been irLulll 
with sl»-el rails; has %dopt«d the siataiard gauge • 
with a well ballasted track, end Increased speed. 
They offer the adyantaRes of fiuu time, through curs, 
sure connections, and accommodating oltlcc:a 

1 he Central- Educational Bureau teenies TEA' H- 
I a mi nb es mIiooIh ami f«iollie« Instructors FREE 
(IK •! lift K(«K. hchobl property and apparatus 
Louklil a«u sold. 

AjdreM H. MAYERS. Pec . 

Jack K(*n, Miss. 

MJT Seventy lire teachers waute«l at oiicc. 

S4-UII t* WMiK'V 
Atlaata, «a„ 

For niusuat egClrcalar S*tk yoar. 


V~"'Samaritan Nervine cured my* wife 1 * tils', save 
Iieniy C'nrk, of Fair field, Mich. "She had thetitu! 
years. " . At Druggists, $1.50/ , ' 

— . 

Some people exclaim, “Give me no 
anecdotes of mi author, but give ine his wb.rks and 
yet I have often foufid thatnhe auecaot’as'are more 
interesting than tb« works. 

Washington, 1>. C., May l*>th, 1880. 
Gentlemen— Having been a sufferer,. 

for a long time fronutervous prostration and general 
'debility. I was advised to try Hop, Bitters. 1 have 
taken one bottle, and ^1 'have 'Leen rapidly getting 
better ever since, and f think it thereat medicine 1 
ever uecd. I am now gaining strength and appetite, 
which was all gone, and I was In despair until l tried 
your Bitters. I am now well, able to go about and 
do my own work, P.efcreHaUng it, 1 was complete- 
ly prostrated. -r- MUP. M \«Y STl AltT. 


The con versatioff waa aljout Hishopa, 
and one fervent Uatiie said : "How good the dear 
Bishop of Peterborough 1»: What ft good man." 
Instantly ft gentleman replied : "There is no luerlt j 
hi that. Bishops ought to f>e s«». They get live j 
thousand h year fur being good, while we are expect- 
ed to be >/t i<id/ur iiift/iiijif-nnA inc^l oCus are." 

Goldkn's TiiguiD Beef Tonic im- 

l arts Btreiigtli'to body iiuil mlud. leiht nu ttltr. Of 
druggists, . 

Wheb does a man become a seam- | 

stress' " "When 1 he hems ami haws.". *•* No." 

•• When he threads his way." " No.’" " When he 
rips and tears." "No. " Give Jt .tip " "Never, 
if he can help it." ' 

- - • — -* - 

CofisU.MPTIOS CUHKl). — All old pliy- 
I'idiui, rpttreil frnm iiracflff . Liivlng li.fl plated lu 
Ills 1, an, Is lij au Hast I ml la nilssiMiluyvlre formula 
of a simple^ vegetable remedy for the speedy and 
permanent cure for Consumption, Bronchitis, Ca- 
tarrh, Asthma and all threat and Lung Affections, 
also a posltlve-ami radical cure for Nervous Debility" 
and all NefvouskComplalht®, aflei having tested its 
wonderful curative powers In thousands of cases, has 
felt It his duty to make It known to his suffering 
fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to re- 
llevs human suffering, 1 will send free of charge, to 
all who desire It, this recipe, lu German, Freuch, or 
English, with full directions for ‘preparing and 
using. Sent by mall by addressing with stamp, 
naming this prfper, W. A. Noyes, 149 I'lutr't Muck, 
Hoc /utter, A’. __ 

“J doiFt take much atock in tlie 

proverbs," sold Brown to Jones. "For Distance 
look ut the ofl-quoleil one: LA friend In need Is a 
friend Indeed.’ Now, most of my experience with 
friends In need has b«eh that they wanted to borrow* 
Give me the friend that Is not in need." 

— — • •— : , 

Glknn’h Nitlphith Soap cures ob- 
noxious diseases of the skin. 

“ l J vo been acroae the KriKliah Chan- 
nel Alx hundred times," says a promlnet traveler, 
" and was sick every time, lu fact} It la the only 
klud of a spree 1 '] eve^ Indulge In.'J- 

If you have dleeaBeil lunge, take 
Halk s Uomiy op IIokbuoumd and Tab. 

Pius's Toothache Duors ours in ous mlneie. ' 

^'.WlUuss |to-;l!re.s. v ~ 


Approved by the Academy of Medicine of New I 
York for coughs, colds, bronchial and tubercular 
cousumptloii scorfUla and g« iu ral debility. The 
most mild, bland apd nutritious ferin in which Cod 
Liver OB can he used, and witli more bene tit secured 
to tile patient by a single teaspoon fill of tliis Jelly 
than by double the'quantUy of the liquid oil, and 
the most delicate vtnuiHch will not reject tt. For 
ate by all druggists, and K. ll % THt T KX. New. Y- rk. 



, Vice-President. 

xmr a dv/.Ji' tin/: .vex rs. 


rpm: o/.ikk LOKjiJ .stapli: kiut 

1 «’«*TTO\.— The tiesf how known. .Write Urr 

pamphlets, giving nartlculars of yield pe.i a«re. 
sworn to,' account sales. Prniilutiis taken a’f l.ouls- 
ville Exposition. 8t. IxHlIs, Little Hock; .Mo'nticello, 
Ark., etc. Koup-.lhousrtipl dollars In | rhitiiuiitK oiler- 
ed by proprietor. on yield and staple for f J, A. 
U/.lkh, Corinth, Mis.-. Name this paper. 


8 - - Camp Street - - 8 


\%’lmlluir tYutrliea, 

American, Kncllali mill .Swiss,' 
fr'lrwi 4)uulify and l.otiest PrDe*. 

Jewelry 'aid Sterling Sikeiure, 

At u Greut Deduction. 

Special attention to Watch Kepaint’g. D aluor.d 
Setting and Jewelry Ilepnlrlfig 



- ut 1 It K ' 

New Orleans National Bank, 

Al lire Ciiwc- 

«tf Businew, 


31. INfati. 


i:i F.s. • * 

Bills discounted 

t j:‘j,wt ci 

Demand Jouni 


i »v« rdrafts 

*J,Vsi 0*t 

I’. S. bond*, pm * aim 

. iu 1,470 ua 

^j& Lv.'tisiftua ( '*it 


tlOUjuANi a Urhut.s • "un»l?. 

( Tossmuii's " 

uri» ucy anil chvcks on * 
i.'W'tt- -....: 

New York night exchange 

‘...Ji.Ooo <i J 


un.filT' lA 

D ie from bank** ami bunk 

n< K 7U- 

Five pet i ■ nt. fond w Hb 

aunptrolh r of 

» tlie C'urretic.' 

• 9,000 Od 

Furniture ami ttxtuii « 

, *1*0 IS) 

: Total ... . 

:t.‘ : *.i.f'l t 

LI ABU. I» IKS. . . 

Capital stick * 

... . (-'OO.QOO ci) 

Surplus fund 

2'tO 000 C'J 

Vudlvlded pro tits 

4,818 4 • 

Circulation ouuttandiiig.. 

. I'O.ikjO no 

Dlvblemls uuculled fiir v . 

... ; 1,7 10 co 

* l)lvldends.payab'e Jan. .' 

I'M.. 8,000 00 

Individual de|uis1ts.. 

n --41 :i 

Due hunk's Mtid hunkers , 

7i,itiU V" * 

. - 1 ,U2l),122 04. 


*1 001 ■■•*1 1 ; 

I certify the above to be 

a true*ittatetiient 

WM. PALFBEY, Caihier. 

i C jrrect- Attest: 

1 /• - 

< HlGM I’Nl) KATZ. 
W. T.' BKNEDR r, 






“ Why do you set your cup of coffee 

on the chair, Mr. Jonea?" asked a worthy landlady 
one morulug at breakfast. "It’s so very weak, 
ma’am," replied Jones, "I thought 1 would let it 

* 9 . r*? . TT 1 









All T«lv«*r wild Nlotuaeh Tnn»ldr»: It is also a itur** ■*!UI'l*k3€ , TION. ag.iimj] Y«*ll«w 
lever, Ty pliotil, llllloini end Inleruillleiu l isn.!-: and. w L < 

Chronic Disrrhcsa, Humair (.'oiupl'iifuis, Children's Diseases, j»ml < <o>iDti'>ii- froai a lilt Ii loitn \ l" • 
mffe.r m^iletiee. Beware of ImBntlouH. For further Information Wod f- i I tiophlei • r \m n* < t 
Dr. Holman faTsohully, If not found 4i yoilr neatest druggist, sei <1 regi»-. r. .| Irtiyi, direct to""* 
olllce und get your Pad hv return mail. Hegular I'sd •2.00. Kpt < ial I* "| • ; jm. 

Canada), paid. DOLMAN LlYLll rAO <’«>., ‘1*. it. Box j8.ll/, OH WU 

. sod duty < . 

I WtUtnui Ml., N. 


Times the IIusmt Heroes and IJrrolne* «f Al 

i ■ ik tin- Three Kras "t pioneer progrrkN ( i> I* rout the Alle^hcn 


erlea, t»y ("ol, l ; r. 

■ ut pioneer pmgrriN ( i» Proia the Aiturhenlc* t » th« 
•nUiii* : < 3 l Olilomu snd tlie PatilF bl6pc. New. 1 00 pervonul p 
4 ,>r Ihrinfilft adventure in forest, pUii)S, lunumsjus and sir- 

usellv everything. 7 *» Octavo page*. Low'll! pruc. 


.1. II. IIIOUPSOM A t o 


or I New IHctor|«|l llUtorj. of. the Uf« setl 

ir. i ivn'guo Siqiert. I n^rawgiri. 
qii - 1 i 'ye die - the 

\ picture gllerv « 

>'ulili»'icr« M. I-Mi'l 


ml i ivin- 

■ ‘Mj. 


tticiu for TH 



Kuipluy sod Drill 

imvm Illustrated Works. Withp«rvon» whose ability Aa 
Nl» AND AlANAitlNU vub sgenl*. will mskc most li|*eraA 

t. *»»oo . »««, 

OsdvsuIsk AgeaU un Ne 

TBAiNiM A . 

.. uui ilOOOt# ilOOOs y— , _ 


... :l 


■|lw ©tlms ©tet»»n J^wafr. 

tr. tw. 



MXumiaok for l' r n . -A curious and, 
flomewkKt HiRhPartentms <•**« »m |'OTk.- 
«ng in h liO»K Island court -room. Kro* - 
ineont of a “marriage for fun. ‘ 
ilefendartt K*» •’<" of- f»« veil twin ; Ho* 
plaintiff ft Kiri nt ahoul the sail! t Htf.\ 
At a chundi “Nocialilt)'’ last duly ther** 
appear to luivo V.oen , noveral marriaw's 
in fun performed among the. vdUfJg 
people; and in fltla particular case the 
plaintiff elected to. regard theoeromouy 
aa aeHous, and has brought suit attains' 
her wfv - huahaud. ,.lp.C. t support. 1 lie 
laws of New York State\ r«.'|>'iire no 
apeolal ceremonies, and no sptvtal ' ofll- 
cial to ratify them ; marriage is regard* 

MIND.. Tit A 
A 1* PH 

rilAT All! 
ffALhV CA 

tf.SKS IT. 

.od purely as a civil oontracj ; proot that L/;,//7o)w 
the parties contra ’ted to live toget her It Is h 

ah husband and wife tu^k^H the mar- 
riage legal ; and tin* question whether 
in this ease there was any mil 
menl or no i« tlie. legal question muoro 
tie yfiurta. Tli« ttwTVrn eviilmice (i«a, 

Tin* narrative bolow by a prominent. 
«- lentist touelies a subject of universal 
imimrtani'o. Few people nre freo from 
lie lUatrosaipir evila which hypochon- 
ilria brlnus. They come at all limes 
ami are I'm! by tlie very Hame which 
thev themaelves start. . They are n 
ilreaii bf coiuiiiR <Iern»j?ement cbiibbiI 
liy present li.fsorder anil liring about 
more suicides than any oilier olio Uiitifi. 
Their first n|Vproach should be carefully 
pnardod. . . ' , 

Ucrdhl , , 

seldom I n p | u‘n r in print Mid I 


,\v did I not belie 

liUtl i.S!!!*.! 0 * * 1 . 

h o w eve r, ffroTTfjtlt' Tint a -Mrflft- 
tiona between the young people, ami » 
boasting atnonK the boys ol “conquests 
and “captures,*' which might very \scii 
iliake the girls blush for shame, 
are glad .to say they did. We hope that 
none of opr. younger roadefa need- t -irt 
•adfuonition which.this i-asc atl«>r I -» t ujt 
marriage is always a very serious busi- 
ness, and not a subjertrftn jesting. Hut 
we are tolerably certain that 
our, older reatlerH do need the ca ition 
it suggests to .all imrer.t**, to know •■not 
onlv what sort ot associates their so:m 
amf daughters iiave, but also what are 
their amusement'* and how they spend 
their time. The so ’re'- of the ditnyulty 
in this case is indicated bv the state- 

should licit do so no 
| mvself in possession of truths,, the 
| revel alloy of which will prove of ines- 
1 imahle value to many who limy see 
these lines. 'Mine lias been a trying 
. experiiimuv. *', HH 

conscious of a want « • t nerve tone. M V 
! mind senijned sluggish and I lelt a cer- 
tain filling off in lily natural condition 
i of intellectual acuteness, activity and 
vigor. I presume this is the same wav 
j in which an innumerable •number of 
, other people feel, who. .like myself are 
I phvsickll v below par, but, like thousands 
: of others’ I paid uo niteiitiou to these 
! annoy ing troubles, atitri outing them to 
overwork'. « and resorting to a glass of 
I beer or a milk punch, which would for 
I the time invigorate uifd relieve my 
i weariness. . 

After, awhile the stimulants com- 
menced, to disagree with mv stohmeh-, 
increased, ami 1 

my wearindss increased, and 1 was 
ment df the mother of the girl, that j compelled to resort to other means to 
“both their father and myself lm\ e find relief. Ifa physician is suffering 
been engaged a way. from home* tor a i |,p invariably calls another physician 
great part of the tim e, and therefore j t0 prescribe for him, as be can not see 

have not been able to give t hem as 
much of oii'r care as wo should have 
liked.*’ That the older persons in a 
church social gathering should have 
allowed a tnock marriBge to take place 
without interference seems Inc/eilime ; 
but such appeArs to have been the tact. 
We do not know that any change of the 
laws could meet such it, case ns this.- 
TI e protection of the Legislature can 
not take the place of that which parents 
should- afford their children from their 
own, folly. — Christian l icon.* . „ 

• -4**- *■ 

- I.adiks' Hats.— l’be most iiob'.iy bsta 




of the most effective mcdltnl 
1H is ,ii triumph of scienec over 

r rilF. Pillow-Inhaler Is one 
1* inventions of.the nge. U.-,- . , , 

disease It is tremendous in its ellccls. lor it is the conqueror 
of < ’auirrh imd.\he whefle hotrltdc phalanx ol kindled ail* 

■"'* V ' * ' 


It is n Mi'ehnttieal Pillow that 


used the same a?' ones 

r >fAoc/**w.. orditmrv bciffpillow. Ii eontains tv.M'i voir- for volatile medi- 
modifvfiig valves t » control its action. The medicines and bulm> used in these 

lu^ro.-ily roiiiflirlubie ; v.liiM <*-«„ J: «. . Hu-n; 

twentv lour hotfr.*.i toralu.iit eight hours, health 
enters the.wasied taufy of the wretched sulterer 
i with cverv breath lie draws' It conquers disease 
bv a nmtinuou* application of eurative air t-» the 
diseased membranes of tin* respiratory organs^ 
anil, w liilst spreading slinvnlatitm and soothing 
| agents upon •llitlanied t, issues and ae rat ini: iltc 
I p row t * tp n r cl t ew t hWi u ^l nsW^ry ^tuu . kiiLt . lm J uu i y ^. 
for vestiges of disease ami annihilates them. 



• • « 'I h»i1 OtUrrhof th« worn kln^. rvnd \ w„ *oln» Into Connim|»lfob. .'u’eS 

InUivli r right Momu. aud rrvp up all other mmtlolues. au4 N*> »'’ / «"* tV, n ,,r, ,n a | V , v ». cM itt tt 

tin- tl,.t 1%4I I con not do too mufch to -prrad tb» know! |Pd*o ; o f ' 'll U. 'f'- «'' « 1 ^ V* » ..--Ih Cl 1 

l.tesaln*. Tlio |>Rstar In n>T churnh, in Uoltluiorf, knows how .1 nuHm-d i nlso inniiy mitiido In l 



, .... r ... sufli-r”d j nlso mm 

1UI Send for Circulars and Testimony to ' - 1 * niA, - W '‘ :K ‘ M, ‘ '] ^ -» 

THE PILLOW-INHALER CO., 1520 Chestnut St., Philadelphia,, Pa. 



The Great Ncw^Southem Route 


. ^ThrouRh Sleeping (Jars from 

Mnv OrlCAUi to Sa.i FrsBrlips, 

. ' , VIA 

Morgan's LmdMfttift and Texiut Rallrond, 
Galyeston, Houston amt San Antonio Railway flystana 
amt Southern TaclAc Railroad. 

Connections made nt Houston with 


Trtdns start froyi head oPKlystan Fields street 
» foTli 

r-wfijlng pli'iuM* tip'iiti'in tin- n«nnM»t litis paper.. 

iilmseir as lie »eos otfiortf ; ho I nallckl a 
physicinn anff he ndvisotl me to try 
little’ chemical food, or a bottle of hypo- 
pbospliHit-H. I took two or three bottles 
of the chemical, food with no apparent 
benefit. My lassitlide aud indisposition 
seemed to increase, my food distressed 
me. I hu tiered from neuralgic pains in 
different parts of mv v7 body, my muscles 
bbeame sore, niy bowels were consti- 
pated, apt} my prospects for recovery 
'wore not very Haltering. I stated mv 
case to another physician, ail(L he ad- 
vised me to* take tivo to ten drops of 
Magende’s solution of morphine, tvyo 

are as far removed as possit>le from I or three times a day, for the weaktioss 

the picturesque fancies of a lew seasons 
ago in being still* and angular, in the l 
place of soft and shadowing. '1 he stove • 
pipe felt hat is audaciously and charm- j 
ingly affected by young ladies to whom ' 
it is suitable and 'hftyomifig ; ,,ut more 
popular is the stiff lint, wuth the tall 
• vrown amlThe brim slightly poked in 
front, The pritlco’s triplet in ostrich 
tips and stuffed birds in conjunction 
with a torsade of velvet, and luonlnres 
and plumes of fancy feathers still ap- o 
pear in the trimming of hats, but the 
latest freak has oxpresbon in small 
•.stuffed animals. 

- •'*' 

^'SoM KtlllNu To A\ l oin.— Avoid the 
scolding tone. A tired mother- may 
find it hard to do this; but it| is she 
•wlio will get most good by observing 
the -rule. The tone of scolding wears 
upon the throat, just where the woman, 
who i* not over strong is apt to feel the 
ache of extreme fatigue. The children, 
too,* who are great imitators, will be 
snre to catch the scolding tone, ami will 
talk to their dolls, to one another, and 
by-and-by to. their own* children, very 
jiitich as their mothers are now talking 
to them. .Jly all means. avoid this bad 
atone, allyou who govern others.* " 

Tiie^EIot Wajeh Hkmkpv.— A t the 
present ‘-moment the fashionable cure 
for dyspepsia is hot water, which, aHer 
all, is only an old fashion rex ived. 
London News commenting upon this, 
says that the hot water treatment is 
taketr externally- in London tvs a-coa* 
rnetic aud internally in America for the 
stomach.. «.nd that as ‘aiding propaganda 
.•sin jvogreas. • 

Ai’l’LK Slvm r. — One quart Hour silted 
with oue mess'll fe each of acid and soda 
. or two heaping teaspoon t\j Is acid ami 
one moderately heaping teaspoonful 
soda i of Horsford’s -Bread* Preparation ; 
shorten with one teaspoohful , butter 
rubbed into the tiour. Mix with cold j 
milk or water, the same as for biscuit. , 
Ef ut two (juarts of paro<l, sliced orq.uar- . 
tered apples with one pint of water into 
the dish in which tjie slump is to be 
• *ooked. Roll the crust about an inch 
•thick, cut into quarters and* with it. 
oover the apples in the dish j then 
cover the whole with a close- lifting 
cover, and . boil or steam jtill done. 
Taka out on a platter and grate nutmeg 
.over the apple. Serve with sweet sauce 
or sugar and cream. 

and distress in my stomach, and a blue 
pill every other night to relieve tlie 
constipation. The morphine produced 
such a deathly nauHea that 1 could not 
take it* and pill tailed to relieve 
mv constipation. 

In this, condition I passed nearly a 
year, \v holly unfit for business, while 
the effort to think was irksome and 
painful. Mv blood became impover- 
ished, and 1 suffered from incapacity 
with au appalling sense of misery and 
general apprehension of coming evil'. 

I passed sleopl(Jy» nights and was 
troubled with irregular action of the 
heart, a constantly fovorish condition 
and the most excruciating tortures in 
1113’* stomach, living for days on rice 
water and gruel, ami, indeed, the diges- 
tive futicUons seemed to beentirely de- 
stroyed. ^ t . 

It was natural that'whiln in this con- 
dition I should become hypochondrical 
and fearful suggestions of selt-destruc- 
tion occasionally 'presented theniHelves. 

I experienced an insatiable desire for 
sleep, "but on retiring would lie awake 
for a long time tormented with troubled 
reflections, and when at last I dkl lall 
iiLLo an uneasy slumber of short dura- 
tion, it was disturbed by horrid dreams 
In this' condition 1 determined to t>ak< 
a trip to Europe, but in spite of all the 
attentions of physicians and change of 
Jif’.ene and climate, I did not improve 
anti so returned home with uo oarthly 
hope of ever again boing able tt) leave 
the house. . 

Among the numerous friends that 
called on me was out' who had been 
afflicted somewhat similarly to myself, 
but who had been restored to perfoct 
health. Upon his earnest recommen- 
dation I began the same treatment he 
had etnploved, but with little hope of 
being benefited. At first 1 experienced 
little, if any relief, except that it did 
not distress my stomach as other reme- 
dies or o\ ; en-Yood had done. 1 contin- 
ued its use, however, and after tho third 
bottle could see a marked change for 
tho better, and now after the fifteenth 
bottle 1 am happy to state that I am 
again able to attend to my prol<*ssional 
duties. 1 sleep well, nothing distresses 
me that V oat, t go from day do day 
without, a feeling of weariness or pain, 
indeed J am a well man, and* wholly 
I through tlie influence of II. H. Warner 
' A Co.’s Tippecanoe. I consider this 

Homo IlomR.wL* ! 

— " Alt yoiu^owh fault. , 

* If you romitln sick whan yytl can 

tret li.op bittPTs that nurer- / ? >i»7. 

The weakest woman, smallest child, 
and sii'Uoat invalid nail use luip. bitters 
with safety and j<reat good., 

—Old men tottering from 
Rheumatism, kidney trouble or any 
weakness will be almost now by using 
bop bitters. 

— Mjrwife and daugliter were made 
hea lth y l>y the use of bop bil'ers and I 
recommend them to my peo[de.— Meth- 
odist, Clergyman. 

>• Ask any Ronit doctor if tiot> a 

; Ritters are not the best fainUy itiedieinf 
*j Oneactli. 

—Malarial Tever, Ague iCnd Bilious- 
ness, will leave ev^ry neighborhood as 
soon as hop bitters arrive. 

— “My mother drove the paralysis 
and' neuralgia all out of her system ( 
with hop bitters. “ — /'>/■. O*wc,jo Sun. 

— Keep the kidneys healthy with hop j 
bittah* ami you need not fear sickness.' t 
— Ice wider is rendered hiiriiilefi* and more refresh- 
iup nudj-WvIvlliK with Imp bitters in uach drauuht. | 
—The vigor of yotjUi for the ak«d and inflrni in 
hopbltteiH. • ' , 


Illinois Central flail road,. 

The Great ThrotiRh Line for 
raHsf*nRers and Kreiijht 
to All Points 


Alexandria. 7:1*> A. M. Hoi^on, 12:15 I’.M. 

ArriveH from 
Alexandria, 4': , 4i P. M. Houston, 8:3S A. M. 

I For farther information apply to 

w. j 0'imiKS, j. o. sOHiii^vr.R, 

1 Ticket Ageut.* TraOli Manager. 





a teacher anil coinposor «»f wide exjietlenVe. 


other novelties, containing a ‘•,PItI,Ll.n|VIK\ 


C*P“The rti p from one ‘"«lifll, , ntt V to soother i* r<* 
(rradun! I !m>t* unithie !■• iif.WUro tUd sorvlt' s ot 
• tettth'T, may HUcCe'hluily 


ITS MUSIC \:.X ?;'s» 

J rr „l Vilrl. lv. Tlv IMI.IMivnt lvllwv ihai, in -pro- 
M iUinu' In iliv nrn'.U-nl pu.liiic, 

bcrrats mrrnoD tor Tin: carimt organ. 

of if... ■ ,h..|r rliiim for It ,V«t 

i. UTIIMI T„ l. .(••••• 


Sprclmrii Pas-, r-Tiiitw.1 on Appllcalion. 

•^%l 0 n« F ul, c rI. : I Cincinnati, 0. 




“ / mrc ? try 
Til's? ora} ion 
~r<r /fi'iiiQp- 
and l>ea idy- 
lo the 


Cotton Factor 

a V # . 

. ' and 


44 Perdido Street, 


W. G. WHEELER, .* > 

l v , ' , • .• 

| Clothing and Furnishing 


Successor in Wholesale to 


I Cunul Mlreel, 


Testlmonlsl of a Bor 
tou lady. 

Humtltating Kmp- 

D I3FIGURING Humors, ----- 

ttonn. Itching TorUireH. Scrofula, Salt Rtieuin 
- Humors cured ,h “ * uTtru*tj 

by the CUTicoUA 

w <3EVER rAILS^> J. 1 


Dblicioi'k Sour. — Iioil a ainsll cup ol 
riee in a little oi*er a nuart of milk. 
Boll until it is so anft tlmt it will pass 
through a hieve with hut little elVort on 
your part. •Grate tlie nicely bleached 
parts of the heads of celery, and add to 
the strained rice ; add to'this one (juart 
of strong beef stock,- or-that made from 
inutton.^or veal may be used ; it should 
be strained, and be dear anil iree from 
lumps when it is put in' with the ricS. 
Let this boil until the celery ia tender. 

< Seasbu with a dash of cayenne pepper, 1 
or a little curry powder, arid plenty of | 
salt. If it is dlmt!Ult_to obtain celery i 
when you wish to have this soup, celery 
salt may be used, or even celery Heed 
or extract. • 

Mutton Broth.— A superior mutton 1 
broth may he made by attending to the \ 
following directions : —To four quarts 
of water put ope pound of pdarl barley ; 
and a tablespoonfiil of salt yii a close- 
fitting pan ; boil this for two hours 
quickly; it will, then lie of /the consis- 
tency of thick cream ('then /add vegeta- 
bles, namely, dided carrdts, turnips, 
onions, celery, white cabbage sliredu ; 
boil until tender, then add the mutton 
stock (this can he made from mutton 
and veal bones, i well strained and 
skimmed of the fat. This is an excel- 
lent soup for invalids arid children. 

Graham Custard Pik':— Funny and 
good. One quart of milk, two eggs, 
half a cu p of sugar, half a cup of Graham 
dour. Beat the eggs and stir all lo- 

f ether. The Graham flour sinks to the 
ottom of the pie disli as the custard j 
bakes aud forms a good crust. It may 
appear to he soaked, as custard pie- 
c rust often is, hut it is not in the least 
“clammy.” It dissolves '‘easily in the 
mouth and is entirely digestible. A 
pleasant cream, pie is made from the 
same recipe, leaving old the eggs aud 
using creamy milk or thin-cream. 

Fon vhk Fowls.— L ay in a lot. of 
road dust. When we say road dust we 
do not mean roekH and clam shells. 
Keep it perfectly dry.' Put it aside 
for winter use. Have two or three 
’ cheies boxes whloh dll . dual. 

Pat these boxes where the sun cau 
warm the dust. The hens will get 
down in the dust. aud kill the insects 
■ on them. 

I remedy as taking the highest possible 
rank in the treatment of all diseases 
marked by debility, loss of appetite, 
and all other symptoms of stomach 
and digestive disorders. It is over- 
whelmingly superior to the tonics, bit- 
ters, and dyspepsia cures of the day; 
and Is certain to he so acknowledged 
by the public universally. Thousands 
of people to-day are going to-premature 
graves with those serious (llsijases, that 
I have above described, and to all such 
I would say; “ IOo not lot your good 
judgment bo governed by your preju- 
dices, but give the above named remedy 
a fair and patient trial, and I believe 
I you will not only be rowarded by a 
I perfect restoration to health, but yen 
I will also be convinced that the medical 
profession does not possess all the 

i knowledge there is embraced In meqi- 
I cal science.'' 

A. G. Kichauds M. 1 >.. 

I fiiSTromont street, Boston, Mass. 

and lafanllle 

ll *uncnEA Rf.hoi.vent, tlie n«*w blood t'lirtnor, , 
cle*M«a the. blood and perspiration of impurities . 
aid t*olsotu>UH eleuicyiti!, and thus removes the^fitwe. 

GTjticuua. tho tfront Bklu*Cure, iHstaqtly allaya i 
Itchiux and I nflama»iitU»n. clearB the rskln i and Scalp, I 
h sals Ulcers aad Sores, and re8toreb the Ha r. . 

CuyicuttA Soai’, an exqulHlte Skin Usauiifter and i 
T*il*t Rsqulfiiie, itrepared from CuticuRA, is i;iutn* , 
■MKl.ltlii Iri'HlIsK Skill lilneMia, B;liy Uuuior«, 
Ikla ni.BilBh.H, Sunburn, mill Gnu«y Skin. | 

Cuticbra IliManicnarF abnplulcly nure, ana tne 
•nly inralilhlnjflonj rurlli.r* and skin Beaul«l«». , 
HoU eyerywhere. I'rlcv, Cutlcura. M «•»« • , 

SCHS; I{«Mlvent, |L 1 ’ctt*H Baca iSD CUIU1- | 
CAL Co., button, Mash. 


Sjxixins, Convul- 
sions^ J'' a Hi 11 <7 
tiicknao:, St. Vitus 
Danci*, Alcohol - ! 
uvi , Opium Eat- 
i y\% } by ph HIS s, 
Scrofula, Kings 1 
»//, Ugly- Blood 
lJ»i.*ciiacH, iyyspcj)- 
via, Nervousness, 
Sick Headache, 
Rh eti mat! Bin, 
Kervoua Weakness, llrain Worry, Jllood Sores, 
IliliouBnoBs, Costiveness, Nervous Tropt ration, 
■Kidney Troubles and Irregularities. $l.o0. 

- Sample T»*Mtim«niiiIh» 

“Samaritan Nen inc is doln*r wonder?. 

Dr. .1. O. Mcl.emoih, Alexander City, Ala. 
“1 fed it my dntv to rerommend it.” 

Dr. I). F.'Langhlin, Clyde, Kansan. 

“Itcured where pliyHiciaitH failed.” * 

Itcv.d. A. Edte. Denver. Va. 

^i'Correppondence freely uu*wfred %-sa 

Cordag&i Paper, Demijohns, 
FIB KW015KS : : 








. SCALES, SOAl’S, . 


' ' WHIPS, TOYS, “Ac. 

Store ITiii-uiHliintJ GooiIh 



Many miles shorter and many hours quicker Ilian 
any oilier line. 

and QUICK TIME. ' 

» ANI) 


On and nfter Sunday, May 27, lRHit— 

DOUBLE DAILY TRALS’S leave and arrive at Cal- 
liope Street Depot as follows: i . 

LEAVE. ' | ARRIVE. , ’ 

Exp. No. 2, H.l!» A. M. Exp. No. 1, T OO A. M. 
Exp. No. 4. 6:80 I*. M. | Exp. No. 3, 10:45 A. M. 
Nob. 1, 2. 3 and 4 run dally. , 

Ticket office, 22 Camp street $>rner Common. 

A. D. SHELDON, Ticket Agent. 

A; ’If. HANSON, Gen. Patsengpr Axct., Chicago. 

J. W. COLEMAN, Aat. Gen, I'ann. Agt., New Orleans. , 
C. M. SIIEAKK, Superintendent. 1 

southern californiaI 


The' Texas and Pacific. Railway,. ' 






40, ' 42 and 44 . Tchoupitonlas Street. 


49 Camp Street, N ew Orleans . 


Crockery, China a nd Glass I Va re 

Gcoeral FurnlBhera for 


For Country I)ealer« 

IhiekiiRea N<eely Ai»orted, 

r *s 






Holt* Agent* for 

Coal Oil Moves and Garden I'limps, 

Wanted Atreiita in every Town in the Stnte.- 
ItefrirferatoM, Ice Boxes. Water Conb in.Jce Cream 
Freezers, Cheese Safes, Flv' Fans, 

Fly Traps. Bird Cagi**., '' . ■ 

Parrot and Squirrel Cages **” 

IsHlie direct line from NEW ORLEANS to , 

I UAL TEXAS and all polnta in Arizona. Old and I 
Nt{w Mexico and California. 

Through Expreiw leavPB Npa»- OrleuiiH from depot 

foot of rerpHictior** etreet, at 12:15 nooii^ ,1 lit* tratu | 
Htopn only at St. Churl Vat-herie Donaldmmvtile 
and IMnquemine, between New Orleans and. Baton 
Rouge functlou. 

Baton Rouge Accommodation leaves N-w Orleans 
at ii: AO A. M.. foot or Terpsichore mrect. Stops at all 

California Express arrives at New Orleqns iepot, 
foot of Terpsichore street, at 7..30 u in. 

Pullman Palace sleenlug tare on this tiaia from 
New Orleans to Han Francisco. 

Batch Rouge Accommodation arrives at New : 
Orleans at 7 p. m. *• 

For tickets or information apply at J7 St. Charles, 
corner (irnvler street, or depot, foot of Terpnichore 

A. H. GRAHAM, TickH Agent. 


Ahs’i t»en. PitsHtnger Again, Marshair. Texas. 

Geu 1 Paasenger Agent, St. Lou.l«. Mo. 


Third .Vice President, St. lA>als, Mo. l 

j Louisville and Nasiiyille Railroad. : 

; The Nhorteat unit 4|ulrheat Route to alt 
Knslern C’lll***, 


j Pjnsaoola, Savannah, Montgomery, Naeh- 
, -ville, Lonieville, Lynchburg, Cincin- 
y nati, St. Louia. Atlanta and 
■Waehisgton, p. C..,- 


E. & J. BURKE, <u A {/rut*, 


• this ivy-ii-vV ' 


linn *u Pad attferrnt fnun nil 

other*. Is cup ahdpo, with Self- 
Adjusting Dallln renter. U'lapt 4 
1 tself to nlliMisitldliHuf ttiebo<t.V 
sthilo tho hall In tho cup 
_ back tho irttes- 
ust os n p^r^pn 


rt^,wl„.TTT7J,ln KB n: e l?ul Uight preSMine 
nu i®m nt wcurely “iv and night, and u radical euro 
- Iiirnldn nnd i tienjb S* nt-bv inall. .Clr* 

tUiLISIOS Tlll SS 10., I l-lr.yu, 111^ 

The Great I ipiJT 

Church Lluhl> 

certain. It I 

FniNV'8,1 It. lbrtur. b>v<" 
ti c Mont !*•» tr.lCul, Uic Softest. 
Cheapest and l!*o Best Light ktf6»a 
lor Cfiurtlics. Sii'rcs. Show Window*. 
Pailois. Banks. Ofhvti, I'ictuic C&ilcr- 
ics, Thcatrck,J)ep<4v, e:c. Nv'. aiui ek-- 
.gnnt itcsigni." Semi n;c of room. Get 
K in dt ir and estimate. A liberal Jiscouu 
to chinches nuJ the nado. 

1. P. PRINK, 5 'J P«rArl St.. N. Y. 

• * »’ rtierum ~ •. * 

I AffiiKCSIS relitj, and t> 

(‘lV'iui nf-ii'Uir -vre for f'lb-**. 



nt ffni^irvwte, or 

tdivin'di aauij'li 
1 free. A«l. " N A K Brtltw ” 
v Makers, Box 2 lie Nov York. 

mi prepaid fij 

A.l- “AN/ 


• nr \ r t-i 


J -.Krf ; . -“Ljfjj an( ] 

of C. H. SjKii-yaon,” 

\ Express 

I Coast Accommodation... 
I Fast Mall 

...8: JU A. M. 
...S SM P. M. 
....6:1)0 P. M. 


Writ!) P. M. , 
'• 06 A. V . 
to. 10 A. M. I 


* JW Send Ibr Catalogue. *i 



AND KA8TKRN CITIK8. ' I l||I B 1119 Ulfl 

{THE m. 5. A. RICHMOND MED. CD., 5T. 

Hold by all Druggists. 

" (Continued from last treci.) 

How Watch Cases are Made. 

lin Good Pay ft»r Atr^nfw. 4o 8*00 p«jp 

MU { mo., made Helling our Him* lieokn,iinil 
,1 It I i»l «*•*». Write to J. C. Mcl’nrdy A fo., 8t. 

i Louis, Missouri. 







VTgt with Oo«t of 
yoke iL htll A 

n Stfl 1 

.% 26 00 

- No. 6, 25ln Sto Ibe. . 

No. 6>;jS7in MO lbs 30 00 

No. 7, 30in 4»0 lba...„ 60 00 

Ni. 8, 84ln 7:to lba 75 00 

No. y, Mill 026 lbe..... 1W 09 

Boneoa Falla, N. Y., U. 8. A 

i ufacture tnose celebrated Chimes aud 

Bells for CHl’RCH ES, 

I Ac. . Price-list and 

IIENKY 1*10*11*1 

i iee/ Alloy Church and SoHoo? Rein. Ks c s rim i cn.. hilLsboro. n _ 


One thousand anres cypheHB 
timber lands. Situated in 
townehipe 10 and 11, koutli 
range 10 east, Houth- western 
land District of LouialaiXa. 

^ For information,'tri 

Jn buying a Hirer watch case great care 
eliculd he taken to Bceuru one that is sulid 
silver U(rougiiouT. 'J he cap of mpst cheap 
silver cased is made of a enmposilion known 
as alhatii, which is a -very poor substitute 
Ay silver, as it turns black in a short time. 
The hacks qf such eases are piade .imicli 
thinner than those of an all' silver case, 
being- robbed in order Pi make tlie tap 
thicker and get in as much as p .ssilije ol 
llie cheap metal. A»"ihVr jmpuiTanl point 
in a silver case is llle jeiulri or Iiinges.-whicii 
' sTfoT‘M*V-i' ------ be of pq/d '! lmse_Li must 

el.eaji rases are made of sil.Vrrw'liii h is 
in l a' suitable metal lor that- purj- se. lu 
a ! rief period it warps, bends and spreads 
apait, all-'win-; the backs to 1-cruii.e loose 
upon tlie, case- aiqi a-imillliig the dust and 
din tlmt aecunnuulate iii tie- pocket. The 
lveyMone iSilverYVatch fuses are only mnua 
wilji silver-caps and gold joints, • 

Sx. l/irifi, IT-b J .. IS-.,. 

In-'iirl-masnil vnrit»-Iirt,«ir.-ut"lnli:iiiiUlliKwnli'tifS, 
w.m i.mud lint ackuiiwlndguuiHl givouurtimtuiiiuiy that 
tin* K. -jut odd Snjid Sibi l' Watch Cuwn nnj ihbbiiKt 
iamb' to our ktiowfbdgi). Having no M.lilenng they n«- 
ninin Iii’iiiiitfcuKiiUH. hardtr Mid ftij/rr thnu they would 
tm \w*m? they hunt mi for ttuldering, uml lju\o morn 
rchihiing powt r agi'itiHt iiro-mun* ttum liny other cuhis 
iu the luuikot. MkutlOi) A Jaccaiuj jKWtii.ny Co. 
S.-ril 3 rent hlamp to Kry»tonr Wntrh tW Karlorlr*, I’hlla* 
d. l j.hU, I'm., for linndsouie lliublralrd PaMfllilrt hlioNiug liow 
Juiar* aud kryalone, Watch ta*« are iuaue. o 


A 12 horse power Atlas Port- 
able Engine on wheels, has been 
hut little used, and is in thorough 

Will be sold on time to a good 


7 /tc Northwestern Methodist. 

Atths " • .essloin of the Columbia Conference, 
Methodln Episcopal Church, South, it waa unani- 
mously reaolvel aud favored by Bishop Hurgrove, 
to ubilah religl.oUM paper. It will begin as a 
monthly a 75 cents per annum. All ivho desire to 
aid □ good cause and know what the church is 
doing n Oregon, Wauhlngt-on and Idaho for v the 
Redeemer's kingdom, will send their names as sub- 
scribers and the money when the paper is received. 

F. W. I). Maya, I'omeroy, Garfield oounty., Wash- 
ington Territory. 


Drawing-Room Cars attached to CVaat T'i'.ii'o. 
Fare 2flc. each way. 

Ticket office corner *H. diaries and Common fils 
where Sleeping Car accommodations can besecured; 
C. F. ATMORI, •snaral I'akS. Agent. 

JOHN. KI_LKKWY, Ajmu. Gen. Pan.-. Agent. 

J. H. ITU. Ticket Age at. 

J. T. HARAHAN, luperlntendeut. 

A* Return to us with TtW 

CTS. A you'll t;etbyuuiii 


d-„( will v.-.iTTi'BniRC MOtny. jn On- Month, 

tho it unvthluqi I-. 1 In Atiu-ri’'--. !*-s-'tutH eitaint.' . 
Ncutl no wu-luil. II. Yuuiqj,173Uro. awtoh BLN. York. 

fi-i'" ME W-Yt-a, cw*CH01 CE^‘ 


a koses; 




ThreHflh Trunk Line 

N. 0. t'hribtixn Advocate, 
, 112 Camp 



Orleans, Da. 

.Apply .to . 
T, J- 

44 Perdido SL, 


New OrleauB. 



Sunday - School Supplies : 

OsnHtstlng lu part ef 
•OSFBL IirMNi^SIngle and Combined, , 
With and without Music. 

Bibles and TestansefitH, (cheap edition) Teacher's 
Bibles, Oxfbrd Pocket Bibles, (with clusps) Bible 
Dictionaries, etc. 4 ' *• 

Union PrlmerB, First and Becond Beading Books; 
Union Spelling Books; Union Question Books; 
Catechisms; Reward Cards^ Scripture Text Curds; 
Tickets, etc. Also u large assortment of Books suita- 
ble for Sunday-School Libraries, or presents to 
children. Pulpit 'and Family Biblee, from |2 60 to 
|15. Liberal discount to ministers, churches and 
Sunday-schools. Catalogues sent on application. 


BuslueBli Munager, 

04 Camp street, New Orleans. 


Pdtv», Pulpits. Chairs, Settees, 
i ltail iny, etc. 

Beud for Illustrated Circular auti Rstimutes. 

School Desks and Supplies 


Bepd fur circular. Ageucy for the largest Factory 
Iji the oo an tty. Samples can be seen at '. 

117 €• at m oyi fftr * « ^ * •' Mrl^jalT' 

G. T. LATHE®!*, 

I'lrt-ub*. Tre- 

*> Wi/ 
U' CX.ilUt-1* 

h.\ n - 


I • ' r.« v| SflH and I .<101 thlmre la- 

, .i r . ir i-ii Ydu-tiutol I’liUbvi*' «*i ov«r 'to' 

I liuv. 'A-xr ha: n I.ur ti.iiri r.litihlr Estul'- 

iiali. t;iOviN. .■)(X>u»:ri'f',, 21 lunoOnionhouw*. 

Full iubtructium. an. I iiai..i-U*H/U ot 1 aicuu evut 

"THE BEST 18 THE 0^ E Ar **-SI-'uto5 

saw ™ ERS ’ 


( F< ; rtill wrilm.-waiid pin p"; > > \V ri If f- ” 

»UI|l||llll|M> l i'!* Wilt 
T ii to TIid AUirnT.nTA* Tayl 

IV, .Mi niMli'l-'-.' t'h'i'* v | 

Without Stiange and with Speed Unrivaled 


From New Orleans, -Mobile and Montgomery, to 


HUHIJLN PiDC Without chan go to 
unlly Nashville, I.oulsvllle, 

( iiiclaunti, Chicago, with but ouo cbunge to all 



From niattannogfi and NasKville to St. Louis, 
couneoting, direct for Cities lu tho Northvrost. 

rmPD JLIITO ^ ct 'k j r ‘ b () 111 r s oh the 

CvrlllinHll I 0 line of this road will 
receive apeckl low rajoa. » 

Hee Agents of this Company forrates, routM-., 
Ac., or write C. P..A1M0HE, 0. P. & T, A. 

<8) Louisville, Ky. 

FIOIAL LIMBS.— The Bui aud ! 

0 r oapoat. BaUafiMiioa guaranteed. 

1 oa Baud a largo aaaortinaut 
of IV^ums, fhjAldar Braooo, AMotutaal 

rtors, Rlaatio Ikfeklngs, etc., at 

£■5 a. 'm«dkbmott, ifiuuautu^.' 

IN Camp Ht., New Orloaa 


:if Pur** Coupe rinnl.TIn forGhurcbj'*. 
la, File AluniiN.l’nrmt), elf- H'bi.r 


JBchools, l ... ... »'inal«>gim wont Fr«" 




IS Choicest Food o in tho Wofld. for 



Oltl and YounG- 

ScIVL-lnl ur.iin, alt hull -, 
cncklf, null iinpnrilu's r-i- 

HtOVt'll . Cin'SIMIll, 
t'rioKKP AM) I ) I-. - ] - - A 1 i-l>' 
I'li/ffileit, l'tvmirril,:i- 

k-l, f-.r Iliv tiiblc, -a 

iniiiuti-s.SuvIiiMiiH-niy. J « 

i„« ful-l. Navlins tiinv- - s , ’ ' 
wash-. . ts-.iviim j" ‘‘VV 
Hiisv I" lIlRl'M, 
rtdiiy thoroughly looktu* 

A. 11.U. HAKt-EY VOOt). A. II- U- MAIZE. 

A.k foi A. I). C. only. (R.g|«c«^ Traile M«Ii.I 
For wale by all Grutcr*. TUB CUKUALB ^ 

.fc-4 for circular.. MS MUKUAY ST., NKW \ Ol^ 




ten '©titans. Httacal t 

*X*' • • 

A. Brousseau’s Son 

, . 'Billing^ 


Building for the Future. 

\f»nv of- the ni oh t renowned, sirnc- 
imvo crumbled to Kiln under the 
moh of time’. lingers, but L ie pyta- 
n 1 h we ns solid, nnd but for tljo hands 
$ vandals, nn perfect ns when the Inst 
brought with rejoicing to the 
Bt0 . These old Egyptians built for 
MS future, nnd showetf their belief In 
, mortality bv so cnrefully embn ming 
i n bodies of deceased friends that they 
v now be exhumed in ns good pres- 
ervation as when they last left the 
hands of tlio onibnlmer. Building char- 
loter is far more important than any 
her work, for the result will remain 
K nRer time shall cease to be. There 
Ire many people who Imagine they 
mav develop right dispositions In alter 
fe atidaro not tliereforo careful how 
they think or. speak or act. -But is well 
known that tills is a miserable fallacy. 
\Vs often quote tlio old saw, “As tlio 
twlir is bent, tlio true inclines,’; and’ the 
nroof is abundant. But onrly charac- 
} ‘ unless altered by gjace, becomes 

more pronounced and decided as tiriio 
wears on. Whoever hoard of a miser 
developing into a public benefactor or 
very compassionate man? Whoever 
heard of a devotee to business ceasing 

to^xCi B i t a gree d rov ijlt m?— n.w.i 

9Tt Mild UR Hmrlm NtrfH IH.itinl Hit 


9 |1 «« rtiuiTVO |»*r Yard, 


70^>ubi a Y.tftj up to fl Oft. 

Wiltons, Axmlri*fer*, Velvet*, MoftUKte*, Brunoel* 
Ingrain*, Three PJyi. Window Hhadee, 

I.acr Curtain*. Co-oa, Napier and 
. China Matting, Turkish 
Bugs, Crumb Cloths, 

Rugs and Mat* 

In Great Variety, all Latest SJylea and Novelties. 

r nil i:V tegitlhic the Stomach . Liver, Bftwei*, 
1 Kidney* and niond ns prepared by DryMor.ley, 
In his 1/emon Kllxlr, a ntannnnl lemon drink. It 
ctire* all Hlllmmne*s, k ;Con*tlpatlOn, Indigestion, 
Headnrhe, Mnlnrm. Kidney I)l*eu*< . Fever*, ('hill*, 
lmpurilie* of Hie Blood, Cold*, nnd all other d I aeons* 
enuaefl by a torpid or <ll*ea*ed liver. Lemon Kllxlr 
I* prepared from the fresh Juice of lonioun, combined 
u other vegetable liver tonic*, cathartics, aromatic 
Htlmulnnt* and hlood purifier*. Fifty cent* for one 


Steel Hart) Fence Wire and Agricultural luiplemento 

A OKNTN FOKi-K. itr .1. Brook*’ Anchor llraud Nall* nnd Hpnce*, 17. H« MWalh* (‘nrlr'dge Oe. 

w I linlead line Co.. NMiiMead. ( opli.,. 11. lUtvcon -A Moll’s Celebrated File*. l'hlladellthU. K"« n 
Breech- Lond lug Shot (Inn*. Ohio Valiev Steel am! turn .Work*. < liulnitatl. Midvale Hire! \>*r»". ihi» 
adelphla, Melkle’* Chilled - 1 lews, Bark, Hi oil A <V« MhM and Unit Copper, l’ltlaburg. I’a. 

m*lte Four Courti 

Hon. John I. Martin, oflh e . - T . 

Bt. Loul*, Mo., write* : Lemon- l'llxlr liatpnh equal 
fpr the disease* for which It 1* recommended. My- 
«clf and family have u*ed It for two years nnd ree- 
ommended It to our friend*. 



Oi F. Richmond, Druggls^NeoHlin Ranld*, Kapsa*' 
writes; Lemon Kllxlr la the onfy medicine I ever 
Bold or Used that due* more pood and cures more dis- 
ease* than Is claimed for it. 41‘ ’ 

Call and *««. Telephone. In use. 




— noon fob — 

All Aches & Pains. 

tiii; ju : n t 

.1. II. IVIlkiwn, DniBulRt, AuKllMn, Aik., wrllfli: 
I.cmmi Kllxlr Ir pffrctlntf tlic niiiRt wonderful' tnw. 
Thrrp I . imt 1. 1 ii r like - II for I lie tllRtnU'S lur which il 

Wholesale Grocers 

In recommended 

T)r. n. Mozlky Dear Hlr: After ten year* of I 
great Buffering from Indigestion or Dyspepsia, with 
great nervou* prowl ration nnd blllttXiRiiesH disorder- 
ed kidney* ami constipation, during which time I 
uned all known remedle*, and exhausted the nktll 
of nmiiv. eminent phy*lcinns, and continued to grow 
worse, I have been cured by your Lemon Kllxlr, and 1 * 
am now a well man. REV. C. C. Davih. 

2 - ’ Killer M K. Church, South. 

*No. 28 Tatnall street, Atlanta, Ga. 

*— i^TiT<Th' r FTi rrr TiTFpnmt -by h .-m-o-m&v ,-m . - iv 
Atlanta. On, For sale by nil wholesale drugglHt*, 
Ned’ Orleans. 


Comini«tNion Merclinnts 

Nos. 43, 45 and 47 Peters Street, 

(Formerly New Levee*,) 


Ever Discovered. 
BiUin£t:n Lightning Linim't Co. 

Sole Proprietor « 

PLAIN and, kangy furniture, 

orimi, Hair ami Moss Matt cesses Made to Order, 

Sins: My son was cot. fined to his bed with Inflam- 
matory Rheumatism, and Was I rented by the neigh- 
li^r^ tigjibv Hh.jan* withou t relief. I procured two 25 
cent bottle* inf your Llg-IrtnYiTg Tglnllllcfft «.” r /f vW/ived 
ttlljKiin, rttnbhe could w alk nn % criuph**, and used 
half of another bottle, ami i* now abfe to walk ’kith- 
rout his crutches. I don't he without 11. 


GinitON’s, Gi.iMi* • • , Tkx. 

Factors’ and Traders’ 

r in uakoniiklkt btrkki-, 

uoiis mlvm'Htp for purity of life? I.ot 
,, a „sk ourselves. Wl)Kt kiml oi rimrau- 
ter 81.1 I making? If now we are sqlf- 
iiiilulgent this will ripen liUo enure in- 
IKTefeiui'e to others, nliil Hie most pro- 
houncoii laziness. If peevisli ami Iret- 
r .,l „ ow , tlio old .age will bofome so 
very disagreeable that oven- our, klu 
will scarcely leel a reurrt wlion we ilio. 
We have kpo,wn a few married people 
whose devotlo.n to each oilier lias grown 
more beautiful as they grow older, and 
the delicate attentions of early life have 
been more than multiplied In old age; 
ami we have likewise seen certain 
collides, whose antagonism and ill-dis- 
miised dislikes have grown into open 
rupture and separation after years ot 
wedded life. They .began to disagree 
about tribes and the breach widened 
until the shameful eatastn pho came. 
Tlio self-willed girl or boy is planting a 
crop from which a fearful harvest will 
comp. The giddv voting girl will dance 
on to her ruin. The .voting- man ot 
fashionable vices will ore long lie .with- 
out health, character or friends, ho 
have seen the downward course ot 
manv, and' our heart is pained e.s we 

CANA I. Si'll KET, . , 

. - lit Dait phi-tie Street > 


Eoubo TS«tabHahcid in TL842. - ,* v 

umplcte iissorl uH'iii. of European Am! Doniestlr 

$l,000 v 0O<> 

T«%I>K- t* . 
»- HINTS. I H 
l, a liter*. 

>f)ld dn>rrii>t(fui of .»/. 
Pah ol I.UU;,ir and 

KR. A. PALFREY. President, 
“.7:jlIN CUAFFK, Vice Preuldenl 
TQ06. F. WAl.KKB, BecreUry, 

junei Poltelea Coverlpg Fire, .Rlw«» 
nnd Wi»rli*> Hl«k* *1 III*' 

I' ik r I If Hate*. 



John CiiAfnr. 

Bam'l Frletlkndei 

A. II. MajT 
tlnmuel if. Reyd, 

B. F. Eshletuan, 
L. C. Jiirey, 

•' C. J Leedfl, 

A. M. ntekbam," 
l.oula Rush.- 
G. W. deni ell, 
John 1. Adams, 

• NVm. a. Gwyn, 
i a* K. Black. 

John 1. Noble, 
Rlchiud Mil 11 ken. 
R. M. Walnifriey. 

T. Lytt. Lynn; 

Win. J. Bel. ah, 
Ohaft. (.’hane, 

Win. Hartwell. 

7 . T Jatiin, 

Heniy Abraham, 
A. Brlttln, •. 

Wm. Cnnnlhfjluuij, 
t. T, duckncr, 

StA h.ub - M. Factory a j 
• . Wheel . I 
fl'n . lPK- ^ I 

Wagon Repo*ltory 

As the Stock is rejilenislieil by weekly arrivals. I’urclinsers wiu u. 

Advantageous to Call and Examine the Goods. 

Nixm,»lb*» Kent ll.e «* <'. ■- Cs. . nl«l. 

mgr The BONNET anti •*HE*S-«AKIS« liet.aFtiuents are pUbei! In monV 
SKIIjFCB 11 VN'llS. I 


Ub*. Until ty > H'-eel Hkein Wagons, 
WiU'on sold. Wheel -barrow*, All* 
Felloen, Cotton Meal Distributors. 




€L8TKP6 "F0RpSH8MG f 61 

incon’oral-S a-' R Mutusl C'ompRT'.y In l.ts— Bs-ui 
laulMst-RR R Stock Comeauy lo 1SW1. 

cxnii Capita!.. I- »«ee.oe» 

3aa DRlit oenrly KINK M IKLIONS ,'or Iomm 
H lnce 18 III. 

Annual and Term Policies 1 isued on DenlrabU 
Fire Cuhtnesa. 

W U. LYMAN... President. 

L'HAb. H. »Ul>lKN ,....VIce President 

CHA 4 . IL. RICE t 


FiTRTCET, New Orleans. 

• j BuBlneee Suite. #10 to 
Oollare SI. 60 pot Luzon. 

nfi'cn ipede tn'ihem 
. mi,; good* ventC. O. t» 

TI>w l?. ft 1 R 

Ofm.h Suite 020 t 
o Shirt , p tor S3 

Orders from Cleri. yott \ H’-llolit * mo 
' fer n'iea r 'i!rifine» , t w»n* tin 



TP.CdTEKa : 

datn’l n. Kennedy 
( Victor Maytr^ eft*'' 
Alfred Mofclton, 

, W. B.Gonger, 

Reuben Q. Bush, 

V. Marlnoul, 1 

Wm. A. Phelps, 

Louis Prado*, 

, Charles Newman, 
Sigmund KaU, 

R. F. W. Bachman, 

Win. Garig, 

John D. Fisher, 

• our Agenfa tlsr*u*lsont Lonlslaia 
Texas. NissUsliipl auad Arkansas. 


Jon^ph Bowling, 
Hirann II*rn*heiui, 
George W. Senlell, 
Paul K. Mortimer, 
Edward Nallc, 

W. R. Lvman. 

M Xfi.YZINK, and 


C^iarlMi H. Holsen, 

A. H. Siewerd, 

LADIK8 AND GENTLEMEN: If yon do not wish 
to buy the New ’Home. I advise you to wait (inti 
other machine companies make a machine equal to 
it. After twenty-one years experience In theaewing 
machine business, I find the poorest machine* re' 
celve the highest praise from their manufacturers. 
But words are nothing when It comes to merit. 
Therefore, we will not attempt an accurate descrip- 
tion of the’ rfhperlor qualllle* af the 






^ -A NR- 

, Wholesale' Dealers in 

Tobacco, Cigars, Snuff, Pipes, Ete. 


Keiv Orleans. 




Sole Agent.. 



17 !*) -21 Miu*iiZii*e and k 8 Common 81reetft. 


uuM’ them. They h*T 
l,o i Inliii ibat the MKDI- 
ii, time, but la no ca»» 

iiiesome neneatioM that I 

u will ulwpy* see through 

i j, 1 u ii j * coot , dalug awky 

fleet ou the'eye, w f ith im» 

rilHUSB GLAS?ES Al:K ( H1M1< 
I. patoe** the pr.q <uiy id 
Vim* a carefullv i viiutned unu 
( 1 ATED GLA88KS have i n iq- uL.nn 
can the eye become 1 iii|*h*i •*<» • 3 >•*' 
1 . 1 he chemical* eutten 1 1' * light 
usually expertcnfMi in lifting j-’Iuks. k 
o. The chemical umwe tin- gbo*n 
them a* bright and cl« nr »* at Hi at. 

a. 1 lie c belli U al* keep t be gj*‘**' ' 
wltb any feverieh *enwuluii i" ibe'cy 




4. WltTf-lhi-^. 

T in r .-Ml 1 1 1 rill tW 1 1 veirrtTe-ey 

•eaaful* Remedy ever dis- 
u lu it* c fleet* and doe* not 

dlstreaftlng or it: 

The moat auoo 

covered a* it is certai 
klixtvr. • Kuad Pr«>cf 



tend' Jlisoount. 

MEDICATKll GIjAKSKB Rif.'ib »'•» 

Dealers XitppUt'd >> l» 

594 k 596T4agailneSt, 594 Ei 596 


mil. In iiarticularly and 

a rain \>t to piled and 

Jreii/ht thereon 


• LEHlirn! KKV EM ' • « * ' 

viuan in Cleveland, ©., Heyen- 
ara of age, who .had preached 
nearly every Sunday for over, 
jars, Hays, In a loiter dated 
r Sill 1SS2, a few weeks alter 
ling ’ the uho of Compound 

Irength was eijual lo the work 
Ut a voar ago, wlien I began to 
had ’cotno ty the conclusion 
work, if not my life, wss 
an end. Hal «<•»> 1 "in 71 ate ft 
■ yea. the revitslixor lias 1 ntro- 
■w life ini" '"U <1 ImoU ileail 
I can sav that 1 am well, with 
ptinn of a little soreness in my 
Aliow me to give thanks, first 
mil then to soil, -for this bless- 

St. Charlf*. Arknn#*#. Augu*t 25, 1883. 
n J Kkmhii. A Co.. <iVnt"--I trtkc-plc*Mirc in 
lB?«railng*#uu thai 1 u.-cd nvarly till of Ihe bull •* o* 

I Kradail'H-Ppaviii (.'tin* that you ftrnt me fi«tm St. j 
• LuuU to dirndlitn*.and to my *at|HfActlon 

(and I mUsi «v to my Buri»r»*e) m i-boui two w**pk* 
iiiv mart wun i-ntl'reAv w,«M of ihe lHUieiic** ciUisatL 
kr a bog bp*vln’of mur vne .jc.sir’* etiiiidliig and irf 
Mr!e uuie th(; bwHliiig wu* liW K«»n« and the 

mlJJu iioi eiiiirelv well and chu trot, as glib u* 
vv«i l consider ihe bottle of Kendall * Spaym Cura 
Ki.rth to me «h tbmu-inifti an* worthies*, as 

fll* wa* of» three l gs ami could get around 
on them and now *hp Is the flpewl iiuggy afjlmal In 
tkbae pan*. ni l v.fth t be ,i eminent of the little afl«r 
cudbithe man- l .havc .m :-,ly cured a very *evare 
tdrn on the ball of my big dm- that baa given me 
traat »alu I'ltMwo or ibree year*. I have only ap- 
• liwd KeiiduU’* Spjiv in' CUTP'lbur limY* and the corn 
now 1* lie*: : v out bv tlie root* and without any pain. 
In •iiorr’ 1 tliiiik U i-»heb»Ai inti 

1 bnve K * ifiial I t* 1 ie»tlM* «*n ‘be HoUf and bl* Ilia 
! «aea* ami 1 would imrtaV.* any money tor U If 
could not gel another . il'M'bU yon gieiit *ucre*a 1, 

i uniHt o \ uut* itwpevlfuliy.- 

I '““"U 11 _ li. C. JUBTIN. 

tlicsp kppctaole*. 
perfect lit. a ml I 

HO. Persons residing 
uialiilne di ■ecfi'pjtMi. , 
i» .drv-blng . 


lh is 



J — -AND- 

n’s Furnishing Good: 

Heiivlymtitu a of the celebrated • v 


Wi Cl«i a Specially. 


Clothing Made to Order. . 

An iihiimU.V li»'/ D “ ' r ' 

rry i xiivwiLm **• , 

first A erupted 


Has double Cover* uad fantdra. 
And .a.— 

A* moHt every family take* secular, -a weu 
religl'ou* journals, we have mad* arra»gemeute to 
club with the following newspapers, at the rate* 
.annexed. . 

The Oral column of figure* give th* price of tne 
publication per year, the necoud th* pric* of the 
two, Including our Advocatk. 

New Orleau* Tlmee-Democrat •' *• * 2 71 

New Orleau* Flcayunt 4 ^ w 

Southern Oi ltivator ' 1 M ? *• 

Country Gentleman 4 60 4 JV 

Atnerlcau Agricultural d 1 M 2 7ft 
Cash t* accompany all order*. No reduoMon 
allowed nu these rates fol- remittance*. Will receive 
subik-rlpvlons for all the lead! ug uewspaperi lu U»* 
United atatee. « 

CARVER JAMTK80N. Publisher, 

New tirloKu* Ciirletlau Advoaato. 

t finite -ap advaaMup over 
i niovcs, making It tie 


A holy life is maila'iip o 
ofxiyiall tilings,, Little wo 
quent speeches orsermons ; 
not in in, Cles or liattlss, n 
heroic set of mighty m»rtj 
up tho true Christian lii«. 
eonstnnt- sunheano, not th 

real To those in want of KUKNUCKl, 
we would .»y that the FRICKH H AVE j 
mg ’; XJEHN HEUUCKD on every article In 
our stock, though has ad- 
and vatjeed in value ten U. twenty per cent. 
l,oiy Our reason for making these reductions 
itUo ls NOT tm account of lieing overstocked, 
°,md but our atm is to show our customer. 

am entirely now stock every season, 
ir to To those contemplating purchases . in 
,y CATUi AND 111'. 
>ur reductions are 
but are from tig- 
ines guaranteed to 


J. H-. CAMPM4N, 99 h . 101 Camp Street, New Orleau: 


i SlMRALL » S 1M ^, L ' 





Hauta Roea, (■*!., Feb. 8th, lbftft I 
It J Kbmdail- A Co. •wwtleiasn I feel It a 
duty w’» oik*** »affer«ng wltb the piles aud falling of 
the r*et»u» to writ* *• you. 1 have Itad »U« pllo* tu»*[ 
BTuUMUftoftiia rftium for flva year*, for the past 
Iti re* VMM’s 1 have *ufl*red lbs pi Ml uHjNllslitH P»l«‘. 
Tried everything wtiaeut relief, but after ten day* 
tuts ef Kendall’s Ppavlu Cure I have ant i 

heard of tbs pile* eiaee. das wUo ha* not s a fib red I 
as 1 have ran pot ^mipiebeud the great Joy that 
real at being cured of a disease almost woth# than 
death. 1 bed a valuable yeung hurt* that bad e 
Urie bunah gaibei on hie Weael boa*. I tri»«l all 
Xluds «f linJmi iiuiuid bad ll rut opwn without any 
ImiiisA 1 saw yeur adv*r%4e*iaent and bought a Ih» 1- 
ile of keadall’e Bgaviii Cute and orderwl my leam- 
•t«r to use a* dl rested. J* Imi than one week the 
lame had Jiaivaaeaiwil. >b lading that a llnlmeM 
Uatweuld do what Kendall 1 * Ipav In Our* ha* dona 
'fur si y iiir*e oilaht heaedt More I tHed ll a*a laat 
SIort y Vft tk gratitude and be.1 wishes fhr ydur 
| [ueeese. ! ata fallhftillv yen % 

,.n. IV WHIII "try KurioKr. 

,, ( < ulmii eui-.'it I* 

, 11., .lun Uurk.t ‘ ''iTC.Jin 
Jl-I.. llo.lon Murk. . * ” “j 

ii^o; .•*« 

t InffiViif* f ’.wn from «»'*r 

bd’ .ud »CI “““co'm 

7 Fourth St., DES M 

Ulllcc, Corner WashliiKton ami Crawford Sts 






I« a lelrct huuH-.cliool for youn. IMi iw 
rlrl * All timid,,. *f » collfKli)l« tOm uilo* wo«>» 
brKcoiiipIliilifd le.clwr*. TV 

WhocouiulFletk* vnrfnibnD.UA 

B.X 1 S J.ou o,,„. °c.ot.r, ^A^a ! W«f 

The E. A. Seminary 

Tbl. ichool, for boy. ami «lrU. I* locaUd »> 
Asoadifo nifoMwtiU Parish. La., a tewu op lb* rail- 


watekea of the American Watch 

W* are Boiling the watehe* of the American 
Company , WalthaM, Make , u* lew a* U»f. l ° lfl 
anywhere.' — 

K»y-wlndlW| Sllrw WaUlhea at |1^— 
Elain-wladlng folrer WaUhM at |1* t« »S*. 
Stcia-wlmlliiK a»l.,Watfbaa at *34 ami utiward*. 
All fully (Uaraau*4. »aad for a catalogua. 


ta Unwd itreot, Saw •rlaasi. 

... a Uiliaa. far lllnatralad Cl.fular. wiiiab 

k V’-7Vi*b. k S: , ’^" l L“ A,. Drug. 

■4*fte have Tier #*a.get It fer yeu. er It will he eenl 
{••■it a4Ufee* #» reeelpt of pries, hr the preprletoc, 
B. “. A cT. ltaMk.nk rail.,, 


r*t*m in three ia*ath*. 


Sflnv Britans ffibrislian JWv«att 

_ jpr g 

fa»«atg 17 , U* 4 . 

WffUUi' Warkr.t . airri 


llYrl Kn<lrri;j J'iniin ry 


Low ordinary 
Good ordinary. 
l,nw nii>iiili4i(s- 


Good middling . 
Middling fair. 

'Fair . . 

Oalveaton middling 
Mobile middling 
SI. Lotlis middling 


Nkw York, Jan. th— 1 Thp storm was 
Revere along life cohhC last night ; some 
email iTiiria were driven ashore.. No 
I. HR ■ciflilo vet reported. A portion nt 
life pier at Long Itranoh »a< destroyed 
and ihe 'pavilion wrecked. TBfe bridge 
mi l lie Philadelphia and Long Itranoh 

Kailroad, a mile belotv Mnnloloking, 
was washed away, stopping travel. 

lie . no Kono, Jan. 11.— The Chinese 
authorities ha.vo blockaded ihe C'antoti between, the city and the Hogue 
lor.ts, leaving only a navigable passage 
ninety feet wide. A call has been issued 
for recruits for the Chinese army. 

Kii:i„ Jan. II.— Another ironclad for 
the Chinese navy Iibh been launched. 

Parin', Jan. 12,— The French Govern- 
ment, it is reported, is assurod that 


Home Prdduction. 




MeComb, Ht. Magnolia. .’ 

Adams and Hogue Uhltto, Rogue Chltto 

...Jam 5, 9 


Wesson and Beau regard; 

Scotland, at Galatia 

Brandvwlne, .at Sarepta...... M . 

28, 27 
...Feb, 23 

9, 10 
lfi. 17 

Terrv, at Pleasant Grove 

Crystal Springs 

Spring Ridge, at Spring R'dge f.......... 

Bayou Pierre, at Pleasant Valley 

.... . 23,24 

24, 25 

m isc El la nequs. 

England has urged Chinn to accept 
accomplished fac.ta, and arrange terms 

Coney Island suffered terribly. Uesl-' 
denis' were up all night, droading a 

niBtrlct Btrwiirils mrct lit Haxletiiir.t, February 2( 
•51 j. a. a. josm. r. a. 

( ROYAL IttWflt 


of peace with Franco. 

Leon Clmttea» sails for America, via 

(inn i ft wore u * mi iiiKiit, iiiomiiii|i, «» v — _ — .5 , * ... i i 

tidal wave that might siibmerfto the kngland. Tuesday next. Ilia mjtjjrfQn 
Place The water Hooded the meadows. Is to endeavor to prevent the t nited 
The Iohs is estimated at between $500,- States Government from adopting re- 
taliatory measures on account of 




Good common. 

Fair , 

Good hur 

Fully fair 

Prime — . 

Strictly Prime. 



- - re t trr^Ti irm mvr;" 

Gray darllied 
nioire whiles 





Choice... ' - 

Fancy . - 




<46ocl ‘ 





;F> ’ 



4 , 

l|»o. ►**. * ■• 

J ’ FLOli 

V 1 


Minnosota bnkerft 

t; or. 

Minnesota patents; 

7 15 

Extra fanev 

(i 15 

Winter Wheat patents, 

. 7 00 


5.05 ' 


5 45 


Dream meal 

. 3 50 

Corn meal.... 

l! (»• > 


. a in 


4 15 


KT( ’r 





. — - 7 - 





Texas rust-proof 

. 5‘J 

Bn an: • * 

\< oivt 

1 0.7 


- Choice 

. 17 50 ' 


. Hi 00 

•Ntrietlv prime 

. 17 50 


Pork: . 


M ess. 

. 15 50 

I’rinie mess 

. ia a:. 


. 13' (HI 

Bacon : 

Choice breakfast .... 


. Klionlders 


Sides, clear 


Sides, clear rib 




12 j 

Dry Salt Meat: 



Sides, dear. 


Sides, Hear rib 

s . 

I (inn and $1,1)11(1, '000. The track of the 
1 Marine Hallway, between Manhattan 
and 'Brighton lleaoli, was almost en- 
tirely destroyed.' Culver's iron pier 
wns wrecked lit tho bitter end, ami up- 
1 ward of 100 feel were carried away, 
i The old Iron pier also suffered to a con- 
siderable exte trtu AM the sheds ami 
houses nearest ihe bench "‘mm either 
j enti rely or pari ly demolished. Bathing 
'[ holmes' believed to I e,a sale distance 
I from the sea were borne out to the 
[ oeean. Brighton lio acli Hotel ami snr- • 
"rou tiding j>r ,, j ,c MY ■ "w as drtiiisgia 1 t n 
sui'h an exli tit, It. is said, as to .suggest 
1 its possilile liuinollUon, should there ho 
, Riieli another visitation. The prome- 
nade succumbed. during the nighL, and 
the muslc-suiml and drugstore sank 
into tiie sea and Hand. The pia/./.a in 
. .front of the hotel ami lower part of the 
! building was also damaged. Enge- 
i inunn’ri pavilion was deatroyod. 

■j Huntington, W. Va., Jan. it.— Snow 
1 sixteen to eighteen inches deep. 

Richmond, Ky., Jail. il.-'Snow four- 
j teen inches deep, Ihe heaviest ever 
l known in Central Kentucky. 

! Painkvim.u, <>., ;.Ian., !l.— Hallway'" 
travel throughout Ohio is seriously! 


refusal of 1 * ranee to permit the iinpot- it is, as It always luwbeen, n pure, unadulterated 
tatioil of American Halted moat. article. Entirely free from Alum.’ Has been 

Ht. PRTERSHUUO, Jan. 12.— 1 The Upper* M«alyr.«l by a . ^nlnl, mid examined by prominent 
IlottHOof the Diet FtffBctetl, by H vote of pbyHldann of thirty, iftto have testified to its pur- 

Vicksburg .' , 

Mt. Olivet, at Hatartla .. ........ a ...... 


Fayette, at Fayette 

Pennlsvllle, at Pentiisvlllo 

Warren, at Bovina 

Rocky Sprlncs. at Grand Gulf - 

Vlrklurid ami Sunflower, at Vtckland 

St. PETERSBURG, Jan. 12.— 1 The Upper* by a o^nist, mid oxntnlneil by prominent 

o ii ho of tiie Biel rttfwted , h v a vote of |,liJ«lcl»n»of Utility, Who l«tin«l to It. pur- 
20(1 to 1 ( 11 , the bill legHlizing marriages by. THHir a pure Powder-snii a home production, 
between Jowa nod Christians. “ 11 Wr.rtainly worthy th. paironmio of iho public. 

Still manufactured at iTIGIrod street, by .Mm. A. F. 
Cairo; Jan. 13.— 101 Mahdi demands Goodwyn, widow of the late p. m. Onodwyn. 11 i* 
20,(100 ransom for live nuns and fot^r I handled by wholesale grocers, an<l by itll of onr 
rlests, whoTn h^bolds in captivity .SI |,. a ,n MR (trocera. Orders frobi the country. 

Rolling Fork, at UnlllnR Fork 

Mayeraville. at Mayeravllle...'. 

Metulvllle, at Onk Grove 

Knoxville, at Mt. Carmel 

Natchez. nijelTerpon Street 

.NateheayajlWMloy Chanel I.. 

KlnKHtonT^ai Kington.,. 

Cayuga, at Csy&Kn...: 

../...Dec. 89. SO 
...... .Jan. /», « 

1 1 2. II 

19, 80 


. 20, 27 

Feb. 2, S 

h, w 

9, 10 

IB, 17 

T— 2 : 1 , 2 t 

’ 1 

Mar. 1^.2 

2, :t 

a, 9 1 

l&, lo 

. 120,000 ransom for live nuns and ioi\j 
priests, whoTn lieJMiolds in captivity 
The Auatrian consul is asking mer 
cliantH to sul.scribo the amount. 

Crfl. ASDKXWR, P. B, 

I whether In can nr hulk, will be promptly filled by 
I sending to 179 Girotl ntrfft, New Orleann, La. 




Fred. A. IllnuU*. 

On* the ovenin^ of Jan. 0, 1884, a meet- 
ing was held in the cabin of steamer. 
Fred. A. BVutikB by .ministers and .dele- 
gates of tiie Louisiana Conference, 
Methodist .Episcopal Church, South,, 
Bishop U. 11. Kavrtimu«h in tlief chair, 
•Wm. Hart, tSetTetary. 

Tiie .following vote of- thanks was 
‘presented by the’Secrelary abd unani- 
mously adopted. L 

licftplvcd, ' That We, ministers Irpd 
(VeleKiites of tiie liOiiisiatia Conference, 

'i-S g |" 

t C 7. 

V a£ 

o w i i - ° 

•7 gfiC * 1 

- t *■ ” w 

r $ r 3 x *- 

Wondvllle itatlnn Jan. 5,. a 

F.ait Ki’llclntm circuit, it*. Mimnssea 12,13 

~Wn^cmtkUutmLi.f^it| 1 1 nt Prt««Hdfthil\,.. I 

. Jack "on fit at inn ‘Jo.'i? 

Wlljtlnaon clrcuit; rtt Bethel Feb. 2 . ?: 

Bayou Sara circuit, at Bayou bnru, 9, 1<‘ 

Amite circuit, at Liberty 1H, 17 

Ht. Helena circuit, at Center,. 28, SJA 

Clinton Btatlon. Mar. i, 2 

Amite City, at Amite City ft, u 

&AKlM c 

Pinkinnaml Port Iludnon circuit, at Port 
□ udnnn 


Absolutely Pure. 

impeded by t lie snowstorm, wbiph has Methodist . Episcopal Church, South, 
lastetl two days. Trains are three lo passengers to New Orleans on .steamer 

lasted two days. I rains are three to passengers to New' Orleans on .steamer 
ten hours laic, and drifts in mauy | Fred. A. Blanks, do hereby tender our 
places cause si blockade. j ^oat hearty thanks to Capt. FRED. A. 

Dallas, Tex., Jan. 10.— Five of the m^ANKS and ollicers for the princely 
i Byrd family, poisoned noar Katifinan, | manner in which they have entertained 
have died— Bvrd himsel f and four chil- 



Veroilft ami TupfSo... 

« ikolnnu circuit .... 

Prnlrle ,.... 




Ittienn Vista 


Houston and W 

Houston circuit 

S.ilt lllo 




$ l “<) ? 190 * 
MJ 7 f> 

120 120 

7 ft 7 ft 

t > A 50 | 4'» $ 20 
20 1 , 20 j 12 S- 

□ iitlson 15, 10 

Knot BiTton Routre dfcult , at Bethel.....! • 22,23 

LIvInRHton mission, at. Port Vincent. 29,39 

There will be a district stewards ifleetiiiK at dllyfj 
JOnunry 30, 1884^ at eleven a'clock A. M. 

52 ' ri. A. I.ITTLF., P. i. 

This nowder never varies; A marvel of parity, 
strength and wholesomei-ees. More economical than 

the ordinary kinds, and can not be sold Irj competi- 
tion with Uie multitude of low test, shpVt weight, 

alum or phosphate powders.* Sold tmly in cam. 
Royal Bakins Powdkh Co.. New-York. 


. $1250 $1311) $ 400. $392 fllO $N9 

Brandon station. i 

’Shiloh, at Salem ..... 

Marvin circuit, at Weslcyana. 

WestvIUe. nt Westvllle 

Fannin circuit, nt Hollybush 

Forest and Morton, nt Morton........... 

Newton circuit, at Newton.... *.....: 

Strong River, at Mutual I'nlon..; 

Lake circuit, at High Hill 

Hillsboro circuit, at Macedonia.....:. 

Decatur rnisalon.nt Mt.llebron 

...Jan. 5. r, 
12, 13 

20 , 


...Feb. 2. 3 ! 


(Iren. 'Flie hastily drug which caused 
their death was pfaeed itt a water-pail. 
A farmer in the neighborhood, witli 
whom Byrd huh ji t|tiafrel, is suspected. 
.Tiie oilier members of tiie family are 
not e(i peeled to recover. 

• Washington, Jan. 11.— The Sonato 
to-day passed tiie hill appropriating 
$1,(I0U,0(H> for immediate ttae on Missis- 
sippi Itiver improvement. An amend- 
ment was incorporated to the eifect tliHt 
the money should ho distributed sub- 
ject to the provisions of the last appro- 
priaton bill. Mr. Jonas explained that 
a little over $4,000,000. was asked tliis 
year for the improveuient of flie river, 

os. We sincerely appreciate their el- 1 
forts to make our journey pleasant and 
thank tiie kind anil obliging Captain 
for reduction of fare. Furthermore, aye-! 
t,io iiio 3 l heartily recommend this mag- 
nificent boat lo tiie patronage of tiie 

Jiexalrrtl, That a copy of these resoltt- 
lions'lte Itanded' by tiie Secretary to’tho 
Editor of the N k\v Ori.kansCh ittsTi.VN 
Advocatk, lor publication. 

Wm, HAKT, Secretary. 

Steamer Fred. A. Blanks, Jan. ti, ISsl. 

Quarterly Conferences. 

Wnlnut (Jrovc ujud Scotland Chapel 20 

Carthngt; circuit, at Carthagp 28.21 

Raleigh circuit, nt Fnion Chapel ;....29, Mar. I 


rone, tel, I ortianslilBaiii Doialii) 

1 WlLLUn HNA 1 IK d CO. 


Trenton circuit,- at Boykinn : Mar. 5 

DFt ri« t stewards will meet medn Forest, January 

"j 11 , 1 AM. ■ ' 

52 r. M. WILLIAMS, P. K. 


Nos. 204 and 206 West Baltimore Strec 
Baltimore. N °- 112 l 7 * fth Avenue-, N. V 


DUE KNTI BDR 01)1 ST. — Flit ST Ri >1* NO. 


Jit'fiOlrril , That a oopv of those resolu- Greenslioro Btation., a ......:.Dee» 29. 80 

His be handed* by the Secretary to'tbo Newheme circuit, at Mt. H«*r.noft Jan. 5 , .. 

iitor Of the N KW ORLEA ns CH IMSTIAN lUTnnadmilt.-at S I a v at 1 in . . . . . . . 19 ,’ Ji) 

DVOCATE. lor publication. Citba circuit, at Cubit 2»». 27 

Wm IIAPT Snetttiarv Belmont Circuit, nt Wesley Chapel Feb. *2, 3 

• ,, . . , ( ltl , , Llvingstofi antJ Futaw, at Livingston 9.10 

Steamer T re«l. A. Blanks, Jan. (>, 1 4. Gwinogviiiv circuit, at Gaim-kviiie in. 17 

. ,| Choctaw circuit, at Lusk.. 28,24 

— p- • ] Butler and Mt. Sterling, at Butler Mar. 1,,2 

• t Gaston circuit, at Cuke Chapel * ft. 9 

Kind Discipline for Children. — I Deumpnii* anti.ieffen*on,,at.Deniop6Tf8.. is. in 

. tl.n iwi.iifii.a- tin of nlti lrl rA.i an 4 *»». I Forklaud circuit, at Fork land/ 22.23 



In the bringina: up of ciriltlren an en- 

Alierdeep i . ...... 

Shannon circuit, at Shannon 

Okolunn etniion ' 

Richmond circuit, at Fn|on 

Pontotoc circuit, nt Pontotoc 

Houmou clroolt. n- Frlendsliip « circuit, nt Kbene/.er (Tuesday » . 
II oimi 1 1 1 1 and .Venley, at llotlMCn IThU. 
Buena Viata circuit, at Luke Providence. 
Snltlllo circuit. at Oifk Grove 

Dec. 15; If. 
2 i. 23 
29. .in 

and that thin appropriation wits to meet courdging word has in it a irreat deal 
an emergency. Jjncire of power than most people j mag-. 

rorKiaimrirtim.m rurmiuitt L, Snltlllo circuit .nt OrfTc t.r 

Greensboro circuit , at Mt. Pleasant 29,30 [Okoiona iHrcuR. at l-Jgvfd 

1 an emergency. • jmare 01 power tuaii most people 1 mag-. 

St. Lows, Jan.- ld.-Kmllo Karst, 1, * # ' Ho tliij'ks th« Hev. Dr Cuyler, , 
French 'consul in tjtis citv, iu an inter- wh ? »®? 8 t^Wangelist.: "One 
view regitrding'tioti'of the French « onle . ni ;e »«.<>"«“ ^owed al 

Government in relttUon 'to American U.e right time ^is worth » whole volley 
pork, made (lie Inflowing sUtemenl: .-ol scolding. The sun understands how 
"An entirelv erroneous impresBlonJJ?/®,® 0 ^ H,,< l '> open tlosters st- 

, 11 - t„ ti,„ 1 „„ 1 ..; tills tune of tiie year— lie just smiles 

sentence of honest (frhtise bestowed al 
the. right time', is worth a whole volley 
-of scolding. The suit understands how 

Tiie district stpw.irds are requested to moot in 
I'utaw, at the Methodist Clmrch, Monday. Jniiu quy eleven o’clock A. M. A full ^tendance 
eitrnesily «ie$ifc«l by 

• 1 * j. a imho ft, r. x. 

Hinitlivllle circuit, at Gn-cnbriar < lbn. 1 1 

Athens circuit, at Stonewall Friday J. 1 

Prairie circuit, at Lebanon 10, 1 

Fulton circuit, nt Fulton .* 23. i 

Verona and Tupelo, nt Vvrona (Thu. v : 

2 R. O. P«»BTKR, r e 

135 Canal St. 

( Out prti t i on Dr/lcd ! 


prevails in the United States on. he ! ul,H 4l umo ^ Hmue9 

French Government’s course. The 0,1 »' ul kisseH' them-, w- tl, warm 

whole truth' of the matter is, my gov. 
einmont was informed that lO.’oOfl.Otlil 

einmont was informed that 10, 000, Odd 
launids of diseased American pork was 

rays, and they begin to grow and un- 
fold.” A storm of scolding that sots 
in in the morning, ami lasts till night, 

injuiitin in uiaoiwuii max ic-itn >wik wjim , , . .. , . , .,,, , 

about to be s-hippod abroad. The French l "* 8 abmlt Rs « ire « 

. . . ...* urtic^a «44 u hui lutnnti hnir on vnimo* 

minister at Washington whh notified to 
inquire Into the .matter,' and found that, 
although perhaps not so . great an 
amount as had been slated ’.Was to ex- 
ported, still a very largo proportion of 
that sent abroad viits meat m iiiimals 
which died from hog cliol o .. The 
American inspector at t'hicago Ititiiself 

graces as a hailstorm hasr oh young 

•Ht. Fr vm iM... . ..... ... 

Grand Bay; MG< , at St. ‘Elmo 

WhlitbT... ..s ’ 


(MtrniiHlp.^'. Citr'incll'- . 

Bladon and Si. SK^iIipiir, at New Hope 

Impy circuit, at Ihiicv 

Toulmanvillp. at M1 pii'h Cbftpcl. 

Wimhiugtofa circuit, nt Bethel — . ft... 

Ht. Paul’*. - 

Grove Hill, at Grove IIlil.i 

Huggjiviile. hi SuggsviHe.. 

I tO UN D*. 

. H*naipjda Htat4*v»i 
. Ht-rimTulo fiiiil Cold Water 
ShpRi and H ivl*' Chapel. 

BategylRe niul Wertley 

Henatolda circuit 

Como and K red on I a , 

Horn Lake and Lovetowu.. 

| Hnniiouy circuit 

Corkrum circuit 

| Mount Vernon circuit 

Lfwinhurg circuit 

' Chulalioiiia circuit 

. J)ec. 15. 1». 

Feb. 2. 3 

9. 10 
pi. i: 

.Mar. 1, 2 i 

J. O., p. R. 

What is Mortn Common or Djs- ! 
trbssino than a Bn. tons Attack? j 
Who is not familiar with t be well 
known symptoms. Oppression across 

KUKAUI.A r>IST.V->TllsT In itt N" 0 . 

A uior loan JnspebtO.r at • Jiicago Jiimself tlie stotnaoh and Ghost, Low Spirlta, 
cleclaretl that 8 per cm t. nf tho hogs ox- . KuHtlvHsness, Ciloomines^ of Rfind, 

ported were diH'oased. ’I'tiose facts wore 
t ransmitted to France and the embargo 
on tbb American hog was the result. her than take chances of eating 

Weariness, Dull Headache, Dirty, and 
Greasy Appoaranco of tiie Skin, Yellow 

Ennn and MidwaV, at Eonn 

Clayton ami LouIhvIUp, at Clayton , 

Beulah circuit, at Providence 

Colu'nbia circuit, at Hnilthvllle 

Henrj* iMfcuil. at LRwr«*ncovllJe 

PeraW fci retail, at AlterfoiJ 

Ozark circuit, at Haw Ridge... 

Echo circuit, at Echo'd nursdriy),... 












Tinge of the White of’the Eyes, 1 IaOhs 
of/’-Appetite, and CosLivOness ? Few, 

Mack era i.: 

No. 1, in bbln .' 14 2*> 

Half bbls 7 To*” 

No. .12, ip bbls 1« 75 

Half bbls n 25 

No. .’t r in bbls M 4argo. 18 25 

Half bbls* 7 00 

Hkippervilie circilR, nt Pont Oak )(... 

Euraula circuit, at Rocky' Mount 

Vtllula circuit, at Ji riilgan 


Greenville.. :r.. 

I »eer t.' eek 


« lierry. Hill and Ihdeh 

.1 oni-atow ii and Magnolia... 
Krlai ’n Point ami Austin,.. . 





tr icliln jc-a ffected .pork in Pari^, they indeed, of the more ordinary ills of life oi^Invii'fef 

<t«i*iii*4i t.ii uvii iimwi g n 'Phut u t in • i.i . i * . i . i u 1 * •Ji” * 

decided to have none at all. Thai is the more widely prevalent than tliese 

III utU UI.IIWI It 1 lin mnrili urvif'nt/i.1 n». . . 1 . 

Mur. I, >2 
h. '« 

15. Ill 

Tmllau Village 
Jo iiea* iiuyou 

whole secret' nt the much sgit'stetl entl 
much Iohh iinilerstnod American hog 
question in France." 

BltooKltA'vKN. MIs's V. Jan. ■! I.— Thn 
coramitteeof l’rolriltitionists appointed 

Bilious Disorders, and yet they may'lto 
readily gotten rid of by using Dr. 

VJiriiiiA 'Sir lyj 

Tiie Vr^ncbera wilj. pleoH? call their stewardfl to- 
gether l niuiedlately and have tiie eiigagenicnts tuady, 
ami divided among the churi-hcn without waiting for 

JOHN w. prick, p. 

Jayne’s Sanative Fills, by whose opera- i 4U«. -Quarterly Conference, except where it is to be 

tlon tho Liver will be rapidl y res tored 
to healthy action, the vitiated secretions 

-j-Ueld-verj- early. 

( ; K< it ’ElU’ES. 

to presort t tiio petitions of the voters of of the stomach changed, all costiveness 

II. UKqCHABT, r. x. 

Rio, clioice 



Cordova, choice 

Java, choice 





Butter : 

Western dairv. 


; ; '- 

. New Yyrk dairy 

25 • 





the county to the Legislature, mot to- 
day and oYgfniized.wItli D. II. F. Jolttt- 
soi) as chairman and spokesman, and 
started for. tiie State capital on their 
mission. A miijority'of the registered 
voters of tiie county have signed (lie 
petitions in favor, of abolishing the sale 
of liquors and they are sanguine of 
success. - 

removed, and tho whole system assisted 
ITi TflOOVetlllg Its normal condition. 

PKNSAt'QI.A msT.^J'MtST Bor STD,' 
Pensacola Btntinn Jan. 5. 

Milton Ktatiun . 

The Young Astronomer. 

January 27. 

Brcwton, at Pensncoln Junction 

Warrington and Millview, at Warrington. 

■ Tkas: 

W asUINOton", Jttn. II.— Mr. Vest, in 

] ihe Senate, presented a petition from . 
the pork-packers of St. Louis, itraving 



1 no 





< ’oal, cases 



1 'oal, bbls ..., 



Cotton seed 

45 - 

■ 46 


I tiie pork-packers of St. Louis, praying 
for retaliatory legislation to protect 
| them from, the exclusion of American 
pork from Gormuny and France. 

Xkwakk, N. J., Jan. lJS-Delmon- 
ico's body was found in iihe Orange 

To-night, at seven o'clock,, if clouds 
are not In tiie way, you can see a groat 
sight, Ly just walking out ipto tiie 
yard antlTookingjap. There is a won- 
derful array of plants and bright stars. 
There is Jupiter up in iho Milky way, 
a few degrees east of the Seven Stars. 
Nearor R7 tho Seven Stars, but wes(, of 
these 7 strictly southwest’ is -Saturn. 
I'nless yon art) fortunate enough to get 

PtrwHton, at I’nweltou 

Stockton, at Stockton..* 

Bay Minptti*. at Bay Miuettc 

Graving, at Flat Rock (. .* 

Evergrwn, nt CrtfitlpJfPny.' 

,', 1111 X 1 ll • IlIsT.-- FIRST lim 

v N D. 

Corinth station * 

Dec. 15. 18 

Dika si )ti i> in 

Boonvllli- and B<mnvtli** 

t'orintlrclrruitfnt Itnx’a t'hupcl- 

, 22, 28 

•- 9 . :*•» 
.Jhii. 8, r. 

Inka circ uit, nt Pine Sprlugi 

12. 13 

Hay Springs, at Ftlandsblp .« 


I^ariHta', at UiHiK'i -Cbapel. 

-ktlNJIltll lit K*lltl*lll*t ir-mmn . .-mn - .TVmxTiir 

• 26. 27 

, |*,. l .. j. .( 

.lonei*tKiro, at JoueKi-nro- 

9, 10 

New Albany, at Locust Grove*. 

n;. 17 

4Di»ley and Bin** Mountain .-at Ripley 

’ 23.21 

lUldtvyii, at Raid w VII 

.Mur. ). 2 

Black laud, at t ’arolimi' 

8. V 

IMstrlct st- wards' ui^ting will be held at Corinth, 

I GH!GKEUIN(i. W E B K l * , MAl'tH’- 
• S 1 1 EK . II AKD.M AN, g" Atiloetl In re- 
1( | hIhi ilHtiipmmH and m Ih**» for a Rrent 
i; j nninlinr nl vnurs. Xn;/ ##/ keys, 
24 -*/**# lueak'i ii;/ n/ si ri id;*, n*> .m] urn king 
■ [ M Hstrti-Hittl linrnlin, and other 
lo oirhiim ol i oitvl nmkcrH, very low in 
prim. M uni** and nitiNF’Hl morchaiuliae 
I ol ahWvH>drt> A^.vnd lor onr fatHlngueH 
and prieps, and "\ gVii will deal with us, 
finding it vour intepoH* ho to do. 

«•! , ' * F. WEKLK1.N. 

8') ; Established over JO Years. 



Georgiana. at Goorginua Mar. 1, 2 

Rein on, at Rfpton. .5. 

Hopulga, at Concord ft, » 

Douglusvillp, at May Creok 15, M 

Monroeville, at Monroeville .. 22,28 

Monterey, at Monterey 29, !io 

The district Ble-wanlH will meet al BVewton Ala. 
Wetliieadayt January 2, lftS4 v 
4)2 - . J . s. F i , v 

•Friday^ JamiAj-y ). ut two o’clock P. M. 

•ta AMOM KLNOALl., P. K. 

1 I ~ Cnm|) S t reel , 
NKW ItniiKINN. I.A. 

l.tiriSI tXA lONl’KRKXt >.. 

Monnjains; in tbe^woods near Gen. » hurried look at Mercury soon alter ! 



X.'AHUAOEs: ■ >- 

Western.: — — 

Country : ‘ 

'-Potatoes : 

New York 1 40 

Western. 1 4n 

Seed, New York. 1 4n 

Seed, Western ....... 1 40 

. Krout: 

•ft bbl . . .. 10 00 


P bbl. 1 7.7 

McClelland's sn miner - house, at ill sunset, those are tbo only piairets now , siirkvkport dist. first Hour 
! o’clock .this morning . to be seen. Venus is f|U iotly shining as Kn. tlffi a, f«ncimr‘ - 1 b 

, ClmrleH Dehuonico prbbably died on Morning Star, rising in the E.ast bbiore siirevepori ! 

Jan. (»i Aboti t’2"o’ clock that, morning ‘.sunrise, and ^lars is out of sight at this 'jf 4 WeU - 
John Dielleilthal, who works for. H hour. .... , .... G rand’ Can**, at ti rand Cam* (Wed nondayi 


Mouringa|>ort. at MuoringNpoi t • Wed. 
Cadtio, at Liberty : 

R . 9 t.Mlil' M It l.’S DIST. — KI ft*< 

15, Id 

2 - 2,2 . West Point and Tibltee 

29, :vi M n,rkv|l|e station .. . .... 

Ala. Dr* w ford 

! UolumbilH HtutlOtir.:.. . . •. 

i • 'oliimhuH drnrtt: 7.. 

i , P.rodksville 

I 'i'am|/uo, Plea-lint *»rove 

. I Mark vilb.* circuit, Maylit w ...' 


M:ic*mi • Wrdlieedav, nt*veu P. M v 

Hlimiimlak. . . 

LnGrniige* Antioch 

t ciifiiVr:*:. . 

j, 8 Noxuiiep circuit 

li. to Loulnville. 

..I>*a*. 15. 1»> 
U. 24 
. * 29, .U» 

LETT Kit, XdTKauit UIJ.I. U bl A D3> 

r/.N rnx(f r.i /.* / ».v. 

-33 JL. jRl W Mi S ! 

SlankH for. Uler •• f f nurTT • i < kh for MaAonto 
| IxidgfH, oblaukH for Grarikea. it nlauks for Co- 
i OjHTaMve Mtinn, , 

AND , .. 

, - 23,24 

I t Caledonia. Fnion CbH|a-l Mar 1 , 2 

,|J . 17 Dlntrjct will inp«*t at Artrsin. Monday 
.January 14, at e it o'clock A. M. Full attend 

All Kinds of Job Work, 

farmer on Orange Mountain, while 
driving from Mont Clair to Orange, saw 

a man loaning wearily against h fence, skies. He is in tho 'mouth of the | 

..... , .... , Oranct Uflnr, nt ttrnnd CtimD Wednesday) 

Down. Ill the Southeast is Die brilliant \ o, K ai,»|.iiri, at Miw.icnt cLai.d 

Sirius, 'the brightest star in all the Mwwttrw • w«tti.-«ciuy) 

1-Im is in Gib -montl, ll.a 1 laiuiaiit It 111 . nt f Ittaaant lltlt, N 

It was at the junefion of the road lead- 
ing from Orange to Montclair. He js 
certain now the man was Jielmonico. 
He hailed Dietleiithal and begged shel- 
ter; the farmer said the speech of tiie 

Large Dog. - Several .bright stars below 
Sirius, make up tho .body of tiie Dog, 
who is represented oil the globes and 
maps as trying to sit.uprigbt. Orion is 
on our Meridiau. His two bright 

wayfarer was so thick. he could scarcely shoulder-Stars, the two in his toot, and 
understand him. Delmouieo’s speech l )ls three holt-stars, and the little row 


lias been thick since itis trouble came °* pointer stars lor a sworti— s.tll to- 

Baooino: »i 

U »' ioi 

\2 Hi 

Balino Twine: 

v ...■ m- 

Ties: - . 

r> bundle^... 1 ,16 

oil. The night was bitterly cold, but 
the farmer was afraid of tramps, and 
instead of taking the man into the 
wagon drove on, after directing him to 
Orange, a mile distant. Tho wander- 

gether make up a wonderful outline. 
The eastorn shoulder of-Urion , BeteD 
geuse) and Sirius, form with l-roeyon 
' east of Orion) a large equal-sided tri- 
angle of iirst-class stars. Capolla^ in 

| rtaiiim*, at N'PKn*t»^( Wpdnebtiay ) - 

Robellntf, nt New Hope.....’ H, 9 

Armcoco n| Fnloni Wi-dnemlay > ^ 12 

Noi.tbweRfURlca.sleu, x ; .....t r 15, 16 

Provencal, at 'Friendship ”4,23 

I Natch itoebea, at Natchltocbes ( Wed.).. '.!() 

(Jousliatta, at Davis Btirlngs :. j»9, 39 

Red River, at East Poiut i Wednesday). ...Apr; 2 

The. dklrict stewardH^'IH please meet at Shreve- 
port. on Haturduy, February 9, 1*S4. 

3 • ** R. K. ALKXANDKR, P. K, 

'mice re-iucsted. 

~ T. C. WIKR, P. K. 

Executed in the beat style r.nd prices as low oj any 
city ia the North nr WVst. 

Bend your order to 


1 12 Camp 8 tree t. 


New Hulem circuit, ut Oak Grove , 

Holly BpringH 

Holly SprliiKd cVrcuit, at Waterford 

Corneruvllle, at Refnlebem 

llicktSry Flat, at Khenezer 

Bijelby Creek, at Hhelby Cr?ek,,;„ 

Dec. 15, in 
.Jan. 5, ti 
12, 13 
” 19, 20 
26, 27 


Ashland, at Asliljtnd ; Feb. 2 . 

Bnajr Creek, at PiHpah..’. p, in 

1’lno Mountain, ni'J'Ine Mountain l»i,*li? 

Rylmlia and Victoria, jit Rylmlla v si, 24 

Emory, at Fountainliejvl.... Mar. 1 , 2 

Orange, a mile diatant. The wander- » n K*® 01 nrHi-ciass atars. uapolla#, 111 
lugs of the unfortunate man from this O 16 constellation Auriga, is almost in 
point can only be .conjectured. He nllr zenith (exactly overhead.) The 

JAi*KSOn" l“l ST. — Ft ll. ^T RO IIN I). 

»rt ' ;.• .. .....Jan. 

Marshall, at Bethany. , , 

Early Grove, ut lludBouviile ' 15,^6 

The district stewards will' meet ut Holly Uplines 
on December 29, U o'clock A. M. A full attendance 
is tlesiied. 

. 50 W. p. IMfcTOH, P. R. 

probably went aimlessly along the 
broad road on the mountain until over- 
come witli cold, and laid down and was 

Great Dipper Is over in tbo Northeast, 
the broken liandlo pointing down- 

the broken liandlo pointing down- 
wards. Low In the East is the Lion, 

Poultry : 

Chickens, Western . 


Chickens, South’n.. 


Turkeys, Southern 

. Western 


Wool : 





frozen to death. The announcement of known by the largo star in his breast, 
the tindihg of tho body produced great' ™a large star, Regultis, is the handle 

excite’pitfnt all'Over the town. 


of the Reap Hook, which is striking, 
if you once can see its outline, as going 

from Regulus to a little star north of Dover. 


Hinds, ut \>ruoji...../rS* 





Hon It* Chapel..'. 






Feb. 2 , a 

9, 10 

..Mar. 2, 3 


London, Jim. 0. — An oHiuer of the 
American navy lias reported at Dundee, 

Regulus ; it then turns downward and 
goes up northward in a curve tolerably 
well marked by small stars. The two 


54«mlHii(l, for tbo purpose of chartering stars in the heads of the Twins are a 
”7 a wiiajing steamer to engage in the little eaat o'f Jupiter. Their foot, reaeb- 

— soared fbr Greeley, ,Ui'6 Arctic explorer, iiig the edge of the Milkyway, point 

— 77 r ' Y' - * t.uu uug u v 

it is. expected that Capt. Adams, the towards Orion. 

Arctic explorer, will hq appointed to, at Heven o'clock on the 

command the expedition. He has ex- ovening of every '27th January, sis long 
pressed the belief tmvtthe Greeley as you live, yon can see all t'heso xtara 
party are alive, and deal Tee to lead a and constellations as they are to-niglit, 

Dry aalted 



Staves : 

Oak, kegs 

50 (in 

Oak, barrels 

— . 

75 00‘ 

. Oak, claret 

. .. «o no 

100 '00 

Oak, hogshead 

. so 00 

130 08 

Hoop Poles: 


40 oe 


18 00 

20 00 

Half barrels 

12 50 

— ^ — ' 

Pe utilizers: 

Cotton seed.. 

1!! 00 

Meal (country ; . 

lid 25 . - 

■24 rs 

Meal (city) 

!M 00 

24 68 

Pure ground bone... i2 Oh 

— 1 

Muriatic acid.,,.. 



Sulphuric acid. ... 


— — ... 

Bone black .. 


searching party, 

.Paris, Jan. ft.— Gen. Beichot holds 
Soutay with 1,000 French troops, and 
the country for ten miles around la 
dear of the enemy. Hung Hoa, above 
Kontay, oi^ the Hod River, has been 
abandoned by the Black Flags. A large 
number of Anuainiles are Hocking to 
the French headquarters of Hanoi, 

lint the two bright planota, Jupitor 
and Saturn, wlll'be wandering in otlier 
parts of their appointed circuits, when 
Ihe next 117th January oomes around.T- 
Sonthern .Christian 'Advocate, 


Waytif.ntj.irn fTiieslay i..i r ...Inn. H 

Hhuiiuta.. jg, \\ 

Marion .*» 19, 2 g 

Lamlcrdult* •>«! 27 

DeKalb....: Feb. 2 , 

Neaboim • !)’ 10 

KuterpriBe .......r.r. IU,' n 

Clark... ; *.v. 23, 24 

Winchester ; Mar. 1 , * 

VowburK ami U tmlleburR '. •* 

HaumlerBvXlle ( \f ednesday). •! » 

I'Huldluu ir» pi 

Merl«lian circuit 22 * i.i 

Meridian. 2«.3w 

1 JAH. a. CJOPKHKY. I*. K. 

O* S Wnter Vallej^NVoml Htre<*t 

.1’ THLBird Htation . 

9 * JO ftmTad^cliciiit 

m’.,*.'* Kurekaidrcurtriws. 

to* 31 Fan,, In l lFciill .... 

. k. Cliai li*8ton circuit 

UollVev Hie circuit 7': 

Wenley Chapel . 

. Taylor circuit 

a Oxfuni circuit 

• Dec. 15. 10 

Tocnpnla circuit.. 

w ’.,„ HarepiacIrcuU 

.% Banni-r circuit 

FiltHboro circuit 

« 0 Old Town circuit 

fi 'j 7 B«ueU circuit 

3,24 TIjo district" Ktewanls wi 
L 'bary^, 1684. 

’. 1 ^ , 50 

Mar. 1, 2 

h. u 


/IS, 10 

meet In bj cuuda, Jan- I 






CO 50 

M h 

,{j> ta 

In h 


> k 

SaS h 

1 1 


n Ob. 

H. U. TIIAUL5, r. 

»“■' -N. J U |, 

■lid Hite Dl. ? 

"No ; she lingered and antlered along, 
pining away all the time for years, the 

X. Richland . 

B«*l zo 11 a. at Itvlxmia . , 

SEASHORE DIST.— FIRST ROPND. w"« , . U "!!. U “"! 1 ' llr “" t 

IlattieHburg. at Enbn Juu. 5 ii Leiluxtoii 

KliHvRIe. at Hebron Ii’ 1.3 CarrolRou 

i’oplarvllle, at Wm 1«>* Chapel ly ’20 M Inter City Plotixanl Hill •>.' 27 Gieenwnotf 

Vancleuv#. at |Mn« Grove Feb. 2 ,’ 3 i Black Hawk 

Mt. Curmel, at Oolxabta. < ... . «i m/ Winona and Vaiden 

Frank Union, at Frauxllnton ir, 17 Walthall . 

China Grove, a} WaHurlioler . 2 . 3 , 34 Winona circuit 

Ocean &prinp«. at Ocean Rpriugi). Mar. 1 ! *i Frencli Camp.. 

Scranton, at /ion s t .j Zllpab 

bringing with them Chinese stragglers, doctors doing her no good ; and al last 
It isstated thedmsensionsof Annamitos was cured by tnis Hop Bitters the 
aud Black Flags is CHtised by the loss papers say so much ajtout. Indeed! 
.of Kontay. 

London, Jan. 10.— It. Ih stated that 
oWiug to threats of American Fenians 
against Judge Denman,' lie will be sur- 

tmleed ! how thankful we should bo 
for’that medicine.”. 

»j i Black Huwk^.. 
lo/ Winona and V 


if A SSF1KI. It , Hr SO TO I '.4 /.V//, 1. 0 t/jShCXA^ 

The iwnuty*UlntU Annual Hesnioif will tieRln onHba 
)• 12th of .September, 18S3, 

13* SO I" ftltuul.d on the Texas and J/aclflo 

’ 23 Jtallroad, forty mile n fouth of Shreveport 111 a lo*au 
"5.27 t ltfuland healthy country, ami iw'ejiHily accewilble 
y. from almoht every portion ( f'JexiiH llud Ixiulslana 

• Feb; * 2, ;; The Collej{a Ik the property of the Methodist KxMtfO 

i Wliioua circuit.. 
Frem h (’ami* 

Mohb 1'oint Htation 

Whittington, hi Whittington... 

Address all mail matter to New Or- 

rounded by a police guard while upon beans Christian Advocate, ‘New 

* i 4i>o I mnnlt 1 * ’y%_i ‘ . *. * 

— — ' ihe bench. 


Whittington, at Whittington 22 21 

Pearl ingtoir, at l'earlliiRUm ’ jg, 

Covington, ut JJovirigion... «9 ( 39 

Thrfre a district. Hte,ward«’ meeting at Mona 
Point, March 15..1SH. 

1 B. B. RAY.NKR, r. 1 , 

15jlH Attala. 

I.alioucbu . 

The district atewurds will meat at Thura- 

day, January 3. , 

Mj-^adJreaj ia Daraut, Mliia. 

tho«. t. KAMsrr, r, x. 

y * Jj* pal Church, Houth, uud la managejl by the Loul^ana 
tr. 17 Conference. Tin* biiildiugH and gidimda me exten 
23, 24 live and all the; fadlltlea for Instruction arn pro 

Mar. 1 ^**/ vi ‘(ed. The College lu)it year bad nearly a bundrod 

■Z> hbnrderit uud sixty pupilM in Mimic, thirty in Aft 
5, v ‘mid one hundred and twenty iii all. 

•t..Thura- JJo.ard and tuition, per term # 60 . 1 * 0 . 

Music and use of instrument fJu.ou. 

Usual charges in Art Department uud Modern 
ixt, r, x. Language*. F. M. GR^CK, l'ie«ldeut. 





WHOLE^NO. 14.44 

• . , • v 



ghri$tiau gMv ofatt. \.j, 

0HA8. B. GALLOWAY, D. D., Editor. 
OAEVER h JAMI ESON, Publishers, 
ojricE—na camp st., hmw Orleans 

bang's millstone around the neck of mere speck on theBurfaceof thechar- 
that contemplated union and drown afcter? Yea, but It 1 b sin, and all the 
It forever in the depth of the sea than waters of the oceans can" not) wash it 
to make It a reality. The error of the away. You will weep over it, hut it 
moment that compl etes the engage- 1 b hevnnd ihe reftch . _thQU&k_YaiL 
menT. with no ’'heart In it becomes weep bitterly, of tears. -It is to be the 
the sorrow of a life. The two-fold sorrow of a lifer; God grant it . may 
nature of every numan Soul Is made not be the sorrow of eternity 1 
up of reason and emotion i both are To err is human. Hut there Is One 
inseparable from the being. They who stlckelh closer than a brother, 

Rev, J. Lane Borden. 

(A eulogy delivered by Rev. Charles K. l.vain, 
I). p.„at the Conference Memorial Service, am\ 
pubfl&hed ITy miiTepTof (lie TTiftliop uml hid CaVInet.)’ 

Subscription, $2 per annum. 

*|nW*r« and wlrat of d««aa«d Pr**ch.i» UV pr*». 

.,1 r,MOh,r,ofth. M. B. Church, Booth, ars »nthor 

lud A*«it» to whom phrmonU m»J b«m«d». 



' ought to be equal in power. Nobody 
is complete without both in lively 
, exercise; In some natures one is in 
excess, and in other natures the 
other; one is more frequently domi- 
r nant in -man, the other in woman. 

If both have not their .highest and 
' intensest development in the de- 
cision of thiH question, tlien all the 
future iH tlie result of blind chance, 

sorrow of a life.". God grant it . may i had the pleasure of standing for 
not be the sorrow of eternity ! years in the most intimate and con- 

To err is human. Hut there is One fidentiul relations witli Bro.. Borden, 
who stlckelh closer than a brother, as the memoir lias just recited lie 
One whose arm is about you in the commenced his itinerant life under 

did ^it with a heart that was full of 

We haye lost from our number a 
gentleman, a scholar and a Christian: 

. as_reltttiul.. to_niU-..C£mfjgreuce^aaetv--- 
ant, a friend and a brother. After 
the tierce assault, and murderous shot, 
and savage “shriek and the ll'undish 
waltz of ills assassins, liis body in a 

Centenary .Committee's 

LOUISIANA ( 'O V F K II K N c v H . 

time of temptation. You feel it as 

I married' him, received hfo wake to weep. 

quiet grave finds an “honored, un- bv tlie election of tlie followim 
disturbed sleep from whlch-none ever ofllbers, viz. ; Rev. J. B. Walker, 1.) 

utul/u to U'lMJM I\ .... A l» I II . „ I 

— Tiie Conference — C e n t ena r y ( kim-- 
mittec met in tlie pastor's cilice of 
tlie Oarojidelet Street Church, on 
Thursday, tlie tentli instant, at two 
I’. NI ., and perfected its organization 
by tlie election of. tlie following 

you struggle to get away to do what w jf e juto the church, baptized liis 

you know is wrong, It is agaiiiHt ji re t child, and now, with tearful 

Missouri Notes. 

that love you go in the first .step of tenderness, participate in tills service 
the downward way. Trust hint, cling ThAcircu instances of. our brother's 

to him, Isold him closely to the heart. sudrfWi,' traeic. deatli have given oeoa- 

Ho Joseph did. “ How can I do this 
great wickedness and sin against 
God?” So you will stand. Teuipta- 

uctiiiiRi oosrxREHC*. 


'Mississippi orniriBMO. 
REV. W. -L. 0. H---NNIOTTr. 



olr, syhat is more, the mercy of Prov- tion will not he your destroyer. And 

sion for multitudes to scrutinize liis 
life, and for those who knewj and 
loved him best to con their .fecol- 

(■ksif.xxia r. oi>r. 


idence that is far better to us tliau our 
deserts. But as tills question is often | 
decided in the immaturity of the I 
mind, iu the veal time of life when j 
even love itself is sometimes profane- j 
ly called calflove, before either of the i 
little couple of people know what j 
their minds- are, if they have any- 
thing tit to he called mind,, before 
they know what they are going to 
lie and do, and, therefore, before they 
know what they want, stumbling in- 
to a passion 'that sets judgment aside 
as an impertinence, -and, being gov- 
erned solely by an impulse which is 

Tile Centenary movement appears 
to hav'e taken hold of (Jie heart of tlie 
•church, and already the throbbings 
of renewed life are felt. Every 
Southern Methodist Church paper is 
full of revival notices, and over a 
thousand conversions in Missouri 

~n Will not be your destroyer. And lections and publish his praise. His tU’ouHaml conversions in Missouri 
tlie triumph of that moment will be ear ) y childhood finds a loving ad- ], ave been reported in tlie last two 

the joy of a life, and immortal glory mirer in the venerable and renowned , inu ,bers of theSt. Louis Advocate, 

its great reward. Prof. Tutwiler, of Alabama, who it is wise and proper that we should 

vuJk R oiMe?ver. sa .v 8: “I have no hesitation in say- i lry to -pq. a thaul; ottering of two’ 

« -V that I have never had a better or j ni ‘im on dollars upon the altars of our 

more successful student, uor one . churc i, this year; 1ml it is vastly 
-i-i From • Gilderojf. more upright iu all iiis deportment. more important ttiat one hundred 

An experience of mortS-tlian titty thousaini souls should tie converted 

In some of our pastoral charges years with boys has convinced me of ,| ur | n nr ti le Centenary year through 

president, Itev. .). M. Beard, sec- 
.retary, and 8.” B. MeCutclieon, Ebii., 
treasurer, i’pon motion Ttev.’C. W. 
Carter, I)., I)., was elected' to preach 
1 the centennial sermon at the next, 
session of the Louisiana Anaual Con- 
ference., The following committee 
was created to arrange tlie necessary 
preliminaries of tlie centennial cele- 
brution-wltliin our Conference bound- 

inousanu conversions 111 missuun r ,, , , . 

have been reported in tlie last two • I ^ ev • John 1 . Hawyer, eliair- 

iiiimbers of theSt. Louis Advocate. IV , UI1 ' ' Alexander aud 

It is wise and proper that we should tdmrles I' . Evhiis. Itev. C . Keener 
trv to lay a thank ottering of two’ ■ substantially, the following 

* . 0 - PPUfl lltmnu whir'll uffur i.rn Miirro. 

From '• Gilderojf." 

there area few self-constituted guard- 
ians of orthodoxy, so called. In mdst 
eases these are good people, full of 
zeal and earnestly set for the defense 
of tlie faith ; but, uufrtttunately, they 
are not extensively read in theology, 

the truth of tlie adage that ‘ the boy 
is the father of the man.’” A'class- 
mate of liis in tlie .Southern FiD- 

the agency, of Southern Methodism. 
Is it too mucli to expect? Surely 
877,000 Clirlstian people should by 

• psaltery anil t,ar|i."— T-almW. 

XI,,. i.eKtofolt K with «"■" Wi-Btey.' 

\ liumtred yenr»Un'lr trll.utea brliiF. 

And oiler them In Iliad accord 
A hundred yearn tlmir praises Bing 
Tn thee. Oh Ohrtlt, earth'a anverel«n l.o^d. 
These Ideated years wore. horn oflhee. 

In providence of care End love . 

Tl. here thy glory Sill we see, 

The splendors of thy throne above. 

A- rrphyVs touch the Slimmer Mowers, 

And make more sweet the's note ■ 
Would that the music of these hour- 
Mtght" through an air of fragrance Mont 
And yet. Indeed, no song call soar 
Vole!* djr Spirit wlog Its lllghl , , 

. Ml os, Oh Chrlsp.thy Spirit poor. 

And hathe our pinions In Its light. 

us tickle and transient as it is suddetr nor are they critically posted on any 
and silly, they fall into an error that I department of human learning. If a 

versity says : He enjoyed the full j ’ r alul . ^1,1, aceomplish tlie ^. u »' rMl 

confidence of the faculty audthecon- l^ork. Augusttije said that if he M^nnr oigan ic life, ant 1 that, asi 
deuce aud respect ol liis tellow- | only get all Christians to live preieiion (if.otir gratitude to G 

makes tlie sorrow of a lifetime. 

I do not citre to eonsideV'the vexed 
(luestion of the comparative uumlier 
of happy -and unhappy marriages. 

preaclier chalices to bay anything 
that does not exactly tally with their 
views,- straiglitway they begin to 
whisper that Bro. A. or B. is not 

In tlie church and iu tliofee circles of. orthodox— that liis views are not in 

■ . 1 I ..... .. ... .owwonti.liw) t . • _ Sal. 4 1.^ .4 r.n nlv I IT fra .Wilt' 

society by whom we are surrounded harmony with- tbe -teach inK» of Wes- 

there are doubtless hundreds of happy ley, Watson, Clark, aud, other great 

» . 1 1 a _ _.Jl 41 1 . • J ' 1 - il, n -4 ' /.Inna fTHe gi 

households to one Where the married ; a ud good men of that class. The 

state is loug‘ drawn out misery, itut ciiaraeter 


studeuts ix, tie for "liis excellence in 
study and for the purity of liis char- 
acter.” A distinguished citizen of 
Alabama says: "S fellow-student 

who knew him for years in liis young 
manhood, . ‘ iu the heyday of tlie. 
blood.' renders tiiis willing •testi- 
mony : 1 He was of a calm, thought- 
ful, ‘reflective spirit ; lie received 
‘ fOTtune's tut (lets 41ml reward witli 
equal thanks;’, tlie passions and the 

could only get all Christians to live 
rigid for twenty-four hours, lie would 
lit)ve tlie world converted before 
nightfall. I aui very sure that if -the 
entire membership of tlie Methodist 
Episcopal Church, Bou'th, was thor- 
oughly consecrated, and should not 
only live right, but pray and work 
right during this year of our Lord, 
1881, before it should close uot one 
hundred thousand', hut live hundred 
thousand souls would be con verted .to 

tlie records in Die daily newspapers preaclier is no protection against the judgment were jo well commingled (jqpjat. God could do the worK willi- 
of separations, lights, murders, dl- insinuations of tills orthodox com- in him tiiat lie was beyond Die foul out our agency, hut he lias seen tit to 
vorcea that project themselves upon mittee. He may know more of tlie clutch of lust— and »uy girl, pure or p| ace himself in Die relation of <le- 

. 1 ... 1 . 1 :.. 1 II. ..I , l.ulr ,..1.1.1 ,.r u „ ,1 W.luMTI Hint 1, MU Mllfp llllller illH V II HH - 1 I ..... 1 0.1..10.. 

Wltnraa— blast Sshbalh ofihe vast, 

If harp or voice neglects'! bo, 

IIow rich n pHst hath gathere.l here : 

My Loril, I owe this past to the.' Iffl® 

; lay toy hand on prayer Imok old. V* 

My gminpirc usod long/long oso, 

Mors dfi.r than Jewelry or sold. 

I feel his heart within It glow." 

The household hymn- we used to elrtfc. 

At early niorn and eventide. 

To glowing years more closely cling. 

And In a deeper heart abide. 

I love that Methodlsllc voice ; 

1 hived It then 1 love it yel 
And " Auld I .ting Syne" doth still rejoio . 
For " Auld La'ng Syue" cart lic cr forget. 

Die public horizon so Dial they sinell 
to heaven iu their Wickedness and 
shock humanity by their wretched- 
ness, are so nitiny, f so tragical aud 
deplorable ns to prove beyond all 
denial and doubt that these marriages 
were made unwisely, and Die error 
is punished witli sorrow t Hat no 
tongue can tell and no imagination 
conceive. ■ 

Aud underneath tlie surface of fair 
society, smooth aud pure to Die eye 
of the world, how many tearful trage- 
dies are performed ! A hushaud cou- 

mittee. He may Know more 01 me 
teaching of Wesley and \\ atson, aud 
other theologians, in a minute Dian 

impure, was as safe under his guard- neudetice ou'huinau zeal uuil fidelity, 

i l.:.. ; »• IU44F41 I’.ni.mitli tlin 1 . . 

. this committee ever fcinTw in their sheltering urmw of her own father.- 

jauship an it she were beneath the an ,j because the^e thingH are Jacking 

oemu nf Imr nU'li .. . j- I h 

lives ; but wlmt do they care for that. 
They are the embodiment of theologi- 
cal learning, the defender? of tlie 
faitli and- Die quintessence of ortho- 
doxy, ami nothing is right Hint does 
not chance to tally exactly witli what 
they believe to be true. 

It is u> to reason witli this 

His pupils in Homer, and those in 
Mansfield Female 1 College, which 
from being tlie site of ills assassluation 
lias become his monument, have 
with one accord indignantly repelled 
tlie charges of th,e. assassins, aud-wlth 
tearful tenderness dwell upon liis 
virtues and extol liis memory. His 

"the work of redemption, is liindereo. 
The responsibility of the failure is on 

tlie church, and by our want, of y Bt 

Charles F. Evans. Itev. C. Keener 
ottered, substantially, the following 
resolutions which, alter prolonged 
discussion aud some, inessential 
changes, were unanimously adopted : 

Rt'noh'i'il, That Die leading object 
of Die Centenary observance of Dlls 
Conference shall lie the spiritual im- 
provement of our people by. review- 
ing tlie signal . mercies of God to us 
ns a church Die first hundred years 
of our organic life, anil that, ns an ex- , 
pressiqu of. our gratitude to God for 
his. ’blessings, we make a thunk otter- 
ing of such a shall not 
oaly. lie permanent, blit also increase 
tlie efficiency of our church in tiiis 
Hlate for years to come. 

'AV.Wiv.rf, That as shell thank otter- 
ing, -we endeavor to raise tlie sum of 
fifty, thousand dollars as a Centenary 
fund to he divided between DieVaii^es 
of church extension, of education and 
of domestic mitpona as follows: f?D,- 
000 for church extension, $20, ()0d, for 
education, and $10,000 fur domestic 

JiCHOlvtul , That while. we will recog- 
nize. the right, of eueti donor to give 
specific direction to the contributions 
widen lie may made to the fund ; 

of the destitution 

lass, for they ure generally incapable -ministerial brethren, both iu-ldsowu 

verted by wine iuto a fiepd ; and a 
wife witli uucmlquered temper turned 
from a ministering angel into a fury ; 

of appreciating' or weighing an argu- 
ment. Tlie terms, Calvinism, Fela- 
giauism, Campbejlisin. and the like, 
are freely used to qualify Die supposed 
heresies condemned by them, and. 

■ An.1, “licit of all oOrt'l lM ' P r *l ,p • 

' nvsplti' orTOfa, li*'»“wtttnir“*tlHT 
' To him thanksElvlnjs lilail <v<- rnlss. 
Wlio 'guar.18 his church from fverr ill 
. ..V„i-lhnl» ". hull ".—that he EhOllllt It 
llolh Light to guilts and Might to slay ; 
l Slues nsarsst him »s most'sre Ires. 

7 And-self aique oiii »slf lielra> . 

from a ministering angel trim a mry ; heresies conoemnett o.v mem, nuu. 
homes witli skeletons in every closet in$e-as not, Die very truths so damned 
and. walls echoing, forever Did sighs a ud defamed by tiiis committee are 
cf crushed • aflectious and blighted tlie purest Wesleyan Armmiauism 
liopes. Over these tlie pall is thrown as found iu all tlie standard authors, 
to hide them from the siglil, of. men. This is a serious matter to the 
Now, I abhor tlie advjce of that preacher. If tlie thing were openly 

church and others where lie lias 
labored, boldly assert their confidence 
in IDs purity of speech and conduct, 
and bewail thefioss iullieted upon a 
noble citizenship, upon tlie cause of 

fidelity souls are lost and tlie world 
still “liethin wickedness.” In an- 
other aiid very diflerent connection. 
Ernest Iteuan says, “ We shall be an 
amusing century to future centuries.” 
And I have up doubt that the church 
of the future will read, witli amaze- 
ment the record of our apathy and 

I know a church of one hundred 
aud fifty members, representing an 
aggregate wealth of nearly one ntU- 

educatiou, upon the heroic workers ]j on 0 f dollars, located in an iu- 
i n all philanthropic enterprises and telligeuf community where tliere are 
upon "the church of this 'living God.’ hundreds unsaved, which lias uot 

cynical London newspaper which done, when he could defend himself, 
says to youhg people about to marry.' it would not badly ; but it is 
Don't. The satire it implies is. un- done in a whisper, with many a wink 
deserved and despicable. To all aud nod and ominous shake of the 

I WolcoBie ye iiow this ffsltvl Jiiy . 

In robe* of kingly grandeur clad ^ 
\Vblle>jiKelfL»io 1 jrer o’er your way„ 

And blend with yours their anthems glad ; 
Welcome more sweet than greets the. tlowers, 

When spring unbinds stern winter s chain . 

Such welcome give .this Sahbuth’s houni, 

And bless the grace of Jesus' name. 

•The allusion Is to the prayer Iniok used hv my 
grnndfather, \vht> wnj,one of the eSrly Methodists iu 

i-titin Advocate. 

youug people who have the means, 
of being comfortable iu tlie married 
state 1 say, 06 it. It is tlie ordinance 
pf nature, the voice of God, who sets 
the solitary in families, aud who will 
bless tlie basket aud the store of them 
who walk in Die way of liis com- 
mandments. Get married by all 
means. But if your reason pud 
emotions are not . in it, tlien, witli 
Punch, 1 say, Don’t. 

The wisest of men, under tlie in- 

Tlie Error of a Moment Makes tlie Sor 
row of a Life. 

spi ration of Die Almighty, said. , 

“ With good advice make war;” aiid stands them. If lie happens to go 
I say. Witli good advice makejove. beyond liis people and speak .on 
And in tiiis I think I have the mind tliiugs new to them, but as old as the 
of, the spirit. word of God and . abundantly dit- 

When I took my pen in hand to cussed in the books, it is a serious 
write tiiis epistle it was not even in matter to have Die edge of truth 
tlie thought of my heart to speak of dulled by those who chance to know 
mistakes in niarriuge as one of the less of theology tliah their pastor, It 

i... ..4’ 4l. ...... AHS..SD tlm Im.irar rtu r( i(‘l 1 1 n r I V thu 

done in a whisper, with many a wink 
aud nod and ominous shake of the 
head, aud in a half sorrowful toue 
that begets distrust in tlie minds ot a 
large -class of persons. The manly 
preacher utters fearlessly what lie 
believes the word of God to teach 
without stopping to inquire whether 
it conforms to tlie modes of expression 
used tiy any man dead or living. He 
cures not, nor should lie c, are to know, 
whether IDs utterances are approved 
by any man or eluss- of men. He 
preaches witli holy boldness the 
truths of God's word as. lie under* 

As a man; he w as-possessed, o'f an 
acute mind, skillfully trained by 
scholastic exercises aud stored with 
the harvest of centuries of polite aud 
scientific investigations. With such 
au equal development of liis. faculties 
and such a varied fund of information 
he was too big to be a bigot and too 
valuable to tie a cipher in, any circle. 
In either of liis chosen professions; 
in mercantile aud political guilds, 
where necessities of liis own or of 
otliers called him, and iu- the social 
and domestic sphere IDs intellectual 
force was respected and sought. With 
this acumen he combined sensibilities 
as severely. disciplined in the school 
of Christianity. 

From IDs childhood to the 

had a single conversion in it for near- 
ly two years, ^ris tiiis an isolated 
case. No wonder TTmkI'r. BenleCosj. 

throughout the territory occupied Oy 
us of parsonage and church buildings 
caused, in a measure, -by those 
peculiar difficulties with which we, 
as u Conference, contend, we recom- 
mend that one-half of tiiat portion of 
our Centenary fund to be raised for 
church extension itc expended in tlie 
erection of parsonages anil churches, 
or the payment of debts npon such 
property, wiDDn’otir own Stale. 

J'cxolnil, That among our educa- 
tional enterprises in Louisiana, Cen- 
tenary College stands forth first and 
prominent, the oldest institution of 
learning in the Southern connection, 
’it being tiie magnificent monument 
of a former Centenary of Methodism; 

ggd the ktI oi eoiivm «»" In View of the good work it 

S,; SoW HouDi west by 

generaUzat io! T froli! ^ t ist i'cs lie educating nDnis^aml. les.ujsifi 

t rave: “that in propohioi/us churches ministers free of tuition, an 1 
have luemheN, wealth a/nl.a brilliant conserving the interests of Met! 
inrniwtrv tiiev seem to llise the art of by, -tilling our pulpit with an lntelH- 

gent and consecrated ministry , D.cre- 

lulklnir nhniit Congregatinnulisls. and fore, we recommend tliut one i 1 

talking about Congregatjonalists, and 
not Methodists. I f ally Methodist 
Churches have lost tiiis “art,” they 
want to find it during this Centenary 
veur. We want a half milliito Church 

tlie fund donated to education lie ex- 
pended in tlie. repair and endow- 
ment of Centenary College : ami' that, . 
in view of our special obligation to 

veur. lie WitUlH Ittii umiuw viiuium .• a , l ...... { 4 

4., in f.ii.d- we waut lo* Mauslield Female College, it Jiein g 

S we S Jo Elusive i«y ..f t^s Conte, 

-* — • ■ — - . - — • litTirl 1 ! V I 1 ., • imwsiuuai j uijtibi 

day of IDs lie was distinguished- „ u i ttian everything 

for liis exceptionable life. Like other *| 8e y, e want Du I’entecottal'liaptisru 

Many au example of tiiis great 
truth has been Seen since the-error of 
Esau., 'His story lias lieen on tlie 

pages of sacred Scripture througli 
these long thousands of years for the 

for liis exceptionable life. I, ike other 
men lie was Die subject of disappoint- 
ments. and iu turn he disappointed 
the . financial expectations of IDs 

missionary enter- 
thau everything 

of power to come down on tlie church. 
No advance in culture aud education, 
no increase iu tlie wealth -of the 

friends. But when three days before cUurcli, no enlargement of its liberal- 

warning and instruction of mankind; 
but young men aud youug; women 
who -have read It from their child- 
hood, and have often said, " What a 
great fool Esau was,” turn out to he 
as great fools ais lie, aud all tlie rest 
of their days lament that the error of 
a moment made the sorrow of a, life. 

I read the other day the very sensi- 
ble remark that iu tlie most serious 
and important matter, one. that in- 
volves more intimately and complete- 
ly than any other tlie happiness or 
misery of a lifetime, young people 
exercise tlie least judgment and act 
with tlie greatest possible precipita- 
tion. Tiiat Is,' tlie matter of mar- 

examples of those errors tiiat beget 
life-long borrows. My eye was fixed 
on the young mun who, in an evil 
hour, w'us tempted by his friend to 
go into a saloon where the wine and 
then the game allured him to drink 
and gamble;' and in one moment of 
folly and madness hr' thre\P’'Tiway 
his birthright of virtue and, like 
Esau, forfeited immortul liopes. I 
Was thinking of another youth who 
nut IDh hand into the treasury of his 

hurts Die hearer, particularly the 
ignorant aud ungodly hearer, ten 
times worse than it does the preacher. 

IDs death he publicly referred to tlie 
success which crowued his self-denj- 
ing toil, with a smile of honest pride 

ily and beuevoleiiee— however de- 
sirable all these tilings may be can' 
compensate for the loss of converting 

lie defied anyone to present a claim power. Soul-winning is the great 
lie was not willing and able. to pay. of tlie church, and in our 

His cheerfulness brought sunshine ! ii,i„ work find is to have 

It raises a doubt as to Die honesty of iuto every, company, aud IDs mag- 
Die preacher and' tlie -correctness of nauiuilty' is nobly shown in tiiat 

His cheerfulness brought sunshine . BUCt;eHii j„ this work God have 
into every, company, aud ills mag- llls i,igi, ts t glory. 

his utterances. 

After all the preacher, whose busi- 
ness it is to post himself, may know 
more of theology than liis members, 
aud he may be less likely to fall into 
error and less disposed to do so than 
IDs critics.' It is uot wise, is not 

em Mover ami stole a little money - politic for tlie average preaclier to 

.1 . 1 .1.4 1 .1 .. I .... I.lnuiolr In *'..11 linLisnJiW vluiHU 11 Mil tuanll. 

that lie might indulge himself in 
pleasurable Bin. From that moment, iugs. Heterodoxy is not a paying 
he saw a thief whenever he looked investment in this Southern country, 
into a mirror. It blazed right out ou I have known a few good liien, well 
liis, forehead, and it seemed to him 

fall Into heterodox views and teach- 

DUU, 1 IIUL 1H, tilt) lUttLl-Cl wi ii.o, • . ^ , .. : | 

triage! * It i» quite Jikeli.-thftt moat the worlti must know lie wuHavil- 
-men take far less paIns*.to he surp lain. Belf-respect was gone, and so 
tliey are Tight before deciding tlie was honor and honesty and eujoy- 
question of a wife than they would ment. That error of a moment wa 
if they were huylug a'house.for her tlie sorrow ot his life. I was tlDnk- 
to, live in. And many a youug ing of the young woiiihu of whom we 
woman answers the question that all read iu the du ly papers last week, 
fixes her state for life with less re- "the foolfch virgin who, in a 
flection than uhe gives to the choice", moiiient of unspeakable folly, ims- 
of a dress or a bonnet. These matters taking hot pussiou for love, And 
<>f the heart are, with the young, de- trusting to t e e«) lucD tw rds < f. 

read in theology, orthodox to tlie 
core, seriously damaged witli the 

• whatever sorrows lie felt in liis heart 
his, face and IDs voice carried only 
happiness to his friends. 

He was polite at heart, and 
IDs manners were not acquired 
from the usages of refined circles, 
hut came freely from the benevolence 
tiiat cheerfully sacrificed personal 
comfort and ambition to the necessi- 
ties and comforts of others. Money 
was regarded as valueless iu itself, 
and IDs generous disposition: kept 
hind poor while mukiug otliers rich, 
lie was a mau of tender and profound 

public by the indiscreet and untrue sympathy, of ardent and stroug con- 
say iugs of well-meaning, but iguo- vlciious, aud uever lacked for Die 
rant, men who 'arrogated to them- courage of expression or tlie fortitude 

The past week is said to have- been, 
tlie coldest in Missourlfor forty years, j 
Last Saturday, tlie fifth instant, wa- j 
certainly tlie coldest day ill my tlltewi 
years' experience of Missouri 
wealher. The thermometer regis- 
tered thirty-two degrees below zero. 
Much suflering iB reported, and large 
numbers of stock were frozen Jo 
deatli. One lot of three hundred 
mules was frozen between Fort Hcott 
aud Kansas Oily -a third of them 
being dead -when they reached their 
destination, -aud the otliers so frost- 
bitten that it was necessary to kill 
them. A gentleman told me tiiat IDs 
chickens were frozen in Dieir roott 

Die exclusive property of libs Confer- 
ence, the oilier half of tiiis fuud bb 
expended iii tlie repair and endow- 
ment of that institution' of learning. 

Itrsoh’ni, That the fourth Sunday 
in May, of. the current year, and as 
mauy Sabbaths therealtur as will 
sutllee for the accomodation of works 
composed of more than one appoint- 
ment, tie set upurt for the public 
centennial services in a!l_ Die 
churches- witnin our ('.afereuce 
.boundaries. • 

Committee adjourned subjee,t u> 

‘ ,i. u. walker, .(’I nfirm n. , 

' - j. m . hkaiid, Sue. 

Old Friends. 

’Mu. ElirioK: Two n umbers of the 
Aiivocatk recently were poorly 
printed oil the inside, and my wife, 
and- daughter remarked,' Tiiat wont- 
do, for. we can not afl'ord to lose any- 
thing in the New Orleans Anvn- 
i'ATK;” and so it lias been for years 
past Dmt we never lay aside your 
paper for unv otlier. I liave been a 
subscriber almost from the beginning 

terinlnbd lutentloually * w the' sc<>iind^ I iii Lilf 5 

selves a monopoly of orthodoxy. which robbed defeat of its pang. In ,, ri , un( i dead But the law of com- 

e you do not fairly understand personal valor, lie wus eipial to all , )elmat iou obtains in tiiis as in every- 
liastor, go and ask him for an the emergencies which rose in iiis tbinir else. Tlie Ice harvest will be 
ination. If you, think he is not life, a»d yet he was thoughtful, de- ver „ ] ur ge, aud that great lux- 
orthodox, go Jo- IDs study and tell liberate aud self-poised. Frugal ill ury J w m | )e within the reach of all 
him so, and likely he will show you liis diet, abstemious iu liis drink, ne _ xl H iminier. Then ■ it is liiuch 
the very thing to which you object modest in IDs apparel, unremitting beultbier iu this climate when we 
In ull the standard works. Yon will in toll, bountiful in IDs gifts, patient j> ave u cold wifit^, and Die phy- 

■kens were rrozen in tlieir roott , ,r .in l..m f„nr,ui^,l ■» 

the trees and dropped to the ,of puhl teutlon, aud it 1 is foflowed us 
i .i.w.d ,.r n/im. in ii I tlie ulmnires of au itinenuit lift 

ground dead. But the' law of com- I i>> U 'ivTsaw Dm 

pensatiou obtains in this as iu every- 1 of nearly tbjrty year . . 

tiling else. T ie ice harvest will be ! other editors of eraon^l a c a nt 
very large, and that great lux- **«». I’- _° „ ^ like l4«* 

We saw tlie 

ance, puss oil' the tripod into Die 

tlie very tiling to which you object 
in all Die standard works. Yon will 

and tlie pliy- 

enoiee or Acceptahce of a companion 
for nTe^. Yea. it is an ailalr of Die 

S he heart is not in it, 
s go for nothing. Call 
dr. Let it he a love 
you can uot make it a 
all means give it npr 
of tiiis, if tlie heart is 
not in it, the whole heart, ull tlie 
strong and teuder passions tiiat help 
to make up the world of human 
‘‘‘lection such as every true man or 
true woman lavishes on tlie partner 

ing and walling afid guusliiug their cuti give you an outline of the con- 
teeth in Die anguish of remorse truversies ou tliut particular subject 
because of tlie error of one moment ! 1 for a tliousund years past. Tlie study 
O tiiat tiiev were wise,* tiiat tliey of theology is his daily business. He 
understood t'hfc, that they would is read up iu thoife things to' the last 
consider the end ! Better is tiie end hour. 

<>f a tliing than Die beginning. At Your pastor is as familiar with his 
first it is sweet hut in' tlie end it hooks us a lawyer is with IDs law 
hlteth like a serpent and stlngetli like hooks. Be sure you know what you 
an adder One blunder, one mistake, are talking about before you secretly 

for a thousand years past. Tlie study 
of theology is his daily business. He' 
is read up iu those tilings to' Die last 

Your pastor is as familiar witli his 
hooks as a'lawyer is witli ids law 

As a father, lie was both gentle aud | ms KOUe ,i ow »n to about zero, which 
strong, As u husband, he was both Wl . tiiiuk very moderate, 
fond and pure. As a friend, lie was pujoii revival services are being 
true, to his own damage, arid constant 1k , 1(1 ln t i )e p- r un<-i.s Street Methodist 
as Die North Star. As an educator, c|, urc |, jp this city, conducted by 
lie accepted the solemn trust ofyoutli- 1{ev jj' r Munhall, of lndianupolis. 
ful minds and hearts with a trem- i, ar Ke crowds attend,, and the inter- 
filing sense of responsibility and seemrto be growing. It bus been 
stood in tlie place of their parents us Hevt , ra i years since tliere was an ex- 

episcopacy, and .them like Bro. 
Mathews; we took you on trial, and 
so far have discovered notlling tlial 
indicates tiiat you are not in tlie reg- 
ular succession yourself. I read 
everything signed, John Mathews, 
and ‘tils letter from Kansas City, in 
which he said tiiat in Die rush of 
tiiat woinlerlul city a muu’s voice 
whs like a whisper, I could bill smile 
and conclude tiiat if those Kansas 
City people regarded tlie voice ot John 

considered a cyclone a mere zephyr. 
. After being ofl'duty for a year with 
sciatica, and being restored at Hot 
Springs, Ark., I returned tiv my 

of life’s joys and pains, if the whole 
j-*-'heart-|gnot''Ifi r ft71F'Wefe'l)6tlel : “t0 

an adder: One hlimder, one misiuKe, 
one error, one sin, mukes tlie sorrow 
of a life. It is u little sin ; •what, does 
God care for that ? Is it not too tiny 
: for ttie' lRtinite to -HoDce? I t is- a 

orofaenly charge any preacher, witli 
being uuortiiodox. After all you may 

with u commission 1‘roiq Deity. As 
u minister of Jesus Christ, lie wus a 
buruiug exponent of IDs Master’s 

not he the center of orthodoxy in the love, and whether lie worked or 

a 1 theological system. 

prayed, Instructed nr entreated; lie 

Lurge crowds attem , and t ie inter- ^ ^ t ' u , , liy order „f i| R . 

est seemrto lie growing, it has been ‘>“» ve Xlil,iugiW»rii the Talladega 
several years s lice tliere was an ex- JitHnop, aui in q fj conference 

tensive Vevtval in this community, "’l toke w^ 'weml' ideac 
and.I trust tliut these etlorVjatlijjq ilt-ckw ” for Ceutenury work, 

suit tn great good. _ k w. c. riEARN. 

-B-.-J .si E r n . ‘ . ■■ Mff ’‘ J H - .r 1. 1 ji , i r" ■ - ;• ■ 


sjjlUu' ®rtrans Christian 

•kristian autwntf. 

lor principles, hut in the' modes of 
teaching them. 

must be sn uprising of the people of Ht the last day, that great day of ac- 

China; the work must begin on the In- 

rHi a.DAT. j*»r»Ri «i. IMI. 1 

Seventh. Ijjiis now religion . and the | terlor. 

salvation it introduces rosth upon the 

the exile JewH in Babylon 

counts when the secrets of all teen 
shall be made known. Wo can only 
pray that there may be fewer such and 

bocn waiting to got a new book. Ashe YVINTEftS-JftfiRs Fan Ni k L. YVin-.~ 
has now a now book he ass,. res us that Winters, was" ‘ &,! 

the records will be all right. ltodney, Miss., June 110, 1859, and, died 

Orlft inr Ckritlion Attroentf. 
fU'A » # v . ’ 

atonement' of Christ, was not restricted would not even sing one of the songs ot- 

to Jews as the old religion was 

/.ton-for the Babylonians when asked 

pray that there may be fewer such and Your committee recommends that the in the same towii Hn December 5,’ 1883, 

more genuine Christians in the church recording stewards at the beginning of Irom the effects of epitepay. She had’ 
.. . .... , suffered with this distressing ma adv 

was for all mankind. It rested not on, to do so ; thdught of nothing but Jeru- 

r v c \rr\ kk 

O what k Irttplff* 

Thwr T'^pry heeri*. w»nn«*«t with 1 otc’» fire. 
With joy they look beyond the grave. 

To him tlmt,dled their «oul* to lave . 

There ulcknera.enrrow, |, Kin .ind death - 
*o m,»rt ere felt, hut every breath 
J* •pent In nrulee to that dear friend 
Who purchased Joy UiiVtlif’er VtTRlI end 
Fright angel* eh all their comrade* be. 

And loved one* dear they then fhall aee, 

N»» cloud*. I) ' doubt* nor gloomy frar* 

Will pain the heart* that heaven cheer, 

Rut In perpetual joyful atralm, 

They pralee the Lamb on the bright plnltis. 
Well might the paalmtit turn hi* harp 
In loud eat strains from hi* full heart 
Tims may I my love proclaim, 

And min to praise my Saviour’s name. 

external observances, as did the old, 
but on the new principle of faith In- 
ch rist. 

Correction. All roligion of. all Scrip- 
turo was always plenary as to all man- 
kind.* It waa- never restricted to .Jowh 
or to anybody else. It always restod on 
faith In Christ and never on external 
observances. Christ Is in the Old Tes- 
tament as well as In the New. 

Eighth. Chrlstlnvited, entreated and 

salem ; allof religion. was at Jerusalem, 
so they hanged their harps on, tlnfowil- 
Iowb. I suppose that all human beings 
have harps, but all of our harps are not 
In tune at all times and in all placos. 

California is being filled with people 
from all parts ofothe world, nearly all 
religions’ are represented here, and 
most of them havethelr harps on the 
willows, their Jerusalem and all that is 

than there now Is ; pray that auch as 
belong to the . above-named classes 
may see the error of their ways, and 
become to be true, genuine Christians. 

V. A. LANK. 

Tiii'Vfos, Mlnimippl. 

each Conference year, at the first 
Quarterly Conference, place a roll of 
the onttre official members of the 61r- 
oult on the book, keeping tbe Boards off. 

suffered with this distressing malady 
since her seventh year, but ever bore 
hor sutt’erings— aomollmes excruciating 
—with great patience. 

In early womanhood ahe joined the 


"“""V , J ~ : ;.^’WethodiBt Kplscdpal Church. South 

Stewards and Trustees apart and dlk {, ndor the ministry of Bro. David I\ 
tliVct, ahd, that whenever Boards df Bradford. She felt the need of a thor- 
Truateos have beeh organized, to notify otigh change of heart, and so she sought 

It diligently till the priceless pearl was 

third TAPER, 

the officers of the "respective boards. 
Signed, . John pipes, 


found. Quietly In her -own chamber, 
alone with Gou and his holy book, she 
made that full surrender of self to bo 

The night before reaching Yazoo 
City our driver found his team fast 

saved by grace alone which brought 
Mr. Editor: The advent of the “new abounding, peace to her soul, Th’n 
preacher” to ltis Held ol labor 1 b one of graolous atate of conscious forgiveness 
it 4 i i.iu was always retained. It reflected itself 

tho most important epochs in bis min . , •> ,, llt f the . e in lll0 

commanded the .lews to abandon their home. A gentleman said to mo me 
old religion and embrace tbe new re- othor day that he wanted to go back to 

good and religious they left back stuck In a deep mud hole. In trying to 
home. A gentleman said to mo tbe pull out ho broke the dohble-tree, 

llgion, tbe gospel ; but they all refused. Tennessee oji a visit,- just to have one 
except a very few, perhaps twelve or i more chance to attend a good protract- 

oth’or day that he wanted to go back to | which compelled us to alight and Wade 
Tennessee op a visit,- Just to have one I through as best we could. We made a 

Damaging Blunders. 

The Reformers, along down from 

twenty or ho. 

Correctlon^On the contrary, the 
.Saviour entreated and commanded all 
the Jews to adhere strictly to their' old 
religion, and not depart from It; and 

ed meeting beforo he died, and this 

firm landing, hut not without leaving 
a deposit of one of the boys’ new shoes, 

man lives near our church and Is not which was not found. A clever Yuan 
in it once a year ; Ilia harp is out of Uviug near by gave us lodgings for the 

tunb; he would tune It up if he were night. Next day we were In Yazoo 
back in Tennessee. I am .of opinion City ln time for the regular paoket. 

i.nth'er "ene" iih¥~tW‘Vi)hTi^a~yBBTS j grwttr-tiinltitvtdes,- -^robably--one^M t liV- Jhaijafl:gimU01lk_fM bl8 . jgyjLjj^Lj 

Slid more addressed themselves to the did so; and their successors, afferward .canae will ever be accomplished where Y azoo river, we could make no o - 

mm iiiwic, v . , _ Ji-.i it l onriro nno lxn ♦ art irtvr ml n niiyhi.’a rAftt. 

isterlal life. How varied are hla 
emotions when contemplating this 
event! Solicitude, anxiety, hope and 
fear come and go in rapid succession. 
He wonders how and family will bo 
received— whether cordially or coolly 
And sometimes the question of a home 
is shrouded with gloom and doubt, for 
all of our obaY-ges are not supplied with 

was always retained. It reflected itaelf 
in tbe soft light of tho eye, in tile radi- 
ant face, in the very tone and . manner 

of her conversation. Her pastor could 
not be witli her any time and fall to 
feel drawn doserffo heaven by tho iif- 
torview. She never murmured at the 
affliction God Rent upon her, but whs 
so exorcised thereby that it wrought 
out for her an exceeding and eternal 
weight .of glory. Once, last, summer, 
when a dear young friend (Miss Tweed 
was suddenly snatched away ahe 
-8eGmed-toAhiitk-Hr j wmr“strarrgB”‘ttrer 

And nmrB. HtiiirWMffi turuiDoi * i*o w ■ *■* — — i — — — 1 — - - ,, , . i , . , 

visible practical effects of poperV called Christians, have continued to do the people, are so dissimilar, where servationH, but enjoyed a night s rest 
visible, practical euut m > ,„,i .it.- . fntlo-nn \«vt. mnrnimr 

rather than to the fundamental prin- so, at least nominally, to this day. 
r.ikl« thni i in tier 1 1 sal llefiB Rfln afHtBBrrtT-* — -^ ilnth. Alt - th s J e w s of that , age ex- 
nwus doctrines 1 . The reason for this- Is, cept those very few, being very wicked When this will take place in Cali- tlpoii the “ Father of Waters,” and en- 
ii seems to me rlearlv in sight of a and accustomed to their old religion of fornia I know not; some generation joyed the scene. On landing at Bayou 

vnrefnllv dlseri’inlnating'eye, but there the Old Testament, refused the gospel ; will doubtless see it. It is likely that Sara I went to the railroad depot. to 

is not room for the explanation just and their descendents still adhere the miracles on the day of Pentecost secure tickets, etc., for Woodville ; was 

, s, ,le principle strongly to the old religion of thp Old was'to cause an assimilation of the Inn- asked by the agent, iff I was a preacher, 

l' lii ail poperv Testament. guage, for all who heard seemed to hear Being informed that I was, he said : 

lilirh churchistn! . Correction. On the contrary, great in his own tongue, “ and they mwrvol- “ You have nothing to pay for passage 

there is no assimilation with the after a day’s fatigue. Next morning 
masses. my wife for the first time looked out 


When tills will take place. iu Cali 

and all other forma of high churnhism, 
is a nrir religinn introduced ami a ticw 
tkurrh organized by Jshus Christ. The 

May tills Centenary year be- one of 
great Improvement In tills particular, 
as well as all other church euterprlses. 

, Itjs the earnest desire .of this writer 
that alb of our preachers on reaching 
their works should have similar expe- 

one with’such promise of long life and 
usefulness should be taken and sho re- 
main. She little knew, in her sweet 
humility, how much good her patient, 
God-glorifying life was accomplishing. 
She will be long and sadly missed by 
that community. 

I- wasBumfnoned to lier bodsidowben 

rieu'ces to that of ttie preacher and fam- dying. Though almost gone-^-jnstout 

* ni.ln < l.n rwvns ir iraioa 11IIU Ilia in U 110(1 ! 

here. The ope, single, sole principle strongly to the old religffm of thp Old 
which is| fundanienlal ill all popery, Testament. 

asked by the agent iff I was a preacher. 
Being informed that I was, he said : 

ily on tho 1 ioustou and Wesley Chapel 

side the pearly gates— unable to speak 
or open her eyes, when I would speak 

Correction. On the contrary, great 

charge. When we arrived at the par- 0 f God or heaven' she would proBB my 
sonage some of tho "elect ladies” met hand to bid mb know she understood. 

numbers of the Jews of that age, prob- ed.saying one to another, are not all or freight on this road, as Judge. Mo- 
ably a full half, were among tbe moBt these which apeak Gallileans?” It is j Geo s instructions are not to. charge 

You have nothing to pay for passage 80na K e 801110 01 1,10 1811108 

r freiirht on this road, as Judy* Mo- 08 81 tlie B 8le 8nJ oxlo " ted 8 m0St 

frnlts, products, rtsulU or outgrowths noble, pious and self-sacrificing Chris- 
of this fundamental error are priestly iians known to tho history of the 

forgiveness, virgin worship. Image 
. adoration, holy water, sacerdhullsm, 
ritusllatic worship, with the lougHrsin 
of. theological and ecclesiastical isms 
thst follow. • \ 

It was the duty of a l'ater age to push 
these reform principles to the bottom, 
£ and attack the foundation, cut the tap- 
root, remove "the corner-stone, and 
leave the edifice to tumble into ruins. 
But we have not done it. The conse- 
quences of this neglect are the follow- 

image church. For. about ten years they con- 
allsm, stituted tbe entire apostolic church, 
N.rmin apostles and all. It is not known that 

more than likely that ten dollars in | preachers.” At nightfall we reached 
Mexico Is worth_pioro to our church j Woodville. A tall, portly lookinggen- 
than one hundred ie in California. The tleman was standing on the platform, 
old harps that we have here have been Heapproached me, making the inquiry- 
used and abused, and there is doubt If if I was one of the preachers seht to 

cordial greeting. Tho house was in 
perfect order 'and a sumptuous supper 
awaited us. The good sisters had an- 
ticipated our. wants in the dining-room 
and pantry and mot them fully. The 

Her precious Blblo which she daily read 
till too sick to Bee the words, and then 
had read to her by the fond watching 
mother, was appropriately burled with 
her mortal remains, while hor dear 
spirit mounted to thoso mansions Him 
loved so muah to read of. 

The dutiful daughter, tho loving 

they or any of them ever opposed the many of them will bear tuning again | Woodville,. Ascertaining that I was, 

safe was filled with good things. Santa I sister, the tender . I riend, has passed 
Claus did not forget the " little ones,’’ ! within the vail whero hor faith was 

° * • (.nfnlti uimllAPllil \lUU fatllAr flint MAT 

Saviour in any way or in the least, or if we can ev.or get the rust otl of i lie gave myself and family a> cordial ib- 

Tho peoplo known\ as Jews now- are them. But in ^Mexico anff heathen j vitatlmi to. his house. I have .never 

but left a testimonial of Ills desiro that 
they have a merry Christmas. 

Mr. Editor, with such a reception wo 
enter upon ouff work with hearts filled 
with gratitude and love, strong faith 

safely anchored. May father, mother, 
sisters and friends all form an unbrokeh 
virclo around the great white tlirono! 

J. 1*. DRAKE. 

BAl.l.-iin Tuesday, December II, 
Iks;!, two 1*. M., tlie soul of our dear 

and bouyant hope. Y’ou will hoar from i brother, Bartholomew Ball, winged 

Christ, and who, by so doing, consti- 
tuted themselves a new and false 

notion about filling the South with im- entreaty I left, the next morning, for 
migration from' all parts of Kurope and 1 Bayou Sara, to lay lu supplies for 

us again before tbe Centenary year 

its lliglit to realniB of endless day from 
bis home four miles southwest of 

closes. I expect to send you a large j (jltn^on; Hinds county, Miss. Here he 

ing damaging blunders which greatly ohurch with a new and false faith the Northern States is cori.ect. Fill the housekeeping, and two days thorsafter 

' .1 CnnS. —in, fl-lu nlaon r-o — -^1 un.1 Wfl Wftrft Htllll/lv llVAll il( A lUirHUIltK-H 

list of subscribers for the Advocate. 

hinder the progress of practical Chris- theretofore unknown. South with this class of people, and 

tlanlty. All error Is damaging- Tenth. The whole Jewish people, overy willow In the South will have a 

Blunder first. There are two separate therefore, became vgry much incensed harp on it, and our assimilation as a 
and distinct systems of religion in against the Saviour for attempting to -people ruined for ages to come. 
Scripture, fundamentally different, one destroy their religion, and they una- v. m. i-eatiikrst i.'N; 

jn the oid Testament aud one in the nimously -sought and .procured hiB | npad-HpaffS iii f hnrch 

South with this class of people, and wo were snugly fixed in a parsonage 
overy willow In the South will have a the stewards had provided for ufo, at 
harp on it, and our assimilation as a the Pate Place, near WhiteStone. 
people ruined for ages to come. When the neighbors heard that we 

llOjUaiuN, Mias., J^an. 2, 1884. 


in the Old Testament aud one in the 

New. The former is called the law and death. 

Dead.-HejjfS fri 1he‘ Church.- 

the latter the gospel. 

Correction. Very few of the Jews, 

■ Correction. The whole of -Scripture probably not more than one or two 

revelation knows but one syatoin of re- hundred, If so insuy, out of all their 

Mu. FdiTou: Perhaps many will be 
surprised at the appellation given to 
some that belong to tbe different 

ligion. The doctrines aud faith of the millions, had anything to do with the churcheSi ^ dead-heads, but I know of 

were there they called to make our ac- 
quaintance, after which they sent us 
furniture, chickens in abundance, "a 
gobd cow to milk. We had a neat, com- 
modious dwelling house, with an office 
nen- by, garden piled In and acooss to 
a good pasture. So you see, Mr. Editor, 


- ARMITAtilC— FISHKR.— At the reMdenre of the 
brlde’w father, January 6, 1884, by . Rev. Gi-or*;® F. 
Thompson, Mr. K. A. Armltng*, of Utica, MlB8.,to 
MIb* Alloa W. Fisher, of Claiborne epunty, Mira. 

FfcWKLL -CHAP WICK. -In tbe Methodist 
Church, In Meridian, Mira., January 8, 1884, by Rev. 

had resided since early manhood ; here 
he had reared a large family of children 
-some of whom have passed oil beforo 
and, doubtless, bade him welcome to 
the plains of lasting light ; here he had 
built up a character for Integrity and 
unswerving Christianity’ that makes 
his memory “like ointment poured 
forth.” For fifty years a faithful mem- 
ber of tho Methodist Church, respected 
by all who observod him, loved by all 
who knew him, his record Is worth 
enduring the trials ho mot and over- 

That a man of his decided stamp, and 

Old Testament are tho doctrines and crucifixion. 

could not have 

no other name appropriate, unless it 

<*-our fiist move, with theso pleasant l. Chadwick. 

R. D. Nor«wortSy, Mr. Ii. It. Fewell in Ml,, constantly candid mode of expressing 

faith of the New, with not the slightest known of it, most of (.hem, until long would be dead-souls, which I fear will 

variation. The New Testament elabo- afterward. 8ofar as their sentiments be the condition of triany of the mem- ’ ‘V"’" V„ n ,iL h'l nuen H Noraworthy, Mr. H«nrr Bmok to mim Ophelia scathing denunciations of sin provoked 

rates the doctrines of the Old, but are known, with a few exceptions, they, bers of our churches when we come to IrlonUH - Y uere new Irl ° n(18111 P 8 coul “ Akin, all ofMerUian.Mi.,. opposition. But his words were always 

surroundings, convinced us that we 
bad not moved beyond appreciating 

BROOK— AKIN.— In the Melhokliit Churcli, In 
Meridian, ■Mia!"., January 8, 15 m! liy Iter. R. I>. 

his viewB, should have enemies is very 
probable, though we do not know of 
any such. Doubtless Ilia sometimes 

changes nothing. 

Second. This tirst revelation, some- 
times called Judaism, was a mere tem- 
porary system, not designed for man- 
kind at large, but for a special people— 
tbe Jews— only. 

were friendly to the Saviour iip to the 
time of his death. Popular opposition 
to him was worked up by a few desper- 
ate leaders afterward. 

. Perhaps the above ten blunders are 

the final reckoning. And why? Not 
fat.anytblng they have done, but be- 
cause they 'have not done anything. 
There are different grades of such 
members that we might designate as 

sufficient for the reader’s digestion for evi , B th6 church 0 ‘ n , thRt gome 

il.A T F I V. n n.lltn. I „ ill!.... " 

Correction. Revelation knows noth- the present. If the editor is willing 

be formed as entjearing as those we had 
left behind. 

Woodville for many years had boen 
kept a Btation; their presiding Older, 
Bro. Drake, the year previous thought 
it best, contrary to.tbe wishes of many 
in the station, to nnite them with the 

Akin, all of Meridian, Ml*s. j 

4 DOWNER— ROGERS.— At the mldt-oce of the 
bride’s mother, Mrn. Margitretta Nell, of Cookeville, | 
MIhh., January 3, 1884, by Rev. li. F. Phillips, Mr. 
John C. Downer t«< Mrn, Ida C. ltoRere, all of Cooks* 
vllle, MIhp. 

WARREN— JACKSON.— In Inwards, Mira., De- 
cember 13, 1883, by Rev. K. II. MounRer, Mr. John 

ing, temporary, for Jews or anybody 
else. The only- morals or religion 

more will follow. But from these few 
popular errors none can fall to see that 

known to any part of, Scripture was in consequence of them the church has 

and Is plenary for all mankind. 

a heavy burden to carry. Why not roll 

is pBjpable, and is read.plainly rfll over it off? Why so heavily ologg and ham- anyt , hlng . they do not show their faith 

the llible. 

per the church? But it may be in- 

Third. The condition of salvation <1 wired: Who teaches these errors? 

; , , in tne Station, to unite tnem WllU me F. Warren . Jr., of TuhcaIuuba, Ala., to Mira Mary w, 

would come Into that class who often Wilkinson cirouit, calling it Woodvillo Jacksin, of,. 

work and give to a considerable extent’,. clrcuit buown-bkalk.-io hio<i. county, mi™., Jan- 

but it is for the Praise of man and not Qur flr8t Quarterly conference was ^ b J llrt M *■ ”• 'f 0 ” 1 ’ 11 "' T 8 

the glory of God The first class we he i d at Woodville, when it was ascer- ^bX-m D ’ ’ “' l 

aiivfchinff^^e^'do^io^show fhsirfoia the circuit hor sta-' brown^I^.BOPR.-Ai ’ih. rrM.loj,, of Uu 

anyth i g, y ot show their faith tion was pleased with the new arrange^ bride’s fiUlicr, January 8, 1884, by Rev. T. W. Brown 
by their works, for they never work or ment# me6t tbe w i 8 )i 0H 0 f a major- A#v f j.*wiwoh’tirown,of theMissuiri>pi Con'erfiice 

_ »1 .. n in 4 1, nn .,nn Tln.1 ' A ..If J I 111... Cl l. rm TI I _ * II » _ 

BROWN— BE ALK.- In Hinds county, Mira., Jan- 
uary 9, 1884, by KeV. K. H. MouiiRer, Mr. T. S. 
Brown to MIbn Marla M. Itealc, dauRhler of Rev. W. 
T. Beale, M. D. 

opposition. But his words were always 
well weighed ami weighty, too. If they 
over wounded,. it was w'itli the desire 
and purpose of good soul-surgery. 

Brp. Ball was “one of a thouaand.”’ 
He thoroughly thought out every sub- 
ject that cable to his notico for himself. 
He took not the ili.rit ol any loader, 
whether President, Senator, or even 
Bishop. This made ilia company un- 
commonly interesting, and ofton in- 
structive. He was a Methodist of the 
old style, fond of the Hpeclsl moans and 
methods that have made our church a 
power in the world. Its’ leading doc- 

BROWN— HARBOUR -At Hie reelJcjae of tlie tritie 'of “ cdnscious acceptance in the 

under the law, or Judaism, in the Old < for popular, front shelf book writers. 

Testament, wiih the performance of O ! if wo bad but ono-tenth the number 
certain religious rites or ceremonies, of religious book u<riter.s and ten times 

particularly tbe killing of certain ani- 
mals by way of atonement for Bln. 

Correction. The law knows no salva- 
tion. . The supposition is absurd. Law 
requires obedience, and nothing else. 
Ceremonies are inodes of illustrating 
and inculcating truth or principles. 

, ’They have the same place in religion 
now-that they always had.’ 

more religious . book authors. 

by their works, for they never work or 
ever give to the cause of God. Ask 
them to give something to the support 
of the gospel, and they will tell .you 
they are too ^poor, poorer than the 
widow that gave two mites. Call on 

brlde’n father, January 8, 1864, by R*y. T. \Y. Brown. 
AeVg J.-WllHob iirown, of tbe Ml8t*i(hl|>iii Coherence, 

ityof the members of the Conference »"<> Sumi. ». lUrbour.or Baton Ro UK e. i„ 

- 7 1 - 7 * 7 ; McKEE-COI.QBHOUN.-At the mldenuof tlie 

shelvosare burdened with copy-books. them to sing or pray> and ihey wlll 
YAr.,s.CirT.MlMl», ABBET ’ plead want of talent. Great pity, in- 

From California’. 

( )ur Conference is over, the preachers j 
are at their posts, and hard at work, ] 

deed, that the Lord c'reated them with- 
out a talent for anything; they might 
have been useful to the church and 
society. \ 

The second class we will take iu con- 

Fourtli. Theperemonial slayibg and vineyard. We had many changes this 
offeringof animals’ in sacrifice, under year ; in fact, the nature of our work 

trusting to the Lord for success in his sideration are those who’ will work, 
vineyard. YVe had many changes this but, if wo aro allowed to judge the tree 

the law, was a real, proper and true 
sacrifice for Bin. 

Correctidn. Sacrifice for siti was al- 
ways exactly the same in all ages. 
There never was any other than Christ, 

on this coast is such that we are com- 

by its fruit, they have their works 
without faith. Their conduct and 

polled to make more changes than are every-day life is such that where they 

our presiding elder, 'Dr. Winaus, .<;on- . 
sented that the finances might be 
divided, hut the preachers were to al- 
ternate occasionally. The stewards on 
the circuit made me a liberal assess- 
ment, and met. it during the year, 
while the station gave our worthy (but 
now deceased) brother,-. William H.. 
Watkins, a good support. At the next 
Annupl Conference Woodville was 
again made a station, and Bro. Wat- 
kins returned as their pastor. I Was 
also returned to the Wilkinson circuit, 
some account of which I may give 
your readers in my next paper. 

Beloved.” was Ids, experimentally. 

Dying quietly, like a child sweetly 
falling asleep, his ejaculation, ” I’m not 
afraid;, I know I’m going home to 

bride!* mother, near, Canton, Mira., Junuary lo r l884 
at eight o'clock P. M., by Rt-v. W. L. C. Hunnlcutt 

Mr. Samuel T. McKee and Miss Clara C. Colquhouu. ,, . . , 

nir * . moBl seventy-seven years old when ho 

PEARSON -JO-iei.. In tlie Metliodl.t Churcli. , 8ft UH for lify While the soroly- 
Ar<;<,in mi™., Jnnuurr «, 1881, by Rov. Juh„ bereaved wife 9 f his youth, four daugh- 
W. I rice, Rev. R T. lcnrenh, nf the Northweel tf)rH and two sons sllenfly weep Over 
Texae Conference, to Mine Lulu Joyce, or Areola, grav0 , Blld rise Up ami call his Ifiem- 
M l " - ", ory blessed, they have that, assurance 

P0Shy-MII.Son.-Iii the Mctho.liei Church, dearest to all Christian hearts — “ lie 
Vernon, I,n., December !S, lssj.hy llev. J. A. Me- that liveth and believeth in mo Bliall 

I Mine Januarv iu imj. Rlory,” was but tho echo of a life that 
I V. w.’l. c.Hnnnicnii »■«<> long joyfully sung "I know in Clam c.colnuhoun. wlloul 1 bltve Imlieved.” He TVas al- 

Leee, Mr. J. H. Posey and Mira Lula R. Wilson, both ! 
of Vernon, -'La. - J 


never die.” But, oh ! who shall take 
his place in that family, community 
and church? j. r. drake. 

Jackson Weekly Clarion please copy.' 

made in most tho older Conferences. 

The great centers of California seem 
to care but little for the Christian re- 

our Saviour. In early agea the offering ligion, and our branch of the church is 

of animals was a mere instrumental amongthe weakest. The great strength 

mode of teaching the .doctrine. N'o ofSouthernMethodismisinthecoun- 
olher mode conceivable to us coulaebe try. Our (people herd are mostly an 

practiced before tho incarnation and agricultural people. True,, we have 

real sacrifice. 

many wealthy men in our cities from 

are known it is like pouring water on 
fire to make it burn for their minister 
to call on them to exercise in publio 
worship. They are like some in our 
Saviour’s time ; they honor God with 
their lips, but their hearts are far from 
him. Such members stand in the way 
of sinners, not only working out thoir | 
own, but the eternal ruin of others, 

Mausuau.. Texas, Dec. Jl, 1887. 

Report of Committee on Quarterly Con- 
ference Records, Made at Shreveport 
District Conference, May 26, 1883. 

s (Published by request.) 

Y’our Committee on Quarterly Con- 
ference Records’ would respectfully 

Fifth. When Christ sppourod. lie, by the Southern StateH, brought up under ! even of their own household, bone of submit tlie following report : 
his Huprepie authority, abrogated this Southern Methodist influence, yet very J their bone and llesh of their !lesh. The records of the fiuartorly Confer- 

system of Old Tostament religion; or 
J udaism, and forever discontinued- all 
•eremonial worship. 

Correction. The Saviour never abro- 
gated or cha'ige;) any religion or doc- 

few of them are with us in churcli mat- I 
■ ters, but many ure in other churches. 

The cause of theso things would be 
hard to got at, for the man who thinks 
that he understands California and 

EDGAR— The subject of this notice, 
Sister Mary A. Edoak, whs a member 
of Mt. Carmel Church. Y * zoo county, 
MisSt, and, having lived a long ami use- 
ful life in <ho neighborhood, it whs no 
wonder the ivomiiiunltv mourned for 
her when it was said, “She is jead.” 
For some time site had- been in feeble 
health, hot not 111 enough to ho confined 
to. tier bed, and not forbidden to attend 
tluhSorviees ol the sanctuary, tvliere it 
WBH her delight to be and ta'ke part in 
the service that wsb dear to her heart. 
Sho had no warning of hor approaching 
dfosulution. So sudden was the sum- 
mons, and so soon' the end, that all'of 


What thoir condition will be at the ,enco of the Shreveport station have been {‘or children fold not get the last parting 
final judgment they can find’ out, by welt and right' for she hid^ivod^l'ht ^Yik' 611 

close application to the Holy Scrip- The reeprds of the Quarterly Confer- ripe 'sheaf slut was gathered "into the 

ever oc- 

irines of the Old Testament. He abfo- Californians is likely to he mistaken. 

gated no ceremonies. Tliero are prob- The calculations of our Bishops and 

tures. a 

The third class we will-justice are 
such as belong to tho church' for tho 
sake of popularity. Of this class wo 

ably as many, or nearly ns many, in tbe beat of our preaAbers often prove to, very often find them holding some 

number in tie church now as there ho a mistake, but all try to do tlie boat office of note in the church for the sake members was put In tlie proper place 

WV-nr U-I.rn Vnimrll.nlnmi II nf * \ ' Al. „ • ...a V ... .... ... Ill » 

ever were. Nevertheless a number of they oau under tho circumstances, I 
religious ceremonies ceased forever at ofLen think of tlie second verse of tho 

that time, bul not by any moans be- 
. cause of any authoritative command, 
but because of the absolute and natural I 
necessity of t'ifo tbing. These particular 
•eremonio* shadowed forth tlie incar- 
nation and real sacrifice; then,’ of 

they can under tho circumstances, I of popularity. They very often, accord- . but in a mixed and confused way. 
often think of tho socond verse of tho lug to ability, give liberally to the The records of the Quarterly Co 
one hundred and thirty-seventh psalm, church and charitable institutions, but once of Sabino circuit have been I 
the poor exile Jews bad hung thoir they are like the Pharisee, they give somely kept, hut the Board of Trc 
harps on the willows. One would think, and work for the prnise of men and not hayo not boon properly put down, 
that ihe’Jews had a fine opportunity to of God, for follow them to'their closet, The records of tlie Quarterly Ci 

church and charitable institutions, liut ence of Sabino circuit havo been hand- 
they are like the Pharisee, they give somely kept, liut (he Board of Trustees 

enco of Mooringsport circuit were ex- heavenly garner In tlie skies. Iiers 
amined, and wo found that Question J^ 88 , 8 ! ile °*, lr,1Mt 111 , tlle tossed 
"i „.i,i„i, „-i ol -„ , . ...i 1 .saviour from that eventful year to her— 

--I, which pertains to statistics, was on- i.sjo, while- attending a camp meeting 
tirely omitted at the fourth Quarterly held at TupcahVmia,' in Tallahatchie 
Conlerence. laat^yoar. Tlie roll of oillcial ^ounty, Mian., God, for ChrintV sake, 

embers was put in tlie proper place, n*f 'ibn H s?n r n" d w e V6 ber 11,0 ! il ; 

. . , , _ 1 , 1 1 * liens ot tno {Spirit. She hood united 

it in a mixed aud confused way. with tho Methodist Church, in whose 

The records of the Quarterly Confer- communion she lived and rejoiced lor 
ice of Sabino circuit havo been hand- forty-three years. At a special service 
imelv knot Inn tl,« lM„r,l 1101,1 111 . ll . er nolghborhooil, while she 

in.,. ilciiiici ana* 
1 1 in -r it is la wash 

gjiv.’ X :i] /kins, 1 <>\v- 
- • 1 s , 1 landkcrch’icls, 
Tabic l.incn, etc., 
by ill c m s r 1 vc s, 
v. i’.li soup >io ( made 
o! pul rid' luts 
or q n e s t i oii able 

I )o it with Ivory 

Soap, (QQjVii % F 1 ') 
made ol vegetable 
oif, and use them 
confident that they 
are elejau and not 

thHt ihe’Jews had a fine opportunity to of God, for follow them to'their closet, The records of tlie Quarterly Confer- lous.'f could but say within myself, A 
he missionaries to all tlie people of and, instead of-lindlng them oil their once of Coushatta circuit M ere minus an f'P? 801,1 for glory, sure. 'Mo deeply 
lisbylon, but they gave themselveH. up knees, viMIl often find them tipping the answer to Question ‘Jt nt the fourth vnars^ ^egdlt^was^ 
to the indulgence of their sorrow, and wiueglasa, whisky bottle or something Quarterly Conference last year, and tho life, and seemed to shine brigiffor a* 
banged; their harpH on tho willows, else nearly as had. Membors of this Board of Trustees inlhe roll was mixed s|m, neared the oilier shore. 

This feeling pH not peculiar to. the class are vory circumspect as a general up with other officials. s,ie w 'us lirst the wlfo of Archibald L. 

Jews, but all ’people away. from their thing while in tbe presence of their Tlie Quarterly Conference of Mans- a second' 

home and country jmve,niore or less of pastor and other members of the field station has a now and suitable theso marriages God entrusted to her 
tho samo feeling. - ‘church, who t^y think will take cog- book, hut has In it the -records of'oulv < i 8r , e ‘V 11 * lri *iolng-Bix children, and well 

course, they eould not coatihue; No to the indulgence of their sorrow, and 

wils rejoicing and praising God.oxhort- 
ing hey, children and friends to tie relig- 
ious, 1 could hut say within myself, A 
ripe soul for glory, sure. 'Ho deeply 
laid wan tho \york com in on etui ho many 
years ago, it whs seen all through her 

other ceremonies ceased to he practiced 
but those of that class, (mil for that 
reason. A tiling seen needs no more 

Hixtb.’ Tho Saviour ' ordained and 
established for all. mankind forever a 
wholly new religious system, called 

hanged; their harps on tho willows. 
This feeling ps not peculiar to. tho 

established lor all mankind forever u All reformation or revolution in na- nizanco of their-conduct. BytliUBact- 
w holly new religious system, called lions oi'imllviduals must begin on the ing they are often appointed to fill 
Christianity, or tlie gospel. This new interior am! tiover on the exterior, tho some important station in t'he church, 
religion was so thorough^ Jjovel that transformation hegiiiH within the heart when they are stumbling Blocks of 
uot a precept, principle or doctrine of of an individual and works outwardly, oli’8nse to many. There seems, bow- 
it ever existed before. aud so with a nation. The great revo- ever, to bo no remedy for such ovilB, 

Correction. I he Saviour did not nr- lntlon and reformation now going on and.astheLordcommanded-his.serv- 
daln, establish or teach any Christian- iu Mexico began in tlie hoart of the ants to let the wheal and tares grow to- 
ny different from the religious doc- country, and is destined to work won- gether till the harvest, so it is with 
trines of tlie Old Testament. The gos. 
pel of the New Testamenf is the gospel 
of the Old. They differ not in doctrines 

oll’dnse to many. There seems, how- 
ever, to bo no remedy for such ovils, 
and, as the Lord commandod-bis serv- 
ants to let the wheat and lares grow to- 
gether till the harvest, so it is with 

She was first the wife of Archibald L. 
Holt. Aftor ii Ih dtmth sho was married 
a second time to Henry Edgar. By 
theso marriages God entrusted to her 
° 8re ‘"id training six children, and well 
jet. By thus act- one Quarterly Conference. It hascom- children to-day 6 * !h« 

appointed to fill rnenced well. Mississippi Cpnferenco-Itev E. l". 

m in t'he church, The Quarterly Conference records of f-dgar. The others aro near tho old 
lbling Blocks of Natchitoches circuit have been well ll . 0m08 fo | *d “idl church of the now 
iere seems, how- kept in the main, hut there are some motbe^ 

y 10 r ovils, omissions of Question ft, oil estimated ness, and moot her at last in glory With 
manded-his. serv- claims, ami In smne other minor mat- 1101,1 «Kod husband still 'lingers 

imi, tare« grow to- tore. * a whilo. below oro he joins, her in tho 

mt * 8 °. it . W,tb The roo ? r ^? r th0 ‘Quarterly C6ufe.-’ s'lgh^of U,*® ls‘ tKtofii of h Is' 
church. YVe have ence of Caddo circujt havo not been aaiuls.” One liy one we are gathered 
mo to have them well kepi, The’ rouaon given for it by Ji 01116 - Kweet thought I Rest at lust ] 
oats are separated the recording steward is that he has t ’ W0£l1 re8t 1 Happy home! 

, B. T. DAVIS.. 

ders in a>hort!time. Now la the time such members In the church. YVe have 
for missionary effort lu Mexico. And, them and will continue to have them 

If ever China is brougbt^to Christ there | 

until the sheep and goals are separated 

Fr«e ol chars*. A full si m cako ( 
Kent to any one who call, nut sot 

six two-ceut Ktamps, to nay ouetaso, aro sent to l’rov 
Jt Gamble. Cincinnati, ITcohu uiuntlou thin l»oP° l - 

of Ivorv Hoap will H 
l It of thoir grorer. W 
go, aro eent to l’rot ttr 



Mstiim ^flvoratf! 

special interest nnd the oeokHlon of don,e ns weil as the average of men 

TUnMDAT JMtIARY »l. 1M4’. 

nurjtrlse tq me, whs the appointment I 
received to Coles’ Creek circuit. This 


in mercantile pursuits or in oilier pro- 
fessions. These successful men are 
dying and retiring, Just as the success- 

was consldorefl at that time the best ful men everywhere are ono by one 


■ |h mJ - I'lither'l lioujie arc many man«loiir.' 
o home of many miinrloiu : 

Thy doom ore open whip, 

Ami ilenr ore oil Ihp focei 
v Upon the oilier Whir. 

Thy portal* they arc golden, 

And those who enter Inr 
Sholl know iro more of Borrow. 

Of weorlneei or sin. r 
<1 houee of mony monelone I 
My weory spirit wnlle, 

And lonpi to Join the ransomed 
Who enter through thy gates- 
■ Who enter through thy portule 
The monelone of the lileet : 
who eome to thee nwenry 
And And In thee their reel. 

— Canadian Melhotlpt Mngo/ine. 

circuit, if nof the best appointment In 
the Conference, outside the principal 
cities ombrnced In our territory. It 
was the only circuit in the'Conferenco 
that had provided a parsonage for the 
preacher. I .had not the lfiast intima- 
tion of my appointment uulU It was 
announced by the lilshop. It was no 
less a snrpriso to some of my pros- 

relaxlng their grasp upon tho work 
which has given them lame and money. 
No one need suppose that thero is uo 
room for him in lain chosen profession. 
Disease, old age and death are always 
making room. The door Is ever open 
for tlip new" generation, though the 
struggle to enter It may iU. certain 
tlmeH be greater than at others. 

they would ho If presented In a style | 
merely accurate. 

Journalists nro never promoted lo he 
tho bends of. departments, to bo political 
or city editors, nor even ofllce editors, 
in the ordinary sense of tlist phrase, 
without very considerable experience. 

<9ur ^ounfl people. 



Oho of the discouragements in tho 
life of a Journalist, of which I ought 
lo speak, is Its impersonal character. 
Ilia name is not signed to Ills work. 
What ho doea is absorbed in the paper. 


To the public It. is the Tribune, the 
Times, jtlie llornld or the Post. And if 

, , a 4 . - - - | it is especially necessary in this case the credit be Riven at alb to particular 

peetivo parishioners, as the following to agk Whether the requisite natural Individuals by the reader It is bb likely 

Thou hunt two hub, and lull out* luoolh 
flcmomber It, l |»rny . 

For much thorn, In tnnt thou intiM hear 
An<l,lll|le lay. 

'Iliou haul two eye?, nml t»ut one mn *>li ; 

I’nnricr nnd ronnon well : 

Full many things thou nrt to «o< ,* 

And Tfcw things tell. 

Thounnst two IiiuhIh, lin'd lint one lAmftli 
Nntucft hM rightly dono, 1 
For whe* luw «lven two for work . 

For iUllfig, one. . 

colloquy between one of them and 

presiding elder will show : Bro. “Joe* 
Davenport, who lived some live miles 

nd my gifts be possessed. A person may have to be given to yfo wrong person hh lo 
“Joe’’ great Intellectual gifts suited to oratory,, tho right one. Yet a reputation can 

south of PotVOlbson, held bis mem- 
bership In ‘my circuit. He attended 

the sessions of Conference daily, nnd 
.contributed largely to its support by 
taking care of the, preachers’ horses, 
-w hich - w in unite mi lt rarm i t ibgB asyH. ~ 

statesmanship or commerce, nnd not be 
at all fitted for newspaper work. 
Journalism makes npeculmr demand 
upon tho nervous energies, and re- 
quires a quickness of thought slid 
notion not elsewhero ho essential. The 
resources must be woll in hand. There 
will be no time for deliberate examina- 
tirrn ; l i nt th e - thou g h t,-tlre-4ce tMony-tbe 

1 Reminiscences,’ 

nui^u 1,00 ' ui.w mi IIUUI l,i luuoo unjn. - i ----- ... , , , , . 

lie was present'when the appointments l lullsl 14 )e real v a ” 

II V " REV. H. J. llAltltlF. 


prom the Covington circuit I was 
■ returned to Paulding lor the year 1S44. 
liming already devoted one or two 
chapters to this circuit* and marie men- 
tion of men and-things that would' like- 
ly most interest my readers, amj as no 

were announced, standing near Bro, 
Drake, my presiding elder. He had 
soon me, and by recurring to a trifling 
Incident was enabled to identify me, 
though he had not learned my namo 
before, When my name was an- 
nounced In connection with CoIeB' 
Creek circuit, he turned to Bro. Drake 
and asked: “W'ho-is Bro". Hnrris; I 
didn't know thero was such a man In 

!y most interest my readers, amj as no | Conference? Bro. Drake replied by 
very marked changes bad taken place j ro f e rriug Bro. Davenport to the incD 
in the interior, I conclude to pass over | j en t above alluded to, and tlreq identi- 
the experiences and observations of! fyltig me. “Well," said Bro. Daven- 
that year with only brief mention. . port, “ what have we done, that yon; 
paring my absence. Montrose Acad- send so young a man to our circuit, we 
©my, under the direction of Hev. J. N. ! have a parsonage, and are prepared to 
Waddel, had been established in tho.j take care ot a man witlr a family, am) 

It Is this lant that fimilsbeslthe key 
for the preparation for Journalism. 
Rhetorical- studies are important, 
mental and moral philosophy, lan- 
guage and the art ol .composition. 
Peivinanship must be mastered, legi- 
bility and speed rather then graco 
being cultivated. A knowledge of gen- 
eral history, and of the history and 
political institutions of' our own coun- 
try, is - very important. Familiarity 
with, the principles of business, „with 
the terrtiH used in the different profes- 
sions, with „tbq leading names of tho 
present and past generations ; facility 
in the use of cyclopedias, histories, dic- 
i tionsries, books of statistics, and s 
thorough acquaintance, with tho United 
States census, are all of the greatest 
value. Tlie memory must bo trained ; 

1 note books and i'm/c.c reruinx are of 

suited to oratory,, tho .right ono. let a reputation can 
tnovee, and not Vie' be built up, even without reaching the 
ewspapor work, highest place, with the profession Itself, 
.peculiar demand Thero 1 h a standard among Journalists 
mergies, nnd re- of expollenco and of reputation, and 
of thought and a good editorial writer will seldom be 
ho essential. The long out of employment. If fie lias 
11 in hand. There a disagreement with one establishment 
liberate examlna- Or its management lie may go to 
y rtre-decieieny+he- -qneHier -with a-iPerUtlnt y -U mt .l u ajnptu. 
io ready at Hliert tation lias preceded him. This imper- 
sonal character, also, is., an occasion 
"of temptation. Men .may say, and 
preparation Foe .mu nN a , i. i s M- some have said. “ If this liooiiol true, 
oi'-.LiwAhe k„v !*fie paper will I, avo to stand it; if a 


l.ife Ih made up of little tilings, of 
Biinshineand shadow. An impenetrable 
veil is thrown oyer tho future, snd, as 
lime passes, ono by one of tiieso little 
incidents that make up life are revealed. 
We meet a bright ray of sunshine o r a 
dark (cloud of sorrow. The human 
heart Is ever susceptible to a word of 
praise oh commendation. It has often 

preacher, H«r. . T. .Bradford, ,70. 
Dr. . Hunnlelitt will he our preacher 
this year. I am greatly attached lo 
him, also his goOd .wife, and will ho 
delighted to see them once more. I am 
anxious to know how tiliich money you 
have received for MInh llallnrai.i. My 
ooiiHln, I’aiiline Hedrick, also seniia 
lifty cents hIio earned sewing. We have 
no Hun'day-sclinlll nearer than live 
•lilllesi lint I recite .my teesinis lo 
mother. David’s great grand mother 
wan .Ruth, ills mother's name is not 
known, I can n'otllnri auywliere Obori's 
wife mentioned (the grandfather of 
David, i 1 hope some'on'o else will an- 
swer Die question. I will close by ask- 
ing a question : What was the name o 1 
tlie ruler whose daughter Christ raised 
from Die dead ? Your little friend, 

the paper will have to stand it; if a been the means of inspiring the young, one and see it 
libel suit grows out of tills, the paper ahd’old with.rqnewed energy and perse- hi bo publish 
will have to see it thrbugb.” But reck- Sy erlul( , a that , has proved tho secret of years old -no 
lessness in the newspaper writer, if ■ v mnall fur nrv 

he be a subordinate, will hooh be fatal their success. A word ol praise, *a small mrnry 
to his position. JVhen the editors and smile or s cheerful greeting will accom- school.,.-4"«iii 
owners .of papers' feel that they can not liah (l , rran( j WO rk-a work that w.ill, home, and 1 

T\“Z* feffiJticS: revmw^ perhaps, last through a generation yet j -ttend to the i 
etc., .they will not long wisli their 

-SI c, * Knl-ldit ; i . nave read a good 
many letters 'from little children in 
yourppaper. I thought I would write 
one nnd see If yon thought it would do 
to be published. .1 will lie thlrtoen 
years old -next October. I sip very 
small for nry age, 1 am not goingdo 
iK!liool^-4 , -mii l 'tt*irtfTIli?fy '(Tidy there is at 
home, alul 1 have to stay homo and 
attend to the horses aild cows. Two of 

come. And ybt how few of these m.V puttiers are married, and the other 

services, or be willing to compensate deserving tributes are scattered along \ <,nH at Snog? Hill going to school, 

them satisfactorily t'6 themselves. life . 8 pathway to, cheer and hriRhten | T,1Pro iH < ml .V eie.v^n « IdJdron of us. A I 

lion km ians, ^j l0 journey from the cradle to tlie | arn youngest ono. Ia bought me 

I have uot spoken of the Bohemians 
of tho press, who make a precarious 
living by writing particular articles 
and offering* them 'for sale, and by col- 

the journey irom the cradle lo ino , 
grave. Death claims its c victims, and j 
their praises are on the lips of every 
one— their manjr virtues' have devel- 

a gun, and ho wants me to learn to shoot 
and Infill birds and squirrels. 

northwestern part of Jasper conn^, besides this, we pay our Preachers! | nM loom ana 

mnl a Presbyterian (’liureh had- been ■ Wliy did you Bend us a young .man 

•organized in that neighborhood -under 
.the pastorate' of Rev. John H. Gray. 
A Catholic Church had also been or- 
-gunizod at Paulding. 

friend. .S., R. Adains, the conpiied at 

“Oh;!" said IJro. Drake, " Bro. Harris 
is niarrie 1, has a wife and three •chil- 
dren ; wefbenough ofT-in ilia 1 line, cer- 
tainly!" Bro. Davenport seemed ro- 

Iiiimcdiately after 

"founder of ' the Clarion, now printed a ,|J6uriiment, he sOuifUt mo out, ini re- 

al Jackson, was still thrilling 'the i^pceii himself, ami related to uie sub-. 
'• mighty Hast" with the bugle notes atHUtlslly tlie ioregoing. Ms' 

of democracy, and a new jiaper 
ill tlie interest of tbq old whig 
party had -sprung up under tlie 
editorial management of John C. 
Heidelberg, Ksq. This last became tlie 
champion of tlie Roman Catholic 

paper- Ke „i B i spirit, and generous as lie was 
whiff genial. The “ Ark ” (bis elegant 

teacher, but must not he the. sole of ■ 
a chief dependence of the Journalist. ! 

1 He must know what he knows, and j 
know it accurately — lie a library in , 
himself, and refer lo the shelves in j 
his brain rather tliau to those ol bis | 

] bookcase. '1 lie young man coiltem- 
! plating entering upon tliis profession 
should lie a reader of the bent news- 
papers, .secular and religious, observe 
how tlie editorial and olher matter is 
arranged and displayed, consider the 
! points of difference in the management 
i of such newspaper^ as occupy a com- , 

lectlng sensational accounts and ped-. oped that have lain .dormant during 
dling tfiem Irom ofllce to olllce. Ilia i tlieir lifetime. The beautiful garlands 
my hope that none among tny readers Qf llowerH „ r o laid upon -their to mils, 

rhai ? e f'he sh on id' *110, d rml g e ry ! i and the sweet odor borne away, by 

disappointment, and despondency will ; the whisporing winds. Their eves are 
probably lie his doom.— New York ! closed ;. they see them not; their #ars 

.Fau«, Al\., .Inn. 7, IM4 

„ The Young Astronomer. 

Jam' ah v 27. 

Christian Advocate. 

are deaf to every word of praise or com- 
mendation. They are sweetly sleeping 
their last long sleep. <7(5 then and 
scatter your heauliful offerings of liow- 
eis, sunshine ami praises along the 

Hion was always a delightful home for 1 mending position 'jn the literary, the 

me. . Tlie sisterly kindtiess of ills 
truly Christian wife, tlie graceful at- 
tentions of tlieir lovely daughter, Ruth, 

•Church, in s controversy It was ni£ lot - to tho 'wants of the preacher, made It 

political, '•tlie religious or commercial 

If lie studies newspapers, and noth- 
ing else, tie will be without depth, and 

—The growtli of tlie Young Meh's sunshine and praises along the 

Christian Association has been mar- j thwaV of the hvin(? down l() lh o 
volous. Tho lUHnbor ol HHSonmtionw in i 1 • . , . , . 

various countries is over 2.100. Tlie j tomb. If ono does a good- deed, a kind 
International Committee of the United and benevolent act, tell, them so. Plant 
Stales and the Dominion of Canada # little llowor here and another ono 
reimrts statistics lor 1SSS of ■ .!< associs- , 

tic, ns. of which 070 have an aggregate , there; scatter tliem^U nlfnig life a path- 

membership of 02,070. Special efforts , way. They will bloom by the wayside 
on behalf of tlie 0(1,000 college students, ehoer and brighten tlie pilgrims on 

' to liavo that year, • Tito Clarion was 
the medium of this controversy, and 

occupied strictly neutral ground until j 8 „ c h friends, and that our friendship ^,“ u u l r ” woVk^'Tiw^wi- ! Ilundre," ai"d K silvehtv%olTe«riss'ocU- mendstlon, keep quiet, do not plant j maps as-trying to SitViy-ight. Orion is', 

irietul Heidolherg volunteered his aid W as never marred while these B ood i paper style must have the 'sceiiraev-nl' ; tiqn are in operation, and the railroad j thorns and briars in hi-< path, but I on our Meridian. Hits two bright 

on tlie Catholic side and indulged in peop le lived. Now I trust Bro. and .The essay combined with tlie intensity (•, iterations, liav© shown their apprO- I m , nttef seei1s ot kindness. Remember I 7,,"’\,''!!rhL^ H stHrs amlthe little row . 

such personal criticism as justified my , sister Davenport are reaping the prom- „f excited personal convcrMliou.^'l Ins , V/sih 1 - 1 ^-r aV r U v\ Tri'b vi'u li tg’ over ~> sow.we shall also reap. | „r pointer stars for a sword- all to- 

frioml Adams in a reply that had most : igp.i re ward for nffnisturing to humble . preparation may go on ^w li lie t a- L h(ift„ ihei’r Tumiort io lSUrt °this I f.tta. gether imike up a wonderful outline. 

... 'nAnnart I a„ i . M„v -i.air works dent is i n . college or in the at adeuiv. | Aci.oou to their support, in tstio.^t ins ^ s mist Hun Hhoiiliior of Orion l.olol- 

always pleasant to rest wTtHlh^tiio I 
" Ark." I thank God that Itogave me |,e wil 
sitclt friends, irtiil that our friendship will'll 
was never marred while tlie’se good enters 
people lived. Now I trust Bro. and j'h,V obs 
S ister Davenport are reaping the (irom- ,.f exci 

• U l ,’ P ^,^e?o^hnn' i!o^,i,ereial travelers ”llte I ^ (bo<>r rtml brtRhten the ptlgrlln. on, , i l)w n in tlie Southeast is the brilliant 

have none ol tlie tnnrks . if genuine cul- SOD, 000 Viermaii-speaking young men, ] their Journoy. If your pastor I> readies Hirius; the Ht " qf 'the 

lure. It lie pursues rhetorical studies, the .100.000 colored young men, and the r rt good sermon, tell him so ; encourage skies. He ia J' 1 j* 1 ® A!’® 

a'tld neglects the studieS-of newspapers, 1 ()fM), 000 railroad men of North Amor- him, pray for him jml help him. If Bim.s u ake u p tin l ydv of ihc ldg 

enters upon his life-work. The news- hundred and seventy college associa- mendation, keep qiite., do not plant maps ns'trving to sit .Viy-ight. Orion i ts 

paper style must have the •geenracy-ef. | tkm are jo operation, and the railroad | thorns and briars in his path, llUt | '\'! 0 , l ';,\'L.^a e r " , the\wu& 

•the essay oombined with tlie intensity wnTerations. have shown their appro- i H1 . lltte r seeds of kindness. Kemerhber . . i)elt-stnrM and the little row 

of excited personal conversation. TUw ciation of the railroad associations, cUir- } I s 

,tF U rtura.iDi cm on while the stu- imr the east vesr. bv contributing over sow, we siiau aiso leuj e .pointer stars lor a sworu to 

To-night, at seven o’clock, if clouds 
j are not liYthe wav", you can see a great 
j sight, by just walking, out into the 
yard and looking up. There is a won- 
^ derful array of plants and bright stars, 
sphere in .Jupiter up in tho Milkyway, 
a few degrees oast of the Seven .Stars. 
Nearer to the Seven .Stars, hut west of 
these (.strictly southwest) is Saturn. 
Unless you are fortnnkte enough to get 
a hurried look at Mercury soon alter 
i sunset, these are the only planets now 
to be seen. Venus is quietly shining aw 
j Morhing Star, rising in the*.KHSt before 
J sunrise, .and Mars is out of sight at thfa 
I hour. 

V| -Down in the Southern^ is tjio brilliant 
I Hirius; the ''brightest Htar in all.tifp 
skies. He is in the mouth df the 
' Large Dog. Several bright stars below' 
j Hirius, make up the bgdy of the Dog. 
who is represented An the globes and 

assay combined with the intensity emTorations. have shown their appre- t ^eeds of kindness. H 

x cited personal conversation. Tliis , .-irttion of tho railroad associations, cUir- } j 

paration may go on while tlie stu- | tng the past, year, by contributing over * s sow, we snau aiao reu| 


telling effect. In this connection I i disciples of Christs May their wdrks J OI1 o shbuld coniine hiujsoH -entirely 
must also acknowledge iity indebted- follow. them, and their children’s ehil- t0 curriculum. The intending 

ness to Dr. Waddell fo'i help afforded ; dren. down to tho latest generation, be journalist in tho reading-room niav 
me. 1 found in him always a K enial j foulld walking in tlffi way to. heayen. TocSuor P “ r 

spirit, a true friend and brother, and it. s , te , ]i -lV o" *'. t was tho sister of 

lias been a pleasure . to me that ills . . • i,t • • and • > ,m S. Joll’ries, and of • “RTTiNo the hr>t sitiation. 
merit has been rewarded by preferment t i, oroll -|, Me;i: , iistie lineage. Of the I” When he enters upon it, lie will be 
to tho highest position in litestfry j j e ,r rie s family i shall have occasion to-j ^'’s.l^roat'ts ihe'dematld.'that iMte 
circlets. Wonder if Dr. Waddell is speak, horeaflor. . / waits until he can get the position liiat 

still opposed to choir singing as ho was ; ^v colleague tliis year was William ..he thinks ho would proler,,lie .may 
m those days? • Ho condemned it then, M Haskell. He was admitted pn trial j ^he^^a prejtuDce in 0 mosu"ewspnpw 
because, as ho said, “ it seemed ,1,<e , at the I’ort Gibson Conferenee, was my j onions against college men,' ami it they 

?7'i.0<X) to tfielr support. In lKlirt. tliis ' 
enmmitlee was located in New>’ork 
City. Then thor© were lesa than so as- I 
■sneiations on tiiis continent, now over 
700; thou one building devoted lo lliei- | 
work, now 70, valued . at ?2. 900,000, 

i and. oilier property, making a net total mo iher carefully reads and rereads 

to lho highest position in litesitry ; 
circles. Wonder if Dr. Waddell is : 
still opposed TEo choir singing as ho was 
’in those days? * lie condemned it then, 
because, as ho said, “ it seemed like | 
praising God by a comn'iltteo.’’ Rev.. 
I, 11. Gray was called., soon after I 

get. So groat ts ^Ite demand; that if lie 
waits until lie can get tlie position liiat 

I of ?:t 4t!S.OOO; then'ninb salaried general j 
secretaries or superintendents,' now j 
040; then thirteen associations reported 
I Ribln classes, and forty-seven reported 
, praver moettpgs. now over 000 report 

etta. j getlier 'make tip a wonderful outline. 
KrrEiirmsF., Mira.. Urc.sY; t.-c I The eastern sliouldor of ttridii l.Betel-., 

, m t geuso) sod Hirius, lo'.rm witli ,1’roc.von 

- tea's? of Orion I » lyrgn equals sided tri- ■ 

Mu. lOp.lTOU : We aro two of tho . angJo of .first'-cla-s Kars, ('iipella, in, 
"Liovs" you spoke of whose Christian the constellation \urigu, is almost in 
r , , , lour zenltli nxi 1 . /• i.verhesd. . The 

mothor , carefully reads and rereads | ) jreilt fjippor is m r in tlie Northeast, 
l-'attier Jones' letters to us and talks to : t | 1H hr. ,k « . i iiari lle pointing clown ^ 

usaboutthem. We lo k as a'nxiditsly . wards. Dow in tlie liist is tl.o Dion, 

v -. „„ , r ",i 1H „ vi-riro ! known, bv tlie large star in It i« lireasl. 

every week lor them as if they, were , Tbu ,, |rK ' e HtHr , k „ k „| UMi iB „,,, handle 

from some-dear absent relative. 0 f the. Heap Hook, which is striking, 

Mu. Kihtou: We are two of tlio 
boys" you spoke of whose Christian 

l'atiier Jones' letters to ns and talks to 
its about them. Wo look as anxiditsly 

wrwirj until ..V, P.'— * ; ’ .. , , »' nfYA snnnsi rvt*il vrAAf JlUlll HUUID "O'” r» wow., s I Q 1 .IVUHU I i UlJ-tl , WI1IUII fttlllUlIK, 

he thinks ho would pVefer, ,Ue. . ansy")' Hitde ® ^ t i ol of aro trying toMow his- good exampli. 1 if von once can see its outline, as going 

wait many a month or many a year, meetings, besides a great \arien m aroirynig i K , . . i (V 7„„ a little star north of 

went 1 to the circuit to serve a church 

• • . lL 4 * . . . | wtiit manv a month or manv a year, j meetings, hesiiies a grant varieiv ni 

M. Haskell. He was admitted on trial r,, (l0r0 j M H prejudice in most newspaper" | educational, social snd physical work 
at the Fort Gibson Conference, was my | n nj,. nB against college men,' slid it they ' for tlie benefit of voting men. 
senior in years, snd. 1 will admit, of undertake to furnish specimens of their J —Tlie following, from The l’resby- 
sn.inanilitiir annearatice ' lie stylo oi" writing, in nineteen cases out terian, looks as if tlie denomination 
more commanding apijeat c. . J of" twenty they will be rejected prompt- w-hich it represents is coming over to 

in Memphis. Dr. Wspldel only fairly joather in 

chad his educational enterprise at 

1 . wore a cl eric al coat, and ■ Was lavish of j | v Many of the 
f \ leather in' ilia outlit for itinerant -life ; | with an air which 

stylo of writing, in nineteen cases out 
of twenty they will be rejected prompt- 

tliem. T am told, stmesr [ ihn excellent polity of t he Re formed 

seems to say, 1 

Montrose when he responded to olher | ^nVile-roinod liridle with' martingales, 

line saddle and saddle bags ; am prepared to uko aity po»iticm 

Chtlrcb: “The Sixty-Third /street 

Presbyterian Church, West l‘h>lbdel- 
nhia. have added, live deacons (to that 

'*>•;<> «M .o m, S,„„, U,y, Wholry 

to help themselves can shetsted, and we . nor tliwurd in a cuiwe uderahly 
are thankful for such a gootSexantp^o ■ woll marked li.v small stars. The two 
as Father Jones’. We- 'feel encouYhged stars in Lite beads °f the Twins are a 
- ■ . . , J) u le east ol .1 upiter. I heir feet, reach- 

| now, to- try harder than ev er helitre K ipg the .edge of. the Milky wav, p oint 
improve our time and avoid had habits, towkrjs Orion. 

■ alls, and witli the retirement of these 
two strong, men Irotn that country, tho- 
Presbyterian Church seemed to liavo 
lost its footing, and lias not been at- 
tended with any great degree ol pros- 

and wore a' buffalo rug over IDs saddle ; Kajqijond’ a Greeley, s Reid, or a Dana. 

carried an elegant riding whip; was, so Give me but tho opportunity, aud I 

.• „ „, w concerned an -at- will soon rival or surpass, thein. 

lar as equipage was ( emot i on, an m ( There BrB 1o ut general departments 

tractive man. Not being nb'o to sup- ■ j n ne wspaper work apart front llin 

port sitclt style, I rolt as though I was j publishing of the paper. Of tlie last I 

1 1 |„. ii.n'innlor fireat-her ltrn. 1 shall say nothing, as that is but one ol 

eclipsed In the JORior preau er ro ^ / iu( , B of business, governed by 

Haskell started at oni o to Itll Ute first lb(j Kai)arHl principles of business. 

round of appointments, while I went These are the reporter, the specialist. 

tended with any great degree ol pros- j . suo)l stv ) Pi i folt as though I was 
perily. But 1 must now, at least, give j i,y tho'jntlior preahlier. ■ Bro. 

an introduction to my recollections of j i B skell started at once to HU the first 

Coles' Creek circuit, tlie scene <ff the : roun( j n f appointments, while I went 
happiest and most successful year of j(fUir mv family, then stall in tlie east- 

wliicli may' ho vacant upon youredi- phia, ltavo added., live deacons (to that 
tor ltd stall'. I emulate tlie fame of a Duller neglected order. Tlie pastor, 

after preaching on the scriptural, war- \ Jones’ children and gra 
rant and duties ol this office staled to - BCe bj m. OurgnitidlV 
that tU4B6«BervuntB of the chunjli would ! 

he expected to perform all Julies Lemuel Be\viB t anu- >s 
usually devolving' upon trustees, to- | round' among his child] 
gether with th(,ise spiritual labors children. We try to ui 

xr s “"r ■» f 

officers, accompanied by tin Mother Wo attend Sunday-ficm 
deacons and the .elders, took places jm- ramp meeting every ; 

Our grandfather is also in his eightieth KmnohiW, at seven o’clock on tho 

•Year, and wo know how glad | JiS^lWU K !%"* 

Jones’ Children and grandchildren are i a ‘mi ('oiistellations^^kthey aro to night,- 
Our grand lather is nametl j but the two bright^TYRnetH, Jupiter 
vis, and- is .'.Iso visiting ! ami Satiirn, will Im wHmlermg in other 
. , , parts ol their v appomteil when 

g Ills .children and grand- | lbn nnx , -^711, Januarv conics nr- 1)1:1 1. 
i’e try to make him very ! sottlhern ( liristian Advocate. 

my ministry. To this dear old circiiit, ‘ 
hallowed, liv association with some of 
the noblest and .best men and women 
j of tho olden times, I must ask you to 

• allow me spuco for perhaps two or | 
three numbers. 

Tlie Conference for 1841-was hold st j 
Fort Gibson, and . is memorable on I 
several accounts : 1.- Because it was tho. 
first and perhaps the only session over ' 
held jn that (own. 2. It wsst tlie last 
Conference hold in connection witli 
our brethren of tlie. North and -pre- 
sided over by a Bishop' of tho entire 
■hurcli. :s. It was the Uonlerence of 
which tlio vole was takoit In accordance 
"jGth.the plan of separation” upon 
the question -of separation. 4. It was 
the scene of most unfortunate personal 
controversy between certain brolhrgti- 
I will not name, who will doubtlosH 

• remoinlier it with pain, while any of 
■them live. 5. That Conference was ro- 
marksble for tho presence of » greator 
number of itn strong men than 1 had 

"seen together bofore. Winans, Drake, 
DatVe, Campbell, Cooper, Marshall, 
Fortor, Houghton, John G. Jones, 
Walk ins, Devi Pearce, 1). o. Kliattuck, 
Rogers, Fly and otliors were thero, 
besides distinguished visitors. Not 
least among tlio last named was Leroy 
•Swarinstedt, tlie book sgent at Clnoln- 
"sti, whom every man, who was in- 
dehted to tlio Book Concern, .dreaded 
1,1 meet, unless he was fully prepared 
lo settle itis account. 

1 he veto for separatioh Iron) tlio 
1 hurcli North was unanimous with 

ono exception. Bro. ID A. Houghton, 

position, and befdre they reach it will 
have the opportunity of learning a 
great deal more titan 1 could tell them. 

. , , . , f n |u w IL woillll- oe liccics.Y nil nip iu in-n..- 

ern part ol the State. I was to loll) aov suggestion^ oimcerolng the duties 

him two weeks after at tlie different 1 a nii resoenaU ^tHno s of an miitor in- 
anpointments. He had not completed ; chief, for the yotph men to wltorn I 
,1 . 1 ,..„i i,.,,, .,■ ■11,0 1 write aro a long distance lr“m that 

Ins round when 1 met him at tin. | sjUon _ aml before they reach it will 

] Davenport’s, where he had an appoint- hHve t. b e opporttinilv of learning a 
ineiit on Saturday, before preaching at great deal more than 1 could tell them. 

“ Old Cane Ridge" Church on. Sunday. : T1IE ukfoktei:. 

! 11 was a cold, disagreeable day, ami we 
l.clil ’services in' Bro. Davenport’s • Tlie reporter has sometimes a great 
held sot vices .. ■ .' B1 , a I deal to do, snd ut other times nothing, 

liouso for the lieuelit of Ins laimly and ()( . )|js l)PRli writing will lie ro- 

servants. J/.v family romatuod iioro luor ,.ie B!> |y cut down. ■When lltere.kre 
siindav while Bro. llaskell and, toil columns of matter and two col- 
. . .II- . „i,„t bv Bro. Daven- I of space, and the paper w to be 

tliesuli- editors, and the edirtir-in-chief. ! mediately beloro tlie pulpit and. marie. 
It would- lie useless for me to make I. public pledge o' faithfulness, and wore , 
I1I1V Himcestions concerning tlie duties then ..rd ■' eir rehpohsible 

tlien n'rd:.:n :'.oir rekponslble 

oil:, . liv •! -n -ot tjie liai)ds 

ofUicsenSi.n ’ r-r' 

—A religtt'u'i.- ear ■ in Lakeville, 
Conn.,, is progressing. The Protestants 
are tlie aggressive party, and are riis ? 
charging Catholic employees and do- 
most ics, imri m retaliation the Catholics 
are Boycotling tlio Protestant store- . 
keepers. The chief grievance that the 
Protestants have,, is tho election of 
Father Lynch, tlie Roman 'Catholic j 


round' among His .children and grand- 
children.,. We try to make him very 
•Coiht'ortable when ho , comes to see us, 
Wo attend Sunday-school, and go to 
camp meeting every year at t'liiua 
Grove. We wish Father Jones. would 
come next year, and let us boys see 
him. We would try to take good i aro 
of him, and give him all the kindness, 
itis age-demandsl Please continue your, 
good letters, doar Father Jones. 

Yours respectfully. 


- Tti.ektown, Mle*i6sli»i'l. 

The Crooked Tree. 

"SucIi a cross old woman as Mrs. 
Battues’ is I I never w ould send her 
j jellv or anything else' again,” said 
.Molly Clapp', sotting her basket hard 
! down on uie table. "She never oven 

im, and give him all the kindness 1 dqy.11 on uie table. "She never even 
age-demands; Please continue your. I H|ud, ?" 

the talilo ehihl, and don't knock over 
the bottles. Why don't your mother’ 
come liorself instead of sending you? 

1 ■ 1 1' lie dead one of these day s, nnd then 

pastor, HH school visitor for three years, 
aud Uie fact that they must send their 

,:i i.„ p.-,, 11 ,vhh- I limns of Bpane, nod the paper is to tie 
: my sell, aoopmpanlei y > • 1 got ready for tho press in a Jew hours 

| port, attended olutroli at “Cane Riuge. or B few iViittuus, ah almost indis- 

children loscho’oisover wltieli a Roman 

Catholic priest exercises a supervising 
inlluence; alilioiigli lie lias eoyipelled 

Now fairlv entered upon mv work, 1 I criminate slaughter is necessary. 
\ „\i,i„ Ymiiter Hence, the young man who writes a 

close t his chap t er. ^ I beautiful description of s convention, 

u exhibition, orapolitical meeting. 

all of the ' children of Ills faith to leave 
the public schools and iittendiiiH newly- 
opened parochial school, , 

Letters to Young Men. 

vi, usu man Who makes joimi- 


To many young tlie press lias a 
strong fascination. They -perceive and 
ackuowlodgo its power; they hear it 

lor the presence of a greator bold up as more lntluontia! Ilian elo- 

! “« -r tha,, 1 ' ‘r: 1 rA*™ ^^^wX!! ,il ’As e it:'!s 

practicallv omnipresent, wherever 
tltov giitliov feel its iulluenco, and us 
they see tlio avidity with which its 
coutonts are devoured they come to 
feol that the sphere of activity winch it 
affords iH second to none, and peculiar- 
ity in harmony witli tliis restless aud 
driving age. The great pecuniary sue- 
cosa and commanding position of a few 
loading editors iucreaso tlio spoil. 


Behind all tliia aro. some facts which 
tlio aspirant for an editorial career 
would do woll to consider. -The ooiu- 
Minsatimt to newspaper men is, on the 

1 I. ' hniirM ara 

anil carries it in with the air of a 
person about to read an osnh.v on o.otn- 
meucoment day, and who experts to 
receive from three' to live houqpets 
immediately afterward, will bn grieved 
to find his beautiful description con- 
densed into about tun lines, and every 
poetical figure ami classical allusion 
which lie. used eitlior cut out or so 
mangled its to ho beyond recognition, 
it will bp folly lor him to conclude, 
however, that, since ills best work is 
thus mutilated, it matters little what 

— An Knglish exchange reports coy- 
cerning ono who wtufhasked to double I Iter build a Cliurcn uier< 
ills gift- lor missions that I10 replied, | F.ditor, I want to toll yi 
“ 1 can not; it is altogether out of the | t j,ne wo had Christmas, 
question.” Tlie -difilculty did not! 

atise from lack of moans, but from the | P' aL0 we v ' e " 1 10 5^ 

nVUn's negligence in the past, llo had 1 and from there to a h 
given nothing! Under fl : new sense of £) lr i s ti)ias tree at Betilnl 
what had lieeu his__(luty, and what, , , . B „ vnral - 

might have been ids privilege, "iujyas a «"'> U got sev eral nice 
sorrowful confession which ifSTlTado, oil tlie tree, and got a goo 
Hint lie could not double Ills gift. A Santa Claus ;' but 1 do not 
friend suggests that the way to double 1 „ , that Santa is s 

nothing is to put down two ciphers ' ■ 

witli a two before ;. thus §200. -Mis- I Christmas Day we came 
sionary Herald. inaVlth us. The day at 

— According to tlio report of Indian Grandma Hopkins, Unci 
Commissioner Prince for IHSlt, thero .j on nio and all their boys 
are now 10,157 Indian children in the .. ■ B 2. . 

schools, or 1,4(8! more than last year, what a jolly tune we (tin 
Of these 5,014 are in tint day schools 1 close L.w ant to thank I 1 
and Yi.n:: In lioarriing-selicolH. To his nice piei-03 to tjio bo. 

Mr. KPi-tor: As I'ncle l’ettny will 
Htart to Ndw Orleanslo Conference in a 
few days, 1 am going to got mother to 
write you another iStter’for me and 
send six dollars missionary money that 
j 1 have collected among my friends- 
; Please forward. the money, to Mrs. A. 

1 1'.- Norwood, <>( Toluca, Mexico, to help 
| her build a Church there. Well, .Mr. 

I F.ditor, i want to toll you whiff a lino 
j time we had Christmas. In Hie firs 1 
j piano we went lo G rtinrimu. Porter s’ 
■ and from there to a Sunday-school 
.Christmas tree at Beulah. Wo 1 sister 

slid’H wish she had bee’ll inure neigh- 
borly.’ In (pier waul to go ihere again, 
! and I ijhoti id n’f think j 011 w ould.l - 

l,a!e been IdiVl^e'^R^a “•“* ■' ^t several nice Tittle presents 
ful confession which iiFTlTadu, off tfie tree, and got a good look at old 

he does, provided lie only gets in tlie 
| facts. The day will come -lie can’t tell 
when— when- 'there will be no special, 
pressure,* wlion all lie writes will bo 
published almost as lie wrote it. The 
eye of tlie editor-in-chief will fall upon 
it, and if it bo really good nowanaper 
writing lie will aSk itis’ subordinate 
concerning tlie man who wrote it, and 
when the first vacancy occurs tlio prac- 
tical question will bo. Will not tlio 
young man do for that post? and tbps, 
stop by step, he will rise, if ho have 
true merit, upon Id" o’Wn wqrk, 

" Mollv 1 Mdllv ! come quick and hou 
M r. Daws straighten the old cherry 
tree!" called Tout through tlie window;, 
and old Mrs. Barnes was forgotten as 
Molly (lew over the green 19 the next 
yard. * 

Wot ino\ber. watched with a good , 
deal of interest |he efforts of two elout 
'men as, w itli ropes,- they strove 10 pull 
tlio crooked tree this wsv and that, hut 
it waiver! no use. 

" It s as', crooked as tire letter S and 
lias been tor 2n years. You're just 
twenty voatm loo late, Mr. Dawn, aniil 
Joe as lie dropped Lho rope and wiped 
.the Nweat from his face. 

“Aro you s,ure '/.ojt luivenlt. begun -d 
years too late pn lobaruo and turn, 
JoeV’ askod.Mr. Da ah 

“That’a a true word,' maater, and it's 

Santa da,,; ; but I do not believe, sure « ^ "“lot 1 

. a til uinnu ’ — n 

enough, that Santa is so vory ugly- ,jgnod the pledge Ins t niglu, ami witli 

Christmas Day wo came home, Grand; (jod’s help I mean to, keep i 

ina*wlth os. The day after Christmas 
Grandma Hopkins, I'ncle Billie, Aunt 
Jonnio and all tlieir boys came, and oil ! 
what a jolly time we (liil liavo! Before 
1 close l. want to thank Father Jones for 
his trice pieces to tjio boys. Mottier is 

nminbiiii these sc, pools tlie government Bav .Uig them for niy scrap Ik 

;i I’rei-iotiH good man, loved aud honor- loml) tati<ms very numerous; tlielr as- 
e| l among Ills, brethren, felt constrained atoclatlons such as require, cotistant 
1(1 'Idler with the ma.j0rlty.7and voted walbl.ftthteae to p^Veul «“ ul 4i^i«i|4 on- 
"1 >• Uiilllant newHpapor moii, an a rum, 

110 " hen the ayeH and nays were ,, lmru the candle of life at bot\i ends,” 

'•nlltnl. It wan a aud hour to him. No HIH j j f they liavo to do night:Work and 
'">« reproached him. 1 liavo never uso Htitiitihuits, wo “''jy. 7 ‘[’.'.'JI’ ..V. .V 
an unkind word Uttered con- ^ a, t 'j7at 4u addUUm , 'i' bunting' the 
©rumg his action lti the promises. „andlo at both ends they ppt a red-hot 

Laker i« the middle. Nevertheless, 

averago, not large. Tlieir hours eje whether it liarl seent.ed to' 1.9 riithlesBly 
irregular; 'their vtiork Ireq.uently hard; | |) eH troyed or not. 
thoir' disappointments g;eal ; their | 

HFEl'lA l.lst S. . 

wont into comparative obscurity, 

!b«t his inlluence as a minister, but 

■- uittnrBmM h a+»- no-deti bM ■ ” j plTyStiTS/ 

's safe in heaven, mnnof 

' hat made this Conference one of success 

The speciulislH are tliose who aro piit 
in clnirge of .particular departments, its 
the literary department, tlie nows de- 
partment, tlie lnarketH, or tlie courts. 
Particular instructions can not lie 
given witli regard to thero positions. 

appropriated during tho current year 
more than a half million dollars. A ' 
large proportion of the money is ap- 
plied tii tlie building of school- houses, 
anil tlie salaries ol teachers. In addi- 
tion' ip the amount expended by the 
government, tlio commissioner esti- 
mates that $200,554 have been spent by 
tlie obit relies in educational work 
among tlie Indians. 

liavo room, please-put tliis ill tlie AbV’b- 
1 ate, so my friohds will know 1 used, 
the money as I told them I would. 

. Yrmr little friend, 


-An Knglish Metliodist missionary 
laboring iti Africa reports that on go- 
ing to tlie ooast recently Jib was saluted 

Mr.. Ktuioii: Since writing to you 
last spring I have not forgotten or lost 
Bight of Miss Haliaran's s.chpol and my 

liy a trader with the remark ; " There dpar little (-opsins belonging to tlie 

must have been a lot of heathen people 

Accuracy, fidelity and variety are tlie joining your Church lately.” 

three vital points, and variety is not -,it is so,' 1 he was answered ; "'blit how 
tlio least Important. Whatever else did von come to know It?” "O. lie- 


newHpapoi work may tie, If it is not 
entertaining it will not lie read. Kven 
*th« (lrvest tinpantnems, thttse'iiFwtiicii 

did you come to knoWJt?” " U, be- 
cause there liavo been a lot of heathen 

poople hero, buying dresses, shawls. rl ,j HU i| twelve 
-omt*'' ‘lOtls ls armUier-IUustration^o/ " vtysifstsBiA-M 
u-iiv tn wtit(-li Ml A HSraml .f'lirts- Wilt eilClOSe 

Parker Magnolia!*. Kvory week I have 
roud witli pleasure thoir tiife, interest- 
ing little letters, and thought wlmt a 
good work wit will do after awhile. I 

‘•Witli (Sod's help you may hope to 
kooti it, -ioe,” respoBiicd the itmslcr. 
"i.fur religion gives every iiianji chance 
to reform. No one need despair so 
long as we Ibivu such promises of gra--o 
to help." 

“■That's my "comfort, Hir, sanl tin, 
man, humbly, "blit l'slmll iell.lhe boys 
to try and not' grow crooked at tlio 

“Mother," said Molly as she stood 
In- the window again at her mother's 
side, “I know now what is tlie matter 
witlr-old Mrs.- Barnes. She needn’t try 
to bo pleasant and kind now, lor site’s 
like tlio old tree ; it’s 90 youis too late. " 
”|l's never too late, witli God's help, 
1 1 trq to do better, but in.;/ little girl 
must begin now to, keen pack harsh 
words ami un-kind thoughts ; -then »he 
will never have to -say, as Joe said 
about the true,' ‘it, is 20 years too 'late.’ ” 
Child's World. 

Antwerp, is a city whose prestige for 
art is venerable as the fcfuuilatlons for- 
hfircathediMft, which are of- hull's hides, 
by tlie way- Wo suppose lew people 

kens last year, and (j Z §r he a r ,i of thal-hut sucli !h the Inl- 

and physical uoaun uowo - oredominale, can be n.Ade I the why in which the apread of Chi is- I win cm-, use » 

lerl cess lias'not hpeu conspicuous, have Ibsh dry by a skillful workman titan I tlanlty proniotes commorce. I liouso in Mexico. 1 sewed and paid 

dtflt-Mt layers o*-nu» 
l and stone afterward. 

§to» (Means eMwistian Jitooate. 

anuaijr 24, tSS4. 

Christian giftooratf. 

Obaaji or tb* LonniBA. Mxwiwum abd 
Kuril MiaTwtpri Oovmmcw* or 
<* tn Mrwonirr v KriBOor al 
Carmen. South. 

OHJU). B GALLOWAY, D. D., Editor. 

»T. T. A. S. AbllM. > Riv. J. T. Bawyjr. 

* ' RlT. W. L. C. HrUMICCTT, 

TirUlUT ItHrtRT u. I*M. 

Centenary Watchword.— No. 1. 

A revival in every congregation 
and a regular collection to be taken 
at once and In full. ... 

k. ti. hksdiux, ** 
Ohm. Oen. Oom. 

ThS Cost of Administration. 

The Leading Object. 

mand. Wheu a man ereots a brick , . it _ „ 41 „ 

building he has no thought qf going ^ J 'arge 

to Texas. We- rejoice to visit such am ount of work was done the past 
towns In the great States of Missis- year, with only moderate success, 
slppl and Louisiana. With our fer- Large Ingatherings did not occur, 
tile fields, productive lauds, salu- Revivals as we have them are scarcc- 
, ..’ >. ly known. The heathen are first In- 

brious climate and exhaustless re- t £ reated by BOlne flaghe8 of tnlt h 

sources, needs to migrate to reaching their minds {through the 

■ • Intheiirstof theseriesof resolutions to Texas. We rejoice to visit such 

It is an old complaint that the ex- a(J te( j General Comjnittee towns in the gr^at States of Missis- 

pense of administering missionary on theCentenary of American Metli- slppl and Louisiana. Withourfer- 
aflalrH is excessive. We are all fam 1- n( u BIn at tlielr meeting In Nashville tile fields, productive lauds, salu- 
iar with the paying that it takes two )agt May em i,odying a proposed hrlous climate and exhaustless re- 
dollars to send one to convert the ]an of Centenary. observance; It is sources, needs to migrate to 
: heathen. Some, possibly, have re- ^ „ lhe leal!lng object of make a fortune, 

lied upon this as an apology tor ^ Centenary observance 1 b thi Our church building in Winona Is 
penuriousness. For f|ar their con- . jf t i mprovernen l of our people." a handsome frame structure, freshly 

n .!11 irn i mot TO I lltllfl ' * . . .... . . 

plan of Centenary , observance,' It is sources, needs to migrate to 
stated that “the leading object of make a fortune. 

this Centenary observance 1 b (hr Our church hulldln^in Winona Is 
spiritual improvement of our people.” a handsome frame structure, freshly 

seek to develop the Chinese taltmt asked water, and the smitten rock 

preaching of the gospel. They then 

gushed it forth ; but God was nngry. 
Manna fell forty years, and came 
near being a' perpetual miracle; but 
the people ought to have been above 
praying for It at least thirty-seven 
and n half years. 

2. Miracles of this kind are record- 
ed in the Bible of the da*k rather 

I tory members of missionary oari s a n t we are to pray for and look for tlon of preacher and teacher. To 
on fat salaries. 5\ hat icy g ve inns g pj r jj ua i improvement. Our fathers him, Bro. Lagrone, and Capt. D. L. 
go direct— the very coin, ,e u wrought wondrously because they gweatman, a distinguished lawyer of 

a probable nickel. Home 1 sought divine power themselves, and the place, we are indebted for special 

tTl JSJZ tSnin fl«M. Tt led the P e °P ,e U P to hi « h eplritual attentions and most delightful hospl- 

should be considered; 1 Money wljj -«™ p U«p to high Spiritual 
not go alone to the foreign field. It p]acefl> P Q ^ (iftyB every pul . 

“il , WinB8 ( Wt ‘, I , 1 ’ Pit was a sort of mount of. transflgu- 

bomebbdy must send it, and he must ‘ atJon an bo me the dwemng . 

lmup atmiP \z n of TOlltcs Blltl _ 

wrought wondrously because they gweatman, a distinguished lawyer of enter the church as probationers, 
sought divine power themselves, an* the place, we are indebted for special Jn'^seek^fur^e" knowledge, tilt; 

seek or accept Interviews with .the than of the bright ages of faith, 
preacher, and become Inquirers. In ^y ben people were generally obe- 
thlsoharacter they are often enrolled . , . 1 

anil continue for months, receiving d' en t to the Divine law miracles be- 
instruetton and studying the rudf- came rare, and yet there was vastly 
mentis of Christian religion. In the g reater general Joy and prosperity, 
course of time they decide to accept If tbere f orei there is anything in 

former, °\fter suitable Trial and In- these examples It Is rather a rebuke 
struotioD, they receive baptism, and' than a, token of D|vine favor. Faith 

led the people up to high Spiritual attentions and most delightful hospl- after much waiting, and not a little 
places. In the early days every pul- tality. We feel proud of the county stumbling, tbelr dormant sensiblll- 

. - . « ' .. ..... II... ». „ 4 1 . #> nf nnn. 

.. . , , . i . . I ul l II |l UUU CVll V uuuie mu uniuiuft 

Bishop Kavanaugh occu plea the . Ia tes, with a bank credit and corr ; e- 1 Q amp 

pulpit at Carondelet, last Sunday, »ml Lpondjpnce. 2. If all monies could be ““J 5 jlam^wnlk bv the same rule, 
had liberty.”. All know what that sc „ t independently and directly by The B foUowlnK fro ^ t l ic Christian ll|Bhop 1 ^fl£ T slUi eao h-- contributor, we could -neve r Srf hbo ^{,'ope will be adopted 
spend , some days In the city and have a successful mission in any aa tbe moUo an d aspiration of every 
preach next Sabbath at iehclty. C opntry. There must be a central reader 0 f this AdVopatf • 

Street. His presence at ‘he pJeaeW, to Secure harmony of adminis- Every MetUo^fetin North America 

W meeting on Monnay morni ng jpation. Then an executive oincer is ^^ijd get on a higher blane of 

pit was a sort of mount of transfigu- of Montgomery, and hope It will soon ties awake und the signs of con- faith to die than t 
ration and every home the dwelling- bav e a good prohibitory law and pKi,, exhibit theT^sUm ta 1 

have a good prohibitory law and 
H Wlder C! reflation of ttte is T v.wXfK- 

» » ». ' leading such an unemotional people 

!n' M!«l«lnnl into the experience of salvation. 

Prohibition Jn Mississippi. is being done thus ! But 

. it does seem that a greater, baptism 

The cause of prohibition in the of tlie Bplrit ou the workers would 
‘Btnte of Mississippi is advancing sometimes cut short the work In 

dlffaflofis of Tire. This is tiie usual 

of the true kind realizes the unseen. 
The kingdom of God Is not made of 
the natural, but of the spiritual. 

3.' It takes a brighter and higher 
faith to die than to live, to surrender 
than^ ta gain. I will not criticise 
.either-. _of the parties mentioned 

ers meeting on Mommy looming iratiou. Then an executive oincer is j j ( j - 
Was muetf enJoyeiT b'olhfe • d.f ^hW- aTiecessity^^ ‘K _ l^"cTesIa8ncal“5ITil?ir Christian 
anecdotes “ bijpught down the house.” R re administered atthe minimum of year. Thi 

■ 1 .. * ' • _ cheapness and economy. Take the J’henevei 

A frlefitt having written Mr. bpur- pxpeage account of any deuomlna- No i 

geon to cotue to America and subBtl- j ioua | ]{ 0 ard of Missions, and no ca n do so 

geon to come to America and Hubsti- j ioua | ]$ 0 ard of Missions, and no 
.. tute Florida for tlie south of France, otber bllB i ne8H of the jiame magni- 
wliere he usually goes for rest and j tU()e can compare witll'.lt in econ- 

healtb, he replied as- follows. Its J omy . j look to Calvary. Avenuesfor'useful- 

gentlenessand bilmility are tlie very ; ] b ,t Bf) f ar HS our own executive ' Iiea3 arL . U p 0 n every hand, and they 
essence of t rue'greatness : ■« office is concerned there is no Bliadow are to be seen every hour. Agaiu, 

I am better, but getting weary. I ! f rea80U for complaint. The pre- i let every Methodist . make a grateful 
go to Mentone soon America would ot . rea80U . “ J “ “ ’ , “ ! free-will offering to the loving Father 

kiil nie with kindness. 1 can not miums on exchange almost entirely , fof b j^ grftC i 0U 8 blessings upon the 

E very M etlio'd 1st 1 n North America steadily anil intelligently. 

year. This is within .the reach ot a I. ^ eform (, en t[ meu t - Is . crystallzing adult baptisms, 144; children bap-. 
forfaSing the cause of Christian 8 - around the idea of. the legalsiiRpres- tized.^73 

lty. No one so obscure but that he sion of the liquor traffic, and Is being , )arsoua ’ ’ value $.-,460; num- 
can do something toward encourag- feUin at lea9t twn-thirds of the coun- { of Sunday -schools, 73 ; scholars, 

ln»nnitinv\ilrrrim tnr /.mn nr PnTrPflr- i .s . 

process. It may be the only way of above ; but faith of tbe ’PauTihe order 
leading such an unemotional people ] ayH hold upon eternal life aud covets 
Into, the' experience of salvation. 8piri tual riches. I pray God to enable 

^does seem t ha* *a 8 greater^ baptism me to make money honestly, but 1 
of the Spirit on the workers would also pray him tq help me to do witb- 
Somettmes cut short the work in out it and yet think as well of myself 
Thereis righteousness and bring Pentecostal ando fhim. In fact of two men pray- 
nta solid ing,onethathe might be rich and 

probationers, 845; members, 1 , 0 ^;' the other that he mlgh.t be poor, 1 
adult baptisms, 144 ; children bap-, should accredit the latter with the 

tized 73; deaths, 45; number of blgher fMtb . 

churches, 43; probable value, $14,200; . ii i, i, u ur ,Doi- 

parsonages, 42; value, $5,460- num- '*• 1 tlllnk 11 time t,lat we B P eak 

ber of Sunday-schools, 73; scholars, out on this subject, aud endeavor to 
l,4A0;'collepted for missions, $172 70 ; lead the people to tt-covet the best 

• . . : .. . .f r/i^_ iwov WWW UCI Ul nUllliaV-BCUWlO. iu, Bimnuiu, - 

other buBipesB. of. the same magni- ng some pilgrim for /.ion, or en treat- ^ ^ The cause lias l, 4 A 0 ; 'collepted for missions, $172 70 ; lead the .people to licovet the best 

tude can compare witli it in econ- ^d^retrwje his steps and passed its apologatie period and has. iti|L fl ig som^Tn- glft8 ’” even the f T iriu,al - and ask 

OmV. ! 1 r»r\lr In Pulufirv A VPllllPH for llHPflll- roor> V ....1 uni n t When all men rec- I lueae . '"“" “.’r” ', n™l fnr then. " He feeds the ravens 

reached the point when all men ree 
ognize it ns a positive and prorni 

crease, showing a healthful condi- 
tion ati'd faithful work. In the urat- 

God for them. “ He feeds the ravens 
when they cry ;” but will be forget 

run that risk. It would depress me j-meet the whole sost of administra- i cliurcli. Besides contributions for 

nent factor in our social life. It is no ter of self-support tlie progress is us in these inferior things if we ask 
longer sneered at and laughed out of necessarily slow, and will be for a the bigber? By no means. We 
countenance. P.,mic„,» uncover, gKlK ! j. , ^ir!a 7 WS;i H—t Kon.c, the n.lracl,. 

greatly lo be bail in honor. Abuse I 

including salaries of secretary , 

can bear, but kindness shows me my . alld ( rea8Urer , fjo that every dollar I 

heart "ntojny shoai. ", contributed makes a full dollar in , 

m m • China, Mexico or Brazil. This is 

Our excellent confrere of' the matter of great gratification. When 
•Southern Christian - Advocate lias our mission was first planted in 
a centennial leader entitled “The China, and for years afterward, th<f ( 
Key-Note,’’ in which .he quotes discount oil American exchange was 
“some wise suggestions" from twenty-five per cent, or more. An 
.Bishop MaTyeire. We feel quite hundred dollars forwarded by our 
complimented to know that so corn- treasurer netted only seventy-five U should deem anv SUE- dollars in Shanghai. But with tbe 

peteut a judge should deem any sug- dollars in Shanghai. But with the ivouiereuco, ^ 

gestions of ours as " wise,” 'and that growing commerce of the past decade maaa 1 Uie d | P 

they have merit worthy of tbe Bisb- or two a change has 'been wrought. «<*v. W. h Lagrone pres, den of 
op’s pen. H our brother will read and the large discount has become- a the local prohibition c u , am ot er 
the leader iq the Nk>v Oim.kans substantial premium. Thus inter-, active friends of reform, a wide- 

Christian AnvocATi-kof December i national commerce is subsidized by 
13, 1 SS 3 , entitled “ deaf the Ddcks,” tlie Holy Spirit to the furtherance ol 
hewill find those “wisesuggestions.-” the gospel, lie makes money in- 

w » crease in value as it goe3 to the reliel 

The varied and diverse comments of the missionary. American ex- 

church. Besides contributions for be f ore it and treat Its advocates with j ' 

and others erected. This is to be a of counties are already quite well or- 

vear of etfort. Let there be no lag- ganlzed; and others are catching the Vis 

it" i'd i ll the MethodlBt ^ ranks. spirit of reform. 'The Legislature, 

, " ur now in session, contains the names le ‘ 

A Day at Winona. ; . . . ’ t..** Metlioi 

J I- of many able mefWwho are its fore- * ■ 

In response to urgent invitation most champions. Mr. Speaker luge 
we spent Thursday of last week in was our element and able leader in • 

the thriving town of Winona, within the last House of Representatives, 
the bounds of the North Mississippi That be- was elevated to his high 
Conference, attending a prohibition position on tbe first ballot is evidence ■ , 

mass meeting. Under the leadership that.his temperaace convictions are ^ 
of Bev. W. S. Lagrone, president of not at a discount.. walclii 

the local prohibition club, and other Ou Tuesday of last week a commit- 
active friends of reform, a wide- tee of fifty citizens from the county 
Hnr-tUi mu! intelligent sentiment in Lincoln, headed by Dr. H. F. , 

and constantly keep it before tb.e 

Visiting a Methodist Neighbor. 

mouuger. Let us not do that which 
we condemn in others. These alleged- 
facts may all be true, but the soul 
saved from. death is worth more than 
$“00,000. If a disconsolate widow 

or many ao e men-wno - ^ q of , Mt weeki 

most champions Mr. Speaker Inge HiRh T W. Wiley presiding. This 
was our eloquent and able leader In 1 J * . . , 

the last House of Representatives. Conference is composed almost en- 
That be- was elevated to his high “rely of negroes* There w.e t e pres- 

position on the first ballot is evidence 8e ' « al ,ueu ’ 8 « V n e H “ convictions are few white circuits in a certain part 

t ... r . - 4l * $200,000. If a disconsolate widow 

The Mississippi Conference, of; the * . . . - . , nl 

,nu i • a could pray twenty-four hours for that 
Methodist Episcopal Church, met in 4 

might we not pray longeY for a friend 
whose soul is in jeopardy ? 

Centenary Progjainme for the Louisiana 

the local prohibition club, aud other 
active friends of reform, a wide- 
spread Mid intelligent sentiment in 

of the Htate. We visited the body, Let Centenary mass meetings lie 

watched with interest its deltbera- Reid at the following points: X’aron- 
tions apd heard one or two spirited - de iet Street Church, New Orleans; 
debates. Several years ago we saw Bhreveport; New Iberia; llomer: 

of Christian writers on tlie death of change in Shanghai is worth about 
Keshub Cbunder Sen, the great re- eleven per cent, premium; in the 

former in India, indicates how far City of Mexico about fifteen per 
we are fr.rn a common standard of cent. Thereis possibly a little -ad- 

change in Shanghai is worth about a handsome majority of legal voters | 
eleven per cent, premium; in the has surely been secured. Though the 
City of Mexico about fifteen per weather was exceedingly disagree- 

belief. He was a man of marvelous vauce on tnese ngures ,n «.» «e tlon, second reading und reference 

gifts, and, While the whole world Janeiro' though we have not the ® „ w ,, to the Committee on Temperance. 

There is possibly a little -ad- a Me. a ^ audience assembled from 
on these figures in Rio de the county at large, and manifested 

for a prohibitory law 'for that county. 
It was a strong body, and the 
mail! Tested its respect for the com- 
mittee and their measure by sus- 
pending the rules for its introduc- 

the Conference in session, aud there- Alexandria ; Monroe. The presiding 
fore bad opportunity of studying its elders will fix the time of meeting, 
progress. Some things We noted appoint, the speakers, designate for 
specially and favorably Cl. The more eacb speaker his field of thought, and 
rigid enforcementof disciplinary law. make all other necessary arrange- 
2. A stronger, emphasis upon the men ts. Let special prominence be 
moralities of religion. A- higher g {yeu to devotional exercises. 

was studying his new dispensation, 
he died when yet' less than forty-six. 

data at hand to speak, with accuracy. 
It will readily, be seen, therefore, 

He believed in the unity of God, in a that the premiums on foreign remit- 

sure spesdy victory. Rev. W. B. 
Murrali, our pastor at Winona, and 
this editor delivered addresses on 

revelation, in the immortality of the tances will meet all; the expenses of theoocaslop. O men an young, 
soul, in the necessity of a new birth, administration. The old "saw”, white and colored, united in a warm 
and in the efficacy of prayer, but re- must be surrendered, however bitter expression of sympathy -wit i t le 
ntiriiAtwl thp rinn.ta'inft of Christ*** I th*» tpfirs at nartinir. It has served ©Hortfl being made to suppress >y 

administration. Tb.e- old “ saw ’ ’ 
must be surrendered, however bitter 

pudiated the doctrine of Christ’s | the tears at parting. It has served 
divinity, mediation and atonement jts generation by the will of Old 
as taught iff the gospel. I Avarice, and- ought to “fall on 

truio imiiujg. x v nun » vv. rr 

generation by the will of Old statute turTnlquitous traffic jn.Jn- 

The question of Bev. -William 
Taylor's eligibility to membership in 
the General Conference of the Metli- 

Avarice, and ought to “fall on 
sleep.” That it may know no wak- 
ing is the prayer of all trueChristen- 

toxicating liquors. It was a repre- 
sentative gathering of the best citi- 
zens of_ Montgomery county. We 

dom. How ingenious and inventive were especially gratified to see the 

is avarice when an arg.ment 

number of negroes present, and to 

to the Committee on Temperance. 
By resolution the hall was offered In 
the evening to Dr. Johnson and this 
editor for. the purpose of discussing 
the general question. The doctor Im- 
proved liis, opportunity in a clear, 
logical', able speech of an hour, and 
theeditor exhorted after him accord- 
ing to the instinct of the Methodist 

A general lscal option law will he 
introduced at an early day, and its 
friends think will have an easy pas- 

educaUouaF'standard of ministerial 
qualification. 4. The kindly . refer- 
ences they made to the white people 
in all their reports. 

Bishop Wiley, who was our agree- 
able guest during his stay at . the 

“. Let the children’s day be held 
in every charge at such time In June- 
as the pastor may consider best. Let 
the exercises be by the children and 
suited to the occasion. Let the col- 
lection be provided for beforehand 

capital, is a conservative, clear- and no t t be caprice of the mo- 

headed, well-poised man. His short ment. - 

Conference speeches indicated the 3 . j je t one day at eacb District 
vigilance and prescience of a wise Conference he wholly devoted to 

administrator. He very thoroughly 
understands the negro’s character 
aud needs. His views, as expressed 

to us, on that gFeat social and re- love-feast, 

Centenary purposes, und each pre- 
siding elder preach a Centenary ser- 
mon, the day to be opened with a 

odist Episcopal Church; to which he needed to resist "a call of God 
has been elected a lay delegate, has an d yet maintain a quiet con- 

been raised. He was elected by the science! In reply to a criticism their signatures from petitions. This 

learn that they were joining heartily sage through both Houses. We re- 
in the movement. But few withhold cord these facts to cheer our brethren 

ligious problem, we -can . very well 
endorse. And here we lake pleasure 
in correcting the report of the Bish- 

4. Let^each pastor appoint at once 
a 1 committee of three men and three 
women to circulate in his charge 

op’s speech before the General Mis- centennial literature, and secure suh- 

riouth India Conference, a body he 
organized some years ago. His meth- 
ods of work are well known. He has 
traveled far and near, planting mis- 
sions of his own Without appoint- 
ment of any board or Conference. 
He is a local preacher of the Method- 
ist Episcopal Church, but to what 
Quarterly Conference he is attached, 
if any, is a matter of some doubt. 

on his expense aocount, Dr. Kel- 
ley makes a straightforward busi- 

is encouraging, because liquor men 
taunt us with the threat that they 

in. their good work. A little more sionar y Committee in New \ork. 
activity in neglected communities He made no reference to our church 
will give us an organized sentiment at all, and therefore could «ot have 

ness statement about the affairs of will control the negroes and manipu- 
his office in the Nashville Advocate late their votes whatever our schemes 

that might he read with profit by 
many. We make the following ex- 
tract : 

The office is expected to conduct 

of agitation or legislation. A com- 
mittee was appointed to take charge 
of the petitions, have a bill prepared, 
and appoint a large committee to 

the financial correspondence of the proceed to the capitol and secure its 

that no opposition can withstand. 
Progress in China. 

We read the letters of oijr mission- 
aries in China with increasing inter- 
est. 'I’here is a tone of hopefulness 

uttered the sentiments ascribed to 
him. We are glad to put this correc- 
tion on record, aud lo have had an 

scribers for ' the New Orleans 
Christian Advocate, aiming to 
place said paper in every family. 
Let this committee aid tlie pastor in 
all his Centenary operations. 

5. Let special attention be given to 

board with all treasurers of Annual 
Conference Boards, missionaries in 

_ . . , ! I a C/UUICl CULC iivwiun. UI 1 CK 11 WUUIIVU * u 

Tea years have passed since lie visit-^ ^j ie fle^ an j individuals at home, 
ed India, yet he is elected a delegate both preachers and people, 
from that Conference. At the time The work of two inert 1 may or may 
of his election ke-was,aird is now, in I1 ' lt Pe profitable to tbe cause. A part 
Q .. . .. ’ ’ of the results the church may desire 

rioutli America. The case seems to ^ Bee Jn Bome „ orl tbe p i an begun 

be a little irregular, but we doubt not at Louisville, in 1874, when eollec- 

passage through tbe Legislature. 
Bro. Lagrone has worked with 

communication. Their sidnary secretary, Dr. A. J. Kynett, 

IC uciu, nuu luumiiuuiD «« “”“•''1 . . „ *1,1„ mill J ” ‘“‘W* • ■ 

>th preachers and people. great vigor and 1 ersisteney fir tills ^ ^ fa , thfu , correBpo ndent, Dr. 

The work of two inert may or may | result, and looked as exultant ns a 1 umhntli our readers sav 

'><),£. t.roHiuiiic in Die emiHe. A nart ^o.,t,roi ii.o .let. o "• Lambutu, oqr readers say, 

not be profitable to the cause. A part j commanding general the day after a 
of the results the church may desire guocegs f u j decisive battle. From 
to see. In some sort tbe plan begun . . , .. . . ' . 

at Louisville, in 1874. when eollec- figures he had gathered we learned 

faith seems to grow more vigorous of Philadelphia, secretary of the 
witli each year’s labor. Our excel- Board of Church Extension, Drs. R. 
lent and faithful correspondent, Dr. 8 . Rust and J. C. Harlzell, secreta- 
J. W. Lainbutb; our readers say, rles of the Freedman’s Aid Society, 
neter wrote so well in all his long aud our neighbors, the editors of the 
aud varied missionary experience. Southwestern, were the visitors from 

he will occupy liis seat not only un- tions had been not above $48,0(10, that in Montgomery county 

Some people are in the habit of esti- abroad. 

opportunity of learning from him the establishment and maintenance 
the whole spirit aud tone of the G f class meetings in every congrega- 
much-discussed discussion. t i on , and let all, by prayer and dili- 

Dr. J. M. Reid, of New \ ork, mis- g ent effort, seek the baptism of the 
sionary secretary, Dr. A. J. Kynett, H oly Ghost, to the end that tbou- 
of Philadelphia, secretary of the sands may be converted to God and 
Board of Church Extension, Drs. R. aided trtour /ion. 

S. Rust and J. C. Hartzell, secreta- i. T- sawyer chairman, 

ries of the Freedman’s Aid Society, c. y, evanh, 

aud our neighbors, the editors of the n. .y. Alexander, 

Southwestern, were the visitors from Executive Committee, 

abroad. Drs. Iteid and Kvnett Me" ohlbaks, l*„ j»». m, him. 


challenged, but warmlywelcomed. 7 u h » forward iu yea r about eighty-six tliousand dol- 

— m » 18h- to $103, 1 41 i4. Ibis was on a j ar8 wer e expended for liquor. That 

partial trial of one man and a- frac- . , , , , ,, , , 

If there is one thing our Roman t jon. Tbe full experiment of two was aliout twenty-seven dollars to] 

Catholic fellow-citizens despise above men, with their whole time given to every legal voter, and seven dollars 
another it is our system of public the work, shows— April 1. 1883. the to every mpn; wbman and child in 
education: They ring the changes ' r ^ t ^ILKs ?63 the entire county. That of itself is 

on our “ godless schools,” and, warn missionaries under the care of the sufficient argument in favor of re- 

challeuged, but warmly welcomed. 

If there is one thing our Roman 
| Catholic fellow-citizens despise above 
another it is our system of public 

• , , 8 . J ,, - , . . mating the results of mission work pleached for our congregation, great- 

year about eighty-3ix tliousand dol- , , B .. f 

f , .. i, . by the number of converts reported., ly to tiieir delight and profit. They 

iars were expended for liquor. That .. . . , ... . ?. , >r 

, * . ' ,, . But inauy tilings seen and felt, that were earnest, able, evangelical, Meth- 

n.nn nl./oil lu'anlv.uovfln Hnl uru (a n 1 ’ 1 0 • ' 

have no place in statistical exhibits, odist sermons, delivered with the old 

— The corner-stone of " Keener 
Chapel,” San Diego, Cal., was laid 
on the morning of January 1 with 

are necessary to be known In order fire of tlie fathers. Dr. Reid was imposing ceremonies. It is to he 

ir— $160,272' 82~ ^ r'obH ^ 00110 tv ^ "''Thirt'of Iti!elf "is 1° a full appreciation of the work ac- quite amused that a lady, in thank- a handsome and tasteful building. 

1882 shows 153 f . complished. These are only known ing him profusely for his excellent A copy of Post Oak Circuit was 

le care of the 8U c tn .‘ , arK . 11 aV °, r rC to those in the field. We thank God sermon, traced a striking resern- placed in the corner-stone. . 

the Louisville pIa nMion or exhortation. If that ^ what is being done in he great blanee between himseif and Mr. -Hon. Warren Easton, the candi- 

:i l S> i8 fii 1 a D “ rie8 eighty odd thousand dollars can be e,u P> rfe °f Chino. As further evi- Jeffers on Dav i s. date for superintendent of education 

3 ; 20,619’mem- ° . • . ... .... dencoof tlie onward march and iu- ' “ ' of T.niilniann ia a ,„L,,.utnr ,.f 

-e had in, 1874 retained and diverted into proper fluenceof Cbr | 8tlau it y upon that em- ' The Prayer #f Faith." ' " young educator of 

Sunday-school channels, In one year gratifying r«- na€,lca ” r ) ^ p ( rl8Ua “‘ l y em i fine scholarship, patriotic enterprise 

ess than 1,000; ' 8U it 8 will be apparent everywhere. p , ° 1(1 “‘ alr y au " eupersiiuon, we Mr. Editor: I feel constrained to and a Acuity for administration. 
Ission property jq ow many mules that would pu,r- " an ex J lll; r° nl a 6 w r so . 8B y something upon’ this subject by clection will put new life into 
— Vo'f which chase, with improved implements of “ne'has just re- the 'occurrence ami; publication of that important department, 

d self-support, j. agriculture! How many and better tll ;. f ■ . .. • . two notable examples : The curing —We liave read with pleasure the 

on our “ godless schools,” aud^warn missionaries under the care of the 
the faithful to keep pieir children General Board, with .191 native help- 
far from such places ou penalty of where we had at the Louisville 
h&vtnir them fnrpvpr ruinpii-Lv General Conference 53 missionaries 

having them forever ruined by rank 
heresy. If possible they would abol- 
ish them all, close' every door, and, 

General Conference 53 missionaries 
and 80 native helpers; 20,619'inem- 
liers in fields where we had in, 1874 
less than 6,000 ; 8,706 Sunday-school 

if pupils, refused to atteud their pupilH where we had less than 1,000 ; 
schools, Cave them grow up in iguo- i eburches fond Other mission property 
’ ■ * t , j valued at $292,051 where we had In 

. ranee. They are tbe Hworn, iuvetei!- 
ate and uncompromizing enemies of 
public education.' Is it not a little 
strange, not to say immodest, for any 
Romanist, therefore, to aspire to any 
position on a Board of Education ? 
What is his business' there? If iu 
sympathy with the system,- he is in 
disfavor with his shurch. We ask 
how many Romanists are on our 
hoard in this city ? And what pro- 

1674 less than $60,000 

form, without another word of ex- 
planation or exhortation. If that 
eighty odd thousand dollars can be 
retained and diverted into proper 
channels, In one year gratifying re- 
sults will be apparent everywhere. 

complished. These are only known ing him profusely for his excellent 
to those in the field. We thank God sermon, traced a striking resern- 
for what is being done in the great blanee between himsqjf and Mr. 
empirfe of China. As further evi- Jefferson Davis, 
denco of tlie onward march and iu- — ^ ~ * 

fluenceof Christianity upon that em- 11 The Prayer of Faith.” 

plre of idolatry aud superstition, we V, ", 

■ . . . . ,, , ,, ,.. Mr. Editor: I feel constrained to 

make an extract from a letter written ,, , .... ... 

of the young man at Oxford, Mis 

—We have read with pleasure the 
ddress of tlie New Orleans Educa- 

trlbuted to these magnificent results. 
They are only given to show that the 
hoard is wide awake, cautious but 
progressive, so that tbe church may- 
fully trust tlie plans of tbe board. 

A REquEST.— ‘Will the secretaries 
of tbe various Annual Conferences 

towns it would fill empty larders, This is a Chinese Conference out and tlje finding °r the^ Ridden money tion^. Society und the account of its 

paint dingy houses; replenish faded tt nd out. The business is done in the at Hlukley.,0. The latter is to be organization. That is a good mov.e, 

wardrobes, purchase school-books Chinese language, and reeorded liy a («ad in the weekly New Orleans aU( l it needs the cordial support of 

for children «nd brighten many a Chiuese secretary ; the committees Times-Demoerat, of ’ December 29. all patriotic citizens. We shall have 

darkened hoiie. 

Winona is a young, growing town, 

deliberate and report in Chinese, and 
tbe discussions are in the same 
tongue. ' A missionary sits by tlie 

where it is stated that after twenty- 
four hours’ prayer the widow of tbe 

with an euterprisiug and excellent president and translates liis words deceased miser Was led, in an unac- 

population. Many private residences 

portion of their children atteud these j .please forward at onee the names of are gems of architectural taste aud 

public schools? We make no dis- 
crimination against any man on ac- 
count oT bis religion, unless his re- 
ligion makes him an enemy in our 

educational system. An enemy of a . f aV or will be conferred on 

tlie members of tlie Centenary Com- beauty. Long blocks or solid brick 
mitte.e of their respective Confer- buildings indicate a thriving busl- 
euces, as elected at tlie last session ? nesB. Every brick store In a town or 
By dpiug ho immediately u great village is another expression of eon- 

jnto Chinese, und also interprets to 
him what the others say. The few 
missionaries holding membership ih. 

something to say of it next week. 

—While sitting in a hotel In Sum- 
ter, S. C., a layman stepped forward 

'countable way, to the discovery of to Dr. Kelley aud presented him au 

* T 1 X . J L-UI. JIIIDDIUUBIHIB llUlillllU 111 trill lit* I Oil 1 II 1LI 

beauty. Long blocks of solid brick ^ be (Conference recognize tbe large 
buildings indicate a tliriving bust- preponderance of tlie Chinese ele- 
nesB. Every brick store In a town or ment, and also the faet that tliey are 


Now, what I want to say is: 1. 
Not questioning the facts in either 

unasked, written pledge to pay $50 
for missions yearly for ten years. 
He added “If I die my will shall 

rChiua d wo I lot give the faitli u very provide for the payment as 

Meui*le. and that the chureh tiiev ure I k ‘ Bil B radu ' 'fi* 16 Israelites asked ised." That and other expressions 

oause should not be its executive 


See. 'Central Centenary Com. 

.TrT; gB 0 »le. and that the church they are Krauu ' T i ie l8raelite 8 “Hed ised.” That and other expressions 

fldenee in its future. Ihereis aualr ^mTuling is to be in the future a mea *‘ * n wifderness, and quails assure us that missionary inkelll- 

oj permanency in brick and stone Chinese church ; and they readily were sent. But the Almighty was gence and liberality is growing in 

that wooden structures fall to com- conform to. Chinese methods and riot pleased with the petition. They, the churfah everywhere. 

-• V- 



Mr. Philip. Werlf in, 136 Canal street 

Now Orleans, Is prepared to supply pianos kud 
organs oh the most liberal term*. Write to him for 
his prices and catalogues. You need not sond off 
North for Instruments of a questionable character 
when yon can get a Rood article nearer home at a 
fair pYlce, Mr. Werlcln’s house Is well known to us 
all for its fair and honorable dealings, l lanos of 
the most celfbrhted factories are kept. Ghlekerlng, 
Weber, Mothunhek, Hale, Hardman, Werleln and 
every Instrument guaratteed to last a great number 
Mason it Hamlin, Hay State, 

Weseeintne Anvoume ui uhb- 
Inns tliat Mr. Thos. Hamsworth, 
who died recently in Galveaton, 
left a liberal bequest to HI. 
ramea Churoh* of that city., ItOlu- 
pUrdes several hundred acrea of Innd, 
rt'brlek atore, aeveral building lots' 
and a sum of money. 

* A note from Rev. T. S. Randle 
ntinotmees thedeath of his little boy, 
Newton Gay. Rro. Handle was 
Bunimon'e'd home by telegraph dar- 
ing Conference on account of his 111- 
ne9fl , add thla la the aad .reault. 
May great grace auataln t)ie be- 
reaved ! 

_\Ve were pleased to have a call 
nl , Monday laat from Rev. J. H. 
Warren, of Murfreesboro, Tenn., 
cliairman of the Executive Cpmmlt- 
tee 0 f the Monteagle Sunday-School 
Veaelnbly. He reports the outlook 
y,r Monteagle this year very cheer- 
Kro. Warren Is.thePr. Vlncent 
„ f this Southern Chautauqua. 

—The death is announced of Dr. 
lolm Peter Lange, the great Germ an 
theologian, author add commentator. 
His body "was found In, a canal at 
Hamburg, but as yet it is uncertain 
whether the death was by accident 
suicide. He was the author of 

• I.eben Jesu ” and of . 11 Lange’s 

Commentaries.” .. 

The editor had a sftd duty to 
perform last week in officiating at 
the burial of . his old friend and 
parishioner at Jackson, llro. John 
W. Patton. He died quite unex- 
pectedly after a few days illuess, 
leaving a host of friends to mourn 
til, untimely loss. His was a modest. 

REAVTIlfLA seminary, 

ha ros ho fur, i.ovisia#a. 

la a select home-school frV r yf-nng mdlis.nnd 11UU 
girls. All branch! * oi a colli glut? education tnugM 
by accomplished teachers Diploma* nwaultd those 
who complete the pi escrib'd cqurp* of itudy. TV* 
nex t Session opens October 3, 1 Mt.t. For IrtfbrmatMi 
op ply to N Its. MAllV W. KkED, 


No fraudulent advertisement* will 
knowingly be allowed in the Advocate. 
// one. ever appear* it will be by hrri- 
deA t. 

In ordering from, thoee whoee adver- 
tisement * appear in our column * please 
elate that you have seen the same in the 


, Publishers. 

* ,• - 

Watches. —M r. H. P. Buckley, 
known mr years tfr mir readers, la still at the old 
stand, No. 8 damp street. He ban kept pace with 
the times ns a visit to his establishment will prove. 
Mr. Huckley's Judgement In matters pertaining to 
h is business can not be surpassed, nnd purchasers 
can rely on what he says. 8ce advertisement else- 


Corner St. Mary and Camp’ Streets, 

SKW.OHI.HANS, l. >'. 

The E. A. Seminary 

of years. Organs 
Sterling ahd otheys very low. If you will sehd’your 
order to Philip Werleln you will be sallslled and 
pleased with your tfloly. Music or any musical 
article to bq lmd. 

For all points in Toxhr and Cailfcirnia 
tatfe Ihe'SotjllH rn l’ncinc and’Stnr and Cres<jeiil via 
Houston. * * ^ 

M. E. B.— They all say so that have 

tried them: ‘’Champion Monilnr M cooking stoves— 
Most Even Rakers. 

This school, for boys nnd, girls, Is located at 
Arcadia, Rleavtlle Parish, La , a town on the rail- 
soa 4 that Jolna Men ree and Shreveport. 

The eeuree of study is thorough and practical. 

The dieetpliue is rigid, with mptmm. 

0<mntry orders promptly nitended to. 

R. A.tUnyr, PHne4pal. 

Hoftcr and HiiiinHI .V r 

ManufaclurM‘ »>f 

The Central Educational Bureau secures TEACH- 
furnishes schools and famlllea Instructors FIRE 
oF CHARGE. Uehool property and apparatus 
bought aud sold. 

Address H. MAYEB8, Bee . 

.laikson, Miss. 

Seventy -five leathers wanted at ence. 



venlent to a money order office/' we would say. 
Please Inform us by postal card whether to continue 
the Advocate or no. 

s - » - « -4»K • 

We would again call the attention of 

subecrllters and agents that, In making remittances, 
to make the'm payable to the New Orleans CHRik* 

Impudence, ingratitude, ignorance, 

and cowardice nifeke up the |ireed ov infidelity*. ' 

l||P>i Sind to MOU1E# 

lltt Atl»M4flS v «SS M 

For Illuuumt fdOUcular asth yuur. 

N. Y. Belting and Packing Cq.’s Rubber Bolting I’ael 
Belt Oil and Dressing for Rubber and lyi'iitber Bolt 
Burrs; etc., etc. *t- ■■ • — * 

Nos. 6 Magazine and 54 Canal Streets 


M Advocate please keep this In remembrance. 

" ; ■ 

Send twenty-live cents in statu ps for 

ie copy of Kendall's Treatise on the Horse. 



or; Nim I’lctorlut IILtor.v of the 1.1 To nnd 

loftlin IMonocr llcroe** nnd Heroine* Ainerlen, _ • 1 

t tie Three Km* ot pioneer 1 1 1 » Fruiu the AII.-cM’iiit h 

M ' u C ilifnMii.i an«l tin Par I fit' Slnpd, New. lOOp.-i- 

,i work «•( ill) illiiig advAnture.-in t Pfggtt-UlAtU&i- U R 1UI 1 ti l in 

l » >. If I III) »1 

I)iil von over lienr ov a mnn-'n re- 

Tli K G HK AT J'ACIiiWtrROl’T K. 

nonnrlnft Cli im! I yon hi. iletR.lieiT iiml tiimlnn 

lofiilol* - ' " 

fhvoHte to all-siimmcr resorts, ft lias been rebuilt 
with has adouleit the standard gauge 

witlva well baliasted track, and Increased speed. 
They offer the adyantageS-of fast time, through earth 
sure connections, and accommodating officers. 


The attention of otfr /renders has 
doubtless been attracted to the voluminous card of 
Me.-srs. W. Atle e Burpee A Cor, seed growers, of 
lMillndelphia, Pa., which appears In^our pages this 
Issue. The usual enterprise of the firm Is manifested 
this season h>' the oiler of cashprlxes, on a competi- 
tive basis, o\»en 1° all . who piny choose to enter. 
Roan tiieir advertise u»et),t. -The honorable riMiord 
ufalntalned by this firm entitles them to the atten- 
tion of all who inny be .Inti rested *ln farm and 
"gardeiv products 



York, for coughs, cdlds, bronchial and tuliercular 
consumption scorfula and gioieral debility. The 
most mild, bland nnd nutritious ferm In which Cod 
Liver OH can be used, and with more benefit secured 
to the patient by a singl-e teaapoAnful oTt h »' 
than by double the quantity of the liquid oil, and 
the most delicate stomach wJlLflot reject it. For 
ale by all druggists, and K. II. .TRULX, ^>ew ^ ork. 

(itimbjers, nor free-thinkers, haven't 

faith enuffin their profession to teach it to n their 

135 Canal St 

( 'onfprt i t ion / trJieiV! 

Beatt\’< Great Qkfku;— The offer 

made by Mayor Beatty of a fffi parlor organ for only 
fli, in another column. Is a great offer, and our 
readers who desire an organ should avail themselves 

of It at once. ► 

- -- — • ►- 

No tliemt.witli all lii.s 1 iohs;«i 1, braver $y 

bar ever yet dared to advertize his Unbelea( on liU 
t ume stun.' 

The Htanilftril rP«torative— papecially 

In cases of nervousne*.-" is Sitmuritmi Xn-yinr, fl.60 
"I ain perfectly cured,” laid* jWs; Corbin. 'of 
Washburn. III., "thanks to Dr. Richmond's Snmnri- 
tan .\errint " At Druggists. s 



a IIMlcult. l»'k. llidl li «»■> it- ' • *i 'I'f • 

knnwii pulses. Hu (•►•■nun I hi hoii k'lllnr ••( The .1 
KiikIH nn*. i.i. in. a. i ii- C littliumni.! i • •uiifiiltt. • mi-t , 

i[ nt Ten hmiI (bree.foiirdis men*iii-t'«l lm«liel*, 

tired and *eveirty-llirve nod one^mir pound* (<t 
tViiin one lwo-uui»ee puekuRe "t Me- «a.t* N inai «t»»l 
rniiM In mUeil frupi I w*» inme.e* "I • • ■( » • ol ■ i '*in > 
It tii.i n|i iln- *»nrn •inl.'iii'Mit >•[ n *'*ll kli"*i. man. * 

- I. ilia' nilirr* In > »rl"Ui - . n-.n* Imw: ai ■■ mu le moil 
IMMENSE PltOlHM Tit E.N|>s ,.f | ||E WEM 
t fm.MK.1 l.\ t li>-t r «ni .1* rtu! no.'lov '•Hrn'Hn to ?f» *t»i k 
the o rr.H titt «f the Ar./i/a, and iliaVr.ii / fiijht nf I In* «ra 
tlluiirai lou r*-prcieuta u .iu/lr- stool of :« atalk* gru«u'rroui 

tur in ci rnnic n*TC > i'..' 

Tlic* Fluent. EWl»bllHl»meii I In tlieNouth 


It \r. a st:»tintiknl f^kt that the wicked' 


Are situated within h block of the principal Hotels 
hhd almost directly opposite the Clay Statue. 

You are cordially Invited to vislt,our 

work harder to reach hell than the righteous do to 

enter heaven. • ' 

• — . -**»- » — - - - 

Cgldf/N’s Liquid Bkkf Tonic im- 
parts strength to body nhil mind, Take nvcihtr. 
Of druggists. 

I iiotiHH 0.10 thing : when h. man gits 

Into a tlte spot., he don’t never send for hi/ friend 
the devil to get him out. , 

tnlnlv !• .1 u-Mir.-.l Hint thi v a • bj nil 
rlety In the World. ij;e»r'iiiili-rm * 
p-n.-ral ability* to mir 'url"t <ilon»i 

peclnlli valimiil.-. . T'i''> ripm tx w-'-k i>. 

dm yield splendid ornp-*. ' n o* H'*' • 'll' 
•rv farmer and I'Unler »B|. wa';’ (•" V 
uratnu will lie »lile to p|«|»o»e of llielr pn * 


|« aei'iired our l.eauvii Sful »'“* 
TH, If thn •«■»! U ufTtirokun. Every puu 

‘(‘.'HirKKKINO, WKBFaH, MATflU- 
S II K K . II, A HUM AN, guaranteed to re- 
sist rittnipneus and t.o lask for ft g:roat 
number of yeArs. X<> .she/;, n</ */>■ krys, 
?i<> hrenkimj of no .si/ucakinf 

noLs'ci. Mason anti Hamlin, aud other 
organs ol noted makers, very low iu 
price. Music, atul musical' merchandise 
of all kinds. Send for our catalogues 
and prices, and you will deal with u a, 
finding it your iutert-fd so to do. 

, • P. WFRLKIK. ‘ 

Kdablished o\ cr MO years. 

We make ’every kind of portrait known to the 
art*, from the miniature for the locket to life- 
size, in . ----- 

Water Colors^ India Ink, Cray on or Oil. 

Small and faded pictures copied and enlarged and 
the likeness /aiUifully preserved. 




, Riverside, Cal. The 

Nose, Throat, Lungs, full idea. 


dry climate cu,res. ' 
36-p, route, cost free. 

\c. m riwir. the v i-*t vl*-M that r»n Ik- prodiiDH from on* hu»liH "f M 

COME OATK^'r^-R* Ihn*.- win. d.i win a |iri/*- will 1 m- tunr* than f.-p tid h-f uln’ 
calilvstlon.hj tlieinoreswd >h Id and the hitfh price* min- to l|«- «*b-.altie<l r..r th*..-..»t - f- t 

m.AA VOIt I.AIt<;l>T VIKI.D* KltOH ONK HIWIIM.. l.t l; 

(l)40U ,,,r Ui** Itartfe-t qniiniitv rhl-d fmin on* huihtl of*»n-d #100. Vil 
4tb, 5th unil Oth I’r !/.«•», f avdi lkt»0 cuoli -. Till und *»ll» I*rUe*. each #R5. 

« IAA VOIt I.AiniKi-RviKI.D* FI.OM (INK l-K K. 1.1 P/Jk.-. 

S 1 20 *■!. *«;>:. *>i. **»i in., .ir.. .-.Hi. .hi. 

AAA 1 N l > RKMH VI« volt Tin: IIKNT lit VO* OK OVT*. Ml I 1 

$80 " r ".'.ii-'.'i'-i"" 1 -I- **tn *.i, ♦*« i »<'. tit.1 
Drl.«k *10 mb. 

Til.' « DU'OMV. OAT* ' -n'-M >> 

ill i ii.rl'i' , : .-»■ .1.1 «./>.* I'M*. 1 1" '< li.'h.l. I"., i- -"I 

•It Ini'. >i ,, nnt l>. nriL, "'.r ' I. - .lir|.nti.i' «l I i 1 1 ■ I'l.f ' 

to oonii.i u- lor Hit III. .Ill 1 I I 'Mf -■ 1" -' ' I'T ll'« KM... o 1 ’ 

I had rather lie an ideot than an inti 

dr] ; If I rim aii tiifldel. 1 hnvc madr inliwlf on*". I 

an Ideot, 1 waz uinde io. 

X .TOR SA1.K.-A poorl I'lnce In Anil 10 cnunvy, 
’ Mis... coniatnlnj; (*e.i ihqo hundred tod 
iwonlv acre., a lino wo alory dwrJIlng-Iiouje, 
llful alto, healthy lacallon, ah.ul fonr mile, from 
MlaalHlhpl Valley railroad, on the (Union and C en- 
Irevlllr road. Kor fnrlher paraculars api'ly ,tu If. 
Bradford, Aiulrroata, 1 a. 


The twenty-ninth Annual Session will begin on Uie 
12th of September, 1863. 

For sufferers Chronic Diseases ,'36 pp. symptoms, 
tmcdles. helps, advice. Send stamp -» Dr. Whittier, 
i. I/O uts, Mo. 'Oldest office.' siate case your way. 

I never hiv met ft frec-tliinker \et 

who didn’t beleave a hundred times more iiOII«*ei)se 
than he kan tind In the Bible ennywherc. 

< .Vi TI«V -Th. w.,t. 

jUUULLvi Mid i |l j l ,V.r/ 1 i i 1 .:4 1 . ‘r 

.lutrol’i. * l"ti >•{ III It PEI 
II ATM, may Indue* unprl 
I aim ..ft oth* r •.*(» I \\ I 
07*\V .fill i." iriw 

Manafloid in niiuuml mi 1R Tnaa' ami' raclfic 

Railroad, forty milra.auth of »hrrT<poft In a hoau- 
llful and hralthy country, and !«>aally nrccmlbl. 
from almoat every portion of Texar and I/ruirdana. 
The Collou'e I. the properly. of the Methodist Episco- 
pal Church, South, and D manased hy the Iaiuislana 
Conference. The bulldlnge and B rounds arc oiten- 
slveaml all the; facilities for Instruction are pro- 
vided. The College laat year had nearly a hundred 
hoardeVs nnd silty pupils In, l|)lrty In Art 
and one hundred and twenty in all. 

Board and tuition, -per term : teo.00. 

Music and use of Instrument fZO.CO. 

Usual char ires In Art Department and Modem 
Lamtuacee. K. M. GRACE, 1-roatdent. 

A note from “ Giltieroy ” brings us 
the following gratifying intelli- 
gence: - 

The Paine institute, Augusta, Ga., 
opened with about forty pupils the 
first day. They have rented a school- 
room, where they have ample room 
and. good accommodations. Dr. 
Callaway and Prof. Walker are 
greatly encouraged. The outlook is 
favorable, so Dr. Haygood writes me. 

inc bushel(32Lbs)“ *jV, \ 

^RPECS || 

'Welcome, ows |1 

| if ^al isWbrok^ if'. 

j price sio.oo M 
5*^.. , 1 884- - 



ILY ttlllApn 


' Con sumption Cured.— A rnold phy- 
sician. retired from practice, liavln* had placed In 
his hands hy an East India mlsaionaiy the formula 
of a' simple vegetable remedy for the speddy and 
permanent cure for Consumption, Bronchitis, Ca- 
tarrh, Asthma nnd all throat and I.ung Affections, 
also a positive and radlcal'cure.for Nervous Debility 
aud all Nervous Complaints, after having tested Its 
wonderful curative powers In tbousandaof cnees, hae 
felllt his duty td make It known to hie suffering 
fellows. Actuated hy this motive and a deelre to re- 
lieve human suffering, 1 will send frle of charge, to 
all who desire It, this recipe, in German, French, or 

A Centenary Ma'nual. 

In reply, to many inquiries, we de- 
sire to Btute that we have now iu 
preparation, und will issue at the 
‘earliest date practicable, a short 
manual for the Centenary of Ameri- 
can Methodism. The object of the 
honk is to place in a small compass 
the information that is requisite for 
intelligent action hy ministers and 
laymen. It will he arranged for 
reatly reference, and will guide the 
reader to the sources of more exteud- 
ed knowledge of the subjects die- 
cussed. Further notice will he given 
as to the nature pf the work«nd the 
time of publication. 

W. r. IJAltlllNl)N, 

Seo. Central Centenary Com. 

•H.'SIIVILLg.TKKH.. J.Il, It, 1SS4. 

One thousand acros cypress 
timber lands. Situated jn 
townships 10 and 11, sooth 
ratine H> east, smith-western 
land District <>i Louisiana. 

For information, 

Apply, to 

K. O; ChriHtim Advocate, 

112 Camp atr.-et. 

New Orleans, La, 


President. Vice- President. 



New Orleans National Bank, 

At the,. Close of Huslnenfl. 

Dcrriubrr 81. I8H3. 

1 , Powerful BOX' SUB-BASS ; 5, DIAPASON, 

2, Double OCTAVE COUPLER, !?ff a X 

" Hetnlb . 

i which ibniiilcN th« T«Awrr of tho ‘'OULCIAN A. 

Coui.b B Octaves Ulglieand Loft ; O, U \ H I.L; I , 

... — . r- Towerfnl Five Ort-i 

3, VOIX CELESTE, thrown op*n by Uu 

niM>nn r* t Thrpo Hpc«Ih .plvtng very 8tyle ; 
charming mvect, inelodloua tone • yQX HUM AT 

4, FRENCH HORN. Tn'nuilant ; whirl 

Imitates tv Fu It n rr h r st r (t an 'I B rru* Rnn. I ; l<f>f KKL 
th CIVAPUATVn 1 . lie olo ; 10. rl-s»liau ; 11 . t-lorUmi't , 1-, Ceim 
J, .JxVXAl nUllIL : (liambella I IS. tleiilW Organ Knee Stop. T1 
jpernte.t ill dire t eonJuuJtlon with uIh.v" rovvn.jbrtuflnff h>l^. l»m"' 

must elii.rlntug nitlsle. w till li,»»l ful whrtnl^Or™ « 
ton gi-nnii l»qr*t of Imnuony. In TIIIl-YDf/HIIkt* wiuio 

Organ, must bo hruM t-. Is- apprrrlatrtl bk-tu g-nt nizai Vll\'4 

This oi lglusl iinbliii't t'rtraii contnlna f .1% R SETS I-OLDEY 
na follows li. Kivo .fill) 'tavo Hot Dl\paaon or Faria Itn’ds i v.t H' o to n 
Uvcls; tjmrJ *> l.tindon ’’ style ; Shi; Hwei-t \yix CoJeato H' rds 
One (DY'ill '» •tiivn Fowei ful Manual Boxed Hub Itasa 1 Gt(Ih ; Mb, Two I. 
t-ni'll of I’kv.jIo dill Saxaphona Iwtl romblndd. Tho above 1^ 
,Mi'in-lV<orlirlnil nnd ar«» oovernl by patentn obtainnl ut tn<* i xii 
i* .tm'T (imn:. i his la autiful pianofoJitr \ i’hiuiit i hvimon i 
contains Klvo Full ') tav. s, 0:io Manuul or Kay Board, llamlanme \Valniit < 
for It-, jk Mini 81 met Muslo, Limp Staiiil.s. Ilandk-H. llnllei,*, Tn bln Upri^ 
nn*n-*o pow er). Htoel Hprinirs. a:t*. Uight Km*e B^'ul, also l/i'ft t'tnnd rtf 
by "Id htlm full power of t|iH Organ nay be obtained at pleiumru by u 
.wltliuut rrmovliiif the band* from tho Keyboard. 

, % 'r;jiwiu i:it OFFKH I dt Bi.;f iev«*nr home "ithln tho™ c h 

toil-- ' oii.w, *' my ninti’bl'iHR'Oivauaan'l to tbln*n«t only I make tbi* ol 

- « 1 — WWWk -it.l ............ w, I. I. I.Anlr U I . W V I l> 1 1 . 1 M 1 1 *.1 , * . ( • . 1 1 1 1 O I- 1 1 1 . Ill • X - 

and original 

If you liftve diReHHeti inny;*, 

II ai r’h BoNRY OF IlmtElioi'kP *M» Txn. 

Fikk’h Toothache Du ova curq lu one mluula. 

. _ __ • 

I'nheleavors are alwtiss so reddy and 
IJielr unheleaf, that 1 huv thought 
doubtful about It them* 

'• etW.: ' A v 


Bllla dlacounted. 
IX'utuiul loana..-. 

—No man or woman of the hum- 
blest sort cun really he strong, gentle, 
Pureuml good without the world he- 
[hg better for it, without somebody 
being helped and comforteti by the 
yery existence of that goodneBB. — 
* II 1 1 1 i OH Hrookw. 

anxious to prov 
thvy mlu- hr Just n Ivetle 

Brlfk. ^ 

Your LiKbtiiinK'liinimont chtoo to 

hand all 0 K and la moving on uh usqal. Mr. Fee- 
gorsori’H wife fcured of Jl.eumatlsm when ihejmd 
been suffering for *20 years and had tried every 
available remedy. He purchased a twenty-five 
cent bottle of BUlliiRlon's LlK»»U>lng Llnlmeht and 
the received ImineiUate relief. I had his testimonial 
—but 'tin misplaced. I have Bold, as you~nre awarv, 
near 400 Imttles, and every one wlth’ihe umlerst»id- 
Iiir tl»ot If it did not relievo to be returned. I have 

Had but one complaint, tjudifhen the 1 k>U]^ was not 

returned. The man bad nbeumatlein-on^ week 
after lie got your Lightning bad thrown 
bis stick away, yet be claimed no relief. I ora try- 


IT. 8. bouds, par value.. ........... 

f * 200 .ooo Louisiana Oonsol^.; 
f 100,000 New Orleans (Annuls, 

*• CroBSinan’s 

nrre'ncy and checks on other 


5illlps Hrooks. 

—The Christian will find his paren- 
beses for prayer even In the busiest 
'ours of life.— Cecil. 


New York sight exchange ..... .. PQ,9«T 04 

Due from bank" and bankers 

Five per ceut. fuud w ith Comptroller of 

the Currency 

Furniture and fixtures : 

The Southern Cultivator Fiee, 


. AH old subscribers by pitying up | 
kt full to date, and two years’ sul>- 
(•vription lu advance, Will receive 
(hi- Cultivator free for one year, post- 
bile prepaid. We will also send the 
L'liltTvator free for one year to all new 
Htthscrlhers paying, two years’ sub- 
"eriptlou in advance. No reduction 
allowed for postofflee orders - or 
cegistered letters. Tills is a fine op*, 
portqnlty to syctue the only flrst- 
elass agricultural paper published In 
the Mouth free for ode year. 


Capital stock 

Surplus fund-- 


Circulation outslhndlug 

Dividends uucalled for 

Dividends payable Jan. ’2, 1684. 

Individual deposits tl 

Due batiks and bankers 

CuiisiCAHA, TfX., Dec. e, ib«. 

. - — -* -*•►■ * 

-l’ho lHfldeli in hi* intpitdonce, will 
nsk viit" prove putt the A-oa tlW 'occur, wlie.l the 
poor 1.11, .1 ht.,nf,<lf knot even prove, to sove tilx life 
«lmt niskcs.niH' spplo stst-el on, I one sour, nr tell 
wht o lien's kgk Ir “-a “ -‘“b’s egg Wu». , 

W. 0. Hhepard sellB dinner, ten and moss row Iso ssu, H»* mam 
rifoe cliooiber sets, H*- 

I ogrttfy the olove to be a true stoteiueul. 

WM. 1-AI.EREY, Cashier. 

O*reot -Att«t: ^ JOHN H. HANNA, 



# * Directors. 

DANIEL F. BEATTY, Washington, New Jersey, 


l l • . V, 

gjteur Brians 

laBuarw 24, HM. 


Ct-nuv ok 1’oiik.- Fork is improved j 
liv the long <V*>klng « lib'll Is r«Mj »>i r> <1. 
for curry! nn<l b.v thl« flntnrliig, b" J 
sidos : Out 'two jMtixmls of Icnh fresh 
pork-ill J'lorpH Hbutil hii Inch sqi'kiT; 
pul It over III* Urn in h sniM'tqisn »nli > 
two spooii(u(s of l At of Hiiy kind ii.ndt* if, 
smoking hot ; «,ld ( onp onion iicclul 
ami sliced ; when tlio meat and onions ,,, 
are brown, put, in a tabltwipoonliil of w , 

> A Dangerous Ambuscade. 

1 *. DKRfitllUKh. 

(.S’i/rneu-ve .hill rhiU.) 

Somethinit’of a fenaatlon waa caused 
in ilds i'itv vosterday l>y h rumor that 
one ol oil r best known oltisens was 
thoni to publish aalateinsnl ooncerhlng 

aoino unusual nxperienoes daring his 
flour and liro'wii that; cover the meat rust italics in.Svracnse. How the rumor 
with bulling water; put in a • lab «« iriglnat'ed impossible tossy, hilt a 
spoonful ol salt, a quarier m a sad : reporter immediately sought Dr. S. li. 
spoonful of pepper, a heaping table- I .Martin, the gentleman In question, and 
spoonful of rurry powder, and a sour secured the following interview : 
apple peeled. and sliced : if von can't “What about this rumor, Doctor, that 
gel a sour apple, add the juife of a j you rt ro going to make a 'public' stale- 

letnOn when the curry is done; cover m»nt of some important matters?'' 
the curry and let it cook slowly until [ 11 Just jtbout the same' as you will 

the meat is quite tender; while the flnd infill rtitnbfs-smlt# truth; some 
curry Is cooking s dish of riee is got fleilon/ I. had contemplSled making a 
ready: wash a cupful of rice in cold publication- of aoino remarkable rpi- 
water ; put over the lire in salted boil- nodes that Itsye occurred ill my life, but 
ing water, and boil it fast lor ten min- , have not completed it as yet." 
utos : drain it and put the saucepan in . "Wliat Is the nature' of it, may 1 
the oven ; let the rice. stand for twelve j enquire ?" 

Hllmitos. .Th at Is .the He orgt a wa y of j "VVnv. I fie fact that, 1 am a human .. 
cooKTug “'fice. - Tt‘ sltoiiTiT Tall out in folng-iiHtoId oftiT^ptrilt 2 Have' passed" _ 
separate gfains. When the firry is t ihrtmgh one of the moat wonderful 
ilone the rice may lie laid on a dish, and I ordeals that perhaps ever occurred to 
the curry poured in the middle, or they , any inan. The Aral Intimation I had ol 
■may* be served separately, ftvou want,. It was ssveral v-ftnrs ago, when 1 began 
the ctVrry very sharp, highly 'flavored, to, feel chill v ai ti’lgin and restless after 
do not,. put irv the curry powder until j retiring. . OEoaslonaUv this would lin 
Just before serving. —Cleveland Render. varied liv a soreness ol the muscles and 
— - — | srnvnps in my arms and legs. I thought 

Chicken Salaii. — Jiavecidd toasted j 
or boiled chicken free of skin, fat, and j 
hones. Place on a 'hoard and tuit in : 
long, thin strips, and cut these into ! 
dice. I’labe them in an earthen howl, j 
(there should he two qilaits.i and sea- 
eon with four tablespoon fula of vinegar, 

as most people woald think, , that it was 
only a cold and so pild as little atten’- 
tion to it as possible. Shortly after this 
1 noticed a peculiar catarrhal trotible 
and my throat alab became inflamed. 
As if this were not variety enough 1 felt 
sharp pall s in my chest, and a conatant 





r piiK rillow-Inhuler is one of tin* most cfTcPtlvo medical 
' inventions of the ng«*. It is., a triuipidi of science over 

disease . It is tremendous in its eileets, for it is the conqueror 
^ of Catarrli and the whole horriblr phalanx of kindred till- 


. 1 1 Is a Mechanical Pillow that is used the same as oiic’s 
ryot'MA^ hhlhmry hed pilhm . it cotdains icscrvoirs lor volatile medi- 
cines and modifying valves to control its uetiou. The medicines and hitlms tisfsl In these 
reservoir' are flu* most healing and ttUsitifcctiiiK that science and experience have been, 
aide to foUiHilatc fof the purpose required. TliVy are entirely sale aim the Inhaler is 
perfectly eomfortablo; a child can us** It. Theft* are no pipes nr tula's., for the mouth or 

I I I nose. Knell night, (the. dangerous, period' of the 

twenty-four hours,) tor ahout fight hours, health 
enters the wasted hotly of the wretched sullerer 
with every breath lie draws! It contpiers disetuu 
by a continuous application of curative nlf to the 
dlshnsed menihraneb of the respiratory organs, 
and, whflst spreadliiK stininbitiiiK and soothing 
agents upon intlamcd tissues ami iu»rnting the 
blood, m u relies through every jlrop in tlie uotiy 
for vestiges of disease and annihilates them'. 



• • • I li»'t Catarrh of the wont klhd, and then I was jfpItiR Into Con»umtulun. 1 penevenst with the l’tllnw- 
\ lnhnlcr rlRht elontt, end prmT« up all nth*T modlfftei, »id| non- lam Ol ptrftet hrnltti. , It lift* wrought inch ft cure fill 
' me that I f<*«*l I cannot do too much to apread the knpirM*t" "f it ,0 others, to whom p^rhapa it mat prove-e* *rw»l a 
blci.lnR, The pallor In my church", in liatUmore, know* how I nuflered., also ninny fi lends In rhlliid'-lj iiin timl 
• Haiti more. ' Very rimt'ielt; . 

■ Bend for Clrculara and Toatlmony to MKS. M.'J. CHADWICK, Mcilica Hitt, N. J. 

THE PILLOW -INHALER 00., 1520 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, pa. 

When writing plyuHt* nteiititm the mum) of this paper. 




Freight Free! 


two of oil, one utatipooiiful of aalt ami j tendeuoy to huatlauhe." - 

one half teaspooriful of pepper. 

Why did it’ t you take the matt r in 

away in a cold place for two or three j band and check ll right where it waa?” 
hours. Scrape and wash enough of the ‘'Why doesn't everybody do so? 

Simply because they. think it is only 

tender white celery to make one quart, 


Fancy Gmis, Notions, Etc., Etc, 


Cotton Factor 


. Tie Great New Southern RontT 

Other 9 ALIFORNIA and MEXICAN Point*. 

Through BleeptiiJ Car* from 

Up*' Orleani to *nn Fraaeliea, 

VIA — 

Morgan’* Ix»nl*lana amt Texa* Railroad, 
Qalve«ton,Hou*ton ami San’Antonto Railway SynUaa 
• ami Bout hern Pacific Railroad. 

Connection* made at Ilounton with' 


Train* star^ from head of Ely*lau Field* *tre«t 
a* follow* : 

—Alexandria, 7:16 A. M. Houaton, 12: IS P.M. 
Arrive* from 

• Alexandria. 4:4> P. M ' Houaton. 8:30 A. M. 
j For further information apply, It) * 


.1 Tioka tA wewt. tr a ffic Ma rrayer: 

Office corner Magantne and Natcher. Street*. • 



A sthma Cure 

Price, '$1.00 per Bottle. 

Sold by Druggists generally, or may be ob- 
tained direct of its proprietor. 

— -AND— x- 

Cut this, w’ith a sharp knife, in pieces some trifling and passing disorder, 
about half an inch thick.' Put these ill . These troii "lbs "did not come all at once 
the ice-chest until serving time. Make and 1 thought it unmanly to heed them. 

the mayonnaise dressing! Mix the 
chicken and the celery together, .and 
add bail or the dressing. Arrange in a 

Tltave found, though, that every physi- 
cal neglect must, be paid Ihr and with 
large interest.* Men can not draw drafts 

salad bowl or on a flat dish, and pour oa their constitution without honoring 
the remainder of the dressing over it. litem sometime. These minor symp- 
(iarnish with white celery leaves. Or toms I have described, grew until they 

have a jelly border,, and. arrange the were giants of agony. I became more 
.salad in this, lialf.celery and half let- nervous; had a Htrange fluttering of the 
nice is often used for chirked salad, heart, ait Inability to draw a long breath 
If, when the chicken or fowl is cooked, and an occasional numbness that was 
it is allowed to cool iiT the water in terribly suggestive of paralysis. How 
whiclj it has been bdiled it will lie-more I could have been so, blind as not to 
juicy anti tender than iftakeu-from the 1 understand wliat tliia meant I can not 
water hh soon as done.— New York 1 imagine." 


594 & 596 Magazine St. 594 & 596 44 Perdido Street, 


Wi/ltM! particnlart)/ nnd t new Orleans, la 

pro in /illeil find : : 

freight t her con 



Koghon Toast.- I ill a shallow saute- 
pan with water, and sail ipuintnm siijh. : 
add a little vinegar, a lew pepper-corns 
and Home leaves of parsley. When the 
water is on the point of 'boiling, (it 
should never be allowed to boil; break 

" And did you do nothing?" 

"Yes, I traveled. In the spring of 
187!t I went to Kansas and Colorado, 
and while in Denver, I wtt9 attacked 
with a mysterious hemorrhage of the 
urinary organs and lost twenty pounds' 
of flesh iu three weeks. -yOue oily after 
my return I waH taken with a terrible 



lit! Cninp Sti-oct, 


Clothing and Furnishing 


Successor in Wholesale to 


IllinoisMJofttfal Railroad, tx y p 

The Great Through Line fbr Am. 

I’assenger* and Freight ■ 

to All Point* li O^PII li 



CAGO WITHOUT CHANGE of trucks. Sold by Dn,qg,3ts qCfh 

O^LY ONE CHANGE to NKW YORK and EAST- . famed direct Ol 



Many miles Bhorter and ma'ny hour* quicker than Prof; R. II. Holbrook, Natioiml Noftiml--rniver.'tiy, 
any other line. la'tmnpn, Ohio, writes : ” Your Asthtiin- Cure so coni 

STANDARD GAUGE, all STEEL RAILS, ll "“- * , ‘* V * 

ELEGANT COACHES, CLOSE CONNECTIONS, Rov, Calvin Ca«e, DrondliPa«l< Hrhlg**, I*l<ti'r Cn . 
and IjUICK TIME. N- Y. writes: *’ It is ‘tin* Tu*»'t oflictuHl mncdy 1 lin - 

ever tried. 1 rcooUllnwid it to ail.” £ 

KPEEDi COMFORT, iSAEFJTY j Wof. Joseph peahotly. I’riuripnl of MOodv Sriiool. 

iuii * l.fiwell. Mass., writer. 1 l ave tieen mudi heiiefitivl 

> , __ , I l»v it.' tise. 1 like It better tlmii anything I hn\Vcv"< 

RATES AS LOW AS TfclE L/OWKST, I tried and recoin ijiend it t«» all.'” 

w,,.. o- 1uu , I Knlthl’a new book ‘’.4NTHVI.4 nnd I1AY 

.Oil and Rhrr Sumjfty, Mar 1883— ; m,*R, TIIKIR (Ttl SK and IT Ki:." wnl 

DOUBLE DAILY TRAINS lrnve and arrive at C.1* 1 t r, ‘‘ lo all-rmupallng. 

llop« Street Drpot as follow,; 

leave. | arrive. Address. L. A. KNICHT. 

Exp. No. 2, »:16 A. M. Exp, No. 1, 7 00 A. N, ' ’ un ’ 

Exp, No. 4 , S:50 r. M.lKxp. No. 3, 10:45 a. it. No. 15 F. Third Street. CINCINNATI , OHIO 

No*. 1, 2,3 and 4 run dally. ' 

Ticket office, 22 Camp street corner Common, 


A. H. HANSON, Geu. Passenger Agt., Chicago^ P 

J. W. COLEMAN, Aat. Gen, Pa**. Agt., New Orlearut. yy.9 

C.M.BHKAFR. Superintendent. : ’Bfef' .. - \M 

two or moree^gs into it iHCcortlinp; to^ chill and at onco advanced to a very 
•the size ol th'o pan) and put. on the nevere attack of pneumonia. My Iqft , -T^ T_ 
cDver. AN herf done* take them out care- lun^ boou entirely lilled with water . 
fully, brush them clean on both Hides an( j i e ^ 8 and iYody became, twice Blank*. for Cle 
with al paste-brush, and cut each egg their natural Hize. I was obliged to sit Lodge*, blank* i 
with airound Iluted paste-cutter, so as upright in. bed lor several weeks in the Operative- store* 
to get them of «• uniform shape, lay midst of the severest agony, with my . 
them on squares of anchovy toast pro- arths over my head, and in constant All TTiyy 
pared in the following manner: Rone, fear ofsuirocation.” Jiill Hill 

clean, and wash a number of anchovies, “ An d did you still make no attempt „ , . , #K 

make somft slices of toast, butter them to hrvo yourself Executed in th* 
on oue side Very plentifully, and *eut *. Yei ] „ m de frantic elTorts. I tried iu the North 

. . .... .. H«nd vuiir ortlo 



Blank*, for Clerk* of Court, blank* for MmoiiIc i 
Lodges, blank* for Grange*, Ac., blanks for Cto- ; 

A4I Canal itreet. 

Cordage, Paper, Demijohns, 
riKEWOltKS ! ! 

ttieih-in sqttnros large enough for the everything that seemed to oiler the 

eL'VH. I.av one or t w,i ti 1 tela of anolio vv * ... r , .. 

eggs. Lay one or two til lets of anchovy 
on each niece, throw a daah of pepper 
and the least hit of cayenne on them, 
and put them iu the’oven .just long 
enough to get thoroughly hot! 

Oysters .with Kaukrkhai'T.— Six 
pounds of sauerkraut, boiled till tender 
in water, with a half pound of butter, 
an earthenware or a porcelain-linen 
pot,. closely covered is the best for this 
purpose, i When it has boiled quite 
tender the kraut should be put iu a 
sieve or strainer to thoroughly drain. 
Meanwhile put into a saucepan s quar- 
ter of s pound of butter, a tablespomt- 
ful of flour, 'and a pint of sour cream. 
When tltis. boils it is to be poured over 
the kraut and well shaken together. 
The oysters are to lie stewed slowly, 
with only the addition of a little pepper, 
in their own juice. About twenty-tivo 
oysters Should he allowed to each pound 
of kraut, It is then to be arranged in 
the dish, a layer of sauerkraut and a' 

least prospect of relief. I called a 
council of doctors aud had them make 
an exhaustive chemical aud microsco- 
pical examination of my condition. 
Five of the best physicians of Syracuse 
ami several from another city said I 
must die! , , 

It seemed ss though their assertion 
whs true for my feet became cold, my 
mpiilh pareped, my eyes wore a fixed 
glassy stare, my body was covered with 
a cold, clammy death sweat, and I read 
my fate in tbe anxious expressions of 
my family and friends." 

“ Hut [hejimtlc /" 

All Kinds of Job Work, 

Executed In th* bent style and prlcea a* low a* any 
o4ty lu the North or West. 

Bead your order to 


. ^ 112 Camp Street. 

How Watch Cases are Made. 






Most persons have an ambition to carry 
a gold watch case, and yet fe\v people know 

true for my leet became cold, my j 10W a W atch case is made, or the vast dif- 1 |Af n A nv\ 

ith parched, my eyes wore a fixed . 4l Vw ■ V* OlILn AKU. 

ay stare, my body was covered with ferenccnn llietpiahiy oi them. In a Solid J 

Id. cUmmy death sweat, and I read Gold Watch Case, aside from the necca- 49 C&mp Street. N6W Orleans 
fate in tbs 'anxious : expressions of Kirv , l.i.U far engraving to,', l-p.-li-l.m-, 

ahitge proportion of the ittciuj is nicdiKi wholesale and retail 

Came aidant. My wile, atouaad.tfl. -uttly .in Milieu mid hold ihc.cii inivi.l p<,r- Crocfcer // fChitui aiuLOfans Wit re 


S( <»»•<• FiiitniHltiuij; GooUn 



deaporatipn, began to ndminister u 
ipmody upon Iter own responsibility, 
snd while 1 grew better very slowly, I 
gained ground surely, until, in brief, I 
have no trace of the terrible Hrlght’s 
disease from which I was dying, and 
am u perfectly well man. This may 
sou ml like s romance, but it is true, 
ami my life, health and what f am are 

layer ot "oysters alternately, and their | flue to Waruer’e Safe Cure, which I 

juice poured over all and served very 
Itot. This is really a very good dish.— 
The Caterer. ’ - 

Ktsn Sort’. — Two cups of soup stock; 
one small cup of line crumbs; one 

| wish was known to ami used' by the 
, thousands wild, I believe, are suffering' 
l this minute as 1 was originally. Does 
I not such ait experience as this justify 
I me in making a public statement?” 
j “ft certainly does. But then Bright's 

coffee-cup of cold fish, minced very \ disease is not a common comp! ' ti 

■fine and. cleared of bones, fat, and skin: doctor." , v 

one cup of boiling milk; one egg beaten I “Not common! On the contn. 

one cup of boiling milk'; one egg beaten 
light.; one lablespoonful of butter, one 
tablespoonful of chopped parsley ; pep- 
per and salt to taste. Skiui the stock 
carefully, IteHt it to boiling, aud stir in 
the fish, add pepper and Halt, aud boil 
gently forty minutes. Heat the milk 
in a vessel set within another, the outer 
one containing boiling water. When 
the milk is hot pour it upon the beaten 
egg, mix well, put over the lire again 
and stir in tbe butter,' then the crumbs 
aud parsley. Stir two iliinutes, and 
turn intfi a heated tureen. Set a hot 
colander above it and rub the soup 
through it. Stir up well and serve. 

4^- — - 

Toad- in - a - Hole Pudding'.— Six 
large Jpicy apples, pared and cored ; 

“ Not common ? On the contrt. 
is one of Lite most common. IV 
trouble is. few peopleTthaw they liaVo 
it. Jl has so few marked symptoms 
until i(H final stages that a person may 
have it for years, each year getting 
more and more in ita power and not 
auspect it. ft is quite natural I should 
feel enthusiastic over this remedy while 
my wife is even more so Ilian 1 am. 
She knows of ita being used with sur- 
prlsiug results by many ladies for their 
own peculiar aliments, over which it 
has singular power.” 

The statement drawn out by the 

lions in place, and supply strength. Tito 
surplus is not. only heedless, hut. undesira- 
ble, been use gold is a soft metal and cannot 
. furnish the stiljitess, strength and dlasticity 
iH’i'e'ssary to make the case pcrmatienlly. 
sirnng aud closc-titting. The prrfirl watch 
ease must combine gold with some metal 
that will supply that in which tile gold is 
deficient. This has been accomplished' by 
tljc./n/HCS lion*' Gold lljbr/i Cun,' t \~7 ^ 

' whidi saves the waste i it need- — .j 

.gull I, and I seen eases tile sol.lDl t v and 
■ o.iit ,,|' the ease, and at t lie same time 
•in’- tiie'eost ONE IIALE. 

flciiil 3 n-nl »l«.nip lo Kfjitnn* Watrh t'avr I'actorlr*. I'hMa- 
<f «-! )<!■ is*, l’a., for hamUoiui' llliutrat^d Paoi|ihlrl showing Low 
Jauit-t BW ind Af jvtune Hatch i'a»ea are made. 

(To br canUnucd.) . 

General Furnlaher* for 


For Country Dealers r ' 
Paekaiea Nleely AaaorUd. 





Sole AKenl* for 

C*al Oil Moves and OArdan Pumps, 

Wauled Aireul* in every Town In the State. 

I Refrigerator*, Ice Boxes, Water Coolers, Ice Cream 
Freezera, Cheese Hi\fe*, Fly Fan«, 

Fly Trap*, Bird Cage*. 

Parrot add Squirrel Cage’* 


ISend for Catalogue. jw. 

Wood Par for Agent*. *100 to &C 00 per 
rao.. >»»de Helling *ur Une Hooka and 
I RlblrM. Write to J. €. Bfrd'urdy dr €!o., St. 

i/oui*., Missouri. 



"* w Tde Texas aM.Pacific Railway, 


tijohns, ,, Ulf 11 , 1 , from NEW ORLEANS lo ! 


.TRAL TEXAS. «nrt all |. o1iilh lu Artxaua, Old All* 
f)MBS, New Mexico and California. 

MG TACKLE Through Express leave* New. Orleans .from depot 
MWARK, ' foot of Terp*trli*re s reet, at 12:16 noon. Till* tialn 

1UXACK8 ■toil* only at Hi. Charle*. Vachertc Donaldson vide 

IsTCflE^ and IMaquemine, tieiwren Sew Orleas* and Baton 

STATIONERY, Rouge junction. 

Baton Rouge Accotnmodution leave)) New Orlean* ! 
Tivwtnif at A. M., fool of Terpsichore htreel. Stop* at all I 
To"s. 4c! I 

p . 1m California Express nrirtve* at New Orlean* depot, 

* fo- of ’lerpHlchore street, at 7:30 a. in. 

1 'liman Palace sleeping car* on this tr:*iu from 
! OrleaiiH u> Han Francisco. 

T * ^Ldon Rouge Accommodation arrives ad New 
|«r I i Orleans at 7 m. - ! 

JL. V JL ^ or tickets or Information apply at 47 St. Charles. • 

Ottlas Street co ^ nt, r o/avler street, orjdepot, -fool of Terpsichore , 

- ’ A. 8 . GRAHAM, Ticket Agent. { 

lADn 11# W. MeUULLOUUH. 

j Ass’t Geu. Piihaengcr Agopi, Maraliall, Texas. 


UriOallBi Get/ 1 Passenger Agent, St. Ia»uis, Mo. , 


TAIL . Third Vice President, at. 1/juts, Mo. 

mu* mire Lonisville and NashVilln Railroad. . 


The Kbarlr.t uu4 4|nl.*k.‘.( Kouw to „!i 

EAMRflATS Ei.«#rn i’lllra. 


Pensacola, Savannah, Montgomery, R^h- 
■orieu. ville; Louisville, Lynclibnrg, Cincin- 

nati, 8t. Louis. Atlanta and 
Waihisgten, D. C., 





- C IbB 

Tchouyitonlas Street. 


E. & J. BURKE, Gen ml Jgriitt, 


fgPj* • •'';Ke3is , 'Kmio 

Wei iN-ivl I , , . hi a Gih'iif -urc tor I’IIph. 
OfeSTTa C* • .i’r.c $ 1 . at 'In^ista. or m 

an lovl *•! k T.'W it prupal'l tiytnhii ^utlRTiT- ** 
m K flUa / r,v All. •• A N A KESlP!* ” 

B I a luaiLJ tits' Mat; is.lhix If4i0 N't wYork 

‘■" K " '‘Liffi an:! 

of C. H &a;n qenn,”' ; ' >/. 

/$/ ' ' 7 

PRO f>l,r new catalogue, liest, puhlisheA. 
Via |a II V 1 ’rtt* to all. rarur trs, ROG 

ULLUU tZ/us/r-uni/n*. S « -u oUL’ht to have il, 

Dxnsox.M vi u: A C o . , l'li 11 ude 1 plUa^ft 

prop c have' I So mtv rich wurklrn. 
I II II 111 f->r in YYf n|l.| a btlb.litSrt eab.v w» 
fjyjn I M H U )< ‘I II I •:* > II , y i. U^c Mint- 4 . f II, t>m v 

y'I HB ■ io l.tohts- Every one willing tJ 

■ ■ | || || | v*..»k emiget mil M- i. v • mu it aid 

■ I H •; veil boy* ; a lid v'lrls, are iimklng f> 
luiivtn X«j <>npi.t|\l n*4i!ilr*‘d t 

'turt iYttrt in toiMiir*' Y-<»n run in> risk wliaCcvr 
need ii' hfVnu'. Full particulars fn»u 

'i (Ml t • , . . I u 

lull Meed lod.hej.wSVfM.m htVm.', Full purtlnilars frou 

W. V. R, PGwISe Itatidflpli ht , l lilcago, 111. 

Sawing- Easy 

j Monarch Ligi b'.lhg SawitrylVftchine! 

t^«v». Arrive. 

Kx press 8:20 A. M. 9 :>ti p. m. 

Coast Accommodation 8 :W P. M. w i«'a. M 

Fast Mail,... .. 6 :<K 1 P. M. 10:10 A. m! 


Drawl !ig- Room Car* attached to Coast Train*.. 
Fare 26c. each way.' 

Ticket office corner »t. Charle* and (.\>muion «*., 
where Sleeping Car aoc^mmodatlons can be secured. 
/ C. P. ATMORK, •eueral Pass. Agent. 

JOHN KILKKET, Aaav. Geu. I’ksh. Agent. 

J. H. 1MITH, Ticket Agoa*. 

J. T. IfAIlA HAN, Superintendent. 

C"t n flt> T .Vuy* a 
i "> l •Tiul. Afl 


.’.- 1 • 1 ; 

>eat MivvIag W 
»c.r <L. JLunci. 

if' ir r : 


A 12 horse power Atlas Port- 
able Engine on wheels, has been 


Thg Northwestern Methodist. 

Atih» e PSMftn* of the Columbia Conference, 
MetbQdiH Episcopal Church, South, It wa* unani- 

Jiie ^tateuient drawn out Dy the hilt little used and in in thnrniitrh mo,H,v and favored by Binhop iiaigrove, 

above interview is amply confirmed by DUl lllUs used, ana IS in morougn , t0 ub]lsh reiigtom pxpvr. n will „ a 

very.many of our most prominent etti- 
ic nn among them Iteing Judge. Keigel, 
i * n itfCol. -^ames S. Ooodriclt, of the 


Will be sold on time to a good 

-half cup ol sugar; two cups of Tiny*, while Gen. Dwight H. Bruce 
tr, (prepared, i two eggs beaten very snd Kev. Prof. W. P. Coddington, D. 

light; one teaspoonful of salt; one 
tableapooD^ul of lard, chopped into in- 